PAGE TWELVE MEDFORD MAIT TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1939. After A Chapter 30 Together "AIN'T it the truth?" Webby asked, as il she had read hii thought "That's one who'll get the cream every time while her betters have to take skim milk. Miss Buff sure made a mistake when she hung Iris around her neck. Like as not, she'll be wiring again that she don t like Chicago "I hope she does," the young man aid through set teeth. "I only hope she does!" He took Webby by her fat shoulders and spoke determin edly. "From now on or at least until Mr. Carroll comes 1 m look ing after Miss Buff, understand? You're to bring me all telegrams or call me to the telephone when it's fixed. She's not to be bothered with anything, least of all Miss De Muth. Do I make myself plain Webby?" "You sure do," the housekeeper agreed; and added, with a sidelong glance to see how this addition would be received, "and high time, tool" Buff awoke around one o'clock, weak but free from pain and fever. Tim would not let her talk. "Wait till after the doctor comes," he bade her. "I'm expect ing him any minute now." In the middle of the afternoon two cars made their way up the road: Or. Westland's and Tim's, driven by Simons. "Well?" demanded Tim anxious ly when the physician came down stairs. "Almost," Dr. Westland replied, smiling. "She's been a pretty sick girl, but you seem to have known what to do. She's to stay in bed for at least a week, have plenty of eggs beaten up in milk and cream, let alone you get that, Corliss? No excitement of any kind. She's in a rundown condition. That's why this pleurisy hit her so hard. I've given Mrs. Webb thorough instruc tions, and I'll come out every day if the weather permits." "Hnw about wiring her parents? They're in Arizona, you know." "I'll attend to that myself. No need to alarm them I'll tell them o. As for you " "I'm staying here until she's well," Tim announced. "I won't tire her, I won't do anything but stand by in case she gets worse. You can trust me. Doc! Dr. Westland inspected him over tne rims 01 nis spectacles. "I believe I can, I hope I can! You're not particularly needed here, but maybe it's just as well somebody besides the servants should be in charge. I'll see about having the telephone fixed at once. That's essential. I've given her a sedative I want her to keep as auiet as possible for a dav or two. Don't go into her room unless she asks tor you. II she does, stay only a few minutes and don't talk any more than is necessary." So began the fortnight of Tim's second stay at the ranch. Buff did little but sleep for the first few days; sleep and sip the glasses of creamy milk brought her by Web by "Does she know I'm here?" Tim asked the housekeeper wistfully. Webby shook her head. "She don't hardly know anything. She's like a worn-out child. Sometimes she goes to sleep while I'm giving her tier egg and cream. But Doc claims that's what she needs." So Tim continued to tiptoe to his room, contenting himself with see ing that the house was kept warm, the road to the highway open, and the telephone in working order. So Infinitely Dear CHE can sit up a while tills af ter O noon," Dr. Westland an nounced at the end of the week. "There's no fire in her room, though " He cast a speculative eye at the blazing logs in the living room. Tim trembled with eager ness. "Could I would It be all right for me to carry her down here?" The astute joctor hid a smile. Webby reported that Tim's name was often on the patient's lips in her drug-induced sleep. "I'll go back upstairs and tell her you're here," he said after a mo ment's thought Presently ho was down again, nodding reassurance to the anxious Tim. It's all right She'll be expecting you. But she's not to stay up longer than half an hour, and ohe's not to be excited in any way." He emphasized the final warning and took his departure, his smile growing broader as he mused on the romance unfolding beneath his eyes. "It's a disease like any other," he chuckled. "Rapid pulse, delusions, loss of ap petite; but it's a form of illness most patients welcome, and more often than not convalescence is de layed unti! a really permanent re lationship has been established Bless the youngsters!" said Dr ' Westland who would be sixtv eight his next birthday and thought ot Buff and Tim as barely out of childhood. Webby came down Importantly t three o'clock. "She's ready. Mr. Tim!" It required "all his self-control to I IS SLAIN It! RIOT Greenville. Ky., Nov. MAP) Several hundred armed men In volved in a clnsh in which a coal mine superintendent was killed and the mine president was wounded dispersed today before police reached the scene of the ."hooting. The clash occurred at a coal nunc property 15 miles west of here. Sheriff Peck O'Neill of Muh lenders: county sold when he and two deputies reached the mine about three hours after the shooting, no one was there. O'Neill said he was Inlormed the band of men numbered up ward of 250. Oh Mall frtouue want ad. I Man's Heart by JEAN RANDALL 1 speak quietly, even casually, to the slim girl in the warm bathrobe Her eyes were very blue in her pale face, but the smile he loved shone suddenly as she caught sight of him. "Hello, Tim!' "Hello, Bulf!" Nice to find you looking so well. May I " With out waiting for an answer he stooped and lifted her gently in his arms, bore her down the stairs. He wondered if she could hear the pounding of his heart So little, so infinitely dear and precious, and safe for the moment in his keeping! Webby fussed about her in the living room. The big chair must be close, but not too close, to the fire A footstool beneath her feet a light blanket over her knees. Was there anything else? "Nothing, Webby," the girl an swered for herself. "I'm perfectly comfortable, I'm grand just where I am." When the housekeeper with drew at last, sending inquisitive glances over her shoulder, Tim pulled a cushion close to Buff's footstool and &at down. He dared not speak, he dared not let her see his face. Dr. Westland had warned him against exciting her. "Tim!" "Yes, Buff," he said huskily. "Why why did you come? I mean you didn't know I was ill, did you? Webby said the telephone wires were down." He kept his eyes on the fire "Let's not talk about it until you're stronger. You've been a very sick little girl, you know." She was silent for perhaps three minutes, a really remarkable feat for Buff who was getting well Then: "Tim, I want you to know about Iris. She's all right now, she's truly happy, she's " Electrified (4 frisl" All his suppressed anger ' at the girl crackled in his voice. "What do I care about Iris? It was she who was responsible for your illness. You wouldn't " He checked himself, gulping down the words which crowded to his lips "Look here, Buff, we mustn't talk. Not this first time, anyway. I'm go ing to sit still and not onen mv mouth until it's time to take you upstair?. 1 Had my orders from Dr. Westland this morning." "All right," she agreed meekly. The minutes passed, slow-footed. To have her so close, so sweet so gentle and friendly, and not gather her to his heart demanded a self control which required all his strength. He was electrified to feel the touch of a small hand on his head. "Tim!" "Hush, my darling!" "B-but am I . . . your darling, Tim?" He turned toward her, knelt so that his face was on a level with hers. "I love you with all my heart Buff," he said simply. Her arms went round his neck and she rested her head against his shoulder. "1 know I mustn't talk. Dr. West land told me, too. But . . . but . . . how long, Tim?" Apparently he understood the cryptic question. "Ever since I saw you, I think. Since the first moment you came up the steps and spoke to me. I seemed to know then that that it wasn't only my money, and my prestige as an nssayer I'd lost but my heart, too." Silence. The two before the Arc had no idea whether it lasted two minutes or two hours when they nearn weuny s scandalized voice. "Mr. Tim! So this is how von take care of her. is it? I euess I'd better get Doc on the phone. I guess i a netter wire nir. Carroll. 1 ' Tim's shining eyes met hers above Buff's golden head. "She's mine now, Webby. II there's any consulting to be Hone I'm the one to offer suggestions " He picked the girl up in his arms "She's goins; back to bed. Oh, yes. you are darling I can't have you tiring yourself." Webby followed close behind. "And you ouclit to seen the kiss he give her before he put her back in bed," she said to Simons that night. "1 guess them movie censors would have tore their hair, it lasted so long." Then realizing that she nan been betrayed by excitement and satisfaction into a somewhat intimate speech with the foreman, she added: "But who's got a better right than them two? Going to be married as soon as her Da and ma get here from Arizona. Mr. Tim wants to take her to Florida to get her strength back." At the telephone Tim was saving unsteadily: "That you, George? Tim speaking. Just wanted to tell you to keep next Tuesday free: go ing to be a party out here. Sort of exclusive, too. Buff and her father and mother, Dr. Westland and a minister, Webby, you and Simons and yes, I expect to be among those present tool Guv, I'm that happy " Embarrassed by his own emotion he slammed the re- reiver on its hook before the dazed George could answer. THE END E FALLS IN FRANCE With the Royal Air Force In France, Nov. B.-(AP)-A German Dornicr reconnaissance plane, shot down by a British pursuit plane, crashed In the middle of a village today killing the three occupants. Two women were injured slightly by slates knocked from a cottage roof by the plane. Spokann Has Fir Spokane. Nov. 0.(APVThree firemen were inlured this morn ing in a three-alarm fire nt the edge of Spokane's business dis trict which did damage of more than $100,000. On the RADIO CHAINS KTATIONft Where to Find Them oil the Dial; Kei, Portland, 1180: KFI, 04(1. Loft Angeles; KUA, 1470, Spokane; KGO, TOO, San rranclico; KliU. 820, Portland; KJK, 870, 8ltle; KNX, 1050, Los Aniflei; KOA, 8311. Denver; KOIN. oto, Portland, HOMO. 026. Sealt. : KPO, 030. Kan Fmnrlu-o; KSI IIKO, Halt Ijike. ThurMlay. 5:00 Prank and Archie, KEX. KJ1I; Sunset Shadows. KGO. :30 Kclaey's Orch.. KCIO, KEX. KJH; Army Band, KPO, KOW, KFI. 6:00 Major Boweft, KNX. KOIN. KSL; Good News of 1040. KPO, KFI. KOW; Beyond RcaAonable Doubt. KOO, KEX, KJH. 7:00 Workshop, KOIN; Music Hall, KFI, KPO, KOW. 7:30 Kogen'ft Orch.. KOO, KJR: Pop-Offa, KNX, KOIN; News, KSL. 8:00 Fred Waring, KPO, KOW. KFI; Cutler's Orch., KEX; Aloha Land, KOO; Amo and Andy, KNX. KSL. KOIN. 8:30 Symphony Hour, KPO, KOW, KFI; Ask-It-Baket, KNX, KSL, KOIN": Lyman's Orch., KOO, KEX. 0:30 Those We Love. KPO. KFI, KOW; James' Orch., KOW; Powell's Orch., KSL; Madrlguera's Orch.. KOO. KEX; Operetta Series. KEX. KOIN; News. KJH. COMPANY 1-1-4 comes our -fo where asks FMhER 15 W0RKhf6 OrlDER IS If FUM CAR, SRVIH6 HE HAS COME 16 KEEP HIM COMPAhV IH CASE HE WAS L0aV KKOW DlfKv' ANNOUNCES HElPFULlY HE'U. "fiE IT UP, AND TRIES TO DO SO UrJfiL TA1HER CRIES 16 STOP, HE'S TtCKUNfc H15 ANKLE IRHrisrrt Sy TAILSPIN TOMMY Quentin Has 71 1 can't f-igure vou out. BEVERLY... VOUft F-RIEND, DIRK AL.DEN .STUNT "OOG - YOU SEEM r" 1 tsV V AR0UT SKEET3 SAPETY . BEN WEBSTER'S CAREER The LOTS OF VYEAHl THEY'ReA I FOLKS OUT HEADIN' FOR I 4, V TONIGHT- STEPLOCK'S h Tr meetih' r' THE NEBBS The Man of Mystery :'K. A &A.TH y . WAY PLACE. NOW , y hYSPELL - - fl -UqZjf Tji ' .no'"' V.-' ?v ON ME OR. ILL HAVEL 10:0O News Reporter, KPO. KOW. KPI: News, KSL, KNX: Foster's Orch., KOO, KJR. KEX: News, KOIN. 10:30 Ravazza's Orch., KPO, KOW. KPI; Nottingham's Orch., KOO, KJR, KEX: Tucker'! ,-cb., KSL. 11:00 Martin's Orch.. KPO. KFI; This Moving World. KEX, KJR; Or ganic, KSL, KOIN; News, KGO, KNX. KOW. Friday 5:00 Frank and Archie. KEX. KJR: Sunset Shadows, KGO: Melody Time. KPO. 5:30 Etchings In Braes. KGO. KJR. KEX: Kelsey'a Orch.. KOW. 8:00 Plantation Party. KOO. KEX. KJR; Walti Time. KPO. KPI. KGW; Prof. Quiz. KNX, KSL. KOIN 8:30 First Nlxhter. KNX. KSL. KOIN: Jesters Program. KPO. KFI, KOW; Newa, KJR. 7:00 Drama. KNX. KOIN. KSL; Lombardoa Orch.. KPO, KFI, KGW. 7:30 Drama. KOW; Olsen's Orch., KOO: Young Man With a Band, KNX. KSL; BIl Town, KPO. 8:00 Fred Waring, KPO. KGW. KPI; Amos and Andy, KNX, KOIN, KSL; Buckarooa. KOO, KEX, KJR. 8:151 Lovo a Mystery, KPO. KFI, KOW: Lum and Abner, KNX. KOIN, KSL. 8 :30 Doner's Orch.. KEX; Death Valley Days. KPO. KOW. KFI; John ny Presents. KNX. KOIN, KSL. 0:00 Sudy'ft Orch.. KGO. KEX. KJR; Kat Smith. KNX, KOIN, KSL: Noble's Orch.. KPO. 0:30 Musical. KOO. KEX: Uni versity Explorer, KPO, KFI; News, KJH. 10:00 Martin's Orch.. KGO. KEX. what is he doihs ? tmher re?ues m ? AND BID HE iff EttEPf 1b ASK HIM 1b Sf Al EACH PLACE NOW IS HE OK OF HIS UfiHI". MOVES In 1HE U6HT UMU HE- OIER AND ASKS IS HE IK DISCOVERS 1)Wf FATHER'S HI6 llfcrlT NOW ? SHOE IS UNIiEP HIS FACE WAS AU ? Picks something op off 6p0und, w0ndew6 out loud whether this be LONGS. To The car. FATHER SCRAMBLES HAS" TiLV OUT FROM UNDER-, and Discovers iT-s just an old k051v pike of some -toy Th Brll Synrttrmr. Inr.l No Sentiment ... For Flyers! IS IN THIS PIGMT" YET MORE WORRIED Accident? I IF- SKErETER. WOULD to LIKE AV i22rji wuiT II OH,THAMKS! I'm Vl'M GLAD YOU'RE. XI KJR; Newa Reporter, KPO, KFI, KGW: Paul Sullivan, KNX, KSL. 10:30 Madrlguera'i Orch., KGW, KFI; Concert Hall, KPO; Roberta' Orch., KOO. KJR, KEX. 11 :00 Nottingham Orch.. KPO. KFI; Organist, KOIN. KSL; Thla Moving World. KEX, KJR; Newa. KOO, KNX, KOW. Fishing Too Good Grants Pass. Nov. MAP)-A fine of $25 was paid in justice court today for Harry O. Davis, Portland dress manufacturer, for having in his possession 141 trout of which 19 were steel- heads. Joe Harper. Grants Pass, who paid the fine, said that 40 of the fish were, his. The others were confiscated at a cold stor age plant for distribution to re lief families. Glouchester, Mass., Nov. 9.- Glouccster, Mass., Nov. 8 (P) Natalie Hays Hammond, daugh ter of the late John Hays Hammond, famed mining engi neer, has announced that hor father's beautiful showplace es tate, Lookout Hill, would be given to the Catholic archdio cese of Boston, possibly for use as a girls school. German Acquitted Portland, Nov. 9.-(AP)-Frank W. German, former vice-presi dent of the defunct Fred V. Ger man real estate company, was By GLUYAS WILLIAMS 6Ki)nts, moves arounp, Aswife SAYS , AS FATHER CRfilVLS UNDER A6AlN,TrtAT MAY BE HFP 8ETTEP, 60 KEEP MoTHFR COMPANY NOW, SHE MteHf BE LONELY oh, gosh, LOOK AT THAT LITTLE KID . GIOVAS f -JlUIAMS I (Y..I . WAS RJiALLxX f 1 WORRIED ABOUT I ' -N DIRK... I THOUGHT (O-0H?l I . C Tl IKIT MOD ' I I I J"1' acquitted at his third trial last night of a charge of larceny by bailee. He was accused of tak ing $1550 from an aged client. The first jury convicted him and the second failed to agree. Boys Questioned Mission City, B. C, Nov. 9. (CP) British Columbia police today held two youths, both un der 16 years of age, for question STRANGE AS IT SEEMS By JOHN HIX For further proof address the author. Inclosing a stamped enrelope for reply. Reg. TJ. S. Pat Oft SIKH Hppv as a w&t HH THRtt CHICKENS THAT UKZToSVJM ;re owned s. . Turtle, Baltimore) Md. one-eyed philanthropist Sobered U.;. credit By SUBSCRIBING TO 95 PERCENT 0?h$ $,000,000 WAR 1.0AM AUowiNa THE NAT10N To FINISH IHC WftRIN VICTORY STEPHEN GIHARD Born in Bordeaux, France (1750), Stephen Giraid as a lad followed the sea, but eventually settled in Philadelphia as shipmaster and merchant. Girard bought controlling interest in the old Bank cf tha United States and renamed it tht Bank of Stephen Girard. This institution became one of the country's foremost financial in stitutions. In 1814, when the United States government's credit was at its lowest ebb, Girard subscribed to 95 per cent of a $5,000,000 government loan, per milting the country to finish the War of 1812. At the time of his death he had a fortune of $7,500,000, larg est in the United States, nearly all of which he left in public benefactions. TOMORROW: Lone Passengerl MUSS LAR.KIN, DON'T EVER ASK A STUNT MAN TO QUIT TO DIE- .THAT o H5 LIPE.' I KNOW .I'VE BEEN WATCHING EM F-OR. TEN YEAR.S. -1, v. WHAT BALUNSER HAPPESED? J jrVAS HIT.1 J 5?yS . WILLIS BALUNSERXSTASD 1 Plly" JUST SAVED A LITTLEIbacxI ing in connection with the slay ing of Reuben Cooper, 55-year-old storekeeper in nearby Clay burn who was shot by burglars in his store during the night. Charlevoix, Mich., Nov. 9. (JP) Captain John Oling lost his life and two others wera rescued early today after the tug Badger State foundered in Lake Michi gan during a storm. ft if Cjl A-J : Tm Rf V lt. Oft. All rlchl reserved ft TMN lighthouses ft dim h$ A PrsTiNcTive m Alt? To NAVIGATION ! . ' ' COOKIE IMh&tlTo, BrooKdH Podges, Vffl IN IP hi PHI. VfeT Wte-moNtfPlAVSR ON His Team 1HAT PIP NoT BAT IN A RUN - Vs. PMadephia, Sepi Z3, lffl - AFTER YOU'VE TRYING, SEEN 'EM DIE. YOULU GET USED TO IT: 1 Portland's Chest Reported Over Top Portland, Nov. 9.-(AP)-Port-land's mobilization for human needs "went over the top" to day. The community chest goal was $507,000, but the city sub scribed $507,138 with some do nations still unreported. Dae Mall Tribune want ads. By HAL FORREp HOW. ..HOW CAN VO U 8E SO. ..SO y By EDWIN ALGER By SOL HESS ???? uvr wimo i IVAN EMBEKT?: -WHAT 15 HE DOlNS AT NcBSS HOTEL IN THE REMOTE TOWM r f- N0RTUV1LLE? WHO 5 IT WE FEARS . AMD, VSIWV... r duality time for loo Lata to C.aa tli; Ads 1 130 p. m.