Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 17, 1936, Page 17, Image 17

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'1 (
Reed avsry so on ttu Ps
you- will probably find exactly
t!i thing! you have been
looking for or sals or trade
. a-tteleB vnti mil
y have, searcn your attlo or
tore-room you uij
many thing other are seek
ing and be able to realize im
mediate caab. It what you
want lant bere. advertise for
It Tribune Classified adi are
Inexpe naive effective I
far word first insertion
(Minimum 25c)
Cach additional Insertion,
oer word .
(Minimum 10c)
per line per month without
copy changes 1-3S
Phone 75
TjOST If dog lb missing, call l&lfl.
t OREGON FIRM now na permanent
position for aggressive, neat-appear-
! lng salesman. Best references re-
y quired. Guaranteed weekly allow-
i ance If you have proper quallflca-
Hons. Apply In person. Room 407.
; Liberty Biog.
WANTED Man experienced In brake
and electrical work. Permanent em
ployment lor person qualified. Ad-
urcsa in. f,
WANTED Lady to work In the entuc
state of Oregon. Expenses guaran
teed; good line lor proper party past
30. write or mquiie ."
Hotel Allen. Ask lor Mr. Dudge.
WANTED Cook for Klamath county.
Must DO compevom. u.u u .......
bered. Tel. Mrs. Blddle, 630-J.
umuM fnr hrtnvomrk in small home
Permanent place; 84 week. Box
2721, Tribune.
LADY between ages of 18 and 60 to
do housework and cooking for two
aaUltS in close in hic
Wages 20 per month, prefer some
one who will go home nights. Bee
W. E. inomas. o o. wuhi.
WANTED Refined lady to keep house
for two gentlemen In modern coun
try home. Address Box 2686, Mail
Tribune, anq give reiiTi-iitea.
work. Apply at 15 cornli
In person, after ft o'clock.
WANTED House cleaning. Mis
Huson, phone 134VM.
wishes work. Expert flowers, shruos.
Box 2801 , Mall Tribune.
trailer. 115 E. 12th St.
WANTED TO LEASE Modern house.
Haven St.
WANTED 3 best milk cows In Jack
son cuuu.j. ui.o -j-.
tlculars .n mil. Box 2818. Tribune.
HIGHEST cash price paid lor elec'.ric
motors, riynn siectric. mono iui
... uvrn .pn ntiv Q irrp. riT m,iP
wltnln 10 miles of Medford. Must
have reasonable price and term
r- rinnrn nHVtnnn, Willi
bonus bonds. Write Box 274S. Mall
Tribune, utve aetatis, duhuuii
water, land, nearest postofllce.
WANTED 500 horses to break to ride
or drive L. O vanwegen. r
Ivy. Phone 1042-J.
fl'xr-est caab price loi wool and mo
hair, wool bags and fleeot twine
fl No Orap Phone 1042
ii'rn DaruiiMnff rpAftnnRhle orlCf!3
Clement Auto Parts. 230 N River
CASH PAID lot inner tubes, le per
lb up Rags cottuo and wool, up
to 6c per lb Scrap iron small or
large lots; also all other metals ol
all decriptions
87 No Orspe Phone lufla
PURNrTORs, uphoisterlmt. repslnnn.
reflnlsnlng w a vsaiier.
98 207 N Peach
We pay cash for oousenoid gooda.
furniture and stoves We also o-ij
metais. hides, pelts, wool and mo
hair MEDr'ORD BAKUAI.N Houaa
J7 N Ornpe St P-ione '0"2
FOR RENT rurnlthed house; clean;
17 50. 1330 SalllnB.
rt'RNISHED duplex; garage. ot W
rOR REN"! 7-ro-rrp nntise, newij
papered; bsrn. ?a.-ane ana outbuild-
roR rtENT 6-room m.xl-r.l no.
17 Newlown Call fron 9 to 5 x
cept Sundays ihone 141. Cenlra
unfurnished BKOAN at WHITS
POR RfcNT lo r-i'r !- Tenml
g-room. newly d.-c.rafetl il-v-s in.
partlv (urnuned. st 315 o-- .il'. ft-v-sraide.
Inquire at 325 So. Ruerside.
HOUSES lor sale ol rent Jackson WEANER PIOS for sale. Dennis Dug
County Bid and ioan Ass'n. gan, gams Valley, Ore.
FOR BALE l Guernsey milk cow.
FOR RENT APARTMENTS old p.cilie highway, box .30.
FOR RENT Small furnished apart- ONE gray, gaited saddle horse. Clyde
ment with shower bath. Apply at smith. Call 8-X-13. Butte FaH.
Mall Tribune office. - -.- - - --
. - - FOR SALE OR TRADE loi cows, good
1 FOR RENT Api. S34 Apple. gentle team, also good wagon and
1 aarness. C. W. Miller 3rd house
FOR RENT fURNISHED east of Oasis. Eagle Point.
ROOMS ONE Jersey cow. fresh 20th; one
Guernsey heifer. Q. 0. Mitchell,
FOR RENT Bedroom for man In good Ashland.
residence, close In. with or without .1
garage. Call 287-L. pQJJ SALE
! pnp DFNT ROARD ROOM PLANER BLOCKS. M 50 a load. Order
, FOR R-C.1N 1 BU-aKU KOOW now central Point Wood Yard,
I ROOM ANU BOARD 146 8 Holly ' " P"0e 333'
I " 1 -Jr FOR SAL1! Wood range, 26 So. Fir.
FOR RENT Eads Transfer, new location. Ph. 315.
! MISCELLANEOUS potl SALE Canna bulbs, bronie leaf,
r'"fc-"M'7-'"':T 1 1 orange blossoms and red blossoms,
FOR RENT Brick shop building on grow 6 Ieet tall. 10c each. Also
Bo. Holly. Phone 448-M. olh p,,nu ,t bsre,l0 prlMi, al3
N. jrape St.
- . , ,. , , , . . . - - CUT FLOWERS, some plants. Mrs.
WILL TRADE my '31 model A closed Dressier. 1107 g. Main.
cab pickup. In sood shape, for '30 " - - "--v-n-- .
or 81 Ohev! l?.S.n truck with FOR 6ALE2-h.p Johnn motor,
rack body. Call at 115 E. 12th St. Call 83a or 138 1 -X.
not later than Sunday. real B Alio A INS at Phoenix Swup
FOR SALEOB TRADE Equity'li. fPi Wnt r?0'" Ue'. '
,1,36 Wlllvs 5ec,a. Phone 565-X. .J.Jet.,
ESTATE Used lumber cheap.
FOR SALE OR TRADE Apartment TOLEDO RANGE, reservoir. H7.60;
house lot, 425 S. oakdale. 8x10 seamless rug, S12.50; oak dress-
- . er, 40.60; buffet, tlO.OO; baby bed.
FOR SALE OR TRADE 80 - acre an Hoss mattress, 6.50; high chair,
mountain ranch; water; some plow $1.60; cook stove, (5.00; table model
land; 2 miles from Ashland. Also radio. $8.50; good violin, S8.50; man
wood lot. Inquire Mccurtain's Ser- dolln, $2.50; $50 Windsor kerosene
vice station, 1 mile south of Talent range, $17.50; set of golf clubs, $5;
on highway. electric Incubator, 540 size. AL'S
- - - TRADING POST, Jacksonville Hwy.,
FOR TRADE Income property, clear, Lozier Lane.
. In Medford, to trade for cabin on , - - n - -,,-,.--,.--
the Rogue, State price and loca- poR BALE Three 8-ft. oak ahow-
tlon. Box 2027, care Tribune. cases, $25.00 each, cost new $60.00
. .-., each. Trowbridge Cabinet works.
FOR SALE OR TRADE Modern 8- phone 238.
room home. 5 lots; berries and --,.--.,..,..-,.- ,n -,-,--,-, - -
fruit trees. A. J. Gardner. All Ham- poR SALE Cletrac tractor, K model.
Ilion. In fine condition. L. A. Salade.
""" Central Point.
FOR SALE REAL ESTATE sale Seven used" spray rlgs-V
i ";! mil., b Hardies. 5 Beans. All prices. How-
FOR BALE A 2-acre traot, 1 miles B. itnulnment Co
w. of Medford, under ditch, for ard Equipment co,
$600; Vz cash, balance terms; a 3- SPORTING EQUIPMENT Good qual-
room shack house, a large poultry lty low prlcet. No matter the qual-
house and 2 wells; or rent for $100 ,ty Ule make or the prlce ., fur.
a year. Call at 328 S. Hamilton. -nish It. CLIFF'S SPORT SHOP,
Phone 216 - ' si7 North Riverside.,
TIMBER near Ashland, 160 A., IJ4 NEWTOWNS CHKaP Cold storage
million, $1500, or trade for Yamhill tock, both Face and Fill C grade
Co. property. E. J. Stewart, Mo- hnd wrapUKi i,rg0 size fancy. Bear
Mlnnvllle, Ore - Greek Packing Plant. Phone 1100
FOR SALE 77 acres, located on Mid- TOR SAEDelphlniumsr fruit trees,
way road; about 60 acres In cum- general nursery stock, olascock's
vatton; old buildings. Price $40 per Nurssry. 264 Beatty St.
acre; terms, s. --v- ,-. - -
20 Acres, nearly adjoining, with for SALE Jonathan apples 15c and
5-room modern house, some under 36c box. Ala Vista Packing house.
water, good outbuildings. Price
13500. CHOPPED barley for feed, and ba.od
These two tracts would make a straw V. Bursell Phone 355-J-3
good dairy ranch. .
J. w. WAKEFIELD AGENCY A BARGAIN One H-n.p. Bean apray
Palm Block, Medford. "8 Inquire C. C. Lemmon. cate
Sgobel a Day So. Fir St.
FOR SALE One-story brick business - -- .
building. 25x50; also corrugated Iron TYPEWRl I EKH Bierma 1 16 N Cec-
building In rear, 25x30. Lot faces ri Pb-ne S2
on two streets. Located on Main '-2 l- " 1 " "-" "-"
6 In Jacksonville. Price $750.00 &M.t -Kanota oer and Ho-
It taken at once. L. G. PICKELL, J'J", ' P 'r'
204 E. Main, phone 365 or 1680-J. - " ..
ina eTTp Pine home 1 bedrooms BA Foa SALE -Grain or alfalfa
FsfccP,Wc Qor. Ronch Jacks-mvill. h.ghw.y
era, lawn, near schools, $2850; easy bale Good Newtown apples at
terms. Also good S-room house. 3 prices. Inquire Sgobel & Day
bedrooms largelot.1200; terms. pffi House Suutb Fir 8t
7 Chestnut St. Phone 15. POH Vaieost nay ground"
FOR SALE 6-room stucco house; 2 .au ,y bay el,.,,.
bedrooms, fireplace, hardwood '
floors, laundry trays; corner lot; ntTQTTJFCja r-vi ANPFB
paved streets; on east side; close In; BUOlINtOO lHAIN 1110
stucco garage. A very nice home. -- -.-s.
Only $2500- terms. L. G. PICKELL, FOR SALE Small restaurant and
204 East Main. Phone 385. fountain. Doing good business.
JZZ . Box 2718. Tribune.
FOR LEASE; 80-acre hid ranch; 12 -
acres cultivated: good buildings. MISCELLANEOUS
springs, well; $60 per year. Boa , - -. -
2002, Tribune. TENNIS RACKET ii-strlnglng. $2.00
BROWN& WHITE.' Realtors, "offer up. Hubhaid Broi. Fhoue 231
beautiful Rogue River properties aooD plumbing Leslie Plumbing
ranging from one to 400 acres, 1m- Co 1405 N Rivcrslao. phone 1261.
proved and unimproved. . . ., - - , . .
ALSO stocked and equipped dairy WALL - PAPER cleaned, $1.(0 per
ranch. room and up. Work guaranteed.
ALSO beautiful foothill home call 283-J.
with all kinds of fruits. , .
ALSO city homes on easy terms. FINE PLUMBING Repairs honestly
-i. .-s-done; guaranteed. 1406 N. Rlver-
when you thina oi real estate think side. Phone l'Jfli.
AND EGGS ' Abstracts.
' FOR 'SALE Hampshire blood tested kmjasstwd JACK HON COHNTV
R. I. R. rooster. B18 S. Central. Effiaf ABSTRACT CO.
. Ctnllrwvvl Abstracts - ntle and
HANSON and Hollywood chicks, heavy f''FVA
laying strains, 84c. Rocks and I 4'nilrl 11 " lnurnce. The
Reds. Oiic. Large vigorous chlcaa. t iiJ VZM n', odniplete I I 1 1 e
W. L. cockerels. HJc. Catalogue JSpr System In I season
free. Jcnks Hatchery, Tangent. Ore. County
FOR SALE One full-blooded White MURRAY ABSTRACT OO. Abstrao'a
Wyandotte rooster for breeding pur- of ntie. Rooms 8 and 6 No- $2
poses. Tel. 869-M or Inquire last North Central Ave, upstairs
house left-hand side of Lozler Lano. -
-w. Expert Window Cleaners.
DAY-OLD White Leghorn chicks Inr . . .
sale at Garrett's poultry Farm and LET OEORGE DO IT Tel. 1172.
Hatchery, where everything Is dune House cleaning, floor waxing, orl-
to produce quality chicks, using old ental rug rlennlng and upholstering.
hens only, blood tested by O. 8. C, -
also R. O. P cockerels and no eggs Painting and Paperhanglng.
set less than 2 oza.. 11c each for ., .
600 or more. 12c each for less, de- COMMERCIAL Aj HOUSE PAINTINO
llverrd. Visitors welcome. East N rinllng Jt Paperl.anglng. Hany
Si . p O. B" in. Orsnts P. ore. M,rl phone I4-P-4 Route 1, Box
OLDSMOBn-ETcTl. aed.n. comple,e,y P.ln' "'
utrihaulfd. Buarsnteed every w.iy. J .'k1'''c y'
A real buy at $1U5.u0. " lv
Dodce and nymouth. Money to Lend
FOIl SALE Chevy '24 wt'h ho $35. MONEY LOANED $50 to $300 for
Neat. Perry's Garage. Eagle Point. persons! or household purposes on
rrrrrrtr House purnisl.lngs or Autos; also
GOOD tsED CARS Car, Bjfmannsi Loans closed
REAL QUALITY-LOW PRICES Klth,n -,0 mlnutM License No S-
B- These Cars Before You Buy. , 54- w s; Tbomaa. 45 So Can.
I113.I Chrysler 8 coupe. ,r1 '
1P34 P',mfuh DeLuxe Sedan -
1!13 Dodpe cmipe rrantlel
IM Ford Pickup. . -
1934 Ford V-8 Sdsn. RElNKiNO TR. NSFBH CO. Long
1930 Chevrolet Coupt. distance ba-Jlinj Furniture, cattle
1930 Dodse Sedan. anything 111 N Pir Pbone 1033
inn Plymouth Coupe. o Sfisrt
1935 Plymouth Coupe. . . - . .
1914 Chrysler 8 Bedsn EADS TRANSFER ic STORAOF.CO
1521 Ford Klcaup Olflce 28 So. Fir. Phone 315. Prices
11.30 Hudson coupe. right. Service guaranteed.
Some Res) Cheap Cars from $15 to -. .- .. .
435 I'KUCKl.NU AND 8TORAHI- - Local
LANOE MOTOR CAR CO. and long distance hauling furnl
38 N Riveride. Tel 18. ture m,,vlng etc Besirmsile rates
L'sert Car Lot N E. Corner 6th and Tel 83ii F E Hm,o Co
p.. .... - . -
; rRA.N.SFFR - tsperl paci-
1 , r no movers Selsl llet,.-s
B'.i.-: ii;gt-..-rr, s Ire Cream. Candy At I moT;I ,q-1H,m,r,t pnw r:at. I
1 Prty Specials. The Crest, 230 S. Cent. $. Noitn Riverside. Pbona
COMMEKi'lAL spraying. M-cOone;!.
rilone 4?e-ss
Call (or Wurrants.
Warrant No. TOO to 733 incluilvt,
School Dlftt, No. '40, ra called for
payment, payable at Farmers and
Fruitgrower Baulc, Medford, Oregon.
Interest will cca&o April 10, 1036.
S. 8. aBBOTT.
Clerk Dial. No. 20.
Notice or Sale.
In the County Court of the State of
urettou. tor tne county ox jactcaon.
In the Matter of the Estate of A. P.
Bear, alao known as Albert F. Bear,
Notice It hereby given that pursu
ant to an order of the County Court
of the state of Oregon for the County
of Jackson, duly made and entered on
July 12. 1035. in the matter of the
Estate of A. F. Bear, also known as
Albert P. Bear, deceased, the under
signed, aa administrator of aald Es
tate, will sell at private sale subject
to confirmation ty aald Court the
following described real property to
wn: Lot J8. Block 1. Whitman Park
Addition to the City of Medford,
Jackson County, Oregon, according
to the recorded plat thereof on (Ho
In the office of the County Oleilt
of Jackson County, Oregon.
The undersigned administrator, from
and after the nth day of May, 1930,
at tne nour or lo a. m. of said day
at the office of the undersigned, room
323 Medford Building, Medford, Jack
son County, Oregon, will proceed to
aell the above described real property
at private sale. The terms of said sale
will be cash.
Dated this 10th day of April. 103fl.
Administrator to Estate of A. F. Bear,
alco known as Albert P. Bear, deceased.
In the County Court of Jackson
County for the State of Oregon
In the Matter of the Estate of David
M. Cleveland, deceased, also known
as D. M. Cleveland.
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed ex
ecutrix of the will and estate of
above named decedent and all per
sons navintt claims against said es
tate are required to present the same
with proper vouchers, within ai
months from the date of this notice
to the undersigned at the office of
m. k.. Hanna, sa North Central Ave
nue. Medford. Oregon.
Dated and first published Maroh 37
April 17. (Spl.) William H. Cum
mlnjs, Medford, as one of the out
standing men In the freshman class,
was pledged to Skull and Dagger,
sophomore service honorary, with Im
pressive ceremonies held at the an
nual freshman class dance, Frosb
Glee, April 11.
The men selected to replace the
present members at the end nr th
school year were ciiusen because of
ina ability they had shown In class
activities during their tlrst year at
the university.
William Cuinmlnes is the inn nf
Fred N. Cummlnga of Medford, and
la a graduate of Medford high school.
n. aimiaiea witn ml Delta Theta
fraternity on the campus.
LAWNMOWERa sharpened. We call
for and deliver 33 N. Fir St. dlMS
BROS. Phone 361.
Mail Tribune Daily
Minced dlsti
Dagger .wounds
African arrow
Indian fetich
Uiiiute open- ,
tJruwing out
.lewing tool
Propel one's
self in
Nest of a bird
of orey
Upper limb
Writing Implement
8olut)on of Yesterday's Puzzle
orif i e s e 5.1n
R eTl atesKte rn
ITMr e n jjsm R i" FJfe
QLLQms p o on ij l
lokyJlEof T A TE
l. Obscure or
fl. Roughly
II. OeomeirtcaJ
IT. Pulled apart
61. Deep mud
69 Endeavors
70 Presently
71 Malt liquors
72. Cooks slowly
72. Cava tem
porarily DOWN
1, Sibilant sound
1 Poker tena
I. Ratify
Combine to
That thin
Seasons for
fUn wif
Have being
Cherry color
7 Z 3 U WMJ 16 17 Ifl If Wi u 3 '3
"U , ll
2o 2i ;.: rp 22 23
is 'Wit TZ'it T.'li 5T 34"
'2iL ,
jrrji 3f g-i r-
Jsf?7 I? "IT
BROWNSBORO, April 17. (Spl.)
Ttie Brownsboro Olanta and Titjers
are re-organlzlng their ball teams,
next Sunday. April 19 at one p. m. at
the Brownsboro store. Anyone Inter
ested In baseball will be welcome. Al
ter the meeting a fame will be play
ed between the Olanta and Tigers on
the Brownsboro diamond: The tesma
will be ready (or a challenge after this
Rev. H. H. Your and wife of Med
ford, called at the Wright home Tues
day. H. W. Wright and bill Swalm were
prospecting on Apples ate Tuesday and
Wednesday of Isat week.
Chaa. Crulg left for Merrill last
week and expected to be employed
there for sometime.
Leona Powell of Trail was an over
night guest of Lola Wright Tuesday.
Visitors at school last week wore
Leona Powell and Lola Wright of
Eagle Point high school, Geneva Glass
and little Dorothy Wright.
Mrs. E- Tucker, Mrs. P. A. Henry
and Helen Bldley were visitors at the
4-H club meeting Fridny afternoon.
Mrs. Jesse Glass, Mrs. H. W. Wright
and Dorothy Wright attended Easter
services at Medford, Sunday.
At the close of Sunday school a
short program of Easter recitations
and songs was given Isst Sunday, af
ter which Mr. Irvln Barrows preach
ed, taking aa his text, "If a Man Diea
Shall He Live Again." A treat of candy
Easter-eggs was distributed to those
Thompson Creek
(Spl.) Leo Hoffman, from the sac.
ramento Junior college, la spending
his spring vacation with hla parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hoffman.
Hllga Lund stopped In Medford,
Monday, April 18.
Mr. and Mrs. Fran Knuteen and
two daughters spent Easter Sunday
In Central Point.
G. C. Mitchell of Ashland was
among business callers here one day
last week.
Benton Pool of the Little Apple -gate
called on friends In this com
munity Aplrl 18.
Dr. A. N. Johnson, county physl
clan, vial ted the Thompson Creek
school one day last week.
The school has increased with three
new pupils, Alva, George and Ra-
mona Kendall.
Mr. and Mra. Oassaway motored to
Medford Monday.
H. R. Bllven spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. wm. Klndaman.
Rev. D. D Randall of Medford via
lted friends on Thompson Creek on
Monday afternoon
Mrs. Areta Kendall and family of
Gold Hill have moved back on her
place on Thomson Creek.
Jease Allen of the Antelope valley
was among cow buyers on Thomp
son Creek Monday.
Mrs. Roll en Homes of Medford
spent Monday afternoon with friends
on the creek.
Use Mall Tribune want ads.
Cross-Word Puzzle
IS. Cast aside as
17. MytlraJ
II Anttn
19 sluale drama
10. Divisions of
the earth's
II. Where the
penny goes
It. Assessment
H. Angry
16. Laoy In sur
17. Dwells
II. Oenus ot the
it. S.skaped
49. Anrlant
BO Blhliraj city
61 Joyous
63 Hlras
61 Past
IS. Bute of pro
found In
sensibility 66 Malign
67. Not cooked
61 Botch
St MuitcsJ sound
60 Matal
61 Copper coin
14. DiMiirlton of
the beauti
ful 65 Dfsnert
66. Church Silting
4 Time of nigh
est strength,
vigor, or
f. ataik
6. two pound.
T. Philippine
a vaga
I. Wager
f. Daub
10. Thinly scat
1L R-ctant
It. Qod of war
11. Opening In s
II. Draft anlma
13. RdnfjuttS
U. Absent
Eagle Point
BAOLE POINT, April 17-(Spl.)
Mr. and Mrs. Lusk had as Easier Sun
day dinner guest Mi. aid Mrs. Otto
Caster of Phoenix, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Smltli and two children Lyle and Bar
Wes Chtldrsth apant Baster Sunday
tth hi hoi orvilia and (ainlly la
W. D. Clark has rantad and moed
Into the Jim King house reoently.
Mr. and Mra. Henry French and son
Lloyd of the Doog fridge district
were tradlnt In E9ala Point Tuesday
Mrs. Eva Nichols, Mr, tattle Van
dooy and Mr. and Mrs. Jamas Hanna-
ford went to Alton. Calif, and spent
last week-end with Mr. and Mra.
Harold Van Sooy. aon and daughter
of the Hunnafrcds and Mrs. Van Scoy.
Mr. and Mra. Robt. LaRocque ot
Merrill spent last Buuday with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Brown of tula place.
Mr. and Mra. Carl Taylor returned
to their home In Portland laat Bun-
day after spending their Baater va
cation in Batjle Point with relatives.
Among those from Esgle Point who
attended the boat race at Emigrant
dam last Sunday, were Mr, and Mra.
Wlllard Robertson, Oeo. Welmao, Mr.
and Mrs. Ansll Pearoe, Mr. and Mra.
Don Drlttasn, Ed Otngcade. Mrs. Tom
Clngcade and aon Lyle. and - Mlaa
Charlene Ray.
Martin L Rltunhouae, O. 8. P. and
Mr. and Mra. Ed Watson of Santa
Crux, Calif., spent laat week-and at
Bvitte Pall with friends and rela
tives. J. L. Ragsdale and daughter, of
Trail, spent Easter Sunday with hi
son, John and family, of Eagle Point.
Mrs. Pern Wlnalow spent last week
end In Eugene.
Mia Donna Earl and Mis Yetta
Olson spent their Easter vacation In
Longvlew, Wash., wltb. Mis Olson'
sister there, returning Sunday eve-
Mr. Wm. Brown. Mr. Prank Brown
Mra. Harry Carlton and Mrs. Walter
Clement attended a card party and
luncheon at the pariah hall In Med
ford, Monday afternoon.
Mra. Ruby Young, Mra. Rosa Smith,
Mrs. LlKl Perry. Mra, Mabel Har.
nish, Mr. Dorothy D.nsmore. Mr,
Ethel Coy and Mr. Stella Halav ware
guests at a birthday party for Mr.
Baryl Hlckaon at her horn Tuesday.
A grand time and a dallolou dinner
wa enjoyed by all. Mr. Hlckaon'
birthday wa Maroh 90 but due to
sickness the party wsa postponed un
til this date. All wished her many
happy returns of the day.
Mrs. Otto Caster of Phoenix and a
former resident of this plaoe, spent
lost week aa guest of Mrs. Roy Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Natwlck of
the Long Mountain dlatrlot, Mr. and
Mr, orvllle Henderson of Eagle Point
and Mr. and Mrs. p. J. MoPheraon
and aon Fred of Shady Cove enjoyed
a plcnlo at the Peyton bridge up
Rogue river Easter Sunday.
Mr. and Mra. Roy Aahpole and son
Donald left laat Saturday on a trip to
San Diego. Donald expect to return
In about ten days, by train, but hla
parent will remln In San Diego for
a short time, then will go on to El
Ccntro, where they will apend a few
daya with Mr. and Mr. Clarence Pru
ett, before going on to Arlrona for
a while. Roy'a many friend are hop
ing he will return home greatly im
proved In health.
Mr. and Mra. Percy 'Hlnes of Med
ford epent last weak end a guesta ot
Mr. and Mra. Percy Haley.
Mr. Cook who la now living on the
Ward ranch has twenty acre of
ground plowed and ready to sow to
alfalfa eed. He alao la getting ready
to put In twelve acre of tomatoes,
ss soon aa the weather permlta.
Mr. and Mra. Wm Perry, and moth
er, Mra. Lottie Avers were Easter
Sunday dinner gueat of Mr. and Mrs.
Nick Young. In the afternoon they
all called on the DeHaae family.
Mr. and Mr. Marah Garrett of the
Long Mountain dlatrlot were caller
at the Haley home last Saturday eve
ning. Mrs. Pred Farlow of the Long
Mountain district spent the day with
Mrs. Lota Pearce last Saturday.
Houaecleanlng and planting gar
dens are the topics of th day In
Esgle Point at present. Both are very
slmllsr. with but one exception: When
the garden la planted, It ha to be
worked to keep It growing and In
good oondltlon throughout the sea
son. Houaecleanlng ditto but It ha
no season It goes on Indefinitely.
Speaking of gardens. Royal Brown
works long and patiently (some thinks
he even work In the stilly hours of
night) so aa to be the first In town
to have radishes, lettuce, ete. out of
hla own garden to eat, which he
usually doe, much to the chagrin of
ami of his neighbor.
Big Applegate
BIO APPLEGATE, April 17- rflpl.)
Receiving word of the critical 111
nens of her father, W. W. Willi ta, at
fcanu Marie, Ol., Mrs. Ivan MoDon
ough left for the south Tuesday eve
ntng to he with her father, who, with
Mrs, Wllllts, ainkci his home there
with a son.
A u-pound d4ijhter was born
WMnevlny to Mr. and Mra. K. King
ivar Ruch.
Mias Mie Smith and Mrs. Ralph
Smith were hostesses at the regular
meeting of the ftuh sewing circle at
their club room Wednesday. A short
time sto the club devoted a day to
cleaning and leveling the Ruch achool
grounds In preparation for the an
nual trark meet and play to be held
there May t, by the schools of the Ap
plrvnte mmmtinlty.
Mr. and Mrs. E-irl fWttwicli of Ash
lsnd v.ciniiy spent Mondsy here as
g:ieta of Mr. snd Mrs. Ray Often
bacher. Mr. and Mra. Bostwlek re
turned Saturday from a four months'
trip to Michigan, where they visited
relatives of Mrs. Bostwlek. They report
a fine trip despite temperature of
eighteen or twenty degreea below
aero during most of their stay, In the
Aa assembly of thirty local people
for an outdoor breakfast Easter morn
ing served a double purpose of par
ticipation In Easter aervloea and Ini
tiation of a new forest aervlo camp
ground completed this spring at the
McKee bridge. Services were conduct
ed by Mr. Wallace Uasklns, slier
which an egg hunt waa arranged for
the children. Breakfast wa prepared
over a rock fireplace on the grounds.
The group expressed their enjoyment
of th beauty and conveniences of
tn new grounds which are equipped
with tables, fireplace, a well, In which
pump hi been Installed, and a
rustio bridge spnnlng an Irrlgstlon
ditch. Rock etep lead th way to th
river, and novel registration table
has been set up In the form of a cedar
tump, wherein the equipment for
registering is concealed.
Mr. and Mr, Fred Oftenbaoher and
on Frltzie motored to Ashland Eas
ter, where they were guest at a birth
day dinner at the home ot Mr. and
Mra. Louie Iverson honoring Mrs.
Iveraon's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Wolf,
who wa eighty, Mra. Iverson and
mother are former residents of the
Apptegate. Mr. and Mrs, Offenbacher
were accompanied by Mlaa Mary Beat
ty. who spent the day with her par
ent there.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller of Wil
liam creek spent Sunday here at tha
home ot Mr. and Mrs, Horry Helms.
Mis Katharine Fletcher, employed
at the home of Dr. L. L. Sander at
Medford, spent a few daya this week
at her home here.
Mr. and Mra. Frank Cameron and
dughter, Mr. Ernest Holbrook, of
San Francisco motored to Talent Sun
day, spending the day with Mrs. Cam
eron, mother, Mra. L.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rose or Hilt,
accompanied by their daughter and
son-in-law and two grandchildren,
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Elmo Throckmorton, while enrout to
WUUama creek, where they were
guest of Mr. and Mra. Banks New,
Mr. and Mra. W. B, Harlow spent
Easter In Medford as guect of Mr.
Harlow' son, Qlenn Young.
Mra. Walter Inch, bounty school su.
pervlaor, visited the Beaver creek
"hno Friday, giving achievement
tests at that time. She waa aocom
panled here by Mis Annette Oray,
English teacher In the Junior high
school at Medford. Edward Walker,
local dlreotor, alao visited the sohool
Friday, giving an Interesting talk on
England In which he described the
look In th Thames river. During the
day the pupils of tha school partlol,
pated la an Easter-egg hunt.
Mr, and Mra. Walter Bell ot Med
ford returned to their ranch near
Ruoh reoently to make their horns.
Mra. Prank Redden and daughter,
Mrs. Georgia Franklin, acoompanled
by Mr, and Mra, John Redden and
two daughters, all of Medford visited
relatives in the community reoently.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Taylor, who
hsd remslned at Ashlsnd for several
months, where Mrs. Taylor under
want medical treatment, have return
ed to their home hers.
Local school boards have held
meetings during the last few weeks
tor ths purpose of hiring teacher
for the oomlng term. Teachers being
re -employed Inoluds Mrs. Opal Moot
er at Ruch, Mr. Wallace Hasklns at
Beaver Creek, end Wm. Ludwlg and
Mis Mary Beatty at Applegate.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Turpln of
Medford were recent guesta here at
ths horns of the latter1 mother, Mrs.
LlUa MoDonough.
Mlaa Naomi Smith of Jacksonville
visited here yesterday at the home of
her grandparents, Mr. and Mra. Wm.
Mrs. M. a. Heuber and son Roy snd
daughter 1 trice of Grants pass mo
tored hers Wednesday, where they
were guests of Mrs. Heuber daugh
ter, Mrs. Leon Offenbacher.
Mrs. Olsnn Smith waa hostess to
a small group of relative at din
ner at her home Sunday honoring
her father, Jaok Peebler, whose birth
day anniversary occurred that day.
Mrs. Mabel Mack, home demonatra
tlon agent, will conduct a project
meeting at the Applegate school
house Tuesday, April 91 on "Pood for
th Young Child." An all-day meet-'
lng is scheduled.
Llnnie Taylor, Medford plumber,
la Installing plumbing fixtures at ths
new home being built here for Mr.
and Mra. Edward Kubll.
Butte Falls
BUTTE FALLS. April i7. (Spl)
Mr. and Mrs, Tom Weldon of Brook
lnv,s tlslted Mr, and Mrs. E 0. Albern
last! Sunday.
Charles Cope Ho and Ruth Smith
were married laat Saturday. A big
charivari was given them Sunday
evening. The bride ls s sophomore
In high school and the groom Is ft
OCO who hsa been here a year.
Mrs. Wealey Orlaklll and Junior
went to Medford Sunday, attending
s show.
Mrs. CU Pool spent ft few days In
Medford last week.
Mr. and Mra. Lester Smith and
sons of Keno visited relatives hers
Mr. and Mrs, Br n rut Smith snd
Carol Smith visited Mr. snd Mrs.
Roeenorf at Eagle Point on Easter
Sunday. They also visited Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Cowden and family.
Victoria Dnhack of Ea.e Point Is
vlaltlng her sisters, Mrs. John Hen
shaw. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ed mo nd aon and
daughter Iona May, and Mr. snd
Mrs. Alga Abbott snd daughter Ej Ir
ene th, attended two shows In Medford
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Moors and Lea
Edmondson, visited In Central Point
on Cuter snd attended tfo shows
in Medford.
Mr. snd Mrs. Brltaon. Dorrls Brlt
son. Emmet Oott Ruth Carson and
Elmer Abbott saw the boat races at
i Emigrant im on Easter Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dunlan and m.
Joe Kent and John Kent, visited Mr.
snd Mrs. Homer Kent and family and
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hallet la Klam.
ath Falls. April Sth.
James Kanoff, who spent four Tears
In th u. 8. army, Is back ia Butts
Falls on the Kanoff ranch, wlUs
Grandma Kanoff.
Fred Hoefa ot Keao anent laat Sua.
day with relatives and friends hare.
Miss Haasl Taylor spent Ssturdae
in Medisrd.
Easter guests at the Loren Mona
home were Mrs. Moon and daughter
of Ashland, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Moon and daughter of Fort Klam.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tic and daueh.
tr of Salinas, Cat., ars vision ja
Tics Jr., and family, here.
Mra. Meadowa and two dauchura
of Seneca, Ore., visited Mr. and Mr.
Jess Roger and aon on Easter. Mr.
rtctjer La Mr. Midow' daughter.
Mr. snd Mrs. Cecil Kin snd chil
dren moved to Seneca whsrs Mr. Xing
itmi wvri.
Mrs. Olen Prultt and twins, Daia
and Dale, spent Easter with Mrs.
Prultt' mother nd brothers.
Butt Fall grad achool plated
Reese Creek grade achool last VTldav
afternoon. Reese Creek won.
Friday evening Mr. and Mr. Clark
entertained the filth, sixth, seventh
no eighth grades at th grsde
school. They finished with refreh.
ment oonslsttng of lo cream and
Many Butte Falls people enjoyed
over their radios oa Monday after
noon captain David Barnett' talk
to the Medford high school.
Orsden Chlldreth and family and
Billy Powell and family of Medford.
and Lew Oeppert and family wars
Easter guest at the home of Horse
Qeppert and family.
John Henshaw la attending th
forest service firs school In Medford
this week.
Ths Townsend club had good
meeting at the high school auditor
ium on Tuesday evening. Opal Wool-
ley aang "My Dream of Love." sooora
panted by Mra. steen. Ross Smith,
Mlaa Thorns, Dorothy Baker.. Ires
Roger. Opal Woolley and Mlsj
Hemming sang trip! duet, "Katy
Did, She Didn't," a very amusing
number, accompanied by Mrs. Steen.
Ths talk waa given by Mr. ShumaJur
of Talent. The program opened wltb.
tinging of "America" by the audi
enoe, the flag salute and ended with
th Townsend pledge.
Mrs. Everett Moore la with her
mother In Cottage Orov.
Emmett Oott bought a Dodge se
dan last week.
Jack Lortla spent laat week-end
with hi father and brother In Med
ford. Th government bulldlnga are
big Improvement to Butte Fall.
Reverend Smith held meeting la
Esgle point tea day recently.
Lake Creek
LAKE CREEK, April 17. (Spl.)
Mr. snd Mrs. Wallace Ragsdals an
tcrtained the following at a dlanr
party Saturday evening: Mr. and Mrs,
H. E. Pech, Mr, and Mr. Roy Qrlgsby,
H, Q. Meyer, Mr. and Mr. Ray Rag
dale, of Butte Pall, and Mr. and Mrs
Harry Ton a of Medford.
Charles Wilkinson of th Dead In
dian Soda Spring whs ha been Is
poor health for some tlm. be cam
worse Monday and It become neoas- '
sary to call Or. Holt ot Medford to
attend him. Mr. Ray Camps of
Bprlngvllle, Calif., daughter of th
Wilkinson, 1 her txlplng cars for
Mr. Wilkinson. Mr. and Mr. Claud
Jones of Talent cam up Tuesday,
Mra. Jone 1 anothr daughter.
Hay Kagsdaie of Butte snails la mov
ing back to th Ragadal farm thla
Mrs. R. A. Pech of Medford who ha
been visiting th Pech boy her, re
turned horn Monday.
Mrs. Wallace Rsgsdal Is quit 111
with ssptlo sore throat. Mr. E- E.
Meyer Is oaring for little Barbara dur
ing her mother's nines.
Mrs. Elisabeth Ortssom called Mon
day on her daughter, Mrs, J. P. Mai
Held, st Brownsboro.
Mr. snd Mr. Harry Tons of Mad
ford wen Sunday guest t th Tons
Anderson Creek
(Spl.) A. Donlca and family hav
moved back to their horn on h
creek after spending th winter In
th valley.
M. S. Center spent Monday and
Tuesday with hi tath.r, P, M. Cen
ter. Mr. and Mr. Ben Clark ol Tsl.nt
were Bundsy guests of Mr. and Mrs.
O. Brown.
Del bar t Clerk wss out to the. val
ley Tuesday.
Mrs, Jss. McDowell wa la Talent
Mrs. I. Mays and daughter, Ruth,
and Edward Smith spent Monday In
Mrs. Balls Centers spent Easter
Bundsy with her son, Roy Centers,
tnd family ot Gold Bill.
Ralph Oreen and family war out
to th valley Tuesday.
Mr. Brown I plowing for Mr.
Oreen thla week. Everpon I busy
planting garden.
Newsman Dies.
PALO ALTO, Csl., April IT-AP
James C. DeBslI, S, former news
pper man who worked on news
papers t Portland, and Stockton,
died today after a two months' Ill
ness. He Is survived by hi widow
snd two sons.
Will not be responsible for sny
debt or bills contracted by anyone
other than myself. S. U Plahsr.
WINDOW OLA8S W sell window
glass and will replaca your broksn
windows raonbly. Tmw Bridge Ceb
met Work.
Cm Mall Trlbun want ad.
1 .
1 1
,V .".7