PAGE SEVEN Tested Quality Auto Supplies at Worthwhile Savings! Compare! f ' ,n; i V J . , 5, 'Mi As Low As it 15 Plate Battery Pennsylvania Oi 1 I rEDFOKD MAIL TRTBTjyF. DFORD. OREGON". TUESDAY. FF.BT?T7ATT 2,1, 1938. VERS Pi STAM IMPS 04 "WARDS CALL THIS BATTERY 'WINTER KING' AND THEY SURE NAMED IT RIGHT. IT STARTS MY CAR QUICK EVEN ON THE COLDEST MORNING!" "Winter King" 24 Mo. Guaranteed Service Adjustment 25 VjMMMf i': JP JWF r : $ 11 it j IS Plata ' Exch. Price Get quality features that make Wards Winter King one of America's best batteries! 23 more zero-starting power than SAE specifications; 45 plates (15 to a cell ) instead of the usual 39; pleny of reserve for accessories, radio, heater! THI 24 MONTH U ARANTII SOUNDS tool TO ME THAT MIANS I'M SIT' TINA A SUPER QUALITY BAT TERY FOR LESS THAN lie A MONTH I" "YOU SURE WERE RIGHT. JACK! AFTER THE FIRST FILLING WITH WARDS 100 PURE PENNSYL VANIA MY OIL PROBLEM WAS SOLVED!" 4 Day Special Inc. FM. Til 2-gs.l. can $1.59 5-gal. can, $ 3.65 Refined from Bradford Allegheny crude the world's costliest! Su per tough, long wearing film, flows easily even in coldest weather, yet gives complete pro tection under intense motor heat! AH wanted S.A.E. grades. WARDS WESTERN OIL, gal. Hi. W7f4 "SURE IT WASI THERE IS NO BETTER OIL SOLD, YET YOU PAY ABOUT Vi OF FILLING S TATION'S PRICES FOR IT" 33c .30 4.40x21 i 4 ply plus 2 cord breakers Check your sire In the tabl below. Wards LOW price eaves you plenty! Standard's thick tread of,Vltlld rubber give you more mileage that meant lower cost per mile I 'Tou get greater safety, too, becauee Standard center traction tread deatgn mlnlmlsea skidding even on the moet slippery roedel Standard Latex dipped oordi and carcaja inaulatlon mlnlmtite blowout dangers! And all thla quality la baoked by the Riverside Tire Guarantee AOAtNST aTVERT THING WITHOUT LIMITI pty ply Plus t Cord Pins i Cord Breakers Breaker 4.40-4.50-4.75-5.00-S.25. MS CM. ISO 8.00. 6.00. 6.00- S.JO t.SS .tn .s .40 S.1S 8.10 7.JS .SS T.0 S.40 B.IS 10.10 . 10.00 11. so It.OO 11.15 I n -St J "Anrfhtr Rivir side . . I see 'em f J everv dv . . ft Treads looking like new even after 20.000 miles of service! No I umnJAti tViA asM-ist I-. 1 ones arc 'sticking &f to RiversidesT' piA All Other Sizes Proportionately 4 :::rll , ,r(s 5 WARDS Supreme Quality Vou Safe About 50 27 "You can't buy a bettei spark plug," say Ward users I Proved by mil lions of miles on the road. Built to your motor's heat range 1 Top Dressing 59t Supreme quality. , Pint, With brush. I Serve Money on Paint! Hen's Proof War els Paints BUMPER STOPS 89 pr. Bolts s-eldeil t o b a e k I Heary plated chromet are as fine as money can buy I You will agree, once you use Wards Faints. We're so sure that we're making this unusual introductory offer right at the stsrt of the Paint season. Buy and try now. Convince yourself of Wards paint supremacy. You'll always save 20 to 45 on Wards Paints. Save an tddi tioaal 25 during this coupon offer I civ y OLOSS WALL CNAMCLt verilitd 93.50 value; gal. CIRTIPIKD tIMI. OLOStl verlliad J350 value gal. eiRTirilO PLAT WtLLl varificd S2.8S valut; gal. COVERALL PLAT PAINT vehfttd $2.00 vilut: gil. MARPROOP VARNISH: rcrilltd 11.15 value; qt. CERTIFIED PLOOR AND PORCH ENAMEU hfd 11.10 vilut qt. 28c 2.85 2.50 1.70 1.02 82c i 2 Marproof Vamtah Regularly Prlred 1.0t 77cqt. with thti coupon Provides touch, dur able tinUh for floori, woodwork and (urnlturt. Sis Mvr tots provs Marproo! will outwear other varnithes at as much as 16-00 fallonl nrvfut Enamel Bfjularly priced $1.02 77c qt. 'with this coupon Tou can paf up to 2 94 VI i qua't but ;ou csn't buy fait anywhere: one coat eatia ewn-y. T i fail inTwnin, J A spreads ' rrjr7 dries without Bruin- TX ifisrke. Try it I CM 5 C DISCOUNT COUPON ! ood on purchase of one quart of Dryfaat Enamel or Marproof Varnish during Wards February Sale! I I I Name Addrea I I .J Wrench Set 11-piic. Cir bon tli Polish Cloth 29a 10 yds. Dou ble wide, Knit tubing. Oil Filter 91.19 Keeps oil clean t Sarea repaint Tuner for Ford 29 Ford T and TT models; asm efficien cy as original. SAVE ON FARM EQUIPMENT! OIL BROODER WarcU Low Price 35c Chick Fount, Galvanized. Fits Q Mason jars; rust-proof tin plate vC 30-hole Feeder. 1-plece trough, with sliding top. Round Chick Feeder. 1 Cl 7 feed holes; 6 inch diameter I wC Reel Top Chick Trough. Reel QQm adjusts for different size chicksOvJG No cold rones around outer edge of canopy combination drum and heat shield operates like circulating heaters and spreads heat to every corner ol the canopyl Special over size burner, wlckless bums without any fumes or gas! Tem perature is accurately controlled by Wards wafer thermostat! Simple operation nothing to wear out; long life! ' l Admit Healthful Vltrm-Vtolct Rat Ward's Place-O-Glass Now Is the Urn to build and repair your poul try bouses, bot beds, etc. Wards Place-O-Glaaa coats only a fraction of the price of ordinary (lass cuts easily with sciaaors and tacks on like screen cloth. SS Inches wide. Low priced at U 1000-Chick Sizi ft. 7' improved Type CeUO-Glass Reinforced with ovsl type wire... thicker, toujher, more Oil, durable. Lets In the ultra violet rays. 28 Inch width. Foot sJ 1 10 36-Inch Width Cel-O-GIaii F- HARDWARE SALE! 1 4 Tooth Garden Raltei $110 One-piece forree steal, with polished it- W I a I V ft. ah. handle. 14 tooth, bow atyle. Socket Type Lakeside Hoe tl Aft Solid aocket.tvpe .Sank and blade fijlly I WW pollened. '4-ft. northern aeh handle. ( In. width. Long Handle Shovel 91 40 Blade In. wide br 11H In. lonr. Nat- W I aai7 ural ftnleh. Length of shovel about Bl In. MASTER NAIL HAABTKR SRe LAKESmE RAADICR HANDLE Iff 2S-INCR HAND SAW 01. AS S-rNCH NICKEL-FLA TED PLIKRS Sll 14-INCH prPE WRENCH 7Bf RC WIRE, H-lb., 100 ft 7 RC WIRE, 121b., 100 ft $1.30 PORCELAIN KNOB, each S-INCH PORCELAIN TCBEK, each I 4-INCH PORCELAIN TUBES, eevck 1 1, TOGGLE SWITCH, Single Pol 10 DITLEX RECEPTACLE I Of RAKELITE SWITCH PLATE I Of BAKELITE RECEPTACLE PLATE 10 1: V J Low Priced CLOSET r i tj v-omDinaTion FN A l-rri Powerful syphon wash down action flushes the bowl quickly and thor ouahlv. Stalnnronf atir. face. Complete with Cllulld I i C.i Coatm -IUBI JBfll Waterproof celluloid sprayed on fine hard wood. Chromed hinge. FREE ENGINEERING SERVICE Plumbing Heating Water Systems Free Estimate Ak for Details Table Separator 1LIL $3 Down, $4 Monthly Small Carrylnr Charf Don't waate your valuable cream oold-water skim ming; of even small quan tities of milk can mean tremendoua waatiil Hero's a generator that's low priced, Just the right size for small farms, and can save enough extra oream to pay for itaelf In leas than a year! 8ee ltl Leakproof 12-qt. Dairy Paili, 35 3 for ?1 14-qt. Dairy Pall 176-lb. Tinplate 85? 8-qt. Milk Strainer Seamless Tinplate 45t Wards Speedy Flow Filter Discs; carton of 100 39? Oream Carrying Can 12j.qt. Trade Sise 75 ONTOOMERY W All