MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON", THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1936 PAGE FIVE E IN STATE SHOWS LARGE INCREASE A "raat increase in the financing of homes" has ben noted In the past half year In the monthly staements of federal savings and loan associa tions In Oregon, It Is stated in a re port by the Federal Home Loan Bank of Portland, regional Institution for the northwest states. The report was Issued here by R. P. Kyle, secretary manager of the First Federal Savings fe Loan Association of Medford. On February 29 the 20 federal sav ings and loan associations In Oregon had more than ft3.000.000 Invested In mortgages, the report said. "There Is an Increase of over 34 per cent In six months. Indicating that the federal monthly reduction mortgage plan Is being recognised as the moat inexpensive home financing money," the report stated. The regional bank also reported that the share liability the amount of money trusteed with the 20 fed eral savings and loan associations Increased more than (878.000 In the six months' period, a gain of more than 87 per cent.. "This surely indicates that thrifty Oregon people appreciate Insured in vestment under federal supervision," the bank asserted. Supervision of federal savings and loan associations has been placed in the hands of the regional banks so that henceforth the Oregon associa tions will deal directly with the Port land bank Instead of Washington au thorities, Mr. Kyle was Informed. The change was made. It was explained, to eliminate unnecessary delay. ROOSEVELT'S THIRD ANNIVERSARY' CELEBRATED o The cabinet celebrated the third anniversary of the President's Inauguration with a dinner honoring President and Mrs. Roosevelt, who are shown as they arrived to attend the function. (Associated Press Photo Salvage Part Of Phyllis Freight PORT ORFORD, Ore., March 18. (AP) Salvage operations resulted In bringing to shore 436 casks of gaso line and lubricants and other cargo from the stranded steamer Phyllis. The boat was driven ashore lsst week when Its officers decided it was leaking too badly to make port here. Holdup On Bridge Admitted A Hoax PORTLAND. Ore., March 10. (AP) Deputy sheriffs said today Andrew Makl of Port Ludlow, Wash., admit ted his story of being thrown Into the Columbia river was a hoax. Makl reported to officers Tuesday sight he was robbed of $30 and thrown over the Interstate bridge. Deputy Sheriff Chrlstofferson quoted him as saying: "Well, you know how It Is when a man Is down and out," Officers donated him $1.25. FASTER service! PORTLAND 1V4 hrs. , SEATTLE 2 hrs. SAN FRANCISCO 234 hrs. ; LOS ANGELES A New faster morning and evening planes to Californ:.": also to Portland,' Tacoma, Seattle. Now you can leave at 3:12 p. m., and arrive in Portland before dinner. Or leave after lunch and be in Southern California in early evening ! Twin-engined planes. Heated cabins. Stewardesses. Tickets: Municipal Airport Tel. 241 Hotels; Travel Bureaus; Telegraph Office, UNITED AIR LINES COURT HOUSE NEWS Furnished by the Jackson cvunty Abstract Co., 121 E. Sixth Street. Marriage Licenses Lule L. Medford and Berness L. Whltten. John Lawrence Cooley and Estella Matney. Elmo L. McQraw and Wilma Hood Circuit Court A. F. Johnson vr Josephine L Johnson: divorce. First National Co. vs. M. E. Putnam et ux; foreclosure contract. P. F. Matthews vs. The Sterling Mining Company et al; to declare in terest In real property, etc. State of Oregon vs. Richard C. Lang; drawing bank check with In sufficient funds In bank. State of Oregon vs. Ted Evans; drawing bank check with Insufficient funds In bank. Vera Maynard v. M. J. Maynard; divorce. Barbara Fischer vs. Charles H. Fischer; divorce. First State Bank of Eagle Point vs. Corriea Bros., Inc.; for money. County Court Estate Jasten Hartman, deceased; probate. Estate John C. Thompson, deceased; probate. Estate Mary E. Orlm, deceased; probate. Real Estate Transfers W. L. Stewart to Alfred A. Snider et ux. D. D. $10.0011 A. on Walker Ave. In Ashland. H. A. Stearns et ux to Thomas L. O'Harra et ux. W. W. 10.00 Lot 1, Blk. 1, Ashland and tract adjoining on westerly side. Ora V. Phillips et ux to Everett O. Miller. W. W. 810.00 SW'4 NE',4 Sec. 35, Twp. 40 S. R. 3 W. W. M. contain ing 40 A. The California Oregon Power Com pany to Prospect School Dlst. No. 69. W. D. 125.0O 2fc A. In Sec. 29, Twp. 32 South R. 3 E. W. M. O. V. Booth et ux to Harry V. Booth. W. D. $335.06 W',4 Sec. 24. Twp. 35 R. 4 W. Velia M. Johnson et vlr to Benja mins swindled. W. D. 10.001 A. In Sec,, 15, Twp. 34 R. 1 W. Hilma conger to John L. Conger Q. C D. $100 B Lot 6, SpringbrooK Subdivision. TH E STYLEjSTAN D-OUT OF 1936 Basic, built-in values are winning outstanding leadership for the Studcbaker Six-Passenger Six. It's a really big car, yet it costs only a few dollars more per month to buy than the lowest priced cars. Actually it costs less to operate. In the recent Gilmore-Yoscmite Economy Run; where Studc bakers scored smashing victories in the h o price classes in which they were entered, the Six-Passenger Six delivered 24.27 miles per gallon of gasoline no oil or water added during the 352-mile grind-r proof positive that it costs less to operate. Check this big-value car against any and all competition. Ride in it. Drive it. It sells itself. Jf.Vtirt Srm t tin 0fi Nr 1"ie Ceil la lit Jmt tmftr SANDERSON MOTOR CO. STUDEBAKER SALES AND SERVICE 207 So. Riverside. Phone 1385 Chester H. Wendt et ux to Michael Beck et ux. Q. C. O. $10.00 Land In DLC 42, Twp. 37 S. R. 3 West. John E. Gilders et ux to Henry O. Enders. W. D. 110.00 Lot In Enders Addition, Ashland. Ethelbert Nelly to Ethel Nelly et al. W. D. 810.00 W',i SE!4 NEVi Sec. 1. Twp. 39 South of R. 1 E. W. M. con taining 20 A. Elmer C. Allen et ux to Nanette Coats. W. D. 110.00 Land In DLC 55. Twp. 38 8. R. W. W. M. John Haynes to The Town of Rogue River, w. D. 85.00 Land In Lot . Blk. 7 of earner and Sabin Add. to Town of Woodvllle now Rogue River). Mary A. Howard et vlr to Daisy M. Klncald. w. D. 1.00 1-13 Int. In DLC 44. Twp. 38 S. R. 2 E. W. M. and Sec. 20 and Govt. Lot 9. In Sec. 19. and 20 acres In Sees. 31 and 30. Twp. 39 S. R. 2 E. W. M. and By, SW4 Sec. 16. Twp. 39 S. R. 3 E. I. R. Spires et ux to Josephine F. Clark. W. D. $10.00 Lot In Blk. 8 of Galloway's Add.o City of Medford. Mini M. Clark et al to William Rob erts et ux. Q. C. D. 1.00 EV4 of SE, SW of SE. Sec. 9, Twp. 33 S. R. 2 East. Hiram Smith et ux to Thomas J. Anderson. W. D. 1115.00 Part Lot 14. Ashland Homestead Ass'n tract, Ash land. Thomas -3. Anderson et ux to Ruby Purdy. W. D. 810.00 Part Lot 14. Ash land Homestead Ass'n trsct. Ashland. Albert Olson to Ivan E. Olson. W. D. 810.00 Land In DLO 7, TWP. 38 S. R. 1 West. Floyd V. Bell et ux to D. C. Hans com et ux. W. D. 810.00 Block 80, Railroad Add., Phoenix. Hlldred Wheeler et vlr to Donald P. Wheeler. W. D. 810.00 Land In DLC 51. Twp. 37 S. R. 1 West. STUDENT DROWNS IN WASH'N STATE TANK PULLMAN, March 10. (AP) The first fatality was listed today in the Washington State college swim ming pool. The body of Charles Ber key, Spokane sophomore, was re covered from the pool yesterday. A physician said he died of a heart attack. Other swimmers said be waa under the water no longer than two minutes, but two hours work with an Inhnlntor was futile. E TO BE BUILT ON EAST SIDE An ultra modern frame house is to be built Immediately by D. D. Kay on a lot he has purchased from the city. The site. 60 by 120 feet, la situ ated on the south side of East Main street Just east of Willamette avenue. The dwelling will be a story and a half high. It will have seven rooms, a finished basement, two baths and a central heating unit. Edward Pur due Is the builder. Financing la be ing handled by the First Federal Sav ings fc Loan Association of Medford. Mr. Kay, district sales manager for the Zellerbach Paper company, now resides with his wife and daughter at 1013 West Main street. Levy On Theaters Upheld In Ashland The Ashland council Tuesday night refused to heed the protest of the Li this, theater against the recently Imposed tax of 6 centa a aeat annu ally on playhouses. The theater management filed an objection through William Brlggs, at torney, asserting the theater should not be singled out for taxation. Frank J. Van Dyke, city attorney, replied that license fees were Imposed upon the amusement business In general and that the theater fell within that classification . Weather Northern California: Fair tonight and Friday, moderate temperature; local fogs on coast; gentle change able winds off the coast. Oregon: Fair tonight and Friday, but becoming unsettled west portion; moderate temperature; gentle change able winds off the coast. My personal attention given to ax) watch repairs, factory style workman ship, reasonably priced and thorough ly guaranteed. Jno. W. Johnson. WINDOW GLASS-We sell window glass and will replace your broken windows rflVnably. Trowbridge Cat); inet Works, APPLEGATE AREA CAMP AFPLEOATK, March 18. (Bpl.) Visiting sportsmen who try their luck In the well stocked water of streams In the upper Big Applegate country this summer will find well appointed camp grounds ready for their use at seven scenic points along fishing streams. One of the projects of Applegate CCC camp is the devel opment of this great section of the Rogue forest as a recreational area. A crew of Missouri members of company 3703 under Foreman Auf derhelde -has put the finishing touch es on a shady woodland retreat on the bank of Carberry creek near the low water bridge. The camp ground will care for two parties of campers at one time. Rogue river forest technical men stationed at Camp Applegate under the direction of Supt. L. H. McQulre have left out nothing which a camper might desire In the way of conveni ences. There la a masonry fireplace for cooking; log tables planed smooth with split log benches; a rustic gar bage disposal chute covered as a pro tection from files; a spring develop ment which Includes a tiled water source with a covered concrete reser voir Insuring uncontamlnated water; and log shake roofed toilets. The grounds have been cleared of under brush and logs, walks and tiny bridg es have been built, the whole land scaped so as to fit Into the natural surroundings. Two other such camp grounds have already been completed, one at Hut ton guard station and another at Wrangel Gap. Four more, each with from to to four camping units will be completed before fishermen begin to filter through Grants Pass an Medford In April. They are McKee, Chapel Springs, Star Gulch and Yale creek. The two last have sulphur springs which will be developed for the benefit of campers. - The Applegate area of the Rogue forest contains 873 square miles of wooded slopes traversed by excellent fishing streams such as Carberry creek. Middle Fork, Butte Fork, El liott creek and numerous others. It Is unique among the great fishing areas of Oregon due to weather conditions which make tt possible for fishermen to get In early In the year and to stay long after other areas have been closed by bad weather. Although part of the area lies In northern California, sportsmen must enter by Grants Pass and Medford by car. The great ridge which forma the backbone of the water shed feeding the Applegata and ultimately the Rogue river Is surmounted by no en tering road from the California aide except by way of Grants Pass and Medford. 1995 Mohair Crop Short. PORTLAND, Ore., March 19. (AP) Mohair production in 1036 slump ed nearly 500,000 pounds under 1984 and more than 800,000 pounds below 1938, the U. S. department of agrl culture estimated 16.807,000 pounds In 1934 resulting from a 10 per cent decrease in goats clipped but an In crease of 7 per cent In the average clip. PORTLAND, Ore., March 19. (AP) A circuit court Jury convicted William R. CDonnell of manslaugh ter charges for the automobile acci dent which proved fatal to William Maxwell, a pedestrian. Judge John P. Winter will pronounce sentence tomorrow. 4 f PHOTOS 15o. Peaaley'a Studio. Ose Mall Tribune want ads. rfl ill Jot pi Condensed Report vse United States National Bank of Portland, Oregon As of March 4, 1936 Resources Cash on Hand and Due from Banks $25,544, 619.89 United SU tea Bonds 45,403,676.00 $70,948,295.39 Municipal and Other Bonds 14,192,026.37 Loans and Discounts .......... 19,523,944.48 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank ------- 181,500.00 Bank Premises (including Branches) .... - 2,382,744.88 Safe Deposit Vaults 42,176.43 Other Real Estate - - 65,470.10 Customers' Liability on Acceptances ..... 75,199.12 Interest Earned ............ 622,285.26 Other Resources ............ 62.838.83 1108,086.480.36 Liabilities Capital ...1 14,000,000.00 Surplus .......... 2,100,000.00 Undivided Profits and Reserves - - 1,944,109.13 8,044,109.13 Acceptances ............. 75,199.12 Dividends Declared - 120,000.00 Deposits: Demand and Time ... 89,824,280.57 Public Funds .... 10,022,891.64 99,847,172.11 Both Pubbc an4 Trust fiiada art secres" sccwAaf M torn 1108,086.480 Jl MEDFORD BRANCH Medford, Oregon Hed Of Art, Portland, Oreroa ' DIRECT BRANCH OF THE UNfTED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND MEMBER FEDERAL DEP0I1T INSURANCE CORPORATION Headlights Tell Traffic Tragedy MARSHP1ELD. Or.., March 10 (AP) Headlight ahlnlnj from th. bottom of Coo. river led to th. dia- covry of th. car of Albert MeCutch eon. Hla body waa dragged from the stream . few houra later. Th. car waa empty when brought aahora. Of flclala aatd th. machtn. apparently plunged from th. road which bordera th. atream. McCutcheon reatded at Coo. River. S BATTLE. Waeh, March 10 (AP) Th. northweat advisory board an nounced leaden In northwest Indus try, commerce and agrlcultur. will gather In Portland. March It, for an appralaal of business and to .schang. bualneaa views. Buckingham'. Ios cream, Candy As Party Speelala Th. Croat. 330 8. Cut. REPUBLICANS WILL OPEN PORTLAND H'DQUARTERS PORTLAND. Or., March 19. (AP, Republican headquarters will be opened la Portland next week, Lowell C. Paget announced. Paget, who la president of the Oregon Republican club, a&id the Republican national committee had deaignated the club aa tha medium lor Oregon activities. FALL ON AX FATAL FOR 65-YEAR-OLD FARMER KORTHPORT, Wash.. March 10. (AP) Th. az with which Herman Rleper, 6S, waa cutting fenca posts claimed hla life. H. feU on th. ax yesterday near hla rural Stevena county horn. Neighbor, found the body. . "SUCaJfirtJUCK" Dndergarmenu that tit at Ethelwyn B Ruffmann'. Thrifty Women ARE RESPONDING TO OUR SHOE VALUES! Shop our Shoe Window before you purchase your Easter footwear. The styles, colors and prices will convince you that' you do save on footwear, at THE CINDERELLA SHOE DEPT. 44 So. Central lOO LBS. I-W DRY LIME SULFUR H.fprars si miar trew ai 600 poaodi of liquid lint snlfur. Comti la mst lo-hadl 20 tad 25 pound btgs.Jut rip opa tht ba tad dump th co Mali la tat spnr tank while fcilioa. EQUAL IN EFFECTIVENESS 600 LBS. LIQUID LIME SULFUR ...cornea la baavy, hard-lo-hind It drama, rtquiraa freqatat. txpttufra tripa to and from tht warthoaia. TWi J tha old-faihioatd war. X) S-W Diy Lime Sulfur is the Modern Dormant Spray 3-Vetr Tests Show S-W Dry Lime Sulfur Equal in Effectiveness to Liquid Lime Sulfur lot the past 3 react tha Sharvie. Willi tau Company baa conducted At Id and labor, totr taiti oa Saa Joi Seal control. During thla period mora than 1 39.000 Scalt bet beta counted. Tht average for the 3rer period ahowa kilt of 9i aaio S-W Dry Line Sol far at 20 pounda a 1 00 galloni of water. Llqeid Urn sulfur ated at 10 gallon to 100 gallons of water ebowwi a kill of 97.a dDg the 9rer period. Reaolta being equal, or better, iboalda! ym b utlne. ihla more convenient, eco Domical dormant aprar? Think It overt "CONTROL WITH CONVENIENCE" Um S-W Drr Lima Sulfur at a doiaga of 20 pounda to . 100 gallons of watar and enjoy equal or better San Josa Scale. BHiter Mil and Twig Borer control than if you were tout 10 galloni of liquid lima lulfurto 100 gallon of water; Imagine the extra convenience! Hundreds of upland coming growers have discovered the advantages of SW Dry Lime Sulfur, and wouldn't return to the oltwashioned method. Ask the grower who's used it. . S-W Dry Lime Sulfur is a 33 degree Baum test liquid lim sulfur a stabiliser added, and the water removed by a special vacuum process. In this powdered state it is not affected by freezing and there is no loss from leakage. It is absolutely safe and Che eatiest-to-ua Dormant spray available today ' S-W FREE MULSION..: Proved Best Dormant Oil Spray U you h.T. . praftrcoc. for an OH Dormant spray, b. ton to set all the facts about S-W Free Mulsion. It is th. most effective and economical dormant oil spray you can buy Testa show a 99 yi San Jose Scsle kill effected by dosages of 2 gallons to 100 gallons of water. Let us tell you tha scientific reasons for this remarkabl. effectiveness, just ask your packing house, or the Sherwin-Willisms man in your vicinity. YOUK PACKING HOUSE FOIt PRICBJ AND SUPPLIES. Th. Sbtnrln-Williiin. ttorticalturil Ad'iior will sLdlr coop rits ia msatiun. sa effectitt sad scoaonilcsl iprsr prosrsm. HOME-MAKERS ofi tkli Community YOU art cordially invited to attend th Gas Cooking Conference Thursday, Friday, Saturday at 28 S. Grape Not a cooking school, not the nsual demonstration, but new and different. In and heat about 109 GAS COOKERY, utlnr city gat on th. mains or riomo away from the gas malna. Brief talks by MRS. ANN CIIANP.Y, noted Home fronomlit of Portland, each day! 2:00 P.M. Vegetable Cooking by th. waterless or semlwaterless method, 1;J0 P.M. Modern broiling of meals. Broiling both side, tt one. Using broiler for cooking odds and ends. 1:80 P.M. Roasting meat, by low temperature method recommend ed by National Meat Board. 4:10 P.M. Cak. Baking with special reference to baking four layer, t one and baking Prult Cak. and Plum Puddings, EVERYBODY WELCOME. ADMISSION FREE. Enter th. fe.T CONTEST First Prlte, a new Wedgewood Oa. Rang, worth III'. Courtesy gift to every on. entering conteet, a new OYENEX COOKIE OR BAKINQ SHEET, FREE, See t demonstration of the marvelous new, 1936 "Wedgewood" Gas Range, offered in our Trade in Sale. Liberal allowance for your old stove. No down payment. FHA terms. Southern Oregon Gas Corporation