WT.PFOTCD MATL TRTBTTNT3:, fEDFOTlD, OBEGpy. WEDNESDAY, JULY 13. 1938. PAGE NTNB Read every ad od this page fQU will probably find exactly the thinga you nave been luak Ing foi oi a sale or trade (01 unused article! you may nave Searcb your attic or storo-room you may find many thing others are. seeking and be able to realize immediate cash I! what you want isn't berev ad vertlse lor It Tribune Classi fied Ads are Inexpensive effective I RATES Per word, first insertion ,,Hc (Minimum 25c) Each additional insertion, per word 1c (Minimum too) Per line per montb without copy change $1-23 CASH Or money order must ao company all mall order classified ads. LOST AND FOUND lost On- Medford-Butte Palls highway, 2 white canvas camp chairs. Communicate with Clay comb Motor Co., Ashland. jX)ST Black billfold, between Med- ford and Ashland; contains keys, money. Walter Buckingham. Re ward. Phone 425-J. IjOST If dog intssnig. can 1516. WANTJ3D MALE HELP VACANCY exists with Internationally known water treatment company - .nlnBarln Mlnrnifltl CBDSble lur cu5..w...6 act as consultant steam generation and water ireanus eral commlralon. Box 1718. Tribune. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Qlrl for care of child and housework In small home. Board, spending money. Call at Hy Frager's. WANTED Competent, experienced girl, general housework; one child. References. Box 4787, Tribune. WANTED Girl for general house work. Stay nights. Call 961. WANTED Olrl to care for small boy and do housework. Room, board and small wages. Refer ences. P. O. Box 1026. MALE OR FEMALE REGISTER now for hop picking at the B. M. Clute hop yards. Free csblns, lights and wood, Apple pflte. Ore. WANTED SITUATIONS WIDOW with 2 children wants posi tion in motherless home. Phone 108-R-l. Mrs. Elolse Dyei. PRACTICAL GARDENER Considers any kind work. 307 Bessie St. Phone 1319. WANTED By capable woman cook ing or practical nursing. Phone 981-L. CAPABLE Woman, good cook, wants work in camp or home, full eharg. nnlncumbercd Box 1210. Tribune. WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED To rent small pasture, close in. Phone 865-M. REFINED man wants room with small family. Box 4805. Tribune WANTED Good used fanning mill. Must be reasonable. Bt2ra price. P. O. Box 602, Gold Hill. WANTED Poultry and eggs. High est cash price paid. Medtord Poul try and Egg. H. O. Fredelte, sole owner. WANTED Shakes. 30-ln. sugoi pine, will trade 4-cylinder Chev. truck In first-class condition or Guernsey heifers. S. L. Johnston, Arplegat. Ore. WANTED 8 or lu-lnch bench rip saw. Inquire 323 Laurel, after 6 p.m. WANTED To buy 1 or 2 acres with small house, near town. Must be reasonable. Address 319 Trinity St., Klamath Falls, Ore. WANTED Will a-lve home tc small dog under 6 months old. Prefer Cocker spaniel. Box 4772 rnoune. ANYONE KNOWING present address of D. L. Davis, please notify Jonn n, Chlsholm, Box 168, Gold Hill. Ore, WANTED Good model A coupe or 4-door sedan. Write Box 1391, Tribune. WANTED TO RENT B-room unfur nished modern house. Permanent Mr winters, phone 286. HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for all kinds of Live Poultry. Phoi.e 314-R Independent Live Poultry Co. PATIENTS WANTED 337 8. Oakdale LAUNDRY - Mrs Huson. Tel 1345-M WANTED Dead and wortnleea ani mals removed free of charge thona l"9 reverse charges) Southern Oregon By-Products Co HKillKST CASH PRICES P.ID For Your Furniture MK1IH1HI) H IROAIN HOI SE 27 N Grape at Phone 1062 WOOL - MOHAIR - HIDES Arid Pelts jee us before, vou sell MEDFuRD BARGAIN HOUSE 27 N orape St Phone 1062 BIOHES'l PRICES PAID tor Batten Radiator. Aluminum Brasa Cop per and other metals MEDFORD BAROAIN HOUSE " N Grape St Phone 1063 BE IMY MOKb CASH For Your Furniture HOI.RHOOK ANDREWS' "h and Front Pboue 547 WELL DRILLING II 60 per ft tlrai - 't etc ) M Oodee H King FOR RENT HOUSES rSt- Small furnished house. H Pearl FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Modern 5-room house, newly decorated Inside. it South Newtown. Phone 609-J-S. FOR RENT 3-room cottage, partly furnished, modern. Adults only. 843 Murray Ave. FOR RENT Attractive S-room mod ern bouse, only (25 month, water paid L o Plckell. 16 So. Bartlett FOR RENT Small modern furnished house. Adults. 321 North Holly St. F! RNISHED small house 2 room apartment, garage. Adults. 604 W. 10th. FOR RENT 3-room furnished house, 125. Phone 281. FOR RENT APAKTMENTS FOR RENT Clean, attractive 2-room furnished apartment: continuous hot water. Adults only. 344 So, - Central. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, 2 week. 027 N. central. FOR RENT 3-room apt., wood, water, lights, 812.50. 70S So. Oak- dale. FOR RENT Furnished apt.. 3 rooms, large bath, tub and shower, sep arate entrance. Call mornings, 718 So. oakdale. 3 FURNISHED apartments. 327 So. Oakdale. Call after 6:30 or Sunday. FOR RENT Attractive apartment: private bath. Adults only 909 West 10th. FOR RENT Furnished apartment, 330 o. ivy. APARTMENTS for rent. 317 East .1 . Jackson. FOR RENT Apartment, 134 Apple. FOR RENT Small furnished apt.; private entrance and prlvute bath 345 Apple. FURNISHED APT. No. S Durrell Court. 329 No. Holly. FOR RENT Furnished Apt. Inquire auo so. uaxaaie. VAWTER Apartments. 20 No. Hollv. unfurnished, lower, hot water, elec tric range and refrigerator. Call Apt. i or pnone lios. FURNISHED .modern apartment. 61 N- Oakdale. FINE modern apartment. Inquire at F. ie F Bank. FOR RENT Small furnished apart ment No smoking. 630 S Central APTS. FOR R3NT GeBauer Apta APARTMENT FOR RENT Front apartment, nicely fur nished; combination living and dining room with fire place; bedroom, bath, cabi net kitchen: hot and cold water furnished Rent reas onable. Apply at business office, Mall Tribune. FOR RENT 3 furnished apartments See Roland ilubbard or AJ LlttreU FOR RENT--Furnished Rooms VERY attractive1 room, 604 Pennsyl vania. FOR RENT Furnished room. 714 W. 10th; outside entrance, suit able for one or two. Phone 1555-Y. FOR RENT A large cool unfurnish ed room. 3 blocks North of post office $6.00 per month. 337 N, Holly. NEWLY decorated room for rent, comfortable bed. 3 week. 408 Ed wards. ATTRACTIVE rooma 404 8 Grape FOR RENT BOARD ROOM BOARD and ROOM 716 E Main FOR RENT Miscellaneous FOR RENT 2 store rooma steam heated office room See A) Littrel) or Roland Hubbard Phone 237 FOR SALE-LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Thoroughbred unregls. tered Hereford bulls, stock beet shredder, bone cutter; also cattle pasture. Phone 565-J. FOR SALE 80 choice young breed' lng ewes. Also several fine young bucks. George Hilton, Rt. 2. Grants Pass. JERSEY COW and yearling .heifer. Claude Turner, Shady Cove. Crater Lake Hwy. FOR SALE Fine fresh Guernsey Jersey cow and calf. Phone 4-F-4. $35.00 WORK and saddle horse for sale or trade for hay ?r shoats. Myers Fruit Stand, 3 miles south. SALE Weaner pigs. 3 sows to far row soon: 60 Red pullets Kate Wright. Central Point. FOR SALE 6 helferi. dairy stock A. t. Bheehsn, Eagle Point. FOR SALE PETS DOGS CANARIES 1127 W Main. Tel. 1497 FOR SALE-AUTOMOBILES '37 DODGE Express: looks and runs like new: 90-day guarantee. Priced for quick sale on low easy terms. PIERCE-ALLEN MOTOR CO. Dodge and Plymouth Distributors. FOR SALE 1926 Overland coupe, good condition, good rubber. Cheap for quick aale. See Whellock t Lewis Super Service. FOR SALE Bulck sedan, yood con dition: pipeiesa iurni. hand toilet, at bargain. Eo 4768, Tribune. R. It O. USED CARS Renewed and Guaranteed. 1937 Lincoln - Zephyr Coul)e:..,,. heater, radio; low mlleaae.11145 1936 H u d ao n 4-door eeaan-. heater, low mileage 1937 Ford DeLuxe Touring Se dan; heater, radio 1938 Ford 4-door DeLuxe Sedan, green with whit sldewall tires. Just like new . 1936 Ford S-door Sedan 1934 Dodge 4-door Sedan, trunk 1936 Plymouth 3-door DeLuxe Sedan t937 Ford Pickup. 60 motor 645 mi 1037 Ford PICKUP. OD mown 1933 roro -tiw - 0 I Gates Used Car Department eta and Bartlett. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 3S Chevrolet truck, or trade for light car. W. M. Hansen, Brownsboro. LATE '38 Ford Coupe. ISO ires than market price. Call 071. evenings. For Exchange Real Estate FOR SALE Equity In tire-damaged home; or trade for trailer house. Q. P. Adams, 7th and Hazel, cm tral Point. FOR SALE, or would trade for good farming land in Southern Oregon; ooort six room house, aouoie garage, other buildings, all lots forty by 178 ft., two lots 80 by 49 ft.; one gas station on lot 80 by eo. mce $12,000. L.'E. Lingo. 233 South Alex ander Ave., Claremont, uauiorrua 8 ALE OR TRADE 6 acres under water; service station and living quarters. Would like place In or around Medford. First Signal Sta tion south of Talent. FOR SALE OR TRADE 6-room house, 6 blocks from University In Eugene; near grade schools Price 61500, or trade for Medfoid prop erty. Address 1943 Onyx St., Eu gene. Ore. CALIFORNIA BUSINESS on Highway 99. 6 miles south of Indto, cai. Gas station, repair garage: used cars, groceries, cafe. 11 cabins; 16 acres good farm land. To exchange for Improved ranch, sheep, goat or ' farm witntn 10 or id mnes naeaiora or Eugene. R. M, Shackelford, Rt 1, Thermal, Calif. 54 ACRE, Irrigated, near city limits; trade for building material, live stock or what have you? Writ A Powers. Applegate. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR QUICK SALE Beautiful mod, ern home Siskiyou Heights, Grounds completely landscaped; hardwood" floors, oil burner, sun porch, fire place, basement. Priced for quick aale. Telephone 305: FOR SALE 457-R. 5-room house. Phone FOR SALE Farms, stock ranches, acreage, city property, business op portunities. We specialize in trad ing Southern Oregon for Southern Calif. Large or small, A. W. WALKER REAL ESTATE 323 N. Riverside Am. REAL BARGAIN I 80 acres on oreek near paved highway: good 4-room house, also cabin; 16 acres cultl vatable; lots of wood; $1,000, eaBy terms. D. E. Millard, "Roguedale," atar Route, Eagle Point. FOR SALE New, modern 5-room house, garage; one and hull acres: fruit and shade treea. Priced for quick sale by owner, who le leaving country. Cross bridge Beck's Bak ery, turn north and second house on left under large trees. Owner. Ken Williams. Medford. BEST BUY In Medford 6-room mod ern home. $2250. 322 W. Jackson St. FOR BALEAccept some trade. 20 cabln Auto Court with 3-pump service station, grocery store with lunch counter in connection: wen established business; good corner In Medford on highway: paying io on investment. 1023 west tn St. WHEN you think of real estate think Of BROWN At WHITE. HOUSES FOR SALE in Medford and surrounding towns. Easy terms Jackson County Federal Saving' Loan Association. FEDERAL LAND BANK FARMS For Information inquire of Warren Patterson secretary at tne Nations Farm Loan Office 302 Liberty Bias Tel 1149 Or O A. Barnes 167 E 8r.h. Eugene Ore FOR SALE Miscellaneous MODERN Plumbing it Sheet Metal Company, call 620 for tne prop hooks. We also have 400 it. a ft -in. steel tubing at 10c It. FOR SALE Nice apricots, mile west Phoenix on Calhoun road. D. R. Sloan. .' FOR SALE Dust corn and cabbage with ROTO-DU8T. It's non-pois-onous. Monarch Seed & Feed Co, FOR SALE OR TRADE Practically new Lonergan oil burner with tank and copper tubing. Phone 1323-Y. FOR SALE Poultry lice and mites are breeding fast, see us for re pellents. Monarch Seed 6s Feed Co. FOR SALE Trash burner In good condition. 528 Pennsylvania. Tel, 396-R. IF YOU are wanting to buy or sell Real Estate, see L. O. Plckell, 16 80. Bartlett. Phone 366. FOR SALE Used 6-ft. Orosley re frlgerator. Feldman Electric, cor ner Main and Bartlett. FOR SALE More grain from MA- DRONA HOO FINISHER. Try It, Monarch Seed & Feed Co. GLADIOLI blooms. Dressier', 1107 B. Main. FOR .1ALE MADRON A DAIRY MEAL la "tops." Nutritious and a real milk maker. MONARCH SEED A FEED CO. FOR SALE Year-old Maytag washer. Excellent condition. 615 Pennsyl vania. FOR SALE Seed and feed wheat at the ranch. Carl von der Hellen, Rout 8. FOR SALE Dust your dog with NIX FLEA POWDER. Olve him comfort during flea time. . MON ARCH SEED 4l FEED CO. FOR SALE Speed Queen washers and lroners. Sparton refrigerators. Ouar. anteed service and parts for all makes of Washers. Good used washers, radios and one electric refrigerator. Flck's Hardware. FOR BALE 20 Protein EGO MASH, $2.00 cwt. Monarch Seed At Feed Co. MYERS Water Pressure systems, guar anteed. All pumping systems over hauled. Plumbing contracting. Fen co electric fence regulsvir Full line of general paint. Flck's Hard war. FOR SALE Binder twine, grain bags. ssck neeoies ana wtcn iwiiw. avu arch Seed tt Feed Co. FOR SALE Dairy Fly Smey, 80c per gallon up. Monarch Seed Peed Co. FOR SALE Apricots, close ,u. Olenn Darby, south end Xing fclghwey. Phon. 699-R-t. FOR SALE Miscellaneous i FOR SALE Fruit baskets and berry cups. Monarch seed a Feed co. FOR SALE Gas range, Electrolux refrigerator and gas automatic water heater, $229 cash. Call Eads Transfer. FOR SALE Baby buggy. Telephone oiiice, Eagie point. FOR SALE Wood. Get It yourself or delivered, o. Faske. Butte rsiia. FOR SALE Newtown apples. 600 a box. Medford ice 62 storage. FOR SALE Cabin at Diamond lake. Write Box 4865. Tribune. FOR SALE 35 to 40 ton Kills Ball Mill. Complete with motor. In per fect shape. Industrial Machine Shop. H. Street. Grants Pass, Or. CABBAGE plants. 547 Maria St. MY WIFE says advertise. I sell dress ers, beds, floor covering, tents, stoves, chairs, fruit Jara. Jack's 2nd Hand Store, 106 South Grape. FOR SALE OR TRADE for LUMBER, on planer, American No. 34, 4 sides. 6"xl5". 10 side beada and r-eceasary knives, shafting, belt, 60-h p. mo tor, blower and aufftclent pipe to -carry shavings 100 ft. from planer Will sell with or without o.ower or motor for cash or rough or sur faced lumber. Also one hollow chisel mortlser. one band saw, one turning lathe, one gang saw. extra pulleys and belts. Call 694 or at Economy Lumber Co. NON-IRRIGATED apricots. Bring contalnera J. C. Crockf-i first house on left Coker Butt road. FOR SALE Electrlo refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, radio, electric range.. 223 W. Jackson. START your own business. Will sell part of my atock of slightly used clothing, cheap 618 East Main. LAUREL, Fir and Pine; $1 up. Tel 452-R-2 SUGAR PINE OHAKES FOR SALE E. O. Faber, Central Point, BUY Electrlo Fence where you can get service: $17.60 up Harry Ws gant Ashland Phone ll-P-4 MISCELLANEOUS WASHER SERVICE All makes. Full line genuine Maytag part. Medford Maytag Co., 31 North Bartlett. Tel 38 BUSINESS DIRECTORY JACKSON COUNT! ABSTRACT CO. TlTLt ISSIlKANCK ABSTRACTS ESCROWS Dressmaking. THE FASHION SHOP Dressmaking and Remodeling, Buttons and Buckles covered. Room U03, U. S. Natl. Bank Bldg. Tel. 1181. THE DOMESTIC 8HOPPE 26 yrs. exp Tailoring Dressmsklng. Alterations Remodeling. Hemstitching Bucsles and Buttons covered 19 N Bartlett DRESSMAKING, Tailoring, Ladle Coata and Suits Alterations Prices ressonable. Mary M. Coker. era terlan Bldg. MUSIC VOICE -PIANO George Maddox, tenor. Alleen Crawford Maddox. piano. Beginners and advanced Prultt'a Music Center. Plione 22 Expert Window Cleaner. LET GEORGE DO IT Tel 1172 House cleaning, floor waxing, de mothlng. rug, upholstery 'jieanlug hadlator Repairing. HOOPER'S RADIATOR SERVICE 83 South Bartlett. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS 1 to Hawaii, a wroath of flowra 4. Forward t. Dlieovar 11 Part of a ourva 13. MedlclnaJ plant 14. Color 15. Covered with pigment 17. Reiource tt. Female tu- dent at cer tain achbola: colloq. 10. Former an reror if 33. Writer of Im flnatlva vene 18. To eucb a da- true ZT. Short vulta Solution of Yeitarday't Puzzla SrTOMrf J I LACE. I A R 18. Exclamation ti. Encoi 50. Chargea 1L Masiachu eetta cap 51. Among II. En si lib aand hllli 17. II. !. 40. Father Matcullna nam Acceulbla Number Exchanging1 Edged tool Melancholy Hift murmur Eipoui Meaning The Oreek . long B 42 4ft. 14. Southern tohn 46 nycaica 45. U, Male ngura 49. used aa a 60 supporting II, column ' - I 3 WM& s I6 -7 lfl Hf I'M'' m P i fi is IT p 7 it 2, a I 1 1! 11 tc 41 4S M 11 il l 1 I I f I I 1 BUSINESS DIRECTORY LOANS Money When You Need It) When you require extra funds to pay your bills or for other pur poses, see us. We ask for no en dorsers and make no embairaastng Investigations. You get your money at once without any deductions. Ample repayment time and modest charges. We Invite you to Inquire for further Information. Call, Phone or Write OREGON FINANCE CO. (Formerly Ore 61 Wash. Mtg Co.) Lie. No. S-211 M217. Phone 139. 45 South Central. fainting. PAINTING Industrial and residential work quickly don at moderate cost Latest spray-type equipment F H Oardner Phone 1375-W. COLORS BY NATURE - PAINTS BY PITTSBURGH Let us recommend a reliable -painter or paperkangor P-H.A loans for painting now avail. able Pittsburgh Paint Store, 132 w Main Tranvler. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STOP.AGI Local and Long Distance SMmlturt Moving. Bonded carrier Ftreptool storage. Expert orating, packing and shipping service. "Davis for service." pnone o.. EADS TRANSFER Is STORAOl CO. , Office ?6 80 Fir Phons 816 Prices right, service guaranteeq. LEGAL NOTICES Notice. Outstsndlng warrant of Jackson County School Dlst. No. 59, numbers 214, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 230, 23(, 238, 239. 240, 241, 242, 243, 244. 349, 246 and 247, are hereby called for pay ment. Interest ceases after July 13, 1938. . ROSE J. KKLLEY. District Clerk Notice of Filing Final Account In the County Court of the Stste ot Oregon for the cotmty o: jaexson. In ths Matter of the Estate of Corbin Edgell. deceased. ' Notice Is Hereby Given that the undersigned has filed her flnsl ac count and report In tli abovo en titled estate and that by order of the County court In ana lor jack, son County, Oregon, a hearing upon the same has been set for Friday, July 39th. 1938. in the County Court Room at the. Court House in Med ford. Jsckson County, Oregon, at the hour of ten o'clock. A. M. All persons ' having objections thereto are hereby notified to present the same on or before such time. Date of first publication of this notice Is June 39th. 1938. RUTH H. EDGELL, Executrix of the Estate of Corbin Edgell, deceased. ROBERTS Ac MCALLISTER, . Attorneye for Estate. Notice of Settlement of Final Account and Petition For Distribution In the County Court of the State of oreron for Jackson county. In the Matter of the Estate et Bernlece F. Bailey, deceased Notice la hereby given that Robert S. Bailey, administrator of the Estate of Bernlece F. Bailey, deceased, has rendered and presented for final set tlement and filed In said Court il final account of his administration together with a petition for final distribution, and that the 1st day of August, 1938, at ten o'clock In the forenoon of said day, in th court room of said court, In th county of Jackson, Stat of Oregon, have been fixed and appointed as the time and plaoe for th aettlement oi aald account and the hearing of . said petition, at which time and place any person Interested In aald Estate may appear and max objection, u any there be, to said account and petition. Dated this 29th day of June, less ROBERT 8. BAILEY, Administrator of Estate. J. F. FLIEOEL. Attorney for Estate. NOTICE: On and after August 6, 1988, as Administrator of the Estate of Florence Mclnnls, deoeased, I will Cross-Word Puzzle f. Ona in deft n Italy I. Ma Ida a. Partaka 10. Play on worda 1L Amrmatlvt BEflAPT I A FP" is. m today tt. Dine 20. Entice I rart- ant II. Charge IS. Sheeplik 53. Thin metal plate or disk II. Gleamed IS. Lateral bound aries 17. Law SO. Sends back IL Horliontai pro Jeotlon at the top of a building IS, Valley 54. Party -oolorad II. Bathed 17. Act of Knock ing down riir th pins n two bowl II. AnglO'Saxon moneys of account 40. Bshsld 41. English liver 41 Number 41. Negatlva 44. Portugueaa territory Is In India 4T. Concerning , L Licit up with th tongue 1 Historical period t. Fandant rnaese of t Flower Pa attention I. Fln?ib sell at prlvat aale. at Rooma 300-208, Cooley Theatre Bldg., Medford, Ore gon, for ca&h, or at least 1S cash and the balance within throe years. with Interest at 9 per annum, a cured by the note of the purchaser with a mortgage upon th property to secure the payment tnereoi, auo Ject to confirmation by the County Court of the Stato of Orepon for Jackson County, the following de scribed renl property of sala estate, located within Jackson County, Ore eon: The South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section Eighteen, in Township 33. South of Range two, East of the Willamette Meridian. leas about one acre hereto it re sold to School District No. 38. aa de scribed in deed now of record In Volume 115. at page 625 Deed Records of Jackson County. Oregon. RAWLES MOORE, Notice. In th County Court of th Stat of Oregon. lor jactcson uoumy In tha Matter of the Estate of 0. H. Howell, also known a Cheney H Howell. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, aa administratrix of the abov named decedsnt. has tiled her. In her final report and account, and that August . 1998. at 10 o'clock a. m.. at the courthouse in the City of Medford, In said County, has been fixed by th abov named court as the time and place for hearing ob jections to said final account and for the examination and allowance thereof. Dated: July . lose. MRS. M. H. SEYLER, Administratrix Reese Creek REESE CREEK, July 13. (8pl.) Among th many resident of thla district who wnt to th woods and stream for th July 4 holiday were Mr, and Mrs. Homer Martin, Stanley Hollls and other friends of the family, with the party from Beagle who enjoyed the nay at the Natural Bridge on the Rogue. Mr. and Mrs, L. C. Rusho are again working on their new house It will be a very nice home when completed S. A. Sutton la employed thla summer near Crater lake on the highway. Mrs. Ruth Davidson of Eagle Point visited July S with her daughter and famUy, Mr. and Mrs. Rslph Merrltt, Janet and Jimmy. Mr. and Mra. Jack Grow and their family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grow, Elleene Boren, Eldon Qrow, Miss Jean Bowen and Mra. draw's mother, Mrs. Rose Sturglll, of Medford, spent July 10 picnicking on the middle fork or th Rogu. Mrs. Wilson Gardner and son La Roy of Bleber, Cal., are spending two weeks visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. c. Jack and famliy, also calling on other neighbors In th vicinity a they used to live in this community. Mrs. Oardner Is canning berrlea and other fruit whlie over here, a It la very hard to gat these fruits where aho lives. Mrs. Jack Grow, Mrs. Sturglll Eileen Borcn and Mrs, Lmb shopped In Medford July a. Mildred Scott of Medford Is visit ing Barbara Sutton for two weeks. Mr. and Mra. W. R. Lamb visited Mr. and Mra. Fred Lewis near Butte Falls, July S. Mrs. Lewis' daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs Nelson Flurey of San Francisco, visited them the last week in June, during their vacation which they spent In Jack' son oounty. They are botn former residents of this county. Mr. and Mr. W. 0. Waddell visited their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Humphrey, Ralph and Darlene, recently. Callers at the Lamb home during th week were Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Arthur of th Klamath Falls high way south of Ashland, who were her July 8. Mr. and Mrs. M. Hecken berger called Sunday afternoon. - Oospal Mission church had a large attendance July 10. Th little ohurch 1 growing In attendance. A new sign, painted by Joyc Dlokrson, was Installed thla week. Miss Evelyn Johnson spent the week a house guest of Joyc Dlck erson. Th Sundsy sohool motored to Ashland park for hamburger fry last Friday night. Those enjoying th occasion were Oladya and Charles Rusho, Viola Jackson, Evtlyn. Jama and Melvln Johnson, Thayer Sherlan, Morris Jack, Miriam Cummtngs, Joyce Dlckerson. Mr, Mlnter, president of th young people's meeting, and Mra. Tydell and Mia Myrtle Comack were ohaperones. Central Point CENTRAL POINT, July U. (Bpl.) Monthly meeting of th Clvlo olub wss held in th library W.dnsaday with Postmaster H. T. Pankey as guest speaker from th business cir cle of Central Point. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hubbard of Champaign. IU war recent guests of Mrs. Margaret Hubbard at Hotel Valandra. Ernest Is a nephew of Mrs. Margaret Hubbard. Mra. W. J. Oebhard win Be nostesa to the Bersan Blbl class Thursday aftmoon, July 14. Sunday school plcnle from th brick church was held In Grants Pan park Saturday with attendance of 126. All report having grand time. Mra. C. t. Smith and sons. Jsck and Don, Mrs. 8. Brlstow and son. Sidney, apent Sunday at Oregon Caves. After four days showing on the highway In Central Point, th Joy land Carnival moved out during the early morning hour Sunday. AL SMITH CRITICIZES FAILURE AID RAILWAYS ALBANY, N. Y, July U. P) Former Oovernor Alfred K. Smith criticized President Roosevelt and eorurraaa today for failure to h.lp th railroad Mgt out of th rd." H mad th criticism tt New York' constitutional convention In a speech opposing en amendment to a proposal which would require th Wt to psy th cost of grsd cross ing Umlnatlotu. COURT HOUSE NEWS Furnished by the Jackson Oounty AOstrsct Co. 191 E Sixth Street Marriage Licenses. Chester E. Orlm and Persia Phillips. Lloyd Wright and Freeda Johnson Harry L. Evans and Camilla Hull- qulst. Clay L. Ratllff and Peggy Cathey. Delbert M. McCaleb and Lena L. Robinson. Circuit Court. J. W. Thurman file certificate of assumed business name of Acme Dry Cleaners, 1728 N. Riverside Ave., Med ford. L. M. Love vs. Refeal Benson; tor money, . L. M. Love vs. Rafael Benson, at tachment. , Stat Tax Commission vs. Bernard B. Hughes: tax warrant. Stat Tax Commission vs. Wm. M. Brlggs; tax warrant. Stat Tax Commission vs. R. W. Johnson; tax warrant. Stat Tax Commission vs. L. M. Mashlno: tax warrant. Dean Terrlll vs. J. Ronald Bond; money damages. D. F. Kay vs. N. E. Nelson; chattel lien. 0. F. Oerllnger file dissolution of assumed business name of "Uedford Iron and Steel Works." Medford. Ben Dlerks, William Dlerks Ills cer tificate of assumed business name of "Medford Iron and Seel Works." Med' ford. T. E. McOraw. Harvey F. Morgan file certificate of assumed business nam of "McQraw-Morgan Lumber Co." Eagle Point, Thomas Flynn vs. Ed Regnulr; lien Thomaa Flynn vs. George E. Stra- der; lien. R. S. Wllfley files certificate of assumed business name of "Wllfley Studio." 32 N. Central Ave.. Medford. Mlckle 0. Wiley vs. Norval E Wiley; divorce. Real Estate Transfer.. Edward Raymond Driver to Mable Qlpson Driver; WD. to land In DLC 47 Tp. 87 8. R. 3 W. W. M. I Herman L. Ekerson et ux to Henry M. Welshaar et ux; W.D. to Lot 36 Blk. 9. Glen Oak Subdivision. O. B. Lamkln et ux to W. W. Braha et ux: W.D. EM K 8E"t See 14 Tp. 30 S. R. 1 E. W. M. Chester H. Monnlch to Mlks Hoduf fer: AD. to Lota 8, 4,5 Blk. 8 Laurel hurat Add. to Medford. Harold L. Lane et ux to Jess B. Haddock et ux: O.D. to S NEft Sec. 34 Tp. 34 8. R. 2 W. W. M. E. E. Dopyera to Rudolph Dopyera: O.D. to 8W BE 4 and SEW Svy4 Sec. 7 Tp. 34 S. R. 9 E. W. M. J. A. Moore et ux to Vlda B. Stlckel; W.D. to land In DLO 45 Tp. 38 8. R. 1 W. W. M. Walter MUllgan to Charles MUllgan; W.D. to Lot 1 Blk. 2, Lsuralhurst Add. to Medford. Alonso R. Harden at ux to J. H. Phllpott at ux; W.D. S14 HEtt See 18 Tp. 88 8. R. 2 E. W. M. N. A. Sharpie at ux to Alice K. Wilson: W.D. to land In 80. 1 TP. 37 S. R. 8 W, W. M. Richard P. Wandray to Dorothy May Wandrey; Q.C.D. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Heights Bub. to Medtord. Ell Omer Walden t ux, t Amy J. Lawton, W.D. to land In See 3 Tp. 87 8. R. 3 W. W. M J, H. Phllpott at ux to Alonto R. Harden at ux; WD. Lot 8 Blk. "D' Railroad Add. to Ashland. Francisco Lima et ux to Edgar Mor gan et ux; WD. to land In Sec. 30 Tp. 38 8. R. 4 W. W. M. B. E. Jackson et ux to Jennie L. Duncan et vlr; WD. to land In Sec. 17 Tp. 88 S. R. 1 W. W. M. Carl F. Oerllnger et ux to Ben Dlerks et at; WD. Lot 1 and 3,, Blk 2, Central Subdivision of Cottsg Add, Rachel Mead et vlr to Otto J, Frohnmayer et ux; deed to part Lot 9, Barnum's Add, to Medford. Martin W. Wagner et ux tc Ralph W. Torroll et ux; WD. to land In DLC 44 Tp. 37 S. R. 1 W. W. M. Lola I. Marshall t vlr to Luoll O'Neill; Q.C.D. Lot 8, 4, 8, 8, Blk. 1, Orchard Add. to Medford. C. R. Alexander, Jr., Administra tor to John H. Korner; Q.C.D. WK NWH NWJ4 Seo. 5 TP. 38 8. R. 2 W, W. M. Jamea Keith et ux to Fred Landers et ux; WD. Lot 13 of HllUlnger Sub division. E. Oould et al to Edmund T. John son at al: WD. to land In DLO 55 Tp. 88 8, R. 1 W. W. M. Summer Sports Are Featured in Latest Chesterfield Copy Th new July release of Chester field advertising by Liggett ft Myers Tobacco company again feature th pleasure of Chesterfield cigarette In combination with summer .port and dlveralons. Emphasis li placed on action and lively spirit, both in Illus tration and text for newspapers, mag azine, billboards and point-of-sale displays. A new theme Una, "Double your smoking pleasure with Chtterflelds, you'll find them milder and better tasting," makes Its appearance In this aerie. Credit for this omblna tlon of amoklng qualities Is glvtn to Chesterfield's mild, rip tobaccos, homa-grown and aromatlo Turkish, and pur cigarette paper . . , tha Ingredients a cigarette can have - Billboard and store displays of th new aerie an lively and colorful. In th continued good taste which has won equal approval from retailers and th public. Raved From sea MARSHFIELD, July 13. P A war washed Floyd Tobln. 38. of Win cheater Bay from th South Umpqua Jetty today when h was employed on a repair craw. An unidentified workman swam 60 test through th heavy surf to recover th body. 4 WINDOW OLAS8 - We Mil wlndoa lass and will replace 'rour oroken windows reasonably, rruwbrtdg Cab inet Work. On the Radio Chains STATIONS Where to Find I'hem on the Dial: KfcX. Portland, II8U; KFI. 840 1x1s Angeles: KI1A 1410. Spokane; ttoo. 7U0. San Francisco: HU1V till. Portland: KJH. 070, Seaftl. KNX. 1030. Los Angeles; KOA 830 Denver: KOIN. wo, Portland KOMO. 028. Seattle; KI'O 6xu sao Francisco: KL. linn Malt Ijike Wednesday 8:00 Meet the Champ, KNX, KSL, KOIN: Town Hall, KOA: Drama, KOO. KOA, KEX; Organ, KPO, KFL 5:30 Muslo Camp, KGO, KEX; Organist, KNX; Behind the Foot-, lights, KPO: Violinist. KOW. 5:45 Headlines on Parade. KNX, KOIN: Stories of Life, KPO; Muslo Oamp, KOA. 8:00 Kyser's Music, KPO, KFI, KOW: Word Game, KNX. KSL, KOIN. 8:30 Minstrel Show, KGO, KEX: Jack Shannon, KNX. 7:00 Amos & Andy, KPO, KFI, KOW; Entertainment, KSL; Scatter good Balnes. KNX, KOIN; Drama, KGO, KOA, KEX. 7:15 Dalley'a Orch., KNX, KSL, KOIN; Uncle Ezra, KPO, KFI, KOW: Boxing Bouts, KEX, KOA; Agricul ture Today, KOO. 7:30 Whlteman'a Orch., KNX, KOIN, KSL; Boxing Bouts, KOA, KEX; Concert Hill, KOO; Heldt's wren., aru, ituw. 8:00 Town Hall, KPO, KFI, KOW: Kemp'a Orch., KNX, KOIN, KSL; Farmer's Orch., KOO; News, KOA, KEX. 8:30 Dram. KPO, KFI, KOWi Tf-.ompson's Orch., KGO; Klng'a Orch., KNX, KOIN. 0:00 Dorsey's Orch., KPO, KFI, KOW; Dance Orch., KNX, KOIN; Gordon's Orch., KOO. S :30 Relaman's Orch., KPO, KEX, kgw; Musical Cookbook, KNX; GUI's Orch., KOO. 10:00 News. KPO, KFI, KOWr Cook it Grant, KSL; Garber's Orch, KGO; News, KNX. 10:15 Saunders' Orch., KPO, KFI: Sketch Book, KNX, KOIN, KSL; Garber's Orch., KOA, 10:30 Drleake's Orch., KGO, KOA, KEX. 11:00 Trumbauer'a Orch., KPO, KFI, KGW: King' Orch.. KNX, KOIN, KSL; Flva Star Final, KGO; Organist, KGA. Thursday. 5:00 Symphony Orch., KPO, KFI, KOW; Major Bowes, KNX, KSL, KOIN; Pulitzer Plays. KOO. 8:30 Pulitzer Play, KEX. 8:00 Blng Crosby, KPO, KFL KOW; Concert Orch., KNX, KOIN. KSL; People I Have Known, KOO. 8:30 Americans at Work. KNX, KSL, KOIN; People I Have Known, KGO. 7:00 Entertainment. K8L; Amos and Andy, KPO, KFI, KGW; Scatter- goua jsaines, aha, num; urama, KOO, KGA, KEX. 7:15 Screen Scoops, KNX. KOIN, KSL; Three Cheers, KPO, KOW; Schallert Revlewa, KOO, KOA. 7:30 Clinton's Orch.. KEX: Pen darvl' Orch., KNX, KSL, KOIN; Him ber's Orch., KPO. KOW. 7:45 Hlmber'a Orch., KOMO; Who's In Town Tonight, KOO 8:00 Sprlgg's Orch., KPO; Grant' Orch., KGO; Long's Oroh,, KSL. KOIN. 8:15 Symphony Hour, KPO, KFI, KOW; Grant's Orch., KEX; Sprlgg's Orch., KOO; Long's Orch., KNX. 8:30 Calling All 'Cars. KNX; Garber's Orch., KJR; Baseball, KOO, KOA, KEX. 8:00 Gordon' Orch., KOA; Jur gen's Orch., KNX, KOIN. 8:80 Jelesnlk's Orch., KSL KOW; Thurn's Orch.. KPO. Km. irriw 8:45 Judy Dean, KPO; Jeleanlk' Orch., KNX. 10:00 Nw. KPO, KFI. KOW; Saundera' Orch.,. KGO; New. KNX. 10:80 Relaman's Orch.. KOO, KOA, KEX; King's Jesters, KFI. 10:48 Winston's Orch., KPO, KFI, KOW; Dorsoy' Orch., KNX, KSL, KOIN. 11:00 Trumbausr's Orch., KPO, KFI, KOW; Flv Star Final. KOO: Noble's Orch, KNX, KOIN. KSL: Organist, KOA. Servel Electrolux Rights Granted To Gas Company Here Granting of rights to the Southern Oregon Oa Corporation to sell gas operated Servel Electrolux refriger ator In thla territory (Medford. Or.) ha been continued for 1038. according to an announcement made by George 8. Jonaa, Jr, vice-president and general sales manager of Servel. Inc. from th company's of fices at Evsiuvllls, Indian, whet the rvfrlgerators are manufactured. The terms of the franchise pro vide for th merchandUlng of re frigerators in th following place In this vicinity: Cities of Medford, Grant Pass, Ashland, Roasburg, Klsmath Fall, Th 1038 model embody th sain superior principles of styling and design that hava characterised th Servel Electrolux refrigerator In other years. Th refrigerators op erate differently than other make In that freezing 1 caused without the us of machinery. A tiny ga flam operate tha refrigerator, thus obviating th use of moving parts, a frzlng system that Insures per manent alienee, economy od com parative freedom from repair. Servel Electrolux gas-operated re frigerator have been Installed in more thn million city home throughout th United States sine their introduction to th public 11 year ago. - , Four mountains in China are des ignated by th Buddhists aa "holy mountalna:" Wu Ta Shan in ansl province; Omel Shan In Szechwani' Chul-hua Shan in Anhwel; and P'u To In th Chusan Islands. Some of th temple on Wu T'si Shan date from Hie first century, A. D. 8LA8HEDI Coat and Suit cut to 810.08 up. Ethelwyn B. Hoffmann.