PAGF, STC MEDFORD MATT TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1939. A fter A Man's Heart bv JEAN RANDALL ..,UAY . buff and Georut ire fuspictouj of Iris, but can't llfjura what her gam is The land she bought back is worthless, but thru think it will soon leave her possession. Chapter 21 Srii'iilific Sillily I'LL BACK you to do whatever needs to be done." George rose and rested friendly hand on her shoulder for an instant. "Of course I know you were Joking, Buff, when you used to talk about mar rying Tim; but golly, how swell it would be if it really happened! I couldn't wish anything better for old Tim and he's one of the best, though 1 admit he's acting like seven kinds of a fool just now than to pick himself a wife like you." Sue looked steadily ahead of her. "I wasn't fouling, George. I'm not now. I'm going to marry Tim." "He know it?" demanded the startled Mr. Weekes. "No." Her mouth drooped a little sadly. "That is, I've told him often enough but he refuses my oft or." "Ho why, tho silly so-and-so, the . . . why, I'll make him marry fou if I have to bash his head inl "Calm yourself, George dear. You sound like the father of the wronged maiden in a dialect poem 'In Texas, down on the Rio Grande,' or something like that. I'll handle this matter myself, and thank you so much! Is that clearly understood?" He opened his mouth, shut It, opened it again to say, "Clearly; most clearly indeed, my dear Miss Atlas. Any other little jobs you've laid out for yourself? Like shoving Long's Peak a mile or so nearer to Pike's, for example?" "You consider mv task so diffi cult?" "Well. Tim If Tim's made un nis mind either to do or not to do something, he's not what you might call easy to influence. And with this Iris complication again to the tore but my money s on you, Bud, every time. And may heaven hlngs vnlll" he snirl nt the (fnnr Buff set herself to the study of iris ucniuin wun the com aciacn ment nnd concentration of a scien tist. She wanted to know two things about her: first whether the newcomer was sincere in her pro testations of innocence about the ITnir of the summer; second, in just what lay the charm she ex erted over Tim, as well as over most of the men she met. The second question was more easily answered than the Hirst Iris was sex-conscious. It was not in her to allow anything masculine, whether it was Boulder's most eli gible young lawyer or the freckle faced urchin wlip brought cigar ettes to her room, to depart without having her mark put upon him. She did it automatically, perhaps instinctively, mui decided. "She was a lovely little girl," ran Bull's thoughts. "Graceful, pretty, with that white &kin and those wistful dark eyes. She probably flirted in her kindergarten days. In her teens she got real results. It's an occupation with her just as Lance must concern himself with the reaction of his public to every new character he puts in his car toons." Bag Of Tricks THERE was nothing spiteful In this analysis. Buff was honestly trying to understand a nature dis tinctly foreign to her. Her life with her parents had given her a large tolerance of humanity's foibles. Somehow the discovery that most of Iris's "affairs" were impersonal, merely the nrtist's display of talent before an audience of one and that invariably masculine, served to soften her fault toward Tim in the younger girl's eyes. She discovered that Iris had a bag of tricks, as professionally nec essary as that of a conjurer. The drooping of long lashes against a petal white cheek, the sudden wide and radiant smile which so trans formed her, the appealing hand on a man's arm. the caressing little upward- inflection in the lovely voice Ins used them, one after another, impartially. Buff came to know them all. to watch for them. What mystified her was that Iris's victims remained unaware of her technique no matter how often and automatically it was used. Lance Carroll's daughter, gifted with his own ability to burlesque anything and anybody, took sober counsel with herself on the subiect. She know how delicately but effec tively she could exhibit Iris to Tim tinctiy phony to me. However. I'll wait to be sure!" So Boulder was treated to the unusual sight of Buff Carroll and Iris DcMuth, Tim's erstwhile fiancee and his present friend and comrade, going everywhere to gether. Bull lunched at the Boul derado with Iris Iris, witli Tim and George a George who exhib ited an unexpected suavity toward the girl he disliked and distrusted dined with Bum at her apart ment. The quartet took in a weekly movie together. They drove, when the roads were clear of snow, up into one alter another ot the sev eral canyons opening out of the University town. Tea In Buff's living room became a daily function; with Iris, always lovely, always a trifle mysterious and remote, lying back in the chair which best framed her dark head, while Bulf presided over the table. and the town's younger set came and went. "No chance at al! to see you alone these days," George grum bled. "I've been wanting to toll you that the land still stands in Iris's name. Whatever her game is she's going to play it slowly and cautiously this time. She needs to, in view of the rumpus that busi ness kicked up here last summer." "You're still convinced she's playing a game?" They were talk ing in undertones in the small din ing room. Buir had slipped away to stick her head through the swinging door and ask Webby for more sandwiches. George had fol lowed her, and detained her in consultation. Thrill Of Danger "I VHAT else?" he Inquired sim ' ' ply. "It's not in her to love Tim, or any other man. She might be devoted to a bully, the sort of man Latshaw is, for instance but it's more fear and admiration, the thrill of danger, than it is airection she feels, even for him. She has no inner resources, if you understand what I mean. Two steps lower in the social scale and she'd be the typical gangster's "mo'l." She loved the feeling ot power it gave her to be catspaw for t.ntshaw golly, it rhymes! Sorry, Buff! If she had more brains she'd make a dandy spy for some European country. As it is. she's not bad. she's not clever. She's a darned sight closer to be ing tho sweet clinging vine she's always portraying than she real izes." "You think this man Latshaw sent her back here? Gave her in structions to make it up with Tim?" "Exactly. They figured he fell so hard for her last year that .it wouldn't be a big job to get hold of him again. It's exactly the sort ol thing to flatter Iris's vanitv. Lat shaw knows that and is making use of it. For some reason best known to himself, he wants that land back. ... I wish to heaven I knew why! If it is merely to get posses sion of it legally, he could have bought it at the price Tim and I had set on it. But no, Iris must needs pay what we'd lost, and therefore renew her hold on Tim. Tim's tho keystone of the deep dark plot if plots have keystones. Latshaw needs him for some thing." He scowled all the way un to his rapidly retreating hairline. "I wish I knew what!" Bulf nut a question she had lone hesitated over. "Tim . . . what do you think about Tim, George?" "You mean, is he back in Iris's toils? We sound like characters melodrama. Bull! That's hard to say. If I had had the sense in the beginning not to sail into her, that infernal chivalry of his wouldn't have been aroused. As il is he's looking for trouble every timo I open my mouth about her xou two are queer, he mused aloud. "You and Tim, I mean. Neither one of you is happy unless you are protecting somebody. Tim's doing a knight-in-armor act lor Ins, you re on guard for Tim s sake. I wish," he finished plaintive ly, "somebody would yearn to look after me a while. Is it because I'm not tall and sort of gaunt look ing, like Tim? Or is it because his hair is so thick and .-.iruly? Why docs no one long to rush to my de- en so,' She patted Us arm soothinclv. "You belong to the League of de fense yourself. George dear! Who saw Tim through that had time in August? Who came out to the ranch and fussed anxiously about his health, his mental state? You're worrying now, you just said so!" tie grinned sheepishly and Mrs. Webb appearing at that moment with a replenished sandwich plate, he took it from her and went about the living room, offering suste nance to Bull's guests. 1 he ttrst part of uufis problem was soivea lor her unexpectedly s she was, not as he saw her. The and by Iris herself It was a bitter faintest accentuation of that co-! day in February, with a wind that quettish appeal could not fail to : howled like an aconi.-ed soul about make it ridiculous. i the campus, hard pellets of snow "But I shan't do it until I've : driven down from the high peaks prorcd not just guessed or be lieved, but prorcd that Iris does not love Tim, One part of my mind says she does how could she or any girl help it. darling Tim! The other reminds me coldly that when all is said and done, she did him the greatest possible injury last summer. And 1 don't think she's making walking almost impossi ble. The two girls had lunched to gether in ButT's dmtng room and afterwards Iris had appropriated the softest chair and drown it close to the tire. She had a cat's talent for making herself comfortable; also a cat's daintiness about her peison. Butt thought, watching her tnirh a fool as she wants us par-1 touch her ha-r with deft fingers, ticularly Tim to believe. She smooth the folds of her wine-col-knows ton much about men to have ' orcd corduroy velvet, relax in just let that Latshaw deceive her. All 1 the position which best displayed that business of switchinc ore : the crossed s'er..!er ankles. specimens on Tim it sounds dis- I'oulliuiril tomorrow. Thompson Creek Thompson Crock, Oct. 30 (Spl) Mr. nnd Mrs. Auhroy Vostus of Cut.. vimU1 Mrs. Vrstus' son Claronco Gassa way, recently. Kdward Kubli of Aoplt-ato was a business callrr on Thomp son crook Wednesday. Itcr Hill of Pnm:t cmUkI nt ttir I'lurrm'f (.lAftKftwitT hum October 23 The Co home u belli renlihvlcd ntl the jvivh rebuilt. Minn Mer absent from h V h i hor Th 1 1 nv a y with b d cold. Mr dun N.vm iiui not, Walter Wn. left cv-tolvr 27 Tor fn Fran-ctfc-o to vtNt her wvi M' i-laiy Cofftnt, and aio w Uit (air. Mr. and Mn Geonee FVMs Tinted at the Prank tVKr hone Octo ber Jf. John 5vt". And Mr. Vanetvamp Surt nt tho i'.V.f Mrri home AppWate H.vv.r Economic club met at the lunno of Mm Be.vMe F I more CV t ohe r 2 $ with a good a t -tendance. Carl U'litr. b.trN-r of Uold Hill. (V.NM at the I,k1 T.untv.;,;h heme LVloNr JJ Prank Wiikm of near F.w Po. t purvhti thrtv iiuemtev cows ot S t. John t on CvtoNr -'S P J Ho .!'.. t. vo o Fvc'e Point the ro f -vn :v.-v h a r vine bred Uurr'ie o! 3 L .K'htwion Or lobe - Mr? N :vt r. t w vtited - - Ciosiiv tin; : : l Lt 10 c. .!) At la l.jO p m On the Radio Chains STATIONS IVhFre to Find Them on the Dial: KKX. I'orlianU. IIKCJ; KrL. 640 Lua.tngrles: KtlA. Mill, Spokane KUO, VJU, Hun Kim 620. rorllnndi KJK. B7U. arm I It. KNX. 1(130. Lot Antelrl; KUA. 3U Dun it: KOIN. 010. Portland KOMO. Ilia. S.-ulllr; KI'll. U;10. Han Knnirlxfi; Ksl.. I ISO, Hall l ake Mmiiluy 6:00 Party, KPO. KPI, KOW; Prank and Archie. KEX, KJR; Sun set Shadows, KOO. 5:30 Time nd Tempo. KOW: Kel seys Orch.. KCIO, KEX. KJR: True or Fnlse, KOMO; Mntitcr Singers, KPO. fi:oo Solol8ts, KOO. KTEX: Radio Theater, K8U KNX. KOIN: Quiz Program. KPO. KOW. KFI. 8 :30 Tcmpleton Time, KPO. KOW. KKI: youth Question KOO. KEX. KJR. 1:00 Dnnce Orch., KOO. KEX: Music, KPO. KOW, KPI; Lombardo's Orch.. K8L, KNX, KOIN; News. KJR. 7:30 Blodnie. KNX. KSL, KOIN. Musical Sensations, KPO, KPI. KOW; Radio Forum, KOO. KJR. KEX. 8:00 Amos and Andy. KNX. KOIN. KSL; Doe's Music. KEX; Aloha Land. KOO: Prcd Waring. KPO, KOW. KFI. 8:151 Love a Mystery. KOW. KPO, KFI: Lum and Abner, KNX. KSL, KOIN: Political Talk, KGO; Songs, KEX. B 30 Margaret Speaks, KPO, KPI. KOW; Lyman's Orch., KOO. KEX: Model Minstrels. KNX. KSL, KOIN. 8:00 Sherlock Holmes, KPO, KFI, KOW; Tun Up Time, KNX, KOIN. KSL; Trua or False, KOO, KEX, KJR. 9:30 Hawttiurne House, KPO, KOW, KKI; Carter's Orch.. KGO; NIchoLs' Orch., KNX; News. KJR. 10:00 News Reporter; KPO, KFI. KOW: Msdrlguera'a Orch.. KOO, KJK: News. KSL, KNX: News, KOIN 10:30 Music by Woodbury. KPO. KOW: Pianist. KNX. KOIN. KSL: Foster's Orch.. KOO. KJR. KEX. 1 1 :00 Ravaza a Orch.. KPO. KFI: This Moving World. KEX. KJR: Or ganist, KOIN, KSL; News, KOO, KNX. KOW. Toeulu)' 5:00 Aldrlch Family. KPO. KFI. KOW; Frank and Archie. KEX. KJR; Sunset Shadows, KOO, 6 30 Sherlock Holmes, KOO, KEX. KJR; Heldfa Orch., KPO. KFI, KOW; Tuesday Night Party, KSL. 6:00 Music Room, KOO, KEX; Melody and Madness, KPO, KGW, KFI. 8:30 Fibber McOee. KPO, KFI. KOW; Crosby's Orch.. KNX. KSL. KOIN: Literature. KGO; News. KJR 7:00 These Amazing Years, KGO. KEX; Bob Hope, KPO, KGW, KFI. Calling All Cars, KNX. 7:30 Pop-Oils. KNX, KOIN: Fun With the Famous, KGO, KJR; Dog House. KPO. KFI, KOW; News. KSL. 8:00 Amos and Andy. KNX, KOIN. KSU Fred Waring. KPO. KFI. KGW: Information Please. KOO, KEX, KJR 8:15 Jimmy Fldlcr, KSL, KNX. KOIN; I Love a Mystery. KPO, KFI. KOW. 8:30 Aldrlch Family. KOO, KEX. KJR: Johnny Presents. KPO. KFI, KOW; Big Town, KOIN, KNX. 9:00 Martin's Orch., KEX; Tuea day Night Party, KOIN, KNX: Oood Morning Tonight. KPO, KFI, KOW; Dance Hour, KOO. 9:30 Messner's Orch., KGO, KEX; Battla of the Sexes. KPO. KOW, KFI: We, the People, KNX, KSL, KOIN: News, KJR. 10:00 News Reporter, KPO. KFI, KGW: Sullivan News. KNX. KSL: Madrlguera's Orch., KOO. KJR, KEX; News. KOIN. 10:30 Foster's Orch., KPO. KFI, KOW; Dance Orch , KGO, KEX. KJR; Loranda Orch., KNX. 11:00 Ravazza's Orch.. KPO. KFI; This Moving World. KEX: Pianist, KSL. KOIN; News. KGO, KNX, KGW. Derby Derby, Oct. 30. (Spl) Mrs. Omid Chambers, school clerk, was out taking census Wednes day. Her daughter, Mrs. Wil liam Dunlap of Butte Falls, ac companied her. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Clark and family visited in Derby Tuesday. Mrs. Bert Chambers and mother. Grandma Brown, made cider Monday. Ted Arnold of Sacramento. Vernon Haynes family Friday. RESTFUL MEAL By GLUYAS WIM-IAMS 1" ' SFRvTfJ CHILPRIX "WrjR. LUNCHEON, AWD P1CK5 UP HFR fOKK , 160KIK6 FOR WARD lb RESffltt MBIL LAYS DOwN HER TORK IH ORDER 1b Tit JUNIOR'S NAPKIN ROUND HIM Aft ABI8 PICKS UP FORK A6AIK PROPS If AND RUSHES 1b MOP UP AS JOWIDR, 6E- 1W& BACK INTO HIS CHAIR, UPSETS HI5 MILK C. H. Haynes, and family and brother, jerry Arnold. Grandma and Grandpa Brown, aged 81 and 83, have just finished building a new wood shed. Derby is justly proud of them. Mr. and Mrs. Al Robison vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Haynes Friday. Al had Vernon put his sawmill engine in time. Mrs. T. R. Mercer called on Mrs. Ed Eldred Wednesday. They visited school in the after noon. Mrs. Bert Chambers was also a visitor. Percy O'Niel bought three new tires in Medford Saturday. Roads between here and Butte Falls are almost impassable and very hard on tires. He is em ployed by Medford corporation. Mrs. Addie Smith visited the Cal., is visiting his sister, Mrs. Urge Hitch-hiking Ban Tillamook, Ore., Oct. 30. The Northwest Oregon Peace Officers association passed a resolution asking rigid enforce ment of Washington and Oregon laws against hitchhiking Satur day night at its quarterly meet ing. Corvallis was awarded the January meeting. Das Mall Tribune want ada. STRANGE AS IT SEEMS By JOHN HIX For further proof addroaa the author, Inclosing a a tamped envelope for reply. Reg. V. S. Pat OS. Mr y7rl '0THER ? fSEoRcSE CANNING. i t.-v .. ITrrr--, M Pi PHNIrlM nCN" I I . I.MD UPf? FlPtTPr-ii I , frilNfiS 6ETSfRAI6HTtNET) OlK AfLASf. PICKS UP Fork asain iq-xS LAVS rr DOWN ONCE MORE AS JUNIOR AND SlTCR ANNOUNCE 1r)EV CANY CW "fHElR MEM'. CW5 ifFoR-TrlEM PICKS UP FORK A6AIN ANP STOPS 1b ADMINISTER FIRST AID lb SI5HER WHO IN PCKT W& UP DROPPED CRACKER HAS 6BN6EP HER HEAD BEGINS EATIN6 ftf LASH A FEW SECONDS BEftRE, BCTrl CHILDREN REPORT friEV ARE READY TOR. KlORE tRHpufd by The Bpll Syndifsl."TaO TAILSPIN TOMMY Startling Information! V - nM B. N I NjV'Jf- VlAlESVlrtN fSEoRcSe- CANNING. Foreign Minteierof dreef-Britain, M4PlR60Trle Monroe doctrine Trie KEVNoTE OF WHICH KEEP BUROPBM PoMERS CUT OF AMERICAN AFFAIRS" -JB23- ' SLA OH A PLATE CUPBOhRD OP THE A. H. DAVIS HoME, Seaside, Ore. 1fte Milwaukee V.M.C.A.-- 5UEPTc7CLEARim.S ON A ONE'NCH OF- LhNP ew. imb) ' rnltf4 rntmsnainu. Ira. MONROE DOCTRINE Strange as it seems, the efforts of a European statesman were responsible for America'! for mulation of the Monroe Doctrine, the keynote of which it keeping Europe out of American al fairsl George Canning, Great Britain's foreign minister, in 1823 four limes proposed that the United States join England in a declaration to check invasion of the western hemisphere by Spain and Russia. England was interested in unrestricted trade with the Spanish-American countries and was opposed to the Holy Alliance. President Monroe- was inclined to accept, but after lengthy discussion John Quincy Adams, secretary of stale, convinced Monroe of the worth of an independent declaration. Tomorrow: Original Witch of Salem. HE'D DO ANYTHING TO PRODUCE SUPER.- SHOTS.... HE ARRANGED... V,1: w1Dk F-? DEATH' LJ WHAT DO MISS LARKIN.'WfRE V RITIS Dl D N I BUT RITIS WOULDN'T ( HE'D DO NEVADA TOLD Y0U?7V0U MEAN? TRYING, TO CLEAR UP EVERYTHING! STOOP TO MURDER, J ANYTHING TO l BtVtRLT,.. WHAT DID THE MYSTERY OF YOUR POSSIBLE.... JU5T TO RUIN ERR. MISS LARKINJSHE SAY? FATHER'S DEATH!. .DOy TO KILL L JACKSON... .1 kWA RlwnT.' J.U IVE OT Y0U,SU3PEOT-' I THE PICTURE , I ARRANGED.... 1 A "TOf5! TO "SEE: RITIS HAD ftj) j V WITH DELAYS! V LvVjHOSt CRASHES.. By HAL FORREST ..SO THAT WHEN GIGANTIC PRODUCTIONS ABSORBED JACKSONS EQUITY... THLY WOULM HUVfc f BOX OPUCE PICTURE.' 7 BEN WEBSTER'S CAREER Pending Developmental By EDWIN ALGER T" ( WHEW.' JUST WHATVS93fl AND THE-RES i BLESS ) B6H, THIS IS MlGHTV I I BUT WHV HAsY THAT IS I WAS AFRAID OF """"J MR. BALLINGER- ( MV J SERIOUS! IF HE'S GOT IT TAKES HIM SOMETHING s r STEPLOCK HAS AH HE'S READING I SOUL! THE RIGHT KIND OF A WEEK TO THAT ONLY" HIS A S 3?Tfi3lSSW?riti Ssa r-S W jf N ANSWER, HE'LL HAVE $l ANSWER IT? REMARKS 1 Xa. THE NEBBS Scareditltl By SOL HES K "ZSZr, a.6 SOOD -GUES5 1 GOT I vSMNP-Ke 1 A UTTLE FEVER 1 MYf3E ID BETTER CALL TWE DOCTOR - NOU HAVE MO FEVER. VOL) HEADS AS COLO, AS A WELL DOGS- M05E WELL. AH. ER -TO TcLLTwE TRUTH TmE M1TVVIT HECK CAME OOWM HERE! EMMA HAD TO GO AMO TELL HIMj THAT WE HAD SAHAH. ALL. DOLLED URT- Awin-TLjA-r 7 rzjyr ucroi HA dCB NVITH PLIMT.- I HIS HIP POCKET IS STICKING OUT LIKE IT WAS HlDlNJG A SUSl i A MAD DOG: ' 50 HE'S GOT VOO 5CARED, HAS HE? VOOdUST TALKED A HORMETOuroPUiSMf-ST WITH THAT LIP.FPAL SAR DP OURS 1 DOWT lOU THIMK.VD , 1 BcTTER BUI LD S- , r- VOUAMtST O I V I ivirrQ Ti,r urn LA ' '. QvtK -UL 1 m