PAGE SIX MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD.OREGOX. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 24. 1936 .OCKED DOOR By GLUYA5 WILLIAMS STRANGE AS IT SEEMS By JOHN HIX Tor further proof address tha author, Inclosing a stamped envelope for reply. Reg. V. B. Pat Off. BYNOPSIS: FraukU Dmml U determined that a chop named Baeeingtoi-ffrench vnthta another ehay. Identified ae Alexander Pritchard. over a citff to hit death. With the connivance ot Bobby Jonee. her friend, ehe ha faked on accident and hoe gotten hereelf into the home of Henry Bateington drench, hhe tearnt from Henry1 trite that Roger, whom Frankie ttieperle. vrtll be along thorlly. And now ehe ie vorried becaueo Henry Baeeington-tJrench teem to be too nervout and txeitabl ot timet. Chsptar IS ENTER ROGER MOT that Henry ni always like l that Latar that aranlng-, at din- Bar, ba showed out la gulta a new llnht Ha joked, laughed, told ato- riea. and waa, for a man of hit ablll- tlea, quite brilliant. Too brilliant, Frank la fait The brilliance waa Just aa unnatural and out of character. "Ha baa auch queer eyes," ehe thought. "Thar frighten ma a little." And yet surely the did not suspect Henry Baaslngton-lfrench of any thing? It waa bis brother, not he, who bad been In Marcbbolt on that fatal day. Aa tor the brother, Frankie looked forward to aealng him with eager Interest. According to ber and to Bobby, tbe man was a murderer. She was going to meet a murderer face to face. She felt momentarily nerrous. Yet, after all, how could be guessT How could be, In any way. connect ber with a successfully accomplished crime? "You're making a bogy for your self out of notbing," sba reflected. Roger Basslngton Branch arrived Just before tea on the following af ternoon. Frankie did not meat him till tea-time. Sha waa still aupposed to "rest" in the afternoon. Wben she came out onto the lawn where tea waa laid. 8ylla aald. smil ing: "Here la our Invalid. This Is my brother-in-law Lady Francea Derwent." Frankie aaw a tall, slender young man of something over thirty with Terr pleasant eyas. Although sha could see what Bobby meant by say ing he ought to hare a monocle and , a toothbrush moustache, she herself waa mora Inclined to notice the In tense blue of bis eyes. They shook handa. Ha said: "I've been hearing all about the way you tried to break down the park wall." "I'll admit," aald Frankie. "that I'm the world's worst driver. But I was driving an awful old rattletrap. My own car waa laid up, and I bought a cheap one second-hand." "She waa rescued from the ruins by a very good-looking young doe tor." said Sylvia. "He waa rather sweet," agreed Frankie. Tommy arrived at this moment and flung himself upon bis uncle wltn squeaks ot Joy. "Have yon brought me a Hornby train? You aald you would. You said yon would!" "Oh, Tommy, you mustn't ask for things!" said Sylvia. "That'a all right, Sylvia. It was a promise. I've got your train all right, old man." Ha looked casually at bla elater-in-law. "Isn't Henry coming to tear' "I don't think so." A constrained note was in her voice. "Ha Isn't feel ing awfully well today, I Imagine." Then she aald Impulsively, "Ob, Roger, I'm glad you're back I" Ha put hla hand on her arm for a minute. "That'a all right, Sylvia, old girl." After tea, Roger played trains with bis nepbew. Frankie watched them, her mind In a turmoil. Surely this wasn't tbe sort ot man to push peo ple over cliffs! This charming young man couldn't be a cold-blooded mur derer! But then shs and Bobby must have been wrong all along. Wrong, that Is, about thla part ot It. She felt aura now tbat It wasn't Passlngton-ffrench who bad pushed Prllchard orer the cliff. Then who was It? 8he waa still eonvlnced ba bad been pushed over. Who had dona It? And who had put the morphia In Bobby's beer? With the thought ot morphia sud denly the explanation ot Henry Baa-alngton-tfrench's peculiar eyes came to her, with their pin point pupils. Waa Henry Bamlngton ffrenrh a drug (lend? CTKANtlELY enough, she received coutlrmatlon of this theory no later than the following day, and ft came from Roger. They had been playing a single at tennis against each other and, sit ting afterwards sipping Iced drinks, had been talking about varloua In different subjects. A pause had fallen while these thoughts were passing through Krankle's mind. It was broken by 0 OAM P ROND (ftp! ) Enrollee Parlt NAMlrod, member of comptny 353. CCC, Cmp Ann, Ore., hu been plaord on deUched tterrloe with company Camp Rnd, and will be employed by the Sltkljrou national foreM as a ln painter. He will be stationed itt the oranta PaM aide camp, opmted by Camp Rand. Five men from Illinois, who have been stationed av Camp Rand, were railed home to accept Joh taat weeit. Tney are Albert R. Churnoy, Brtirard M. Kumar, Joseph L. Pellino Dean W. Woolsey snd Robert K. Schubert peter CShiiiia ment home when he received word ot UUwas In his family. Roger apeaklng this tlma In an en tirely different tone of voice. "Lady Frances, I'm going to do a rather peculiar thing. Ive known yon less than twenty-four hours, but I feel Instinctively that you're th one person I can ask advice from." "Advice?" said Frankie surprised. "Yea. I can't make up my mind between two different courses of ac tion." Ha paused. Ha waa leaning forward, swinging a racquet between bla knees, a light frown on his fore bead. He looked worried and upset "It's about my brother. Lady Frances." "Year' "He la taking drugs. I am aura ot It" "What makes you think so?" asked Frankie. "Everything. Hla appearance. His extraordinary cbangea of mood. And have you noticed bis eyes? Tbe pu pils are Ilka pinpoints." "I had noticed that," admitted Frankie. "What do you think It is?" "Morphia or some form of opium. "Has It been going on for longr' "I data the beginning of It from abaut alx months ago. 1 remember tbat be complained of sleeplessness a good deal. How he first came tc take the stuff I don't know, but J think It must bava begun soon after then." "How does he get hold of It?" In quired Frankie practically. I tblnk It comes to blm by post. Have you noticed tbat be Is par ticularly nervous and Irritable some days at tea-time?" Yes, I have." I suspect that tbat la when he baa finished up bis supply and U waiting tor more. Then, after alx o'clock post baa come, be goea Into hla atudy and emergea for dinner In quite a different mood." Frankla nodded. She remembered tbat unnatural brilliance ot conver sation sometimes at dinner. But where doea the aupply coma from?" sba asked. Ah, that I don't know. No reputa ble doctor would give It to him. There are, 1 auppose, various aourcea where one could get It In London by paying a big price." FRANKIE nodded thoughtfully. "Why exactly are you telling me this?" she asked. "Because 1 don't know what to do about Sylvia," he said simply. You think she doesn't know?" 'Of course she doesn't know. Ought I to tell her?" It's very difficult " It Is difficult That'a why I thought you might be able to help ma. Sylvia haa taken a great fancy to you. She doesn't cars much for any ot the people round about but ahe liked you at once, she tells me. What ought 1 to do, Lady Frances? By telling ber, I shall add a great burden to her life." If she knew, she might have soma Influence," suggested Frankie. I doubt it When it's a case of drug-taking, nobody, even the near est and dearest has any Influence." "That'a rather a hopeless attitude. Isn't It?" It's a fact There are ways, of course. If Henry would only consent to go In tor a cure there's a place actually near here. Run by a Dr. Nicholson." But he'd never consent, would he?" He might. You can catch a morphia-taker in a mood ot extrava gant remorse sometimes when he'd do anything to cure "himself. I'm In clined to think that Henry might be got to that frame of mind more easi ly It he thought Sylvia didn't know if her knowing were held over blm aa a kind of threat. It the curs were successful they'd call It 'nerves.' of course aha would never need to know." Would he have to go away tor tha cure?" The place I mean Is about three miles from here, the other side ot the village. It's run by a Canadian, Dr. Nicholson. A very clever man, I believe. And fortunate!) Henry likes him. Hush here comes Sylvia " Mrs. Basslngton-ffrench Joined them, observing, "Hsre you been very energetic?" 'Three sets," said Frankie. "And I waa beaten every tlma." "You play a very good game," aald Roger. I'm terribly laty about tennis," said Sylvia. "We must ask the Nich olsons over one dsy. She's very fond of a game. Why what Is Itr Shs had caught tha glance tha other two had exchanged. "Nothing only I Just happened ti be talking about tha Nicholsons U Lady Frances." (Ceffi'i IMJ-JJ-J. telle Ct.uK,) Franhlt takta a tricky bull by the horns, tomorrow. Clarence A. Wlrtc, Camp Rand, wo recently underwent an opevatlon for appendicitis st a Medfoni hospital. Is recovering according to word re ceived here. Floyd C. ftmith. who is In the U. S. Vetersnv' hoapltal at Rose burg, ts recowrlr from an at tack of pneumonia, WORLD-WIDE AGAIN AT NOVENA MONTREAL MONTREAL Qlt .. Frb. 34 ISpll I FvilloKlns trsdltlon that cut j brk to ID'Jfl there will N Bln 1 this year a solemn world-wide no rena At Saint Jrwph's Oratory hr. March 10 to It. to participate In this norens. , It Is ntfcesisry only to send one's Intentions to 8lnt Joseph's Shrine. ' Cot-des-Ne!(res, Montresl, whera they will be plnced before the ststijta of Saint Joteph durlna the novena. A medsl snd a novens leaf let sre ent on reqnet j Usa MsliTtlbuna want ads. if On Friday, December 13, last year, Arthur D. West, climbed 13 stops to the top of the scaffold at San Quen- j tin penitentiary, California, to pay j ) with his life for a murder that he 1 had committed. Just 13 minutes after ! j the trap was sprung, Went was de-1 Iclared dead. ! The strange aequenc eof 13's and ( Fridays that ran througn hla crime f and conviction began on a Friday :n ' October, 1934. when West killed a fellow soldier. A Jury found blm guilty of first degree murder re , tuiing the verdicts on Friday. A week, later, on Friday, he waa sen ' tenced to die the execution waa or j dered to take place on the third Pri : day in April, 1038. Weet'e attorney appealed, but on Friday, September 27, the supreme court of the etate j denied the appeal. West waa resen tenced to hang on Friday, December 18. This sentence waa carried out. Strange as It seema, not all animals have red blood. A great many lower forma of animal life have colorleM blood, and others have blood of vari ous colors . The blood of many spe cies of butterflies Is yellow, and that of some marine worms Is greenish lAck of haemoglobin In the blood TAILSPIN TOMMY Tommy 60DDESS THE SUN NFOGMKO TOMMY ArtO SHEETS THAT THE 1 2 TC CJHOW THEY OVERPOtdEREO, S CACTUMAC, 70 THE TH0V, una sought REFUGE IN THE TUNNEL TO ESCAPE THE? SOL0ERS OF M BROTHER. BEN WEBSTER'S CAREER SOT VOL) WERE RIGHT, BEN AS THE VCXy KNEW . 1 h Vf - OJV. r TO 8E FRENDS,TOO- rr-, i THE NEBBS The Mediator PTEC A FCUIT LEiS EFFORT TD CUCTV IM SELL-. IMS TME. HOTEL AMD BUnOGiUC-. Aeojr PEACC Fl'MT ISTRVlKXj WU LUCK. &0!kji3 sum SO MM. ii jjj WRIGLEy'S 1 .AwneylS ALWAYS I WD I Takes a Chancel 7? -S PRVNCE. CACTUMAC Some Offerl -AS OON VvE ALL w. r , i -I'.Vl??J.Ti- EXAGGERATED I BuTyouoer 111 me idea, gdj XflrtpfpRWCS. CACTUMAC V. BsasVeAH.HOUJ MANV THE PRlMCE SAYS TwO-TWlRDsOLLV'.JlTrSA Pl ACKNOWLEDGES THEE S jBjT-vVOTeS HAS HE , OF THE ARMV FAVORS THAT 3 fe BREAK, Vm Y7$.l S AS (?UTZALCOATU--rTHArsaf?aSOT?ijL feXHin- fr C ALMOST A SKEETSl Listfkj ( SLtOEa.W.'E OwT LET GO TUfCL'oM VLtTU TViiS OeL - to bust up pime; comfwoiom WE'VE ll ekx.ove:d HE1(?E. AMD TELL M1M VOU'RE AVJO MXE UP f Ar. ti,V&e..a it-i- vvji-iw inc. I WM.. UE5 WS BUT LUCE 4 yrf,5 - SOCAGE 1-, -chickens I ry. . 'k uioto the re.aosj LoMor-yXtC 5 VV" I U? i' ! I- C S3ILLLJSTRATES IT cL He wfvj HhH&o oA. wmeo up Mimes Rfes Ml InQuerrfi'il wirehti&ij,, HIS- of lower animals accounte for lta col orlessness, and the presence of other substances in Its place account for the variety ot blood colors that can be found among Invertebrate animals. The larch tree In the above draw ing grew normally in en upright posi tion until April. 1931. when a wind storm uprooted It and blew It over. S-ncs trim the tree, strong and firm ly rooted, has continued to grow in ' an almost horizontal poeltlon. Tomorrow: Washington, the Loser. BUCKINGHAM 8 foe Cream Candy and Party Specials me Crest. J39 So Central ft"? I CV'C E2ZHZZZ5a- TH PERFECT GUMr AMslT MOBODVV I GOU' TO EAT L AROUMO HERE ) TONIGHT ? JZ. it-s UJROfJ m Soto him! l did to J if . i pousmt -we opticmis mcre j I tf W'M ANJD me WOULDVJT W TO PROTECT MiS PftOPEVSTV THAW - I USTEW TO ME AnjD 1 VOCULDM'T r, TO MXE. A PENJMV MVSELF.. leV'E UlN THE CWAKjCe TO DO , IN AN)VTUIM)6 1 GOT IS W15 AXJD WE (All OM L M-A1) JO ttT i I cvjs, ii ww i rLJt- I tf-; v i ij t-.- vik Jf l l i-i1 fi- i tjKJ t -orTt-D S I SIMM IH HALICAUIK6 DADDY!" UNTIL HE6ft A RELUCTANT ANSWER FROM THE SfUDV TriiN6 calls it woiildN'T' Take HIM VERY lOtfcCom tf, one or the Wheels CAME OFF A "TRAIN. CAR WIUIM7& 7.-24- S'MATTER POPv 2:FbR YH"t LAST Time. k Ini TE.LLIW6 Voy.Vou CAw't mccT SowkJ a- ' ' j V WHAT K-1U5A V!SPTHAT5 A HEAR "mitM ... I Ye7. LfQpyy JjS SA B- fOopvrlght, 1936, by The Bell Syndicate, Ine-V I'M NOT SO!N6 TO TELL VOU BOVS m nuw Viuin 1 uvc iuu 1 inrr irwi rtiiurH'a ML SPEAK LOUDER THAN VJOR.OS - wnrtp ' iiai m HEADS FOR STUDY tS' WAHTS 0 KNOW PiAlrtlUa HE WANTS DADDY 1b Frjt SOME- CAUiT HE COME IH? WHY DOES DADDY HAVE TO WORK OK HIS INCOME TAH-? HOW 10N6 WILL HE &E? FoR HIM I I I I CALLS BRI6HTW HE CAN SEE DADDY YriR.0U6H The keyhole. he'5 5m0kin6 hi5 pipe, ISN'T HE? CARRIES ON A L0N6 DISCUSSION ftTlbP VOICE WiTH MOTHER DP STAIRS, "To THE 6Etf ERftX EFFECT "friPff HE'5 SORE HE ISN'T B0THERIN6 DADDY (Copyright. 193S, by The BH Syndicate, lac) If KIOTMIKI6 IrL , TP pctusc ESS, - vwNitv 1 pouSmT tme tf TO PROTECT Wis "TO M-E. A PENJNJV MVSELF.. WHY RATTLES DOORKNOB ahd esrs DOOR fo SEE IF POOR REAllV IS LOCKED HEBR DADDY SI6H. P(S HIS PAPERS AWAiY CLOSE HIS DESK ANN 6Ef UP TO UNLOCK DOOR Bv C. M. PAYNE By HAL FORREST Pwe'LV. TAKE A in CHANCel-TELL. HM TO LEAD OH'. tOE'LL. &CK HIM UP1 By EDWIN ALOES HAPPEN TO BE A WEALTHY MAN, AND I WANT T06K. EACH OF VOU NOW IF THERE Q ANYTHING .VES, ANTHINC3 IN THE WIDE WORLD I CAN DO FOR EITHER OF ou, or Both op you f IF THERE IS, ILL DO IT By SOL HES3 conews roi? PftCPETy TMAM