PAGE SEVEN "Midsummer Night's Dream" Spectacular Craterian Showing Thursday MEDFOKD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON. "WEDNESDAY, MARCH IS. 1935 Every Indication of Jackson coun ty schools turning out en masse for the special school children's matinee showing of '"A Midsummer Night's Dream" tomorrow morning at the Craterian theater Is to be had In the fact that sll schools In the county are Intending to dismiss classes so that the students may take this opportunity to see the fa mous Bhskespearean fantasy on the arreen. Personally dlrecteo. and supervised by the eminent contlnentsi pro ducer. Max Relnhardt, "A Mldsunv mer Night's Dream" brings to the screen for the first time one of the most famous of all BhaKespesre clssslcs. To further add to the enter tainment value of the production, Felix Mendelssohn's Immortal music serves as the background for the production. An outstanding star cast Includes such screen favorites as T.m. nnev. Joe E. Brown. Dick Powell, Anita Louise, OUvla de Havl. land, Jean Mulr. Hugh Herbert, Finnic MCHUKn. OB nir.BiJ"v , - r Teasdale. Ian Hunter, Victor Jorr. Mickey Eooney (whose por travel of Puck Is said to be among the film olay's outstanding hlgh- Hobart Cavanaugh, Grant Mitehell and hundreds of others, Covering, as It does, every phase m entertainment, such as drama, spectacle, romance, music, and much comedy, "A Midsummer Night's iMra wss made with a lavish hand. Max Relnhardt was brought n .! .imtrv especially for this production, after having made at nvlable reoutatlon as a Shakes, pearean producer In Europe; Nljln Tvmna fasllet maestro, wss se- iui to arranie the "Plight of the Moonlight" In which hundreda of nrt: hundreds of U&UUHD "w . I niHven were tested for the roles: nothing was left undone. The result Is & ringing answer to those critics who have maintained that the screen could never reach the eminence oJ h. tore. Students of Shakespesre will take a keen delight in seeing v trv unfold on the screen. Tt,r.M ai.hnoia whose students have expressed a desire to attend the special morning matinee include Aaate. Alderbrook, Antelope. Apple- nrownsboro. Butte Palls, trsl 'point, Derby. Eagle Point, Pern v.u. oold Hill. Griffin Creek, Howard. Independence. Liberty, Lone Pine. Medford, Mt. Pitt, North Phoe nix. North Trail. Oak Grove. Phoe- ... wtwtaiTBt. Prospect, Provoll, o.. niver. Ruch. Sems Valley, T.M. Rock. Talent, Trail, Valley TinH- m. tii willow Springs, If 'the response from the schools Is as great ss Is expected. It Is almost a foregone conclusion that It will be necessary to throw open .imiM of all tne local wm- . . n- thlr" special showing, The regular pubUo showing of the ni.. m he held at 2:15 and 8:18. with reserved sests now on sale t the Craterian boxofflce. 1 THE GRANGE LOCAL and PERSONAL Annlerate G ranee A regular meeting of the Applegate n,.. wss held March 13. Commlt- v renorta. The home ecO' nomlcs reported that the supper at the next regular meeting was to be a birthday supper In honor of the members whose birthdays era in the months of January, February and March. . . The meeting was followed by a program In honor of St. Patrick's day. . The purchase of lunches and serv ing of coffee concluded the evening. A baseball, lost 44 years ago tween the outer wall and tha celllnj of the Sterling county, Texas. cour house, was found recently when th building was rated. Amjt In Town Central Point vis itors In Medford yesterdsy Included Archie Psrker, the cowboy artist. To Vancouver Lewis Robinson left by train last night for Vancouver, Wn., where be will spend a short time. At Headquarters ' Lieut. Lysn Shields of Csmp South Umpqua Falls conferred yesterday with officers at Medford CCC headquarters. Here Todsy Business visitors In Medford today Included H. F. Weeks of Portland who expected , to return north tonight. Postpone Pinner The Ladles' aux iliary of F. O. E. announced today that the covered dish dinner planned for Friday has been postponed. To Enlist Dsnlel W. Phillips left lsst night for San Francisco where he will apply for enlistment In the United States army. Boyle to Portland Jack Boyle left yesterday noon for Portland on a ahort business trip. He expected to return tomorrow or Friday. Gates North-C. E. Gstes left on the evening train yesterday for Port land where he will transact business for a short time. To Portland Don W. Culbertsoo and James B. Bee be left on the eve nlng train last night for Portland to apply for enlistment In the United States army. Plan Chicken Dinner Royal Neigh- bors are planning a chicken dinner to be served at the K. P. hall tomor row from 11:00 a. m. to 1:30 p. m The public la cordially Invited. Hlgclns Away T. M. Hlgglns. dis trict manager of the General Petro leum corporation, left by train last night for Portland where he will make a short business visit. In Grants Pass Mr. and Mrs. Tom Roseberry and two daughters were among recent visitors in Grants Pass, calling at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. w. Beck. Former Resident Visits Mrs. Clara Shoudy. formerly of Ashland and now of San Francisco, left last night for her home after spending some time visiting Mrs. Clara M. Altken of this city. Home for Vacation Returning stu dents todsy Included 8111 Cummlngs and Noel Benson, who arrived on the morning train from the University of Oregon, Eugene, to spend the spring vacation with their parents. Bicycle Trip Kenneth Williams, Jr., and Don Martin of Granta Pass msde a bicycle trip to this city and back In one day Monday, spending a little over an hour In Medford be fore starting the return trip. To Zone Conference Cspt. William O. Ryan, welfare officer of the Med ford CCO district, and Eugene C. Golden, educational coordinator, left today for Camp Humbug Mountain where they are to participate in two-day educational conference.. Named Camp Adviser Harry W. Andrewsen was named educational adviser for Camp Sltkum today upon his return from an lnter-dlstrlct CCC educational conference In Monterey Cel. He left Immediately for his new poet. To Euxene Parley Frank P. Parrel city attorney, left today for Eugene where he will represent Medford at a conference of the League of Oregon Cities rrlday. Fred W. Scheffel, city superintendent, and J. Fllegel oouncllman, expect to leave tomor row for the conference. From Oregon Caves Capt. Harold H. Capers, commander of Camp Ore gon Cares, was a business visitor yes terdsy at CCC headquarters here. Model Home Meeting The general committee In charge of the model home to be built on West Main street will meet st 7:30 tonight In the Jack son county Chamber of Commerce. Olen Arnsplger, chslrman, will preside. Concert Announced Announce waa made today of the concert Fri day evening at eight o'clock to he pre sented by J. A. Hultmsn. the "Swed ish Sunshine Singer," at the Presby terian church. Admission is without charge, but a silver offering will be taken. Choras Meeting Every member of the Jackson County Teachers' chorus Is requested to be present at the re hearsal Saturday morning at ten o' clock ll) the courthouse auditorium. The chorus Is now engaged In In tensive practice for the spring con cert scheduled for Monday evening, March 30. inspect Park Lawrence C. Merriam. regional director, and Mark H. Astrup, reglonsl Inspector, national park serv ice, division of state parka, arrived today to make an Inspection of Pres cott Memorial park. They were ac companied on the Inspection by Fred W. Scheffel, city superintendent. Mr Merrtsm has hesdquarters In San Francisco and Mr. Astrup In Seattle. t Clean-Up Fires Advised The Im mediate burning of brush and rub bish was advised today by Fire Chief Roy Elliott. In a short time the per. lod for such fires will be over until next fall, the chief pointed out, and all worthless and combustible mater ial should be disposed of- now. No fire, however, should be left unat tended. Chief Elliott cautioned. Avert 11 Improving Walter O. Aver- Ill of 334 South Ivy street Is showing steady Improvement In the United States Veterans' hospital In Roseburg and will be able to return to his home In another week, Mrs.- Averlll stated today. Mr. Averlll has lost the middle finger of his left hand and be reach ed the hospital Just In time to save his hand, Mrs. Averlll related. He slashed his fingers with a knife some weeks ago while preparing breakfast at his Butte Falls homestead. Sub sequently blood-poisoning developed, ANYTIME: TODAY ONLY N. Foster C. Henry "The Hoosier Schoolmaster" TOWNSEND CLUB 2 GOES 10 PIECES E FOR LACK OF PUG Robert Shelton, Tracy, California, truck driver was scheduled to appear In Justice court here this afternoon to face chargea of operating a com mercial truck without a pus) permit, Arrested on a similar chsrge by state police In Granta Pass on March 8, shelton was taken Into Justice court here and fined S10 and costs, and or dered to unload before proceeding south. He failed to do this, state po Iocs ssld, and took his load of pro duce on Into California without pro curing a pubUo utility carrier's per mit. A warrant waa Issued for his arrest. He was arrested by state police here early thla morning, enroute north with another load. After his appear ance on the local charge he will be returned to Grants Pass on tha war rant Issued there, for a hearing. Prof. H. E. Wilcox, director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art In New York, hss been made an- honorary member of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain for his work in (Continued from. Page One ) At the meeting last night G. I. Maxwell made a motion that Mrs. H. 8. Becknell be elected pres ident to fill the position of Francis X. 6cherrer. president of the club who waa to present his resignation because of 111 heslth. The motion was protested from the floor, on the grounds that Mrs. Becknell had been asked, by the board of dlreotors, to resign her pos ition ss vice president for reasons which the board did not make public. Mrs. Becknell replied from the platform' "Yes. the advisory board did ask me to resign before Scherrer wss taken sick, snd I refused, I told them they would have to put me out." A motion waa made from the floor Immedistely after to voto on the problem of continuing "under existing conditions," or to disband. The motion to disband wsa voted upon and carried. A minority group of four members. according to Mrs. Miller, voted to support Mrs. Becknell, O. I. Maxwell and Arlal Burton Pomeroy and to reoraanln Townsend club No. 3 un der the leadership of those three. Mrs. MlUer stated tnat Mrs. pom eroy had also been asked to leave the club, the board of directors having returned her entrance lees about five weeks ego. Msxwell announced today that club No. 3 would meet at the Guild hall Friday evening at 7:30. for the purpose of reorganizing, and electing new officers. The board If directors of the dls- bsnded dub stated today that they had nothing to do with the Intended meeting, and etated that It was be ing called without the consent or official knowledge of that body. In relating the details of last nteht's explosion today, Mrs. Miller said: "The Townsend club No. 2 of ficers deplore the fsct that such de tails have to be made publle but we want It made known that we In tend keeping our ranks clean and will have nothing to do with politi cal agitators." Maxwell, in announcing the meet ing Friday for the purpose of elect ing officers and reorganising, said: "Local factions are working to place supporters of Willis Mshoney of Klamath rails at the head of every Townsend club In the Medford dis trict. That's what broke up the olub.H OnRialtoBill 'Hell Ship Morgtn," robust, red- blooded drum featuring George Bancroft, Ann Sbthern tnd Victor Jory, beads the new program at the Rial to theater today and tomorrow. Bancroft enacts th role of Cap tain "Hell-Ship" Morgan, swash buckling master of the Southern Cross, a tuna fishing vessel which sails the treacherous seas off the coast of Mexico. It is the same type of role that first brought Bancroft his great fame In "Under world." 'Dragnet" and "Dock of New York." Tha stcry of "Hell-Ship Morgan' revolves around the plight of three people brought together by a strange quirk of fate aboard the Southern Cross and the hopeless emotional triangle in which they are Involved. A furious tropical storm forces the trio to forget their personal issues. and In the ensuing events the fab ric of the film's drama Is completed, Card or Thanks , We wish to thank our many friends for their help and expression of synv pathy and the many beautiful flow ers sent us In our hours of bereave ment, and assure you that we ap predate It far more than words can tell. John B. Griffin. Everett Griffin, Lawrence Griffin. Mrs. Abble (Grif fin) Bailey, Alt Maylor. Card of Thanks We wish to express our alnoero ap preciation to our friends and neigh bors for the acts of kindness and sympathy extended us during our ro cent bereavement; also for the beau tiful offerings. Mrs. J. W. Stroup, Mrs. Daniel Rafferty, Wanda and Walter Stroup. Use Mall Tribune want ads. COL. KELLY UPHELD T The 103S law legalizing dart games and certain klnda of elot machines did Bo apply In the alleged gam bling case heard In Klamath Falls yesterday, It waa ruled by Judge Arthur D. Hay of Lake county who presided In place of Judge Edward B. Aahurst who had been disqualified. This waa announced today by Col. B. K. Kelly upon his return from Klamath Falls where he acted as special prosecutor In the gambling trials. Judge Hay also gave it as his opinion that the IMS law waa un constitutional, Col. Kelly said. The trial was an outgrowth of the recent squabble In Klamath Falls over al leged gambling In the city. JAMES A. BOYD, Estimator for Chemberlln Metal Weather Strip company of Portland, Oregon, will be In Medford for the next week, pnone Mr, Boyd at the Holland Hotel for Free estimates, no obligations. Buy on terms up to and Including 34 months, without Interest or carrying charge. (Adv.) 100 LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT Apartment, 3 rooms and bath, lights and hot water fur nished: Frlgldalre. 810 S. Oakdale MRS. MOORC, at Merrick's Auto Csmp, Cabin Ho. 6S, Wednesday night snd Thursday, will show for sale three Boston terrier puppies from Ksnsss City's best line of Champion stock. FOR RENT S-room furnished house 30. 333 No. drape. POR SALE Gaa automatic watei heater. Grand Hotel Barber Shop. POR SALE 300-gal Hardle sprayor, ready to go. Price 1300. Tel 468-J-l. FOR SALE Chesp. electrlo and coal brooders, electrlo washing machine, j S04 8. Ivy. I POR RENT-d-roora house, aleeplng ; porch, bath, 600 Hamilton, near Washington school, $10 00 month. Inquire at Medford Exchange, 30 So. rront. CAPABLE young woman, housework, assist with children. Good home ; and wages. Phone 030 -W. I POR RENT Deslrnble house on eaut side, close In. D. T. Lawton, 831 Apple. PONTTAO 6 sedan, overhauled com pletely; runs like new. A real buy at only 32V 00. PIERCE -ALLEN MOTOR CO. Dodge and Plymouth FOR Immediate dale, bedroom suite, electrlo stove, piano, othrr house hold furniture, in excellent condi tion. Phone 505-T. 4 ACRES, almost new Improvements, bottom land, free Irrigation. Cow, chickens, 30 rabbits. Priced $1300. Terms. A. F. Flowers, comer 13th and Front. WANTED Room and board In pri vate home for elderly lady. Phone SO after 6:30 a. m. 440 -R after 6:30 p. m. PHONE 069-R, re-upholsterlng, finishing, re-iueing. tbimuh. MEETING extraordinary for Town send Club No. a, will be held at the Guild Hall, Friday, March 20th, at 7:30 for reorganization. G, I. Max well, president protem. FOR SALE -Mammoth Bronze tur key poults from fine early matur ing market type strain. Day old or brooded to eight weeks. Day old May 10th to aath. 35c, May aeth to June 35. 32o. Write for Information about 8 weeks poults. Cash deposit 20 with orders. James E. Conn, Melrose Rt Roseburg, Ore. (1 EVERYONE INVITED U. of 0. Scholarship Fund DANCE SAT., ftri MARCH 1 DREAMLAND Excellent 9-Piece Orchestra Entertainment During Intermission PROCEEDS DEVOTED TO SCHOLARSHIP - FUND ! Admission 75o Couple Single Tickets 40o FOR SALE Two orchard ladders 10 and 13. child's bed. 403 Benson, j A Now I Est 1 W FRIED PORK I F J 1'pset Stomach Goes I I r-SJn iltry with Uell-ans I Bell-ans FOR INDIGESTION II Shows I 1:48 I 0:45-9:00 I Adults 25i m M c 3 Today and Thursday! AUCTION SALE TONIGHT 7:30 O'CLOCK AT WURTS GIFTS Every Afternoon at 1:00 p.m. rama on i rSllOCKIIIGl fLOATinii UADES QF HATRED 1 A blustering; captain a waterfront dere lict a girl of the streets . . . tog-ether in a raging- drama of the seal sjIOMOBROW AND Ohl Ih Ci 1 coming, trn J7 pnslli L,ra'ta' lS tOMtDV KINGS IN KIlTltS TO KEEP YOU IN CONVUISIONH ry 7 - - - Gi l V O rSS5S& ilTlfe) FIVE CROWN QCn sTFll k BTSD lUSJrK-aTH uUKVEV WWW 1 I I XI Wlsf-ia aaV -,1MIs11ll W mm DLfc HkV 95c $120 jzfay zJeaqfcafttb one zfuie PER PINT I EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTIONS EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTIONS Ray ("Cuckoo") Knight and his radio nuts in "SIGHING OFF" with Lois Rarfl Mabtl pearl's , Clisnsnnfra 7b Carrsr Troopa Thru Bodfll Sitters PLUS CARTOON and NEWSREEL NOW! THE BIG PARADE OF HITS! lad Mats . . ISO Bres . 3(Ic Riddles loo TODAY ONLY! Martin Mooney's cracking newspaper yarn EXCLUSIVE ST0RV" The sensationally true "Inside" story of tha blrrest racket of all! Thrills piled on thrills! featuring FRANGHOT TONE Madge EVANS; Stuart ERWIN Also Tonite Only at the Holly Tomorrow Only! Special Road Show Attraction 'A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM" BrWIUiAM SHAKESPEARE ft MvahV MENDELSSOHN Fri. and Sat.! T I It's Going to be Grand Fun! Hera comet tha creates! short subject arer produced bar nonel Oet yourselves set far Watt DUhmu'A mil J OPPONENT'S TEAM! Ill I Harpo Mar ffl Charlie Chaplin II I Man Laurel Oliver Hardy ,f PLUS -w tt ' -o Cop- Ill VJ- - Ml t. Ml N Ml m GLORIA STUARTlf '., ( 1 - MICHAEL WHAlENif , , MICKKY'S TEAM! Mickey Himself Tha Goof Btf Bad TTolf Donald the Duck The No. Ope player of year and little "David perfleld" VICTOR McLAGLE FREDDIE BARTHOLOM in Hotel Cornelius St3 r.w. rart Perils ad Feel at Home in "The Heart of Portland' Comfort Convenience Courtesy Service attractive Ratesi Detached " M op Wllb bath SIJW up flfcN O. ORI.MSON Mgr. fiiliS us nu"3 Park Ave Hotel tin g.W. Psrk Portland Bosnia Scotland; IN THE HEART 0T THE CITY