PAGE SEVEN V MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFOKD. OREGON. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21. 1936. DRAFT TAX BILL (Continued rrom Paga On.) Despite the gain in ordinary inter nal revenue, the shutting off of pro wwlng taxes led to a net drop of 10.600.000 In January, 193. aa com pared to the previous January. Moat legislators expect Mr. Roose velt to recommend taws, perhaps to taling $500,000,000. to succeed the processing levies and to support the new farm program expected to pass the house this week. But many are hopeful that he will not go beyond that. There have been Indications that he may send hla recommenda tions to Capitol Hill next week. Democrats Caucus An unannounced caucus of Demo crats on the house ways and means committee was held yesterday. Chair man Doughton (D., N. c.) sold it dealt with "routine matters" although other congressional sources said the January revenue report, showing Im proved business, was discussed. Legis lators heard with Interest that treas ury experts figure on a 25 per cent gain in Income tax collections next month compared with March, 1935. Despite a wide sentiment In con gress against tax moves now, there was no Indication that senate "liber als" would abandon their plan to seek new levies. Senator La Pol let te (Pro., Wis.) plans to demand further widen ing of the income tax structure, to tax the wealthy more, and levy on several million smaller Incomes now exempt. In January, total internal revenue collections wefe $183,765,037, aa com pared with $194,365,650 In the same month a year ago. The comparative processing tax receipts were $780,395 and $52,007,134 respectively. February 21. 1938 .Forecast Med ford and vicinity: Occasional rain tonight and Saturday. No change In temperature. Oregon: Occasional rain west and snow east portion tonight and Satur day. No change In temperature. Temperature a year ago today: Highest, 56; lowest 37. Total monthly precipitation, 1.41 inches; deficiency for the month, .84 of an inch. Total precipitation since September 1. 1935. 15.07 Inches; excess for the season, 3.09 Inches. Relative humidity at 5 p. m. yes- terdsy, 74 per cent; ft a. m. today, 95 per cent. Sunrise tomorrow, 8:57 a. m. Sunset tomorrow, 5:52 p. m. BOWLING The Forest Service bowlers last night built traits through the Mall Tribune defenses and ran up a 8-1 victory in a city league race. The Rogue River Golfers made it a clean weep over the Abbey Motor squad. taking four straight. The Plche Hardware squad bombs against the Brill Metal five tonight. Saturday night the Bads Transfer team raids Into Grants Pass for the first half of a five-game series, home and home, with the Grants Pass Al leys team. Individual scores last night: Medford Mail Tribune 1st 2nd 3rd Total Prultt 156 154 187 197 Ferguson 15 133 163 448 Murray 140 187 156 483 Savior 200 161 170 531 Eads 313 194 160 666 Totals 867 809 826 3503 Forest Service 1st 3nd 3rd Total Olll 171 183 190 643 Johnson 166 169 128 463 Neeley 139 139 12 404 Janouch 149 127 161 437 Jones 147 140 180 467 Handicap 81 81 81 343 Totals 853 838 856 3547 Rogue River Golfers 1st 3nd 3rd Total Mansfield 176 129 134 439 Hammond 317 161 188 Sherwood 133 303 140 K Clark 167 148 150 Ellla 153 110 169 Totals 834 751 781 3366 Abbey Motor Co. 1st 2nd 3rd Total . Jones 117 134 145 Thornton 131 166 147 Powell 143 168 153 H. Newland 143 137 133 V. Newland 153 14S 141 Totals 67 738 717 3143 Meteorological Report Observations Taken at 5 A. M., 120th Meridian Time Is s! I5 fl fs 42 36 30 48 60 30 Boise Boston . Chicago Denver . Eureka -Helena - Los Angeles .... 63 MEDFORD .. 53 New York , 36 Omaha 10 Phoenix - 68 Portland ..... 34 Reno 53 Roseburg - .. 60 Salt Lake City .... 43 San Francisco .... 60 Seattle 43 Spokane 36 Walla Walla 36 Washington. DC. 28 86 .14 13 .... 18 T. 36 T. 53 .53 8 T. 63 .... 46 .35 16 ... T. 46 .... 34 .46 40 T. 48 .83 34 .16 64 .64 34 .52 30 .18 30 .10 Rain Clear Snow P. Cdy. Cloudy Snow Clear Cloudy P. Cdy Snow Clear Rain Cloudy Rain Cloudy Cloudy Rain Cloudy Sleet ON 1 0-YEAR PLAN The Jackson county agricultural outlook conference committees this morning pondered the final details of reports, they will submit this after-' noon to the general conference for approval, to be forwarded to Wash ington, D. C.,for consideration by the department of agriculture. The report of the grain crop group committee shows that "wild morning glory," a weed, Is appearing In the grain fields of Jackson county, and recommends thst steps be taken for Its eradication before the growth be comes a greater nuisance. A. S. Burrler, land planning expert addressed the conference on soil con servation and fertility. The session opened yesterday with 150 farmers In attendance, with H. E Conger, of Jacksonville, as general chairman. Purpose of the conference is to msp a ten-year program for Jackson coun ty farmers, all branches of farming being represented. Concerted msxketlng of livestock was shown to have yielded good re suits the past eight years, and re- turna from shipments of hogs and cows to Portland were cited as proof County Agent R. O. Fowler report ed that 700 new farms Bad been add ed in Jackson county in the pest six years. Truck gardening was shown to be on the Increase, tomato culture leading. Cultivation of onions lettuce and potatoes was urged, for future crops. Orchard fruits and nuta yield hBlf the farm income, it waa shown. "E1CKERN1CK" Undergarments that fit at Ethelwyo B. Buffmann's. Spencer Oorsetlere. Phone 1333-R. Coinmaiids ontver - BOURBOX H Q V WHISKEY J y yumm 41 J 11 UII I 1 'V PINTS Code No. M5C QUARTS Cod No. 1!5A e.v 1.23 Washington's Birthday Selling Event - Saturday and Monday! Washington made a Dollar go a long way when he threw one across the river Penney' s Want to ' show you they can make 98c go a long way. So we offer some bargains here that are as revolu tionary as Washington's army. We cannot tell a lie We do not own a cherry tree, or even a hatchet, but we chopped down some prices that will make the thrifty surrender like Corn wallis at Yorktown. Washington crossed the Delaware because he did not miss the boat. Take a lesson from George, Don't miss these superior savings! . Fancy Towels Jacquard designs; cannon brand 4 for 98c CEL0TEX Table Cloths A. colorful coated fabric in assorted plain colors 98c WOMEN'S Flannel Gowns Plain or fancy patterns 2 for 98c PART WOOL Blankets 70x80 singles- 98c Curtains Ruffled tie-back sets. 2 1-6 yds. long. Colors 2 for 98c J I Dresses n Jf H Acetate Crpp Bl Hoi Id oolnrn. HItim B 1 $ 14 to 44. A feature I 1 f 198 t V 'i "Olen-Row" II I Dresses II I nutty shades. J 1 lr.M 12 to 4. m eml tailored or 1 VJ dressv models- ft P3 TAILORED Jfc J JACKET j ? Suits I i (Vnllned) k Men's wear fahrlrs. 1 1 .'q R I d I Clllotltly nir " HAND MADE Doilies Amazing value, at 5c a New Items Just Arrived AT PENNEY S New Cotton Dress Materials 19c to 39c New White Shoes for Women for $1.98 to $3.49 Women's Spring Suits ; .$8.90 Women's Spring Millinery 98c to $2.98 Ombre Plaid Woolens, 54-inch. . .$1.49 New Novelty Tweeds .59c Cord-O-Lace materials. Yard 69c Women's Flannel Jackets .$2.98 Penney's First in Style, First in Value, First in the Minds of the Thrifty Shopper WASHABLE Card Table Covers Splendid quality Limited Quantity 2 for 98c WOMEN'S Rayon Gowns Hurry, they'll go fast at this price 2 for 98c Millinery New Spring models Another Penney value 98c Silk Slips White and tea rose All sizes; full cut 98c TWO-WAY STRETCH Girdles 98c House Frocks Fast colors; dainty styles; all sizes 98c Rayon Crepe Slips A limited quantity A real low price 2 for 98c Mexican Crash Popular 80-ineh drapery material 2 yards 98c RAYON Drapery 50-inch width New pattfrns and colon 2 yards 98c RAYON Pajamas Tailored styles 98c Dance Sets Silk Crepes 98c Foundation Garments New models for all type figures 98c Gaymode Hose Extra sheer chiffons 98c Carriage Robes Pink or blue ; fringed 98c CHILDREN'S Rompers New styles 2 for 98c PRINTED Pajamas For lounging or sleeping 98c All Silk Hose Chiffon or service 2 pairs 98c Ipl NEW I FAST COLOR! I m WASH FROCKS I Regular and Extra Sizes I 1 1 y 2 for 98c I H BKlrts iiarea or pieatea , sieeves r-i ft m Skirts flared or pleated; sleeves short or puffed. Sizes 14 to 62. Novelty buttons and buckles. A BARGAIN. I New Sprung Apparel You'll get a thrill when you see the new Spring DRESSES, COATS and SUITS at PENNEY'S. Our stocks are complete with new num bers arriving every day. You will marvel at the low prices, smart styles and the variety of assortments. Please accept our invitation to come and see these smart offerings. Our complete line of spring dress mater ials also awaits you. MEN'S Dress Hats New Spring styles 98c MEN'S Dress Shirts Limited quantity Not all sizes 2 for 98c Men's Socks Fancy patterns is rayon. All sizes 8 pairs 98c Boys' Sweaters Zipper front 98c Men's Neckties New selection of patterns 2 for 98c Work Shirts Blue ohambray; Full cut; all sizes 2 for 98c Men's Shirts Nucraft collars Broadcloth 98c CHILDREN'S Silk Dresses A new assortment 98c MEN'S House Slippers All leather A cloie out Now I 98c Men's and Boys' Tennis Shoes Superior quality All sizes 98c Bed- L ' , spreads I Fast color. I Full slwU only l 2 for II 11 BOYS' n Play Suits Blue or striped Sizes 2 to 8 2 for 98c COAT STYLE Sweaters for Men 98c MEN'S Pajamas x in unci ui vivnuviuiiu Sizes A-B-0 98c Men's Caps New Spring stylet 98c Children's All Leather OXFORDS 98c i ru :u I Rugs nig vain at 2 for 90C Special Feature ( Rayon J Panties 15c