I MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFOKD, OREGON. THTJRSDAY; MARCH lf. 1936 PAGE TWELVE PLOWING FREELY Jl Both Parties Spending Four Times Faster Than in 1 932 G. 0. P. Contribu tions Outstrip Democrats does not kill suddsnlv and many mako a complete recover;. "Since the llle expectancy of a per on born In leas waa SO per cent as compared with 40 for one born In 1001. H la apparent that more per sona are now attaining the heart dls eaae ag than waa the caat thirty yeara ago." the health officer report- WAfiHlNOTON. March U. (AP) The Intensity of the leas campaign waa reflected today In figures allow ing both partlea began the year pending about four tlmea aa feat aa In 1933. Flgurea complied from committee report for the two yeare ahowed alao that the Republicans are col lecting funda more rapidly than four yeare ago, while the Democratic eol lectlona are Blower. Here la the way the flgurea line up: During the first two month of 1933 the Democrats collected (00.000 In donations, while the Republicans tot (53,000. During the first two months of this year the Democrats collected (40,000, while the Republi cans got (361,000. Demos Hpend Most, in 1033, the Democrats spent only (M.000 during the first two months, and the Republicans (34,000. This year the Democrata have epent (333, 000. and the Republicans aias.ooo. The Democrats realized (300.000 from the nationwide series of Jsck aon day dinners In Jsnusry, and are now nlsnnliur a almllar money rais ing celebration on Jefferson'a birth day. In 1933, many of the Democratic gifts were for large aums, and some alao came from persona who now are opposed to th administration, Pierre 8. Du Pont contributed (13, sOO and John W. Davis (800. later on, the Democrats had con tributions of (38,000 from William Randolph Hearst, now bitterly op posed to the administration: (30,000 from John J. Raskob, and (3S00 from Balnbiidge Colby. Roosevelt sure. Other development In the politi cal picture Included s prediction by Gov. Jams M. Curley. of Massachu setts, that President Roosevelt will be re-elected, no matter who the Republican nomlnes la. Curley said that If Gov, Alf M. Isndon of Kansas Is nominated "he will be defeated by as big a ma jority as waa piled up over Hoover in 1033." Six candidates for the Landon pledged slats In California filed af fldavlta to qualify . for the May 6 primary. The Landon leaders aald the entire alate of 44 would be ready to tile by Saturday. From Oklahoma City came a atato ment assailing Senator Borah, avowed candidate for the Republican presi dential nomination, aa a result of his aoousatlon that the "Standard Oil company" was Involved In Okla bome Republican politics. Borah's Record Quoted. Wirt Franklin, former president of the Independent Petroleum Associa tion of America, said that In the senate. Borah "either walked out or voted In favor of the four or five largs oil companies engaged In Im porting oil," Frsnklln said that Borah voted against a tariff on oil In 1030. Urge oil companies, Franklin added, had been Importing oil to the disadvan tage of Independents. Westirn headquartera bf the Re publican national committee an nounced that Mrs. Katharine Ken nedy Brown had been named di rector of women's work In the di vision. Harrison K. Spangler, western director, wild the appointment In augurate a drive to llnevup women In the region. Williams Urged To Reconsider PORTLAND, Ore., March fAP Stats Representative Robert 0, Far rell, Jr., aald today that more than 9000 friends and aupportera petition ed Ralph E. Williams to reconsider his previously announced Intention not to seek re-election as Republican national committeeman for Oregon. . I PHOTOS lo. Peasley's Studio. JGH SCHOOL A turf field for the Med ford high school, to be the flrat gru football field In southern Oregon, was aaauTed Tiitaday with the sowing of grass seed at the new gridiron on South Holly street. Men have been busy for a week putting the final dressing of( top soil on the area. ' Th seed waa carefully rolled In Wednesday and the field sprinkled. Water will be kept on the newly sown gridiron constantly until the first shoots become visible, probably In about two weeks, those In charge of the project said today. ' ' Last year a fence was erected around the football and track plant; this fence U mounted on metal supports. Inside the fence were planted hedge plants, of a thorny nature, which In a few years will grow into a solid wall, obscuring the field from out side eyes. When the hedge has com pleted Its growth, the board fence will be dismantled and a permanent metal mesh fence put .In Its place, allowing the hedge to grow through, allowing Miiford what Is expected to bo the most attractive plant In the stt , The big grandstand, which was to have been erected under WPA, re oeUtfd a setback when the project waa cancelled some time ago. Ma trial for the stand Is , already on the ground, however, snd construc tion Is expected to start In"" June, al lowing ample time to finish the pro ject before football time In the fall. Spaniards Outlaw Organized Fascism MADRID. March 19. Ftaclim as an organized movement was out lawed In Spain today by the court Investigating the case against Jose Antonio Prlmo de Rivera, son of the late dictator, who was arrested In the bloody aftermath of the February 16 elections. ( The court announced formal prose cution and confinement of Prlmo de Rivera had been ordered, and declared Illegal the group which Is registered under the name of the fascist party In Spain. t . y , : L . ; Every watch repaired here la given the micrometer test. Jno. W. Johnson LATEST IMPROVEMENT! TO BE SHOWN FRIDAY Oeorgs M. Boyd, Illuminating en gineer, will be In Med ford Friday with new equipment to demonstrate the latest Improvements science has made In modern lighting methods. The equipment he la bringing Is quite elaborate and ahow various experi ments and MnnuHMt.i nf ihj sodium vapor light black light nign intensity mercury tight and the new Mania lloht. a vrv tnlarut. Ing aerlea of demonstrations acoom- panled with a lecture by Mr. Boyd. Mr. Boyd la an outstanding engi neer and lecturer and will treat in a non-technical snd Interesting man ner the new developments In srtlft clsl lighting for home, commercial, flood and Industrial purposes. Equip ment for demonstrating the various lights and their usee la elaborate, re quiring several hours to set up and take down. Med ford has been select ed as one of the few points on the coast to obain Mr. Boyd's services. As part of the national better light better sight program. Mr. Boyd's lec tures snd demonstrations are made to advance this program and every one la invited. There Is no charge of any sort. Mr. Boyd will be In Med ford only one evening. Friday. March 20. at 7:30 In the downstairs room of the Hotel Medford. Phone 843. We'll haul away your refuse. City Sanitary Service. Enjoy the alluring fragranoa of pantoufle ard LeOul Parfumt. young's Drugs, Main and Central. Use Mall Tribune want ads. FdDJP IB!!!!!0 IBSscciiiiSils Schilling Baking rowder TULE LAKE SUMP KLAMATH FAIjLB. March U. AP) Possibility of Increasing the area In Tula lake basin used for an evaporation sump by permitting the water to spread over some of the government land now leased to pri vate owners, Is being considered by the lessees. Oovemment lend, originally set aside for the sump, In recent years ! has been leased to farmers and has grown eitrnslde crops. There are no residences on this land and It ! Is not part of the farm lands In ! aha Klsmalh Irrigation project. With the return of the wet ryclr. the ten thousand rrvm for the sump proper have bem found to be Inade quate. Kwir years ago the water j rose so high It broke a dike thrown up by a pnvste leenee and last year 1 the same thing occurred. I-aat year all rrops were out snd no damaac waa done. Now the high moisture season has boosted the water Impounded In the sump to spproxlmntly the same ; level that It attained at the time of the break last year. MEASLES LEAD WEEKS DISEASES PORTLAND, Ore., March 10. $V Meaales again topped all communic able rtiwuwi in Oregon the past week. Dr. 'Frederick D. Strtrkar. state health officer, announced today. There were 389 canes of measles, '.118 case of Influents and f9 cases of pneumonia reported. Htarl dtsesse, which now claim more lives than any other cause, prob ably will reap even more In the fu ture. Dr. Stnckrr tutid. However, hrau Uicvc as a rule F.H.A. TERMS END MARCH 31st! CYC? v fill if ii ii fii ii POSITIVELY the LOWEST OPERATING COST of ANY REFRIGERATOR on the market . . . We can PROVEIT! TEST That PROVES TV., Y1RT7 AT17R 17Pr.Mr.MV ft ' NEW v-sxvj-is. a uii tivvMViui sx i ioo.A Monci c WW IIIWfcfhM 1 - ,feUM A are now on display! S r -ws. I 't ft7 ' e t Ala. IL. JKJLF IVllLaJPjIVA 0 Olva. V LESS CURRENT As Shown In This Test In Our Win dows a S e a 1 e d Meter Shows That The New General Electric 5 Cubic Feet Capacity Box Actually Uses LESS Current Than An Ordinary 25 WATT LAMP "DOUBLE THE COLD" TOO! Here's a bona flile. ahote-hnarri test thai FHOVKH nrioud all doubt thai the nrM.RAL F.IxriHIC Is Ilia MOST Ct'ONOMirtl. rerrlnersti.r ou run buy ... We .'hallenrT- ANY OTIIKK MAM rtt'TI Hl:H to riiial this unmilni lejt . . . RIMV.MItt H! are tetlii the rompnrnlh operatlni rest by uMm a I IVK I'oiiT HOX ana only a S W ATT LAMP Keep this In mfnit when yon 1nvetltnte for yourself the economy of VOI R next refrlierntorl A n 1 NEIV cabinet styling! NEUT convenience features! NEIT low operating cost! NEW prices and terms! And Low mi. A. F. ONLY 10 BEFORE APRIL lit X m CASH PRIZES PLUS A G-E WASHER AND G-E VACUUM CLEANER TO THE OWNERS OP The Oldest Electric Washers Ironers Hand Ironers Do ou runemlwr nlih you bought your flrt elwtrlml nppllnnrf? Per Imp tt wtu 5 or 6 yer art. One of thou MOLD TIMERS" may bf arreptm by the Gmti-Al Eirrtrlc Company' In the "OI.O TIMF.B" DUcoTfrr nrtTr. trtn one of your mnt recent pnrrhnte may qualify. Here Are the National Prizes For the 26 Oldest Electric Washers - Electric Ironer Electric Hand Irons General Electric Company will pay for description of: The Oldest Appliance $250.00 The 2nd Oldest Appliance 12S.00 The 3rd Oldest Appliance 76.00 The 4th Oldest Appliance 25.00 You Don't Have to Buy Any. thing to Enter You Don't Have to Bring or Send In Your Appliance or Washer . . . ONLY A DESCRIPTION! Ask or write for full particulars 3 -4 Mods.'; -S; f .;!. Beat i.A ?aw-2 : vj Without sarrlllclnr quality, this unusually low-priced nanher In rluiles: the (1-E "One Control" wringer, simplified Rear case (only four moving part) perma nent lubrication. ' ACTIVATOR, drain hose and quiet operation. LOOK - AT THESE FEATURES See These 6 Big Features 1. Activator Washing action 2. One-control Wringer 3. Never needs Oiling 4. Quiet Washing Operation 5. Long-life Adjustable Mechanism 8. Built by General Electric 'Equipped with quick-action pump at small extra cost, Let us show you these and other features before you buy. MORE DAYS TO SECURE F. H. A. TERMS BEAN, Iiic Special Terms To Veterans Demonstration In Our Store FRIDAY . SATURDAY M1M Hartwlr, will pemonslly demonstrate the o. r. KI.AT Pl 1T. Ironer In our store FRI DAT and SAT! Rn.iY. We Intlte you to meet Miss Hartwlr and let her assist you In solrlnf Yorn Ironlni problems! 229 E. Main St. Phone 497 laUsaasZllllJslaaa