PAGE TWELVE MEDFORD MATT TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 20, 1939. After A Man's Heart . by JEAN RANDALL .jiKDAV: fluff ttltu!l accurate her new apartment, and Mrs. Webb cooks delicious din ner! for Tim and George. Tim it beginning to eel that Buff it car ryinp the joke about being en gaged to him, a little too lar. Chapter IS Parental Pressure BUTT'S parents arrived in Bould er the next day, Lance raRing tt having to come for his recreant daughter, Eleanor uneasy over a situation which she did not in the least understand. Buff made it all clear to them both in half an hour's talk. "TL-n needs me," she said. "And I I need him. That's really all there is to it, dears." Lance, hitherto restrained by his wife's hand on his, burst into ex clamatory speech. "All? All? It's neither the begin ning nor the ending. Buff, are you sure you're well? You may be com ing down with one of those linger ing illnesses; walking typhoid, perhaps. At any rate, I want to see this fellow; ask him some ques tions. Who does he think he is, any way, that he expects to marry my daughter on such short acquaint ance, and without my consent? Why, I've never so much as laid eyes on himl Your mother and I " Eleanor again silenced him. "There's really only one question to be asked. Buff darling. Do you love him?" Buff raised clear eyes to hers. "I don't know. Eleanor, truly I don't. All I know Is that I want to take care of him. He s been so ter ribly hurt" her own sensitive face reflected Tim's misery "and he has nobody but George weekes to atand by him. And and I do need an occupation!" "Marriage should be something p-ore than an occupation, dear. It is an occupation, of course; a full time ioj for any woman. But un less there's romance glamor to tart one off with, I doubt if it would be bearable." They were talking together, mother and daughter, as if Lance were not present, a fact he re lented. "What's the man's name?" he demanded. "Corliss oh, yes, I re member you wrote us about him. Tell me why he's been hurt Why should he be hurt? He's a grown man, isn't he? Men don't allow themselves to be hurt. Men are first of all that is, if the amount to anything! self-reliant. Look at me, for example. Do I need help? Does anyone look after me? On the contrary I spend my life protecting my wifo and daughter." His wife and daughter ex changed smiles. Buff launched into a detailed account of what had happened to Tim. She knew and counted upon her father's easily aroused sympathy for the unfairly treated. Nor was she disappointed in this cace. By the time she had finished. Lance was boiling with rase at Iris UeMuth. her nartner in deception, the entire citizenry of Boulder, Its government, its local ordinances and state laws. He was with difficulty restrained from hunting up a lawyer and filing charges agninst several people. George Weekes included. , "He mould have realized what was happening," he said illogically. "He was here while poor Corliss was in Idaho Springs, you admit that yourself!" Eleanor remained unmoved by the storv of Tim's various misfor tunes. Usually the softest-hearted of women, she was definitely an tagonistic toward this man who had usurped her parents' place in Buff's heart Incredibly Stubborn' TT IT is her heart and not her maternal complex," she mused. "Heaven knows I want a happy marriage for my child, but how do I know this would be happy? It doesn't sound so. The only thing in the man's favor is that so far he has held out against Buff." She paused to reflect on this amazing fortitude. She and Lance knew what it meant to oppose the girl W hen she set her mind as well ns her conscience on any action. "He really must be a strong person," she admitted reluctantly. ''Or else ineredihlv stubborn." Mrs. Webb greeted the Carrolls with joy, declaring it was a real pleasure to have the artist to cook for. She served them a lunch which banished the last of Lance's ill humor, and he set, forth to call on Tim in his pleasantest mood. "I wish he wouldn't go," Buff said unhappily. "Thus is my own problem. I don't want any parental pressure applied. If Lance chooses to play the heavy father " ' Darling, don't vou know him better than that? He'll probably fall into conversation with Mr. Corliss " "Tim1" "Well. Tim, then," she sighed. "He'll probablv ret Tim tn talkinc of mining and miners and before CIA READY 10 TAKE OFFENSIVE Shanghai. Oct. 20. (AP China, engaged for two years In stubborn but retreating war with the Japanese Invaders, soon will lnuneh n big scale counter-offon-siv under Generalissimo Chi ang Kai-Shek's personal direc tion in Hitpeh, Hunan and Kl angsi provinces. Chinese press dispatches said today. The dispatches said Chiang would fly to the front to direct operations against Hankow, once his wartime capital, and Nan ihang. capital of Kiangsi. These reports followed recent declarations at Chungking, the provisional Chinese capital, that "the Chinese army and nlr force are both rapidly approaching of fensive strength." Chinese newspaper! m e a n-1 either realizes what is happening Lance will have whipped out his notebook and started some little sketches. Then one of two things will happen as you should know by this time: either Lance will walk away absent-mindedly, with out remembering even to thank Tim, or he'll hook a friendly arm through his and bring him along back here to dinner. The one thing you can depend upon his not doing is to ask Tim his intentions." Buff shook her head mournfully. "I know them all too well. He's made them perfectly clear to me. That Iris person has turned him definitely against marriage. Added to that, he's in debt and he thinks I'm an heiress. Also he believes me to have left kindergarten year be fore last and consequently I'm too young to be taken seriously." "He knows about your plays your short stories?" The girl shrugged. "The achieve ments of a precocious child if he thinks of them at all.'' She left her chair and came to curl up on the floor at her mother's feet. "Eleanor, tell me! How did you know whether you were in love with Lance or not?" The older woman put a tender hand on the golden head. "Darling, if you're in any doubt about the matter you simply aren't, that's all. Being fond of a man, wanting to look after him that's not enough. The old rule of not considering whether you can live with him but whether you can live without him still seems to me the best touchstone. Buff, can you can you live without Tim?" There was a moment's silence, then Buff raised a flushed face. 'Head Over Heels' "XJOT happily," she said, her eyes ' meeting Eleanor's squarely. "If that's really the touchstone then I'm sunk head over heels about Tim. When I wake in the morning I try to imagine where he is, what he's doing. When I plan the meals I think what he'd like or not like, even though I know he'll not be hero to eat them. When ho and George come to dinner I seem to hear only what Tim says, though it's George who does most of the talking. A a sort of light comes into the room with him. the sound of his voice makes me shiver a lit tle. His face and I know with my mind that he's really not at all handsome! seems to me the most attractive I've ever seen. Does does all this make sense to you, Eleanor?" 'There's no sense in an attack of first love, Buff dear. I wish I could feel this is only that: an attack of sentimental measles from which you 11 recover. But you don t think so? Mrs. Carroll's face was sad. "I'm afraid not, my Buff. You always were a loyal little tiling. You've held on to your friendships through travel, change of any kind. Oh, how I wish I'd never let you go out to close up the ranch!" "Wait till you sen Tim," was the confident reply. "Then you'll be dancing perfect jigs of rapture that fate sent him my way." Not even a mental picture of her self indulging in this form of ac tivity could banish the look of worry from Mrs. Carroll's face. "Buff, darling, before this goes any farther before you settle down to what really amounts to a siege use your ;ommon sense. If this man doesn't love you and it would seem that he doesn't in the face of what he's done and said the wise thing, the only thing to do is to leave here as soon as pos sible. A change of scene, new friends, your play writing you need them all to cure you of what may bo merely infatuation for the only man who's needed you besides Lance; or for what may be genuine love, unrequited." She smiled faintly at the old-fashioned word "He's just recovering from an un happy affair with a woman. Usu ally a man's heart is rather easily captured on the rebound in such cases. If it isn't, then he's pretty apt to go through life without marry ing. Better come back with us to Chicago for a while, dearie!" "Mother" Eleanoi started a lit tie at the unusual form of address "don't you believe It's really the woman who selects the man rather than the other way about? Think back to your own girlhood. Hadn't you decided on Lance as a husband ages before he proposed to you?" An unwonted pink crept into the older woman's face. "Y-yes; but then he'd been pav ing me marked attention, Buff; courting me, as we called it then. "Nevertheless you had settled it in your own mind before he spoke. You made it easy for him to see you. You employed all sorts of feminine arts to win him even though you weren't honest enough with yourself in those days to ad mit what vou were doing. True?" "True, I'm afraid. But Lance wanted me, and this Tim Corliss-: " "Is going to want me, too. You wait," predicted Buff confidently. Continued tomorrow. while reported that Japanese communications between Nim chang and Kengsin, SO miles westward, had been cut by a Chinese force that reached the outskirts of Fengsin, Diet On Trip rtosebiirg. Ore., Oct. 20. (AD Stricken with a heart at tack here Sunday, while on an automobile trip bark to his Long Ileach, Cal.. home from Wash ington state. Hubert Samuel lloussels. 74. a retired attorney, died this morning at a local hospital. His sister, Mrs. E. II. Archer, of I.nng Uracil, started with the body for Vernon. Tex. Approve Bond Plan Salem, Ort. 2(1 (AP Ap proval ot a 10-year bond ex tension plan designed to meet the January 1, 1040 matuntv of $9,674,001) of Portland Gas & Coke company bonds and of maturity of its pledged bonds totaling $3,000,000 was an nounced today by Public Utili ties Commissioner Oinumd H Bean, On the Radio Chains STATIONS Where to Find Them on the Dial: ktx. Portland, 1180; KFL. 64U. LusAngelea; kUA, 147U, Spokane. KOO. "HO. San rranclscu; fcliU 8'.'0, Portland; KJK, (J7u. aeuule. KNX. 1050, I.01 Angeles; KIM, 830 llemrr; HOIS. 940, Portland KO.MO. 92(1. Seattle; KI'O. 1130, ban t'ranrlsrn; KSL, 1180. Halt Ukc. Frldav B:00 Music for Listening. KOO. KEX. KJR; Melody Time, KPO; Order of Adventures. KPT. KGW. 5:30 Etchings In Brass. KCiO. KJR; Now and Then, KOW. 8:00 Plantation Party, KOO. KEX, KJR; WBltz Time. KPO, KPT. KOW; Prot. Quiz, KNX, KSL, KOIN. 8 :30-Jcsls Program. KPO, KPT. KOW; First NWiler. KNX. KSL, KOIN; Whoa In Town Tonight, KOO; News, KJR. 7:00 Drama. KNX, KOIN, KHL; Lombardo'a Orch., KPO, KPI, KOW; News, KOO, KEX, KJR. 7:30 Business Frontiers. KGW; Adventurers. KOO, KEX, KJR; Young Man With a Band, KNX, KSL; Big Town. KPO. 8:00 Fred Waring, KPO. KOW. KPI; Amos and Andy, KNX. KOIN. KSL; Buckaroos, KEX. KJR, KOO. 8:30 This Moving World. KOO, KEX; Death Valloy Days, KPO, KOW, WRAPS MtfS rf WIlH WIFE AUD NeivW SToWS Their wraps and wvft in vacant seat LATOIOOSW -TRANSFERS EvRsfHIN6 fO 5Eftf WIFE m JUST VACATED SWS HDLD1N6 -fHF-rl.TISCDUENNG PRESENTLV WftlE WOMAVJ HtefouHD ANOTHER $EAf I nM-nM-n hy The B-H Svndlfsln. I nr. I TAILSPIN TOMMY Not According To Script! Shielded by the sun, tommy's patrol "poises for. an "attack" in the movie thriller, "aerial invasion." nevada leads the enemv patroi below... mill ymx ,At r given signal ...I rT -r tommy dives his ship. ,-'- - A BEN WEBSTER'S CAREER t0f ..AND t SHALL DO MY UTMOST 1 SAY, YOU, T CERTAINLY! you reStfcl TO MAKE happy valley A i'o like look as though .f&WtfM&l THE KIMO OF A PLACE Tj TO ASK YOU COULD USE felrjl THAT EVEN THE ANGELS T'l A QUESTION! I A 8IT OF THE NEBBS- Somebody ' Coming to My Hons IOC TURNING SHE AMD : " 1 1 !'i '':'A KM; Johnny Present, KNX. KOIN KSL. :0C fiudy's Orcn.. KOO. KEX, ; Saturday. :00 Pltth Quarter. KNX; Danco , Orch , KPO, KPI. KOW; Dorsey s Orch. I 8:30 Drama, KPO, KPI. KOW; ! King s Orch.. KNX. KOIN, KSL; I Brenthouse, KOO, KEX. ' 8:00 Aurandt l Orch , KNX, KOIN; I Prom Hollywood, KPO, KPT, KGW: I Drama. KOO, KJR. KEX. i 8:30 Musical Prijm. KUO: Brazl'.- lan Band. KPO, KOW; Rosa and Dlt mars. KNX, KOIN; News, KJR. 8 :45 Saturday Night serenade, KNX. KSL, KOIN; Organist, KPO, KGW. 7:00 Goodman's Orch., KPO, KPT, KOW; Symphony Orch.. KOO. KEX. KJR. 7:30 Oboler'a Plays, KPO, KOW; Sports, KNX, KOIN; News. KSL. 8:00 Barn Dance, KPO, KGW; Symphony Orch., KEX, KJR; News, KSL. KOIN. 8:30 Gang Busters , KNX, KSL, KOIN; This Moving World. KOO. 9:00 Hit Parade. KNX. KSL. KOIN; Dance Orch.. KPO. KPI; Bhaw'i Orch., KGO, KEX. KJR. 9:30 Dance Orch.. KGO. KEX; Lee'a Orch., KPO, KPI, KGW; News. KJR. 10:00 Nagcl's Orch., KSL; Madrl guera's Orch., KPO. KGW; Foster's Orch , KOO. KJR, KEX; News. KPI, KOIN. 10:30 Razazza's Orch.. KGO. KJR: Martins Orch., KPO. KGW. KPI; Pasadena Dance, KOIN. KSL. The Dare! a carf crOK mpCTop.. . AIN'T SAT! SPIED WITH MV GIRL. 5AMSr ME BUT NOD GIVE. HE.R A OOB 30 WILL. BE AWAY PROM ME, wt CAN'T MAKE UP J 11:00 Nottingham's Orch.. KPO. KPT; Basle's Orch . KSL: Oreanlst. KEX; News. KGO. KOW, KNX. ENTER ESTONIA Moscow, Oct. 20. (AP) Picked Soviet troops, well versed in Russian communist ideology, proceeded on schedule through Estonia today to occu py military bases granted by the little Baltic nation to her huge eastern neighbor. Soviet newspapers reported movie films, literature and linotype machines were being taken along with the army of occupation as well as the best military machinery to impress the Estonians with the efficiency of the Red army. Soviet Russia's growing in fluence in the Baltic was ex tended today by a new trade agreement with Latvia, one of three little northern states already linked with their pow erful neighbor by mutual as sistance pacts. Closing lime tor Too Late to Clas sify Ads 19 1:30 p m. By GLUYAS WILLIAMS .0-6 WlFE-DOMlDIATaV DECIDES SHE'D. SHIfflO ACAtf seat on account of bi6 man m front" PICKS TrlEM UPA6Am Ab WOMAN IN AI5LE ASK6 lb -TrlA-T 6EAT EMPTY DECIPE5 IT'S SIMPLER To 60 ON riOU5lri6 THEN. DOE'S So.WlTrl LITTLE EXCURSIONS TO tt-OOFJ FOR WlFE'5 hw which keeps Suppins oft R.ITIS MUST HAVE GIVEN THE BOY A V P P TALK THEY'RE I PE1TY HOTTODKYy g ll J PJ I NOW WHAT AM 1 GOlMP. TPl i n."1 -dfi ( TEmAEM A 00 TOJ J 3 OO ? TWAT6UY IDLBAMC T. V ELSE OU GUESS S d 3 LE-S'CK ENOUSH TO SHOOT ME A q Nr- ZffiS H IZ3 051 -30METWMG I WISH I HAD rrn R t-CzrS Z3 V brmms emoogw to set me our LLii 5 -j. VOF THE TROUBLE MV MOUTH jjx7 Pittsburgh, Oct. 20. AP Pittsburgn, Oct. 19. AP The health officers section of the American Public Health as sociation today elected Dr. Adolph Weinzirl of Portland, Ore., chairman. Dr. Malcolm R. Bow, deputy minister of health at Edmonton, Alta., was named vice-chairman. STRANGE AS IT SEEMS By JOHN HIX For farther proof address the, author, Inclosing a stamped envelope for reply. Reg. V. S. Pat Oft uj y b rr v-;,i art iiuaii' - - MMtf IN 4 MONTHS FROM oi9 Milts, to inner Tube, AND PrSRfs o?h PlftNo AMP ( Invented by ZiJtieil Lubin, Hflantic ctiJtN., ' MYSTERY LOCUSTS Since first reported In New England In 1633, broods of the cicada, or 17-year locust, have been appearing each 17 years exactly on schedule on May 25 depsite leap years. Actually, broods appear every year, because there are more than one brood. Most fam ous is "Brood X" with a complete record dating from 1715. It covers nearly one-half the coun try east of the Mississippi. Scientists have been unable to explain the phenomenon. INTERCEPTED OWN PASS Ronnie Fowler of Aquinas (Ohio) High got a surprise when Pearl Bunch of Chillicottha Hiqh intercapted his forward pass, then threw it back to him by mistake. Fowler scored a touchdown, winning the game 6-0. TOMORROW: Who reached the North Pole first? 1 I f THAT is FUNNY.. .ME v V Y--4 iHCfev, W6J56EMS TO 6E FI6HT1N0 W ?4 3gJ PLJ THE CONTROLS! -y ; f!r ) SOMETHING MUST 55- lsw W Ha7 1 M supposed -a-, A 1 Viz faysssn YI1L tQr''o, "t make ) 4 v v NEVER MIND ME, BUT YOU TELL THE FOLKS HAPPY VALLEY JEST WHERE YOU WfcRE Vrt OCTOBER 6, 15557 mrT: !? what? Luck All Bad Portland, Oct. 20 (AP) The fortune terlei scanned Patrol man H. D. Litsey's broad palm and predicted six years of hard luck. "My, my," the officer said, "but I've got tough news for you, too." He arrested the clair voyant, Mary Brown, on a charge of telling fortunes with out a permit. IN NEW ENCUrW KEGUUnKMf . ON THE $AMB PAY OF TNS $AMS M0 NTHfty) tVW I7TN yUARSNCS 33 WILL OF YEAH, VOU HEARD ME! TELL EM WHERE VOU WAS AN1 TELL OH 'EM WHAT VOU WERE POIN'i G'WAN, 1 DARE YAJ Onion Hearings Washington, Oct. 20. AP)- The agriculture department an nounced today it will hold hear ings at Nampa, Idaho, October 28, and at Twin Falls, Idaho, October 30, on a proposed fed eral marketing program for onions produced in designated counties of Idaho and Oregon. RoNHie foWLER Aqunas High (Ohio) half fack. iMTMcertw His om forward PM KM coRtvh WINNING Touchdown flniT i By HAL FORREST Bv EDWIN ALGER Bv SOL HESS