Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 19, 1936, Page 9, Image 9

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Business Visitor Business visitors
her Tuesday Included Ben Gibson
of Ashland. '
In Ashland Mrs. A. Andrews called
on friends and transacted business In
Ashland yesterday.
Boyle Back J. O. Boyle, vice-president
of the California Oregon Power
company, returned this morning from
a business trip to Portland.
To Enlist Earl Beall left by train
last night for San Francisco when he
will apply for enlistment In the
United states army.
Here On Business Ashland visit
ors in Medford Tuesday Included Mn.
W. O. Brown and Mrs. M. W. Hanel,
who mode several business calls.
' Walker North W. W. Walker was
among those leaving on the north
bound train last night. He expected
to spend a short time In Seattle
transacting business.
To Attend School Conway Latham
. left this morning- for Portland to at
tend the Union OH company's school
for a period of two weeks. He recently
became a member of the staff at the
Tjnlon Oil service station at Main
and Fir streets.
PHONE 969 -R. rsMipnoletertng. re
finishing, re-gluelng. Tblbeult.
FOR Immediate sale, bedroom suite
ir,t.rtft stove, nlano. other house
hold furniture, in excellent condi
tion. Phone 0B5-Y.
HANSON and Hollywood W. L. chlck3,
heavy laying strains; large, vigor
ous chicks 6c: Bocks and Red 10c.
Send for catalog. Jenks Hatchery.
Tangent, Oregon.
quick. Get free sample dootor's pre
scription. Udga. at Western Thrift
Store. f
MINING claim, good show gold:
make nice chicken ranch trade for
late model car. Write for particu
lars. Box 1363. Tribune.
AUCTION sale extraordinary Satur
day, March 31st at the Sale Pavil
ion, north Medford. Complete furn
ishings from two homes. Also of
fice equipment Including roll-top
desk. Remington typewriter. Abun
dance of miscellaneous articles.
Usual run of livestock and poultry.
Be sure to attend. S. Oregon Live
stock Auction. Col. A. H. Dudley.
. auctioneer. .
PROPERTY In The Dalles to trade for
acreage in Boguo river vmic,.
Box 136. Central Point or phone
Lewis' Meat Market.
WANTED Young lady to do house
work for board and wages. 911
FOR SALE 3 used Reo T- engines
removed from 8erles O heavy duty
speed wagons. One Is complete, otn
er practically so, both are In good
i.uhie nonditlon and are adaptable
to 1938 models. If Interested phone
O. A. Eden, 168.
NO Amateur Contest will be held this
Saturday, night , at. the. Baldwin
Piano Shop.
Visiting Here Mrs. charlea Harri
son of Redmond la the guest of her
father, S. O. Oodlove, and her
sister and brother-in-law. Mr. and
Mrs. . w. Wall and family.
From Crater Lake William Mont
gomery, ranger of Crater lake na
tional park, was In Medford on busi
ness today. He planned to return to
the park tomorrow.
Callers From Ashland Mrs. Maty
Lewis and daughters. Jessie and Ellen,
of Ashland were among Medford call
ers yesterday, visiting with Mrs. Hor
ace Kellon.
Transact Business Bruce H. Bauer,
of the Timber Products company, and
Norman Fevers, of the Parafflue
Roofing company of Eugene, trans
acted business In Ashland yesterday.
Meeting Tonight Young Democrat
ic club of Jackson county will hold
a regular meeting at 8 o'clock tonight
In headquarters. 133 West Main street.
Jack Murray, president, will be In
Transacts Business Charles H. Tls-
dale, special agent of the Central
Manufacturers' Mutual Fire Insur-
ance company, arrived today from
Portland to transact business here.
He expected to return to his Portland
office tomorrow.
Dr. Bach Leaves Lieut. Leo F.
Bach, camp surgeon at Wlmer, will
leave tonight for the station hospital,
Fort Sheridan, Illinois, and from there
will report to seventh oorps area
headquarters, Omaha, Nebraska, for
duty with a company In that area
Song Written Here A new song by
Medfordltes Is now on the market
It la entitled "Dream Pal of Mine."
The words were written by Mae Mac
Kinnon and the music by Fred Al
ton Halght, It la being Introduced to
the public by La Merle Beck.
To Seek Site Dr. R. L. Burdlc
heads the committee appointed by
Frank J. Van Dyke, president, to study
the feasibility of a new location for
the Ashland Chamber of Commerce,
Others on the committee are O. M.
Green. Louis Dodge, P. R. Hardy, Hal
McNalr and C. P. Talent.
Servicing New Plow The new snow
plow for Crater lake national park
was being serviced today at the park
warehouse on North Central avenue.
It arrived here by freight yesterday
and Is being put in condition for op
eration. It will be taken to the park
tomorrow by Martin Palmer, chief
mechanic. With two plows In opera-
tlon It waa expected by park officials
that the rim road and a large parking
area would be cleared soon.
- 4
FOR GOOD HOUSES, close In, Inquire
1030 E. Iltn. 10 to o.
FOR RENT Completely furn. house
Call at Dow'a Cafe.
TiMrtwnunon nortable typewriter In
first class condition at a bargain.
Room 30. Medford Blag. lei 14
FOR RENT 3 furnished houses, 813
FOR SALE Carpet, rocker, lamps,
stool, canaries. 418 Edwards.
FOR SALE Jersey-Guernsey heifer
frh in sis weeks. Mrs. Jessie M.
Mlnear. 3nd bouse east Rogue River
WANTED Young woman for cook In
camp must be good on pastry. Box
1378, Tribune.
Ar proximately twens-f Ive women
enjoyed the luncheon and tourn&
ment held at the Rogue golf course
Wednesday. Luncheon was served by
Mn. Jane Thurlow. Mrs. Raymond
Reter and Mrs. Mal-I Dalley.
Following the luncheon a blind
bogey tournament was held, In whloh
ii. Jerry Jerome and Mr, D. R.
Wnod tied with a 76 net for the prlte.
While Mn. Francis Devaney claimed
honors for the nlnt holes with
-fty-two net.
The tie resulting from last week'
Siroe waa played fl by Mra. Wood
3 id Mn. Clark. Mrs Wood winning
YOUNG lady experienced In stenog
raphy and cashier work would like
full or part time employment. Box
1351. Tribune.
WANTED Girl to do housewark and
assist with children. Call 1311-W.
34 ACRES Irrigated, clover and al
falfa land. Substantial Improve
ments. close In, 83300.00. 10 down,
8 Interest.
10 acres cultivated, good valley
land, 8760.00. Terms.
19 N. Bartlett. phone 1496
WILL sacrifice good modern 6-room
cottage. Call evenings at 436 N. Hoi
- ly or phone 1496. ,
WANTED Olrl for housework, room
board and wages. Apply 313 South
Orange or phone I486.
sows good model T Ford, trunk.
Phone Central Point. 118.
FINE springer cow.
Point, 115.
Phone Central
The temperature went over the 70
mark this afternoon aa continued
sunshine sent the mercury sharply
upward. Forecast waa for continued
fair weather and moderate temper
aturet tonight and tomorrow.
By 3:00 p. m., the mercury stood
at 69 degrees, 13 higher than at the
same hour yesterday. The maximum
yesterday was 68. Low thla morning
waa 31 jm against 39 yesterday.
Stated communication of
Medford Lodge No. 10S
F. A. M.. Friday. March
30th at 7:30 P. M. Visitors
Invited. O. O. Horner. W. M.
Mickey Mouse Heads Craterian Bill Roxy Headliners
The city ot Medford was literally
loaded" with school children this
morning, children from every school
In Jaekaon county, dismissed from
their classes tor the special morning
matinee of Warner Bros. "A Midsum
mer Night's Dream."
As early aa 7.80 thla morning, the
stn-Jit In front of the Craterian tbea-
as filled w.ih children of all
ves, and from tnen on. unui in
tbatre doora wen opened, automo-
!cs, school busses, bicycles, roller
stale and foot power wen bringing
.nore and more students and tewh-
Wheu, flr..lly. the students
started filing In, then wen alto
gether too many to be handled and
the resources of the Holly meaire
were used to handle the overflow.
But there again waa the same story
not enough seat to handle the
crowds. And so, the Rlalto theatre
had to open their doors too and fin
ally, with approximately V00O school
children and teachers In atfndance.
the show waa started. Firs', shown at
the Craterian theatre, the film waa
th.n hurriedly taken to the HoUy
and from there to the Rlalto, a reel
at a time, to avoid any long wall.
And the three theatres, fined to me
brim with happy, nouaay-miniKi
youneetere,. had tho time tneir
lives. The comedy especially, which
h been liberally sprinkled through
out the film, brought on whoops of
Joy aa favorite comedians, io oy
Brown. Hugh Heroert ana muj
other famous stare, used tneir uiugn-
provoking talents in garnering tne
But comedy, aitnougn ifc ayp'-
ntlv found the moat response from
the children, especially
one, waa not oy any nitiaiw '
outstanding quality of the produc
tion. The dramatic and romanuo epi
sodes, the aoul-stlrrlng music wi
beautifully arranged ballet numoera
and the many other line cunnnn
tninta that are embodied In the film,
were given a fin reception oy an
concerned. The comedy, auoaeniy
changing to pathos, would cut short
the delighted laughter ana oring
sudden sober face to the audience.
It waa definite proof of the power of
the play to be able W sway tne emo
tions with such Tauia-cnanging
queues. And, at the close, thunder
ous applause that .ve vent with
spontaneous release, fully repaid all
the effort and work that was put into
the special showing or the picture,
The resular publlo showing, witn
all teste reserved, wl'. have It eve
nlng performance at 8:18 tonight. "A
Midsummer Night's Dream" Max
Relunudt's tint American film pro
duction, will not be shown again In
Medford this yar.
Business Improvement throughout
Oregon waa noted today by A. V.
Lmdgren, loan representative of the
Equitable Savings & Loan association
of Portland who arrived thla morn
ing to confer with Brown As White,
tlie association 'a correspondent here.
Mr. Llndgren la completing a tour
of the state, having come here from
Klamath Palls. He expect to remain
In Medford until Saturday.
I "The Improvement In business the
past year la remarkable enough.
Mr. Llndgren said, 'but the change
In the attitude of the people Is even
more remarkable.
"A year ago everyone was wary.
afraid of the future and unwilling
to Invest In anything. Now. every
where I've been In the state, they
are optlmlatlc. No longer are they
fearful of the future, for they 'have
confidence In the soundness of the
prosperity that seems to be returning
with Increasing certainty."
Building activity is In , evidence
throughout Oregon, Mr. Llndgren
said. There la a marked shortage of
desirable residences everywhere, he
related, and the demand ha become
much greater than, the supply
that rents are being advanced quite
generally. . He said that Brown Ac
White now have only about a dozen
ltstlnga of rental properties.
"" ' ""'p
1 2 Iaurl and Hardy, purveyors of
CVr-4( JL j j oomedy noniena. are at their beat in
jr) Y tha full length laugh-hit "Bonnie
rttNsaw C4T ''IT' X Scotland. playing today and tomor-
r"Jl 1 ) row l th Ho? theatre, tn which the
(ff)) jf0? If ) r-Mj i loy "n1 Wlm8lv' a11 unXnowing-
Kfy j V 4fr C" J gy ly' th WWB of thMr Tlmnt-
Card of Thanki
We take thla meana of thanking
our many friends and neighbors.
One of the most entertaining and.tpeatuoua ad van cm of ths speed-ball chrysanthemum Circle Neighbors; of
pre&slona of kindness and for the
many beautiful floral tokens of sym
pathy for the loss of our devoted wife
and Mother. N. 8. Bennett. Ethyl Ben
nett. Core Carlson.
Some very unusual bargains can
be had at the Auction Sat.. March
from all reports, the most rib -tick ling
of all Mickey Mouse cartoons, heads
the program at the Craterian theatre
tomorrow and Saturday with the
showing of Walt Disney'- "Mlckey'a
Polo Tpuiu," filmed entirely in Tech
nloolor. Aa the feature picture on the
same program, Victor MoLaglen and
Freddie Bartholomew will be starred
in "Professional Soldier."
"Mickey's Polo Team." consisting
of Mickey himself, Donald the Duck,
The Big Bad Wolf, and The Goof.
meets another teem composed of
Harpo Marx, Charlie Chaplin, Stan
Laurel and Oliver Hardy and the re-
ultant melee what with Ingenious
methods of scoring goals la e verita
ble gale of laughter. And, In the
audience, watching the combat and
cheering their favorites, are such
famous stars as lMna My Oliver.
fighting for her honor from the tern
Roma 1 MoRey nolds, 1 8 -year old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mc
Reynolda of near Phoenix, was treat
ed for a deep gasth on the forehead
received tn an auto crash at the cor
ner of the Jacksonville -Phoenix road
and Kings highway at about 7:80
last night.
The girl was a passenger In a ear
driven by Russell Ayres, southbound
along Rings highway. At the bund
turn, according to state police who
Investigated, the Ayres machine and
one driven by Burnell Hatch of
Phoenix, turning onto Kings high
way, crashed almost head on. Hatcn
was unhurt, but Ayrea had one tooth
knocked out, it was reported.
Both cars were so badly damaged
that It waa found necessary to tow
them away.
rsbblt. while Shirley Temple and the woodcraft, the Rebekah Lodge, and
Three Little Plga find an Ideal time the Wks Lodg for their many ex
to give the Big Bad Wolf the royal
mzaberry at every chance. Clark. Ga
ble la there, ears and all. with W. C.
Field. Mae West and other favorites
also present.
"Professional Scldler," which wings
MoLaglen to the screen for the first
time since winning the Academy
Award for the beat performance of
last year In "The Informer" shows I
the big fellow aa a hard-boiled, hard-
fisted soldier, always reaoy ror
fight. His biggest fault la bla oonatant
boasting of his prowess but when lit
tle Freddie Bartholomew, aa the child
kins of a mythical kingdom, needs
some of the daring action to help him
from being asstuslnated, MoLaglen
cornea through with a bang. Others In
the cast Include Gloria Stuart. Mich
ael Whalen and ConMnnoe Collier.
Relieve the distressing 1
ymptoma by applying
Ment hotel um In nostrils
and rubbing on chest.
If you prefer nose drops, or
throat spray, call for the
tn handy bottle with dropper
r; lirmrnTfTli s::
I 0:4S-9:oo I QiajSljj I KMia to H
Tomorrow and Saturday!
Western Drama Coming to Rialto
Here comes the grandest show for the
whole family you've ever seen ...
headed by the most sen
sational short
ever made . ,
an M
In an effective outdoor stage set
ting "The Sunbonnet Olrl" waa pre
sented last night at Jacksonville be
fore an appreciative audience of more
than 400. The large cast Included
memhjera of the boys' and girls' glee
clubs of the Jacksonville nign ecnooi,
who were directed In the operetta by
Mra. Florence Munaaker.
Miss Frances Halght was the charm
ing little heroine who was known
snd loved by all as "The Sunbonnet
Qlrl," and throughout the perform
ance displayed unusual ability, espe
cially In her solo parte. The male
lead waa played by Wayne Martin,
who waa a convincing aultor. Music
throughout the operetta was furnlah
d by th school's 11. piece orchestra,
of which Ralph Botts Is the director.
Crisp gingham dress and aunboo
net worn by girl In th chorus
added plenty of color to the pro
duction. Character part were par
ticularly well portrayed by Bud
Mitchell, a Reuben McSpavln; Henry
Head, as the constable, and Miss Oall
Lusk, who ws the mesn Mrs. Scrogns.
Franklin Reene, representative of
Klwanls International, with head
quarters In Washington, D. CV con
ferred here last night with the board
of directors of the Medford Klwanls
club. General polltcles and programs
of the organisation were discussed.
The meeting waa held at the Jack
son County Building & Loan Asso
ciation, with J. H. Fletcher, club
president, presiding.
Mr. Keene Is making a general tour
of the west. He la being accompa
nied through Oregon by Dr. E. J.
Walnacott, Roseburg, district lieuten
ant governor of Klwanls. Both left
here this morning for Klamath Falls.
Ik.- ... ." Is
rr .." " tr
nviurth nt the eicltlrur movie adapt- i cast of Twin River and Bar 30 until
he can prove nia innocence, r-ignung
back alnsle-handed, unaware of
atlons of Clarence E. Multord'a famed
"Hopalong Caasldy" torle Is "The
Call of the Prairie," which open Prl
day at the Rlalto theatre, with Wil
liam Boyd In the role of "Hopalong"
and Jimmy Ellison a his young
friend and fellow rider.
"Call of the Prairie" la based on
Mulford's Protege."
Involved In bad company, accused
of attempted murder, although Inno
cent, "Johnny" finds himself sn out-
Avoid False Teeth
Dropping or Slipping
You neeon t rear raise leein crop
ping or slipping If you'll sprlnkl a
little Paateeth on your plates each
morning. Olvea all day comfort and
teeth hold tight. Deodorizes. No gum
my, pasty taste or feeling. Oet r
teeth from your druggist. Three sires.
TOR RENT 71B Oak St., S13.80.
1140 Court St.. as.60.
Holly Court No. 3, partly furnish
ed. S30.00. .
Inquire lit E. Main. Phon 1S or
1147-W after 6 p. m.
FOR SALE Federal Land Bank farms,
small payment, low Interest rstes.
See L. J. Knoi. secretary-treasurer,
Medford N. P. L. A.
30 Ford sedan, runs fine, good rub
ber. Bsrgsln price 1149.00.
Dodge snd Plymouth
"Swedish Sunshine
Tomorrow Night
(March 20th)
at the
Admission, free. A sllrer
offering w lit be taken.
Cart&in at 8:15 P. K:
Three Hour of Entertainment That
Was Three Centuries la th Making!
.DlMtltt tr Mat elfctt4t Va. Duil
s supporting cut of thousands!
Price 65c 83c $1.10 $1.65 lnel. Tax
Hunt's Qrakrian Theatre
Card ot Thanks
We wish to express our slnceie
thanks to our many friends for their
sympathy and kindness during our
recent bereavement, In the loss of our
baby daughter and granddaughter.
Melvlna Rose. Also for the beautiful
flower. Mr. and Mrs. Melvln McCuen.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hoff of Medford.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. McCuen of Oka
nogan, Wash., grandparents.
The spicy fragrance of old fashion
ed Plnka In a new perfume by De
Raymond. At Young'a,
"Hoppy'a" unwillingness to believe
his guilt, he hits the trail to oring
the outlaw band to account, with
"Hoppy" coming to hla aid at the
critical time. Both axe reunited and
together they prove Johnny inno
Other member of the osst Include
Muriel Evans, Oeorge Hayes. Alan
Bridge, Chester Conklln and Howard
-" x ,atlonal short ej
' ever mRd
Walt )i4u-if'AS
Pl.-llltfTnTCiiii-iii nmmm if
I I Tomorrow and Saturday I " I JA m: "
Jj tfj J J Jj plll Thi, gloriom fea- ' 1""! '
IWfllAAS J l tur. ...roister. . XXStff
Slmr, JCm tur. rollicking '..S
m to-the fearlens . . . de- M'tP fh wlth laug111 V "' V " '
It " - termined men of the sX 'tpiAS jj ,f -Y ; , f 1
II fcYdVA MJ$ Bar-20 M they rld ' 7t?v . i r 11 k
I HI I aV AfTSii again ... ied by Hop- JKViyyV fil 1 1?", , ll
' fc r i Y a M along Cassidy . . . of -sffiffj Sy I f fiiSi v . 1
the slow drawl and the tity Llf f I V J r - f
I Today & Friday i quick trigger ... fao if 'L- - L T -rL
I I . ing his enemies for a f ff,'fjK VV IX
li igFil 1
JjrT" V. ,., I Lf7 if ft W hrJll VtAAy Ml . OfclS . . . he risks his life for a lad
fiCJri tJ 11 I jytf-" Tl. :jBFjl wh0 believed his bragging!
H l I lTSl I fTT-) I r ifiil. I Damon Runyon'f A
53 HINT OH THI HASCHI ff tljjAiljjlijJ V--f -. . " V 1 , I I I I .
Kim kir gDl BDG-Q
ll0K fitffihk ii 1 GLORIA STUART
IH12221 W'M-&) V jvU VlBSl Constance Collier
B v B ; IVmpnotllWj W I M ?JK(W Michael Whalen
a COMEDY jjiH j IfaHt U
swnlc .News ; , TT I d&iiivjA nrZ 4---