MEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD OREdON. THURSDAY. .TITNE 10. 1937. PAGE THREF SOCIETY and CLUBS By Janet Wray Smith Leave to Attrml Be union In Et - Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Brockway and family left today for Minnesota, plan ning to be away a month. Their destination la Luverne, Minn., former home of the family, where they will Join other memhbers of the family for a week's reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Brock way will go first to Seattle, where they will be Joined by a niece from University of Wash ington. After adding other relative to the group they will continue thru Coulee Dam, Yellowstone park and the Black Hills to Minnesota. AH tne families expect to be together for a week at Lake Mlnnetonka. coming from all parts of the United States. Both Mr. and Mrs. Brockway will visit many old friends In Minneapo lis, where they attended the Univer sity of Minnesota. While away, they will observe their 25th wedding anniversary. Miss Warenfelt Feted Tuesday Mrs. Dick Isaacs and Mrs. Ivan Harrington entertained at desert bridge Tuesday evening at Big Rock lodge, summer home of William Isaacs on Rogue river. The affair honored Miss Roberta, Warenfelt, bride-elect. Dessert was served In the dining room, overlooking the river, with spring flowers forming the decorative note. Sweet peas end lavender form ed table centerpieces. Bridge awards went to Miss Warenfelt, Hazel Bower, Mrs. Kelton Strader and Mrs. Wll Ham Cunningham, Guests were Mrs. ack Walker. Miss Wilton White, Mrs. Robert Mlkache, Mrs. William Cunningham. Mrs. Ite rance Hayes,' Miss Nelle Green, Cor rlne Crawford, Gladys Denman, Hazel Bower, Mrs. Kelton Btrader Mrs. Mark Warenfelt- and the guest of honor, Miss Warenfelt. Koppen Here to Attend Wedding John Koppen formerly of this city and now residing In Phoenix, Ariz arrived this morning by train to at tend the wedding of Miss Amy Elliott and Bill Barnum June 20. He is to be best man In the wed ding party.. The ceremony will be performed In the Presbyterian church and Is to be one of the most elabo rate of the spring season. Koppen Is well known In the city and will be welcomed by a large number of friends during his stay. Mrs. snnwn is Tuesday Hostess. Mrs. F. O. Stlnson was hostess to about thirty members and friends of the ladies' auxiliary of the First Bap tist church at her home Tuesday af ternoon. Mrs. Grace Roberts presided during the session. Plans were made for white cross work for the Crow In dians Julv-15. Oregon Delegates Attend Convention Of interest to southern Oregon residents la word of proceedings of the national convention of Daughters of the Nile being held In Washington, D. C this week. Among delegates ore several from Zuleima, southern Oregon temple. Mrs. N. G. Bates, Zuleima queen. heads the southern Oregon delega tion. Word from Washington states that, regardless of heat, most of the 1000 delegates attending enjoyed a garden party Sunday arranged by Mrs. Ernest Lee, who will be the next national supreme queen. This was the first of many affairs planned for the members during the session. Mrs. Katharine M. Woods, past Zuleima queen; Mrs. T. P. Franco of Ashland, and Mrs. J. D. Rlckert of Med ford are among delegates. Dr. Rlckert and Mr. Franco are accompanying their wives and all Oregon visitors are planning extensive eight -seeing ex cursions to historic points In and near Washington. The service was read outside on the lawn before a email group of mem bers of the families and close friends. The bride wore pink sheer crepe and carried a bouquet of roses. Both bride and groom are gradu ates of the Talent high school. They will make their home on Anderson Creek. Mrs. Tengwald to Chicago for VUlt Leaving by train this mornfnz waa Mrs. Carl Y. Tengwald and children, en route east to Chicago, 111. Mrs. Tengwald will visit relatives and friends In the east and expects to away aoout six weeks. Bride-Elect Is Shower Honoree Mlsa Amy Elliott, bride -elect, was honor guest at a morning bridge and miscellaneous shower arranged yes terday by the Misses Betty Vtlm and Virginia Llndley. The two hostesses Irvlted several guests to the home of Mrs. Robert Hart for bridge at 10 o'clock yester day morning. Luncheon followed bridge at noon. The shower was ar ranged as a treasure hunt. Guests Included the Misses Betty Paske, Betty Ann Thorndlke, Lois Herman. Patricia Thompson. Con stance Moore, Janet and Margaret Mann, Marguerite Boyle, Jeannette Field, Patricia Young, May Kem and Katherine Ford. Miss Elliott will become the brltfe of Bill Barnum June 20. Garden Club to Hear of Conclave Reports of the recent state con vention held at Tne Dalles will fea ture this evening's meeting of the Medford Oarden club scheduled for 7:30 o'clock at the Hotel Medford on the mezzanine floor. Several Medford members attended the state conference. Local Voyageurs To Attend Weed Session Preparations were being made to day by a number of local voyageurs to attend the second annual Inter state ceremonial of the 40 et 6 ao clete in Weed, Calif., Saturday and Sunday. This la the first time the two state conclave has been set for Cali fornia and a large attendance from all parts of Oregon and the neigh boring state la anticipated. Last year tiia Oregon -California ceremonial was put on by Medford volture 165 at the Oregon Caves and the event was considered an out standing success that produced fa forable publicity In national publi cations. Delegates from as distant points as Los Angeles and Portland attended last year's rites. OREGONIANS LOSE PORTLAND, June 10 (AP) Bruce Atchison, attorney from the general counsel's office In Washington, said today that more than 13.500.000 has been taken from residents of Ore gon, Washington and Idaho In the past three years by companies en gaged In the sale of leases on pur ported oll-bearlng lands. Saying there are "a few legitimate firms who are engaged In legitimate business." Altchtson asserted that there are many others against which the government will seek Injunctions la the near future. Altchtson said that sales of leases In eastern Oregon had been madt despite studies by experts showing n0 possibility of oil there or sny other place In the state unless pos sibly along the ocean. Corporations have acquired leases from farmers by promising them one eighth royalty on any oil found and old the leattea to a sales corpora tion, usually controlled by the first body, the sales group In turn de posing of leases at 912.00 to 97 an acre, Altchtson said. Heads State Mortician PORTLAND. June lO.Karl X. Mills of Cottage Grove became the president of the Oregon Funeral Di rectors' association yesterday at the closing sessions of the 34th annual convention. Talent Couple Married Sunday Mlsa Margaret McDowell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James McDowell of Talent, and George Clark, also oi Talent, were married In a quiet cere mony at the home of the bride's parents Sunday. Schilling PURe"Y.NIL.IiA MAKES JELLY MAKING Say r EVEN STRAWBERRIES A JM& POWDERED PECTIN PRODUCT fhyrfh W0ji (I fuM GIVES PERFECT RESULTS (WJ '7 f lY&H with AN Y fruit Yilf M8 ONLY MINUTE BOIL for jellies One minute for jams! Now jellies or jams can be made, poured, and paraffined In less than 15 minutes after fruit is prepared . . . with Sure-Jell I GET 10 GLASSES INSTEAD OF 6 Y3 MORE JAM from the same amount of juice! With Sure-Jell's short boil, no fruit juice goes off in steam... That's why you get so many more glasses . . . That, too, is why you get far better tasting jams and jellies with all the delicious flavor of the fresh fruit itself! FRUIT IS PLENTIFUL AND CHEAP RIGHT NOWI So don't waitl Start today to fill up your jelly cupboard with all those delicious jams and jellies your family will enjoy so much next winter! y II I THX DALLES. Jun, 10. PJ Day ton A. Nye, 24, Milton, waa killed instantly today when hi automobile went orer an embankment elht mllea rut of here. HI ekull wit crmhed. VISIT OUR READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT- VISIT OUR DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT VISIT OUR MEN'S DEPARTMENT VISIT OUR BARGAIN BASEMENT Every Department Is Now Showing Outstanding Values in Wanted New Merchandise for June Selling! Now! An Advance-S3 " buy now vm. mm t I MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Regular S1.63 and S1.9S values. Broadrlothi, plain and fancy patterns, woven madras. Nun wilt collura. $1.39 Men's Ties New shipment Just received featuring the newest In the Summer's llsht shades. Plinlre .50c MEN'S LEATHER Jackets Spanish goat zipper leather Jackets, fanc.r backs, side take up, celanese lined. A fine soft leather Jacket that will wear and not scuff. $9.45 MEN'S SUEDE Jackets A Tr.r fine luede Jacket made from rood plump aklm. $5.95 MEN'S WORK GLOVES A sort long wrar ffpanlMi roat glore. Vtry special 59c pr. MEN'S Polo Shirts Rlue, yellow or white 48c LOOK AHEAD! LOOK AHEAD. Buy Wool Blankets now i through our club plan. Pav 48c down and 50c a week on any blanket in the house. The raw wool market is 30 higher than last year. There is an unusual demand both here and abroad. Result, wool blankets are going to be a great deal higher. Still, during this sale, you are able to buy the finest of virgin wool blankets at real savings. VALUES FOR $98 An exceedingly lovely light weight qual ity blanket offered in new solid colon with beautiful shaded borders. Silk bound. 70"x80". A real buy on today ' market. $Q50 $C98 $50 $795 VAFLouRES 0 $(Ch95 VALUES FOR 9 $H 750$H A 95r n VALUES .11 U FOR Under Our Club Plan It Is So Easy To Own One Of These Fine Blankets! 48c DOWN! 50c PER WEEK until stipulated amount ia paid, then take bom a Beautiful Virgin Wool Blanket! Available only through this CLUB PLAN I ' REMEMBER! There Is No Substitute for Wool IT IS THE ONLY PERFECT SLEEP COVERING LUGGAGE! for Your Summer Vacation For your summer vacation ee the new luggage priced at 98c to $ 1 3.85 tare inese whu $1.00 A lovely, soft, warm two-tone blanket which offers a real value in the low- priced field. Bound with 3-inch two-tone nlk ribbon and offered in the ever popu lar two-tone shades a quality item at i low price. Combining light weight with unusual warmth and quality. Pure virgin wool, 4-inch satin binding. A wide range of lovely pastel shades ; full sise and weight A big lovely, soft blanket that looks and feels like a 6-pound blanket. A real bar gain on the present market. 100 Virgin Wool. Four-inch satin binding. This blanket was the almost unanimous choice of 300 professional buyers. Something brand new in a jacquard I blanket pure Virgin wool. Woven into lovely tulip pattern that makes one of the most attractive blankets we have ever shown looped bound and perma- nently moth proofed. - GET THE HABIT Shop in the BARGAIN BASEMENT New goods arriving daily. Here are a few of the outstanding specials that arrived this week: COVERT SLACKS Girls' Covert Slacks, tan or blue - with contrasting trims. Ages 6 to 1.9 16 years. "X"-TV Girls' Bib Overalls Blue or tan covert overalls, ages 4 A -6 to 16 years. TT lC KNEErHI HOSIERY 30 dozen new ringless silk hose, genuine lastex top, all the new summer shades. Compare these with hose that you usually pay 50c for. Bargain basement price 35c; 3 pair for LADIES' GOWNS Made of lovely printed flowered bemberg, full out, certified sealed seams. Blue, flesh g q and maize Bargain basement price, p 1 1 7 CELANESE SUPS White celanese slips, lace trimmed, m a sizes 34 to 44. 40C Ladies' Rayon U'wear New shipment of underwear in the season's most wanted and popular styles. Regular 28o and 29e values. Bargain Basement prioe 18c 3 for 50c Ladies' Rayon Blouses Received just in time for the week end selling. They are wonder values at 89c. CSQaf While this lot lasts, 07l Ladies' Bath Robes Ladies' Terry Cloth Bath Robes, Ideal for Summer wear. Come in and see them. MAIN FOOR Here are savings on new Summer Clothes for the lady who enjoys sewing JUST RECEIVED! 25 new pieces of lovely bemberg sheers in cool prints and dots for your new afternoon or dinner frock. 39 inches wide. 79c yd. New Botany Woolens 54 inches fine all wool Spring Coat and Suit mater ials. Newest novelty weaves. All the wanted new shades at a fraction of the regular price. Many of these woolens sell regularly at $4.50 a yard. See what we are now showing at only $1.95 $2.49 $2.95 yd. WHITE PURSES All ww this week. Tha neweit In pouehea and under arm. with tide Upper. AIm many new srera and nary bluea. Two I a r I e f roiipn. $1.00 and $1.95 TURKISH TOWELS Before yon bnj towflf, Han la a Talua joa ihoald ee. to40. two thread lowcla. white with colored border, or parel with whit, nor den. Theae towela are priced kit under tonaj't market. Buv now before thla lot la old. 25c EACH New. Braided Haloes A large range of wanted color combination!. 25c and 59c CHAS. S. ADAIR, MGR. M. M. DEPARTMENT STORE SURE-JELL IS A PRODUCT OF GENERAL FOODS