page mi TT77T7 rFTTFOTCD MAIL THTBTTNT,. M"EDF(VRL'. OKEOON. TUESDAY. SEPTEMRER 15,1935 Bead e-tery ao on UlU page tou wlU probably find exactly the things you nave oeen looking lot 01 sale o (or unused article ru may Din. Search youi attic 01 storeroom - you may Bianj things others are seek lag snd oe able to realize im mediate caah U "Bat you want Isnt here advertise !oi It Tribune Classified ads are tuezpe naive elfectlvel RATES fat word first insertion (Minimum JSC) ' Bscs additional insertion. pet word iMmlmum 10c! fet line per month without . oopy ohanges Phone 75 FOR WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND ' LOST Ford tiro and wheel between McCaskey ranch and Medford. Tel. 334-J-l. IOST Wrlstwatch, between West and and community hospital. Find er please call 1134. " . HOLDING Holsteln heifer, brand on left hip. Owner may have by paying . lor feed and ad. F. E. Port, Bt. 1. ! i Box 107, Talent. LOST Saturday, envelope contain ing valuable paperB. Reward. W. D. Morgan, frail. Ore. LOST Seven-Jewei Elgin wrist watch. In ladles' rest-room at Mann's. Re turn to Tribune office. Reward. LOST--If dog missing, call 1616. WANTED FEMALE HELP XPEKIENCED waitress wanted at Jewel Cafe. WANTED Girl to help with house work and care for one child. 218 S. Orange. WANTED Experienced waitress. Ap ply J N Cafe, 37 s. rroni. WANTED Girl for housework. Phone 1147-M. L , i - - "ly ' '" 1 -' " WANTED Capable woman house-., keeper for two. Phone 885. . ; WANT a lady to keep house In the country. Small wages and a good , home for the right party. Write : Tribune Box S349. WANTED Experienced girl tor gen eral housework and care of chil dren. 26 month; references re- quired. Call 271-J-2. WANTED Experienced waitress. Ap ply at Diamond Cafe. WANTED 21 to 40 yoar old experi enced plain cook, some laundry. 20 a month. 41 Boss Court. i WANTED Woman for general nouso- V .1. Dl.,.n. QT4 MALE AND FEMALE WANTED Men and women between ages 21 and 40 to attend Free School on Life Insurance Salesman ship. Mr. Wm. Robblna from home office of Union - States Life Ins. Company of Portland will conduct the school, starting Sept. 16. Apply at local office, 407 Liberty Bldg., Med ford. WANTEH MALE HELP WANTED Shoemnker at 231 E. 6th. " WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED At once, housekeeping Job by homeless widow with two Chil li ..-., tnii nilli an b fur ore n, iBlU'l "- 0 where. Small wages. Box 5616, Trib wher S, tine. WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Transportation to Ash , , land Normal, dally. Share expenses. J Inquire 602 Pearl. WANTED To hear from owner of a discarded Lacrosse grain drill. Box 6640, Tribune. TOUNO LADY with boy 7, wants board and room In private home, with care ofr child after school and Saturdays. Call 84. WANTED Will pay top price for good used furniture, ranges, heat ers, etc. HOLBROOK & ANDREWS Fire Hall Bldg. 6th St.-Front. Tel 647 WILL party who bought glass topped fruit Jara from Medford Bargain House please phone 016-Y. DIESEL REPRESENTATIVE. Adcox School, Portland, will be In Med ford a short time with opportunity , for four young men to earn part of tuition and board and room. For Information or catalog, address Mr. Honnold. P. O. Box 600. Medford. Ore. HIGHEST PRHES paid for Juna metsi. copper brass, aluminum lead. rags, etc So Oregon Junk Co Between Holly and Oakdale on Stewart Avt, WANTED Lamb wool See the Med ford Bargain House. 27 No. Grape WANTED You to look at my bat gains, almost new clothing for all the family 618 B Mam WANTED Top prices paid for used furniture tools etc Berrydau ino Hand Store 1803 N Riverside Tei 266 JUNK Highest prices paid foi brass radiators, copper storsge ba.teries aluminum and other metals Scrap Iron small or largt tots pips ano marhint-ry wool snc cot ton rags. tnnr tubes Our prices will interest you. Bides. Pelts. Wool Mohstr Househoid oods furniture itoT?? bouKbt or sold. ME'OCORD BAHOAIN HOUSE WANT TO BUY Some Rood ?oun? b.-eedinj ewes V J. Phllippi, Hot! Grand. Medford. WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY Wood circulating j heater. Phone 1266. WANTED Sugar pine timber suit- j able for shakes. Good proposition. Box 5632, Tribune. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT fl-room, modern, fur nished house, close In. 225 S. Riv erside. Phone 457-J. FOR RENT Partly turn. 4-rra. house. TCI. 1322-K. FOR RENT Four houses. Inquire t-. 1 Dsln, 01V sYW(i t. imui " 4-ROOM partly furnished house, gar age, woodshed. 506 S. Fir. Available alter ISth. FURN. DUPLEX Aou.ts 604 W 10th FOR RENT 4-room furnished house. ' Inquire 305 8. Oakdale. FOR RENT APARTMENTS DESIRABLE heated apt., Frlgldalre. 618 S. Oakdale. NICELY furnished front apt., modern, close In. private, large closets, large living room, abundance hot water. Married couples only. Qlorla-Pan Apts., 375 So. Central. FURNISHED lower apartment; adults. 346 N. Bartlett. FOR RENT 3 nicely furnished apt with electric conveniences In quire 305 So. Oakdaje. APT. FOR RENT Frlgldalre heat overstuffed, private bath, close in 808 W. Main. FOR RENT RC0M BOARD FOR RENT Rooms and board, rea sonable. 320 E. Main St., Medford. BOARD AND ROOM foi two Business men or womx, Nice room, (ire place, bathroom, private entrance good meaia. Inquire 822 So. Oak dale Phone 045-X, FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ATTRACTIVE sleeping room on ground floor In modern home for one or two girls. 307 Vancouver. FOR RENT Room, close In. Phone 280. I FOR RENT -.Front sleeping room. Tel. I 449-X or 604. BOOMFIndarhonoriieB."' FOB RENT Room. 153 N. Oakdale. FOR BENT Heated furnished room. Mrs: W. F. Campbell, 804 E. Main. ATTRACTIVE rooms. 4114 8. Grape. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS THREE ACBES with building, two cows, close In. 134 So . Ivy. FOR EXCHANGE ORGAN In piano case. Will trade (or wood. Phone 390, Jacksonville. TO TRADE "29 Ford coach (or equity In cor of later model. Private party. Call at 821', Oak. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WANT Small farm or dairy fot Med ford income. Box 3680, Tribune. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Modern five-room home with hardwood floors and fireplace, sun porch. Reasonable price for quick sale. 1613 W. Main. FOR SALE Ciof-e In acreage tracts, city water cheap. Also 8-room house, 3 lots near schools, 200.00 dawn payment. H. G. Wilson, 7 Chestnut St., Phono 1564. FOR SALE; 5-room house, 2 acres, city water, Irrigation, close In $1600 $300 down. Ready to move In. H. N. Lot land, 225 So. Oakdale. MODERN 6-rm. houst. close In. fine condition, S250.00 down, balance $22.50 including Interest. Also 7V4 ACRES within one-Tialf mile Med ford: modern house, large barn, $2250. Some terms. . . Also 0 ACRES. mile Medford, In clover and orchard grass, well fenced, new barn. $1250.00. Some terms. BROWN tb WHITE Clinton Spencer, Real Estate Mgr. WHY? ... Start Work Now 1. $4500160 acres; 20 acres paid-up water right out of Little Butte creek; DO acres In cultivation; bal ance wood and pasture. House, barn and garage. $500 cash; balance long time, low interest. 3. $5250280 acres on Evans creek. 200 acres level land In cultivation. Deep soil; fine alfalfa, corn and grain. Good hog and cattle ranch. House, barn, spring house, $760 cash; balance long time. 3. $086 1 acre irrigated; 2 bouses; ono four -room plastered with sleep ing porch; one 3-room. City water In houfe. 1 mile from Medford. good school; good road. $300 cash, balance like rent. J. C. BARNES Phone 1127-Y 20 No. Peach Bt. DAIRY RANCH PRICED RIOHT 1 80 ACRES. 33 cultivated. Irrigation. 11 acres alalfa, 22 acres clover, 5 room house, good barn, chicken house, hog houses, good spring, all fenced. $3,000 total price. $1,000 down pavment. FOWLER tfc TJPP 44 No. Riverside - FOR SALE 14 acres, 1 mile from Medford city limits, with 2-room cabin. All well fenced. $500. Box 606, R F.D. 1, Medford. FOR SALE 20 acres, 13 acres irrl gtd: 5-room house, electricity. gara?e, chicken house, family or chard Priced for quick sale. Rt. 1. Box 470. A DE'ilR ABLE 6- xm stucco resi dence Hark -treet. $400 ssh: Bal ance Stole Veteran oan. 6 IP So Oakuale WHEN you think f real estate thins ol BROWN WHITE INCOME city property. tib'jQ on terms. Present income $tK) per monir. C 3 Butverfield. Medford Center Bldg. I HOUSta for sale or rent, jsckaoo Co'ii ty Bl-Jg. & Loan Ass n. POR SALS TRADE OR LEASE Mj equity in 8-r'um nous No ) Oier Oak Court for smaller pnperty o acreage Home Owner Loan Preo C Sunder, & mUt 8- O Urovs school. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 5 AND 10-acre tracts, $10 down, 5 month, on pavement; electricity, water; 10 miles N. W. Medford. 10 to 80 acres, $50 down, 10 month, on pavement; electricity, water; 6 ml. N. Orants Pass. MONTGOMERY. Owner. Jackson Hotel, Medford. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 1 PUREBRED saddle horse, one 6 galted saddle horse, will work; one 1300-lb. work mare. Sam Rlgel. Orants Pass, Rt. 2. box 300. Steel- head Lodge, or call at Qravlln Feed ; Barn. , . -- I FOR SALE bnropsnire rams ana Angora bucks. Tom Glvan, Rt. 3. Medford. FOR SALE Jersey cows, one fresh, others freshen soon. S. A. Dusen berry, Gold Hill. FOR" SALE Pack burro. Valley View district, Ashland. Call 18-F-3 or 242-J. Ashland. B. A. Wagner. FOR SALE 8 head of dairy cows. E. H. Tucker, Browusboro. FOR SALE Jersey, family milk cow. R. F. Beck, Jacksonville, across from Presbyterian church. FOR SALE Saddle horse, Just 4 yrs., about 1100 pounds, pure white. L. A. Salade. Central Point. FOB SALE Bams and registered Shropshire ram lambs. L. A. Salade. Central Point. FOR SALE Good ewes, will lamb In December; grade Corrldale and Cor rldale Bucks. Whitney place. Old Stage Road, west Central Point. FOR SALE 61 ewes. Mrs. W. H. Lewis, Central Point, Rt. 1. BUY OR SELL Hogs and pigs. Rout1 4. Box 133 Spring St. Tel 43T-M FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE Dark red pullets. 6 months old. Chas. Nahss, last house In lane off second curve of Buck shot hill road. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES USED CARS AND TRUCKS Real values at lowest prices. 1032 Studebaker sedan. 1031 Studebaker sedan. 1030 Bulck coupe, 1020 Essex coach. 1029 Pontlac sedan. 1029 Pontlac coupe. 1936 Studebaker sedan; like new. A buy. Stutz roadster. 1034 Ford coupe. 1034 Chevrolet pickup, Several late model trucks, SANDERSON MOTOR CO. Studebaker Sales and Service Open Evenings and Sundays. FOR SALE Model T pickup, $20. In quire 11 Vancouver Ave. JUST TAKEN IN 1034 Chev. coach. Priced right. Lango Motor Car Co. 38 No. Riverside. FOR SALE Packard convertible coupe, fine condition. L. A. Salade, Central Point. USED We have a few late models In Safe Used Cars 1935 Bulck Sport coupe 1934 Dodge four-door si'dan 1934 Hudson two-cloor sedan 1933 Pontlac two-door sedan 1933 Chevrolet delivery 1030 Ford Sport coupe with air wheels, SKINNER'S GARAOE 142 So. Riverside : Bulck-Pontlac Sales and Service FOR SALE 1029 Model A truck with '30 transmission, $100. Scheble Ranch, Dark Hollow. FOR SALE 1936 Chevrolet touring sedan. Would consider good used car as trade, P. O. Box 02, Ashland, or 102 N. Oak. FOR SALE 1934 Pontlac 8 Cabriolet, leather upholstery; car like new Must sell by Sept. 18th. Private party, can at at n. Kiversiae. I'OR SALE 1936 ftymouth DeLuxf Sedan, demonstrator at a Big Sav ing. LANOE MOTOR CAR CO- 3b N. Riverside. LATE ODEL RECONDITIONED USED CARS - Special Dlscom on All Cars . Without Trade-Ins 1935 Plymouth Do'i.xe Totirtrp sedan 6-wheei equip A real bargain. 1034 Chrysler 6 Duuxe se-lfQ, like new. low prl 1934 Ford V-8 Convertible coupe, radio and he.ter Beat buy in town 1934 Ford V-8 .jeLuxe Sedan, priced cheap. 1032 uhevroiet coupe 1931 Frd sedan 1930 Pord sedan A good select1 no of others to choow from. IfANOE MOiJR CAR CO. 38 No Rlversld Tel H FOR SALE DOGS PETS FOR SALE Two black and tan trail hounds. May Dobbin, Talent, Box 169. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE $160, a complete vacuum Dumping plant on Rogue river. j ready to go. Parker Auto Camp, uwu nuii vsrs. FOR SALE Baby buggy. Res. K. Ideal Court. FOR SALE Boy'a bicycle, mimeo graph machine, surveyor's compass, fruit Jars, violins, gasoline Iron, garden toots. 928 E. Jackson Bt. FOR SALE Beautiful baaslnet Nothing like It this side of Port land. Phone 1236-X. FOR SALE Gas water heater. Phone 280. FOR SALE Walnut china closet, 3 dining chairs, combination writing desk and bookcase; also built-in breakfast set for nook. 616 So. Ivy. FOR SALE Heavy wood heater, good aa new. One tarpaulin, 9x12. B55 West 2nd. Phone 1643-X. FOR BAT-E Late model Crosley car radio. Very reasonable or will trade for good bouse radio. Box 6420, Tribune. FOR BAL13 phlleo radio and table, occational chair, and breakfast table. 1020 Court. FOR SALE 3'4 wsgon or will trade for hogs. W. R. Holman, Eagle point. i 'tMATOES. No. 1. lc lb: sweet corn. ,2'jc dozen; prunes, lc lb. B E. Ford 2 mile west on JscksonvlLs hwy. Foons 731 -a. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BEAUTY SHOPPE equipment for sale cheap. Box 633. Dunsmulr, Cal. ONIONS Sweet Spanish. 100 lbs. 2. delivered. Write Bte. 1, Box 636. WOOD FOB SALE Manktns Ranch. 3 miles south Jacksonville. Tel. 307. DELICIOUS APPLES Culls now ready. Ala Vista Packing House. FOR SALE Petite prunes. Concord grapes. Phone 1016-R. ail Vancou ver. FOR SALE Petite prunes. Phone 7F-12. CLOSING-OUT SALE Jersey cow. alfalfa and oat hay, farm and gar den tools, pressure cooked canned fruit and vegetables, Chev. Ptck-up. Gould's, 1 mile south of Talent, on highway. Tel. Ashland 371-R-l. FOR SALE Grapes now ripe. J A Manke, 4 miles west of Medford. ALL KINDS of wood. Good and dry Tel. 634 -X. FACTORY-BUILT bouse trailer, sleeps four. Fountain Auto Court. Hwy 09, Z miles south Grants Pass. ROAD-TESTED parts at the right prices. Reliable workmanship Generator exchange. $2.50 up. New batteries, $2.95 up. Prince Auto Wieckers. 1740 N. Riverside; Prince Auto Electric, 132 N. Riverside. FOR SALE H-jpper for sawdust burner with baffle plate Almost new Bargain Cai at Mall ITibune FOR SALE Bated good alfalla ano straw. D R Smith, acro from Talent school. Phone Ashland 372-J-l. PETITE PRUNES, lc lb on Tee Leo Young. Columbus Ave., oft Stewart. PRUNES On F S Carpenter place lo ib.. you Pick luc lb. oicfced B. E Ford. 2 miles west on Jack highway. Tel 731 -R. TOMATOES (or canning, lo ound Bring container. Phone Mrs Walk er. 314-Y. FOR SALE Apples. Tel. 132-L. FOR SALE GRAIN BAGS and Twine. Get oui price. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27 N. Grnpe St. Phone 1062 CANNING TOMATOES, cent pound mile west Central Point. ,Blan kenshlp FOR SALE New Hotpolnt electrf. refrigerator value $169 60 Never used Will sacrifice for cash Make offer Telephone 1549-W. PERSONAL 'JA ("Doc") Remember "3.1 Promise In St. L. Lets team aga'.n. Wire "Pat." BUSINESS DIRECTORY Chiropractor E. M- NELSON. Chiropractor N. C. M Service. 1212 W 10tl tixpert Window Cleaners. LET GEORGE DO IT - Tel 1172 House cleaning, flooi waxing orl ental rug cleaning and uphuisterlng TniiiNrer HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack ers and movers Special livestock moving equipment Prices right 619 North Riverside Phone 616 BADS TRANSFER tJt STORAGE CO. Office 26 86 Fir Phone 316 Price right Service guaranteed RE1NKING TRANSFER CO , Long distance oauling Furniture cattle anything 111 N Fir Phone 1033 O Stuart. TRUCKING AND STORAGE Local and long distance hauling, furni ture moving etc Reasonable rates Tel B33 F B Samson CO Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS L Forbid 4. Direct a . , weapon - f. Bite upon repeatedly and noisily 11. Oons by U. Feminine name It. Bxternal It. Lukewarm IT. Orderly 1$. Be enough $0. WhHt . JL Pick out carefully 21. Chop 23. Entlrelj 26. Take oft 26. Exclamation 17. Artificial language 28. Operatic solo 29. Varieties 32. Pertaining to a cerUuo part of speech IS. Water vapor 88. Sour 17. You and 1 98. Draft animal 39 Posltlva 40. Animal's fool 41. Study 41. Food staple Solution of Yesterday's Puzzlo lie nJaHajnIeIn lMc1dMiE MSii-lT A LE LIE VATE V:OiLUjMESfjlSAR ACIEjN E'R'ATSpR EMiEjPjPiE W& BiUSMA?M AWglHlETiOiW tKEMTErT't DWiH 'S4N "aHlUltElRlOlb.ELIEiSlf U. Greek letter ii. Conjunction 46. Ancient language 47. Not old 60. Fib erf used for filling mattreines 61. Late: comb. form 64. Beverage 66. Flunh with success It. Kind of antelope 17. Flow back us w0 j HZ113 fHf 3 32 33 34 Uua. MtU. 4 StLH5 Is ' ZZ.sZ sj BUSINESS DIRECTORY JACKSON COUNTY ARSTRACT CO .TlTLK INSUKANCK ABSTRACTS ESCROW MURRAY ABSTRACT CO Abstract of Title Rooms 8 and ft. No. $2 North Central Ave., upstairs. I he fashion Phop. THE FASHION SHOP 308 U. B Nat'l Bank Bul'dtng Dressmaking Myrtle Andrew Phone 1181 New location 1'lu no Instruction FRED ALTON HrtlUHT Tetchor Of Piano Accredled Teacher. Mel ciiord Modern (Mano Method. Stu dio. yi8 'Liberty Bulirling. Money lo Lend MONEY LOANKH ON AUTOS. LIVESTOCK tjURNITLItfc. EN HOUSED NOTES. ETC We want to supply youi money needs without red tape or delay SEE W E THOMAS MGR. MEDFOKU'S OLDEST AND LA ROES! PEHSONAL FINANCE COMPANY 46 So Central. Urouna Floor Cratenan Theater Bidg Lie No S-167-M-IBU Phone 130 DIAMOND LOANS Prompt and courteous service MEItFOItl) FINANCE CO. Over Farmers & Fruitgrower Bank Phone 768 Lie No. S-200 LEGAL NOTICES Not ire of Finn I settlement. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate of Wil liam Mason Colvlg. sometimes known aa William M. Colvlg, de ceased. The undersigned has (lied in the County Court of Jackson County. Oregon, the final account of her ad ministration of the estate of William Mason Colvlg. sometimes known aa William M. Colvlg. deceased, and una Court has fixed Thursday. September 24th. 1936. at tno hour of 10:00 a m of said day, at the courtroom of said Court at the Court House in Med lord, Jackson County. Oregon, as the time and place for tho hearing of objections to said final account and for the settlement of aaid estate All persons Interested in said estate are hereby notified and required to make or file their objections to saia final account, if any they have, on or before the time aforesaid fixed for the hearing and settlement thereof Date of this notice and of the first publication thereof is August 25th 1936. MARY O. WARNER. Executrix of the Estate of William Mason Colvlg. almetlmes known as William M. Colvlg, deceased. OLENN O TAYLOR, Attorney Reese Creek REESE CREEK, Sopt. 15.(Spl.) Reese Creek American school waa very pleasantly surprised wheil D. D. Ran dall and his brother Ray came and had charge of the Sunday school and church services. They wore also pres ent In the evening and helped with services, thus supplying us with a most wonderful day, Mrs. Lillian Tracy of Arizona spent last week visiting Mr, and Mrs. H. H. Powell. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Clngcade en tertained with a farewell party for Maurice Jack, September 3. The even ing as spent In games and goneral farewell talks, after which refresh ments were served. Verna and Beth Clngcatle had chante of affairs. Those Cross-Word Puzzle IL Piece of moiisj 22. Point of the crescent moon 12, Portions ef curve 24. Pillage IS. Percussion Instrument 28. Derisive cry 28. Mythological flreek hero 29. Father 30. Evergreen timber tree Of New Zealand 41. Killed 31. Hare gas 14. Mountain laka St. Sun 40. American Indian 4L Con I from which the volatile con stltuents have been extrarted 42. Spoken 42. Com pressed mass of matter 44. Italian river 48. Cooking vessel 47. Pronoun 48. Bird's beak 49. Mle talk fil. Dad (3. Type measure DOWN L Nocturnal animal 1. Ep'H'h 1. Prickly pear 4. Help 8 At noma 8. Making 7. Kind of fuel 8 Hovel 9. Near 10. One of an ancient race 11. Bow 19. Exists Is. Sprits enjoying their hospitality were Bur-1 rel Wyant. Fern Wyant, John Short. Carl Short, Clyde Grtssom, Joyce Grlssom. Lester Stlnson, Blllle Hol loway. Frances Myers, Almcta Day. Frances Beck, Jean Beck. Hazel Rlggs. Marine Yorton, Barren Stanley. Lor en Chit wood, Helen Kent, Edison CrandsJl, Margaret Spltzer, Amy Grls som, Dorothy Chrlstiani, Wilbur Christian!, Dennle Jerome, Waltomore Caster, Mashal Caster, Maurice Jack. Gladys Rusho, Treaa Albontca, Stew art Shearln, Done 11 Koenlg, Evelyn Jack, Glen Unger, Thomas Shearln. Charles Rusho, Charles Cummons. Barbara Kelly, Wendell Goble, Max Goble. Mildred Hanson, Lois Wright The hard rain and wind last Fri day blew H. Ball's new barn down, leaving the hay exposed to the rain. Claude Waddell started his hay baler last Friday, beginning for Mrs Frances Campbell, near Eagle Point Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Merrltt. Janet and Jenny, were Medford and Cen tral Point visitors Sunday. Reese Creek Youth Temperauoe council was organized at the Reese Creek Oospel Mlsslonchurch, Sunday. September 0, at 3 p. nv, by Mrs. Charles Cummons, local W. O. T. U. president, with the following ten oharter members pledged: Tresa Al bonlcs, John Albonlca, John Braack, Teddy Boren, Doris Bellows, Stewart Shearln, Frances Braack, Donell Koe nlg and Miriam Cummons. Mrs. H H. Powell was appointed director of the organization, officers ohosen were: President, Frances Braack; vice-president, Doris Bellows; corre sponding secretary, Donell Koenlg; recording secretary and treasurer, Miriam Cummons. This locality was visited with a fine rain moat all day Sunday, Reeso creek will have at least 10 high school students this year. It seemed good to seo the school bus again to take them to Eagle Point high school. Saturday evening the Reese Creek Youth Temperance council and a few neighbors mot at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Powell. After the young folks held their meeting, a watermelon feast was enjoyed by all present. September 11 was a double wed ding anniversary for Mr. and Mrs Fred Lewis on Butte Falls highway and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lamb, who entertained with a chicken dinner at their home on Reese creek. The Grange I'ppcr Applegtile Orungo Upper Applegate Orange met In regular session September 12. Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Raskins, Mrs. Lee Port and daughter, Frances, and Oladys Byrne were absent from their stations, being In attendance at Po mona Grange. Steward Wilson Doru bade his friends a goodbye as he waa to leave next day to attend school at tho Oregon School of Technology at Port land, having been awarded a oovoted scholarship by tho State Grange. A resolution was passed requesting th forest service and the county court that needed repairs be done on the road from the oiled strip nbove Ruch to the Copper store. It was decided to ceil the hall In preparation for cooler woathor. - A dance was planned for October 8. Blum Is Charged With Rebel Plot PARIS, Sept. Ifl-(AP) Nationalists charged the Blum government today with attempting to provoke a native uprising In French Morocco In the hope the rebellious movement would spread to Spanish Morocco and cause trouble for Spanish Fascists. Communists, on the other hand, de clared a rightist military coup was planned for Morocco "with the com plicity of Resident-General Marcel Peyrouton." BUND SCHOOL DORM ACCEPTED BY STATE SALEM. Sept. 18, (AP) The new $76,000 blind school dormitory, con structed with federal aid, became the official property of the state today upon acceptance by the board of con trol. Members of the board, at a lunch eon at the Institution, approved form al acceptance and viewed the plans of the Salem Lions club for planting shrubbery around the structure and tht old buildings. The service olub will provide tho landscaping. TINIEST BABY LOSES FIGHT FOR EXISTENCE SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Sept. 16. (UP) Twenty-flve-ouncv Janice Pehrson, Salt Laka City's tlnest baby, lost an 16-day fight for life when ah died Sunday at Salt Lake general hospital. The Ifl-lnch mite, who waa kept In an Incubator, weighed 84 ounces at birth August 26, but lost weight steadily despite doctors' efforts to save her. She was so tiny she could be fed only with a medicine dropper. SCHOOLS OF ROSEBURG RECEIVE MORE PUPILS ROSEBURO, OTt, Sept. 14. (AP) Roseburg schools opened Monday with a total enrollment of 1247, a gain of 36 over last year. In contradiction to national school predictions which estimated a large drop In the num ber of children entering school for the first time, the Roseburg schools have 107 youngsters in tho first grades, a record enrollment of be ginners. REPUBLICAN CLUB HEAD NAMES ADVISORY GROUP PORTLAND, Ore., Sept 15,-VI'j Lowell PKt, president of the Ore gon Republican clubs, named a coun cil of seven men to aid him in choos ing new committees. The council In cluded Willlsm Knif,'ht, Rowburn; G. E. Waiker, La Grande; C. A. Hunt ington. EMgeno, sod Ralph Enuuons, Aalem. i . - iiMMiHSMsanill SIMM 1 Meteorological Report September I.I. l:iti. Formistc. Medford and vicinity: Fair tonight and Wednesday; rising temperature Wednesday. Oregon; Fair tonight and Wednes day; rising temperature In Interior Wednesday. Local lhitn. Temperature a year ago today : Highest, 78; lowest. 47. Total monthly precipitation, 0 35 Inch. Excess for the month, 0.20 inch Total precipitation since September 1, 1936, 0.35 inch. Excess for the sea son. 0.20 Inch. Relative humidity at 6 p. m. yes terday, 45; 6 a. m. today, 97. S-inrlse tomorrow, 5:52 a. m. Sunset tomorrow, 6:19 p. m. OlmcrYiHtnna Taken nt 5 a. m no Meridian Time. -a 1 1 1 CITY pi ! a ffl o ft G O 9 " Bolss -. - 60 36 .... Clonr Boston 62 34 T. Ruin Ohlcngo 03 74 ... Clonr Denver 86 50 ..- Clear Eureka 58 46 .... Clonr Helens - 48 34 .03 Olcnr Los Angeles 76 62 .... Clear MEDFORD 63 35 T. Clear New York 72 62 02 Rain Omaha .. 02 04 .60 Cloudy Phoenix 98 06 .... Clear Portland - 64 46 .02 Cloudy Reno 66 36 .... Clear Roseburg 64 44 .04 Foggy Bnlt Lake 04 34 ... P. Cldy San Francisco...... 08 64 .... Cloar Scattlo ................ 60 48 .06 Cloudy Spokane - 64 40 T. P. Cldy Walla Walla 62 46 T. Clear Washington, D.O. 78 08 T. Cloudy DEFEAT IS URGED FOR STATE BANK PROPOSAL McMTNNVILLE, Ore., Sopt. 15. (JP) T. P. Cramer, secretary of the Ore-' gon Bunkers' association, told a civic ! club here that "not one per cent of (Oregon) state funds was lot through banks eloslivj during the years of tho depression." He urged defeat of the proposed state-owned banking program, said "ovory stato system of guaranty has failed," commented that a state-owned bank could not qualify for feder al deposit Insurance and said "exist ing banks, which nro put to much extra expense and tlmo In handling public funds, are not tho ones which would suffer from tho establishment of state-owned banking In Oregon." KNOX DUE IN PORTLAND ABOUT NOON THURSDAY PORTLAND. Bent. 15. MPI Colonel Frank Knox, Republican candidate for vlce.Drasldent. will Atrlvo herd shortly alter noon Thursday and will speak In a theater at 1 p. m. Stowart Weiss, chairman ot the Multnomah county Republican central commit tee, said an official welcoming party was being formed. The candidate will go to corvnins for an auoross Thursday night. SCHOOL REGISTRATION LOWER IN PENDLETON PENDLETON, Sept. 18. (P) Young Pendletonlans, some 1181 of them, put their books under their arms ond went off to school Monday, the open ing of the 1030-1037 school year. To tal registration Is less than that of last year, which waa officially set at 1253, but school officiate Indicated that this year's figure might top that of 1035 aa aoon as high school reg istration la completed. E.say Winner Leaves PORTLAND. Ore., Sept. 18. (IP) Owen Matthewa, Portland hlh school graduate, headed eastward tod'iy to tnroll at the Msssachrsetts Institute of Technology. He won a as.uoo pesce :saay scholarship (Eddie Cantor con test) last spring. Turkey tlrowers larn CORVALLIS, Ore., 3pt. 15. P) It puzzled some farmers tnia Ore gon State college warning against navel infection In turkeys. But poul try sneeiallsts come to the rescue. The nsvel, they said, Is that part of fowls at which the yoiic or me egg Is absorbed. Disinfecting of Incubat ing machines was urged. Send BrTdge Opened BEND, Ore., Sept. 16. (!') Traffic rohed over Bend's new ,36,000 b'ldge across the Dcachutee river today. The span, replacing a 20-year-old struc ture, la one of four within tne city limits. - Postofflre Award Made. WA8HINOTON. Sept. 15. (P) The award of a ,50,084 contract for con struction of a postofflce at Ontario Ore, to Benjamin H. Sheldon. Ores hsm, Ore, wss announced today by the treasury depsrtment. LOS ANOEIJES, Sept. IS, (API- Heavy man&clea were plsced on Don. aid Bouche, alias Robert Bsrr Miller, today aa he waa given to the custody of Sheriff W. O. Chandler of SlsXiyou county to bo returned to Dunsmulr. to stand trial on chargea of murder ing the Dunsmulr chief of police 18 months ago. Bouche'a companion In a series or robberies In Siskiyou county, was lynched. At the time of Bouche'a ar rest, offloera quoted him aa saying he hsd nothing to do with the shooting of the Dunsmulr police chief, al though admitting the robberies. ' AOTO LOANa AND HEPINANCINO W E. Thomas. 48 8 Central. Phone 542. Weil haul aay your refuse. City Sanitary Service. Use Mall Trlbun want ada. MERCY PROMISED ON OF Fred M. Weatherford, pastor evan gelist, Sunday night at the Church of the Nazarene spoke on "Sin Por trayed In the Drama of Life," using as his text Prov. 28:13. "He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but iihoso conresseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy." In part his message follows: "God has set ud & trlhunsl in .. conscience and made every person s juuge. in me ngnt or Divine Truth of his own actions, yot there Is no tribunal that so corrupts Justice and violates trust In the radlua of that Jurisdiction. The conscience Is faith ful In prompting to right decision, but too often It Is smothered and silenced by the sin of a violated con science. "He who covers sin Is a hypocrite parading under a, mask. Sin Is cov ered by lying or by placing the blame on someone else. It la traglo when a father or mother who are respon sible for lives rear their children without a Christian education. A little girl came Into our Sunday school, nine or ten years of age, who did not know what a. Bible was. "Achan, of Bible history, stole a " golden wedge, a beautiful Babylonish garment, and hid them In his tent, but through the prophet of aod his covered sin was located. Nothing can be covered from . the Almighty. Matt. 10:26. 'There Is nothing cov ered that shall not be revealed: and hid that shall not be known.' "Sin may be confessed and not for saken. Pharoah confessed bis sins to Mosea and Aaron, but he held onto tticm until the rolling waters of the Rod Sea burled him and his Egyptian hosts. Saul said, 'I have sinned, be hold I have Dlaved the fnnl .nH erred exceedingly." But Instead of forsaking his sins he fell on his own sword. 'The Prodleal Ron. th Wnm.n fc the Well, and the Thief on the Cross aro Biblical Illustrations of charac ters who not onlv confessed their KlnA. but likewise forsook them." Fall Plant Sale Being Planned By Garden Clubbers Plsna for a fall plant sale are fore. moat In the mlnda of Medford Garden club members, It waa revealed at th recent mrotlng of tho olub, held at Hotel Medford, when Mrs, L. Bund? asked that every gardener save extra perennial planta and shrubs for tha sale. Date of tho sale will be an nounced aoon. Requests for flower seeds were also made by both the library committee and the Junior gardena commlttot. These seeds may ba left with any member of the two committees or with the club president, Miss Jane Snedlcor. Reports, bringing promise of a very busy, year, were made by all com mittees. ' The Oarden Center has been es tablished at the publlo library and the president expressed the hope that everyone will make use of tt. Five booka have already been donated. Mra. O. L. Centner, Mrs, O. .Arn splger and Mrs. Curtis Darby repre eimted the Garden club at the Gold Hill fair Friday, acting as Judges of the flower exhibits. Mrs. Fred Cummlngs, chairman of the program Thursday evening, gave an Interesting talk on the national flower garden. She mentioned that thero la no national flower but that every tate In the union, with the exception of Pennsylvania, has adopt ed a eta to flower. Mine Mae Phlpps loaned the club her atatea' flower quilt, each block of which hss the flower of some state ombroldered upon It. Four Generations Gather To Honor Griffin Birthday The home of John B. Griffin on South Ivy atreet waa yesterday th scene of a pleasant party In honor of Mr. Griffin, who played the lead ing role In the celebration of hi 83rd birthday. The party, was somewhat In th nature of a surprise, arranged by Mr. Griffin's daughter, Mrs. W. C. Bslley. who arrived from Merrill. Ore, the day before and who acted aa hostess. With Mrs. Bailey were tier daughter. Margaret, her son. Don, and hut wife and their son, making It a four-generation party. Othera attending th party went a slstsr-ln-lsw, Miss Alt Naylor, Georg Barton. Gordon Schermerhorn, L. R. Shurtleff and Nick Young. Weather Northern California: Fair tonight and Wednesdsy, warmer In Interior and on central coast; fresh to strong wind off coast. Oregon: Fair tonight and Wed nesdsy, rising temperature 1" in terior Wednesday; moderate wind off coast. WINDOW GLASS w sell window glass and will replace your Broken wlndowa reasonably Trowbridge Cab inet Worka Direct Reduction LOANS ON HOMES In Medford District Reasonable Interest FIRST FEDERAL SAVIMiH LOAN ASSN. Or MEDFORD 2 No. HOLLY St. o