MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1939. PAGE FIFTEEN WW m ai wManai kia n v1" vi1 HHihjhntaM im im - 1 . . . I - ......... - - r , - .. . ... ., ..... - Read every ad on thu page You will probably fled exactly the thine you nave been look tag for or a aale or trade fot unused article you may nave Search your attic or store-room you may find many thing others are seeking and be able to realize immediate cash. It what you want Isn't here, advertise (or it Tribune Clas sified Ada are inexpensive effective! RATES Per word first inwrliun (Minimum 3Sc) Each additional Insertion per word (Minimum 10c) Per line per month without copy change .....--.$lr CASH or money order must ac company all mail ordei classified ads. LOST AND FOUND LOST Brown coin purse with gold zipper, containing currency and sil ver. Left In studebaker car mis taken for own. Phone 93-J-3. PARTY KNOWN who took record i book from La Tosca. Return, no questions asked. LOST Toy wire-haired female dog, Reward. Phone 868-J. REPORT lost dogs, animal cruelty cases. Humane Society. Phone 1616. TRAINING FOR POSITIONS WANTED Men to train for positions In airplane factorlea. Positions waiting for qualified men, hut you must have approximately $200.00 to cover transportation, living ex penses, preliminary school training before going to work. For personal Interview see Mr. Roblson, Jackson hotel. 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sunday and Monday. WANTED MALE HELP ENGINEERING SALESMAN with car and knowledge steam boiler oper ation to sell water treatment for established company. Commission bnsls. Box 3870 Tribune, WANTED SALESMAN SALESMEN Earn fi.OO a day and up selling service cards, $12.00 value that sells for $1.00. Apply Room 204. Liberty Bldg. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Experienced girl for house work and care of children. Box 3894 Tribune. WANTED Experienced waitress. Ap- Ply-in person i. iu.. WANTED SITUATIONS WOMAN wants day or hour work. 713 9. Ppach. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS EKSTRAND for complete landscape service. Expert pruning. Telephone 808-X. WANTED To rent ranch approxi mately 40 acrea with bulldlnoa. Give location and rent. Box 3893 Tribune. M. A. BLISS Painting and paper hanging contractor. 313 South Grape. Phone 646-W. . TRACTOR WORK wanted. Will ex- change stock or grain for work Al Bendickson. 414 McAndrewa Road. Route 3. WANTED Tractor work, plowing, etc H E. Blackburn. Route 3. Box 72-B. WANTED Tractor work. Plowing discing, etc. Roger von der Hellen. Route 8 Medford Phone 35-F-ll Eagle Point. A WIDOW will give Interest In mine for $750 and 8-montha grub stake for three to No 1 hydraullt operator II you can't qualify don't waste my time Good cook Box 3689. Tribune we pv Mime cash For Youi Furniture nni nxnoK amiiikws 8rh and Front Phone 547 WANTED Dressmaking and altera tions (Catherine Muse. Singe I Shop. 32 S Grape HKST I'KH'K PAID For Your Furniture EADS A OIIKN. I'hnne 1I1W-J WELL DRILLING 41 50 per ft first 60 ft., etc J M Dodge 519 King WANTED Scrap Iron brass, copper all kinds of metal Medford Bar gain House 27 N Grape 8t Tel 1082 HIOHKST CAH PKIt'CS PAID For Your Furniture MKIIFMHII IHHOAIN MOrE. 5T N Grape St Phone 102 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 8-room furnished house, also 4-room furnished house, close In, 525. water paid. L. G. Plckell 16 So. Bartlett. WILL SUB-LEASE to responsible party 5-room modern house and tor huiidln 20x40 with 14 acres Isnd on the hlzhway. Inquire at A! Trading Post. Jacksonville highway and Lozler lane. MODERN 4-room furnished duplex Rensonable Phone 343-M or in quire 301 Bfatty. FOR RENT Modern house on Rosa tanr. mile from cltv limits. See Milton Houston, Ross Lane. FOR PENT-5-room furnished house Phone 408-R-l. FOR Rr'"i" CT"V modern furnished ho ife . No children. 221 North Holly S FOR RENT HOUSES FOR BENT S-room furnished house Clow In. 408 West 6th. Phone 1330-J. FOR RENT -Small f uroltued hous In rear. Adults Also apartment for lady. 410 Hamilton. TWO-ROOM furnished cabin. 718 Welch St. FOR RENT 20 Norto Orance. ajo Charles R Ray. Room 317 Medford Bldg Phone 303. FOR RENT Oood 6 -room house on North Riverside. Inquire Phlppf Auto Parle. Phone 417. PURN. house. Tel. 1323W or 389 FOR RENT Duplet, near Junior Hi Call at 338 Haven. FOR RENT Newly decorated 5-room furnished apartment. Inquire 804 East Main. FOR RENT 6-room furnished bouse close In Phone 457-J. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT 3-room apartment, $18. Nicely furnished, gaa range. 317 West Jackson. HEATED, furnlshco apartment. Prl- vnt nlranp FriBlriAtrf. BIB SO. I Oakdale. DESIRABLE APARTMENT for two adults. 905 West 10th. FOR RENT Nice furnished apartment tor rent Oil heat, hot and cold water fur nished. Oood beds, good location Only 835. MARK A. GOLDY 109 E. Main Phone 738 Evenings, Call C. R. Beebe, 1633-X. FOR RENT East Main apartment Two adults. $18. Phone 81 days, 1959-L evenings. FURNISHED apartment, vate bath, Prlgldalre. Main. heat, prl 808 West FOR RENT Furnished Hotel Hol land apartment; Frlgldalre. electric ' range. FOR RENT New. modern 4-room apt., newly furnished 801 North Central. APARTMENTS For Rent $15. $13 and $11 330 Beatty. inquire at Shady Nook Grocery. Apartmenta; Heated Una 31 Genesee FOR RENT Bachelor apartment garage. ou o ubkobw. DESIRABLE apartmente. 3 rooms and bath; gas heat. Inquire Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank FOR RENT Apartmente Durell Court, 3rd and Holly inquire Apt 8 GE BAUER APTS th at Oakdale; modern furnished or unfurnished large or small Comforts and cour tesy by WEEK or MONTH Phone 713-Y ' FOR RENT BOARD, ROOM BOARD AND ROOM 716 $1 per day. FOR RENT--Furnished Rooms SLEEPING ROOM, close in. 408 Weet Sixth. ROOM FOR RENT $2 50 week; pri vate entrance. 408 Edwards. ATTR ACT1V E ROuMS. 404 S Grape FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT 10 acrea good garden land. Phone 893-J. FOR SALE DOGS. PETS FOR SALE or will trade for what have you Pupa, Springers and Chows. 123 Church street, Ashland FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE One 2-year-old registered Guernsey bull from one of best herds In volley. Charles Pettegrew, Route 3. Box 31, Eagle Point, half mile south Dodge bridge. FOR SALE Six Jersey milk cows, one Jersey bull. Sams Valley Tur tle Rock Ranch, McConnell. FOR SALE Cowa and Duroc Jersey . Pigs Blackburn Ranch, next to 401 Orchard. I FOR SALE Weaner pigs, V, mile I north Central Point, former May I field place. C. (. 8mlth. FOR SALE Weaner pigs. K. P. Mur ray. Crater Lake Hwy. Tel. 408-R-l. FOR SALE POULTRY HAMPSHIRE RED pullets. 6 months. Readv to lay. Last house on ISVrrth Sixth street, Central Point. FOR SALE Red fryers. 20c pound, 'hone 447-J-l. FOR SALE Barred Rock fryers. V, mile south Oak Grove school. Route 2. Fred Sanders. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE CHR.8 ER IMPER. U 1937. Oood condition. Cost new about $1400. Will sell below Hue Book value. Call 608. REAL Used Car Bargains! See ua flrt Phults Bros FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 20 -acres partly Irrigated. Oocd 4-room house, out buildings, cows and chickens. Easy terms. J. F. Ivle. rout 3, box 34, Medford FOR SALE 5-room modern house In Medford. well located. 4)200 00 down, bal. $30.00 per mo. Interest, taxes and Insurance included. O. A. Andrews. Ashland. Ore. IMA UE sf iTVinJiit n-iuiii v. glne plow. Want two-way plow. Harry Barr, Jacksonville. FOR SALE OR RENT 5-room mod I ern house, close In on paved street ! Phone 123 or after 6 p. m. 1582-R FOR SALE 4 acres, all level and Irrigated, good soil; new 6-room plastered hoiuw and bath, cement foundation; barn. Well located, near Medford. Owner leaving has offered to sell for 2650 Terms L O. Plckell, 16 80. Bartlett. FOR SALEIdeal location for court. Six lots facing East 12th street betw-p;i Vr-r.quftte and Stevens street. Very cheap for cash. 712 Palm street. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Furnished house. Bar gain. 413 Laurel. FOR SALE Nice lot of Duroc weaner plga, good stock. O- J. McCay. Med ford, west of Grange hall on Spring street. FOR RENT 4-room furnished house 334 Apple. 4-ROOM furnished house, electric range and refrigerator, oil heater Phone 281. UNFURNISHED 5-room house, closo In. H. L. Cook, 10 Quince. FURNISHED House and 2 and 3-room apartments. Adults. 604 West 10th FOR SALE) 5 and 7-room modern houses close in. $1,800 each. Pay $200 down and $20 per month. Including 6 Interest. These are exceptional bargalna. C. C. PIERCE Room I, Palm Buildlpg. Medford CITY and country properties RENT ALS LOANS-INSURANCE C 6 Butterfleld. 409 Medford Building HOUSES FOR SALE In Medford and surrounding towns Easy terms Jackson County' Federal Savings and Loan Association. WILL sacrifice my equity In 5-room modern house with small acre age. Box 3373, Tribune. FOR SALE OR RENT Marshall home on Oakdale. Tel. 1316-R. FEDERAL LAND BANK FARMS Convenient terms Lists available at National Farm Loan Office, 303 Liberty Building, Medford WHEN you think of real estate think of Brown 4: White FOR EXCHANGE FOR TRADE Will take good milk cow In exchange on piano Bald- wln Piano Shoppe FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Seed grains, Washington Hybrid wheat, Kanota oats. Haan schan barley. Chester Wendt. 697-J-2. FOR SALE White giant rabbits. 4 does and 1 buck, cheap. Inquire of Bill Campbell at Richfield Serv ice Station, Jacksonville, Ore. QUALITY DRY PINE SLABS $3.00 per load In two load lota. Medford Fuel Co., Tel. 831. FOR SALE Delicious and all kinds apples. Lam H. Hughes. Fern Val ley, phone 19-F-5. FOR BALE Buffet, walnute. 11-weeks-old pigs. Troxell. South Peach. FOR AVON PRODUCTS Phone 1589-J or write P. O. Box 810 Medford. FOR SALE Gem strawberry plants lc. Hy Standard .22 automatic pistol and holster $15. F. Mast Phone 9-F-13. FOR SALE Used truck tires. 32x8 10-ply, 32x6 8-ply. 7.50-20 8-ply. 6.50-20 truck and bus. Older Tire Exchange, 32 South Bartlett. FOR SALE Nice sized Newtown ap ples washed and sorted 48c. C grade 35c or 6 boxes $1.00 one box or truck load. Winter Nellls pears cheap. Joe Kantor, Route 4, Fern Valley. APPLES Gebhard's, half mile north Bear Creek bridge, Central Point. FILBERTS and WALNUTS. Mrs. D. J. Stelner, Route 3. Medford. Phone 498-J-3. FOR SALE! Cow trailer, good con dition, cheap. J. D. French ranch, Sterling. FOR SALE Heavy steel tanks that hold 90 barrels each, priced very reasonable. A -One Brewing Co. FOR SALE English walnuta; also several large gray geese. Phone 1483-R-4. FOR SALE Baled oat and vetch hay, ear com. O. E. ChUdreth, Ross Lane. FOR SALE Northwest grown rose bushes are best. Select yours from our stock of 43 varieties. Plant now for the best results. Priced from 50c up. Monarch Seed St Feed Co. FOR SALE Local or Willamette grown Winter Gray Oats. Monarch Seed St Feed Co. FOR SALE Eastern Shelled Com. 1.70 cwt. It's bone dry. Monarch Seed St Feed Co. DRY CORD WOOD 2.00 cord. Hardwood $1.35 tier. Powers Ranch, 14 miles beyond Applegate Store. FOR SaTEENKON-O-MASH. 20 Eeg Mash 2.C0 cwt. Monarch Seed & Feed Co. FOR SALE: Vetch and oat recleaned seM. Black oats or Kanota. Phone 697-J-l. Ray C. Yost. FOR SALE Flex-O-Olass. the per fect glass substitute for sleeping and laundry porches. Admits light and ultra violet rays of sun. Mon arch Seed & Feed Co. FOR SALE! Mixed Common and Hungarian Vetch, 4.00 per cwt Monarch See, it l"3ed Co. FOR SALE Washington Hybrid seed wheat, also Blue Club. Monarch Seed & Feed Co. FOR SALE Monarch Brand Scratch Food. 81.95 cwt. Monarch 8eed 6r Feed Co. FOR SALE Vitamin B-l, the mtr. acle chemical for flower plant Monarch Seed Se Feed Co. FOR SALE Model "W" Cletr.c Blackburn Ranch, next to 401 Orchard RUMMAGE SALE Pythian Sisters. Clean usable mer chandise to be sold reasonable. Friday and Saturday. Nov. 8 and 4 135 East Sixth street. FOR SALE Bicycle in good shape. 10 00. Phone 116. Wltham Ma- ; neto A Parts Co 315 East Eighth i FOR BALE Hay; Hungarian and I common vetch seed mixed Ed ) Han ley Ranch. Rt, 3. Box 201. FOR SALE-Ionathan and W!ntr 1 Banana apples; walnuta 8c lb. Jess I Eldrtdge. Rt. 4. Pern Valley. FOR PAI.F Anp wood, fireplace a-.d .. ! h !: fl'J4 Jruk-f.nvllle 'SciiUeseler Mineral Sa-U. 606 Clark. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE OR TRADE Good har ness and waon to trade for hay or seed wheat. Leonard McKeo Jacksonville FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay. South Peach St.. Tlce. , ATTENTION DAIRYMEN ' AND TRUCKERS! For best quality, fine stem, leafy good color, stack cured alfalfa huv. both first and second cutting, baled especially for truck ship ments. Write or 'ire James Tozrt and Company. Malln, Oregon, phone 2501. FOR SALE To settle estate, 90 tons of hay at Applerate; make offer Inquire of Charles Mee, 517 Beatty St.. or TLomaa Mee. Applegate Oregon. FOR SALE Washer service Full line genuine Maytag parte Service on all makes Medtord Maytag Co.. 31 no Bartlett. phone 38. FOR SALE Hydraulic pipe giants Box 3376, Tribune. and FOR SALE Delicious apples Phone 7-F-ia. USED MAGAZINES sold and traded at Jack's Secondhand Store. 106 South Grape. OLYMPIC EGO MASH with milk $2 25 per sack Davis Feed Stores FOR SALE Orapea and Walnuts J A Manke 4 miles West of Medford FOR SALE Delicious apple Inde pendent Packing Co.. Phoenix. SALE OR TRADE Highly Improved 87 acres 405 J St. CUT-RATE PRICES Nu. Way Mat tress and Upholstery Co. Phone 303 209 West 8th St. WALNUTS 100 and 13c lb. Toma toes. 35c, lug. you pick. Blanken. ship. Central Point. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR LEASE to right party, service station on main highway in Cen tral Point. Has lunch room facili ties wnd living quarters. For Infor mation phone 952 or write P. O. Box 1074. Medford. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts. Jackson County Abstract Co. Title Insurance Abstracts Escrows Cabinot Work. CABINET WORK. STORE FIXTURES Furniture and Novelties made j order. Furniture repairing. 408 E. Mnln. R. Smith Shaw. Chimney and Furnace Cleaning. NOTICE For Chimney and Furnace Cleaning - - Oil Stoves Vacuum Ct.nrtncri, mil George Eaton nt 547 Dressmaking. THE FASHION SHOP Dressmaking. Fur Remodeling. Buttons and Buckles covered. Room 320 U. S. Nntl Bank Jlrtg. Tel. 1181, Expert Window Cleaner. LET JOE DO IT Expert Window Clennera. General house cleaners. Floor waxing. Joe Spence. Phonn 1172. Musical Instruction. HOMER MCDONALD offers courses In Popular Piano Piano Accordion, Voice. Saxophone. Clarinet. Violin. String Bass. Studio, Sparta Bldg. Ph. 042-J Mail Tribune Daily across Fleet Bandages Bnffle Most com fortable Pufiisliei by exacting money Saw with the grain char acter English letter Quantity of yarn State positive ly Corded rubric Mineral sprli' First nam of a famous dancer Ktre Puff up Condition L!ftit ravalry solfller Put into typa acaln Staff officer Rescued W.y Cftll Lcn periods of time Danish Islands In the north Atlantic Solution of Yeaterday'a Puzzle w'A!T!CRvjgeRRAND S AlUEiRggS EiR I E S TATEiElNlsltMv ii. Symbol for calcium 49. Stranger re ceived into tn undent Hebrew tribe 50. You'is ten) 61 Exhibit malign pleasure S3 Responds 55 The flower SR. Spire 67. Auctlont 7 p 3 4 3 i 7 8 ? lO II U 1 j I 76 w " w wi i in 3a 3i 33 34 35 www t. JH Wg, s Wr M5 3J BUSINESS DIRECTORY LOANS MONEY TO LOAN on modern dwell Iuks of late construction. $9.76 per month per thousand. Low Interest rate. BROWN i WHITE. 104 W. Main. CASH IN A HURRYI Emergencies are no inspectors of persons or conditions. And usually they occur wlu-n we are Ifast ready to meet them. If you need cash QUICKLY, see us. Our service Is Seared for emergency speed. (No in quiries of friends or employer no endorsers no delays of any kind.) You get the money the aume day you apply. We advance up to $300 on your own signature and security (auto, household goods,, etc.) Come In. phone or write for com plete Information without obliga tion. OREGON FINANCE CO. 45 South Central Phone 139 Ground Floor Craterlan Bldg. License 8-211. M-217 Auto Loans, LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS -IE FINANCED MONEY to buy new or used cara Private money at new low rates. Immediate 'action. No red tape 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAY W. E. THOMAS 45 South Central. Phone 139. License M-317. MunTo$roMr On Your Car. 1930 to 1939 Model cara and light trucks 1 to 18 months to repay. CONSUMERS' CREDIT CO. HAROLD H. PROWN AGENCY, Agent. 123 East Main. M-238 Phone 807. You Can Save Money and Time hy Getting Your CAR LOAN OR REFINANCING Direct from the Lender, The OREGON FINANCE CO 45 South Central. Lie. M-317. CAR LOANS Solve ;our financial problems by refinancing or borrowing. LOANS ON CARS 1033.1939. Trl-State Acceptance Corp.' License M-2S3. MARK A. GOLDY 109 E. Mnln. Phone 73ft. Rndiator Repairing. HOOPER'S RADIATOR SERVICE 33 South B:irtlett. ROOFING WE REPAIR or apply any type of roof. Pobco Roofings, Shingles. Coatings and Paints. Wall Pnper One-third off. Ekerson Paint and Roof Co.. 38 So. Bartlett. Tel. 243 Transfer. MVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE 40 S Fir Street. Insured Carriers. Local and Long Distance Hauling Phone 644 CITY TRANSFER St STORAGE CO. Household moving and general hauling 20 S Grape Phone 2050 day or night. EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Offlco 26 So Fir Phone 316 Prlrf re:ht Service gun ran teed LEGAL NOTICES Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby given, that Effle Dally nu been appointed Executrix of the Last Will and Testament and estate of A. P. Wetss, decea?d. by the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon. All persons having claims Cross -Word Puzzle I. Viper i. Plant of the Illy family 10. Throw II. German city It. Cubic meter 30. Fencing iwordi 11. Scene of actlor 13. Deep hole 26. City In Para guay 27. Nontrlls 29. Place of wor ihlp 31. Spread to dry 33. Spanish hero 34. Train the mind 36. Discount! 3T. Pass 39. Traditional lake 40. Deputy 41. Stanza 43. Former chief mngtatratee of Venice 4ft. Roll up 47. Feminine nami $0. Vigor: alang 63. Ingredient of ttln.d dreai Ing S4. Tou and I DOWN 1. ortielal In cer tain Kporte J. Those that form Into a line S. Play on wordt 4. Roman dnte r. Ser'retarlei t. Continued tory T. Wagon: ar- chalo a'rJiIsPbIuIr against said estate are required to preent them, with proper vouchers, within six months from the date of this notice, to the executrix at the law office of John B. Elchelberger. Room 308 In the Liberty Building. Medford, Oregon. EFFIE DAILY. Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of A. P. Weiss, deceased Dated and first published Ocloaei 13 1019 Reese Creek Reese Creek, Nov. 3. (Spl) Sunday school enjoyed a full attendance Sunday. Young peo ple's services in the evening was enjoyed with T. J. Pullen leading. Miss Etna Davis will lead next Sunday evening. The school teachers, Mr. Reedy ani Miss Davis, put on a splendid Hal loween program and party October 27. The Home and School circle lad if s sold grab bas. Pies, coffee and elder were served free. The ladles disposed of 1 beautiful quilt donated by Mrs Charles Humphrey. Eldon Grow got the quilt. Mr. and Mrs. Kny were present at the Halloween party, also Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Y. Jantser of Prospect. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Reedy of near Ashland brough: their son, W. Harold Reedy, and Miss Etna Davis buck after spending the week-end at their homea at Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dunlap of Derby were week-end guests of Mrs. Dunlnp's parents. Mr. md Mrs. C. E. Lamb Sunday. Mrs. Lamb accom panied them to Ashland to visit Ralph Lamb, who Is attending the College of Education in Ashland, also Mra. Lamb's mother, Mrs. Mable B nimble, and .slater and family, Mr and Mrs. Allen Brower. Donnell Koentg, eon of Mrs. Elmer Robertson, Is traveling over the main points of the United States as private secretary and chauffeur for M. L. Riley, retired business man. They will winter In Florida and go to Nova Scotia before returning. They expect to be gone a year. Mrs. John Foster lant eo well at prosent. She la under a doctor's caro. All hope for her complete recovery. Wllford Jack and Alex Vestal made a trip to Vale and Ontario last week. Mr. and Mrs. w. R. Lamb were dinner guests October 37 of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Pullen and daughter. Ruby, also Mr. P mien's mother, Mrs. Luc In da Sheets. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Randall enjoyed supper with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mer rltt Wednesday, afterward attending prayer aervloea at. the home of Mr and Mrs. L. C. Rusho. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Terry have sold their Bervtc station on tho Butte Falls highway to Mr. ana Mrs. Lyle Hopkins of Venango, Neb. The new owners have taken possession. Mr. and Mra. Terry have one to Wash ington on a visit and will later locate In Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. umb and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lamb motored to Medford October 31, calling on Mr. and Mra. M. E. Lamb and son, Ken neth, at their service station nt the Four Corners on Midway road. They also called on Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hinscom at their home near Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Jackson and their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meadows of Medford called on Mr. and Mra. Homer Martin Oc tober 31. L. C. Rusho, Homer Martin and Elroy Jackson are getting their win ter's wood cut. Forest Creek Forest Creek, Nov. 3. (Spl) Due to an error in posting the budget for school district 43, another budget meeting will be held at the school. hou.e November 14 at noon. Mrs. Annie Davles has been in Seattle the past fortnight at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wagner. She will remain for an indefinite visit. Mrs. Laurance Edmonson of Goshen, Ore., visited her prop erty, the Oregon Belle mine, November 1. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller returned home October 30 from Klamath Falls where they were employed in the potato harvest. Aaron Ayres of Jacksonville and George Conklin, accompan led by two friends, bagged two fine bucks in the Timber moun tain region October 23. Forest Creek school pupils enjoyed a Hallowe'en party October 30. Marshmallows were toasted and games played around a bonfire. Mrs. John Black attended a project leaders' training meeting in Medford October 31. Gold Hill, Nov. 3 ((Spl.) Mrs. Cora Bumcrot- and .ion, Herb, who hove been living In the Hi-Way Inn for the past two months, have moved Into one of the W. E. Ross houses ba.'k of the schoolhouse. Amethyst Kebekah lodge held a regular meeting November 1 and nominated officers. Next meeting will be November 15, and is to be November birthday night. Llnsley Dorman has returned home from a Medford hospital, where he has been confined or the past week with an eye In jury. He Is still under the doc tor's care, and will be 'innble to return to his work at the Beaver f" Gold Hill Portland Cement Co. for some (me. Gold Hill Odd Fellow lodge has made arrangements to have a dance in their hall Saturday, November 11. It is expected that these dances will continue every two weeks throughout the win ter. The committee in charge is Bill Ilittle, Sonny Hendrickson and Earl Moore A large delega tion from the local Odd Fallow lod;y took a candidate to Grants Pass November 1 for the second decree. "Mr and Mrs. Howard Kell ure moving this week to the house formerly occupied by the Kel logg family, about two miles from town on the Sams Valley road. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Blevins will move this week to the house known as the parsonage, on the north side of town. Jacksonville Jacksonville, Ore, Nov. 3 (Spl.) City election will be held Tuesday, November 7, at the usual poll in c places from noon to 8 p. m., for purpose c2 elect ing a city recorder, and two councilmen for two-year terms each. Councilmen whose terms expire arc Messrs Hamaker and Severance. Frank Henspetcr, government hunter, reported a record catch of coyotes November 2, he hav ing caught seven old ones that one day. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Viall of Phoenix were dinner guestd No vember 1 at the G. O. Sanden home, the occasion being Mr. Sanden's birthday. Last meeting of Orange, session opened with officers seating drill. State Deputy Brown was escorted to a seat of honor at the master's station. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd of Jack sonville were also most pleasant visitors and Mrs. Floyd filled the lecturer's station. They gave Inter esting and helpful talks. Lecture hour was In form of a Halloween program. Refreshments In keep ln with the day were served by the H. E. C. club. Especial mention was made of November 3 being our yearly election of officers and all members were urged to attend. October 20 was named as "Go to Church Sunday." A bountiful dinner was served at 1 :30. County home extension leader Mabel Mack and her mother, Mrs. Sweeney, were visitors. Mrs. Mack submitted plana she had drawn for the Interior bullt-lna and working helps for our kitchen. We greatly appreciate Mrs. Mack's In terest. Home Economics club met Wednes day at Mra. Francis Moffatt's horn for dessert luncheon followed by regular buslnoss meeting. Plana ware begun for our annual Thanksgiving dinner and members and friends who wish to Join us for the day are to get in. touch with the chairman, Mrs. C. A. Andrews. WedaeHdny evening, November 8, we plnn to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ira Maddorn in their new home. . Mrs. Ray Rustan la making plans for the evenings entertainment. Members are urged to Join, us to become ac quainted with our new members. Ways and means committee has announced their next dance for Sat urday, November 4, at Roxy Ann Orange hall with a cordial invitation to all who enjoy dancing and good music. Word has Just been received that Mr. Patterson, secretary of the State Orange Mutual companlH.JJjJJJJJJJJJ Orange Mutual Co-op., Is to be a ftuest and speaker at our Orange hall this Friday evening. Hams Valley Orange A carnival dance will be given at Sams Valley Orange hall Saturday night. November 4. Oood pepy music by Earl's Rythm Makers and an excellent floor Insure a good time. Hot dogs ar.a coffee will be served during supper Intermission. AIRPLANES Northbound Mailt Cloaft 4:12 a.m. 2:80 p.m. (Flag stop) 0:09 pjn. Southbound Mailt Clow 10:26 a.m. (Flag stop) 6:13 p.m. 11:10 pjn. L&ve 4:67 sjn. 8:24 p.m. 0:54 p.m. Leave 11:10 m, 6:68 p.m. 11:66 p.m. TRAINS Northbound Mailt Clote 0:48 a.m. 7:05 p.ra. Southbound Mailt Close 7:30 a.m. 6:23 p.m. Leave 10:48 a.m. 8:06 p.m. Leave 8:30 a.m. 8:23 p m. North 2:46 t.m. 7:50 a.m. 0:35 a.m. 1:40 p m. 8:46 p.m. South 12:16 a.m. 6:15 a.m. 0:65 Km. 8:60 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 10:40 p.m. 6:55 p.m. To Klamath rallt 0:45 a.m. and 6:45 p.m. () To Oranta Pan only. () To Ashland only. Closing time (or Too Late to Clat ttly Adt U 1:30 p m. The Grange 1 Travel Table SHASTA DAM GRAVEL LONGEST IN WORLD Washington, Nov. 3. (T1) The longest conveyor belt ever used on a federal government project soon will transport sand and gravel from the Kutras pit nina miles to Shasta dam on the Sacramento river north of Red ding, Cal. Secretary Ickcs today author ized use of the belt by the Co lumbia Construction company, Inc., Oakland. Cal., which con tracted to provide 10.100,000 torn of sand and gravel for the manufacture of concrete to be used in the dam. The firm will be paid $4,413,520. The secretary said belt trans portation would save the gov ernment approximately $250,000 in the cost of the dam. The longest belt in present use on a government project runs 4H miles from pits to Grand Coulee dam on the Co lumbia river in Washington. Ickes estimated the new belt would carry about 1,000 tons of material an hour. News of 4-H d CLUBS By Norma Sag A review of Table Rock 4-H club's work shows several mem bers received recognition. Ivan Myers, local livestock member, recently had the honor of being chosen as Jackson county's most outstanding 4-H club boy. He was awarded a trip to Portland as guest of the First National Bank of Portland, where he attended the Pacific International Livestock exposi tion. At the exposition he also had the honor of winning first prize on his Corrledale sheep fleece. Jean Brennesholt, knitting club member, whose knitting received first prize In the county at the home economics fair in August also won first prize at the state fair at Salem. Her premium award was yarn to knit a dress. Other club members who en tered projects at county live stock fair and received pre miums of varied merit were: Ernest Hamilton, Loree Brenne sholt, Jack and Betty Baker, Calvin and Marjorie Howsley, Marjorle, Doris and Dorothy Hunsley, and Norma Sage. Dorothy Hunsley and Norma Sage gave an egg-grading dem onstration, showing eggs desir able for consumption and the process of grading. Table Rock may very well be proud of her record of achieve ments this year and is now look ing forward to another year of making the "best better." 4- Defends His Grain Wichita Falls, Tex. AP) Thanks to a couple of old-fashioned slingshots, Farmer Virgin Jones saved his maize crops from the blackbirds while neigh bors all around him were losing theirs. Jones rigged up the sling shots for himself and son, Billy Ray, seven, when swarms of blackbirds descended on their maize fields, Mrs. Jones and two children were the "ammunition train," keeping cloth bags filled with pebbles and relaying them to the "artillerymen." For four weeks they patrolled the field almost from dawn to dark keep ing the blackbirds on the move. Finally the discouraged birds left. Streets of Gold. Orange, Cal. (IP) Streets surfaced with gravel from a local rock crushing plant may be said to be paved with gold. A curious engineer took a sam ple of the material and found It assayed $4.20 a ton In gold. Such values in large quantity would make mining of the sand deposit profitable. c 3 NEED CASH? BORROW ON YOUR CAR Let us explain bow easy It is to ftavt ready cash with your ear aa security Piione 81 tor full information Commercial Ffiarne Corp The Friendly Finance Company" W W Walker. First Natl Bant Bid Phone SI ' Lleenae Number 184