PAGE SIX MEDFORP MAIL TRTBTTNE. MEDFOKU. OftF,ftONT. THTTRSTyY. MAT? PIT 13. 1S33 Ashland TILLAMOOK JAKES BY 35-24 SCORE Astoria, Corvallis and Tilla mook Favorites After First Day of Play in State Basketball Tourney BALEM, Ore, March 10. (AP) The Oregon atate basketball tournament iwunj Into Its second round today with but three of the teams promi nently mentioned In championship talk still In the race. Astoria, defending tltllst, Corral Us and Tillamook continued to figure in the odde. but none of the other fire remaining In the championship bracket lacked supporters. The five included Myrtle Creek, Bellfountaln. Franklin high of Portland, Oregon City and Mllton-Freewater. Go to Consolation The other eight fell by the wayside In torrid games yesterday and will continue their participation to the onsolatlon flight. Results of the opening round : Myrtle Creek. 38; Mill City. a. Brllfountaln, 3S; Umaplne, le. Astorls, 33; Benson of Portland, 19. Corvallis, 49: Ashland, IS. Franklin, SS; Hoeeburg. 39. Tillamook. 35; Salem, 3. Oregon City. 37; La Orande. 39. Mllton-Preewater, 7f : Bend. 13. Attention today apparently was cen tered on the Aatorla-Corvallls clash scheduled for p. m. and the Franklin-Tillamook contest set for 1:30 p. m. Other championship bracket games lnoluded: Myrtle Creek ts. Bellfoun taln (for tne state "B" league title). t p. m, and Oregon Clty-Mllton-Freewater, 8:30 p. m. Tillamook Drops Balem Balem high, host team and always rated as a strong contender, fell vic tim to a flashy Tlllsmook quintet last night, 85 to 3. Moore, Tilla mook forward, provided considerably more than the margin of victory h scored 18 points. It was the first time Salem has been eliminated In the first round In 13 years. In the final gams last night, Mll-ton-Freewater held Bend to three field goals while piling up eight of Its own and was mentioned considerably as the possible dark horse of the tour nament. RoKbyrg Victim Franklin hlfh sailed Into the sec ond round by virtue of a 35-to-39 Tlctory over Roeeburg. The Portland ore held a comparatively safe margin late In the game but saw It dwindle to six points under a desperate and sear-successful attack In the cloelng moments. Astoria and Benson provided the claaslo of tee day but the Fishermen proved their superiority even though Benson scored 18 field goals to Astoria's 13. The Aatorlana wera too clever In ball-handling and floor work and made good a substantial portion of their gift shots. Fouls were called on only one member of the Astoria starting lineup. Corvallis Easy Victor Corvallis, which defeated Salem, Astoria and Tillamook In the regular season, sparkled to an Impressive and essy victory over Ashland, scoring 31 field (toils to the losers' an. Krue ger, Corvallis guard, led the way with 14 points. Bellfountaln stamped itself as the clan of the four "B" league entrants By defeating Umaplne, 85 to 16, led by Kessler, center, who counted for 17 points. Myrtle Creek ahowed surprising strength In downing Mill City, 38 to 33. - Field gosls were even but gift shots told the story. Today's scedule: Contolsttnn Flight 9:00 A.M. Mill City vs. Umaplne. 10:00 A.M. Benson vs. Ashlsnd. 1 1 :00 A. M. Roseburg vs. Salem. 9:00 P. M. I arande vs. Bend, f haniplnmihlp Flight 8:00 P.M. Myrtle Creek vs. Bell fountaln, 4 :00 P. M. Astoria vs. Corvallis. 7:0P. M. Franklin vs. Tlllsmook 8 :80 P. M . Oregon City vs. Milton- Freewater. E DOES A RUN-OUT Ken Rollls. cross-(trained Arkansas meanle wrest If r, yesterday evening completed his threatened run-out on his contract to wrestle here for two more weeks, and returned to his Im Ang-rle haunts, where he claims he is better appreciated. The departure of Hollta moved Promoter Mack LUlard to the determination to complete his earlier threat, and LUlard said today that he will ak tha Medford boxing commission to auipend Hollla Inde finitely. Advised of this Impending move, Hollle expressed Uttls concern, as suring LUlard that he cared not hind for the actions of the boxing com mission in "that little two-peanut Joint. In removing himself from this vicinity. Hollls remarked that he didn't like Med ford, anyway. The next move Is up to Ullard and the promoter stated that he will ask tha tos Angeles booking office to suspend Hollis from Call torn la rlnira for at least 30 l!ra for failure to lira up to a contract. Mollis' determination to leave th's sector was not tha result or any salary' dispute, but came solely be cause of his dltgnintlement at the refereelng of Ray Friable, and the liberality of Med ford audiences In booing him and thro me, cigarette stubs st him while he was la the ring. HoUia said. Defeated 49 to HEAVYWEIGHTS TOP E 10 WRESTLE PETE With the departure of Ken Hollla, Arkansas. Under who drew million of boohi from Med ford wrMtllnf fan for hie dirty effort la the line, Pro motor Mack Ltllard hi secured & new nun to face wildcat Pete Belcastro in the main erent of next Monday's card at the Armory, he announced today, Belcaatro, Pacific ooaat Junior heavyweight champion and one of the favorite gre-ppJere with Mod ford audi encea. will square off against Norman Mack, rough, tough arvd aggressive OkUhom&n, who. at 166 pounds, la nearly of a size with the Italian flesh Mack comes billed as one of the most spectacular men In the game. He Is new to the Pacific coast, hay lng Just completed wrestling tour of the New England states and the Atlantic seaboard, but his prowess Is well known even as far west as Los Angeles, LUlard said. Built along the same general lines as Hon is, Mack Is said to be an artist at taking punish ment as well as dishing It out. Mack la only one of three new stars who will perform here Monday. The others are "Prince" Mlhallllas, Ara bian nobleman, who Is Inclined to ward the boisterous In his ring activi ties, and Joe Marsh, big. undersflung, and powerful Missouri grappler who ts also new to the coast. All three of the newcomers are rough and rugged men. Prlrioe Ml hallllas Is pitted against the Russian Lion, Al Karaalok, in the middle main event, In a bout that seemingly has everything demanded of a "natural," and Marsh will lino up against Dr. Barney Cosneck, Ph.D from the Uni versity of Illinois. Oosneok made him self an extremely popular young man last Monday when he flattened the smoke breathing Mike Cad dock In al most less time than It takes to re count the details. I Accord lng to Ullard, Ooaneok Is faster and cleverer than Marsh, but the Missouri pride Is rougher In his methods. The roughness may tend to offset some of Cosnenk's skill, al though Oaddook didn't find that the case In hta bout with the mercuric professor. "The card Is the strongest I've had In some time, and I'm really proud of It," LUlard said In announcing the lineup. PLAN TEAM SHOOT A registered team shoot will be held at the Med ford Oun club traps Sunday, March 81, it waa announced today. Crashing of targets will get under way at 10:80, with firing to continue until the afternoon. A speo. lal luncheon will be served on the grounds. There are to be four 39-target event, trophlea to top scores on the 100, fihogren added bird system, and a specie! lunch counter prlne to low gun In each event. Two 38-target events will bring trophies to high gun and runner-up on the 80, and trophies will go to high gun and runner-up In the 13 pair of doublet. A spectel skeet event at 80 target will also be held, with trophies going to high cannon and runner-up. added bird system. With balmy aprlng weather pre vailing, the club members are antici pating the largest turn-out of the spring season. Woodburn Joins Baseball League PORTLAND, Ore., Msrch 10. IAP) Woodburn high received a fran chise In the speedy Oregon fitate Baseball league at a meeting of man agers her last night. Blther Corvallis, or possibly an other Portland team, will be sdded to make It an eight-team loop this year. The schedule will be drswn st a meeting In astern, April 8. Team represented her were To ledo, ftelrm. Bend. Hop Oold of Portland, Albany and Eugene. Amateur Fighters Meet In Portland PORTMNT). Ore.. Msrch 1. (API Reventy-flve determined not srs will square off sgalnst oppo nent tonight In the first A A C noric tournament err held here. Fightara who hsv never won a chempionshlp In major amateur competition will be eligible to enter. Weight divisions rsnge from 108 pounds up to heavyweight Oregon Stat college, Chemswa Indlsn school. Bslem, Astoria. Eu gene and Bonneville are sending a number of entranta. AGED INDIAN SCOUT TO HAPPY HUNTING GROUND ALAMAOORDO. N. M.. March 18 (API Bhenta Boy. ons of the few re maining Aparh Indian scout, waa burled with military honors her to day. The 80-year-old wsrrlor. who served under Oen. Oeorge crook In the 1873 campaign against Oemntmo, last of the great Apache chieftains, died on the Mescalero Apach Indian reser vation Monday from Injuries suffered when thrown from his horse. I Cm Mall Tribune want ads. DIZZY, 'MISSUS' -if y;L O fir With Dizzy Dean unable to convince the St Louis Cardinal! they should pay him $40,000 this season, Mrs. Dean has taken up the fight, acting a hi manager In contract negotiations. From this picture it look as If she's going to hold a big club over the heads of the Cardinal officials. (Associated Press Photol FANDOM RANDOM By DICK APPI.EOATR After the first few surprised howls of dismay when the news gets out of the Ashland debacle at the hands of the Corvallis basketball team last night. 40-18, the thing will be dis cussed only In hushed tones In this sector of the state of Oregon. How were wa to prepare ourselves for the shock of such a complete reversal of all our preconceived notions of the fitness of things? After the first cold-water wave hai passed away, leaving us with the sad knowledge that southern Oregon's best wan not good enough, comes the surprising news from Palrm that the Ash land high tram ws Jiul too rdinrt to compete with the gangling Corvallis teaml Such men as Mayberry and Fowler, who domi nated the situation In this league, were classed as midgets alongside the Oregon State college city lads. Tall men are Invaluable In the type of baskeball played these days. We're not prepared to admit that a bad tall man la better than a good short one, but a good tall one Is worth his weight In old score books when .It cornea to getting points. We still think the best Idea Intro duced Into basketball In recent years was the strategy the senior high fac ulty members availed themselves of In parking a sixth player on the banket backstop, and plucking the ball out of the ozone to plunk It through for counters. After going that far. It might be even better to have two men up there, with three roving around on the court below to heavs ths ball up. Or for the players to form a pyramid under the basket and let one of thellr mem bers romp up their spines, like Fred Astalre does over chairs aid daven ports. Boy, we'd make a swell basket ball coach, we betl Thli gam howling Is get ting outside all bound of reason. There must be more men engag ed In the uttack on wooden pins tunn at any other anon. In the American lion Mug Congress gamrs Mhleh started on March and are to continue until Aplrl U. there are more people bowling than there are Itnrtlett pear treea In thla part of Oregon. almnt. On 3 si lev at t tie MdlMnan1lt Coliseum, there are .V.VH7 palra of doubles. 9.1. Mngles. and 2.S five-man teams rolling. Prlres to at Mug aimv.tPn win go to the va rious winners. The team making ths longest Jaunt to the congrerxa ts the one from Hono lulu. The Hawallsna will he gone from home 53 days, traveling over 10.000 miles on the round trip. As sn Idea of how bowling has grown In Interest, compare ths tour nament with one also held in tndtan apolts. back in loT There were 78ft five-man teams then, and the tour nament ran only five days. The officials for the hluh school Inter-lass track meet tomorrow have been announced. Russ Achlson will be hesd starter, with TliHip Iowry as clerk of the course. IM Carter la to be announcer, with Bill Bolgcr aa head timer. Ed Kirtley will be head Judge of the broad Jumps and nrenton Finch ts to be the arbiter in ths high Jump events. We. through some sort of political pull, were nam ed as head Judge at the finish, an Imposing title which means that we stand at the finlah line and peek over th shoulder, or under the srm, of the guy holding the finish atrirnt. and attempt to tell who cornea in first. There will be no Javelin throw mint previouair announced Intention tha meet tomorrow, aithoufh that mt to cca -elect ion aa Republican evenl mill be included In the later 1 nstlonal committeeman for Orern. 1 8 by ELKS CARD TONIGHT DEFY CARDS Pitts Training 1- Jfcy Ed "Alabama" Pitts, who gained fame as a baseball player at 8lng Sing prison and then lolned the Al' bany Senator after hit release, la shown at batting practice In the club's spring training camp In Ftor Ids. (Assoclsted Press Photo) events. Cosch morning. Bowerman said this ODES 10 STATUE OF LIBERTY WILL WIN CASH PRIZES WASHINGTON (UP) A poetry oontt will b spoiuorvd by the National Life ContwrvAtlon Society In eo-ope?rt!on with th nnttonfrl park arrtr In obrvnc of the COth an nlvrary of th dedication of the Statue of Liberty. Rwtrlen miwt be original, of not more than 24 11 nea and m vwt re iate to the St am of Liberty and 1U AWjniflcance, xrra Charle Cyru Marahall. prewtdent of the aoclety. announced. She aakt the content la behi advertised In Frno us well M in America, "i'.nce the statue of Liberty la a monument dedicated to International friendship, ajiyone, repardlea of count ry. I welcome to enter the poetry con teat, provided the poem la written In Rntiltah," ahe aald. The aoclrty will awnrd a V.m prlre or M) in ca.h and aecond and third priren of $M and 10 reepectlvelr. The contest close iVptember IS, 193l. All entries should be alened with a fictitious name, with the cor rect name and address of the author In a sealed envelope. Kn tries will not be returned end are not to h of -ffred for publication elsewhere te fon November I, 9M. Rn tries should be addressed to Mrs. Charles Cyme Marshall, presi dent. National Life Conservation Society. 2?3ft Ttebout avenue. New York city. PORTLAND. Ore. March 10 AP Stste Representative Robert U. Tar rell. ,ir , said txtay that more than ?000 frienda and auppiirter petition pA Ralnh R. Williams to reconsider rY v' V(l Corvallis ARE REMATCH EVENT When Robert Bsrth, Steamboat heavyweight, and Johnny Dutcher, Wlmer heavy, met In an exhibition boxing bout recently, Medford fans demsnded that the two boys be put together In a serious contest. Ths fane will get their wish to night when the two big fellows meet In the main event on the Elks'-CCC card at the Elks' temple. The card Is to follow the election of officers at the regular lodge session, but the formalities are expected to be very brief due to the lack of contest for the major offices. Both Berth snd Dutcher were In Medford today awaiting the gong for the bout. Both have been training seriously for the affair. Barth weigh ed in this afternoon at 18314, while Dutcher tipped the beam at 186. Johnny Bosdll, J18, diminutive boxer, who operates a training stable at Csmp PreKott, will get his re turn match with Nat Lombardo, 118. Oregon Caves. In the seml-flnsl event. The little men put on a great bout on the last card but the Rosdll fol lowers were dissatisfied when Lom bardo waa given the decision snd asked that he be granted another chance at the Oregon Caveman. Homer Butcher, 150, Steamboat, a newcomer, will tangle with Russ Blacksmith, 152, Wlmer, In another headllner. The Butcher haa been training under Barth at Steamboat, while the Blacksmith has been work, lng out under Dutcher at Wlmer. Anton Kataus, 160, Prescott, will meet Wild Man Simmons, 163, Head quarters detachment, In a bout Sim mons has promised to end by a knock out, a revolutionary decision on the part of Simmons, exponent of the windmill style of fighting. Chester Tracy, 185. Prescott. will meet Joe Luchesl, 140, Oregon Caves, and Eddie Mete. 133. Detachment, will meet Johnny Dean. 131, Prescott, In good supporting bouts. The card will start about 9 o'clock following the lodge session, mends of Elks. a well as Elks themselves, are Invited to attend. Delay ivalnut Ruling. PORTLAND, March 10. (AP) Government lawyers prevented sn immediate ruling today on Oregon's walnut marketing agreement when they refused to stipulate to ques tions of Jurisdiction In the suit of the HudsonDuncan company attack ing the constitutionality of the act. Quintet LULL AND USE WRONG TO CUT DOWN Ed Lull and O. R. Richmond, un knowingly acting the part of Santa Claua at the Medford Rifle club In door shoot last night, fired upon op ponent's tsrgete, boosting the rating of the opponent quite satlsfsotorlly but knocking the props out from un der their own standings. Pet Pomeroy, taking high acore for the evening with a 877, came within one point of equalling the all time high for the club, set by himself several years ago. Regular praotlce will be held Sun day on the open range, with a big turnout of bombardera expected. Summary of last night's shooting: Pete Pomeroy . 377 . 380 , 30 . 359 , 349 . 342 . 341 . 341 . 340 , 3.19 . 834 . 324 . 321 , 321 , 317 , 916 . 315 . 313 , 311 , 307 Ivan Waddell H. E. Rlnabarger -. M. C. Oleason E. H. Pomeroy R. L. Edward Ed Lull L. A. Sehorn Lu Lull Fred Sander .. S. M. Tuttle, Sr Frank Allen . Allen Perry . Ray Watklns . I. C. Daley A. Taylor Otto Howard C. Dutches Shelby Tuttle . C. R. Richmond . Nat Smith 303 2M 284 281 275 221 Stanley Boggs Lew Conger D. Smith John Wolf Dee Hendrlckson Us Mall Tribune want ads. We do all kinds of Wiring and Repairing Olson Electric Phone 115. 3 N. Bartlett "ZYZZLE" JUST suppose you wanted to find the word zyzzle In the dictionary. Would you start at the first page, leaf through the entire book and come finally to the last word, on the last page? That, you say, would be an insane waste of time. Now, suppose you need accessories for houseclean ing. Suppose you need, soap, or floor-wax, or a pail and mop. Many stores are featuring real bargains in household needs for spring. Yet you waste time and effort, if you walk from store to store . . . wander from counter to' counter looking for what you want at the price you want to pay. Instead, you may sit comfortably at home and learn where and when to make the best buys. That's all printed for you in the advertisements of this paper. You have only to read them and heed them to save time, save tiresome shopping, and save money. : 5 P MMS2MM m tmxm ,L,m., .JsaaLJ m m Not a barrel of money my friend-but a barrel of quality! Yes, friends, when you think of quality, think of mellow Old Quaker straight whiskey rich and round and smooth for there's a barrel of quality in every bottle! Butjit doesn't take a barrel of money to buy it for Old Quaker is The Friendly Whiskey mindful of your pocketbook, as well as your taste and throat. And so today, why not change to friendly Old Quaker and keep the change! AVAILABll IN ORtOON 40' 75 PINT HALF PINT No.l36DRYE No. 136C (RYI) No. 172C(eOUeON) wntoo STRAIGHT WHISKEY brand A, you pr.f.r In BOURBON or RYE ' II bear. Ins SCHINltY MARK of MIRIT foprrlirlit. The OH Qnaker (Vmpsnv. LswreneebTirr. IntlfsTis - JTriendlu Ip1! 1 taste throat I ' i