Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 19, 1936, Page 11, Image 11

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Read etery ad on this page
You will probably find exactly
too things you have been
looking lor or sale or trade
tor unused article you may
have. 8earch your attlo or
tore-room you may find
many things others are seek
ing una be able to realize Im
mediate cash. If what you
want tsnt here, advertise tor
It Tribune Classified ad are
Inexpensive effective I
Per word first Insertion i
(Minimum 36c)
Each additional Insertion.
t Minimum 10c!
Per Une per month without
copy changes MM
Phone 75
LOST Car keys In leather container.
Call 939-Y. ,.
STRAYED Black mare with to al
white left hind foot. Phone 431-J.
lost If dog im'ssing. call 1518.
WANTED Logger with team to skid
and loan logs.
Box 460, Grants Pass, near Wilder'
capable young woman, housework,
T with chlldten. Good home
and wages. Phone 939-W.
DISTRICT representative wanted by
national W"n eJ. "no
man. 25-40, neat, attractive. NO
canvassing. Give qualifications. Di
rector. 301 Westport, Kansas City.
PAINTING and carpenter work to
trade for livestock or furniture. P,
j. Box 657.
WANTED Day work.
Phone 1345-M.
Mrs. Huaon.
and board In pri
vate home for elderly lady. Phone
39 after 8:30 a. m.
p. m. .
WANTED-Small Medford home worth
81600. Must be clear for equity In
one of the finest all-modern subur
ban acreage near Medford. Tribune,
Box 1418.
WANTED TO BUY Men's good used
suits. Used Wardrobe Shop. 618 E.
Main. ' .
WANTED 8400 loan for 3 years. Good
security. Tribune, Box 1020.
WANTED Bast little home near Med
ford 8400 or 500 will buy. Box 1021.
WANTED Springer cows and helf-
njiinh Wilson. Phone 111-X-l.
1 ZLX ments, e A. free water, $I5GG. Teiiiis.
WANTED . Sheley Anency. mile north city llm-
OOL its. Pacific Hwy.
Barest cash prices for wool and mo- J ,
hair, wool bags and fleece twine. j.R 8AL By owner, 10 to 80-aiTe '
MEDFOKD BARGAIN HOUSE tracts. Irrigated Bear creek bottom
ri No. Grape Phone 108? lmA yf milt from Medford; excel-
- - ' .ent for gardening. Phone 1524-L.
Hlsnest market prices paid for metals when you thitut of real estate think
of all kinds. rss. wool or cott.n. of brown WHITE
Southern Ore. Junk Co.. Swirt
Ave between so. Holly and Oak- EQUinr In Improved 1 acres ad-
aale. joining Central Point. Large bouse,
- -.i- , . n. i.i-,. .- gf.icxen houses and barn. Inoulre
WANTED Obert Hansen. Central Point.
we pay cash for household goods. ,
furniture and stoves We also buy pcR SALE Beautiful Income prop
metals hides, pelts, wool and mo- ty; best location In town. Also
hslr. MEDFORD BAROAIN HOU8 41. a. well located. Inquire 804
37 N Orape St. P'jone '.09a. Central Ave. So.
WANTED Plus, weight to 76 lbs An ORCHARD BAROAIN
State once In reply. M L, Mall 3314 acres, 7 acres D'AnJous, acres
SJrJu-; 3i yr. old Bosc. 4 acres 38 jr. old
TTioune. , oomice. balance ranch In alfalfa.
oirovrmiRF unholsterine. repalrinit, Pine modern home. Equipment
"?S"nE! w E W.lkeri phone goe. with place at 113.000 00 or arlU
m ao.7 M Peach tnM toT business building.
638 307 N. Peacn. ' CHARLES A WING AGENCY. IDO.
wanted Cook stoves, nesters. bed Exclusive Agents
spring mattresses day-beda asm- Phone 728. 109 E. Main
JoTt w". p casn,o7.x0ch.t H6u8E8 for sai. or rent J.ckaon
"SeVTdeaL PURN SxcOB County Bid, and Ooan Ass-n
423 B- Main At. "
WANTED FRESH cow and calf for sale. J. B.
CASH PAID for inner tubes, 10 per Bvnum, Dark Hollow road.
lb up Rags cottun and wool, up 1
to 6c per lb Scrap Iron small or for SALE Young, fresh cow. J. F.
large lota; elao all other metals of coller. Orlffln Creek.
all derriptlons - . . . r-?"!"-
11 Nn nrsne Phone 1063 ness. 1 set farming harness, full
" " logging outtlt. Call Con DeVore.
- ' ' " FOR 8ALF 0 ewes. Tom Hatlett, t
FOR RENT Unfurn. 6-room house. mlM o g,, pomj,
836 N. Central. .
' FOR SALE One team well matched
FOR RENT 3-room furnished house ma., OM Hlln. Orsnts Psss
S20. 333 No. Grape. .
fOR RENT 6-room house, sleeping FOR SALE POULTRY
porrh, bath. 600 Hamilton near ANJJ jjQQg
Washington school, slooo mon.n, iarL,n ,-r-.r,-.,r
Inquire at Medford Exchange, 30 gLECTROLUX refrigerator, air cooled.
So. Front. . , 5 cu. ft. capsclty. Operates with
JoV RENT Desirable house' on Vast ,12000' 0,11 728
sloe close In. D. T. Lawton. 821 W. 4th evenings.
Apple- FINE Narsiransett turk.y eugs. Route
yoR RENT Desirable 7-room hou Bo .oe. Table Rock, Central
on east side, hardwood floors, fire- Point, ore. oil burner fnt.4",?- 'n" FOR SALE-Narag.nsett torn.. Chat,
qr.irc at 138 East Main St. or phone t Dr.y oola H1 , nou north
16- . . ., of Rocky Point bridge.
FOR RENT 3-room modern furnish- POB eALE-M.mmoth Bronse tur-'
ed hoiise. 315 so. peacn. kfy poulu from fine early matur-
. "aao "month, water lng market type strain. Day old or
HOi,rt i?N Hollv brooded to eight weeks. Day old
paid. 612 N. Hony. i Miy 10th w Jsth JSc Miy a8(h w
7-ROOM house, newiv papered: bsin June 2S, 32c Write for Informetlon
and aarsee outbuildings. 14 acres about 8 week, poulu. Caih deposit
fine rrd-n land. Call Knox's Serv- 30"t with orders. James E. Coiia.
ice station. Jacksonville. M''"8'. Rt:' Ro'tn'r' r'
Ft'R RFN'f -Modern 4 room futnlsb
td bouse, garage 804 Bennett.
Yi RrNT -3-r.vm modern furn
.afced House, lie So, Peach,
FOR SENT 6 room modern house,
furnished, w. H. Iverhard, 1013 W.
FOR RENT Homee. furnished or
unfurnished BROWN a WHmt
FOR RENT Apt. 334 Apple.
FURNISHED one and two room apart
ments, with garage. 804 W. 10th.
FURNISHED 3-room apartment, pri
vate bath, hot and cold water,
lights, sleeping porch, garage
Adults. 912 8. Osidale.
FURNISHED Apt. for rent. 328 M. Ivy.
NICELY furnished apartment. Adults
only. Call BOS West 10th.
FOR RENT Suite In beautiful Hoi
ty Apartment. 4 nice rooms, JTIgtd
sire. electrlo range, hot and oold
water. Available now. Second dour
north of postofflce, 40. Bee man
ager In rear.
DURELL Court Apt. 8. 339 N. Holly.
FOR RENT Furnljiitrd apartment:
new, clean, private -oath, overstuff
ed. One 8-room. one 4-room at
tr.e Gloria Pan at South Central,
under management of the owner.
Mrs. Bechtel. '
FOR RENT 5 -room apt. partly
furn. Close In. Inquire 30 3. Fir
WANTED Boarders and roomers by
, the month. Call at 718 East Main
or phone 732.
ROOM, board, care for children. In
quire 618 King St.
ROOM at BOARD Home cooked
meals 125 per month 303 N Hol'v
ATTRACTIVE rooms. 404 8. Grape
FOR RENT Approximately 8.600-
aua river In Douglas county, see
oi write E. J. Page, Dallas, Oregon
FOR RENT 13 acres, Improved, on I
highway, McCurtaln's Service Bta..
l rmie soutn oi m.ent,
FOR SALE OR rRAUE Jonathan ap
pro ioc ana ooo m "
Vlita packing bouse between 9 and
4 o'clock Bring own boxes.
4 ACRES, almost new Improvements,
bottom land, free Irrigation. Cow.
chickens. 30 rabbits. Priced 91200.
Terms. A. F. Flowers, corner 12th
and Front.
FOR SALE 55 acres, 30 acres pear,
Bartlett, Bosc, D'AnJou. Grain pas
ture. Irrigated. Owner's house, fore
man's house, necessary buildings, 2
good wellv Box 1273, Tribune.
44 ACRES, irrigated, good soil, ad
joining Medford, on paved road, 6
room house, garage and barn. City
water. About IK acres In Ladlno
clover. tloOO. L. 0. Flckell, 204 East
Main. Tel 386.
FOR SALE 6 acres, 4 In pears, 4-
room modern house, basement, city
water and city mall delivery at city
limits. 101 Western Ave.
SACRIFICE by owner e.2,000 five-room
house, sleeping poroh, 110 ft. front
age, east front. Terms. 320 Portland
avenue. Inquire 312 Portland Ave.
FOR SALE 6-room modern residence
at sacrifice. Inquire 640 so. Fir St.
from blood tested flocks to hstch
Msr. 26 or trsde for shakes, cedar
posts, lumbrr or heifers, Geo. P.
UarUa, Oold H11L
PONTIAO 6 sedan, overhauled com
pletely; runs Use new. A real buy
at only eaas.oo.
Dodge and Plymouth
FOR BALL Essex cos ch only 11.000
miles. Good oondltlon. Inquire 30
6 Fir. upstairs.
Lowest Prices In Medford.
1P85 P.ymouth DeLuxe Coupe, like
' new.
1934 Plymouth Sedan.
1933 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe.
134 Chrysler Airflow Sedan.
1030 Dodge DeLuxe Sedan.
934 Dodge Coupe.
1432 Plymouth Coupe.
1930 Ford Sedan.
1H34 Ford Pickup.
Itf30 Dodge 8r. Sedan, 4 speeds.
Also a number of other models.
We have a number of Real Chonp
Cars. .
Used Car Lot, north corner 8th and
88 N. Riverside. . Tel. 18.
FOfl SALE One Star fl-cyl. sedan,
new tires and recently overhauled;
very good condition. Phone 47
Oall at 428 West 6th.
MRS. MOORE, at Merrick's Auto
Camp, Cabin No. 66. Wednesday
night and Thursday, will show for
sale three Boston terrier puppies
from Kansas City's best line of
Champion stock.
ROLLER CAN ARIES -2 1 S. Riverside
..a,, n , i I, ,i I
FOR SALE Spring-tooth harrow,
wagon with grain box. 625 N. Cen
tral. FOR SALE Brooder stove In 1st clast 1
shape, cheap. Also Model T road
ster. May's Ranch, Talent.
FOR SALE Third cutting alfalfa hay. I tlea a decree made for the dlitrlbu
Kanota. oata and corn. John L. tlon of said estate to the person en-
xwvbiuu. j
FOR SALE Cheap, electric and coal
brooders, electrlo washing machine.
304 S. Ivy.
FOR SALE 300-gal Handle sprayer,
ready to go. Price $300. Tel 468-J-l.
for SALE Two keg Super-Cold beer
cabinet dispenser. Leonard's. 119 E.
FOR SALE beardless seed barley and
atiaua seea. u. 11. lNieaermeyer.
FOR SALE Alfalfa seed. Ko. dodder,
15c lb. Joe Rush, Beagle, Ore.
FOR SALE Easy electric washer and
dryer combined. Central Point, Rt
1. Box 263, C. F. Meldln.
FOR SALE. SOO-gal, Bean sprayer
trady to go; Ford tractor. Hamilton
transmission. Darby wheels. Her
bert Ranch, Rt. 4. Box 176.
FOh SALE--Kanota oats and Hen
clien barley. O. F. Niedermeyer
HA 1 FOR SALE Grain or alfalfa
Gore Ranch, Jacksonville highway
FOR SAL13 God Newtown apples at
cheap prices. Inquire Sgobe & Day
Packing House South Fir St.
FOR 3al riaieo oat bay ground
alfalfa ana oat nay loose alfslfn
hay O A DeVoe. Phone 623 -J -2
PEPMANKNTS ll.bu and up. Pre
vest's. 23a So. Oakdale. phone 727
rYPEWRi iBKiBienna 110 N. Cen
tral phne ib'i ,
FOH SAnE Baled alfalfa 114.00 ton
Monarch Seed Do.
WHEAT and barley for seed, the prov
en ylelder; also wheat and barley
for feed, whole or ground. Vlctoi
Bursell Phone 85A-J-3
Fon sale Fine quality seed grsln.
nnry meoermeyer, j mile north oi
Jacksonville on Old Stage road
Phone Jacksonville 364.
ALFALFA SEED. 10c. P. E Bybee
Rt 2. Medinrd Call C. P. Nieder
meyer. Rt 2, Tel 623-J-t.
SEVERAL good used "McClanahan'
incuoatora. 34U-egg bio. 540-eeg
30. reconditioned, tested and sold
complete McClanahan Inc. Co.
380 West 13th St.. Eugene. Ore
FERTILIZER Any jnouut,
'18 s Fir Phone 1648-X.
MEETING extraordinary for Towu-
Brnu iiud nu. n, win oe neio at tne
Guild Hall, Friday, March 20th, at
7:30 for reorganization. Q. I. Max
well, president protem.
GRANGE DANCE at Applegate Sat
. urday, March 21st. Silvia's orches
FOR SALE Complete sawmill, or will
sell separate two engines, boiler,
edger, planer, cut-off saw, 54-lnch
Inserted tooth saw and other mill
parts. Bargain If sold before April
16 8. L. Johnston, Applegste. Ore. '
Abstracts f Title and
Title Insurance. The
only complete Title
System la Jackson
of Title. Rooms 8 snd 6. No. 82
North Qntral Ave., upstilrs
Long Distance Moving
LA ROE VAN serving Calif, Oret and
Wash poluU, semi-monthly trips
Fully insured Martin Bros. 701 a
6th 8t . Orsnte Pses Tel. 148-J.
Money to Lend
MONEY LOANED 6S0 to 8300 for
Dersonsl or household purposes on
House FtirnUl.lngs or Autos; slso
Cars Refinanced. Loana closed
within 80 minutes License No.
167. See W E. Thomsa. 48 Bo. Cen.
Radio mire
Orunow Radios.
Irs B Chsalaln
Phone 470 205 Jackson St.
TMtw. Ae-la:s, Repairing
CONfMER'iAL sprsying.
. f uOQ 26B-M.
Painting and Paperhanjliif,
Tinting b PaperhanKlng. Harry
Marx, phone H-F-4. it out 1. Box
distance hauling. Purnlture. oat tie.
anything. Ill N. Fir. Phone 1033
O Stuart.
Office 1016 No. Central Phone 816
Prices right. Service guaranteed.
TRUCK. IN a AND STORAOF Local sur-h rate of Interest not exceeding -and
long distance hauling, furnt pe- ent pel annum as they shall des
ture rauvltur, etc. Reasonable rates ignata and such bonds shall bear such
Tel- 83b. p. B. damson Co.
ers ana movers. Special livestock
moving equipment. Prices right
619 North Riverside. Phono 813.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, In and for the County of
Xn the Matter of the Estate of John
B&rneburg, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given, that the
unuerslgned has filed her First and
Final Account as executrix of t'ie
Estate of John Barneburg, deceased,
In the County Court of Jackson
County, Oregon, and that said Court
has appointed Friday, the 3rd day of
April, 1933, at the hour of ten o'clock
un n t y ,
time, and the court room of satU
County Court In the courthouse in
the City of Medford, Oregon, as the
plane for hearing objections to said
first ana final Aocount, the settle
ment thereof, and the distribution ol
said estate.
All persons Interested are hereby
notified to aDnear at said tim .mi
Plac show cause, if any there
be. why said First and Final Aamxmt
snouia not be aooroved bv th fiourt
sal. eeUte be decreed to ka fnitw
wmw nicrew, ana said executrix die-
cnargea rrom her said trust.
Dated and first nuhiihrf u.ivh
Executrix of the Estate tt
John j Barneburg, deceased.
Notice to Creditors,
Notice Is hereby Riven that thn
undersigned has been' appointed by
the County Court of Jackson Countv.
Oregon, executor of the estate nf
rn'rcnce n. May, deceased. All per
sons havlnir claims azalnst unirt na
tate are hereby notified to present
the same duly verified to the execu
tor. Don R. Newbury, at his office.
kwxh aiu. united states National Bank
Bu:dlng, Medford, Oregon, on or be
fotv six months. from the date of this
Dated and first published March
Executor of the estate of
riorence N. May, deceased
Notice of Proposal to Sell Two Thon-
Mnn uonars ($2,000.00) School
Kulldlng llonds of and by School
lilstrlct No. 74, Jackson County,
Oregon, and Inviting Bids Therefor,
tfotlce Is hereby given, thst sealed
bide will be received by the School
Biard of School District No. 74," of
Jackson county, Oregon, at the office
of the District Clerk of School Dis
trict No. 74, Jackson County, Oregon
until the hour of 7:30 o'clock p. m.
on the 27th day of March, 1038. for
the purchase of an Issue of bonds of
the said School District In the amount
of (2.000.00
da Id bonds will be negotiable cou
pon bonds, will be registrable as to
prnclpal only at the option of the
bolder, and each will be designated
"Sahool Building Bond." will be dated
as of December 1, 1035, and In the
denomination of $600.00 each, and
wl'S be numbered consecutively from
i so , ootn inciusiver and will ma
ture serially In numerical order at
the rate of 1600 00 on the first day
of December of each of the years
1037 to 1040, both Inclusive, will bear
Interest payable semi-annually on the
first day of June and December of
Mail Tribune Daily
ACR081 .
L Lose luster '
8. European
I. Duct
II. On
18. Deal out
14. Amerlcsn
16. Resounded
16. Forecasting
the future
18. Church of a .
tt. Without
IL Pols of a two
horse wagon
It. Princely
II. lien of the
sod lac
(olutlon of Saturday's Puzxl
Rlt Imatt1sta r a
A g ff VA I NplW RAP
iziu p iSuEiipi
KEY p rJE IlPr O N
wMh. k UMpO R ATE
C jO N C E D TIN Si P. S
OlD 5 R LjO L i L T
17. Form of vsrsl-
10. Measln "".bid res.
IL s-rsms for dry- olrstory
Iff parrh-
ment skins
II. Bslf wit be
tween esst
St. Boichta
40. .looms In a
41. Oama of akIU
44. Ailm1lM44
44. American
10. MerllOVAl
,nd north-
est: tbr.
14. Human
tl, Narrow d!a
Unt vlw
71 w -JStl
To if jJ3
!lZ f-- lf!L
. . .j. - - lmu ttfffft rwr; r??7r
4o 4, g42 43 mwlr
. Jim. Jm.
44 45 7447 ffl 4f
IP3 ' 'm
eajh year until maturity, will be pay
ab: both as to principal and InUrwt
In lawful money of the United States
of America at the office of the Conn
ty Treasurer of Jackson County, Ore
gon. These bonds are Issued by virtue ol
a majority vote of the legal voters
of aald School District No. 74, and
Resolution of the District Schtol
Board of said District, and pursue
to the laws of the State of Oregon,
Inc.udlng Chapter XX. Title 96 of the
Oregon Code, 1930. and laws amenda
tory thereof and supplemental there
to and are part of an Issue of
9.O0 00 of bonds authorised at tha
aforesaid election.
- Persons offering to purchase said
bonds are Invited to bid thereon at
jlntrest - rate as shall be designated
oy tne purcnaser inereoi as ajor-aaiu.
The borvda will not be sold for less
than par and accrued Interest.
Said bonds shall be sold subject to
the opinion of F. P. Farrell, Esq., at
torney of Medford, Oregon, and said
bonds win be furnished and printra
by aatd School District.
Staled bids (or the purchase of
sale bonds will be received by said
Dlitrlot School Board up to the time
of eald sale as herein fixed. All bid
mut-t be aoocmpanled with a certified
chttk payable to said School District
No 74 in the amount or two per
cent of the par value of the bonds,
which shall be forfeited to the said
School District In case any bidder shall
fall and refuse to accept and pay for
saM bonds, should they be awarded
to mm.
The right is hereby reserved to re
ject any and all bids. The Post Office
adr.ress of the office of the Clerk of
said District Is Trail, Oregon,
tty order of the District School
Bonrd of School District No. 74, Jack
soii County, Oregon. . .
Dated:. March 12th. 1036.
District Clerk of School District No.
74, Jackson County, Oregon.
NO. 109-304
the undersigned, the Corporation
Commissioner of the State of Ore
gon and Statutory Receiver . for the
TION, Of Portland, In liquidation. Is
about to sell to the highest responsi
ble bidder for cash, the following
described real proporty located In
Jackson County. Oregon, to-wlt:
Lots Three (3) and Four 4)
DIVISION of the Pago Property
In the City of Medford, at 6-11
South Riverside Avenue,
conditional upon the approval of tho
circuit Court of the State of Oregou
for Multnomah County, pursuant to
Petition No. 181 now on me ana
n.ndlntr therein In that certain pro
ceeding entitled In the Matter of the
Liquidation of the UNION SAVINGS
offers for the purchase oi saio.
nn.rtv will he received bv the un
dersigned at his office at 321 Oorbett
n,,lllni7 Portland, until 3:00 o'clock,
t u Mia 4th dav of April. 1038, at
which time all bids received will be
opened. Otfers must be In writing,
enclosed In sealed envelopes and ad
dressed to the Corporation Commis
sioner. The commissioner resorvos the
right to reject any and all bids. Cer
tified check In the sum of not less
than 20 of the bid must accompany
the offer, to be forfeited In the event
the offer Is accepted and the bidder
la unable to fulfill Its terms. The
successful bidder must deposit the
full amount of bid In cash within five
days from data of confirmation by
the Court, whereupon receiver's deed
will be delivered conveying said prop
erty free and clear of taxes and other
lawful assessments. Interested pros
pective bidders may obtain Informa
tion from the receiver at the above
address as to tho title and other de
tails In order to enable them to pre
pare their bids, but no guarantee will
be mado as to the accuracy thereof.
No bid or offer will be accepted for
less than 8,000.00 cash gross, or that
is nresented after sealed bids have
been opened; or that does not con
form to the terms and conditions
sbove act forth. No bid or offer will
be accepted from a bidder who can
Cross-Word Puzzle
4. Hire
ft. Sun-dried
6. Learning
7. Aciora
t. Dry
. Worthleaa
10. Pint man
U. Native of
IT. To
19, Measure of
It. "Lltihti out"
22. Spoken
23. Central Amer
lean counir)
25. Stralnera
27. Attempt
33. Unified:
It. Afternoon
SI. Built
25. Ornamental
17. Cfmt forth
39. city In Anuria
40. Poemi
41. Gaming eubea
42. AanemblARft
of cattle
4S. That girl
47. Viicoua black
I la u Id
SI. Pre nt
(2. Nob It man
63. Ocean
64. Icelandic Ula
tfi. Largt heavy
1. Coat of cer
tain anlmali
t. South Ameri
can river
t. Put on .
41. Historic!
not make a satisfactory showing of
financial responsibility or whose of
fer Is made to the Commissioner or
to the Court after confirmation of
sale to another hat been recom
This notice Is published on Thurs
day, March loth; Thursday, March
2t)th. and Thursday, April 2nd, 1936.
In the Medford Mall Tribune of Mod-
ford. Oretion, pursuant to the order
of the Hon. Louis P. Hewitt, a Judge
of the circuit Court of the state of
Oregon for Multnomah County, made
and entered on the 14th day of March, I
Corporation commissioner of
tne ovate oi ""s
Statutory Receiver of the
Union Savings Loan As
sociation. Foots Creek
FOOTS CFEEK, March 18 (Spl.)
Several from here attended tna tll
ver anniversary of tha Olvlo Improve
ment club at this community hall In
Rogue River March 9. Former mem
bers from Ashland. Medford. Grants
Pass and Salem were present, also Mrs.
W. 8. Nicholson of Marsbfleld, presi
dent of the Oregon 8tat Federation
of Woman's Clubs. A very Interest
ing meeting wai held.
Clay Biles la operating tha Riviera
plantation this year and will move
there as soon aa the present tenant,
Mr. Heap, finds a location.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elliott, who art
spending soma time at Jackson Hot
springs, visited her mother, Mm. Pau
line Walil, March 13. Their son, Don
ald, Is now employed at the cement
nlsnt In Gold Hill.
Mrs. M. Boomsllter was a Oranta
Pass visitor March 18.
Clvda Martin and Mr. Holbrook of
Blrdseye creek were in Medford on
March 13.
Dr. Carey, Mrs. Mcllvana and Mrs.
Fowler of Rogue River called on Mrs.
George Stead March t.
Many of the farmers and orchard
lata are busy getting their plowing
and cultivating done. Rolland stieni
of Rogue River finished plowing for
R. L. Miller and will help at the
Blrdseye ranch thla week. P. Dauga
bought team last week to do hla
overhead work with and Art Frost has
a span of mules.
Mr. and Mrs. John Weaver of Long
Beach. Cal., are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Daniel Bllea and are. looking for
Mrs. F. W. Rioter of tha oolony at
tended the farewell party given for
Mrs. David Oelvln and Mrs. Edna
Keith at the home of Mra. Whlta In
Rogue River Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McMsrrlek
and dhlldren, Alice and George, of
near Medford visited their home here
March 15.
Leslie Carr la leaving for Klamath
Falls, where he has employment. His
mother, Mrs. O. C. Carr, wno naa neon
spending some time In San Francisco
with a son and daughter, la expected
home soon. '
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Allen have
hnuiiht tha Chlsholm property on the
left fork of the creek and with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilis, movou
there last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Magerly of
Rogue River and Judge Grant Mat
thews, wife and daughter, Daphne, of
Grants Pass called on Mra. Qeorge
Stead March 18. '
Daniel Biles was taken seriously 111
Saturday but Is out and around again
nMrs. R. U Miller spent March IS
in a.hi.nd and was accompanied
home by her son. Rowland, who la
attending tha Ashland normal,
Mr., p. Douaa entertained the H. X.
club of the Live Oak Grange at her
home March 12.
m.iMAX. March 19. (Bp!.) Mr.
and Mrs. Prank Hurst and Madeline
Oomstock are visiting relatives in
Lakevlew. They expect to return on
Mennlfee Charley spent tne weea-
end with his parent!.
Everett Orlsaom brougnt nil catwe
up from central i-oin. wwiw-.
8am Coy went to ssgie rtnm -
urday to remain a few days on Busi
ness. Ben Oswsld visited at the werca
borne Saturday.
Farmers here are tam savan-
tagei of the good weather to do
their spring sowing.
Mr. and Mrs. L. h. wane .no
Mrs. Cecil Day spent Bunaay in
Central Point.
Mllrov Charley went to aagie
Point Tuesday and returned Wed
nesday. Howard Gold of Medford was a
Sunday visitor at hla ranch here.
Oeone McLain of Eegie roint
hiked to Climax Wednesday and re.
turned Frldey.
Master Csrl Jsnteer of Central
Point Is visiting hla aunt, Mrs. L. H.
Bam Coy and Mllroy Charley help
ed to brand cattle at I H. Werta'
last Sunday,
Jean Wlnnlngham worked for Herb
Grlssom last week.
Italy Take Over
All Wheat Stores
ROME, Italy, March 18 -(AP).The
XUul.ii government today comman
deered tbs entire wheat production
of the nation.
It eliminated the "middle man" In
wheat dealings through a decree In
structing farmers to pisoe their crops
In government warehouses and pro
hibiting millers from receiving grain
rrom any other source.
At the same time the fascist party
forbade, any further salsa by mer
chanta of any merchandise from
countries taking part In sanctlona
against Italy.
Ml vat Ion iMitt Dies
Salvation Army hesdquertars here
received cabled word today of the
death In Hong Kong, China, of
Brig. James B. Hansom. 44, who went
to South China last summer to
launch the first Salvation Army mis
sion work In that region. He died of
pneumonia after an operation.
S Hall Tribune want dt.
il TP I I I r 1 r. . I
I tuiu 1 j nagie roint
TOLO, March t. (Spl.) Miles
DiIf 0nut aon of Mr. and Mrs.
TkniMr n..u. who with hi. wir.
small children, came here, last No
vember and has worked aa an utra at
the Safeway stores In Medford dur
ing the winter, now has a permanent
position there. He came well rec
ommended from the company stere
at Hot Springe, Ark. .-' '
House guests at the Denver Davis
home last week were Mrs.' Emma
Browne and daughter, Virginia Tur
cot. They left Saturday for their
home In Oakland. Cal. Mrs. Browne
la a sister of Mrs. Blrdsall, who has
often visited here.
Mrs. Howard Miller and daughter,
Catherine, are home from the Osteo
pathic clinic, but the son, Jlmmle,
will remain for a while longer.
Mra. L. K. (Betty) Potter enter
tained March 4 the ' Carnation club
of Central Point. Members present
were Mesdames Bessie Fernland, Rose
Hodgson, Alta Kelly, Marie Langstrom.
Ethel McCoy, Msrle Putney, Lois
Richardson and Dorothy Root. Mrs.
Helen Murphy and little daughter,
Nancy Kay, also Mrs, Dorothy Owens,
were guests of tha club. Delicious re
freshments were served by the hoa-
Mrs. Potter, daughter, Nancy, and
son, Jack, spent three dsys of last
week visiting at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Apple,
gate, of Ashland.
Mr. and Mra. P. A. Tracy and
daughter, Ernestine, ware dinner
guests Saturday at the John Bohnert
home near Central Point, when little
Marilyn Bohnert celebrated her sec
ond birthday.
Tolo Community club will sponsor
box social In the near future. A
short program will precede the auc
tion sale of suppers. Coffee, cocoa
and milk will be served In the club
dining room. All are cordially Invited
to attend. The ladles, from 8 to 60
years old, are asked to bring supper
for two.
At tha 4-H club meeting held Sat
urday at the home of Mrs. Dorothy
Owens, Dorothy Tracy became presi
dent, filling the vacancy caused by
2lma Kawson's resignation. Muriel
Kllbura of Central Point was elected
Mr. and Mra. William Pennlnger,
with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Collins, at
tended the Applegate Grange dance
Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Owens were
among the guests who enjoyed a tur
key dinner at the home of the for
mer's parents Sunday In honor of
Rosemary Bishop of Phoenix.
Mr. and Mrs, Roscoe Applegate and
daughter, Dorothy, of Ashland gave
the L. X. Potter family a pleasant
surprise Sunday when they motored
over with a plcnlo lunch and all went
down the river road to one of the
beautiful plcnlo spots. They found
many pretty wild flowera. They drove
on to Gold H1U and back by the Pa
olflc highway.
Mra. Ralph Rawaon and son, Ver
non, motored to Grants Pass and back
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Over beck and
daughters, also Mlsa Ida Anderson,
were guests at an oyster supper Sun
day at the Tom DUncan home In the
Willow Springs district,
Mr. and Mrse. T. A. Muse, daugh
ter, Msry, and sons, Art and Al; Mr.
and Mrs. O. A. Thorp and family,
with George Wright, motored to
Olendale Sunday loklng over' the
country and visiting at the James
Bussell home.
Movies were being msde to the
north and west of Oold Ray Sunday.
Tololtes got a good view of the two
planea during the operations and as
they "bee lined" back to the Medford
Mesdames Prank Woolrldge, William
Wright, Mr. and Mra. Joe Collins and
Mr. and Mrs. William Pennlnger mo
tored to the scene of the roundup on
Little Applegate 'river Sunday. Messrs.
Wright and Woolrldge took three sad
dle horses by trailer. They also rode
In the roundup. On their way back
the party - stopped for dinner at
Amy's piece In Jacksonville. .
Mrs. Lee Hammarlay of the Bow
man beauty parlor staff was a Sun.
day night guest of her husband's
mother, Mrs. L, I. Hammarlay, oi
Pine Tree camp.
O. A. Baker, owner of the Pine
Tree camp ground, aaya tourist trsvel
la a month ahead of lsst year, con
sequently business Is better than for
some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Loftua en
tertained at dinner Sunday. Guests
ware Mr. and Mrs. John Green and
T, If. Hagsn.
Arlene Inmann. with her aunt, Mrs.
Edyth Bohnert, and little daughters,
Marilyn and Doreea Bohnsrt, spent
Sunday at the Tracy home.
Vlolabel Morrow and Wiley Davis,
seniors In Oold Hill hign school, hsve
leading pans In thslr class play which
will be put on In the near future.
Catherine Miller returned to school
March 17.
Betty Miller Is absent from school
with a cold.
Mrs. Una B. Inch, county school
supervisor, visited school today.
Aa there waa no school at Oold
Hill high Tuesday, two of tha stu
dents. Elisabeth Davla and Virginia
Duncan, visited at Tolo.
New benches aie being made for
the school which will aid greatly the
seating capacity for our community
Central Point orange
The Central Point Orange will meet
March 80, at p. m. This la tha last
night for the attendance contest so
we urge all members to be there and
help their respective side.
The program for the lecture hour
will be in charge of the men.
)7M tUU Tribune waul 8X18.
EAGLE POINT. Msrch 10. (Spl.)
Mrs. Henry Pry of Powers visited
at the Putmon home last Monday.
Mrs. Fry was called to Brownsboro
by the serious Illness of her sged
mother, Mrs. Hall, at tha home of
snother daughter, Mrs. Baker. Mrs.
Hsll was 93 years of age just a week
ago and has remarkably retained
her health and faculties until In
the past few months, when she' has
gradually failed, until now - little
hope is field for her recovery.
Ned Holmes and mother of Griffin
creek spent last Sunctny with Mrs;
Holmes' sister, Mrs. Cells Holmes, of
Esgle Point. .
Mr. and Mra. Wm. Perry. Mr. and
Mrs. Theron Taylor. Mrs. Doine
Moomaw and Clarence Day attended
the Townsend dance at Beagle- last
Saturday night.
Rehearsals are being held twice a
week for the Easter cantata to be
held at the church, under the - dl?
rectlon of Miss Yetta Olson.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hlnshaw of
Butte Falls attended tho dance at
tho Oasis lost Saturday night. '
Mrs. Dale Walker was taken to A
hospital In Medford Sunday evening
to undergo an operation. It la hoped
that she will experience a speedy
Bert Becklehelmer of Medford was
In Eagle Point on business Mon
dsy. Vance Pearce and Howard Gold
went to Klamath Falls . Monday
morning to look for work.
Tom Clngcsde left for Portland
Monday morning on a business mis
sion, expecting to be gone several
Johnnie Woodrlch was taken
the Community hospital In Medford
last 8unday suffering from a broken
leg near the knee Joint, which- hap
pened as he fell while practicing
Miss Maxlne Cannon spent last
Saturday and Sunday with her sis
ter, Mrs. L. D. Fox. In Grsnta Pass.
There was a 9-pound son born
to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pelle March
16. The report la that mother and
babe are doing fine,' but that Alfred
la having to wear a bandage on hie
Tommy Coy, eldest son of Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Coy, was married .In
Eureka, Calif., to Miss Wanaleah
French, of that place, lost Sunday.
-Congratulations and beat wishes for
many yeara of happiness are ex
tended to them,
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Haley enter
tained a number of friends at their
home and the Oasla lost Saturday
night. ,
Herb Perry Is feeling so Jubilant
at having new wheels and rubber
tires on his tractor. It la advised
that the - neighbors witob their
lawns and gardens, aa ha la trying
to plow up the whole country side.
Clarence Roblnett left last Sunday
morning for Mapleton- on . .few
days' business trip. .... -
Henry Chlldreth of Phoenix visited
hla brother Wea, last Sunday.. .
Robert Harnlsh and family of
Grants Pass spent last Sunday with
hla brother, Ray and family of this
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Perry- spent
last Sunday with "Ma" and Hattle
Hewlett. .'
Mr. and Mrs. John Norrla and Mlsa
June were callara oh Mr. and .Mrs.
Orvllle Henderson lost Sunday.
Clsren.ce and Wilfred Davlea and
Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Hank attended
the Pomona Orange meeting at
Sams Valley last Saturday night,
Miss Helen Carl of San Francisco
arrived In Eagle Point last Tuesday
where she will spend two weeks ae
guest of her aunt, Mrs. Frances
Harold . and . Ted Oeurtn of .dan
Francisco called on relatlvea In Eagle
Point Monday, while en route home
from a business trip to northern
Calllornla and southern Oregon. '
Mr. and Mra. J. O. Honnaford re
turned to their home In Esgle Point
last Saturday after a six weeks' stay
In Medford, where Mr. Hannaford
received medical treatment. He la
very much Improved In health, his
friends are glad to hear.
A meeting of the Fryer ditch com-
nany was held In the city hsll Mon
day night for the election of offi
cers for the following term. .
The next meeting of the Eagle
Point Townsend club will be held
next Tuesday evening, March 34, In
stesd of Monday night, as usual.
All are urged to be there early, as
the meeting will convene at 7:18.
so aa to finish the business mst
ters before time for our speaker of
the evening to take the floor. Mr.
O. A. Robsrson, of Portland, will- be
the speaker, and It Is sincerely
hoped a large crowd will be In at
tendance to hear this lecture, as
Mr. Roberson Is an accredited lec
turer, editor, educator and philoso
pher, and a very dynsmlc speaker.
Whether you are a Townsenoite
or not, come and ask any questions
In regard to the Townsend plsn and
Mr. Roberson will answer them. The
lecture will start at S o'clock In the
Orsnge hsll. .
Mrs. Don Brlttsan returned home
Ssturday from seversl days spent
In Medford with her parents, Mr.
and Mra. Brandon.
Firebug Busy In
San Fran Hotels
SAW FRANCISCO, Mnrch 18 (fl7
A firebug set biases In aevernl ho
tels and residences In Fillmore dis
trict early today, resulting In Injur
ies to five persons.
Fire Marshal Prank Kelly said all
the Urea were Incendiary and tne
man apparently planned to trap scores
of persons In burning buildings. '
I.AWNMOWERS sharpened. We call
fo and deliver. 88 N, Fir 6. . 81 US
sUVO. Phone 90L. . :