The Weather Forecast: Fair tonight and Thursday, with lot; normal temperature. TEMPEBATCBE Hlfheat yesterday CO Lo est this morning is Cost So Little Medford UNE Sd room &a Rst 3.Jo p-i S& Mali Trrnase 0frPd T?ti tn ihry esi o Uiil. Thirtieth Year MEDFORD. OREGON. "WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1938 fall Associated Pn? fsB CsJtedl s No, SOT. BJEflEncae rannu mstmn . 1 - - 1 : By Paul Mallon (CopyriRht, 1936, by Pan! M&llon) CLEVELAND, O., March 18. Sena tor Borahs game Is to build ftlnuelf up In the public mind ss the peo ples choice. Hi opportunity or doing it Is lim ited practically to two states, Illi nois and Ohio. He will 2Ue in others, but these are the two big ones, for him. XJnJess he can make a popular showing in these two central prt m t r i i, he Is Taut Jlallon through as a major force. Insiders of both camps believe that. A personal survey among men who know their politics in those states indicates that his chances right now are rather discouraging. The Republican authorities to Chi cago are privately guessing his maxi mum delegate possibilities at leas than half the Illinois delegation. Their estimates run down to mini mum e-pectation of scattering sup port. The Ohio primary has not been canvassed because the primary is a month later. May 13. But here, also, Jew will even give him halt and most authorities rate him down to a mini mum of a half dozen or so. While these are merly Inconclusive expert guesses, they afford a valuable hint that all Is not well with the Borah candidacy. Clever Republican strategist know alt this. They figure Borah already stopped. But even so, they are un happy. The wisest of them tear the aftermath of a warm Borah person ality crap. They wonder how large the wounds will be, and whether these can be healed by election time. Nothing that Borah has said or threatened up to now is considered dangerous to party harmony. But the stump campaign in both states la Just beginning. Word has lately come from trust worthy Borah sources in Washington that his coming speeches will be dig nified. Unless someone else starts getting unnecessarily rough, he will not. It Is said. This hsa only half assuaged the apprehension. Pear of a rough-house has caused good many Republicans who like Borah more than the other candi dates to shy away from him. One Ohio leader manifested Borah leanings some wee Its ago, but since has re mained silent. Before the primary this same leader will be out against Borah. Thus. Mr. Borah seems to be caught in a crack. Good political Judges out this way do not put too much faith in the many polls you see nowaday. Not that they doubt the sincerity of the pollers. They merely believe that such evidence Is Inconclusive this yesr of all others. ' For one thing, the voters which the Kelly-Nssh organization will bring out on election day have certainly not been polled accurately by any of the pollers now In the field. Opponents I Continued on Pag Sin KLAMATH RLVER OPEN APRL 5 TO JUNE 1 PORTLAND. Ore., March 18. (AP) The Klamath river will be open for angling from April S to June 1. but dosed thereafter, the state game department explained today. The portion of the river from 4000 feet below the mouth of Spencer creek and 2000 feet above the mouth will be closed all year. SIDE GLANCES by TRIBUNE REPORTERS Ed Reames home from law school at Oregon, and conversing in high ftown Ifgsl phraseology with T. Kramer Deuel, another Oregon law man. Th same Ed Reamea remarking thst while he was at Stanford- he kept thinking about what a fine time he had at Oregon, and now that he's back at that school he keep thinking about what a fine time he had t Stanford. Bill Morstan getting his hands slap ped for helping himself too freely to th wetntes at the DeVore-Ouenther defunct bovine emporium. Mows Aiford eliciting guffaws from Joe fit:, and chuckles from the rt of the eityfount-H by his sail!" of wit at last nights meeting. Idiosyncracy: Harold Larson mvari ably prefers to sit on a wast basket instead of a chair. Claramary Fuson needing hfip in S'tttng an auto unperkd, with onl six tnchrs to spare on each -d. 25,000 - HOMELESS AS FLOOD WATERS COVER JfVIDE AREA Swollen Ohio, Potomac Alle gheny and Monongaheia Rivers Swirl Over Towns Schools Are Dismissed HARKISBt RG. Pa., March IS. ( AP) Major Lynn Adams of state police told his office today lie was informed that the ie nahoning dam In .Johnstown ! leaking badly and Itkeir to go out at any minute." The dam holds nine hllHon gallons of water. Later Adams said the infor mation concerning the dam rame from one of his troopers within sight of the dam. Major Coleman B, Hark, su perintendent ot the Mt. Gretna military reservation, reported to iiarrlsburg later that an operator of an emergency radio station set up by the National Guard, near the dam advised him at 3:20 p. m. that water "had burst through" the Quenahotiing dam but that the main structure still was Intact. By B. H. Blppelheuser Copyright, 1938, by the Associated Press. At least 34 persons were dead, up wards of 25,000 more -were homeless ana property damage waa mounting hourly into millions of dollars, -as devastating floods raged through, the eastern states today. Along the Ohio, Potomac, Alleghe ny and Monongaheia rivers, steadily rising, swirling waters brought fears of even greater destruction, death and misery. , , . , t ., , Fires Add To Havoc Pittsburgh, inundated by the faigfa- ( Continued on Page Five.) CAMP LOCATIONS TOLD BY EKWALL -WASHINGTON, March 18. (AP) Representative Ekwall (R., Ore.) said today the Civilian Conservation corps informed him its recommenda tions under President Roosevelt's curtailment program calls for a net reduction of ten in the number of CCC camps in Oregon. I Tho reduced program is to be- i come effective. April t. The recom mendations for Oregon call for the withdrawal, of 19 camps and the re establishment of nine. The state now has 55 camps. , Camps to be withdrawn are: towel! , Lane county: -Trail and Ruch, Jackson county; Reedsport and Drain, Douglas county; Blaine, Tilla mook county; Grants Pass and Klrby, Josephine county; Powers end Camas Valley. Coos county: Camp Sherman, Jefferson county; Powers and Camas Valley, Coos county; Camp Sherman, Jefferson county; Sublimity, Martoc county; - Timber, Washington coun ty; Ontario, Malheur county: Cannon Beach, Clatsop county; Port Orford, Curry county; Otter Rock, Lincoln county; ' Biacoly, Lane county, and Port Stevens, Ciatsop county. Camps to be re-established after April I, Including camps previously closed and existing camps, are: Crescent Lake, Klamath county: Weston. Umatilla county; Diamond Lake. Douglas county; Canyon City, Grant county; Drain, Dougla coun- ty; Burns, Harney county, two I camps; Crater Lake, Klamath coun l ty, and Bridal Veil, Multnomah county. Ekwall said he understood final decision on the camps to be elimi nated would not be reached until the CCC recommendations are filed with the president end the forest service has passed upon the program. UN PLAN PORTLAND, Ore., March 18.. A new old-age pension proposal ap-) parM In Oregon today, backed bv the Orison aeri of the Fraternal Order of Eagle which wlH circulate initia tive petitions fr the miur i D D- Hll, lodge eaeeuUve, said the : pensions would be given without beneficiaries having to sign ow their property as security,, as unde the present state-federal pension plan. All persons 6 years of age or ow who owns less than $.1000 of propem ' would receive from 15 to $13 month i CHANGES IN GGC EAGLES TO PUSH Pennsylvania Center of Wide Flood fssii.-- If. Thl general lr view st th greatest flood in year at Wllkes-Bsrrs, Pa, that several the slly under lavarsi feet of water and sauted (cere of famine t fleet their hornet hevw 24? hsute Isolated by high water. (Anseiated Pre Phsto) TALY REFUSES JOIN SANCTIONS - AGAINST NAZIS In Rhtneland To Stay LONDON. March IS. CAP) Joachim von Bibbentfop, head of the German delegation to ths Lo carno discussions here, told the Associated press tonight he would teti the league council tomorrow that "Germany la in the Rhine land to stay, regardless of any moves by the league or Locarno powers. (Copyright, 1836, the Associated Press) LONDON, March 18. Italy an nounced officially today she would join in no sanctions against Ger many based on Reiehsfueferer Hit ler's denuncistion of the Locarno treaty. This announcement was conveyed to a public session of the League of Nations council by Dlno Grand., Premier Mussolini's ambassador to London. Ambassador Grand! declared that Italy fully recognises that Germany had committed a treaty violation, "but you cannot expect my country, after what happened at Geneva, to take any measures which are incom patible with or in contradiction to our Ideas. He waa referring specifically to the League of Nations sanctions against Italy for her war with .Ethio pia. The Italian statement of position fell upon the ears of representative of Locarno treaty signatories who were deadlocked in their attempt to straighten out the tangled Suro pean crisis. The French had flatly refused even to consider a British proposal for a Franco-German de militarized iwne along the Rhine. 1 BASKETBALL SALEM, 'March 18, CAP) Myrtle Creek high school advanced into the second round of the state high school tournament today with a 28 -to-23 victory over Mill City in th ojwwjing game of the series. Final ffore, Bel fountain, 5$; Umspin. IS. Scratch On Nose Causes Death Of Qlympia Doctor OLYMPIA, March IS. Igv-Or J. L. Paine, . died early $ocy from an fnfwtion of the brain re sisting from a scratch on his so. The Oiympi phyatrias had been unconscious for about 4S hours and passed away early today. The nose wouid was received his wife said, when the physician was attacked by Lynn Delano, Pupsilup, as ths doctor u about to give the prisoner a isnity -jttninaUon thr -it sgfj. PHONE OPERATOR GIVES STORY OF A telephone operator tn flood stricken Johnstown talked last , night with Joseph Wney, tnij ed Press manager at Philadel phia, over the last remaining long distance line out of the flooded city. Her story follows. By Operator T, Johnstown, Pa. (Copyright, by United Press) JOHNSTOWN. Pa March 18 (UP) It1 terrible. The water must be S3 feet deep. The Snook building 1 full of water past th first floor, and almost up to us on the second floor. I don't think ws will be safe much longer. There are only a handful of local lines still up. The police and hos pital linft ere out so X don't know PAIR GO NUDIST AFTER AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT SALEM, Or., March 18. ( AP Their stated desire to leave the world a they entered 1 Is the nude when they thought ths "world came to aa end following an automobile wreck; yesterday, resulted in Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burgess finding them selves In the Oregon state hospital for the insane. The woman, Mrs. Mary Burgess, about 39, told a strange story to Dr. John vans, assistant superintendent of tt hospital, when the couple was brought . rly this morning by state police. Her feet were bruised from walking barefooted and she car ried other bruises from 'the automo bile wreck which revealed the un usual incident. Dr. Evans declared her story was to ths effect that the couple had been residing In San Francisco, and were on their way by .ear. to. Olympja, Vash.( to visit with her relative. After reaching Albany, she stated, they got off the main highway and shortly l&irr their car was wrcfced. VALLEE'S NOSE PUNCHED BY SCANDALS PRODUCER KTW YORK, March IS I A?) Th Dally Hewt aatd todaj tfiat GOTge Whlie punched Rudy Vallf- "recently reconstruct ndae" tw Ume on tin Ug of the Kew Aauirrdam theater today at meet ing of U "ScarKJaia" company. Among the tltl auaieoc to the fray, the New aald, were Bert Leisr, wmie an Buitene Howard. Orcci Barrte aim SO Scania! beo ttwt. Whlt, f4!nf to the ftewa, t(d that Vallee cl!) hire a Daty Bam," A White' fifth b landet. tt paper said, as etactrtri-s daahed for ard ana pSnnM the producer rumrsf arm wmie other member of the company uhdaed Mi or ehettr leader. To'! e-n find me n time you nt. the Kw qumd wmt a wring a b left the ug. FLOOD PERIL now many people wers rescued, or whether any are dead. It stm raising Hard and the wasrt fttttl rislngv- Ztv ap-uhtag against cur floor now, Every minute another line goes cut, Ws are work ing in the dark. We hs t no fesat and It's getting cold. We haven't eaten s sine boos, and- boy, ant I hungry I We've been up here ifnce 1 a m and can't get out. The -current is so swift a rowboat can't operate aaa there are no motor boat on ths streets yet, streets that ars now rushing rivers- There are IS girls up here, W are jtist taking care of the few call that come to the board and telling them what w,know. Thanks for wishing me good; luck, pal, T need It. Believing ths "work! had com to an end," aha and fear husband "stripped off all our clothes and started walk ing down the highway. We cams into the world nude, and ws thought we were going out she Sold ih psjcfrla trist. The couple; walked down the grav eled highway for some distance and shortly, she told Dr. 2vsns, quits a few spectators watched them. Finally an elderly man proffered her a coat as "it was getting rather chilly at sundown," The couple later was picked up by stat police. Dr. Evans stated ih woman was not the suicidal type .o4 h believed the automobile wreck, when the car went off the road, wss not an si tempt to end tfceir live. Dr. Evans said the woman spoke about forming some original "cult, hut thst fe could not Interpret what ,typ. The, woman denied! belonging to a nudist colony. Mrs, Burgess, according to her story, had served sjb m secretary to a versus' bureau near Sen irsnciscOi White had caiSed Us meeting, according to tht papw. to Mi the ct to agree ta a tl ei h4t- down to that he cseM get rid of em Uy contract Is tfeflasee of ao equity ruling. Vailee contact not lnaSa, the paper aia, ijist when Whit broached hi propoaitisrt, the etoranf atepped fojri na g hi hty" deaenpuoa of the proaeser. The Hev, sa White tf nglng and tft H s g,ntriy ard trie produce via in -y winner. , Income Shares Maryland finding, Sid tit 21; aiied 20.17. Startiy irtcom wm, bid ,i H; aaked gt.ft, ROOSEVELT MS BILLION AND HALF FOR WORK RELIEF Present Trend of Employ ment Upward, But Pro gress Inadequate Says Special Congress Message WABHINGTOS. March . (AP) President Ro3erett today aa&ed con gress to appropriate i00.see.soe for work reiiet during the Beat go emmeni; year tsegirtntsg -uiy U la a apodal message to coagrea. the chief executive renewed the un- empioTment prohiera, proposed that the new funds go entirety to toe or progress adminietratios, and added: Tae trend of re-emptafmen I upward, but thlc trend, at ttc pres ent rase of progress. I laeaeqoate. X propose, therefore, that lee private husinea to extend its ope ration so aa to absorb as Increas ing number of the unempioyed, - - . Prtiste Enterprise Key, "If the employment gain are int. stantiat enough, na addittonal ap propriation by the next eosgreaa for the ftscaj year 18JT t!l he tseee- aary. The ultimate ooat of the fed eral work program Witt thtt be determined by prime enterprise. to making the request for ,1.500. OSOflOO, Mr. Roosevelt noted that more than !, 000.000 .000 would he apent out of the treasury in the next fiscal year from prior appro priation, vhlle the badge eort- tssntd. 600.000,000 for ttartou pus- lie works and ths ctettlaa Con serra tion corps. The gross projected relief outlay, consequently approximated tS.IQC.. 000,000. This compared with the president' Estimate that relief out lays in tit current financial year mil amount to J, soo 00,000. (Continued on Page Three.) MARTIN THROUGH COMMENTfNG ON MERCY KILLINGS SALEM. March 1. ( AP) Osr emor Martin today said h had "absolutely no comment to mase" regarding the criticism directed at him by the Ker, Michael A. Mul caire, head of the University of PoruaBd" department of social SE- enee. Ree. s.uiealre had criticised tits governor for hi statement recently that "rnrcy-kiillr of hspelesaly feeble-minded inmate ot state mH tutlon. "was , fine thing in theory," The goremor declared hs hs so further comment whsteer to make regarding either criticism di rected at him by opponents of Br, 8. 8. LsughUn's proposal for chloro forming tii idiots and. socially in adequate, or reistire to a feesia- mindfd oontroversy itself. The controversy, started by Wil lamette' educator when he addressed a else on sociology thst ail feehte mlnded person should be placed in a lethal chamber, has brought es rious reaction In official Oregon during the part fear day. Teachers To Held Ashland Conclave ASHLAND, Ore, March Thirteen hundred elementary school teachers and 'superintendents have been invited to the first annual Ore gon educational conference at South ern Oregon Krma! school April SS, school officials said. Topic will be "looking forward in elementary edu cation." BAER HABEAS CORPUS PETiTIOI. DISMISSED KFW TOniC, Msrch IS A! - Sedl Jydjs Bobrl, F, Psitcrsoc dismissed pcttUoa todsf for rtt 'if hbess corpus wought lit bh!f e Wsiter Bsp, nmsrf sclng d partstloft to Oermsnx tor cstmt ss thss tS Tssrs SfO, CRUCIFIED BRICKLAYER IS FOUND BY PASSERBY OCALA, wis. March MfAP! HS Bp sewed tightly with two stitches of twin and a heary hunt ing cost thrown over his head mttffl hi groans. Oeorg , Tim merman, go, unemployed bricklayer. was found sailed to a vooden cross in a heavily srooded place inside the city limit today. TILLAMOOK. Ore., March Si, .If, Orjiy a fear home were Hated; tossy foe tax foreclosure In Tsliamaoa county, which waa hard hit by the big forest fir of lSi, Hot s farm a listed. Apple Queen W-' Wttis?i Cvs) wss ssms Appt g5-m Feti st Ws- TOWNSEND 108 2 GOES 10 PIECES UNDER AGITATIO Spurred by thm somizU&a that Apolitical, pasuSo political sgl tatlosjU bod!s wets orkljij tih- iii thiif mit3 th To-seis4 tb at th!r i-l? mlln ta ,tle AccctJlr to Ma.rt.hs Mt'ilef, mn feer ol ihi -Advisory boa?- of ths Sls- ba-r sluts a political -git&Sors tuut ltmptS to g4 straisigi c!4 csa t-i Towr-sead K 3 cli.!.. Shs t1g Hirpoee, sat zvtTj d&xni member ot tht CiUb renta th Intrusiosj of rsdic and gitatlosal groups into our midst, Ws refuse to let poiitlcsl rtekters rids into offtcs on the ES TIREATEf RNIA HIKE U AHOStS, March IS AP The lam Artgeie police department's "Border BEsekaae." it constitution ality queaHoned by the state stterney generai, rsoes today the threat of s "hobs mneh" on CalHornis. Ben Benson, national publicity di rector ef the Kohoe sf America, said S8,89S men usaM 'marcs es ms frost the saUonsl sobo cenrentkm In -osisvfiie in Ma?, Jeff Dv.s, preaioent of tlte Inter- national Itlnerast Worker union gas Mm aaUiority to tttactose the plan, Benson declared. Ths pttro! ot the state boundary by I3S Lei Angeles policemen and their cctMtte in discouraging the entrance ot indigent were held to be vithsat the Mrisdiettort of the fed eral court bt 0. S. Jstrict Judgt Albert Le Stephens. FIND IOWA'S SKIPPER JUSTIFIED IN SAILING A ??i-rsl homtii of isqulry report?i Iswsv aMch. n off P5CaC spit ritti m lorn ef ii?s i2, vss liii?lsd is pmUns iht tnn ovi o acst. tAH.2 CHAHL55. L.. IS, J AP) Aa suiomo&iis slts i7 Hrr? 5, Hawses, oaes?med l?msj, so int th td frshi Srsm sjkJ dsrll!?d tm crs, feat Hsnsea Diamond In Rough Discovered By Boy tn Ogden Backyard OGDFSV UlSh, 3szeh An 0cu &xi$hhGTiifxi SgSC t? 0T .!TOTS US t fei.fTd &f ft sstos foasti"$ ishleJs Iocs,! fvm&s pcltlTtf proRiTynetl ;o rrs 3is- Ksmssstls i3-?r-l s&a of f. D, TSsspii, pcslic h s3s, md its fic4 ftt! plf, B tu hi ?tlw? wstfe its slo, SI ftlsr riV to tfee jsf4n -t now TIompfm tisrmd iiis jncTid ov? to Liscols -v, w!r w?s3 sskj ii si Sli Ciff ftst ?sssict STREET REPAV1NG PLAN TO BE PUT BEF0REC0UNGIL Special Gmup Chosen' ts Submit Feasible Pr0grarn 3 Properties SM Kew Ordinances Adopted A sfieeisl mmlttiS vzt ?3m&: by ti eitf council ktsi is ob s possible emssse ictsca 5s tss Ttm commiise's tizniirtga t& bs s-bmlusd to the coasiS i it ses asecuas oa April t Tiii iz-v&ZSgziXzg group camxsrl th jsre5 j?34 lis sccoMsz&c tUs ?-ais5 at tfes prT35s c&sms M?- SCftl SrU SiStC ?TjpGrt iSA4 tij5ht ilittt the t?its tiiit is ttl sJjotii four ml; tii p37 ssM. Ii n?sa atl37J4t3 Us 5ss of yjfr5 ths 1sse sboul tO&JSOi. or total p?sl!tii?e if ?- n-e panels jssss tse csj??uc- d Is IS 15 13 It 5d C42Ttd A better to Mayor Go"S W, ?ov r Ki tb OJUncU from Fraai ?, , FwwU, dty lESfe- point- oul; TWO NEW AS WPA P Thrss ajsckson couBtj W?A projects srs nearly co-mplfltloa. Coiiatj UnjU Reer Pstil B. R-nT.!g ?aportd tijda-, Tney ars t3 McAi draws c?r?l rtdg over Sesr creeK caa? ths ao?th?a cJty limits; iis Vail? Vlaw isjs, over Besr crwle In th Aalsad dj trict scd cousty po-3? asm !rap?o?4 ments Ths McAsdrsws fm bri-ds is fesr ilsya. TJis apprcaeh being mads, squirms cybia feet of eAJth-, Tin esrth Is 1s&y& bsuisd from Jackals th ct? tarertfi: th sess j?d The enh pp?oces prs:?l s Uniterm g?s-3s tl seiSs tfe - fight ef TH fcrtdf Is 450 fi Issg, Stli 20 bests. iwnt Is xppGr? Imjr Pct Orfom dasr piHrj. eedsr piS5ngs s i!!" s st s3 gstcsditloa at Albert MlcfeU ad .est in lsem ecus?:? Jot lijar 1 ntl! tlis s?Si of il5 oRf fra Sftrrsrr-ento, CaL MhfH Kogue Bl?e? fsll?y issrlee? fTO-r- Is Sti Of ?OT 355 Dpput? DiitrJct Aiomty h tarsd from CliJ?rsl, S-?? xhey msde fo ppli5lim Jo? tfes return of Us pir. Ossmsr mm Is peid t& rttmn i& caplisi TkursS?. rdUlca for tHs! 4 l file- t5sbe SGorpis 1SS PI mm Mint Truth W5 Ht fcS Sfe fe Washlnetort, D, C. upon t -inf word of hee sppsSatseirt to ! position of I'-lninr ste?ssir?sfeer " ' the teo's dsBiBisr-tOs i. appolDtmetit was s4 thrai eWtt aer-lc. Mt Wele is a peStsats) sf Me4 fsrd hlh sctsool aad ! Ksir4 Ituslnes coilesjft. ar-i hast s& ptoyJ ta the setatty rkfli for the past two year. H? fesst near Trail. She Is te teport for wor Is 6r arar ooaiitca ifciiaj saerRiSf. LEAWTS