MEDFORD MAIL TKIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON', MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1930. PAGE SEVEN WWwfflMilMlfiMMiJJM TnsBsf i I I III HI K L:INI.IlU!.I.J.J,l:Ull,liJIJ4 i--zietfZm Read every ad od thit page You will probably rind exactly the things you have been look ing for or a sale or trade for unused articles you may have Search your attic or store-room you may find many thing others are seeking and be able to realize Immediate cosh. IS what you want tsnt here, advertise for it Tribune Claa tlfled Ads are inexpensive effective I per word first Insertion... (Minimum 25c) Each additional Insertion ner word ..It (Minimum 10c) Per line per month without copy change , $l.2t or money order must ac company all mail ordei classified ads. LOST AND FOUND LOST Man's brown leather pocket book containing currency, receipts, etc.. In business district. Reward Return to Tribune office. REPORT lost dogh. animal cruelty caws Humane Society Phunc 1616 WANTED MALE HELP MALE HELP WANTED One neat young man, 17 to 22, full of pep and ambition, who would be willing to work hard for an opportunity to wavei, uamornm, New yorK ana duck. ! WANTED SALESMAN IP YOU ARE AMBITIOUS you can make good -noney with a Rawlelsh Route. We help sou get started. No experience needed. Steady work for right man. Write Rawlelgh's, Box ORJ-124-2, Oakland, CaM. WANTED FEMALE HELP PERMANENT WORK for girl over 18 In doctor's home. Wages S5.0C. Phone 1371-J-2. Mrs. Drummond. WANTED Experienced Hotel Jackson. waitress. BEAUTY OPERATOR with small amount of capital to manage chain Beauty Salon to open In your city In the near future. Give age. expe rlence. state amount of money will ing to Invest, character references and photo. Box 3240 Tribune. WANTED Experienced waitress. Must be able to type. Apply after 4 p. m. 610 South Central. Tel. 1335-J. WANTED SITUATIONS TRAINED practical nurse, male. 18 vears experience. Any case. 214 West Jackson. PRACTICAL Gardener wants work 307 Bssle. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To rer small grocery store In Medford with modern liv ing quarters ,n connection. Willing to buy stock on hand. Box 3281 Tribune. WANTED Reliable tenant for fur nished 6-room home Nov 26 to March 5. Phone 1290-R. FURNITURE TJPHOLSTERINO and repairing. Phone 969-R. Thlbault. ELECTRIC MELOTTE separator. Box 3539 Tribune. WANTED 8 or 10 Flemish giant or white giant does, and one buck. Must be clean stock. Stats price. Marvin Carl. Provolt, Ore. LADY WISHES transportation to Al bany Tuesday or Wednesday. Will share expenses. Phone 369 Central Point. WANTED Carload fresh and spring er eows this week. Mann. 4 Corners Station. Midway road. WANTED TO RENT Truck with or without driver. Box 3260 Tribune WANTED To elve away 60 or more tier of 2nd growth wood, mostly fir for taklna off of pl.ce. Can fur nish tools and buzz saw. James Dole. Prospect. Ore. to r.iVE away voting cats and kittens. Call Sunday. 1000 East llth. WAN-ran 25iooon 8 money. Am ple security. Write Box 181. Rt. 3. Ashland, or phone Ashland 6472. WANTED Tractor work, plowing, etc H E. Blackburn. Route 3. Box 72-B. SEE AL RIFRSON at Colonial Oa rage for reborlng and complete car overhaul prices you can afford Phone 219. WANTED Tractor work. Plowing discing, etc. Roger von der Hellen. Route 3 Medlord Phone 25-F-ll Eagle Point. A WIDOW will give I, Intereit In mine for 6750 and 6-months grub stake tor three to No 1 hydraulic operator If you cant qualify don't waste mv time Good cook Box 2689. Tribune WK IMY MIIHK ffH For Your Furniture HOI HIIOOH WtlHI 6-h and Front Phono 547 WANTED Dressmaking and altera tions Kntherlne Muse. Sin gel Shop. 22 S Grape m;T i'rmh rsiv For Your Furniture Hfi OIIH.N. Phnnt H9X-J WF1X DHI1.LINO 41 SO ptr ft. first 60 ft . etc J M Dodge Sit Kln vViNlED 5rrp Iron brass ropDe' all Kind, ol metal Medford Bar ga:n House. 37 N Orape St. lei 1061 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS HIOHK8T CASH PKKES PAID Pur Your furniture. MEUFOKO HAKOAIN HOUSE. 37 N Orape 8t Phone 1062 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT No. 6 Katherlne Court. West 11th. Adults only. 120.00. Phone 238. FOR RENT 907 West llth. Large rooms. Circulating heater. $25.00. Phone 238. FOR RENT 3-room furnished house with large screened-ln porch, half acre ground under ditch: f se In; 9. Call at 616 N. Riverside Ave. FOR tENT Furnished home. No. a Everette Court, West llth St. Adults only. Phone 238. FOR RENT House with range, also 2 housekeeping rooms. 633 Austin. 4-ROOM furnished house, electric range and refrigerator, oil heater Phone 281. FOR RENT 3-room furnished house. 626 West Tenth. Phone 819-L. FOR RENT Five-room unfurnished house, 124 Vancouver. HOUSE FOR RENT. 734 West 14h. FOR RENT 4-room house, breakfast nook. Completely furnished, newly decorated. 1016 Reddy. FOR RENT Modern house and 2 acres on Lozier lane, (17.50. Phone 1053-J. J. P. Bray. FOR RENT 5-room furnished house on North Riverside. $22.50, water paid. Edwin P. Hughes, 709 North Riverside. FOR RENT House. 2 bedrooms, un furnished or partly furnished. 802 East Jackson. UNFURNISHED 5-room house, close In. H. L. Cook, 10 Quince. FOR RENT 7 rooms 2 stories; cor ner, 2 blocks from down town; $27.50. water paid. Tengwald Agen cy, 125 West Main. FOR RENT 4-room modern house. Howard district. Inquire Mac's Market, North Pacific highway. FOR RENT 3-room furnished house. Close 408 West 6th. Phone 1330-J.- FOR RENT--fimall furnished house In rear. Adults. Also apartment for lady. 410 Hamilton. FOR RENT Furnished modern 8 room house. Including electric re frigerator. Phone Jacksonville, 21 or call at Richfield Service Station FOR RENT 3-room house, modern, furnished, garage, adults, no pets Inquire 731 W. 2nd 8t. FOR RENT 8 -room completely fur nished house. L. G. Plckell, 16 So. Bartlett. TWO-ROOM Welch St. furnished cabin. 718 FOR RENT--6-room furnished house 107 Genesee. Tel 124 or 546. FOR RENT Unfurnished house. 417 J St. near store. 3-room Oakdale FOR RENT 20 North Orange. 630 Charlea R" Ray, Room 217 Medford uidg. mono 3U2. FURN. house. Tel. 1322W or 389 FOR RENT Duplex, near Junior HI Call at 328 Haven. FOR RENT Newly decorated 6-room furnished apartment. Inquire 804 East Main. FOR RENT Good 6-room house on North Riverside. Inquire Phlppt Auto Park. Phone 417. FOR RENT 6-room furnished bouse close In Phone 457-J. FOR RENT APARTMENTS NEWLY DECORATED 525 N. Riverside. apartments. APARTMENTS. 618 North Central. DESIRABLE APARTMENT for two adults. 905 West loth. FOR RENT Nice furnished apartment for rent. Oil heat, hot and cold water fur nished. Oood beds, good location. Only 635. MARK A. OOLDY 109 E. Main. Phone 728 Evenings, Call C. R. Beebe. 1633-X. 3-ROOM furnished apartment. Almond. 114 FOR RENT 3-room furnished apart ment. 40 Quince. Phone 641-X. FOR RENT East Main apartment Two adulta. 616. Phone 61 days, 1959-L evenings. FURNISHED apartment, heat, prl ttte bath, Frlgldalre. 806 West Main. FOR RENT Furnished Hotel Hoi lend apartment: Frlgldalre, electric range FOR RENT New. modern 4-room apt., newly furnished 801 North Central. APARTMENTS For Rent 615. 612 and til 230 Beany. Inquire at Shady Nook Qrocery. Apartments: Heated Rm. 21 Oeneese FOR RENT Bachelor apartment garage. 620 8 Oakdale. FURNISHED 2 and 3-room apart ments Adults 604 West 10th. DESIRABLE apartments, 3 rooms and bath, gas neat. Inquire Farmer, it Fruitgrowers Bank FOR RENT Apartment Dureli Court, 3rd and Holly Inquire Apt 6 OE BAUER APTS 6tb at Oakdale: modern furnished or unlurnlsbed large or small Comforts and cour tesy by WEEK or MONTH Phone 713-T "FOR RENT BOARD, ROOM ROOM AND BOARD. 328 N Riverside BOARD AND 800M-716 t Ualn tl per day FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT - 100-acre farm, free water. A. F. F owers. 113 East 12th FOR RENT 'Steam nested office room I wo store Dulldms- 8e Rolled HuDDaxd ot Al UttreU. FOR RENT Furnished Roomi I FOR RENT Sleeping rooms for men. wnn neat, not water ana ieie phone. 132 Almond street. SLEEPING ROOM, close In. 408 Weft Sixth. FOR RENT Furnished room In pri vate home, twin beds, ideal for two persons. 39 Summit. Phone 1346. ROOM FOR RENT 62 60 week: vate entrance. 408 Edwards. prl- ATTRACTIVE ROt)M8 404 8 Orape FOR SALE DOGS, PETS FOR SALE or will trade for what have you Pups. Springers and Chows. 123 Church street, Ashland FOR SALE LIVESTOCK r - ' FOR SALE Purebred Baby Beef. Bronze, Cooper strain. Prize win ning stock. Also purebred Narra gansen. 1H miles west Agate school. Lloyd Hanscom. FOR SALE Cows and Duroc Jersey Pigs. Blackburn Ranch, next to 401 Orchard. FOR SALE Weaner pigs. V4 mile north Central Point, former May field place. C. 'I. Smith. FOR SALE Weaner pigs. Next to Mac's Market. North Pacific hwy. FOR SALE Guernsey cow. coming fresh. Barlow. Wagner Creek road. PALOMINOS, all ages, both sexes represented for quick ssle. Flounce Rock Ranch, Prospect, Ore. 1 REGISTERED 8-year Percheron stallion to exchange. Flounce Rock Ranch. Prospect, Ore. 1 PAIR matched purebred black Percheron filly colts trade for posts Flounce Rock Ranch, Prospect, Ore. FOR SALE In order to promote the registered Guernsey breed In south ern Oregon, we are offering to ex change several registered Guernsey bull calves fron. advanced regis tered cows for grade jt mongrel bull. No strings attached, only the calves must go Into good hands and be well taken care of until a serviceable age, vou keeping your present grade bull until that time For particulars see Wing's Cloverhtll Registered Guernsey Farm. Old Stage Road. Medford FOR SALE Weaner pigs K P Mur ray Crater Lake Hwy Tel 408-R-l FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE Muscovy Duck. N Thomas at corner Arnold lane. FOR SALE 6 months R. I. Red pullets, good stock, few laying hens. Phone 447-J-l. FOR SALE Barred Rock fryers Vi mile south Oak Grove school Route 2. Fred Sanders. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE CHRVSLER IMPER1 ' L, 1037. Good condition. Cost new about 61400. Will sell below Hue Book value. Call 606. FOR SALE or trate for light car, 1450 equity In 1939 Pontlac coupe. Very low mileage. Phone 289-X or call at 423 King street. FOR SALE 1937 Dodge De Luxe sedan. Heater. Low mileage. Etsy terms. C. Fraker, Rt. 1, or phone 010-J-2. OLDS GOES BIO FOR 1940 BETTER USED CARS '39 Olds Sedan 6895 '37 Pontlac Sedan 695 '38 Stude. Sedan 426 "35 Olds Conch 395 '34 Pontlac Sedan .. .. 245 '35 Dodge Panel 246 '29 Chevrolet Coupe 60 '28 Chrysler 'haeton 20 New and Used Cars Under One Roof MEDFORD OARAGE 121 No. Bartlett. Phone 637 Open Sunday and Evenings. FOR SALE '28 Chevrolet. O. Nyberg. Rt. 3, Box 37. ONE 8TUDEBAKER Coupe, good con dition, fully equipped with radio, exchange for milk cows. Flounce Rock Ranch, Prospect, Ore. FOR ALE OR TRADE '36 Ford (205; Dodge truck, t60. What have you? 224 Clark. FOR SALE 1927 Bulck master sedan, good running condition. Will trade for furniture, tools, livestock or what have you? A few of our bargains: Antique furniture, books, stoves, heaters, electric motors, pump Jacks, har ness, hay carrier, three dandy hot water tanks. We trade ror anything usable. Plaza Trade Shop (on the Plaza) Ashland, Oregon. SANDY IS NOT SATISFIED unless you are. with the car or truck be sells you. Come In and compare values. 1937 studebakcr Sedan with radio t.1R5 00 1936 Pontlac Sedan 385 00 1936 Ford Sedan 385.00 1B37 9tudebaker Coupe with overdrive 626.00 1935 Studebaker Sedan with radio....- . SB 5 00 1936 Internationa Truck- 385. ;0 1936 Chevrolet Pickup..... 365.00 A Few of Our Bargains. Wi Have More. STUDEBAKER SALES 6c SERVICE Open Evenings and Sunday. FOR SALE. CHEAP 1938 Chevrolet IVi-ton truck, new rubber: 8195 down. Tel. 40 or 117-W. Medford Iron & Steel Works. REAL Used Car Bargains! See flr-t Shults Bros us FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT Marshall home on Oskdale. Tel. 1318-R. WILL TRADE 520-acre Improved rich farm near Mt. Sterling. Iowa, clear of encumbrance, for Income property In or near Medlord, Ear! Tumy. 310 Liberty Bldg. FOR SALE Improved l'i acres Irri gated on htehway. ONLY 6825 00 and ONLY 8125 00 down. and 10 acres Irrigated. ome Improvements. 800.00 an. 1130.00 down. and acres, highway, new 4-room house. Isrge poultry house. ONLY 51600X0 and 4700 00 down. and Business Opportunities worth the price asked ALSO new low Auto Insur ance rates, plus 25 saving on protected nropertv. OEO YEO and VAI.IEY PFAL ESTATE On the HIeha-av South. Phone 341-R-3. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE CHEAP New 4-room house, close to high and Washington schools. Large living room. 2 bedrooms, bath between cedar closets, kiuhen. back porch, large gara,-. New Wessex water heater, oil heater In living room Easy terms. Phone 1211. FOR SALE Beautiful new modem home. 10 acres. Mile and half from Medford. Five acres In Ladlno. Or will trade for clear home m town. Phone 666-W between 6 and 7 p. m. ONLY $2000 Exceptionally good rooming house with three-room apartment for living quarters. Right in the heart of Medford. MARK A. GOLDY 100 E. Main Phone 738. Evenings, Call C. R. Beebe. 1633-X. FOR SALE 5 and 7 -room modern houses close In. $1,800 each. Pay 200 down and 20 per month, Including 6 Interest. These are exceptional bargains. C. C. PIERCE Room l. Palm Building. Medford CITY and country properties RENT ALS LOANS -INSURANCE -C 8 Butterfleld. 409 Medford Building FOR SALE Equity In Income busi ness property, or trade for car. cash, terms. 246 So. Riverside. WILL sacrifice my equity in 6-room modern house with small acre age. Box 3372, Tribune. FOR SALE! Cozy and comfortable 4-room plastered house and bath. Stationary tubs, cement founda tion, garage, fenced In back yard, nice flowers and lawn. Closo In. Only 1000. easy terms. 29 acres, Bear creek bottom land, near city limits. 13 acres Irrigated 7-room modern house, fireplace, oak floors, city water, family or chard. Will sell at a sacrifice or trade for cltv propertv. L. G. PICKELL 16 8. Bartlett. a 4 A A Two acres, beautiful SI 500 view- with a home that wawww cost ei5000 to bulId but now In need of repair. With a little Intelligent planning and a nominal expense this can be made into a beautiful home at a fractional cost of Its real value. Have carpenter's estimate on file. ELMER HERRIRD No. 7 N. Bartlett St. Phone 1496 or 1513-J. FOR SALE At only $10.92 month, my 4-room modern home. Totnl price, $1,000. Reasonable down pay ment or car as part payment. 519 Mayette, south Cottage St. bridge. LAND AT LAND OFFICE Opportunity for Few Days Only a 300 acres, 6-room bun- S45nn galow, good barn and V"i w WW other outbuildings. Nicely located; good springs. 80 acres alfalfa, 30 acres grain land, balance woods and pasture. Farm land well fenced. Bargain price. 94500. 500 cash; balance, easy terms for tmmedla' sole. See J. C, BARNES, 20 N. Peach or 943 D. Central. Phone I127-Y. HOUSES FOR SALE In Medford and surrounding towns Easy terms Jackson County Federal Saving and Loan Association FEDERAL LAND BANK FARMS Convenient terms Lists available at National Farm Loan Office. 202 Liberty Building. Medford WHEN you think of real estate think of Brown A White FOR EXCHANGE Real Estate SALE OR TRADE for smaller place good 60-acre farm; irrlgnted with crops Sell equity cheap Small down payment Box 3813. Tribune Mail Tribune Daily Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle L City In California T. Came forth 13. Escapes art fully 14. Neither mas culine nor femtnlns 1ft. Palm lily 18. Understanding .8. Football posi tion: abbr. 19. Indian of Tler- ra del Fuego 11. Weeds 21. East Indian plant Pale brown Crag Division of a achool year Long low seats SO One) 40 L;tial action 41. Makes well 4S Pclal digit 44- Imllan mul berry ib Halts 47 Pronoun 4ft Bank officer 50 Seenw 62. Public ttors- houson St. Harpoons Peculiar de- ftoslt of oam Greek letters IL Heavy ham mer 31. Celestial body 34. Fastening pint 17. Arabian chieftain IS. Chum LlAJXjMA pjgB OTO B OjEMNJA E IB E RR Y ft aiT He mMoM e miE tM l Y0HiaGis A NiS E TJIILJE Hji TIO iQjNUSiioML AD E VE INiMIO'WiAlNfE I Tp5W A P jf(M U I TIT E R P E liE GlA TiE SjE T y U 3 U U U MM-j Id i o I z M g i M'L-L 2' '. WA iffia .iw WW m" Mb 3S WT " M43 ZZSZZZ'ZZlIZZ 1 f of- FOR EXCHANGE TO TRADE 1933 Chevrolet truck, Just overhauled. Will trade tor wood. 315 East Eighth. With run Magneto 6i Parts Co. FOR TRADE Will t&f good milk cow tn exchange on piano. Bald win Piano Shoppe. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Used 6 00x18 tire and tube. Phone 732. FOR SALE Hammered oats and vetch hsy. Blue Club seed wheat, also ear corn. Bob Oilman, Ross lane, Medford. FOR SALE Model "W" Cletr-c. Blackburn Ranch, next to 401 Orchard. FCR SALE Apple wood, fireplace and stove. Phone S94 Jacksonville FOR SALE Half grown Bobcat Everette foung, Central Point. Phone 14-XX-3. FOR SALE OR TRADE Good har ness and wason to trade for hay or seed wheat. Leonard McKee Jacksonville. FOR SALE Bicycle In good shape. 10.00. Phone no. witnsm Mag neto & Parts Co . 216 E&st Eighth FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay. South Peach St.. Tlce. ATTENTION DAIRYMEN AND TRUCKERS I For best quality, fine stem, leafy, good color, stock cured alfalfa hay, both first and second cutting, baled especially for truck ship ments. Write or 'Ire James Tozzl and Company, Malln, Oregon, phone 2501. PRACTICALLY NEW automatic :as water heater, $35. Also circulator, reasonable. R. R. Isom, Rt. 3, Box 873. Grants Pass. DRY WOOD. Black Oak and Laurel. 16-lnch. 2.50; 12-tnch Laurel, $225: 16-Inch second growth Fir. 2.O0;12-lnch. sl.75. Call 310 Franklin's Grooery. FOR SALE Tractor 12-lnch gang plow. Phone 344-J-3. FOR SALE Gropes and grape Juice Dell Vineyard, Rt. 2, Medford. FOR SALE Shrubs, local grown. Special prices given for short time. C. A. Hansen. Oak Grove road. WOOD Fir, 12-lnch 9150. 16-lnch t.75. Also nice trailer house' for sale or trade for truck . Central Point, turn left second street across tracks, go 200 yards from comer. OOOD FIR WOOD. 4 tier 12-lnch 96.50. Phone order 1261. FOR SALE Cross-cut saw. wedges, household furniture. Inquire 801 E. Main. Phone 862-W. FOR SALE To settle estate, 90 tons of hay at Applesate; make offer . Inquire .of Charlea Mee, 617 Beatty St., or Thomas Mee. Applegate, Oregon. EXTRA Fancy, large Newtown apples Jean Perl Phone 468-R-2. MOEN'S Fruit Stand Apple Sale Week Fancy red Delicious and New town, prices 35c. 65c. 85c, 95c a box. Bring containers. Telephone 1261. Free delivery. Location op posite Beck's Bakery, No. Riverside FOR SALE Apples, 6 boxes for 9100 and up. One box or a truck load. Cider apples 10c. Winter Nells pears 25c. Joe Kantor, 3 miles east of Phoenix In Fern Valley. FOR SALE Hydraulic pipe giants. Box 3376, Tribune. and FOR SALE Delicious apples. Phone 7-F-12. FOR SALE Eltfht-ton mixed oat hay. Will take good milk cow on deal. Alva Cox, Sams Valley. Cross -Word Puzzle 10. Lowest note - of Ouldo's scale 1L FlBhors Tor certain flab 12 Visions seep In sleep 17. God of love 20. Twin sister of Apollo 22. Return to oflics 24. Bay 26. Kuce track tip sters 28. Devour 29. Pillar In a Buddhist building 31. Disturbs 32. Wax oint ment S3 Dish of eicRS 31 Be Interested LnflRer Pilots Murmurs con tentedly Northwestern 86. 18. DOWN 1. Foi bl'la Manifest 41 Symbol for Bo-Hum Small fifth Copper coin Lari'lfd prop erties Interior Mnrilens Institute legal proceedings Indian 42. Rtafr 45. High moun tain 46. Behold 49. Old-fashioned 8L Symbol for tantalum FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS USED MAGAZINES iold and traded at Jack's Secondhand Store, 106 South Grape. FOR SALE Washer service Full lino genuine Mnvtntf parts Service on all makes Medford Maytag Co.. 31 No Bartlett. phone 38 OLYMPIC EOO MASH with milk $2 25 per sack- Davis Feed Stores FOR SALE Grapes and Walnuts J A Manke 4 miles West of Medford FOR SALE Delicious apple. Inde pendent Packing Co.. Phuenlx. SALE OR TRADE Highly Improved 87 acres 405 J St. FOR SALE Rve gnuie seed. 12c lb E W Oebhardt. Rt 3. Box 84 Med. ford. y mile north 401 Orchard. APPLES Different varieties Geo hard's, mile north Bear creek bridge, Central Point. BLUESTONE LIME. Basl Cap and Bordo Sprays. Davis Feed Stores CUT-HATE PRICES Nu-Way Mat tress and Upholstery Co. Phone 293 209 West 8th St. WALNUTS 10c and 12c lb. Toma toes, 35c. lug. you pick. Blanken ship. Central Point. Sen new lor Mineral Salts. 608 Clark BUSINESS DIRECTORY JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. TITLE INSURANCE ABSTRACTS KSt KOHS MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. 32 No Central Ave. Phone 418 CABINET WORK CABINET WORK STOKE FIXTURES, Furniture and Novelties made to order Furniture repairing. 408 E Main. R. Smith Shnw Dressmaking THE FASHION SHOP Dressmaking Fur Remodeling. Buttons and Buckles covered Room 302 U. 8 Nat') Bank Bldg Tel 1181 Expert Window Cleaner. LET JOE DO IT. Expert window cleaners General house cleaners Floor waxing. Joe 8pence Phone 1 1 72. Chimney and Furnace Cleaning NOTICE For Chimney & Furnace Cleaning Oil Btove Vacuum cleaned, Call George Entnn :t B47. DIAMOND LOANS DIAMOND LOANS QUICK CONFIDENTIAL INEXPENSIVE Require no principal payment! for 0 montns to i year. OREGON FINANCE COMPANY Under Supervision of State Banking Department 46 South Central Avenue Tel 139 Medlord. Ore Lie No B-311 LOANS. MONEY FOR FALL PURCHASES AND PAST DUE BILLS 1 A eomplete loan service a plan that will meet your needs. Up to S300 ($500 on cars) advanced ewtrtl) and without embarrassing Investi gation on your signature and per sonal security, auto, or household goods Full amount in advance no deductions. Make your applica tion by personal call, phone or write. OREGON FINANCE CO. 48 Bouth Central. Phono 139 Ground Floor Craterlan Bldg. License 8-311. M-317. MONEY TO LOAN on modern dwell ings of late construction 9 76 per month per thousand Low interest rate. BROWN A: WHITE. 104 W Mnln Auto l.naiis. LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY to buy new or used cars Private money at new low rates Immediate action. No red tape. 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAY. W E. THOMAS 46 South Central Phone 139. Ltoense M-317. $20 to $1,000 On Your Csr. 1030 to 1039 model care and light trucks. 1 to 18 months to repay. CONSUMERS CREDIT CO. HAROLD H BROWN AOENCY. Agent. 133 East Main. M-230 Phone 807. You Can Save Money and Time by Getting Your CAR LOAN OR ; REFINANCING Direct From the Lender, The OREGON FiN '.NCE CO 46 South Central. License M-317. CAR LOANS Botve your financial problems by reflnsnelng or borrowing. LOANS ON OARS 1933-1939. Trt-State Acceptance Corp. License M-253. MARK A. GOLDY 109 B Main Phone 720 .VJustral In, uctlon HOMER McDONALD offers courses In Popular Piano, 'lano Accordion, Voice, Saxophone, Clarinet, Violin, Strln Bnw. Htilfllo. Spurts Fids. Ph 942-J Radiator Repairing. HOOPER'S RADIATOR SERVICE S3 South Bsrtlett ROOKING WE REPAIR or apply any type of roof Psbco Roofings Shingles Coatlnis and pnlnts. Wsll i'jper One-third off Ekerson Paint and Roof Co. U So. BurUstt. Tel, 343. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Iranfcfer. JAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE 40 3 Fir Street. Insured Cirrlers. Local and Urn; Distance Hauling Phone fl44. CITY TRANSFER St. STORAGE CO. Household moving and general hauling 29 S Grape Phone 2050 day or night. EAD3 TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Olflee 26 So Fir Phone 315 Prices rtuht Sorviee iruarnnteed LEGAL NOTICES Notice. Outstanding warrants of Prospect School Dlst. No. 59. numbers from 9 to 23 Inclusive, are hereby called for paym nt. Interest ceases Oct. 27, 1939. Rose J. Kelley, District Clerk. County Treasurer's Coll For General County Fund Warrants Notice Is hereby given that there are funds on hand lor the redemp tion of all Warrants drnwn on the General County Fund that were reg istered to, and including August 31st. 1939. Interest on the above called Gen eral County Fund Warrants ceases on November 2nd. 1939. Dated nt Medford, Ore., octoner 28th, 1939. RALPH E. SWEENEY, County Treasurer of Jackson County. Ore, Notlre of llftirInK twill Account Notice Is hereby given by the un dersigned Executor that it has filed its Pinal Account as Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Ernest E. Smith, deoeased, and that FTlday, November third. 1939. at ten o'clock A. M. at the court room of the county court In the Jackson County Court House In Medford. Oregon, has been by order of the Jackson County Judge fixed es tho time and place for hear ing objection to such account and settlement thereof. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OP PORTLAND. Executor. FRED B. SMITH. . Eugene. Ore. Atty., for Executor. Summons For Publication In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County. City of Medford, Oregon, Plaintiff. vs. Mary Btancllfte. unmarried; Vivian Stanclltte Jackson and Cteorgn Jackson, wife and husband; Charles Isaacs, a widower: Luther Stan cllffe and Olive Sunbeam Swn cllffe, husband and wife; Bert Stancllffn, unmarried; Mabel Stan clllfo Bourne and Ooorgo Bourne, wife and husband; Bertha Haneen and O. C. Hansen, wife and hus band; Jackson County, Oregon; unknown heirs of Henry P. Stun- clltfe. deceased; and also all other persons or parties unknown claim ma anv rlsht. title, estate, lien or Interest In or to the roal property described in the complaint, oe fendants. To Marv 8tancllffe, unmarried; Vlv. Ion Stancllffe Jackson and George Jackson, wife and husband: tnaries Isaacs, a widower: butner otan cllffe and Olive Sunbeam Stan cllffe, husband and wife; Bert Stancllffe, unmarried; Mabel Stan cllffe Bourne and George Bourne, wife and husband; Bertha Hansen and 0. O. Hansen, wife and hus band: Jackson County, Oregon: unknown holra of Henry P. Stan cllffe. deceased: and also all other persons or parties unknown claim ing any right, title, estate, Hen or Interest In or to the real property described in the complaint, the above named defendants: In the name of the State of Ore gon: You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the last day of four weoks from the date of the first publication of this sum mons, said period of four weeks be ing tho time prescribed for publica tion hereof, and If you fall ao to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In its complaint, to-wlt: That a decree bo entered adjudicating any and all right, title, estate, lien or claim which you or either of you have or claim to have In, to or upon tho real property situated In the City of Medford. Jackoon County, State of Oregon, described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a point 330 feet south of tho Northeast corner of Lot Two (3) In Block Two (3) of Mlngus Subdivision to the City 'of Medfcrd. Jackson County, Oregon, according to the official plat thereof, now of record, and running thenco West 8.13 chains; B thence South 60 feet; thenco East 3 13 chains to the east lino of said Lot: thence North 00 feet to the point of beginning, and declaring any and all auch claims to bo null and void and decreeing that aald plaintiff is the owner In fee simple of said premises and of tho whole thereof, free and clear of any and all right, title, estate, lien or interest of the de fendants herein, or any of them: and each end all of the defendants herein, and each and all persons claiming or to claim by. tnrougn or under them, or any of them, bo for ever enjoined, restrained and barred from asserting, attempting to estab lish or claiming any right, title eytate. lien or Interest In or to aald nroncrtv or any portion thereof, and that plaintiffs title to aald premises bo forever quieted and set at rest, and such further and other relief aa may bo Just and equitable In the premises. This summons is published by order of the Honorablo H. D. Norton. Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered in said court and cfluse on the 8th day of October. 1939. prescribing that this summons be eerved by publication thereof once each week for four consecutive weeks In the Medford Mall Tribune. newspaper of general circulation In and published In Jackson County Oregon. October 9th, 1039 U the data of the first publication of this sum mons. P. P. PARRELL, Attorney for Plaintiff. 308 Pluhrer Building. Medford, Oregon. Administrator's Final Notice. Notice is hereby given that tho undersigned administrator of the es tate of Edwin B. Hawkins, deceased, has filed In the County Court of Orison for Jackson County his duly verified final account and said Court has fixed Saturdav. November 18, 1039. at 10 00 o'clock In the fore, noon of said day at the Court Room of aald Court In Medford, Oregon, as the time and place for the bearing of said final account. All persons having objections to said final ac count are hereby notified to make of file the same with said Court on or before said date. CLAUDE L. HAWKINS, Administrator of the estate of Edwin B. Hawkins, deceased. Dated and first published Octo ber 16 1939 COURT HOUSE NEWS Mnrrlagt Licenses Charles Glen Sanger, LotU Satterfield. Circuit Court Divorces: Helen Porter vs. Charles Law rence Porter. Bessie Edsall Warner vs. Irv ing Hudson Warner. Probat Court Estate, Marie E. Perrlne. Estate, Guy E. Gano. Deeds Vada O. Lewis, Admin., to B. 1. Pomeroy et ux, Deed in Medford. Exa V. Watson to Llewellyn W. Batea et ux. W. D. in Medford. O. M. Knox ot tut to Harry Foswr et ux, W. D. in Jacksonville. C. A. Whlllock to Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank, Deed, in Med ford. Samuel C. Bruce to Mabel C. Bruce, W. D. 160 acres In 11-34-3 East. S. C. Bruce to Mabel C. Bruc, W. D. In 11-34-3 East. Celestla Rogers to Lucille V. Smith. W. D. 8-40-3 East. Sadie H. Dale to George W. Hotmail ot ux, W. D. In 18-38-1 West. Jemima Edsall to Harry V. Nldever et ux. W. D. In 40-4 East. Sarah J. West to W. S. Jewott et ux, W. D. In Medford. E. A. Skeeters at ux to A. J. Parr et ux, W. D. In Medford. Sheriff Syd I. Brown to Marian A. Williams, deed 38.34 acres 87-3 weal. John E. Johnson et ux to A, J. Depuy ot ux, W. D. 13 acres Evans Creek. Eagle Point Irrigation District to Roland Allen, deed, Eagle Polns Meadowa. May Qllck ot al to Harry V. Dld evor et ux, W. D. In Ashland. Bertha L. Tlmmerman to Rose M. Rock. W. D. in Medford. Jackson County Bank to O. P. McKibben et ux, W. D. Pitt View. Prank Wtieeler et ux to John O. Smith, W. D. in 14-34 west. W. E. Olbson to Luella J. Matlack, Q. C. D. 8.88 acres in 37 west. Jessie a. Blshoff ot vlr to George A. Thomas, W. D. in Medford, Martha E. Duty to Claire Hayward, Q. O. D. In 89-1 oast. Miles B. Harper et ux to Clair Hayward, W. D. in Ashland. Mattle J. Hopper to Nettle B. Kampman, Q. 0, D. in Ashland. D. A. Chambers ot ux to Clayton W. Lewis et ux, W. D. Central Point. Ina Miller to Carl Miller, Q. C. D. In Eaglo Point. Albert A. Hall to Mllo W. Spencer t ux, W. D. In 34-1 west. Asll A. Walker ot al to Oarl It Lents et ux, W. D. In Gold Hill. Arlle Worrell to John Louis Tamney ot ux, W. D. in Ashland. Ernest M. Jetfery et ux to Ray mond J. Stubblefleld ot ux, W. D. In Ashland. Raymond J. Stubblefleld ot ux to C. P. Luchtorhand et ux, W. D. In 39-1 east. Roy V. Martin et ux to Julia a. Orubb, W. D. In Medford. Clarence W. Coffman ot ux to El len Dougherty, W. D. In 37-3 west. Ellen Dougherty to Clarenos W. Coffman tt ux, W. D. in Medford. . Dorothy C. Hcnton to H. M. Gsr ber, ot ux, W. D. Sprlngbrook tub division. Lake Creek Lake Creek, Oct. 28. (Spl.) Sunday guests at the Wm. Hoefft home' were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Argraves and son Keith of Klam ath Falls and Kenneth Kamburg of Central Point. Miss Joan Nussbaum, who was home with a bad cold, returned this week to St, Mary's academy where she s attending school. Mr. and Mn. Harry Tonn and family of Medford spent a few days at the Tonn home here, returning home Sunday. Fred Knox of Medford spent Sunday at the Roy Grlgsby home. Mrs. Jennie Meehan Is spend tng a few days with her eon, J. B. Meehan of Medford. 4 WINDOW GLASS Wo sell window glass and will replaca your broken windows reasonably. Trowbridge Cab inet Work. c 3 NEED CASH? BORROW ON YOUR CAR Let us oxpiain Dow easy It is to nan ready cash with your ear as security Phono SI tor full information Commercial Finance Corp. "Tho friendly Ptnanot Company" W W Walker. President first Natl Bant Bldg Phono II License Number 134 5