r PAGE TWELVE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1939. P,T. A. PRESIDENT CONDUCTS SCHOOL FOR LOCAL UNITS "This is your opportunity to find the answers to the ques tions that have been puzzling you," said Mrs. C. W. Walls, state president of the Oregon Parents-Teachers' association, as she opened the school of in (truction for all county P.-T.A. units this morning in the Chris tian church. Mrs. Walls, conductor of the school, urged each member not to feel that she is only one of a unit but that she is one of two and a half million in making the P.-T.A. "voice" heard in the nation. Mrs. H. H. Elhart of Ash land, county president, presided at the business session held prior to the school of instruc tion and Mrs. James K. Hocy, state magazine chairman, gave a brief talk which was followed by an original skit bringing out tho value of the national P.-T.A. official magazine. This afternoon, Mrs. B. C. Forsythc, state vice president, spoke on P.-T.A. programs. An enthusiastic group of workers from all parts of the county were present at the meeting. J KUFJN EXCITED BY SCANDINAVIANS TO E RUSSO-NAZI PACT (continued irum page on) Silk Price Jumps 18 Cents Pound New York, Oct. 19. (AP) The price of silk jumped 18 cents a pound today as active bidding on the floor of the New York commodity exchange pushed the quotation for im mediate delivery to $3.51 V-S a pound the highest point in nine years. Traders said the New York market was following the Tokyo trend and that many of their orders came from Japanese clients. THIS SAUCEPAN will make you dissatisfied with all your pots and pans It's the new Stainless Steel Copper Clad REVERE WARE Suinlcsi Keel ii e.v to clean as your modern kitchen table top, lam and lasti, addj a decorative note to your kitchen. A copper clad base because copper it the perfect heating jurface, heau evenly and won't form hot spoti to burn your food and make it tick, became it'i practically "arp proof and alwayi standi flat over the flame. Notice the new handsome ilip proof han dle!, the new, tight fit of the lid, the ikck modern Unci. Once you try this one piece of Revere Ware we predict you'll be back for more and more and more. HUBBARD BROS. Inc. because he wanted all his time to prepare for trial in New York Oct. 30 on embezzlement charges, was brought to the point of Starncs' questioning when that committeeman asked: "Are you still fighting the Communists In this country?" "Yes," Kuhn said, "yes, of course." But the question about why he approved the German treaty with Russia, produced, when the confusion had died down, no such simple answer. Gesturing irmjucntly, his forehead glistening, Kuhn declaimed Germany wai a small country with a large population and no raw materials. The country needed food, he said, and had "negffed Britain for years" to remedy this situation hut Britain had turned the Germans down. "Then they came to the United States and asked why you have a boycott," Kuhn said. Thereafter, he said. It seemed logical to him to get needed raw material from Ruula. i "That don't mean that I have to take my former enemy's Ideology." he blurted, Rep. Voorhls ,D., Calif.) protested that wiiftn't his understanding of what had happened between Russia and Germany. "Carlonda of priest and Protestant pastors have been sent Into Rusftla," Kuhn cnuntorrd, "you ought to like that." New I proa r Breaks An uproar broke out when Star no asked Kuhn whether he believed In tho partition of Poland. The wlt ncsHes and two lawyers with him both started talking at once, pro testing aalnst questions concerning political Ideologies, "The committee Is hero to get facta and not crackpot opinions," blurted Peter L. F. Bobbatlno, one of the attorneys. Dies, govellng the room to quiet again, ordered a luncheon rccewv. Soon after the session got under way, with tempers strained and hot words flying, Kuhn submitted a list which he said ave tho names of all German-American bund units In the United States and their leaders. Bunds Listed The- list or bund units, and lenders placed In tho committee record by Kuhn Included; Under tho supervision of George Proboose (305R North Western Ave.) Chicago: Portland, Ore., Hans Schcur er, Portlnnd; Seattle and Spokane, Wash., Paul Stoll, Seattle, Starnes, In questioning Kuhn about the list, said he noticed that whereas Kuhn testified In August that tho bund had mil (a bii all but one state, today's list showed such units existed In only 10 Atntca. Kuhn explained states where the bund had only i few members were not shown. One or his lawyers sntd tho bund constitution requires 30 members per unit. STRICT NEUTRALITY (Continued rrutu Page One.) ident Michael Kalinin of the Soviet Union to President Roosevelt. These observers pointed to the final paragraph of Kalinin's reply to American inquiries concerning Russian aims. It said the sole aim of nego tiations with Finland was "con solidation of the reciprocal re lations between the Soviet Un- inn nnH FinlrinH nnrl a clrnnitth. ening of friendly cooperation I between both countries in the B cause of guaranteeing the se curity of the Soviet Union and Finland." In the meantime, it was learned definitely, after a series of contradictory reports, th.it residents of southwestern Fin land were voluntarily leaving a large area near the Russian border. Bargain Scoopl Reducedl DRESSES $1.00 One group of better dre-M repriced fur quick telling! Hem berg, Mieer., nnuii. Ku-n one must g! All on Uxht ground. Sizes 11 to 20. Quan tity limited, mi be here early! (Serond flour). Bargain Scoopl Heducedt 3 lb. Cotton BATTS 77c Beautiful "Snowy Owl" ready Mltihed cotton bait, .Specially priced for this eent! Opens to 7'HU0 Indies. Worth much mure! (Balcony). Bargain Scoop! Ringless Crepe HOSIERY 39c pr. Think or It, pure silk chiffon hosiery that usuully costs inurh more! Fine gnuce. Hum less, feplush-priMif flnMl! Stoc-k up now; S'-i to lll'i. (Main floor). Bargain Scoopl Children's Cotton Slips 16c Children's line grade cotton slips that would ordinarily cost you much more! Built up shoulders; While. Tea Hose. Size 6 to IS. (Main floor). Bargain Scoopl Pari Wool Work Socks 7c pv. Take advantage of this special price to buy yuur iv Inter sup ply! Good quality, soft yarns Quantity limited. (Main flour). HELEN H. WEBSTER Helen II. Webster, BO, widow of the Into Dr. Joseph D. Web ster, former residents of Phoe nix where they resided for many years, passed away suddenly Tuesday night at the home of her sister In Pasadena, Calif. Dr. Webster passed away here In De cember, 11)35. The remains are being brought here by her daughter, Hetty Emery, and will arrive Friday morning. Funeral services in care of Conger Funeral Pallors, will be held at the Presbyterian church In Phoenix at 3 p. m. Fri day with Rev. Lewell S. Fiscus. pastor of that church officiating. Interment will be in the Phoenix cemetery. Mrs. Webster was an ardent member of the Phoenix Prcsby terinn church, and beloved by all who knew her. Hunter Wounded Canyon City, Ore., Oct. 1!). (AP) Ben Farwood, Gordon, Ore., was shot in one hip Tues day afternoon in the Court Rock area, about 10 miles from Black Butte. The flesh wound required medical attention but he will be able to go home in a few days. The accident occurred when a hunting companion, whose name was not learned here, shot at a deer and Far wood was caught in the line of fire. muiliyi.iwj. i0 Sellin9 I CUV Lr'LSLiVl U Ik adT1p4IYf ffl nlBMniiiJllIllill mm.:. Special Selling White Sheet BLANKETS Warm and fluffy fur cold nights, large 7bIW size, single. stitched enK (ilves j on durable sen lee and wah like new! (Balcony). 7 3 6 in. Fancy OUTING Penney'i LOW PRICES for HIGH QUALITY result from cash buying cash selling huge volume no delivery expense efficient, economical store operationl Compare our price . . . but compare our quality, tool HIGH QUALITY! LOW PRICE! NOW WHEN YOU NEED THEM! Yards and yards uf extra' quality outing priced low for this event, laucy patterns yd. and dark Mrlpes. lluy now fur winter M'wlng. (Ilalcnny). 11 In Selecting WINES mm . HUH' msm Kill" ir . i i tt-1 . m u r ii line Hav 1ft liny ItotiiHt Trip l:rur S7.50 $12.25 5 Buses Daily to San Francisco Dopol: 8fh tc S. Central Phones 753 TREASURE LaM chance lo ee (hit wnmleiful Kipoai tiont Travel by comfort able Greyhound Suncr-Coach. Sec your local Greyhound Rent for frequent lervlce, low fare ml Expense-Paid F.iposition Tour a. II I(tH-'KHI II ' WINE 5 Wool BLANKETS l ull dniihle bed size rt (V.'KI), Nort a ii il 2) 1 uO fluffy . , . .1 wool ALL WOOL SINGLE BLANKETS USE PENNEY'S LAY-AWAY PLAN itililril for wurititlt. lliituiil ('nils! (Mii'ck (llahiinv). IT. 36in. Esmond ' CLOTH You'll enjoy a new rolie made of Mil wonderful material, Soft u ml warm, jet light In weight. I'ati like! Hoe tills linlay, Yd. Til MIU'll (Ualeony) 70x80 Single BLANKETS A sell out last time! a k a a Now, again this .1 J) I UU wool blanket at a B real low price! Ileau tiful pastel plaids, rlrh and fluffyl (Halt (iny). Beep Hap BLAHKETS Ileautlful Jacqmird a "4 ft rt double hliinkets for ajj) 6 98 full double bed! sn- teen h o u n d ends Soft, deep uaii for warmth! see these today, iiianllly limited. (Ilaleouy), $98 Moth proofed for yuur protection and greater service! All wool for warmth without weight. Firmly woven! Hlch darker colors ai uell as soft pastel shades! Take ad vantage of the event to make your select inn! (Ilnlcony). CHENILLE BED SEEAOS Beautiful I ii f red chenille spread you'll be proud to own! Full double hed Mze. Heautlful designs and colors such n low price for this (iiallty! (Italctmy), SHEET TS $H98 BLANKE Wool Filled Gse Dawn Comforters Comforters Such m low price for (bis i lutllty- cotton pin Id blanket. Size (Ki(G. Upo them as sheets these cold night, eral. (Balcony). 49c Buy hcv- B 4 '-AfWe- :$998 Such a low price for these beautiful tan wool filled I'mnhirl ers! When you see them you will want several. Heas Iur colors to match your rooms! (Balcony). Marvelous fluffy 11)0 roosc down. Q "HI Q ft The kind you'd ex- V UU pect to sell for much inure! Besides they're moth proofed for your protection! Love ly scroll stitched design! (Balcony). Comforters Luxurious cotton fill ed comforter at an 0 J ever-so-low price! O You'll marvel at their beauty, full size! (iet jours to day! (Balcony). CHENILLE BED SPREADS $298 Thick, luxurious che nille .spreads with vel vety tufts Floral and iilaiu stxtes! You don't have to Iron them! Popular color. I imlfiMl niiantllv! Utalronv) BABY BLANKETS 25c Soft and flufry for baby! t.ond size , , . ,'8a-i Inches! Pastel shades. Check these for eeonomv. (Second floor,) ROMA SWEET WINIS kl JOS rf BAHGAIH FEATURES MEN'S CANVAS GLOVES I'.Mra IS'"I 'lfilt minus rIihi's fur i lirt our MlM'l ,,,r '" llmlli'il. (Mill" flour). nil n low jirlrcl miiir! IJiinntlly 5 CALIFORNIA WIUJES MADEL0N ro. ni:Mi:ns mil i s i.i:u, im . iii:m I I I.I i MAM MM Fills I'll! I Mill) IHSTIIIIII IIM1 iMiiui sn R0WIC0 "Tin: ii i) I si: of ri:i. i -roiiii.wii R0MANELLA PMI MI)I NT WIN! II V. IV. run i i m LA ROSA ROMA WINE COMPANY, INC. LODI, CALIFORNIA CHILDREN'S OUTING GOWNS ilnns wnrm nnil fl' untitle llaniwl n'iw. lone Pft o, full cut Mz". SIps I to Hi. suntmlzi'il shrunk! rl U C k ni nitwl (Mnln floor). Www 100 Only - WOMEN'S RAYON PANTIES 17c Special croup of women' fine quality ri,on panties! Stjled riRht to fit. Take ad.-mlane of this low price and buy sex eral. (Main floor). BOYS' "MONTANA MIKE" SHIRTS Ur?Kht colored pl.ilds! arm Miede cloth! The Mle nil the uos are wearlnu: t.rt jours imw while ls re complete. (M.iln fhtor). 79c WOMEN'S SATIN SLIPS The, "re heautlful The-e luxurious Mtln llp are tail ored and embroidered! Sli" 'A'l t -W. hlte and Tea Hom tlu.inllty limited! (Main floor). MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS 5uch good iUiillty Ponii-t flannel for so little inone ! rirmt wmen to wear! Ihej'll wnli well, too. Limited suppl.i. (Main floor). MEN'S OXHIDE OVERALLS Item) welcht denim In express stripe or Blue: full cut iil.ev Bar tatkeil at all Mraln polnis! anforlrcd shrunk tito! i;et ouis at I tit, low pi Ire! ( M.iln floor). 73c 79c 69c WOMEN'S SERVICE OXFORDS (Alia t ii ;i 1 1 1 oxfoid thai hnn)il sell (or much more! C itf CQ Muni) composition ole. nalklnc heel! Women's lrc! V I U J (M.iln floor). I MEN'S WINTER UNION SUITS 69c Distinctive! Smartly Tailored! FALL COATS i,V These coats are the newest, the smartest, that are offered Tor this Kali, and at Penney's low price )ou cannot afford to msn it up. All the newest fabrics! Individual stjllnj detail! See them to day! (Second floor). ii A l ; s ml iv -?;er i' '41 ' M . (W Si,? .lO" Wt in fi8 t." Cfttwst-1 1 .y.iyUAf umi 2w .I glen row FROCKS The newest, niot flattcrln frocks that would usually cot jnu much more! Finest details of trims nnd t)le notes! In fact, when )ou see these, yon will buy several, (Second floor). LITTLE TOTS' CORD PANTS CHILDREN'S RAIN CAPES WOMLWS NURSE OXFORDS lor little tots, 1 to 4. Bib stle cord pants. smart colors such as Teal Blue, Nov y. (ireen. Brown and (.rape Wine; 6a ) res your children for the rainy season! These rapes are the smartest style for children! Some with 98' 1298 billion shir.. Put llifin In tht-e hcm,l. nnd ottirrs nlth ni;itrhm aim snxr! (mwkI (lor). -,. ,, , , IB. fi,P, Now mmlp with Prn nrj. fituiou. sanl tlrnl llnlncs; soft kill Iralhpr lipiMTS, ront- fort.ililc nnlkln; lied: Try them on. Itl Hon conifiirtiihli- tlipy nrp; And such Ion prlci-! (Main floor), ISoft. rlhhrri i-olton union iill., lone or .liort slrrtrs. anklr Irnetli. Mrr :iti to in. Iluv your Mi)til for all wlnU'r. (Mnln floor). MEN'S LINED JUMPERS The iet Hoed JumpiT we can jet fur o low an set fur so low a price! C is O Q iiiornlnc-.. sire .Ii; lo lii tfl fcv rienl warm fur thee chill lull cut. (Main tbMr). CENTRAL AT SIXTH