PAGE TEN MEDFORD MATT TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1939 Church Interests and Notices Med ford Company of Jehovah'! Ultnese The Med ford Company of Jehovah's Witnesses meets every Wednesday at 7:43 p. m. and every Sunday at 7:45 p. m. at 710 Palm street. All intr eeted In Watch Tower Bible itudy are welcome. Full Gospel Church Newtown street near W. Main. Leonard Weston, pastor. Sunday school, 9:4& a. m. Morning worship. 11 a. m. Young People, 6:30 p. m. Evaugellatlc nreetlng. 7:30 p. m We k nlRht service include prayer meeting Wednesday and Bible study Friday. Come be rclreshed by the word of God. Wayside Church 700 block on 8. Riverside. Blanche Barton, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Evening evangells'lc. 7:48 p, m. Good tinging, the word, prayer and praise. Mid-week services Tuesday, prayer meeting, 7:45 p. m Thursday, Bible study, 7:45 p. m. Saturday, praise service, 7:45 p. m. Zlon Engll'li Lutheran Church W. 4th St. at Oakdale. Werner Jessen, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Worship service, 11 a. m. Luther league. 11 p. m. A cordial invitation Is extended to any one to attend our Sunday school and worship with us during the church service. Gratitude to God for His many blessings should pervade not only this whole month but every day of our lives. Thi First Hiiptlst Church Fifth and N. Central Sts. Wolford AT Dawes, minister. Bible school 0:45. Classes for all ages. Morning worship 11 a. m. Sermon, "Can A Saved Man Be Lost?" Choir anthem, special music. B. Y. P. U. fl:30. Evening worship 7:30. Sermon, "The Revelation Of The Man Of Stn." Congregational singing, special music, choir anthem. All are Invited to worship with us. Apostolic Faith Church N. Central avenue at Third St. Sunday school at 9 a. m. Devotional service, 10:30 a. m. Evening service, 7:45. A 25 -piece orchestra and special eholr open the Sunday evening serv ice with concert of -acred music and ong. Personal testimonies and congrega tional singing, led by orchestra and Hammond Electron, are part of each service. Services each Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evening at 8. A collection Is never taken. Come and enjoy these services at A progressive church. Unity 819 Mcdford Center Bldg. Lecture Tuesday, 8 p.m., by Marlon Clifton. Subject, continuation of "The Sermon On the Mount and the Commandments." Monday, 8 p. m., men's class; taught by Mr. Clifton. Wednesday, 10 a. nr. class on Christian healing. Thursday, 10 a. m., Truth class Saturday, 10 a. m., children's class taught by Mrs. Stead and' Roberts. Rooms open each day except Sun day from 10 to 4. Hostess present Rental library and literature on Bale. We Invite the public to attend any or all lectures or classea. First Church of Christ, Scientist Authorized branch of The Mother church, The First Church of Christ, Be lent lot. In Boston, Mass. Services are held every Sunday at 11 o'clock, church edifice, 218 North Oakdale. Subect for Sunday, Novem ber 12, "Mortals and Immortals." Wednesday evening church meet ing. Including testimonials of Chris tlan Science healings, at 8 o'clock Sunday school at 9:30 o'clock. The reading room, which Is located at 414 and 415 Med ford Center build ing, Is open dally from 7 a. m. to 0 p. m. The librarian la In attend ance from 10 to 4, at which time the Bible and all authorised Chris tian Science Utcrnture may be read, borrowed or purchased. The public la cordlnlly Invited to attend the services nd visit the reading room. Flrt Presbyterian Church Dr. Sherman L. Divine, pastor. 11:00 a. m. ;.n Armistice Sunday service with men-bcrs of alt patriotic bodies as guests of honor. Sermon, "Lest We Forget." Ray Wllfley singing "Your Flng and Mv Flag" (Woods); Edna Etfert sinning "Ood Bleas Amer ica" (Berlin) with choral accompani ment. Hnns ioerleln will play on the great orgnn "Hymn of Glory" (Von). "Requiem" (Harwood), "O God, Our Help In Ages Past" (Ver rces). Church school 0 45 a. m. Senior and Tunis Youth groups 0:30 p. m. Tuesday Is Women's Circle day. see social column for time and place Our doors are open wide for en trance to the church beautiful. Come and share In the remembrance of that first Armistice day in 1918. St. Peter's Lutheran Church (8y nodical Conference) E. Main and Portland Ave. Harry H. Young, pastor. Sunday school at B.45 o'clock. Early service at 9:45. Regular worship at 11:00. Theme. "Will God Put Our Trust In Him To Shan.e?" Confirmation Instruction at 7:30 Monday. A special meeting of all members of the congregntlon will be held Wednesday evening at 8:00. The cir cuit visitor, Tastor H. Gross of Salem, will meet with the members. All should be present. Adult mrmtw ruhlp class meets Thursday evening at 8:00 o'clock. Lutheran hour today at 1:30 o'clock coming over the Mutual Broadcasting network. A timely ad dreM will be delivered b Dr, Walter Ma It. Visitors are always welcome. St, Mark's Episcopal. Corner Oakdala and Fifth. Holy communion, 6:00 a. in. Morning prayer nd sermon at 11 a. m. by Rev. H. O. Gardner of Burling roe, Cal. Mrs. Roberta Bebb, choir director Mrs. Eva Hazelrlgg Marsh, organist Church school, 9:4& a. m. Free Methodist Church Corner of Tenth and Ivy. C. B. Stark ey, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Sermon, 11:00 a. m.; Rev. L. M. Phillips. Junior band, 7:0 p. m.; Mrs. Fran cis Stevens, superintendent, will have charge. Y. P. M. 8. at 7:00 p. m.; Eramett Andrews, leader. Message at 7:45 by pastor. Revival services begin Monday night with the Rev. and Mrs. Chastlan in charge. Mrs. C has tain will direct the song services. Phoenix Christian Church John Frees, pastor; Donald Wilder, music director; Carmen Houston, pianist; Geo. Wilson, Bible school superintendent. Bible school, 9:4,3. Communion and preaching service. 11 o'clock. Sermon, "How Shall We Escape?" C. E., 6:30 p. m. Evening evangelistic service, 7:30. Sermon subject, "The Spirit Of Jonah." Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Maddox will be with us again with their splendid musical program. We cordially Inv'te you to attend these tervlces. Pilgrim Holiness Church Corner E. Jackson and Bessie, near Roosevelt school. Rev. 0. Edwin Cox, pastor; phone I573-H. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; h. G. Tlghe .superintendent. Preaching service and morning worship, 11 a. m. Children's meeting, 0 p. m. Y. P. s.. 0:45. Evangelistic service, 7:30. Mid-week prayer and praise serv ice Wednesday evening, 7:30. Friday evening, 7:30, cottage meet ing. A cordial welcome is extended to all our services. The friendly home church you'll enjoy attending. Church Of God. Haven and Holly. T. O. Sattcrfleld, pastor. (The church that meets the need of the soul.) Church school at 9:45 a. m.; R. E Chapman, superintendent, with a fine staff of teachers. We have a teachers training class in session, and there Is much Inter est being taken in church school work; we are expecting our church work to break all previous records mis year. 11 a. m.. message by pastor. Sub ject, "Security of the Committed Life," u Tim. 1-ia. Christian crusaders meeting, 0:45 p. m. Evangelistic service. 7:30 p. m. Prayer and praise service each Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Come and enjoy yourself In fel lowship with us. First Christian Church Ninth and Oakdale. James M. Hamilton, pastor. Effle H. Kurtz, music director. Mabel C. Sims, Instrumental music. Louis O. Centner, church school superintendent. Sunday school 0:48 a. m. Every man's Bible class In the courthouse Morning worship 11 o'clock. Prel ude, "Solitude" by Ferber. Offertory, unorai" by Schneider. Anthem. Give Us Peace In Our Time" bv Wilson. Sermon, "The Church In A World Of Conflict." Three young people's societies and the adult study group will meet at the church Sunday night at 6:30 o'clock. Sunday evening church service will open at 7:30 o'clock with a period of gospel hymn singing by the congregation. Anthem, "Glorv To Him" by Rachmaninoff. Sermon. "Anchors That Hold." Everyone Is welcome to the services of the church. Church Of The Nnzarrne Holly at First. Fred M. Weatherford. pastor, will speak morning and evening. His 7:30 topic will be "Hearing and Faith Outlaw Death." At the 10:48 morn ing hour his topic, "Heaven the Christian's Glorified Home." Special music for the two services will include a choir number in the morning. "Sail On." by Gabriel. At night Miss Marjorte Mckee will aim The choir will sing. "Wonderful Grace of Jesus." bv Ullenaa. Sunday school. 10:45 a. m. with three departments In charge of Mrs Clara Caulklns, Mr. Ralph Nichols and Mrs. Mary Poster. Three divisions of young people meet at 6:30 p. m., with Henry Lacy, Earl Rodgera and Mrs. Fred M Weatherford In charge. The public Is cordially Invited to all services. Wednesday evening at 7:30 Is mld-wrek chureh night for vorshlp and Bible study. 12-Ton truck Lands In Man's Boudoir Seattle, Nov. 11. (A) Henry Anderson, 63, mechanic, needed no alarm clock Friday morning. A 12-ton, 6 wheel Seattle-Port land transport truck, laden with walnuts, rammed into his base ment bedroom, hurled a large section of concrete wall across him and stopped after the bum per upset his bed. Although the impact showered debris. Anderson apparently was unhurt and his glasses, lying nearby, were unbroken. Burgundy, a province in France, has snail farms where the famous French delicacy, es cargots (snails) are grown. Some of the parent snails attain the age of 23. Infant snails, at most two years of ao, are captured, lor consumption. ' PLAN STATE DRIVE Portland, Nov. 11. (AP) Plans for a state-wide McNary-for-president organization with active units In each county were completed Thursday by the Re publican state central commit tee. Governor Sprague will be asked to serve as honorary chairman of the campaign to promote the candidacy of Sen ator Charles L. McNary (R., Ore.), minority leader. Petitions will be circulated by committees and clubs, Chairman Kern Crandall of the central committee said. One thousand names are necessary to place a candidate's name on the ballot. Without optical aid only 1,500 stars are visible at one time to the human eye. Moonlight or a slight haze will obscure half of them. ABSORBED 6Efi 1a MOVIES JUS1A5. PiCTORE BE6IHS, MOTHER "TELLING HIM 1b TAKE HIS COAT OFT SO HE WONT BE TOO HOT SL0WLV IMBWT0NS If, RE- AFTER. A WHILE THAT THE REASON IT WOK'T COME OFF IS THAT HE HASH'T UNDONE BELT TA1LSPIN TOMMY According 6UM1S WlUIAM r GLAD I'M FLVING A.' I teSfcs ! CAMERA SHIP IN THIS Vft, mmr-jiTV.- ... ivn ii i i t . r Si2V , JMUNT...I CAN WATCH a MEANT... SuM ETH IN&'. v I n3!?! .CVf OVER, SKEETS BETTER.? v iUM. "jKPffscd ?5f P ,, ," s?Z JSsL fSSr Keep VOUR RNGERS CROSSED, TOMMV I lIL-3--' rv'.' ' I I , Bias mx Rte because you havenT seen anhhiwo yet BEN WESTER S CAREER Sockl " ' J - - - .. By EDWIN ALGER ( STEPLOCK, ONLY Y WAIT, MR. I I VMM AND THERE'S . II THAT f TAKE I I fUn -V ue 1 ,n UDRELAT BALUNSERi ONLV BUT A SINGLE VShTX WAY IS ( THAT ) THAT 1 fwowO nmv ) COULD SAVWHATj ONE OF STAND J WAY TO DEAL YEAH? TO WHALE V TO I V U J I YOU'VE OUST r-Y YOUR LEGS ON 1 WITH A MORE U THE TAR V"- V JoU 1 1 TSLf ID TO MB Us BROKEN ONE AscOUNDREL! CHEAP .OUT OP J ttRAV nE Sr 0 K THE rt EBBS now I'll Tell You fk THERE'S THAT FELLOW V. S L'LL GET DOWM TON 75W. VJH ATS TMI? MVSTPCvT?" 'yZk, ,-o!XlS7i FEEL THAT I'M A &oonI " 1 IT 15MT THE. FELLOW 1 ) CnWJ. 1 DOMT K.MOW i tSi UHTP uFOC Avir T nUOi ii r X? J- 7- CAM TRUf Vni i 1 CT! t?.r I 'uut CONFIDMCE N ' cvS ?Sr?T ( ACOUin POTV w HARSORlMo AMD WKAtK-3 LLL EXPLAlNl EVERY- A fa, it 5TEAW ASPWCRMxl ?SffC Hf YOU'RE THAT ROOM odAPX I ThimS TO VOU BUT IT VTMB!??cV vpVEttA.HQT'1 j 7") ME. f. BESIDES SLEEPIMG ANTVJ J MUST BE COMF1- r-zT -j YOURSELF J On the RADIO CHAINS STATIONS n litre to Find Them on the Dial: Kei, Portland, 1180; KFI. 640. Loi Angelea; KIJA, 1470, Spokane; KGO. "Ml. Ban Francisco; KUtt. 6!0. Portland; KJK. 070, Seattle; KNX. 1050, Loi Angeles; KOA, Hill. Denver; KOl.N, 040, Portland; KOMO, 926, Seattle; KPO, 630, san Francisco; KSI., 1180, Salt Lake. 5:00 Edgar Bergen, KPO, KGW, KFI; Festival ot Music. KOO. KJR, KEX; Adventures, KOIN, KNX, KSL. 6:00 Note Book. KOO; Manhattan Merry-Oo-Bound, KPO. KGW, KFI: Sunday evening hour, KNX. KSL, KOIN. 6:30 Organist. KGO. KJR, KZX; Familiar Music. KPO, KGW, KFI. 7:00 Playhouse, KNX, KSL, KOIN; Sleep Serenade, KPO; Hour of Charm, KGO, KEX. KJB. KFI; Hlber's Orch.. KGW. 7:30 Carnival. KPO, KFI. KGW. 8:00 Weeks' Orch., KGO; Hobby Lobby, KNX. KOIN; Night Editor. KPO, KGW, KFI; News, KEX. 8:15 Drama. KPO, KFI, KGW; Weeks' Orch., KEX. KJR. 8:30 Sweet and Low, KOO, KJB; Jack Benny, KPO. KGW. KFI; Arm strong's Orch., KOIN"; The War This Week, KNX. 9:00 Walter Wlncjiell, KPO. KFI, KGW; Ben Pernie, KNX, KOIN; Mr District Attorney, KGO,' KJR, KEX 51ANP5 Ur AND WITH EVES MAN BEHIND iOMPUIlllKS THIS OtClJRRErfCE MAKES SIDED ON SCREES, FUMBLES HE CflN'f5EE, MOTHER HIM FoRSEf ABOUT CoAT,' AIM1ESSW AT BUTfoN 106S HIM BACK lTO UHTiL SOME TlME LATER. SEAT MOTHER REMIHD5 HIM EVES STILL 0U5CREEW, PICKS AT BELT A L0NS WHILE LATER 6ETS OUE ARM OUT IRpa.d hy Th Dr-ll gypdtciie. Inc.) io Script! I 9:30 Chester'. Orch., KNX; Mar tin', Orch., KOO. KEX; One Man'. Family, KPO. KFI. KGW; New,, KJB. 0:45 University Explorer, KOO, KJB; Gulzar, KSX. KOIN. 10 :00 Martin's Music, KOO, KJR, KEX; News Reporter, KPO, KFI. KGW; Paul Sullivan, KNX; News KOIN. 10:30 Owen's Orch., KOIN, KNX; Noble's Orch., KGO, KJB. 11:00 News, KOO; Songi, KOIN KSL; Nottingham's Orch., KPO. KOW, KFI; News, KNX. . Monday 5:00 Quaker Party, KPO. KFI. KOW; Frank and Archie. KEX. KJR; Sunset Shadows, KGO. 6:30 Time and Tempo, KGW, KFI: Kelsey's Orch., KOO, KEX, KJB; Master Singers. KPO. 6:00 Soloists. KOO. KEX; Badlo Theater. KSL. 'CNX; Quiz Program. KPO. KGW, KFI. 6 :30 Templeton Time. KPO, KOW. KFI. KMED; Youth Questions. KGO KEX. KJR. 7:00 Bamet's Orch., KOO, KEX; Hour, KPO, KGW, KFI; Lombardo's Orch., KSL, KNX. COIN; News, KJR 7:30 Blondle, KNX, KSL. KOIN; Clinton's Musical, KPO. KFI, KGW; Radio Forum, KOO, KJR. 8:00 Amos and Andy, KNX, KOIN. KSL: Aloha Land. KGO: Doe's Music. KEX: Fred Waring. KPO, KO'V, KFI. 8:16 I Love a Mystery, KPO, KFI. KGW; Lum and Abner. KNX. KSL. KOIN; Doe'n Music, KGO; Songs KEX. 8 :30 Richard Crooks, KPO. KGW: Lyman's Orch., KEX; KFI Bug By GLUYAS WILLIAMS LETS IT REST AT THAT F0F! THE MOMEKf, EVENTUALLY CETTitJS CJbfrt OFF AS PiCTdRE ENDS .11-1 I)' JUST IN CASE c . BtVERLY3 WARNING Band, KOO; Model Minstrels, KNX, KSL, KOIN-. :00 Sherlock Holmes, KPO. KFI. KGW; Tune Up Time, KNX, KOIN KSL; True or False, KGO, KEX, KJR. 9 :30 Hawthorne House, KPO. KOW, KFI; News, KJR. 10:00 News Reporter. KPO. KFI, KOW; Madrlgueraa Orch., KOO, KJR; Paul Sullivan, KSL, KNX; News, KOIN. 10:30 Music by Woodbury, KOW: Concert Hall, KPO; Roland's Orch.. KOIN. KSL; Poster's Orch.. KGO. STRANGE For further proof address '''f '-'''' ii mas. .'-"If - immmmm"m. 11-11 C""wiwwrimiM,., ,- IN 3ftt& Years op HteToRY Yet mere ha ve been onl y , ?6Q YEARS OF PEACE SHIPWRECK UhWdl AhUcosTi iafNP, ' in ihe sf. law fence. Riven fitfe BEEN -THE SCENE OF OVER J5e known shipwrecks! SHORT-LIVED TREATIES When the Armistice was signed 21 years aqo today, hopss of everlasting peace wera entertained. Yet, strange as it seems, there have been more than 2S wars since the "War To End Wars"! War-torn Warsaw, Poland, was the scene of a meeting of the Society of International Law which revealed this startling fact: History has known only 268 years of peace against 3,160 years of war. The society estimated 8,000 peace treaties have been concluded in 3.428 years of recorded history with an average life of only two years each. Monday: Hitler Was Blind. THERE 'S ACCORDING TO .SCRIPT... jto nskeeter... . pj KJR, KFI. 11:00 RavszM'l Orch., KPO. KFI; i"1" Mln World. KEX. KJR; Or eanlst. KOIN, KSL: News, KGO, KNX, KOW. Six Land Mine Victims Amsterdam, Nov. 11. (AP) Six persons, five of them sol diers, were killed today in two accidental land mine explosions. (There was no indication this was connected with Holland's border situation.) AS IT SEEMS By JOHN HIX the author. Inclosing a stamped envelope for reply. Reg. U. S. Pat. Oft. PEACE TfeEATlEs . DltK. SO FAR. EVERYTHING'. ' RIGHT.' LARRYS STARTED $ ABOUT . i THE SMUDGE POTS ON SKEETS' SHIP.. .TO ..." .SIMULATE FIRE .. Attack. HIGHWAY PAVING JOB LET BY COMMISSION Salem, Nov. 11. W Con tract for grading and paving 2.71 miles of the west unit of the Grants Pass-Green creek sec tion of the Pacific highway was awarded by the state highway commission Friday to Leonard and Slate of Multnomah, whose bid of $142,818 was lowest of lis bids received a week ago. A WfflfN TMRIN69 A DOORBELL- WHENEVER IT WANT'S IN, Ok1?d ! 1 "7 IT Vancouver, o,c. By HAL FORRES By SOL HES f