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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1937)
PAtW SET MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUTE, MEDrORD. OREGON. STJNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1937 CONSTITUTION UP TO PEOPLE SAYS STEIWER IN TALK t PORTLAND, Sept. 18. (VP) The barrier to autocracy presented by the constitution of the United States will survive only as long aa the people are loyal to It. Senator Frederick stelwer aald In a Constitution Day rally last night, held in connection with the state convention of the Oregon Re publican club. In the cases of Germany, Italy, Po land and Portugal, he said, the fall of the government came "after the peo ple were made Indolent and sold their character for temporary gain." Representative James W. Mott of Salem, speaking at the afternoon ses sion, asld that statements made by the Republicans In the last campaign were still true, but that "the people did not believe It then." "Now things have gone so far In one-man government, and the ad ministration has shown so clearly what It will do If It gets the chance, H we tell the voters the same thing he next time they will believe us," he aald. William A. Ekwall, former congress man from Multnomah county, said things "were getting no better fast, and unless we find a remedy we are beading for the abyss as surely as were the French at the time of the French revolution." 'The country today la Insolvent upon the basis of what we would have to pay If called upon." he said. F 'S OF VATICAN GONE VATICAN OITY, Sept. 18. iP)A opr of the pope's "fisherman's rlim." highest ual of papal authority, was among ornament and religious Jew airy lost in the recent burglary of the. papal major domo'a apnrtments, It bacarno known today. 4 Many of the stolen objects were re aorered, but the ring still la missing. The ring which the pope wears, the original, la the seal of authority from Bt. Peter. When a pope dies, h) la taken from his finger and broken to signify his work as Christ's vlear on earth la ended. A new one Is given to the succeeding pontiff. The copy, which has been lost, la used for sealing pupal brief. Pour women are under arrest, charged with the theft. 'S TO LIVE IN U. S. A. NEW YORK, Sept. 18. (IP) The little vicar who stirred church con troversy by marrying the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, plans to live per manently in the United States, per haps as a Chinatown missionary. The Rev. R. Anderson Jardlne, sail ing for England yesterday after a lecture tour, said he would return to New York In January. He would decide then, he said, whether to ac cept an offer to become leader of the Chinatown Bowery mission, a post made famous by the Inta Tom Noonsn. Asked If he would see the Arch bishop of Canterbury on his trip home, the rector replied quickly, "Not me." Ha hoped to visit the Duke and Du chess. BY BLACK: GLASS LYNCHBURG. Vs.. Bept. 18. (AP) Senator Carter Disss (D-Va.) today aald he had no Idea anything can or will be done by either the Presi dent, the senate or anyone else to remove Justice Hugo Black from the supreme court In event allegations that he Is or was a member of the Ku Klux Klan are true. "It la now a waste of time to be talking about It. Black cannot be removed and H Is Incredible to think that he can be prevailed upon to re sign," ha said. lire Hniinl llltli BEND. Sept. 18. ( AP ) The seas on's gravest fire haaard exists on the Deschutes national forest, with abnormally warm weather and hu midity readings as low as nine per cent, Supervisor T. H. Burgess said. Crowded College PORTLAND. 8cpt. 18. (AP) Housing facilities at Reed college were Inadequate when the opening of the fall term brought registra tion near the 000 mark, largest in the history of the school. . iKTIT.H. 0 Kli"-., ...mtiyi I' . I us sou in know ,. i ... than - . n"" " ... and " nee fflllllllllpw1 Minimi Mlllllllll mum mini linn mill II VI iiA m lir e 87 K BM LAST FLIGHT FOR LOST RUSS PLANE NEW YORK, Sept. 18. (IP) Sir Hubert Wllklna took off from Barter Island, Alaska, in his (Consolldsted) flying boat today for tlx fifth and probably the laat of his flights In search of Blglsmund Letraneffsky, Russian filer, and his companions, lost since August 18 In the Arctic wastes. News of tha flight was revelved here by the Eiplorers' club In a radio message from the Royal Canadian sig nal corps at Aklavlk, 100 miles north of tha Arctla circle. Club officials expressed the opinion that the flight would be the last one. since the winter freeze already hat set In and only one lagoon remains open at Point Barrow, Alaska. ON BEER GARDEN NEW YORK, Sept. 18. UPr In the days before the Lindbergh baby dis appeared, Joseph Henamann'a Bronx beer garden thrived. One of hla best customers was a taciturn young man with a heavy German accent. One day Henzmann read that hla oustomer, Bruno Rich ard Hauptmann, had been arrested as the Lindbergh child's kldnap- klller. Such a surprise 1 Many people came to hear how Hauptmann drank his beer to see the table where ha had sat. The little garden could not hold them all. But on night Hauptmann, who drank his beer In silence, died as silently In an electric chair. People forgot him. They forgot Henzmann, too, in his beer gsrden. Yesterday Henzmann, 87, weary of hla empty tables, climbed atop one of them and tied a noose about his neck. Then he held the muzzle of a 33-callber rifle to his heart and pulled the trigger. The chief medical examiner's office ruled his death a suicide. SALEM. Sept. IB. (AP) In event nothing unforeeen occurs, President Roosevelt will make hla proposed trip to the Pacific coast later this year, Governor Charlea H. Martin was ad vised In a telegram received from H. O. Mclntyre, secretary to the Presi dent today, The telegram Indicated that Bon neville dam and Mt. Hood would be Included In the Presidents Itinerary. Governor Martin said plana for President Roosevelt's reception would be made by a committee of prom inent Democrats representative of the entire state. BARTENDER HELD FOR PARTY DEATH 8 RATTLE, Sept. 18. ( AP) A bar tender was held In jail today In lieu of fftOOO ball as a material witness and a University of Washington sophomore was out on $8000 bond as result of a "flaming youth" automobile-beer party that ended In death of alT-year-old high school girl. Coroner Otto Mtttelatadt said Pred Olsen, 81, the bartender, was arrested last night after police learned he served beer to four young persons, all under age, before an automobile driv en by Charles R. Evans, 80, overturn ed killing Patricia Owlnga, 17. The girl was decapitated. Mill Picketing Ends SALEM, Sept. 18 ( AP) Interrup tion in truck shipments from the Oregon Pulp A Paper company's mill here ended today when pickets sta tioned in front of the loading of fice were withdrawn by tha Salem building trades council. Paper Mill K lection SALEM. Sept. 18. (API C. P. Da vis, president, and Henry Gortmaker. financial secretary, were re-elected for the sixth consecutive time at a meeting of the Salem Interna tional Brotherhood of Papermakera. unit 380, here last night. Closing time for Too Late to Clas sify Ads Is I :S0 p. m. IT COSTS LESS And In addition you have th automatic features and advantage of new, improved heating when you have a SAWDUST BURNER TimberP Phone 7 SLASH BOND DEBT SALEM, Sept. 18. (p) Virtually every county In Oregon reduced Its bonded Indebtedness during the past two years, a survey released today by State Treasurer Rufus C. Holman showed. The aggregste bonded Indebtedness of the counties July 1, 1037, was $10, 044,084, compared with $31,368,064 a year previous. Road warrants Increased from $1,- 080.088.71 to $1,317,090.91 during the year ending July 1, 1037. Since the figures were compiled, the 1037 figure was reduced $813,000 by a funding of warrants in Coos county. The combined road bond and road warrant debt was reduced from 22,- 400.007.71 to $31,361,133.01. and sink ing funds declined from $1,409,106.81 to $1,381,106.71, Deduction of the sinking fund from the total road and bridge In debtedness shows a net county debt, exclusive of general fund warrants, of $10,030,938.30, compared with 41, 016.003.40 on July 1, 1938. Total outstanding general fund warrants were $1,763,330 compared with $3,136,798 last year. The total net Indebtedness, In cluding all bonds and warrants but deducting bond sinking funds declin ed $1,608,443.68 during the year. None of the counties have Indebt edness for bond and bridge purposes equal to the constitutional limita tion of 6 percent. The report showed that on July 1 Clatsop, Columbia, Douglas, Jose phine, Linn, Marlon, Polk, Umatilla and Washington counties had no bonded Indebtedness, and that Clat sop, Columbia, Linn and Marlon counties had neither bonds nor war rants outstanding. F BEAT LA GUARDIA NEW YORK. Sepi. 18. (AP) A new Democratic organisation, pledged to the New Deal and numerically one of the most powerful In metro politan history, today began Its dif ficult attempt to upset Plorello La Ouardla's ambition to become the first anti-Tammany "reform" mayor ever re-elected here. The century-old power and prestige of Tummy Itself was smashed by., tered Into at least temporary politi cal oblivion by the hall's own ef for to block the New Deal's march to dominance In the city. But wigwam leaders and the man they backed vainly In yesterday's party primary, Senator Royal S. Copeland, oltmbed Immediately on the bandwagon of Jeremiah T. Ma honey, who will bear the Democratic banner In the general election Nov. 3 against entrenched La Guardla. The Mahoney victory, In the opin ion of the city's veteran political ob servers, marked the ascension of Democratic rule of Prank V. Kelly, leader In Brooklyn, and Secretary of Stats Edward J. Plynn, Bronx lead er. It emphasized also, they aald, ebb ing political fortunea of former Gov ernor Alfred B. Smith, one of Cope land's staunch est supporters. The downfall of Tammany, perhaps Inevitable eventually because of pop ulation shirts within the city, was accelerated by Its strong anti-New Deal atand, forced by leaders friendly to Smith and opposed to James A Farley, state and national Democratic oh airman. DEMOCRATIC JOB KLAMATH FALLS. Ore.. Sept. 18. (UP Claude MeColloch, newly ap pointed federal Judge of the Oregon district, resigned today as state Democratic chairman. His successor will be considered at a mretlng of the executive committee of the state central committee at Portland Sepember 28. McColloch said he expected to en ter his Judlclsl duties within 10 days. Frost freshly-made doughnuts with mocha Icing sprinkled with broken nuts. Company oaitoN End of N. Central HALF INCH RAIN END HOT PERIOD Almost half an Inch of rain had fallen here at 8 o'clock last night, westher officials reporting .43 of an Inch. The rain brought an abrupt end to Medford'a belated hot spell prevailing most of last week. Forecast last night was: Cloudy Sunday, probably showers; Monday fair; not much change In tempera ture. The heavy rain was expected to add considerable to the season's pre cipitation excess, which was .13 of an Inch at observations yesterday morning. Maximum temperature yesterday was 66 degrees and minimum 49. WINTER IN TYROL VIENNA, Austria, Sept. IS. (AP) The Duke and Duchess of Windsor returned today from their CisechoslO' Slovaklan visit and prepared for a brief stay here before going on to farm wnere tha Duchess plana to do some shopping. They have been at Nleholsburg, Czechoslovakia, on a hunting trip. Arriving in Vienna, the couple lunched at a hotel and then went to the Enzesfetd chateau of the Baroness Rothschild, a close friend. It was at thla chateau that Windsor spent his unhappy pre-marrlage dsys. In about fire days. It wss lesmed, the Windsors intend to proceed to Psris, where they will stay about two weeks in a hotel not with friends. Afterward, their plans are Indefin ite but it is known thst the Duke would like to spend part of the wint er In Tyrol. WALL ST. SELLING NETS PRICE SAG NEW YORK. Sept. Is.-i-Belllna; forces dominated tha stock market today pushing leading shares down 1 to M or more with a few taking an even worse beating. While there was a slight lightening of pressure in some sections near tha finish, motor and steel Issues generally ended at their lows for the day. U. S. Steel closed at 890.U. off M 35: Bethlehem wss down about as much at 878, Chrysler lost 83.1J at 194.88. and Anaconda Copper was 82,75 low er at 843. Ercoedlng the general run of losses was Allied Chemical, which finished 813 lower at 8191. Brokers could ascribe no definite news item as having a preponderant effect on trading. Modoc Srout Meet BEND, Sept. 18 (AP) Bend will entertain Sunday representatives from every part of the Modoc Boy Scout council, which covers parts of Oregon and California at an Interdlstrict conference. Four Workers pie SALEM. Sept. 18. (AP) There were four fatalities In Oregon due to Industrial aeeldenta during the week ending September 16, the state Industrial accident commission re ported today. Announcement We are fortunate to have secured the services of Y. 8. Lee, a graduate of Canton's leading medical school. An exponent of the most advanced and modern theory of herbal science. He will hold the position of consulting herbalist' In both our Medford and Grants Pass offices. We feel that his presence complies with our practical experience of long standing in Oregon. We are able to fulfill your every need in way of remedies. jTake Advantage of jfThis Opportunity! To consult the most advanced herbalist in America today. Oon't miss this as he will be here a limited time only. Regardless of your ailment or condition don't give up hope. Our remedies have restored hialth to seemingly impossible cases. REMEMBER, WHEN OTHERS FAIL TRY US. DO YOU SUFFER FROM rheumatism, enemla, Indigestion, skin diseases, stomach Hirers, hemorrhoids, female trouble, sMhma. chronic cough, high or low Mood pressure, colitis, comtlpatlon. headaches, flu, appendicitis, tall stones, urinary dlortler. heart, liter, kidney or stomach dis orders Come and he made well again by the herbs that nod put into the ground for the rery purpose of healing mankind. CONSULTATION FREE Chan & Chan Chinese Herb Co. 888 Vast Main Jlwl orrirr lim n: 10 a. m. t e r. m. Tuesdays anil Thursday 10 A. M. to II A. M. hlT Hatiirdai 1(1 A. '. la r M. LOCAL and Attends Lodge Fred Purdln was among Medford visitors In Ashland Thursday night, attending a session of tha Masonic lodge. . To Olen dale Mrs. W. H. Dyer of this city accompanied Mr. and Mrs W. C. Brown of Ashland to Olendsle Thursday evening. see Calling Here Out-of-town business callers here last week Included John Murphy and Jess Yocora. both of Ash land, who were here Friday. Visit Here Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Erwtn and daughter Dolores of Ashland vis ited Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Btarbuck here Thursday evening. Moves Office Dr. D wight H. Find- ley. Medford physician, has completed moving of his office from tha former location In the Medford Center build ing to 101 of the Fluhrer building. From Ashland Recent visitors In Medford Included BUI Leever and Bud Klneald, here Thursday, and Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Desdmond, calling here Friday, all of Ashland. 8) Week-Ends Here Miss Joyce Ban ish, former Southern Oregon Normal school student who has been teach ing at Bend, la visiting this week end with her family here. Here Friday Mrs. 5. J. Zarta of Ashland was among out-of-town resi dents transacting business and visit ing here Friday. A Thursday visitor wss Hubert Esry, also of Ashland. Leaves Friday Donald Stlnson, who has been visiting his mother, Mrs. W. D. Roberts, left Friday even ing for Long Beach, Cal. He Is In the navy and Is stationed with the U. 8 S. Chester. Orange Meeting Central Point Grange met In regular session Fri day. The program commemorated the 150th anniversary of signing of the constitution. H. E. C. will meet at the home of Mrs. Vincent Wednesday Brother Dies Clarence Riley of Urbana. 111., oldest brother of Mrs. Margaret Hubbard of this city, died Friday of heart failure, according to word received here. Mrs. Hubbard will be unable to attend funeral ser vices. To National Convention Judge F. L. TouVelle of Jacksonville, with two other members of the Oregon state highway commission, will attend the annual convention of the American association of state highway officials In Boston. Commissioners who will make the trip, in addition to Judge TouVelle, are H. F. Cabell of Port land and E. B. Aldrlch of Pendleton. Flvlng North Lieut. F. H. Mears stopped at Medford municipal air port yesterday morning to. have his North American attack plane refuel ed. . He was en route from March field, Riverside. Cal.. to Seattle. Wash. Late arrivals Friday were Lieut. H. A. Boushey and Lieut. J. P. Stewart, each en route in a Douglas observa tion plane from Fort Lewis, Wash.. to Oakland, Cal. Recovering from Injuries H. U. Mitchell, manager of the Auto Beauty shop at 60S South Riverside, is re covering from bruises and lacerations sustained when he fell from the run ning board of an automobile north of Medford early Saturday morning. He was taken to Community hospital where- he received treatment for a badly cut knee and 'face, and was later removed to his home. Attend lng physician stated he was not serl oiisly Injured. PERSONAL I To Repair House o. A. Wlllook of 304 Board man street applied at tha city building inspectors' otflc yes terday for a permit to repair fire damage at a stated cost of 8300. Airport Arrlrali The Martin bomb, era of the United States army drop, ped down at the Medford municipal airport yeaterday afternoon ea route from Hamilton field to Seattle. They were piloted by Lieut. Crawford and Ma). John Corklll. s Chimney Fire The fire depart ment's chemical crew waa called yes terday morning to the F. L. Bush residence at 701 West Jackson street where soot and creosote in the chlm-' ney had ignited. The crew stood by while the soot burned Itself out. No dsmage waa dona. a Truck Overloaded Robert Kelly Parts of 309 East Jackson street waa cited by state police to appear In Justice court Monday for driving an overloaded truck on the Pacific high way Friday afternoon. Report ststed that the White truck was carrying overload of 3340 pounds. . i Auto Found State police were to day Informed that the automobile driven by Donald McLsod, missing employe of the state department In Salem, had been found abandoned about 16 miles south of Crescent City, C1 Friday, Del Norte county sheriff notified the state police. ... Hollruoodltes May Buy Land Vic tor Moore, screen comedian who fish ed the Rogue river this summer, and Directors William S. VanDyke and Wesley Ruggles are planning the pur chase of a large river frontage near Central Point, it was learned today. The rtact borders a secluded stretch of excellent fishing water in the Flounce Rock district. ... F.-T. A. Council. Meet city coun cil of the Parent-Teacher association will meet at 3 o'clock Tuesday after noon in room 3 of the Junlpr high school. This will be the first regu lar meeting of the new school year and all offtcera are requested to be present. Junior high, Washington and Jackson school P.-T. A. units are represented In the council. . Magazine Photo An article about Tex Rankin la contained In the Sep tember Aviation. Mr. Rankin, world champion stunt filer and former chairman of the Oregon state board of aeronautics, performed here with the sky circus last July 3. A photo graph with the magazine article ahows him wearing the sky circus beret Plslnly readable la the beret inscrip tion: "1937 Oregon Air Tour.'' , ... 3 Prlxe Jersey Purchased Melvln Poyer of Ashland, a member of the Jackson county 4-H club for the past eight years, purchssed an excellent Duroc Jersey gilt at the state fair In Salem recently and brought it back to the county, according to O. D. Conrad, 4-H county club agent. The gilt was bought from the Edwin Rltter herd of near Salem, one of the best known In the northwest and whtch haa produced many champions. Melvln. with his twin brother Marvin, belong to the Bellvlew pig club and dairy club led by Dick Joy of Ash land, and are also growing five acres of corn in the corn Improvement contest being sponsored by the Med ford brsnch of the United 8tates Na tional bank of Portland. Automatic Hot Water Meeting Tuesday Southern Oregon Oem and Mineral society will hold a regular semi-monthly meeting In the Jackson county courthouse audi torium Tuesday night at 7:80. C. R Santo, president, will be In charge. ... State Official Here Capt. Charles McCleea, superintendent of the gsme and forest department of the atate police with headquartera In Salem, was calling at the local office yester day on a routine trip. . Legion Meeting Regular semi monthly meeting of tha Medford post of the Amerlcsn Legion will be held In the armory Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. Plans for the Armistice Day celebration will be discussed, aa will other Important business. A lsrge attendance Is requested. It was stated yesterday that the 40 et 8 train of the local post, piloted by BIU Rosen bsum. won a 830 cash prize last Sun day at Vreka, Cal., In the parade which featured the annual gold rush celebration In that city. Porto Rlcans Held PONCE. Puerto Rico, 8ept. 18. (AP) Documentary evidence was introduced today In the trial of 11 nationalists, charged with murder, purporting to show they took oaths to fight for the separation of Puerto Rico from the United Statea. Test Power Run BONNEVILLE, 8ept. 18. (AP) A teat run of the S.000 station serv ice unit this week sent water from the Columbia river whirling through a Bonneville dam turbine for the first time, army engineers announc ed. PORTLAND, Sept. 18. (AP) Northeastern Oregon and a few Portland churchmen will participate In a "school for Christian living" at Walla Walla October 37. Dr. E. C. Famham of the Portland coun cil of churches announced today. LEAN HEAT No dust. dirt or ashs but clean, healthful heat, every hour of the day. Oil Burning Heater It's "tops" in appearance, In ef ficiency, and in economy. Burne low priced fuel oil. We have a size to suit your needs. Come in and investigate now. Complete Line of Maytag Parts --Service ON ALL MAKES OF WASHERS MEDFORD MAYTAG CO. 31 NO. BARTLETT aro- You con literally bathe your woy to beouty if your home boasts an automatic electric water heater. Hot water thot is entirely automatic and unlimited in supply. Ready instantly ot the turn of the tap ... no need for anyone m the fomily to stmt their use of hot water , , . outomotic electric hot woter in your home is the greatest convenience you can have. It is not only an important health and beauty aid, but automatic hot water also lightens a hundred and one household tasks. The special, very low, hot water heating electric rote makes this service cost little . so little in foct that the overage fomily poys less thon 12c o day. The California Oregon T BY NOISE ATTACK OF LEGION HOSTS NEW TORK, Sept. 18. The doughboys took possession of New York, tonight, and nothing was quiet on any front. The roar of reunion rose louder and louder over the normal quiet of rivet ing machines and elevated tralna as the troops of the American Legion moved In for their annual meeting, and the wide-eyed folk of Broadway stuck their fingers In their ear and fled to the soothing clatter of tha subways. Drums rolled, bugles ah rilled, belli clanged and cannon boomed out no tlce that the army again waa here after twenty years. Legionnaires were on all the streets. Legionnaires on foot. Legionnaires In automobiles. Legionnaire In motors rigged up to look like boxcars (box cars like they rode In In Prance) and mounted with cannon that boomed frightening bombs. Today a cannonading boxcar show ed up on Fifth avenue and with on blank cartridge shot broke up aa anti-war picket line of youthful com munists. Police were everywhere, In twos and threes and sometime sixes, try ing to bring order out of the con fused traffic. Before Sunday dawn, legion offt claLs estimated 50.000 visitors would be cramming hotels and lodging places for the convention which ends Thursday. Before the official open ing with Sunday nlght'a memorial concert they expected another 350.000. Now! A New- AYTAG It's here! The latest MAY TAG with the square cast aluminum tub washer that won world leadership, PLUS new hpaiity, new refine ment!, nnil Improved ROLL ER WATER REMOVER. TELEPHONE 38 Power Company