MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFOKI). OREGON. FRIDAY, APRIL 39. 1933. PAGE THIRTEEN BBS Read every ad on this page You will probably find exactly the tilings you have been look ing tor or a sale or trade for unused articles you may have Search your attic or store-room you may find many things others are seeking and be able to realize Immediate cash. If what you want isn't here, ad vertise for It Tribune Classi fied Ads are Inexpensive effective I per word, first Insertion 2c (Minimum 23c) Each additional Insertion, per word lc (Minimum 10c) Per line per month without copy change $51.25 CASH Or money order must ac company all mail order classified ads. LOST AND FOUND LOST Yellow gold Elgin watoh with J. H. M. on- back and chain with folding comb. Call 839 Taylor St. Liberal reward. LOST Scottle dog, 1038 license. Re ward. See Wlckle at Fluhrer's Bak . ery. rLOST One gray lined glove. Leave at Mall Tribune. Reward. LOST If dog missing, call 1616. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Competent middle-aged woman as housekeeper for 2 adults. Sundays off. Call Mrs. Blgelow, 1037-J. . WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Steady housekeeper. Adults, Fruit workers need not apply. Box 4795, Tribune. AN amiable, competent and reliable woman wants cooking, housekeep ing or any honest work. Can go anywhere. Box 3814, Tribune. WANTED Housework by day or hour or permanent position. Charges very reasonable. Phone 1584-J. NEAT, experienced woman wishes Job cooking in logging or mining camp. Will go anywhere. 844 West 14th St. COMPTOMETER operator, with gen eral accounting experience and two years of typing, wants work. Phone 1779-J , EXPERIENCED, fir grader and tally i. man desires employment. Alvln A McQulgg. P. O. Box 366, Central Point. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Transportation to Los An geles or San Francisco. Share ex penses or help drive. Box 3816, Tribune. ' TRACTOR and team work wanted. Al Bendtckson, McAndrews road. DON'T let delinquent taxes take your property. Remember, there's only a short time before property reaches the clerk's office. Let's talk It over. Write Box 3810, Mall Tribune. PHONE 969-R Furniture reuphol stered, reflnlshed and reglued. EAGLE POINT fox farm buys horses and cows for feed. Call E. P. 37-X-7. WANTED TO BUY Veal, beef and dairy cattle. Phone 437-R. C. C. Hoover 4: Son. LAWNMOWERS sharpened and re paired. Called for and delivered. f Joe J. Jones, 32 N. Grape. Tel. 3S3. WOOL MOHAIR HIDES And Pelts. See us before you sell. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 37 N. Grape St. Phone 1063 WE PAY MORE CASH For your furniture HOI.BHOOK & ANDREWS 6th and Front. Phone 647. WANTED Laundry. I do curtains also. Mrs. Huson. Tel. 1345-M. WANTED Your watch and clock re pairing. Guaranteed. Reasonable prices. C. E. Myers, 116 N. Central. WANTED Dead and worthless ani mals removed free of charge. Phone 1789 (reverse charges). Southern Oregon By-Products Co. WANTED Placer grounds suitable for rirae-llne shovel operation. State all particulars first letter. Box 4803, Tribune. I WANTED 20 or 23 acres dairy ranch j to lease or uuy. i 457-J. Y WANTED Placer claims for cath. Give description and lowest price. Box 4884. Tribune WANTED Young man to share apartment close to business cen ter Box 4847. Tribune. WELL DRILLING $1.50 per ft. first 50 ft., etc. J. M. Dodge. 619 ting WANTED Unfurnished or partly furnished house or flat. 2 bedrooms, oil or clrculitlng heat. Must he modern and good nelehborhood: up to $40. Box 1572, Tribune. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for Batteries. Radiators. Aluminum, BraM. Cop per and other metals. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27 N Orn-x Ft Pone 106? FOR RENT HOUSES TOR RENT Modern furnished house, clow tn. See owner, 518 East Main. FOR RENT New 5 -room modern hou5?; garaee. chicken house, barn. 2 acres pood land, on mile from P O. Good location. B. J. Palmer, 403 E. Main. POR RENT e-rrv.m home, partly furn'.jihd: hsrciood floors, oil heaer. fireplace, paved street, cl-ws In. 140 per mont!i, mater paid. Box 4743, Tribune. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished apartments, 616 N. Central. FOR RENT 4 -room furnished apart ment, 307 Beatty St. Geo. Iwrson. ALL MODERN 3 -room, separate bath, nicely furnished apartment; sepa rate, entrance. Vacant May 1st 718 S. Oakdale. FOR RENT Furnished 3-room apart ment, 413 N. Ivy, FURNISHED 4-room apartment, 313 8. Orape. FOR RENT 3 - room apartment. Adults. 40 quince. Phone 641-W. FURNISHED 3 and S room apt. Adults. 604 W. ICth. APARTMENT for rent. 718 Welch FOR RENT Furnished epartment, Frlgldalre, private bath. 608 West Main,. FOR RENT Two-room furnished apartment. 444 So. Fir. APTS. for rent. OeBauer Apt. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Bedroom, 381 W. 6th. Call after 6 p. m. FOR RENT Heated furnished room. 714 West 10th. Phone 1555-Y. ATTRACTIVE rooms, 404 8. Drape. VERY ATTRACTIVE air conditioned room for gentleman. 604 Penn sylvania, FOR RENT Sleeping room with pri vate sitting room. 708 So. Oakdale FOR RENT Pleasant, heated room for employed lady, cooking prtv lieges If desired. Phono 1117 or call 813 8. central after o. w PLEASANT sleeping room for gentle men at 105 Geneva. FOR RENT BOARD-ROOMS PI.WASANT mom with meals If de- glrcd, at 716 E. Main. FOR KENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT FARM 235 acres In cul tivation. Will rent part or all. Suitable for onions, beans, grain or corn, etc. Also have available sev eral hundred acres pasture adjoin ing. Crop rent this year to reliable party or parties. 603 No. Riverside. Phono 1467. FOR RENT 3 store rooms, steam heated office room. See Al Llttrell or Roland Hubbard. Phone 237. FOR RENT 40 acres, $10 a month Inquire 4 Corner Station, Midway road. FOR EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS EXCHANGE I have a good Johnson outboard twin: will exchange for good single. Flynn Electric pnone 107. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WILL TRADE you clear acreage near Medford for that farm or city home delinquent taxes are about to take. Write Box 3809, Mall Tribune. FOR TRADE LRrge lot. desirable lo- cation, for car or equity. Phone B65-M. FOR SALE OR TRADE 10 acres. Irri gated, adjoining city limits of Med ford. Ideal for subdivision; city water. Will trade for Grants Pass property. See L. G. Plckell, 16 So. Burnett. FOR SALE POULTRY RED FRYER9 BOc each Carley Farm FOR SALE LIVESTOCK WHITE weaner pigs. R. B. Miller, Ross Lane. COWS FOR SALE One to freshen In few days: 3 milking: double tested Joe Perry. Sams Valley. FOR SALE Good Guernsey cow. Tel. 623-R-l. FOR SALE 6 brood sows and pigs. T. E. Beaulleu, Crater Lake Hwy., north Reese creek. FOR SALE White New Zealand rab' bits. Phone 1S66-L FOR SALE 13 nead milk cows, reg- ling heifers, 3 head 3-year-olds. 5 calves, team 1500-lb. mules, horse and saddle, some equipment and 60 laying hens. F. V Cook. Igle point. FOR SALE Cheap. Cows, some fresh J. W. Cntes. Valley View. FOR SALE DOGS PETS FOR SALE Boston terrier puppy male. 903 So. Holly. Phone 1393-L REASONABLY PRICED pedigreed Cocker Spsnlel pups Turn left at sign on Jacksonville nignway. v u Chnmberlen. FOR SALE - REAL ESTATE ATTRACTIVE suburban home, 6 rooms modern, city water. S' acres alfalfa, 3 mllen out paved road. Owner transferred, sacrifice for quick sale or exchange for Eugene property. Terma to responsible buyer. 8 Acre on Old Stage road. 6 room house, barn, etc. Price $2750. terms or trade for Medford 3 bed room house. 33 Acres excellent bottom land, free water. Central Point district; 5-room house, barn, parage, chlclccn house: eocxl team. 6 milk cows, brood sow. complete set farm Im plements; 5000, half cash. 42 Acres on paved highway. 25 acres irrigated meadow, all fenced ' woven wire. 4-room house, good barn. Owner wants action: S2500, 1250 down, balance easy terms. SID BLOOD. C L. GOFP 123 N. Central. HOUSES FOR SALE in Medford and surroundlntr town. Easy trma. Jackson County Federal Savings Loan Association. FOR SALE 300 acres. 60 acres free waW, old rvt bulldinKS. on ortved hlrhwav. IV) pr acre. Oroeen ptore. c!oe to chools. with foun tain T!c rtotne fine business. See W. W. Rob. son. 25 East Main fit., Ashland. FOR 8ALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Good sized 4-room home: modern, good location, 1 block off Main; 91450; small down payment, baltmce less than rent. Call 1247, between 7 and 6, morning or even ing. FOR SALE 6-room house, some terms. Also la Muscovy aucks. uo Boerdman. FOR SALE Lot 100'xlOO', Industrial tone. 611 N. Fir. SMALL or LARGE acreage tracts near Medford for sale with small pay ment down. Will consider carpen ter work, bulldlrfg material or trac tor work. Inquire 323 North River side. Phone 612. SEE Charles A. Wing Agency. Inc., to uuy your uouie. WHEN you think of real estate, think of brown 8 rara. MUST SELL equity In modem 4-room house, owner leaving town, rnoue 385. mmvBAT. f.Afm RANK FARMS For Information Inquire of Warren rsitcrson. oecicwwj v vuv ..Btwiiu Farm Loan Office, 303 Liberty Bldg. Tel 1149. Or C. A. Barnes, 167 E. 8th. Eugene, Ore. APARTMENT HOUSE WITH five apartments, oil burner. Frlgldalre, .garbage chute; most beautiful apartments In Eugene; will net over ten percent on invest ment: only four blocks from Uni versity and five blocka from main business district. Will take part trade. Write owner, E. J. Lange, 1223 Ferry St. FOR SALE S houses, $2500: $80 monthly Income. Lot luxiau on Cottage, $360. 10 acres on highway near Astoria to trade for property In or near Medford. See owner, 518 East Main. FOR SALE 6-room modern house; large, attractive living room, fire place, hardwood floors, laundry trays, double garage, nice trees and shrubbery. Located near Junior high school on corner lot; paved streets. This Is an exceptional bar gain. $3000: terms. Look this over. L. G. PICKELL, 16 S. Bartlett. FOR SALE Attractive stucco home, cove celling, fireplace, enclosed back yard, on Park Ave. Inquire 518 So. Oakdale. FOB SALE Furnished home, 422 S Ivy. A REAL BARGAIN MODERN country home, good out buildings, fruit, berries, grapes, 4 acres In pasture, all Irrigated. Can be purchased with or without nock. rv,m anri lonk it over. A nlace anv- one would be proud to own. James Keith, one block souin. one uiott west of grey packing house. Phoe nix. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 1935 OLDSMOBLE Coach with trunk; had good care: good condition. Owner leaving for Central America Sell at sacrifice. Inquire John T. Ross, V4 mile north Rogue River Academy off Jacksonvllle-Phoenlx highway. 1029 DODGE Truck 1930 Pbntlac Sedan $ 79.00 $ 75.00 loon IlnHM Rert.n $ 45.00 1930 Ford Pickup $125.00 1930 Hudo Sedan ....$ 65.00 1929 Ford Sport Roadster $146.00 PIERCE-ALLEN MOTOR CO. Dodge and Plymouth Dealers. 1933 PLYMOUTH Sedan. A dandy. Has had sood care and Is In good condition $325 PIERCE-ALLEN MOTOR CO. Dodge and Plymouth Dealers. FOR SALE 1926 model A roadster. $95. n. C Wltnam. utn ana mver side. FOR SALE 1933 Chevrolet dump truck, comoletelv overhauled, good rubber, $376. Terms to suit. Phone 116-J-3 after a p. m. C. E. GATES AUTO CO. Sneclal R. AO. Guaranteed Cars "936 Ford 2-door Sedan $466 1935 Chevrolet 2-door Sedan $446 1935 Ford 4-door DeLuxe Sedan... $445 1934 Ford Coupe " 1932 Plymouth Sedan $295 1931 Ford Coupe .. ...$195 1930 Chevrolet Coupe $105 C. E. GATES AUTO CO. Used Car Department. 8th and Bartlett. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS MUST SELL '20 Harley-Davldson motorcycle at once. Sacrifice offer. Barney Logan, Stewart Ave. and Orchard Home urive. FOR SALE: 4-wheel trailer, 7x14 box. hydraulic braises. Ora Vandagrlft at w. n. oore rancn. HEAVY DUTY bench drill with motor, U4 centrifugal pump. 60 ft. pipe, boy's bicycle. Al's Trading Post, Jacksonville Hwy. and Lozler Lane, FOR SALE Complete household fur niture. D. E. Laney, Talent. FOR SALE Balloon tire bicycle, 616, 1021 West 9th St. PYTHIAN Sisters' uummsge Sale, next to Brophy's, Friday and Saturday Some plants ana domes. FURNITURE 3-PC. set, $50; 150 re frigerator, $67.50; linoleum, table. aweeper, $3 50; elec. lamp.; 8. Lang range. $5.50; rord panel. wj.oj, tubs and boilers. 208 W. Jackson. FOR SALE Siskiyou Memorial bur tala, above road. $50. 511 N. Fir. FOR SALE ROSE AID controla all rose diseases and Insects. Start using It now. Monarch Seed tfc Feed Co. FOR SALE CROWN TURKEY STARTER PELLETS la beat all ways. Monarch Seed & Feed CO. FOR SALE CTANOOAS la aura death to moles, gophers and rats. Mon arch Soed de Feed Co. FOR SALE VIOORO Is the perfect lawn and garden fertilizer. Most economical. aionarcn boea oi reea Co. FOR SALE SNAP.OL kills alugs and ANTROL keeps ants under control. Monarch Seed and Feed Co. FOR SALE Two good used washers, one Maytag with balloon roll. Cheap for cash. 18 N. Orape St. FOR SALE 8 by 10 tent. 450 ft S plow Bt-el line, cook stove, type writer, heary duty cat tongs, snatch blocks. Dan Haas, 606 W. 11th. FOR SALE Dahita bulbs. 160 each. Monarch Seed Ac Feed Co. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Gold fish and water hya cinths for garden pools. Monarch Seed As Feed Co FOR SALE Bnnd your trees with TREE TANGLEFOOT now to keep aphlda under control. Monarch Seed & Feed Co. FOR SALE Chinese Soya tubs make Ideal flower tuba. 75o each. Mon arch Seed & Feed Co. FOR SALE Kill aphlds with Shep'a Plant Spray. Harmless to the ten dereat foliage. Monarch Seed & Feed Co. NU-BONB Foundation Garments, ex pressly designed for every figure. Elizabeth C. Hartley, Coraetlere Phone 1528- Y. FOR SALE Yellow dent seed corn. Chas. Isaac. 2 miles out Crater Lake Hwy. RIVER LOAM Excellent for flowers or lawns. Phone 1534-Y. FOR 8ALE Rich Bear creek loam and barnyard fertilizer. Pnone 1164-W. 624 E 9th St. FOR SALE Newtowns. packed or loose. Any quantity. American Fruit Growers warehouse. 213 S. Fir. NEW $50 RADIO. MUST SELL NOW $20. 229 North Ivy, Apt. 6. FOR SALE LUy-of-the-vailey. West 2nd St. NU-ENAMEL One coat covers. No brush marks. Acids and strong cleaning agents have no damaging effects. Brassflelu Music Co., 212 W Main. Phone 264 . GOOD used washers and radios; barf gain prices; and Haywood-Wakefield 4-plece wicker set, perfect condi tion: cheap. Flck'a Hardware. HOUSE TRAILER for sale. Inquire J. Snttler. l' miles west Phoenix, Rt 4, Box 320. FOR SALE Newtown apples. Cyrstal Springs Packing Co., So. Fir. MCLINIMENT gives permanent relief for, eczema, piles, Inflammatory rheumatism. $2.50 bottle. No samples. P. 1. McNulty, 67 East 6th, Eugene, Ore. FOR SALE Piano, cheap. Box 255-A, Midway road. SECOND HAND STORE closing out this week. Good used oak dining tables $2 50; ranges $6.50: cook stoves $3.89; chairs 50c; beds 50c; springs 75c; hundreds 25c to 75c cooking utensils for 6c to 25c; sew ing machines $6.50; dressers $6.00 THE FURNITURE TRADE MART 15 South Front. FOR SALE 2 oil brooders. Chas. Clngcnde. Route 3. Medford. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Variety Store. Stock and fixtures. Doing good business. Price $2500. Consider 1 to 6 acres as part trade, value up to $1000. Balance $1500 cash. Sacrifice for quick sale. Reason sickness. Write Port Orlord Variety Store, Port Orford, Ore. PERSONAL POEMS SET TO M QS1C. 'ARRANGED for publication Submit ocst work either ooems oi melodies, for free examination and report M M M Studios. Oept K, Portland. Oregon MISCELLANEOUS FLOOR LAYING, sanding, finishing and reflnlshlng. New equipment. Work done by a specialist. Call 1105-J. HAVE your mattress cleaned, reno vated, made Into lnnersprlng on tne Nu-way machine. Tel. 893-W Nu-Way Mattress Co., 39 So. Grape, Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS Lohonffrln'i wife Large sub terranean budp Pari of a shot Compartment in a bulldlna Pertaining to bees County In Nebraska Pulverized LI berated About M turning Scatter Firmament Weird Upright Equality Simple vocal sound Bo u U American blrda Chiivlian era. abbr. Civetlike animal Revolve Mexican Indian Ancrj Foot leal animal Treat! nr of love Steei Symbol for aodlum Come Again to mind Danger Swamp Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle 20. I CEiARBHRAII u. geqee!tayIal 25- sqUdIfarIh I ES ' APlis or IbSmI IS: VJESRB I N ESjAB St RATTTDiE ATjSTY . PSlffiANYllNffi UTEiPETPOSH ,. IrI I BiB A RMPg LICE SOU I C I tiedElSQ IL ElNll iDETOINISBiSlOlSI 62. KascaJ S4. Olllclfll of ancient Home 68. Roguish 68 Dealt out pa ringly 10 Narrow distant view ftft Not any 64 Nut 66. Money paid for Uie use of another" property 6. Part of the ye 61 Oona byt poetic 70. High wind 7L Inclination ' z J WW f V 6 9 WM0 I" u l3 i ii u WM W1 ' WM jflui , 'JMi au 3Tt A pjl 32 IP33 34 3S ''' ',': 2rZlZZZiiZZZM!L ZSZ 1 WM :. iAil -, mml ' MISCELLANEOUS HAVE VOUR PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN Special opening offer Large size BxlO. only 30c Brown & Bruwn Photographers. 225 E. Main, over Kidd't Shoe Store. P A. PEFLEY Contractor and builder. Job work a specialty Cab inet and cement work. Painting by day or job. Phone 988-W; 1213 W. 9tb St. FOR A-l dry cleaning and laundry call 15, day or night, ASSAY OFFICE W O Wright 614 W tlth St City Have Dm en for chrome manganese cinnabar BUSINESS DIRECTORY JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. TITLE INMJKANCfc ABSTRACTS ESCROWS D rets ma King The Domestic Shoppe Ladles' tailor ing, alterations, gown making Men's suits altered, repaired. Hemstitch ing, buttons covered. 19 N. Bartlett THE FASHION SHOP Dressmaking and Remodeling. Buttons and Buckles covered. Room 12, Sparta Bldg. Tel. 1181. DRESSMAKING. Tailoring. Ladies' Coats and Suits. Alterations. Prices reasonable. Mary M. Coker, Cra ter! nn Bldg. Expert Window Cleaners LET GEORGE DO IT Tel. 1172. House cleaning, floor waxing, ori ental rup denning and upholstering LOANS Having MONEY TROUBLES? In times of business uncertainty many business firms find it neces sary to tighten up on credit. YOU will have no trouble In borrowing extra cash at OREGON FINANCE CO. (Formerly Ore. As Wash. Mtg. Co.) Lie. No. fl-311. M-217. Phone 139. 45 So. Central. Hn dint or Repairing HOOPER'S RADIATOR SERVICE 33 South Bartlett Painting PAINTING-rlndustrlal and residen tial work quickly done at moderate cost. Latest spray -type equipment. F. H. Gardner. Phone 1375-W. COLORS BY NATURE PAINTS BY PITTSBURGH. Let U5 recommend a reliable painter or paperhanger. P.H.A. loans for painting now avail able. Pittsburgh Paint Store, 132 W. Main. Spring Clennlng LET US do your window cleaning wall cleaning ind floor waxing. We clean painted, papered or .saUo- mined wans, itcnaonanie rates Satisfaction guaranteed. H. R Button. Phone 1465-J. 417 King 8t Transfer DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE Local and Long Distance Furniture Moving. Bonded carriers. Fireproof storage. Expert crating, packing and shipping service. "Da via for Service." Phone 644. EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 26 So. Fir. Phone 816. Prices right. Service guaranteed. SAMSON Transfer and Storage. Fur niture Moving and expert furniture packing service. Fireproof storage, new low rates. F. E. SAMSON CO., Phone 833 Cross-Word Puzzle Room toi keeping pitchers and linen Drain Thong Order of archi tecture Unit of weight Horse of a certain gait Idolize Day's march Expiate Type of au tomobile Town, lock, dam and lake in the CanaJ Zone Icy Full of stone Weary Decree of the sultan Color Coat or covering of an animal Joyous Of the votce Unintelligible language or dialect SllKhi in tentionally Ardent affection Sufficient: poetic Of more than usual height Appellation of Athena Strike gently Action at law Type measure Compaae point 72 Town in Dela ware 73. Kind of wide mouthed Jar OOWN 1. Unite of work 1 Learning 1. burlier 4. Kntertaln 6. Evli Aloft 7. Raise I. Ciftk 9. GUe 10. Staff 11. By x 12 Corner 13. Reftue 16. Coolnr-fll to danger 9 eo. LEGAL NOTICES Summons for Puhlli-utlon. (Suit In Equity to Quiet Tltl.l In the Circuit Court of ths 6tat of Ort'Ron for Jackson County. City of Mrdford. municipal corpor ation of tho State of Oregon, Plain tiff, va. Earl C. Sabln and Cora Sabln, hua band and wife: the unknown heirs of Cora Sabln, deceased; Pearl Gos eett and John Doe Oossett, wlfo and husband; the unknown heirs of Pearl Ooasett, deceased: also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest In the real estnto descrlhed In the complaint herein. Defendants. To the above named Defendants: In the name of the State of Ore gon : You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint filed against you In the above entitled tiutt on or before the last day of four wi-eka from the date of the first publlcstlon of this sum mons, said period of four weeks be ing the time prescribed for publica tion hereof, and If you fall so to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de manded In Its complaint, to-wlt: That a decree be entered adjudicating any and all rlfrht, title, estate, lien or claim which you or any of you have or claim to have In. to or upon the the real property situated In the City of Medford, Jackson County, Oregon, described as follows, to-wlt: Lota numbered Seven (7), Eight (8), Nine (0), and the West half of Lou Ten (10) and Eleven (11). In Block Two (2) of East Heights Addition to the City of Medford, Jackson County, Oregon, according to the official plat thereof, now of record, and declaring any and all such claims to be null and void and decreeing that said plaintiff is the owner In fee simple of said premises and of the whole thereof, freo and clear of any and all right, title, estate, Hen or Interest of the defendant herein, or any of them, and each and all of the defendanta herein, and each and all persons claiming or to claim by, tnrouph or under inem, or any oi them, be forever enjoined, restrained and barred from asserting, attempt ing to establish or claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest In or to said property or any portion there of, and that plaintiff's title to said promises be forever quieted and sot at rest, ana sucn lurmer ana otner relief .is may be Just and equitable In the premises. This summons Is published by order of the Honorable H. D. Norton, Judge of the above entitled Court,' made and entered In said court and cause on the 32nd day of April, 1938. pre scribing that this summons be served by publication tnereor once eecn wees for four consecutive weeks In the Medford Mall Tribune, a newspaper published In Jackson County, Ore gon, or general circulation. April 32nd. 1938, la the date of the first publication of thla summons P. P. PARRELL. P. K. DEUEL, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Room 10, Jackson County Bank Bldg Medford, Oregon. MONTHLY STATEMENT MARCH, 1938 The following la a schedule of the proceedings of the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, showing a list of claimants and supplies for which the claim Is made and which were passed upon during the month of March, 1938. O. R. CARTER, County Clerk. General County Fund Roberta and McAllister. I4S.00; Public Assistance, 43032.1 1: Clyde Beeson, 9201.40; C. R. Bowman, trav el, $20.60: Alice dandee, 18 00; J. R. Blerma. .76: Western Union, il.63; JJr. Harvey A. Woods, $60.00: tick's Hardware, .io; Barlon rcn uompany 8.00; A. E. Simmons, tll.00; Pacific Tel. and Tel. Co.. $65.65: R. E. Swee ney, postage, 110.00; Salvation Army. $100,00: Ideal Bicycle Shop, $12.85; Red Cross, travel, $8.85; West Side Pharmacy, $7.14: Holllster and Hol llster. $3.32: Office Stationery and Supply Co., $27.B0; American Med ical Association, $7.00: Calif. Oregon Power Co., $178.23; O. R. Carter, pos tage, $3.20; O. R. Bowman, postage, $80.20; Henrietta Sandry, $1.30; John LaughUn. $4.14; Mall Tribune Job Dept., $10.15; Medford Statloneiy Store, $2.10: T. Morris, $1.00: O. O. Miller, $1.00: Dick Goodman, $1.00; Prank Applcga'te, $1.00: I. D. Hughes, $1.00; Wm. Peck, $1.00; Chas. Clsul, $2.00: Postal Tolegrnph, $1.44: Brown and White, $3.97: The A. LleU Co. $1.81; Mall Tribune, $15.20; Prank Learned. $41.47: County court, trav el, $25.00: O. P. Talent, $5.60; Old Age Assistance, $2640.39; Dependent Children $562.36; Blind Assistance, $50.69: Dan English, $10.84: A. Lletr Company. $36.99; E R. Squibb and Aon. $30.00; Marshall Smith Leonsrd, $428.26; Ewln P. Stone, $3 00: Stnto Department of Agriculture, $29.73; O. R. Bowman, postage, $26.00; Hotel Medford, $11.00: O and O Association, $250.00; Sheriff, travel, $42.91: Juve nile Court, $28.63 Red Cross, travel, $17.17; Southern Paclflo Co.,' $4 86: Shaw Supply Co., $36.64: Ister Smith. $109.60: Merchant Machine Co., $54.00: Una B. Inch, travel, $44 30;W. K. Plnzer Co.. $5.68: H. D Reed, $2 80; Lumen Brothera, $2.99; p. J. Holbrook, $6.00: Llllle Scrlven. er, $20 00: Riverside Market. $1120: A. 8. Bullen, $6.50: Underwood Com panv, $7.60; Msrlon Sutton, $78.66; P. M. Corllea, $72.56: Ray BollnR. $72.66; Bill Bollng. $73 56: Joe.Oll Insky. $63.00; Harold Vessey, $37.11: Earl Baxter, $72.56; Grace Brown, $49.50; O. W. Oodward, $1.20; Mrs. Ferguson. $3.00: County Court, travel, $7.00; Horace Oeppert, $12.40; P R. Schuler, $6.00; Jennie P. Oreon, $6 00; Maude A. Port, $10.00: P. O. stlmor., $6 00: L. A. Crane, $6.00: Phillip O Humphreys. $7.00; Gordon Kershaw, $16.60: R. 8. Fury. $36 00: W. H. Paine. $38 00: E. R. White, $3 00; O. A. Oal- bralth. $42.00: Ouy Coblelgh, $21.00; Geo. Alford, $29 30 Edith Stevens. $9 00: L. E. Newbry, $23.40; W. A Whltelaw, $41.00; Helen Pierce, $34 00; E. P. Schmidt, $33.00; Prank Strat ton, $17.30: R. R. Reter, $9.00; Dor othy Specht, $3660; Prank Hold rldge, $.13.60; 8. M Bullls, $30.00, Fred Barneburg, $39.00: Fred Pick. $2700; E. II. Mohr. $29 00: France! Cunningham, $36.00; Chester Pitch, $27.20: Carl Pichtner. $36 00: Al ni gra, $37.00: Earl Tumy. $6.00; W. w Allen, $35 80: Eula Janouch, $2 00: Louise Brockway. $2.00; Mamie E. Sleeter. $3 00: Olen Simpson, $4 60; P. H. MrCurly, $10 20; Collins Hart lev. $.1.28: K Wattnhenr. 131.18: Hubbard BroVhen. $9.95: Blden's Shop. $1 80; Snider Dairy. $35.70: Try- on'a Mere. Co., $6 70: Western Thrift $0.79; M. L. Hattley, $26.70; Mason Ehrman Co, $61.71: Beck s Bakery $105: Talent Feed Store, $6.70; Eajtt Side Market, $70; Luther Hart, $4.60: East Side Orooery. $4 65: Snider Cof fee Shoo. $9 05: Aahland Mills, $30 03: O'Hnrra Grocery. $1.55; Cascado Chemical Co . $3 29: c. J. perrine $3 80: I. R. Prldeer $2055: Jordan's. $3.40; Davis snd Davis, $40; Fix 't Shop, $.75; Knox Lumber Co, 17.60; Hubbard Wray Co., $1.S0: F. F. Burk. $100; North Coast Chemical Co., $4.62: Hardy's Cash Hardware, $5 40: What Not Store, $3.00: Whittle rrana fer Co.. $11.00; Prank Spencer, $2.00: Bnrney'a Service, $.76: Collins Hart ley. $49.30: Ted's Feed Store, $70.30: Calif. Oregon Power Co.. $83.45; Med ford Pharmacy. $15.74: Dr. E. W. Bar num. $5; Heath'a Drug Store, $7.40: Dr. G. A. Qltten. $73 35; County Agents $1367.60: City Sanitary. $5.00: Trow bridge and Flynn. $2.70; The Blue Print Shop, $2.28: E. C. Rice, $32.00: Horace Geppert, $3.00: P. R. Sohuler, $3.00: Jennie F. Green, $3.00; Maude A. Port, $3.00: Piank O. Stlnson, $3.00 L. A. Crane, $3.00; Phillip Humphreys, $3.00: Gladys Throck morten, $.70; Hansen Hardware Co., $3.00: Jessie Kendall, $1396: Med ford Water Com.. $50.00; Timber Producta Co., $149 80; Shell Oil Com nanv. $25.16: Henrv Tymer Company. $8 80: Aahland Tidings. $1.10; Con- solldsted Freight Lines. $80: E. J. Neumann, $1.39; Cutter Laboratories, $.45: West Coast Printing Co., $13.00: Hotel Medford. $6.80; Jarmln's, $3.00 Emergency Fund O and O. Association, $250.00; O. Q, Carter, Recording, $39.00. Dog License Fund Jackson County Humane Society, $660.75: John Hlggenbotham, $7.00: Oeo. B. Brown, $7.00; Tom Given, $22.00. Jackson County-Library Marshall Smith Leonard, $6 00: Consolidated Freight Llnea. $4.39; Kate A. Oaddls, $31.17; Mrs. R. H. Paxon. $32.66: International Library Association, $14.90. Bounty Fund B. F. Pankey. $1.00; Horry Dlctrlck, $100; Ohas McKee(1.00; Henry dosk. $1.00: Ben Gardner. $1.00: Ben Geary, $10.00: Wm. Thurman, $1.00; W. Q. Messal. $2.00: Anton Ring. $1.00: A. E. Edmondson. $1.00: Harry Wright, $1.00: Mark Hoefft, $3.00; Mary C. Pry, $1.00. Roads Associated OH Company, $031.58; Colvear Motor Sales Co.. $113.80; Har rison Parts Company, $3.17: Flynn Electric Co.. $8.84; Hansen Hdv. Co., $11.73: Eagle Point Lumber Co., $704 30; Union Oil Company. $78.60; Southern Pacific Company, $7.30; W J. Burbidge, $33.08: Office Stationery and Supply Co., $21.40; Barnum Ma chine Shop. $11.20: S. P. Company, $256.95; Medford Service Station, $1308.62: Oak Street Garage, $38.03; Western Auto Supply. $8.04; H. L. Prltchard Company. $62.61; The Tex as Company, $636.88: Paul Hurst, $26.03; H. Deck, $7.18: Jamea Qwln, $7.18; J. A. Miller, $.75; Lorenz Com pany, $64.98; O. S. Deatherage, $1.00: Gordon and Flnkbelner, $190.00: Pa cific Motor Transport. $1.38: Porter Lumber Company, $613.68: Big Pines, Lumber Company, $588.00: Klamath Machine Works, $128.33; C. I. Bourne, $78.83; C. Z Boyden, $96.07; Leland Pettlgrew, $58.06; Irl Morse, $90.00; Southern Paclflo Company, $162.00: Calif. Oregon Power Co., $69.87; Lewis Super Sorvlco, $17.68; L. O. Culver, $614.67: Lange Motor Co, $28.17: Woodbury Company, $83.52; Chain Belt Co., $42.36; Older Tire Service, $44.85: Merchant Ma chine Co., $18.00; W. M. Tethrow, $138.67: Henry Meyer, $107.73; J. W. Glllaapoy, $86.14; Ouy Olllaspey, $73.36: Bud Smltn. $7.57: Jack Stov- nll. $76.52: Vlrgol Wright, 12.76; Truman Benner, $47.84: Wm. Feckley, $3.19; Andy Smith, $48.48; Jim Mer rltt. $135.23: Earl Jones, $109.73; Leonard Andrews, $07.73; Percy Haley. $135.33: Don Brlttsan. $92.36; Lin, coin Pence, $75.37: R. D. Nichols, $57.41: Joe Mynott. $74.95; W. L, Hurst, $79.73; Lincoln Charley, $13.76; R. J. Rlnabarger, $137.73; F. E. Jaen klns, $128.98; Gene Hooper, $123.70; D. O. Modrell, $124.17: John H. Lacy, $114.74; K. N. Finney, $128.11; Har old Tolls, $119.09: L. B. McKlnnlt, $74.83; Art Boggls. $96.28; John Moul ton, $106.34; Gale Moulton, $120.87: Chas. Dooms, $134.64; Ed Stlllwcll, $133.05; A. Wattenberg. $102.10; W. L. Tolle. $130.26: B. H. Moulton, $76.29; Don Fredericks, $86.33; Clair Conawoy, $87.98; D. J. Clltfold, $123.74; Frank Denzer, $80.30; W. A. Sheldon, $04.07; Mlrl Morse, $90.63; Ed Glnzel, $134.73; Cliff Gass, $58.60. W. J. Burdldge, $97.69; Eber Weed, $97.69; Jack Thrasher, $17.27; II O. Dooms, $124.73; L. J. Blgham, $128.36: Ralph Morrltt, $122 74: Roy O. Palm er, $23.92; Kenneth Wattenberg, $26.11: C. B. Seaman. $27.92: B. D. Brock $26.34: Ed Cowden. $67.63; Willis Hodge, $36.08; Andy Mitchell, sao.uo; Lyal Hard, $3.19; Albert Johnson, $3.19; Robert Craig, $33.49; A. T. Jenkins, $7.97; 0. H. Lindsay, $9.67; Keith Denman, $13.17; O. I. Bourne, $4.79; F. A. Spltzmlller, $7.19; W. A Ferguson, $3.19; Lloyd Norman, $66.82; Walter Anderson. $57.43; Man no Schmidt, $48.31; F. O. Vorls, $7.98; V. H. Klrkpatrlck, $7.18; Chas. BUtch, $80.33; Llttrell Parts Com pany, $128.91; Eads Transfer, $2.50: S. P. Company, $.80: Big Pines Lum ber Co., $159.38; Economy Lumber Co., $601.40; Hubbard Brothers, $84.37: O. I. Bourne, $16.76; Thos H. Simpson, $5.00; Medford Klamath Truck Line, $4.72, Paclflo Tel and Tel Company, $6.85; Medford -Cono. Const. Co., $79.61: Hubbard Wray Co., $66.94; Eagle Point Lumber Co., $43.81; Trowbridge and Flynn, f 2 Bet Flynn Electric Co., $47.80; Eagle Point Water Commission, $6.40; Medford Service Station, $31.44: Oeneral Pe troleum Corp., $1466.06; Lyal Hart man, $138.48; W. Eaens, $111.93: Si mon Hesrtbar. $94.73; Simon John son. $91.63; Lewis Applebaker, $73.68; Dick Klrkpatrlc, $14.38; E. J. Rose crsns, $6.98: H. Deck. $13.91: W. An derson. $13.68: Menno Schmidt, $14.36; Wesley Hsrtmsn, $163.73; Chss. Blltch. $37.43; Assoclsted Oil Co., $136226: Shell Oil Co., $408 06; Union Oil Co., $8.00; L. C. Schafer, $2.60: Electric Steel Foundry Co , $06.04; W. O. Mes aal, $26 00: Lloyd Noiman, $2.00; Daw son Filing Works, $8.98; E. J. Neu mann. $2.40; Hansen Hdw. Co., $1171.00: Gold Hill Hsrdware Com pany, $155.18; Timber Products Co., $73.20; Hardy's Caah Store, $102.60: H. C. High, $3b4: Medford Water Commission, $3.09; General Tool Co., $5.74; Consolidated Freight Llnea, $84; Medford Lumber Co., $466.64; State Industrial Accident Comlsaton, $103.30; Nstlonal Hospital Associa tion. $04.00: Pure Iron Culvert Co., $906.80. CENTRAL POINT. April 29. (Spl.) Wm. Bohnert accompanied hit sister, Mrs. Ksrlene Fredrick, who has been here on a visit from Oermany. and t niece, Sophia Lecerf of Arlington. Va who also hat been visiting relatives and friends here, to Lot Angeles on Wednesday, where they will visit couple of brothers. They will go on to Arlington where they will remain for tome time before leaving tor Oer, many, probably about the middle of May. Mr. Bohnert will remain In definitely tn hit native country. Mrs. c. L. Pierce, accompanied by Mrs. E. O. Faber. Mra. W. H. Holt, Mrs. H. C. WlUltmson and Mra. Jed 1 Central Point Furry, motored to Klamath Falls April 25, to attend the school of In struction conducted by Mrs. Charles E. Roe, national field secretary of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers. , . Mrs. Winnie Buckles and Mrs. Jack Leea attended the meeting of navy boys' mothers at the home of Mrs. Cuffel In Medford. Next meeting of the mothers will be with Mrs. Jack Lees, on May 9. The 61st wedding anniversary of Mr, and Mrs. J, T. Fry wss celebrated at the home of Rev. and Mrs, Clarence Starkey of Medford, April 23. Sev eral friends enjoyed the delightful occasion. Mrs. Fry remarked that the hapy companionship, covering so many years, was a pleasant remem brance. Many gifts were bestowed upon them. Dinner was served at 8 o'clock, the hostess being assisted by Mrs. O. R. Sorenson, after which a session of muslo followed. Missionary society of the First Christian church met with Mrs. Han son, Friday, with fine attendance. Excellent reports of work- accomplish ed were given. Scripture readings were under the leadership of the pres ident, Mrs- Side. Refreshments were served by the hostess and committee. The bazaar and food sale held In the library building Saturday and sponsored by the Civic club, netted satisfactory results, proceeds to be used for club activities In city Im provements. Home Economics club of the Orange will meet at the home of Mrs. Delia Parker of north Medford.. A good attendance is anticipated. Mrs. Henry Head, Mrs. Paul Martin and Mrs. W. H. Norcross attended an Easter Monday 1 o'clock luncheon and card party at the Masonlo temple In Medford. Mrs. Belle Davis of Medford is a guest at the home of her daughter, Mra. Wm. Musty and family. MUo Lamb of the Four Corners service station Is In a Portland hos pital for treatment. Mrs. Lamb and son are taking care of the business during his absence. Mrs. Etcher has returned from a visit of two weeks with her daughter and son-in-law, lr. and Mrs. Rafael Benson. Rev. Robert Charles Lewis, whose wife has been very 111 for the past several months, tendered hi resigna tion as pastor of the Federated church on Easter Sunday morning, to take effect June 18. Charles Murphy of Boyer. Springs. Olen Ellen. Cel., aocompanted by nil small daughter Nancy, arrived Mon day morning at the home' of hit father-ln-law. A. X. Powell, for a visit of a few days. At the home of the bride's parent, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Severson of San Bemadlno. Cel.. Miss Mayme Virginia Severson and James Oliver Vincent of Sams Valley were united In marriage. Mr. Vincent was a stu dent of the Central Point school. The couple will reside In Medford where Mr. Vincent It In the employ of the Fluhrer bakery. Mrs. John Powell and son Jack and brother. Marlon Hunt, while re- ' turning from Gold Beach to their home In Klamath Falls, stopped over for a brief visit at the A. E. Powell home Sunday. Howard District HOWARD, April 99. (Spl.) A box social, get-together and dance will be held In the Howard school gymnasium rriaay, April 39 at 8 p. m. Mr. Cook will be auctioneer and floor manager'. Music will be provided by an orches tra. A small admission will be oharaS ed. Mr. and Mr. Albert Stalswortn of Adams Lane moved to Howard avenue April 34. . ; Monday, May i, at 3:30 p. m. aom motion picture of Yellowstone park. Carlsbad Caves, comic strip, etc., will be shown In the gymnasium by the Vision Education Co. A small admis sion will be charged and the receipt will be used to send 4-H delegates to O. A. O, summer school. ... Mrs. Albert Puhl has returned from a week's visit In Etna, California. . . Everett Milter who Is eroployed .by the Pierce Auto Freight Lines hat been transferred to Eugene and Mr. Miller and children will mave a toon as school closes. . ' ' Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Sater and Derva spent Sunday afternoon In Aahland visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hull on the Miller ranch. Mr. and Mrs. George Wright and children have moved from Berrydale avenue to a place on South Peach street near Stewart avenue. Mrs. Frank Newton's father, C L. Armstrong, of Albsny It here for an extended visit. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Stamman have sold the Howard grocery to Mr. and Mrs. O. Sturm In of Ltwlston. Idaho. The Stamment will move Into the little house owned by W. i. Swing on the corner of the Central Point high way and Sams Valley market road. Mr. William and Lorella are suf fering from severe cases of poison, oak. Honor roll for the last tlx week -la a follows: First Grade: Marlene Joppa; Jeanne Nelson, Oersld Vance. Second Orade: La Donna Llnd- qulst, Patricia Tedrlck, Vivian Vance. Markle Carter. , Third Grade: Derva Jean Sater. Fourth Oradt: Lee Johnson Fred erick Stammen, Virginia Rldgeway. Fifth Orade: Femoy McKlbbea, Jewell Glenn. Patsey Hutchinson. George Garner. Attalre Woston, Wil liam Landers. Sixth Grade: Helen Gerber, La Vonne Newton, Elolae Peyton, Bruce Bennett, Vivian Llndquttt. Seventh Orade: Robert Meal and Helen Wilson. Eighth Orade: Luther Cardln. Pa tricia Crawford, Erma Jean McCay, Harry Bllane, Marianne Casper. A ntw mobile automatic telephone exchange hat been developed In Eng land. The equipment Is designed to serve a a small- temporary exchange In tn emergency such at a break down of tht regular plant serving a rural area. t