MEDFOTtD KATE TRIBUNE. fEDFOTlD. DKEGON. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 2. 1936. page mi Read amy aa or this page You will probably find exactly -. th things you have been looking for or ft 'sale 01 trade tor unused articles you ma; hate. Searob your atuo 01 itora-room you may find . many tblnga other are seek--tng and he able to realm Un - mediate eaab. It what you want Isnt here, advertise lot It Tribune Classified ads are Inexpensive effective! I- RATES pn word first insertion , , (Minimum a Bo) Eaon additional insertion, per word . lc (Minimum lOo) per line per month without oopy changes H-?5 Phone 75 FOE WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND STRAYED Small red pig, male. 1. E. ' McDonald, Box 358, Lozler Lane. "FOUND Three sacks of feed, owner i claim and pay for ad. Frank Chll ders, Jacksonville Star Rt., Medtord. LOST -H dog missing, cull 1516. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTEp Experienced girl, 31 to 40 years old; plain cooking, some laun dry; 20 per month. 41 Ross Court. WANTED Experienced housekeeper, jj. Hoffman, Provolt. Ore. WANTED Lady cook for restaurant. Sunday off. State experience and give references. Box 5053, Tribune. WANTED Girl or woman, light housework snd help, in laundry work. Phone 364-X. WANTED Woman for general house work... Phone 974. wAMTjrn nirl to assist with house work and care of children. Oo home nights. 30 Olen Oak Court. Tel j 1147-J. PERMANENT HOME for middle-aged lady to assist with housework and care of children. Small salary. Tei 1565-R. WANTED Experienced woman for general housework. Good wages. ' Apply in person, 1136 East Main. $ MALE AND FEMALE " COUPLE wants tob as caretaker. Box jf o94. lriDune. WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Young man. meat cutter, willing to learn groceries, Klamath County general store, reference from former employers necessary. A d dresa Box 176. Merrill. Ore. OOOD POSITIONS In largo company operating In- Oregon open to men with selling, service station and " ' clerical experience. Permanent em ' ployment, excellent opportunity for men with ability and ambition. Ad dress Box 4981 Mall Tribune, stat ing experience and references. Ap plications confidential. WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS WANT TO BUY Used portablo type writer. Tel. 1417-R. WANTED Lamb wool. See the Med ford Bargain House. 37 No. Orape. HIGHEST PRICES paid for Junk metal, copper, brass, aluminum, lead. rags. eto. Bo. Oregon Junk Co. Between Holly and Oakdale on I Stewart Ave. WANTED To contract with flock ' owners for supply of New Hamp shire Red hatching eggs. Will furn ish cases- pay good premium and Two Rock I auarantes, long run. Valley Hatchery, Rte. 4, Box 330. Fetaluma, Calif. WANTED 100 used automobile wheels, all sixes, for late model cars. Trade yours In for modern ballon wheel ' equipment. Oenerous allowances " Firestone Auto Supply and Service Stores. 0th and Riverside. Tel. 620 1 MONEY TO LOAN i ON MODERN HOMES . LONO TERM LOANS. Loans are made for convenient periods antj are paid off In montn W Instalments. . MODERATE COST, Interest rates and service charges sre moderate. . DIRECT REDUCTION LOANS. Interest becomes less as psyments we made on ihe principal. . PROMPT SERVICE. Gulck and efficient cooperation given In handling your loan ap plication. ' . MEDFORD FEDERAL SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION 138 East Main. phone 195. WANT TO BUY Some food young breeding ewes. V. J. Ehlllppl. Hotel Grand. Medford. WANTED You to look at my bar gains, almost new clothing for ail ; tne ramiiy. oio a. a,u. WANTED Top prices paid for used furniture, tools, etc. Berrydale 3no Hand Store 1803 n Kiverstu. 368. , .. . . WANTED To work ranch on shares DAii.Kia mnrriKri man and family mini, competent Would prefer nnph with some Irrigation or suit- nh hrvs team and m. .nutriment. Box 6003. Mall Tribune. WANTED Men's Isundry son Tel 1345-M. Mra BU JUNK Highest prices psld for brass, radiators, copper, storase batteries, aluminum and other metais. srnr. imn small dr Urge lots, pipe and machinery, wool and cot ton rags, tnnfr tubes. Hloe'i Pe WOO. ' S Household xls. lurnlture. f'.ovl.' bought or sold. ..-.. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUbl, WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS WANT Small farm or dairy for Med ford Income. Box 3580, Tnoune. WILL PAY CASH for amall modern home. Box 4782. Tribune. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Modern 7-room partly j furnished house. 8iU w. mn. ai.ou , . per month, water paid. Inquire at 71B W; Main or tel. 1480-Y. j FOR RENT APARTMENTS won RF.NT 2 nlcelv furnished apu with electric conveniences, ah- j . quire 305 So. Oakdale. ' I APT. FOR RENT Frlgldaire. heat. overstuffed, private oatn, ciose in 806 W, Main. FURN. apt, for rent, 118 Almond St j iURNISHED apartment tor rent. 716 Welch. FOR RENT FURNISHED. ROOMS ATTRACTIVE rooms, 404 8. Grape. FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleep ing room: also garage If desired 325 So. Riverside Ave. . w .. I FUH KEN1 rirsi Clara otcriuiig iwm , In good residence, close Geneva. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Two large rooms, lota of light. Over Baldwin Piano Shoppe. FOR EXCHANGE FOR TRADE Light car for radio or sewing machine. -473-X. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR BALE or trade (or town prop erty or near high school. 40-acre ranch on Thompson creek; 7-room house. Call at Amy's In Jackson ville for Information. - - FOR TRADE Apartment house three 1 aoartments. located In Ashland Will sell at a sacrifice or trade for property In Eugene. L. G. pickell 204 East Main. Tel. 365. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE HOUSES for sale or rent. Jackson County Bldg. & Loan Ass'n. WHEN you think of real estate think Of BROWN WHITE. WILL SACRIFICE HOME -Oil South Oakdale opposite high school, for $3875; 91675 down, balance Ilk" rent. See owner Immediately at B'22 So. Oakdale, or phone G45-X. FOR SALE 3 -room modern home on pavement near Main. Payment down, balance like rent. Inquire 508 Palm. . I OR SALE 7 acres, Irrigated, pro ductive soli; new 4-room house hsrn and other outbuildings; fine shade, splendid location for homo, . on gnod-road.. For qulak sale, $1800, terms. Look this over. ALSO 4 acres. 4-room house, near Medford, ar.000. L. O. PICKELL ' 304 E. Main, Tel. 885. FOR SALE! Fully equipped, well paying dairy ranch. C. L., care Mall Tribune. . 4 FOR SALE Pour-room modem house with breakfast nook, close. In. 136 Tripp. - ....... FOR SALE. TRADE OR .LEASE My equity In 8-room house No. 7 Glen Oak Court, for smaller poperty or acreage Home Owner's Loan Fred C Sander, ',i mile S. Oak Qrov school. SMALL HOTEL Located on Main Box 4700, Tribune. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE '37 souped up Ford road ster. Dave Moore, pinnacle No. 4. noons. 33 CHEVROLET Coupe, good shape. . Priced right. " 31 Ford, model A 4-door sedan. '36 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan; won derful shape. Good' buy. USED CAB EXCHANGE - 36 B. Riverside. 1033 Chevrolet IVi-ton chassis and cab, - dual . wheel., 10-ply tires. Priced for quick sale, 8376. 36-Passenger school bus; good motor Lire, sua uuuy. Bargain, Model A Ford sedan. See this $106 PIERCE-ALLEN MOTOR CO. Dodge snd Plymouth Dealers. Used Car Dept. 8th and Bartlett. FOR SALE Packard convertible Coupe, good condition; cash sale L.A. Sslsde. Centra) Point. 1933 CHEVROLET DeLuxe Coach, low mileage, perfect mechanically, by owner. Holbrook It Andrews. 113 E 6th. ' . FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN 1034 long wbeelbase Chevrolet truck. Low mileage, uuai tires, in gooa condition full year license, equip ped with flat rack for fruit haul ing. See this truck today. Rogue River Chevrolet. Inc.. North River aide. SEE THESE GOOD USED CARS 10 Reduction In Prices this Month Only. Some of these cars sre near ly new. 1038 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan . 1033 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan (Six-wheel equipment) 1034 Chrysler 6 Deluxe Sedan 1036 DeSoto Deluxe Sedan (With overdrive) 1933 Btudsbaker Regal Light Sedan 1934 Plymouth Coupe 1930 Dodge 6 Sedan 1939 Ford Coupe 1933 Chevrolet Coupe 1930 Hudson sedan LANQE MOTOR CAR CO. ' Chrysler-Flymoutb Dealer 88 N Riverside Ave. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK wrtD sAi.F Horses and mules. We hare the sire snd kind you wsnt at reasonable prices, samiora oc -om pany. Inc.. Mmll, Ore. t i rYoiin Jersey cow. frean n rhu Hofbeck. 1 ml. west King's Hwy. -7. e.HMi- hrr 4-vear-old hft-snd nentle L. A. Salads Cen. i. A. fialade Cen- tral point. Oregon. : 7ZrW ' ( A. Satode. CiimiW XaZTClmiteovt. Phone IM. FOB SAL6 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 3 milk cows. 4 heifers, 1 I bull calf. C. Plappe. Rt. I. y, mile north Bear Creek bridge. Central ! Polut. ! BUY OR SELL Hogs and pigs. Route j 4. Box 133 Spring St. Tel. 437-M FOR SALE POULTRY seo turkeys 4 to 6 lbs. Ed Petle, Trail, 3 miles south Shady cove. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS - .. TOMATOES for sale, 3i miles north Central Point on Pacific Hwy. W h. Penlnger. FOR SALE 4-wheel trailer, cheap for rnh. sum Hunt. Vallev View Drive below city reservoir. FOR SALE Hopper for sawdust burner with baffle plate. Almost new. Bargain. Call at Mall Tribune. TOMATOES for canning, lo pound " Bring container. Phone Mrs. Walk er, 314-Y. . DUART permanents as low as 81.95 I up to (4 50. Prevost's, 336 So. Oak i dale. Phone 727. ' ROOFINO Bring your roof troubles to us. Old roois repairea. new roofs applied. Pabco Products Ekerson Paint and Roof Store, 38 S Bartlett. Phone 243. MILK from tested goats. Jungfraw Goat Dairy, Rt. 4, Box 54. Tel 437-J. FOR SALE GRAIN BAGS and Twine. Get on .price. MEDPORD BARGAIN HOUSE 37 N. Grape St. Phone 1063. TOMATOES No. 1, lo lb; com, plums,, cantaloupes. B. E. Ford, 2 miles west on Jacksonville Hwy. Phone 731-R. . FOR SALE Hardwood bed. 7$:, 12. cost 200 to build. Sale price 25. USED CAR EXCHANGE 35 8. Riverside. FOR SALE Nearly new electric washer. Call 16-F-3. r OR' SALE U. 8. No. 1 and U- 8. No. 3 potatoes. Wholesale price for truok. Ready for delivery same day ordered, c. V. Barton Merrill. Ore. TOMATOES for sale, lo lb Across from Copco sub-station. Stevens, ' IOR SALE Ice box. Medium size. 113 8. Drape. Phone 1646-L. rOR SALE-3-wheel trailer, detachable top, new 6-ply tires, spare tire Don art's on Pacific highway. Talent. FOR SALE Cull pickling cucumbers. 35c large lug. Pine for household use. Bring containers. Last house at end of South Peach. FOR SALE Puller's large musk melons, also wutermelons. 3'.4 miles north Central Point on highway. CANNING TOMATOES, cent pound i mile west Central Point. Blan kenshlp. TOMATOES Bring boxes; seconds and culls, 30o; canners, 66o, 60-lb. lug. 0. J. Logan, Orchard Homo Drive. FOit SALE No. 1 tomatoes, lc lb picked. Calhoun Ranch, ly, mile, aouthwest of phoenix. FOR SALE Apples. Tel. 133-L. TOMATOES. Onions. Weeping WU- lows. Lozler Lane. PUT IN YOUR WINTERS WOOD early. Oak. laurel, maneanlta and fir. Tel. 634-X. ITALIAN . 7-F-14. - PRUNES for sale. Call BETTER Used Furniture. Davenport set. antlqus bed, good rockers, springs, chests. 106 South Grape. FOH SALE New Hotpolnt electric refrigerator, value $160.80 Never used. Will sacrifice tor cash. Make offer Telephone 1540-W. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Profitable business on Pacific highway. For further In formation write Box 3833, Tribune. FOR LEASE First class service sta tion on Riverside Ave.. Medford; doing good business. Will lake $800 to handle. Phone 953 Medford or write P O. Box 1074 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts. JACKSON COUNTV ABSTRACT CO. riTI.K INMUIMNCB AIISTIIACTS ESCROW MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. AbstrscU of Title. Rooms 8 and 6. No. 33 North Central Ave., upstairs. The l1 Hi Ion ebop. THE PASHION SHOP 308 U. t Nat'l Bank Building, urea&making Myrtle Andrews Phone 1181 New location Money to Lend MONEY LOASKD ON AUTOS, LIVESTOCK. Ft'KMTUHt, KNDOKStD NOTES. ETC. We want to supply your money need without red tape or delay NEB W. . THOMAS UOR. MEDFOKD'S OLDEST AND LARGEST PERSONAL FINANCE COMPANY. 4A So. Central. O round Floor Crateriao Theater Bidg. Lie. No 8-167-M-I60 Phone 180. DIAMOND LOANS Prompt and courteoua aenrtot. MEDFORD FINANCE- CO. Over Psrmeri & FmltijTowera Bank Phone 768 He No. 8-aoo Transfer. HAW LEY TRANSFER - Expert pack ers and movers Special livestock moving equipment, prices right 610 North Riverside. Phone 016. EADft TRANSFER A BTORAOB CO. Office 30 So Ftr Phons 816 Prices right Service guaranteed DCtMUINfl rBANHflTR nn Lfin duuncs naming Furniture cauie anything. Ill N Fir. Phone 1043 C Stuart tuCKINO AND STORAOt - Local j nd lorut distance hauling furni ture moving etc Reasonable rates Tel. &3. F. ft. Samson Co. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Expert Window Cleaners. LET OEOROE DO IT rel: 1 17a House cleaning, floor waxing, on' ental rug cleaning and upholstering LEGAL NOTICES Suit In Equity for a Divorce Summons. In the Circuit court of the State ot ; Oregon In and For the County of I Jackson. Arthur L. Ourry. plaintiff, vs Josephine V. Curry, defendant. To Josephine V. Curry, the above named defendant: In the Name of the State of Ore gon: You are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff filed in the above entitled court and cause on or before the expiration of four weeks from the date of the first pub lication of this summon , to-wlt: on or before September 17th. 1938. and if you fall to so appear and answer plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In his said complaint, to-wlt: for a decree forever dissolving the bonds of mat rimony heretofore and now existing between the above named plaintiff and defendant. This summons, pursuant to an order of date August 19th, 1936. entered In above entitled court and cause by Hon. H. D. Norton, Judge of said court. Is served upon you by j publication In Med ford Mall Tribune UUCP W CfA 1UI IUUI VUUKlUll f weeks and In said order and herein you are required to appear and answer said complaint on or before the expiration of the last day ot the time prescribed in said order for the publication of said summons, name ly, on or before the expiration of four weeks from and after the date of the first publication of said sum mons and which date of first publi cation Is August 19th, 1936. H. K. HANNA. Attorney for Plalntltl My post office address is Medford. Oregon. Notice of Final Hearing, In the County Court of the state oi Oregon for Jackson County. In the Matter ot the Estate of Lu clnda Peck, Deceased. Nottco Is hereby given that the un- derslgned Administrator of the Estate oi bucinaa peck, aeceasea, nas iuea with the above entitled Court his First and Final Account and report as such administrator, and the court has set September 11th, 1036. A. D.. at the NOTICE OF HEARING ON NON-HIGH BCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that School District of Jackson County, State of Oregon, at a meeting of said Committee held on the 11th day of August, 1038, prepared an estimate In detail of the amount of money proposed to be expended by said Non-high School District for all purposes during the fiscal school yesr beginning June 15th, 1938 and ending June 15th, 1937, and an estimate In detail of the probable receipts of said Non-high the school year 1038-1937. The Board fixed the 13th day of September. 1838 House In Medford, Oregon, as the time may be discussed with the Board of time and place any and all persons Interested wilt be heard for or against said tax levy, or any part thereof. That said estimates and attached original estimate sheets are on file in the office of the County School super- Intendent and sre there open to the inspection ox an persons interested therein, and the same are by reference made a part hereof. HECKIPT8 I. Cash on hand at beginning of the year for which this budget is made $ 1.417.10 II. Amounts received from other EXPENDITURES Tuition, Transportation and Interest I. II. III. Tuition Transportation Interest on Warrants Operating and IV. Poetage, Telegraph and Telephone V. Printing and Mimeographing VI. Expenses of Election (Publication and Postage). . VII. Travel Expenses of Board Members VIII. Clerical Expense (Supplies, Legal Service, etc.)....-. (a) Equipment IX. Emergency ....... TOTAL EXPENDITURES RECAPITULATION I. Total Receipts II. Total Expenditures DIFFERENCE (Amount to be raised by tax on the Jackson County Non-High School District) $61,857.90 Dated this 11th day of August, 1938. OEOROE B. DEAN. A. E. BROCK WAY,. ' Chairman, Budget Committee Chairman. Board of Education C. R. BOWMAN, C. R. BOWMAN. Secretary. Budget Committee Clerk. Board of Education. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS L Kind of straw hat 7. Leave empty 13. Puffs up 14. One who encapea artfully 15. Prtvate - teach srs ' 16. Winged seed 17. Ancient Roman Official IS. Notes the spted of II. Takea great delight 8L Church canticle IS. Former spelling of fv Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle HjoBGAMUTLOB awlIawas HAW A GIL I M ME I N SET B A K E dMhIT STORY netcasihe C I DWF U L L YjV I A N E CKIj. E WJ ENET B R A TJO Mk 7k M A G E P RUTHC H A I NlAl A IaIgIeBk I TTYigSY at. Steersd wild or out of the ? Administering course of medicines !R. These: French In regular 26. Suolect to a quantities great strain St. Town In Mains IT. Tes: dlalectlo 40. Landed astats Enrllsh of a lord 10. Plat cap 13. Ethiopian commander IS. Oriental guitars 4L Perhaps: arctiaJa 43. Falty 44. Anoints 45. Slake amends 7 12 13 14 1.5 16 WMJ 13 f IO j I-2 22 I23 u W - IIIIEIIltlii 27 3B Zf 3o 3 32 33 JT WT,T. 35 lT 37 II Hill ir II II 1 hour of 10:00 o'clock a. m. at the time. and the Courtroom of said Court lu the Courthouse In Medford. Oregon, as the place for hearing objections, If any there be. why said First and Flnai Account and Report snouio not oo approved, said Administrator and his bondsmen discharged, and said eatata closed. All persons are hereby not! fled to appear at said time and place and show cause ,tf any there be. wtiy such relief should not be granted. Dated and first puouaed tnia urn day of August, 1936. w. E. rEUA, Administrator of the estat of Luclnda Peck, deceased. O. H. BENGTSON, Attorney for Administrator. 136 East Main Street, Medtord, Oregon. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the Stats of Oregon for the County of Jackson In the Mstter of the Estate of Mary Elizabeth Adams, Deceased. The undersigned has been, by the County Court of Jackson County. Oregon, appointed administrator with the win annexed of the estate of Mary Elizabeth Adams, deceased .and has qualified. The creditors of and all persons naving , cjaime against said deceased are hereby notified to pre sent the same, with the proper vouch ers, within six months sfter the first publication hereof, to the undersign ed at his office In the Federal build ing .Medford, Oregon. uateo and first puousnea August 13th, 1936. GLENN O. TAYLOR. Adlmlnlstrator with the will an nexed of the estate of Many Elis abeth Adams, deceased. GLENN O. TAYLOR. Attorney for the Estate. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. General Land Office St Roseburg, Oregon, August 6th, 1038. Notice Is hereby given that William L. Townsend ,of 333 so. Riverside Ave Medford. Ore., who, on May lOtn 1933. made Homestead entry. Serial 030877, and on Bept. 13. 1933. made Add. Hd. entry. Serial No. 030985, for N4 NW4 and BE1. NWi,, section 31 Township 34 B., Range 1 W , Wlllam ette Meridian, haa filed n6tlce of in tentlon to make final three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Victor A. Tengwald. U. S. Commissioner, at Medford, Oregon, on the 16th day of September, 1936. Claimant names aa witnesses; Dean Weltman. of Trail, Oregon Leslie Worden. of Domestic Laundry. a Budget Committee of the Non-high School District from all sources for of said Non-nign scnooi District nas at the hour of lo A. M. at tne court and place at which said estimates said Non-nign scnooi uistrict, at wmon sources ............... 0.00 ..$51,750.00 .. 6.536.00 . 1,600.00 60.00 60.00 0.00 300.00 300.00 500.00 600.00 Emergency ..$ 1.417.10 - , 63,378.00 Cross-Word Puzzle s. stupid person 7. Nickname for Sylveater L Winged 0. Plant with aromatic seeds 10. Reasmbllng the first man 11. Cylindrical 13. Obliterates 30. Feeds to the full 31. Irritated 34. Armed strife 37. Line on a weather map 31. Whittle with varying pitch St. Neckpieces 30, Shattered 31. Garden frolt H2. Frogllke 33. National games of elsftslcat antiquity 34. Driest 3. Old-worn an 1st) 3. Parlor 42. Superlative ending 41. Tunisian measure of capacity . 41. Take offense at 47. Upright DOWN L Runs outi colloa. S. Chsmlcal vessel S. One bora la a placa 1 Sinxlcan earn meal mub S. fllmply Medford, Oregon; Ray Prltchard, ot Trail, Oregon; Clark Moore, of Trail. Oregon. ROBERT E. CRAWFORD. Acting Register Ordinance No. 3069. An Ordinance providing xor the construction of paving, curb and gut ter on soutn Houy street between tne South end of the present paving on saia street ana tne soutn line of Lot No. 10 In Block No 5 In South Park Addition to the City of Medford, Ore gon, and for the assessment of tho cost thereof on adjacent property: providing for a meeting of the coun cil to consider protests against said Improvement, and providing for the serving of the owners' ot adjacent property with notice thereof. The City of Medford doth ordain aa follows: Section 1. It Is the Intention of the council to cause paving, together witn ourb ana gutter, to be con structed on South Holly street be tween the South end of trie present paving on said atreet and the South line of Lot No. 10 In Block No. 5 In South Park Addition to the City of Meaiora, uregon, in sccoraance with the apeclfleatlons therefor now on file In the office of the City Super intendent at the City Hall, Medford, Oregon, to whloh reference la hereby made for details and coat thereof, and to assess the cost thereof upon the property adjacent thereto and bene fited thereby. Section 3. The council will meet In the council chamber of the city hall on the 16th day of September, bus, at 7:so o'clock p. m., at wnicn time and place the owners of said adjacent property are hereby called upon to appear before said council and show cause, If any, why aatd paving curb and gutter ahould not oe constructed and whr said prop erty should not be assessed for the construction thereof. Section 3. The City Recorder Is hereby dlreoted to serve notice here of upon the property owners afore said by publishing this ordlnanoe once in a aany newspaper printed, pub' llshed and of general circulation In said city at least ten (10) days before the date of said meeting and by post ing live lot copiea oi mis orainance In five (6) public snd conspicuous pieces in said oity for a period or ten (10) days prior to said meeting Passed by the city counpll snd signed by me In open session In suthentlcatlon of Its passage thJs 1st dsy or September, 1938. GEO. W. PORTER. Mayor. Attest: M. L. ALFORD, Recorder. Approved by me this 1st dsy of aepicmoer. loss. GEO. W. PORTER, Msyor. COURT HOUSE NEWS Furnished by tha Jackson ivunl) Abstract Co.. m B Slstn Street Marrlnge Llrenses. Oeorge Oant snd Elizabeth Byrd. William O. Oetty and Virginia Mor gan. Joseph L. Fader and Clara Hans corn. Clifford tnlow and Olivia Munson. Robert E. Blum snd Elslemae Hull. Harold Axland and Qoldle Beers. Fred Helferstlne and Margaret Blakeley. Circuit Court, Emms H. Horslngton vs. Ray L. Horalngton; divorce. Bryan Bockes vs. George Backea st al; chattel Hen. Oeorge Bikes et al vs. Oeorge Backes et al: chattel lien. Ralph Bikes et al vs. Osorge Backes et al; chattel lien. Edward Perdue vs. Dick Ray; lien. David W. Chase snd Moreland Smith assume business name of "Ash land Radio Shop,". Ashland, Ore, William Barker, WIlHsm A. Barker, J. Prank Retnhart Incorporate as Relnhsrt and Barker, Inc." 110,000 mercantile business. Prank Close et al vs. Oeorge Beckes; chattel Hen. D. P. Kay as Kay Chevrolet Co. vs. Earl M. Gentry; chattel Hen. P, J. Harvey va. Clay M. Bugg et ui: for money, Robert Ray Spencer vs. Leva Mary Irvln Spencer; divorce. United states vs. Blslr Granite Quarries, Ine.; C. S. tax Hen. Probste Court, Estate of Paul Wesley Taylor, de ceased, probate. Estate of Lena B Clark, dscessed; entered In probaie. Estate of Joan Buchter, minor; en tered In probate. t Real Estate Transfers. Rosa Frohrelch to Hugo A. Frob- relch et ux; W. D. to Lot 13, Blk fit, Medford; EV4 Lota 13 snd 14. Blk 10, Laurslhurst Addition, Medford. Edward S. Btlnson to Frank O. San son et al; w. D. to lots In Stlnson Addition, unrecorded, Medford. Frona Herrled et rlr to Pearl E. Klump: w. D. to Lot 7, Blk. 50, Med tord. State Land Board to H. B. Duncan; deed to land In Sees, la and 13, Tp. 3t s. K. West. F. c. Redden at u to R. t. Ed wsrds et ux; Q. O. D. to part Lot 1. Blk. 3, Mlngus Subdivision, Medford. Florence E. Tsyloi to Rollln F. Tsy lor st ux: W. D. to E',4 of 8W!4. Sec. 3, Tp. 86 S. R 4 West. Sheriff to Catherine S. Freeburg: Sh. Deed to Lots 11 and 13, Blk. "O," Railroad Add., Ashland. Lucy Orlasom to Timber Pr .ducts Co.; W. D. to timber on NV4 of NW, W'4 of NE, SE of NE, NB of BY.. Sec. 34, Tp. 7 8. R. 1 Eaat. Govt. Lot 4. Sec. 18. Lou 1, 3 and 8, See. 10, Tp. 37 S. R 3 East. Jsokaon County to Leland Mentzer; Q. C. D. to Lot 3, Blk. 8, Shady Cove Subdivision, unrecorded. Emery . Thrush et ux to James Milton; Q. C. D. to lsnd In Sees 9 10 and 18, Tp. 36 8. R. 4 West. Jsmes Milton et ux to D, L. Thrush st ux: W. D. to land In Sees. 0, 10 and 18, Tp. 86 8. R. 4 West. Agnes M. Moffltt to Prink Thomas et al, Trustees: deed to lsnd in Sec. 14. TP. 38 B. R. 1 West. Floating Cannery Lnloads. ASTORIA, Sept. 3. (AP) The Co lumbla River Packers association will complete unloading of lt cannery ship, Memnon, Tuesd.y. The vessel brought In 77,000 cases of fish, ths Isrgest the floating cannery haa ever put up In the north. Seventeen thousand esses were processed In the packers' association Nuabayak plant Sues Young Shuler Mrs. Mftta Nadlne Shulrr, la. Is srek- Ina a divorce from Jnrk Hliulcr, son of the Brv, Robert P. Shulrr, militant Los Ansclfs pastor. She charges that after their marriage In Yuma, May 18, vomit Shuler left her at her mother's home at 0:30 each nlht (Associated Press Photo.i TO FIND I OF EARLY PARIS (UP) Dr. T. P. O'Brien, London prehlstorlan and srchaeolog 1st, la chipping away here at three and one-half tons of rock In an ef fort to catch a glimpse of life that Inhabited East Africa some 3.000,000 yeers ago. The rock that wss gathered by an ei pedltlon, headed by Dr. O'Brien, din ing 30 months of research and exca vation In Uganda la believed to con. tain traces of pre-htstorlo man ana beast. Br comparing these fosslllfer- ous bits with specimens from other parts and area of the world, Dr. O Brien hopes to dlsoover new facta about the evolution tfi man from low er animals. The collection reached Paris a short time ago, packed in orainary soap boxes. The work of classification and sorting was started Immediately at the French Etnnogapnio insuvui iwb. which snonsorcd the undertaking. It will take at least six months before the entire work of checking all the hundreds of cultures through un knnvn urea can be completed. Dr. O'Brien deciarea tnai n a not think he would find anything very revolutionary regarding the na ture of prehistoric msn, but hoped to unoover facts that would throw a new lurht on the Intelllgnuce and devel opment of the Stone Age people. "It 1 awfully difficult to aay pre clsely what It Is I am looking for," he said, as ne sonaa out iuhm w red, gray and black rock on a long work table, "because It embraces all branchea of solenoa. I msy come across something that will b of In terest to botany or roology, and then again It may be of Interest to physiol ogy." He explained that the work did not deal with dates as known In history, but rather with periods of social prog ress marked by the use of stone, bronse and Iron for weapon and tools. The rocks that were more than a million years old looked no differ ent, Incidentally, than tha rocks of recent formation. PORTLAND FATALITIES TOTAL 48 FOR YEAR PORTLAND, Sept. 3. (AP) Port land's traffto fatalities tor the year reached a total of 48 today with the death of James Rlchsrd Earl Bailey, 37, Portland, and C. T. Read, 40. Huntington Park, Cat. Bailey's mo torcycle collided with a car dm en by Charles Brsddock, who was relessed on his own recognizance. sd was struck by a csr driven by Collin Ms rugg, Portlsnd, who wss not held. Olymplo star Weds ATLANTIC CT1V, N. J- Sept. 3 (AP) Msry Lou Petty, Olymplo swim mer, and Robert 8. Skok of Spokane, Wssh secretly msrrlsd In New York, were reported today on their way to Spokane after a week-end visit with their friend. Bob Crosby, orchestra lesder and brother of Blng Crosby. Safety Nets for Bridges ' SAN FRANCISCO, Bept. 3. (AP) A safety net. to protect the lives of workmen was stretched under the Marin tower of the GolC.n Oate bridge today. A similar net, oi three nuarter-lnch, rope will be Inatcllid under tha San Francisco tower to morrow. Later a permanent net will be placed from tower to tower. Park Quests Bouted GLACIER PARK, Mont., Sept. 3. (API One hundred guest at ths many Olscler hotels were routed from their beds early today when a roaring forest fir swept across the continental divide and destroyed msny smsll buildings In the area. Supt. E. T. Bcoyen ssld tha damage was about 136,000. Vernonla Mill Burns, VERNONA1, Sept. a. (AP) Fir of i.ndetermlntd origin destroyed a Mingle mill here today at an esti mated cost ofs trdlue shrdluetsot msted loo of 838,000. 3-DAY CELEBRATION LAKE O' WOODS, Sunday and Labor Day, Boat-racing, awtmsUng. water sports. Boats, Dancing, Cabin (acuities for week-en:! parties. BuckingHim't loe Cream Cindy a party Special, fa Crest, 330 . Oat I SALEM. Sept. 3. (AP) Stating no malice was Intended, Eugene Porker, vice-president of a national magazine (Toaay), wrote Major-Oeneral Oeorga A. White of the Oregon national guard mat tney would be glad to publish a correction of a story carried In June Issue alleging a shortage ot funds in ths Oregon gusrd. The msgszlne, under the needing Publlo Enemy No 1," had ststed shortage In national guard funds was ignored by the command because of the political prominence of the maa involved. In reply. General White wrote For- ker that "the damage la considerable, and the fact cannot be escaped that a considerable lack of ordinary un derstanding of government palpably entered into both the wrltlnt and editing of Implications affecting tha Oregon nstlonsl gusrd." General White declared the allega tions were "ridiculous." He express- id appreciation for willingness of ths magazine to publish a correction with Ihe hope that the "retraction will be as definite and certain as was tha libel Itself." Bar Prosecution For Sterilization SAN FRANCSICO, Sept. S (AP) Attempts to prosecute two physician for mayhem In the Rnn Cooper Hew itt sterilization case are ended today by the California supreme court. The court closed the matter by re fusing a request by Assistant District Attorney August Fourtner to review tha action of Superior Judge Raglan Tuttle In dismissing mayhem changes against Drs. TUton E. Tillman and Samuel G. Boyd. . . Indict Choir Boy , . In Slaying Widow CHICAGO. Sept. a (AP) An Indict- raent changing Roland Munroe, red- haired H-year-old choir boy with murdering Mrs. Agnes Rofels, 05, a orlppled widow, wsa returned tod.y before Chief Justice Pent J, Nor- moyle. Mrs. Rofels, widow of a former Boise, Idaho, plumbing contractor. was beaten to death by hammer blowa Saturday night. The state at torney's office announced young Mun roe had admitted killing her and stealing 18 worth of Jewelry. No Duck Hunting May Be 1937 Edict GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Sept. 3. (P) Ira N. Oabrlelson, chief of tha U, 8. biological survey, said today a completely closed season on duck hunting may be necessary In 1087. Oabrlelson addressed the 13th an nual convention of the International Association of Game, Fish snd con servation commissioner. He said the survey ahould be abla to determine after this season wheth- . er the flocks can be brought back to nearly normal numbers without a complete ban on duck hunting. . Gasoline Rustlers Alabama Problem MONTGOMERY, Ala., Sept. a. (AP) Alabama armed today against motorized rustling, which has caused heavy loss to cattle men and brought a gun battle reminiscent of western frontier daya. State highway patrolmen (ought four supposod rustlers who engsged In a running gun fight with L. J Jones on his farm In southern Ala bama. Jones said ha and three com panions surprised to four men whll they were preparing to losd soma of Jones' cattle. Would Ask F. R.Aid Waterfront Peace SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 3. (AP) Psclflc coast waterfront employer today proposed that President Roose velt act to bring about settlement of disputes with maritime unions and prevent a repetition of the 1084 strike, A communication from Thomas 0. Plant, ohalrman of the coast commit tee for the employers, to the Interna tional Longshoremen's association suggested that the president name a neutral arbiter on a board of three, LINN COUNTY OPTION AIM OF CHURCHMEN ALBANY, Ore.. Sept. 3 (AP) Peti tions seeking support of a move for county option In 'regard to liquor control went the rounds of Linn county today, circulated by Oeorg Richards, representing the Albany Inter-Church Men's Brotherhood, and the Rev. Virgil Halblg, Christian church pastor hsre, Circulators sought 610 nsmes by September 8 to assure a place on ths ballot for an Initiative measure. SONS INSTRUCTOR TO SUPERVISE STATE JOB 0ALEM, Sept. 3. (AP) Dr. Verns D. Bain of the Southern Oregon Nor mal school at Ashland will hav charge of the high school supervision and curriculum reorganization In tha department of education. State Super intendent Charles A. Howard an nounced todsy. Tbi work will b conducted tha text four months, after which Dr Bain will return to hla work In the Normal school. Coor, Cranberries Ooed PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 3. (API Oood size, excellent quality, la th report on Coo county cranberries hnv-.ght here by recent visitors to th eBsndon secor. Trlway brokerage reported receiving estimates that this year's national crop will be greater than In either of the last two years, although somewhat under the ever- gs for the last live jesx.