PAGE FOUR METD'FO'RD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFOKD. OREGON, THTJRSDAY, MARCH..9, 1938 Will Collect Information for Comprehensive Index of Basic Materials for Re : search Seek Old Records Weld work for the Historical Rec ords survey, a new nation-wide pro ject of the federal write ri' program of the WPA, was itarieo mis In Jackson county by Mlaa Rtstora French and Alfred Begsworth of Ash. land. The purpoee of thli underta lng la to collect Information for comprehensive Index of the baelc materials for reeearch In the history of the United States; a guide which,, it ! predicted, will be of incalcu lable value to hlstorisns. The reaulte of the aurvey In Jackson county and every other county of Oregon are to be Included In a separate Index, which la to be printed by the Uni versity of Oregon PreB. Among the public aourcea of hla torlcal information which Ml French and Mr. Segsworth will examine are the archivea of the county court house, the records In the varloua city halls of th county, and the relics that may be In the poaseeslon of historical and pioneer societies. They will also undertake to inven tory privately owned historical mi terlala. In order to mske an exhaustive survey in Jackson county, one of the most historic counties of the state. Alfred Powers, dean of the general extension division of the Oregon state system of higher edu cation and state director of federal writing, urges that all persona who own or know of historically Intereet lng old letters, dlarlea, ledgers, pho tographs, newspapers, artlclea of early furniture, etc., report such Items either to Miss French or Mr. (tega worth at Ashland, or write to the Historical Records ' Survey, Bedell Building, Portland. The survey does not contemplate the removal of any rello from lta present location or owner. It pur pose Is merely to record what the Item la and in whose possession. Membership In general has lnoreas, d sharply In recent months, amount ing In some cases to a gain of 36 per oent, the Active club waa told at Its weekly dinner-meeting In the Hotel Medford Tuesday night by Dr. David Charlton of Portland, district gover nor of Active International, New Active clubs are being organ ised regularly, Dr. Charlton said, add' lng that one la to be chartered soon In Oakland, Cal. He reviewed the programs being carried out by the Medford, Salem, Eugene and Ashland clubs and stressed the Important part they are playing in clvlo and social service In their communttlea. Stewart Bowie of Eugene, here on business, addressed the club briefly. He Is treasurer of Active Interna tional. - William M. McAllister, Inter national vice-president, reported on the district convention In Salem March 1 and 8. A humorous aketch waa presented by William Bowerman, Tom Oulbert- aon and Jack Porter. Lester Welsen- berger was appointed chairman of a committee to prepare advertielng for the next Issue of the Actlvlan per talnlng to the International oonven' tlon to be held here June 18, IS and 30. New members Initiated were Harold Walnscott, Edward Efteland and Jos eph Sailor. Guesta present Included Norman Favre of Eugene and Charles Tract of Spokane. AGED INDIAN SCOUT TO HAPPY HUNTING GROUND ALAMAOORDO, N. M., March 19. (AP) BhanU Boy, one of th few re maining Apache Indian scoute, waa burled with military honors hre to day. The 80-year-old warrior, who served under Gen. George Crook In the 1873 campaign agatnat Gerontmo, last of the great Apache chieftains, died on the Mfscalero Apache Indian reser vation Monday from Injurlca suffered when thrown from his horse. WALLA WALLA, Mnreh 18. (AP) Three varieties of barley grown on experimental plots here hrougnt malting house inquiries on the pos sibilities of commercial production. County Agent H. C, Burgess reported. Three others of 13 varietlea came thmneh the tet sucrejnillv. If Ruptured Cut This Out and mall It with name and address to W. 8. Rice, 6tB Main Bt., Adsms. N. T. You IU rewlvp ahtnlutHy fro and no obligation a genuine teat and full particulars tf ht am art rip teat and for reducible Rupture control that Is bringing a new ease, comfort snd freedom to thousands who have suf fered for years. No matter how bad the rupture, how Jong you have had it, or how hard to hoid; no matter how many kinds of tniwi ymi have worn, let nothing prevent vou from getting this FREE THIAL. Whether you are tall tMj IM... i.crt and stout or have a large rupture, this marvelous Appli ance will so control the rupturei parts mat you win be as free to worn at any occupation aa though you had neer ben ruptured. Test this guaranteed Method for reducible ruptnre without sny rsk. Simply send for FREE TRIAL to W. S. Rice, 090 Main St, Adams, N Y. HAMILTON FISH AT HOME f V-i ' " " KfT- Hi I tan n't' imiiiim in 1 1 run w j...,., if Hamilton Fish, Jr, posslbls nomine for the Republican presi dential ticket, la pictured In these Informal poses at hie home In Gar. rlson, N. Y. At top ha la shown In a moment of Inspiration while preparing a political address and later enjoying a period of relaxa tion In front of the flreplsx. Below, with member of hi family. Left to right: Mrs. Fish, Hamilton Fleh III, gd 9; Elizabeth, 1, and Mr. Fish. Associated Press Photos) K An Invitation has been received bf Angua I.. Bowmer, dramatic director at the Southern Oregon Normal school, from Reed college In Portland to stsge a performance of George Bernard Shaw's "Candida" there on April 17. The Mnvltstlon hss been aocepted, Mr. Bowmer stated. The Portland performance will be the ninth by the caet of "Candida," others having been presented In Ash land and Central Point. Bowmer also, said that he hopes to make a tour f the Portland trip, negotiations now being carried on for three other per formances in northern cities. Xt is felt by Bowmer that this lnvlatlon la an Indication of the recognition bslng received by work st th normal school In educational centers through out th atat. Announcement haa aiso been mads of th performance datea of "Em peror Jones," by Eugene O'Nell, latest SONS production, which will be pre sented at the school auditorium April S and 4. RECTOR DECIDES AGAINST RUNNING FOR LEGISLATURE To th Editor: Some time ago I caused an an nouncement Ho be printed In The Mall Tribune to the effect that I would b a candidate In the May primaries for th Democratic nomi nation for repreeentatlv from Jack son county In the legislature. Since that time circumstances (nothing political, however) beyond my con trol have made It Impossible for me to make th campaign. In view of the fact that someone els may de sire to file, I wish to state that I am withdrawing from the field, as Z have not yet filed, and can do so without causing any mlrup In the end. At the time 1 first decided to make the race, I had some legisla tion in my mind that J believed, and still believe, would b for the good of the taxpayers snd everybody con cerned as a whole. One was that th criminal lawa of Oregon: should be so amended that when a felony was committed, and the criminal re ceived a .sentence, that sentence should be mandatory, and mean Just the amount of time so named. I believe that the state board of pardons and parole should be abol ished and the governor, and , the governor only,, have the power to pardon when, and If, definite proof was produced that - the oonvlcted party waa innocent. California not only has a "bum blockade," but that state also block ades fruits and vegetable from crossing the stste line from Oregon, California bound. I am of the opin ion that Oregon should be given the preference (backed by statute) over the Jap, Hindu, Mexican, Fili pino and Armenian truck grower of th stat to th south of us. I am planting these two thoughts with the hope that someone will think of It. when th legislature meet In Salem next January. ' WM. F. RECTO a. 514 Beatty street. - STAGE OPERETTA "Th Purple Pigeon," an operetta In two acta written by Alexander and Matthews, will be presented by the combined glee clubs snd music classes of Medford Junior high at the Junior nigh auditorium on Friday evening, April 8. . The operetta Is being directed by Miss Mills, assisted by Mrs. Conder, drsmatlc teacher, who Is coaching the lead of the operetta and who la also making the costumes. Miss Kelly la directing the court dancers and sol diers of the tower guard and numer ous other dances. A ohorua comprised of soldiers of the tower guard, court danoers, girls of th oort, followers of the prophet, and servants provide besutlful and Interesting music. One hundred seeta will be placed in the reserve section downstairs. The remainder will be general admission. Student tickets will be for the bal cony. Reserved tickets may be pur chased at the Junior high school of fice or by celling 770. Grant Patricide Review of Trial RICHMOND, Vs.. March 19.v Xdlth Maxwell, 91 year old Wise county school teacher given a 26 year prison, sentence upon conviction of murdering her father, was granted a review today by the Virginia supreme court of appeals. Mlaa Maxwell waa convicted last November. She contended at the trial Meteorological Report - March 1, 1830. ' - Forecasts. : -Msdford and vicinity! Fair tonight and Friday. Moderat temperature. Oregon: Fair tonight and Friday, but ' becoming unsettled west part; moderat temperature. -Local Data. Temperature a year ago 'today: Highest, 13; lowest. 2S. -Total monthly precipitation, trace. Deficiency for th month, 1.08 inches. Total precipitation sine Septem ber I, last, 10.34 Inches. Excess for the season. 2.64 Inches. Relative humidity at 6 p.m. yester day, 37 per cent; 8 a.m. today, 1 per cent. Tomorrow: Sunrise, 6:14 a.m. Sun set, eras p.m. Observations Tsken at 5 A. M ltoth Meridian Time If $5 Wi 3-5? B n If I ? V Boise 62 Boston .-..- 48 Chtcsgo 88 Denver .-..- 50 Eureka 54 Helena Los Angeles MEDFORD . New York - Omaha Fhoenl Portland ...... Reno Roeeburg Salt Lake San Francisco. Seattle ... Spokane . 83 Walla Walla 60 Washington. D O. 50 84 49 1.58 83 36 .16 42 86 54 36 44 .48 38 56 42 32 "V 36 .03 63 38 T 84 42 " 49 .10 Clear Rain Cloudy Cloudy Clear P.Cdy. P.Cdy. Clear Rain Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy P. Cdy. Cloudy P.Cdy. Cloudy that she struck her father, Trigg Max well, with the heel of a slipper when be attempted to whip her for staying out late. She testified that be had been drinking. Are you a mernoer of Bttwlwyn B Hoffmann 'a B091XR. OLUBr . Join Now. $1 ,500,000 LEFT LOS ANGELES. lUrcb 19. AV Th Examiner sa4d today tbe will of Piinc Serge Mdlvanl, killed in Flor id polo accident Sunday, disposes of a 11,500,000 estate . One half of the estate is left to bis widow, tne former Louise Van Allen, who la named co-ex ecutrtx with Ed na Covert Plummrr. Los Angeles at torney, the Examiner said. The remaining half la divided equally between his two sis tors, prin cess Xna Mdlvanl Hubert ch, wife of a. London lawyer, and Princess Bouasad ana Mdlvanl Bert, wife of a Spanish artist; and his only surviving brother. Prince David Mdlvanl, the Examiner said. The Examiner said the will was drawn In Los Angeles last August, six months before Prince Serge's marriage to Miss Van Allen. - IN PARIS EXILE PARIS, Prance, March 19. (AP) Eleutherlos Venlaeelos, 73, former pre mier and "Father of the Greek He public," which haa now become a monarchy, died In self-imposed exile today after a short Illness. His wife and two sons, Sophocles and . Klrladla, were at. h!i bedside when he succumbed srly today to complications arising from a slight attack of Influenza. The statesman's health had ' been generally poor since he came to Paris after the failure of the Greek revo lution of March, 1935, resulted In restoration of the monarchy and wrecked the hopes of the repub licans. Venleelos, generally regarded as one of the greatest statesmen of modern times, "passed painlessly, bis physi cians announced. 4 Midget Psotos lflc. PEASLEYS. Pear Market Yesterday NEW YORK, March 18. (AP-U8DA) Pear auction: Six cars arrive-, o Oregon, 8 Washington unloaded, 18 on track. Oregon EfAnJous: 9135 boxes ex tra fancy 1.58e9.5. average 304; 3S88 fancy 81. 50 3.60. average CHICAGO, March 18, (AP-USDA) Pear auction: No arrivals, so cars on track, on aold. No Oregon quo tations. 1 . If you are In th market for good used furniture be sure to attend the Livestock Auction at the pavilion, Saturday, March 31et. LAWNMOWER8 sharpened. We call for and deliver. 33 N. Fir St. SIMS BROS. Phone 361. Ose Mall Tribuni want ads. "Now, let's look at this thing sensibly" drug and department stores. Ask for this economical, ef fective medicated doucha powder today ; Your doctor is right I Proper feminine hygiene is of utmost Importance to your health and happiness and experi ments with harsh, unreliable germicides are dangerous.. Medical science now ans wers the problem of millions of women with a truly effec tive, reliable antiseptic pow derthe result of careful, gynecological research. -. M.D. is now available at sf.D. HAS THE ADVANTAOE AND ADDED PRO TECTION FOR YOU OF OXYQU1NOUN SULPHATE LIFE LONG FRIEND' Keeps Them Fit a 70 ITHIIR MtOICINICHISTt ro 20 vmu I 1 jpkjtte If A This safe slt-veire Ubl laxative MR has ben as de pe ndable ai a family doctordurinR their trying "afttr for ty " years . N R keeps them regular year after year faith fullywith (MMf any need toincrease thedot-B No wonder Ihoir "avmin nf life" Is so free iTom osmplaints. Millions ol peo ple welcome the aid of this reliable corrective. For ! klaiitni'si UnvHv trnErthmat nrwl mnilalM thfl I tniiTi eliminative tract aafely carries away the : poisons mat Dnog ' on neaaacnea, 1 colds, biliousness. Get a 25c box. 1 All dniKRists. imm The First National Bank of Portland, Oregon Condensed Statement of Head Office and 28 Branches As of March 4, 1936 RESOURCES Cash on Hand and Due from Banks 118,102,720.61 United States Bonds 14,871,189.82 132,973,860.43 Municipal and Other Bonds 22,742,662.48 Loans and Discounts - - - 17,905,493.67 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank ....... 142,950.00 Bank Premises, Furniture and Fixtures - - - - 2,062,098.02 Other Real Estate Owned 186,506.61 Customers' Liability Acceptances 83,406.90 Interest Earned - - 426,456.33 Subscription to Federal Deposit Insurance - - - - 45,379.11 Other Resources - 79,487.60 TOTAL ------ 176,598,290.95 LIABILITIES Capital 12,500.000.00 ' Surplus 2,265,000.00 Undivided Profits 611,461.91 5,376,461.91 Reserves for Contingencies, Expenses, Interest, etc 400,487.91 Acceptances ............. 33,406.90 Interest Collected in Advance ....... 76,448.41 Other Liabilities 47.508.67 Deposits 70,663,977.15 TOTAL - - 176,698,290.95 MAIN BRANCH. . . . FIFTH, SIXTH AND STARK UPTOWN BRANCH . . . SIXTH AND MORRISON Other Portland Branch ROSE riTT BRANCH SOUTHEAST PORTLAND BRANC H I NION AND RfSSKIX BRANCH MONTAVll.LA BRANCH EAST PORTLAND BRANCH LIVESTOCK KENTON BRANCH RrnnrhM Outside of Portland ALB AN' GRESHAM MEDFORD STATTON A8TORI IIEPPNER NORTH BEND THE DALLES BEND HILI.SBORO NYSSA TILLAMOOK CONDON LA GRANDE PENDLETON I'NION ENTERPRISE LAKEVIEW SALEM WOODBLRN MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT IN8L' RANCH CORPORATION THE NEW RANGE THAT WILL Cleclrtfif Ofi merica i 1 1 Mil rSlc"; I rtS4rrSX im.'I - ; . j alt i -xrsV s tMKJ THIS WESTINGHOUSE JUBILEE MODEL Combines New Beauty With Amazing Economy and Convenience No description of ours could possibly con vey a correct idea of the exceptional beauty of design and finish, the symmetry of line, the masterly way in which this range is designed and built. The most careful workmanship and the finest of high grade materials assure a product of the very best. Look at these new features: . . . two Corox SPEED surface units (one with the new econ omizer feature) ; also two New Process EBONITE surface units . . . electric clock . . . artistic lamp fixture . . . ebony and car dinal condiment set . . . gleaming white, black and cardinal vitreous enamel finish . . . new 1936, improved type switch controls . . . auto matic convenience outlet . . . NEW 1936, auto matic oven with "heat eveners" giving 25' more usable oven space and record breaking oven .speed . . . new flat bar oven racks . . . roller bearing storage drawer . . . new type convenience handles and hardware. SAVE $50 AT THIS PRICE Astounding as it may seem . . . TOTAL PRICE ONLY $99.75 . . . Completely installed. $5 down and very easy monthly terms if desired. The California Oregon Power Company