MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 9. 1939. PAGE ELEVEN LOCAL and In Klamath Paul Hanlin, U. S. deputy marshal, went to Klamath Falls this morning to transact official business. To March All Knights of Pythias and Dokkes are asked to meet at the K. P. hall by 9:30 a. jr.. Saturday, preparatory to inarching in the Armistice Day parade. . From Sardino Creek Mr. and Mrs. John Litster, owners of the House of Mystery on Sardine creek, transacted business here this afternoon. They were busi- ness visitors In Grants Pass in the morning. Thomas Here George Thomas ' of Portland, representative of the Milwaukee railroad, arrived here by train this morning to spend the day transacting busi ness. He is a frequent and well- known caller in this city. He registered at the Hotel Medford. Visits Parents Miss Margaret Churchill arrived in Medford this morning by train from Mills college, where she is a student, to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon R. Churchill of Portland, who are confined in the Community hospital as the result of an automobile accident October 25 near Gold Hill. Mr. Churchill is northwest manager of McCann-Erickson, Inc. Get Wonderful Relief For Burn and Itch of Simple PILES Simple piles need not wrack and torture you with maddening Itch, burn and Irritation. Stuart's Pyra i mid Suppositories bring quick, wel- , Heome relief. Their 7-way medication j means real comfort, reduces strain, f . helps tighten relaxed membranes, toctlve and antl-chaling. so easy to use. It's wonderful to be free of pile torture again. Get genuine : nftyuu:trom the south by Mainliner ' and $1.20. 1918 STORE CLOSED ALL DAY SATURDAY Shop Friday for EXTRA SPECIAL BARGAINS In Our November Clearance Sale 1 THE THE STORE THAT SNIDER SAMP r sY .TXm Hi W .J-i- -v ,1 1 VfST 3Dl tag to the uste..W thrifty! Pec O fC PERSONAL Attend Concert Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dodge. Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Woods and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holmes of Ashland and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bohnert of Central Point were among out-of-town residents attending the violin re cital given by Ossy Renardy at the Holly theater Tuesday even ing. ... Calls Here Jack O'Brien, former assistant football coach at the University of Oregon un der Coach Clarence (Doc) Spears. was a visitor in Medford yes terday. He called on Capt. Lee M. Bown of the state police and Bernie Hughes. He was en route from the north to his home in San Francisco. ... Mrs. Waymack Same Mrs. Lovica Waymack, county Jail matron suffering from a frac tured skull, hand and knee frac tures resulting from an automo bile-pedestrian accident Monday evening, spent a fairly restful night last night and her condi tion was unchanged, Community hospital attendants said today. She was conscious but seriously injured. Mrs. Waymack was struck by a car driven by A. L. Vroman as she started to cross Main street at Bartlett street ... Plane Passengers C. W. S t a r n e s returned by United Mainliner this noon from Port land, the plane running a little late because of fog. The early morning plane flew over Med ford because of fog here. H Lyons left by Mainliner last mid night for San Francisco. T. E May returned from Oakland Cal., by Mainliner last night and H. R. Johnston left on the same plane for Portland. L. Amacher arrived from Portland last even ing and Mrs. Edith L. Miller left on the same plane for Los Angeles. S. L. Case and Mrs j. W. Finke and b&by arrived ' yesiuroay tuiernoon.. SAVES YOU MONEY" ICE CREAM W 1059 For the ARMISTICE DAY PARTY! Celebrate In Medford With the Legionnaires Medford Post 15, American Legion has planned a grand program for this big day . . . and don't forget to buy your V.F.W. Forget-Me-Notl DAIRY fc PRODUCE CO. YOU THINK ALL ALIKE? Find out what COBBS enjoy. COBBS CREEK smoother, mellower, more pleas ing to the taste. ..and thrifty! Peo ple who try it, stick to it. Ask for COBBS CREEK at your favorite package store today! See for yourself! Full 00 proof. I0r llraighl ubnky four yrm old. i5?i Hrjitbt uhiily thru ytart old. 75 distilled train ntutrdl tpiritt. Parade Orders Children tak ing part in the American Le gion auxiliary's pet parade Sat urday are to assemble at the First Methodist church, West Main street at Mistletoe street, and to disband at the Safeway store. West Main street at Holly street. . Bag Stolen John S. Dodge of 713 West Jackson boulevard re ported to city police today that a laundry bag containing cloth ing, handkerchiefs, table cloths and napkins was stolen from his front porch sometime Wednes day afternoon. The theft was discovered when the lntindry man called for the laundry, Mr. Dodge said. ... Small Fire Slight damage was done by a flue fire at the home of Ray Linn, 408 Maple Drive, at 9:17 this morning. An overheated living room heater pipe ignited laths as it extended through a wall, and firemen had to tear out some plaster to get at the blaze. The fire depart ment's chemical crew answered the alarm. ... Crowd Expected One of the largest crowds of the season is expected at the annual "Turkey Trot" at the Elks temple tonight. Free beer will be served from 7 to 8 and festivities will be held in the club rooms after a brief lodge session. Hot sandwiches, coffee and beer will be served in the basement at 10:30. All Elks in this vicinity are invited. ... watch Stolen A woman s yellow gold Elgin watch and chain, a woman's brooch and S4.60 in cash were stolen from the unlocked home of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Jones, 724 Oak street, sometime Sunday morning, Mr. Jones reported to city police yes terday. The jewelry and money were taken from Mrs. Jones purse while the house was empty, Mr. Jones told police. ... Meetings Continue Special meetings in the Church of Christ on Court street each evening at 7:30 will continue through Sun day, it was announced today. The meetings thus far were de scribed as successful. Topic to night will be "Conversion of Cornelius," and tomorrow night "Binding and Loosening." The public is invited to the nightly services. May Have Callers Harry E. Armstrong of Route 1, who re cently underwent an operation in Sacred Heart hospital, was i today reported by relatives to ! be getting along satisfactorily, i He may now have callers at the hospital. Upon being released from the hospital next week, Mr. Armstrong will be moved to the Holland hotel where Mrs. Armstrong has taken an apart ment for the present. ... To Enter Parade Crater Lake post of Veterans of Foreign Wars made plans at a regular meeting last evening in the armory to march in the Armistice Day pa rade. Commander M. A Ben eka requests all veterans, whether members of the V.F.W. or not, to take part in the pa rade. Veterans are asked to be at the starting point by 10:30 a. m. Commander Beneka also spoke at the meeting regarding peace and war. ... Slightly Injured Doris Schafer, 24, of Central Point was shaken up and slightly bruised yesterday afternoon when the car in which she was a passen ger, driven by her brother, Dick Schafer of Central Point, skid ded and rolled into a ditch on the Midway road two miles north of Medford, according to a report on file today. Schafer reported that two slick rear tires were the cause of his car skid ding. Dr. Mary R. Strickler of the Wing Orchards and Mrs. Robert K. Norris of 38 Berkeley Way drove cars involved in a slight accident on West Sixth street Wednesday afternoon, a report on file said today. THEY'RE CREEK users know and is deliciously different- FULL PINT 1.55 FULL QUART On Business Sam Harris of Los Angeles arrived on this morning's train from Portland to spend the day transacting busi ness. He expects to leave this evening for southern California. He is registered at the Hotel Medford. SEVEN FOLLOWERS KILLED BY BLAST IN MUNiCH CELLAR (continued irum page one) tion were reported among the killed or Injured. Woman a Victim A death list announced by the propaganda ministry disclosed one of the seven dead was a woman. She was believed to be Frau Maria Henle, cashier of the beer cellar, but was not definite ly identified. Others were Franz Lutz, Wil- helm Kaiser, a radio announcer, Franz Weber, Leonhard Reindl, Emil Kasberger and . Eugen Schachta. The seven dead were said to have been killed instantly. With the fuehrer were Propa ganda Minister Paul Joseph Goebbels, Deputy Party Leader Rudolf Hess, Labor Leader Rob ert Ley, Interior Minister Wil helm Frick, Labor Service Lead er Konstantin Hierl, Alfred Rosenberg, head of the Nazi party's foreign political division; Ritter von Epp, governor of Ba varia; Wilhelm Schaub, Hitlers' personal adjutant; and Julius Streicher, governor of Fran conia. 11 Minutes Later The blast occurred just 11 minutes after Hitler left the hall, officials said. He finished delivering his speech, in which he attacked Great Britain and asserted the war would go on, at 9:09 p. m. (3:05 p. m. E.S.T.) and left at 9:10 p. m. The terrific explosion, which tore loose the rafters and felled a large column immediately be hind the rostrum, occurred at 9:21 p. m. The explosion came from above, indicating that explosives either had been smuggled Into room above the meeting hall or hidden in the ceiling Hitler arrived in Berlin by train at 10:30 a. m. today (4:30 a. m. EST) and was met at An- halter station by Field Marshal Hermann Wilhelm Goering and ur. nans neiiincn jammers, ua- ison officer between the wartime ministerial council and the fuehrer. Officials congratulated Hitler and later Italian Ambassador Bernardo Attolico led a proces sion of diplomats to the chan cellery to pay their respects. A crowd outside stood silently in a drizzle. Arrests Made It was assumed wholesale ar rests were being made by the Gestapo (secret police) in the Munich region, but officials de clined to disclose the number. Munich authorities, aided by one of the heaviest concentra tions of police and investigators in the city's history, searched for clues but strictest secrecy was maintained and nothing was said about arrests. Witnesses of the explosion said it was so violent a hand grenade or amateurish infernal machine could not have caused It The beer hall had been one of the strictly watched spots In Mu nich for days and no explanation was offered how a foreigner or conspirator could have entered. The train that brought the fuehrer here after the Im promptu address in which he warned that Germany would "speak the language which Eng land understands," was said to be one of the safest trains ever built. Technical experts said Its padded coaches and steel-shuttered windows could withstand the force of a mine exploded on the tracks. Alien Plot Seen A semi-official statement said "clues indicate the plot origi- j nated abroad" and it was ex pected, therefore, Germany's I borders would be watched care-, fully for evidence of intrigue. The clues were not disclosed. But there were signs the Ges tapo, the Nazi secret police, and the Schutzstaffel, Hitler's black shirted elite guard, were launch ing a spy hunt and a drive to wipe out enemies of the Nazi regime in politics and the war. Official German sources un qualifiedly blamed the explosion on British agents and declared it was provoked by Jews. "There is no doubt that the DANCE K. P. HALL Aviation Thriller V V.,' f . ' Fist-fighting flyers blazing an air trail over the Alaskan wild erness is the roaring action back ground for "Legion of Lost Fly ers," which comes to the New Rialto theater for tomorrow and Saturday only, with Richard Arlen, Andy Devine and Wil English secret service has a hand in this affair," declared the newspaper Zwoelf Uhl Blatt, first German newspaper to re port the explosion. It promised an investigation "with German thoroughness" and destruction of Germany's enemies. Terrific Charge An administrator of the Buer gerbrau hall said it was a "ter rific charge" and the proprietor added that it came "without any preliminary sound or other warning," causing the ceiling to fall "with a terrific roar." "There were screams," he said, and the air was filled with dust and an acrid smell. Bodies lay under the debris and there was a great struggle as the injured tried to get away and the unin jured tried to find a way out." Munich was thrown into tur moil and cut off from telephone communication with the rest of the country for several hours, until the situation was fairly well in hand. Police swiftly blocked off the area surrounding the hall, and the city, which has been blacked out each night since the war. suddenly was bright again as street lights were turned on to aid the police and guide ambu lances. Ginger Rogers Has Leading Film Role On Craterian Bill One of the season's most de lightful pictures is "Fifth Ave nue Girl, Ginger Rogers new starring behiele which opened its lnr-nl shnwinff vesterdav at tj,e Craterian theater, Verv different from Mlsa Roe- ers recent "Bachelor Mother, but even funnier at times, the new picture revolves around the hectic experiences of a working girl guest in a stately Fifth ave nue home. She is hired for the job by the discouraged head of the family, who despairs of ever persuading his wife and children to regard him as other than a walking bank-account. The girl's advent, as expected, alters the situation considerably. The wife, thinking her husband intends to marry the girl as soon as she goes to Reno, changes her plans and decides to stick around. The son, who has been neglecting the family pump busi ness for polo, starts to work again, and the daughter gives up her dizzy goldfish-gulping friends for a serious romance with the chauffeur. How the various tangled acters' careers are finally straightened out fonns the hilari ous climax to the offering, while the heroine adjusts her own problems as well. The part TODAY and F R I D A Yl .W l j A A TiIlI jj fUCY-IT SPICK. ; Khiwm 1:4.1-R:4JI-a:IM Sftc-IHc-lnr Another Hit for Ginger! . :"'Vty-S I s3YiJ nite ''TtvVA A'if'Ssw II MUrYcOMOUtMiniirUSlUItlJMItUIJOi I J T!T plus DONALD DUCK M jm&mv ! " "Aul Hound" ' I ftKllblll COMINO SrVPAY Vou SHti Vi-rsT. Rialto Feature 4 - liam Lundignn in starring roles. Anne Nagel and Ona Munson have the romantic leads in the daring thrill-hit. 'The Man from Sundown," starring Charles Starrett. will play as the companion action feature. Roxy Comedy Priscilla Lane and Jeffrey Lvnn are the heart interests whose antics are the concern of a household in the new mod ern comedy, "Yes, My Darling Daughter," which plays today and tomorrow only at the Roxy theater. Roland Young, Fay Bainter, May Robson, Ian- Hun ter and Genevieve Tobln have supporting roles with Miss Lane and young Lynn. might have been made to order for Miss Rogers talents, and she gives a remarkable portrayal of the difficult role. Walter Connolly heads the featured cast as the harassed husband, and James Ellison plays the part of the chauffeur, with Verrec Teasdalo as the mother and Tim Holt and Kath ryn Adams as the two children Robbers Get $778 Portland, Nov. 9. (P) Two robbers armed with pistols ma neuvered four men into an up stairs room at a Southwest Park street apartment last night and made off with $778. Police raided the same apartment September, charging it housed three horse race booking estab lishmcnts. Card of Thanks We wish to thank our many friends for their kindness, words of sym pathy, and floral offerings In our recent sorrow. Mrs. Hannah Honner. Mrs. Minnie Martin. N'otlre All Odd Fellows of Medlord, Central Point, Oold Hill and Jacksonville meet at X. O. O. F. Hall Saturday at 10:30, prepared to march In Armistice Day parade. Too Late to Classify SEWING DONE In own home, chil dren's snd womrn's dresses, 60c up. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 1077-J. IMPROVED 40 ACRES, clear. &-11 or trade for small acreaKfl near Medford. 781 West 3nd St. LOST Blue Mall Tribune carrier bag No. 6 with school book. Please return to Mall Tribune, mm TOUR HEATTNO DOLLAR will go limner wnen you oum SAMSONS 8UPER-QUAUTT FUEL OIL. You pay no more for this superior qual ity oil your nevhbore endorse 11; one trial will convince you. Phone 833. p. E. Samson Co. APARTMENTS for rent. Phone 4SJ-J. FURNITURE MOVINO and storage. Sen our Individual locker rooma before you arrange for storage space for your household goods. Our new storage department Is dustlees and conveniently located. Crating serv ice at low rates. Van Body equip ment anywhere for hire service. Phone 833. Samson Storage Ware house. FOR SALE 192ft De Soto coupe. Good condition. Sacrifice. 76 cash. 408 Edwards. FOR SALE Ovxxt 3-wh?l trMW with B-ply tlr, or trudo for wood. U8 N. fVirh. FOR 8 ALE Dm unw, or trade for cur. iroy St. Arnold, Rt. 1. Cen tral Pot tit. FOR SALE Walnut, lauo and LV- Hay. Jlnrat (I even put In th bam. $1400. Dellc-tous and New. town apples. S liLg for a dollar. Trelchlor, ontral Point. FOR SALE OR TRADE TV am marea. also on 7-month mar colt. Tele phone 4243 Ashland. FACTORY BLOCKS. 1 cord load H 50.. Pine alab. cord load $3.75. Phone 333 Central Point Fuel. REAL BARGAINS 7-room modern house (4 bed room si . larpe lot. garage; he at ml a and electric atove; go at $1000. Pay S400 down and balance at SIS per month Including 6 Interest, I wnicn ta about hair rental value. Also 8 -room house on Vaueouver Ave. for 91000 on terms. Act at once If you want to buy something way below value. PIERCE. Room I, Palm Building. BLACK PEPPER 2fle cent a pound. QUALITY SPICES and EXTRACTS Render Tea Se Coffee Co. 34 K. Bart. 1 - - - - FOR SALE 3 acres. Irrigated. 8 -room modern house, garage. Cloa In Price $1750. $380 canh. balance $30 per month. Including taxes and Interest. Also 40 acrea. lange house, good barn, lota or outbuildings, family orchard; close In; price. $2800. $800 cash, balance $260 per year. 0 Interest, or would trade for residence in Medford. A. W. WALKER Tel. 1513. Office S26 W. 8th. WANTED Transportation from Ash land to Medford Mondays, about S p. m. Mrs. Malmgren, Phoenix. FOR SALE Circulating wood heater like new. $40. nio W. Main. WANTED Dressmaking, alterations ana rennin. Katnerine satterlee. Singer Shop. 23 8. Grape. AUCTION SALE Saturday. Nov. at Sale Pavilion north Medford. Have consigned stock plga and fat hogs. Some good work homes and one aaddle home, dairy cows and young stock. Always attend the auction. Southern Oregon Live stock Auction Co.. Col. A. H. Dud ley (auctioneer). Phone BSl-J-3. STILL AVAILABLE Double Load Green Pine Slabs. $4. VALLEY FUEL CO. Tel. 78. FOR SALE Hats of quality. $1.00 Hat Dept.. STAR CLEANERS, 6 So. So. Front St. THE STAR CIJ5ANERS. g So. Front St., In Hotel Allen BIdg., do expert Dry Cleaning, Steam Pressing, and Tailoring. All work guaranteed. RAW FURS WANTED I Eastern Cash Prices paid for your furs at home. Also hides, pelts snd wool. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 37 N. Grape St. Medford, Ore. BEE BARNEY for carefree winter driving. BARNEY'S SIGNAL. 8th and Rtveralde. WANTED Scrap Iron, to supply In creasing aemano spot cash paid at latent market price. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 37 North Grape St. Phona 1063 PARADE 11:05 A.M. Legion Dugout Opens At Dreamland After The Parade For Legionnaires! Open To Public At 1 :00 P. M 4 sTclYss VAUDEVILLE Show For Legionnaires At 5 P. M. FOOTBALL DANCE SAT. MTE-Archie Less Feel at Home in "The Heart of Portland" Comfort Convenience Conrtesy Berries attractive (steal BLOX FACT. PLANER-Rouh. heap. Ing load S4.50. Medford Fuel Co. Tel. 631. A Three Days' Cough is Your Danger Signal Creomulslon relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to loosen germ laden phlegm. Increase secretion and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflam ed bronchial mucous membrane, No matter how many medicines you have tried, tell your druggist to sell understanding that you are to Uk the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchi til TOMORROW and SATURDAY Two Action Hits! to ENDS TONIGHT1 Plui "Death Ot A Champion" mm a!ic - 30c - li'e .ijc - Uk - IOC l rl& ...TO REGAIN VJJfceffP THEIR IOST ACS"--, HONOR. .and r-aa"'- -- L0S' IOVSI CELEBRATE ARMISTICE DAY in MEDFORD Medford vs. Ashland 2 P. M. Us Legion Scrip ORIENTAL GARDENS AH Invllsd. Ufa Legion Scrip 13-Plrce Band and Entertainers ma Biiil HiiJP SAT. NITE Dttaena 0 of ARMISTICE NIGHT DAD DYNGE'S OLD-TIME MUSIC Hotel CorneHni Park Art Hotel (13 W Park Portland - eritk kstk 41 M up ID park m a orimion. Mr- rortlaad IN THE HEART Of THB CITY" 1 II r r li f I J J-jsjiiiiiiaaiasslaaasaaasasi I euiei