MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOKD. OREGON1, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 21. 1936. PAOE REVET? r Ml Read every ad on thU page . You will probably find exactly trie thing you have Been looking (or or a tale or trade for unused article! you may have. Search your attlo or store-room you may find many things others are seek ing and ba able to realize Im mediate cash. If , what you want lent here, advertise for It Tribune Classified ads are Inexpensive effective! RATES Per word first Insertion 9c (Minimum 35c) Each additional Insertion, per word , , , lc (Minimum 10c) Per line per nfontb without copy changes $1.35 Phone 75 FOE WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND TAKEN UP One bay horse and one , dark mare, 4 miles out Crater Lake highway. Inquire Grants Service Station. LOST Mounted Elks tooth. Initials D. C. R. 228 on back. Return to 132 w. Main. Reward. jLOST If dog is missing, call 1616. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Woman for Reneral house work. , 10S Clark St. WANTED Housekeeper on a farm, one more Interested In home than wages. No objection to lady with child. Box 151, Tribune. WANTED Experienced waitress. Box 225, Tribune. WANTED MALE HELP BARBER WANTED For Saturdays. Call at 427 East Main St., Medford. WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Stock suitable for fox feed. Phone 1133. WANTED We pay cash for household goods. , furniture and stoves. We also buy ' metals, hides, peita, wool and mo- " hair. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE. 27 N. Grape St. Phone 1062. WANTED Cook stoves, heaters, bed springs, mattresses, day-beds, sani tary ouches and cots or what have you? We pay cash or exchange. NEW DEAL FURN. EXCHANGE 423 E. Main St. WANTED FURS FURS FURS Highest cash price paid for raw furs. Complete tine of traps on sale. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27-29 No. Grape St. Medford. WANTED Coupe. 1928 orJater. Send price and description to Box 245, Tribune. WANTED Small beauty shop, good location. S. Z. Roberts, Gen. Del Med(ord, Ore. ter; also mirror 8x6 ft. or smaller Dutch Mill, Klamath Junction, Ashland. WANTED TO BUY Small cash regis ter In good order. Monarch Seed Co JUNK- -JUNK WANTED CASH PAID for Inner tubes, lo per lb. up. Rags, cotton and wool, up to 6c per lb. Scrap Iron, small or large lots; also all other metals of all decriptlons, MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27 No. Grape. Phone 1062. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT email nouses In Phoenix, Central point and Gold Hill. Rental 5 and t7.50. Also several desirable houses In Medford, at 915 and up. ' Jackson County Building and Loan Association, Phone 195, or 1147-W after 6 p. m. FOR RENT o-room modern house. 714 W. 11th. FOR RENT 0-room modern furnish ed house, close In. Phone 457-J. FOR RENT Homes, furnished or unfurnished. BROWN & WHITE. r FOR RENT Modem 9-room house 15 Newtown. 4-ROOM- famished bouse (or rent, electric range. Inquire 306 South Oakdale. FOR RENT 5-room Bouse partly furnished. 417 Benson St. UNFURNISHED bouse. 4 rooms, bath and screened porch, at 1510 West Main. ei7w: water not naia. u. a DeVoe. M3-J-2. TOti k.ST Ncit 5-r; Fetfden ft Co., 11. 730. TOR RENT APARTMENTS TOR RENT 3 -room furnished apt, Elderly couple preferred. 206 Cot tage. FURNISHED 3 -room apartment, pri vate be. - sleeping porch, garage; sduita 913 So. Oakdale. TOR RENT Apartment furnished; ahower, steam heat, hot and coid water furnianed Mall Tribune of fice. FURNISHED APTH. Phone 878-X. BACHELOR apartment. 443 S Front fOR EXCHANGE FURKITVRI for lot; overstuffed. Box 941. Tribune. TOR SALE OR TRADE Jonathan ap ple ISc end 35c a Dot. Call at Ala vista Packing house between 9 and 4 o'clock. Bring own boxes. XCHANOE-Psin for y4 host and toaucr. 1023 W. 8U. Su FOE RENT FURNISHED ROOMS PLEASANT, airy aleeplng rooms; steam beat, garage: reasonable. 1211 W. Main. ATTRACTIVE rooms, 404 8. Drape. FOR RENT BOARD ROOM ROOM AND BOARD Meala served family style. 149 So. Holly. BOARD AND ROOM, rates reasonable, at 718 E. Main. BOARD Home-cooked meala served In private home. Reasonable rates. ' Near business district, 23 N. Orange St. Phone 1473 -X. ROOM & BOARD Home cooked meals. 125 per month 303 N Holly FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT A diversified orchard on shares. BROWN & white. Realtors FOR EXCHANGE REAL - ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE 2 acres. 7- room house, big hen house, cow, truck, tools. Call at Repair shop. 1617 North Jtiversme, Meaiora. FOR SALE OR TRADE Income prop erty, close In. Phone 855-J. WILL TRADE good 40 acres wtlh nice home (or Medford. BROWN & WHITE. Realtors. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE LONG LEASE OR SALE Improved 40, 80 or 160 acres. Must have your own equipment. Address Box 86, Macdoel, Calif. . FOR SALE Smal house, ciose In. Inquire 508 Palm St. MUST SELL small acreage on Rogue river near Pacific Hwy. under irri gation, some fruit, 4-room house and other bindings. Full price o25. p. o. Box 613, Oold Hill, Ore. FOR SALE Apt. house, good location; 7 apartments, furnished, all rented. For quick sale, 2600. Also, have a bargain In 242 feet liver frontage near Shady Cove. L. a. PICK EI .T., 204 E. Main. Tel. 366. FOR SALE Beautiful 6-room home 3 bedrooms, 3 large lota, plenty of shade, near high school. Small down payment, balance like rent. Another nice house; 2 acres, one mile out, lots of trees. Also several . amall garden tracts. H. G. Wilson, 7 Chestnut St. Phone 1564. WHEN you think of real estate think Of BROWN fc WHITE. FOR SALE 2 acres Bear creek; 3 room house, electric pump, barn, chicken house. Bargain, $560.00. part cash. Route 4, Box 393. or see Mr. Frick at Sgobel fe Day ware house. 7ACR.ES clover. Alfalfa; city water. Improved. 3 acres, modern house, free water. 4-room house, bath, olty water, 9450.00. City and country homes. Prompt attention bonus holders. ROBERTS. Realtor, 720 West 2nd. Tel. 1526-J FOR SALE B 4-10 acre tract; ideal location; close In, fine soil, some Improvements, house, barn, well, fenced plenty .wood. Priced right. See owner, H. Schermerhorn, i mile west of Phoenix. HOLDERS OF BONUS CERTIFICATES We have several properties which we can sell on easy terms and which can be optioned to holders of bonus certificates until certificates are cashed. BROWN tt WHITE. Realtors. 104 W. Main, Medford. HOUSES for sale or rent. Jackson County Bldg and Loan Ass'n. 20 ACRES, cultivated, close In, fine 4 room house, barn, large chicken house. 5A free water. Price 91600; terms. Sheley Agenc; 1 mile north of city limits. Pacific Hwy. FOR SALE House, 3 lota: Central Point 9650.00. Vz down, easy terms. Walt's Shoe Shop. 123 No. Central Ave. 406 ACRES on beautiful Rogue liver; 75 acres In alfalfa, finest bottom soil, over one mile river frontage, FREE WATER. This Is a fascinat ing place for your recreational home and also has great commercial value and only a few minutes from Med ford. A rare chance to own one of the finest places on the Rogue. BROWN tc WHITE, REALTORS. FOR SALE by owner. 10 to 80 -acre tracts, irrigated Bear creek bottom land. mile from Medford; excel lent for gardening. Phone 1524-L FOR SALE POULTRY AND EGGS FOR SALE B. Rocks and R. I. Red baby chicks, due Feb. 25th; quality stock, 910 per hundred. Cummlngs Poultry Ranch, A miles out Midway road. FOR SALE DOGS PETS ROLLER canaries. 21 S. Riverside. ROLLER cansrles. Phone 033-J-9. FOE SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALS OR TRADE Young Red brood sow and one fat hog; will trade for young heirer or on milk cow and pay difference. Phone 14J3-R-a. FOR SALE R. I. R. pullets, laying, $1.00 each. r. c. Login. Talent. 1 mile wst Talent school. HANSON strsln White Leghorn hatch Ing eegs from old hens msted to cockerels of 275 and bettT dsma. Phone 19-F-3. WHITE LDOHORN and R. I. Red breeding cockerels. Reduced prices Mrs. R. E. Cs.iey. Phone 814-W. FOR SALE Paby chicks, all breeds. RUht prices. Monarch Seed and Peed 00. CARLZY POULTRY FARM Pedigreed Leghorn. R. I. Reds. Hitching Eggs. Baby Chicks. POU SALE R. I. R. bens. Tel. 931 -R. F.VE Rronre hens and one torn. 430. Tel. 510-R-J. i FOR SALE Purebred red cocker spsn- lel.remai,. Call Humane Society, I wis. TOE SALE POULTRY AND EQGS PLYMOUTH ROCK pullet for sale. B. W. Ford. Lozler Lane. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES GOOD USED CARS Get Our Prices before You Buy. THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS 1934 Dodge DeLuxe Coupe. 1934 Ford V-8 Sedan. Both. Oars Priced Very Low. We have the highest class stock of Used Cars In Authern Oregon. See and drive thTm. Used Car Lot, North Corner Sixth and Bartlett. LANGE MOTOR CO. Chrysler-Plymouth Dealer. 38 N. Riverside. Tel. 18. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Half million feet pine timber: also 100 M. white fir; H ml. off Oreenspting Hwy.. with road in: near sawmills. Priced to sell; terms U desired. Phone 839-J-t. Medford. FOR SALE White dressing table, bench, chiffonier. 115.00. 317 So. Orange. AXMINSTER rug. as. 60; day bed, 46.50; dresser, (7.50; cook stove, 110.00: breakfast set,; kitchen cabi net, 7. 50: Victor radio, 410; good guitar, 46.50; set work harness, 413.50; garden seeder, 46.50; new sluice boxes. $1.00 each; Incubators. 1 oil, I electric: good cow, Al's Trading Post, Jacksonville Hwy. and Lozler Lane. FOR SALE Common elfalfa seed, tested, no dorrer. Rt. 1, Box 334, Central Point. S. B. Hill. AUCTION SALE Saturday, Feb. 23nd. at the Sale Pavlllo-i In North Med ford. Poultry, tools, lots of furni ture, and usual run of livestock. So. Oregon Livestock Auction. Col. A. H. Dudley. Auctioneer. FOR SALE God Newtown apples at cheap prices. Inquire Sgobel As Day Packing House, South Fir St. FOR SALE Brunswick combination billiard and pool table; extra oak top for dining table. Fully equip ped. Box 146, Tribune. FOR SALE Good sewing machine 810. 311 Willamette. ALFALFA SEED 15c; loose alfalfa hay $10.00: baled alfalfa. 1-3-3 cuttings: oats and vetch, baled or loose. Tel. 538-J-4. Otto Nledermeyer. DAVENPORT Nearly new, reasonable. Phone 548 for particulars. FOR SALE Complete set of mining machinery, consisting of gss engine, electric motor, hoist, 3 pumps, pump jacks, 8 suction hose, 3-inch pipe, ore car. track, buckets, grizzly, etc. See this outfit In operation. Will sell reasonable or trade for dairy cows. . Geo. Taylor, Camp Connell. fi miles south of Hornbrook on hwy. FOR SALE. BOAT Exceptionally well made. Can be carried on car. C. Earl Bradflsh, 15 So. Central. FOR SALE Electric Kelvlnator. cheap. Phone 596-Y between 5:30 and 7, evenings. FOR SALE The Best grafting wax on earth. Monarch Seed Co. FOR SALE Calcium nitrate, sulfate of ammonia, super phosphate, am-mo-phos, etc. Monarch Seed Co. FOR SALE Let us clean your seed grain at reasonable rates. A good job guaranteea. Monarcn eeea uo. FOR SALE Certified No. 1 quality . seed potatoes. Monarch Seed Co. FOR SALE -Yucca tree protectors protect young fruit trees from rab bits, borers and sun scald. Monarch Seed Co. RED and green apples. 25c box and up. 701 w. llth. FOR SALE Fine quality seed grains. . Henry Nieoermeyer. i mile nortn oz Jacksonville on Old Stsge road. Phone Jacksonville 354. A REAL BUY Large size Ex. Fancy Cornice In lugs .-1.00 Newtown apples In lugs .15 Bring your own onalners. AMERICAN FRUIT GROWERS. INC. 313 So. Fir St. Medford, Ore. Phone 936. FOR SALE Super phosphate, sulfate of ammonia, aheep guano, gypsum Right prices. Monarch Seed & Feed Co. FOR SALE Liquid lime-sulphur. Get4 our prices. Monarch seed and Feed Co. FOR SALE Crown feeds; land plsa ' ter: Aero Superphosphate: Case farm machinery Fin ley Implement uo.. oentrai point. TYPEWRI'iTSRS Blerma 116 N Oen trsl Phone 383. FOR SALE Baleo oat hay ground alfalfa and oat bay loose elfsifa bay. 0. A. DeVoe. Pbone 533-J-3 WOOD Dry laurel and fir. Phone 370-X. FOR SALE Recleaned field seeds. grain and the 'dope" to treat seed before planting. Monarch Seed it reeo co. PERSONAL MAUDE B. CLARK. Meta-Phvsloal Teacher and Practise, will give 6 lectures on Unity and Divine Sci ence. Hotel Alien. Sunday. Feb. 33 to 39. 7:43 p. m. All welcome. Phone now for consultation. GIFTED PSYCHIC gives advice on all sffalra of life. 903 No. Rlremlde. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts. JACKSON COl'NTV ABSTRACT CO. A he tracts jf Title and Title Insurance. The only complete Title S y a t e m In Jackson county. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO Abstracts of Title. Rooms I snd 6. No. S3 Nrh rentrn! Ave, 'ipn?r Money to Lend MONEY LOANED ISO to 4300 for peraonsl or household purposes on House Furnishings or Autos; eieo Cars Refinanced. Loans closed within 30 minutes. License No. 8- 157. see W. E. Thomas, 43 So. Cen tral. BUSINESS DIRE0T0E7 Long Distance Moving LA ROE VAN serving Calif. Ores, and Wash, poluta, semi-monthly trips. ruuy insurea. Martin Bros, 701 a. 6th St.. Oram Pass. Tel. 148-J. Transfer. KADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO umce loio ho. central, pnone 315. Prices right. Service guaranteed. TRUCKINO AND STORAGE Local and long distance hauling, furni ture moving, etc. Reasonable rates. Tel, 833. F. E. Samson Co. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack era and movers. Special' livestock moving equipment. Prices right. 619 North Riverside. Phone 615. LEGAL NOTICES Notice to Cledltors. In the County court of the Stste of Oregon for the County of Jackson In the Matter of the Estate of P. S. Anderson, Deceased. . Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned. Earl w. Anderson, hss been appointed Executor of the Estate of P. S. Anderson. Deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Jackson, and baa qualified. All persona having claims ; against sua estate are nereby notl- I fled to present the same, duly veri fied as by law required, to the under signed Executor at Monmouth, Ore- 1 gon. R. F. D. NO. 3. or to Klepper 4i Imlay. his attorneys. 1517 Yeon Bulld- i lng. Portland, Oregon, within six monuis irom the date hereof. Dated and first published February 1-., 1036. Date of last publication, March 13, 1936. ' EARL W. ANDERSON. Executor of the Estate ol P, 8. Anderson. Deceased. KLEPPER ti IMLAY. 1517 Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon, Attorneys for Executor. Call For Wood Bids . Notice Is hereby giver that Lone Pine School, District No. 10, Jackson County Oregon will) receive bids for 40 tier of 3 foot, sound old growth body fir wood. Wood to bs delivered and ricked up on the school ground on or before September 1, 1936. Bids to be submitted to the clerk 'a., her residence Rural Route No. 4. Box 79, Medford, Oregon on or before March 10, 1936. The board reserves the right to reject sny or all bids. OOLDIE E. HELVEY, Clerk, School Dlst. No. 10. Call for Bids. Call for bids for 60 cords more or less 4-foot body fir to be delivered on school grounds between June 1st and August 1st. Bids to be opened March and. Board reserves right to relect any or all bids. SCHOOL DIST. NO. 4. PHOENIX. Marporle Wlloox, Clerk. Notice ot Bate. Notice la hereby given, that on and after February 33nd. 1936. bv vlrtui of the Last Will and Testament of jNancy D. Wilson, deceased, and for tne purpose of closing said estate, will sell, at private sale, to the high est bidder tor cash, the following property situatea in Medford, to-wlt: House and lot at No. 15 South Peach Street, House and lot at No. 19 South Peach Street, House and lot at No. 31 South Peach Street, House and lot at No. 333 Haven Street. ALSO A few pieces of furniture. All property clear of anv Incumb rances, EXCEPT 1935-6 taxes. Will sell each nronertv seDarste or the entire group together. . . UEOROE EADS. W. G. TRILL. Executors. ' Suite 13, Palm Bldg. Use Mall Tribune want ads. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS .Solution of Yester'fay's Puzzle 1. ' 5. 1 Theater box Ken Poems Ancient Greek onln ISlTlAlRlTTLTETDglAlWlAlYl 10. 14. . II. II : Great per SLEANTAR E5 EMfc ARggATB GASTAGPM I AUJ REPLYI NGpR TEl sonage - 17. Philistine giant slain by Pavid Weapon of the Aus tralian 19, AREA FIAT T E R L IaIv-1 1 1 IpI 1L. 1 Type of auto mobile Prepares for publication Scarlet !3, 14. i 25. Predicament 37. 31. . n. MTTWESlTlElrVlAlRlDlSl Large stout cord Drnnnllll SS. Kind of nu-at 6. Render suit able. 61. Continent 3. Give the right to 65. Mathematical ratio 6. Obliterate 68. Rendtr unconscious 69. Bristle 70. Meaning 71. Eccentric rotating pieces DOWN L Trunks of felled trees I Muilcal Instrument t. Precious metal Word used In calling cows Growing angry Explodes Ptrfect golf Frequently Furnish a crew for Uasoullns name Serpent moniicr (S. Shining t7. Small fifth 18. Be overfond of 49. Units 10. Small nail 11. Alcove U. Male sheep 2 3 u mm ' 6 7 id if wmo uv yz U3 Ti p2rii Mm - . , 'IMA ""'A Sill'5 26 M27 26 -2i 30 31 M3i M33 mm mtu mmMW 'mi, JtA 'l ,aiii. Wl . 43 P'5' 4k ...jsV. UUi. i p.-.f hVsa VBSBSksa i . ,.frw ') rrpr """ S2J gpf "3 15 jra 71 i "Wu J " " I I I ' I r ' "'- I J I I Mm I I ssssswaMMMsltstsMI twjHLwa (gMJNIY Jacksonville JACKSONVILLE, Feb. 31. (Spl.) Rev. Jones left by Greyhound stage Wednesday on ft buslneas trip to Klamath Falls. Mr, and Mrs. Wells of Klamnth Falls were visiting friends In Jack sonville Monday. Friends of R. A. Johnson of Jack sonville are glad to know he Is Im proving after a major operation. Margaret Eden was the guest over the week end of Luclle Flltcroft at her home on Ross Lane. Roger Card returned from Seattle last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Jess Moore visited at the W. W. Thlede home Tuesday. Jlmmle Burdell and Donna 8an trel celeot-ated their birthdays with a big cake at Jimmies home Tuesday. Several friends and relatives were present. Sarah Thlede spent the week end at her home In Jacksonville. She Is employed In Medford. A representative of the Curtis Pub lishing company visited the school Monday and started a sales content of magazines with the boys competing agalnBt the girls, the losing side to treat the winner. A percentage of the receipts are to go to the school. Mrs. Chester Tunnel substituted for Mr. Mee, high school teacher, Tues day, as he was ill. Friends of Eudora Tlce surprised her vrtth a birthday party February 15. Quests were Juanlta Anderson, Eunice and Lois Sanden. Louise Clark and Lola Anderson. Martha Mitchell and Mrs. Vlrgnlla PurseU were Sunday guests at the Buckley home on the Applegate. .Workmen are busy remodeling the stage at the gym. New curtalna and scenery are to be purchased. - La Vera Errlngton Is a new studant In high school, enrolling In the soph omore class. ' Mrs. Grace Clark and Frank le Clark are reported 111 with flu. The Town send club held Its annual meeting Wednesday evening at the town hall. The officers of the club are: Oscar Lewis, president; G. W. Godward, vice-president; Joe Wetter er, secretary, and Wm. Blair, treaaurer. The elub meets the first and third Wednesdays of each month. Mrs. Ray Wilson Is confined to her home . by Illness this week. Alice Hoefs Is taking her place at the Nug get. P ' "Emotion" Perfume by Vlmay Chany, a favorite of movie atars. At Young's Drug Co., Main and Central. Notice. In the County court of Jackson Oountv for the State of Oregon. In the Mutter of the Estate of Minnie Blltch, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istrator of estate of above named de ceased and all persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same, with proper vouch ers, within six months from the date of this notice, to the unaersignea a the office of H. K. Hanna, 32 North On tral Avenue, Medford, Oregon. Dated and first published February 21st, 1936. , CHARLES F. BLTTCH, Administrator, Cross - Word Puzzle While Arrow Head cooks June bug Mature Bpokan British legls- litlvs assembly Plural ending Stroke In base hall Contend with successfully Pounds Faithful Impertinence: dialectic Silence Peculiar Crazy: southweat- ern U. S. Artificial language 1000 square meters of land Alloy of cop per and ilno Fiber plant Speed contests Held a aeMton Two: prefix Plat circular plate Negrito of Luton Rind of fruit Carda next , below the Jack Est Indian plant By birth One Indefinitely rHTlYEjNlAlPEl MS 0 N lm A D E jgMA NAT ED opHs ppMM ilENlMEH Lamb's pieudonym Norwegian territorial dfvlilon Logically connected Old word meaning to shudder Flowers The pick Acknowledge Deviation from the main subject of a discourse Feminine nam Shabby: colloq. City In Belgium Briefs Beagle BEAGLE, Feb. 31. (flpl.) Sym pathy Is extended to Mrs. Neighbors and daughter and Mrs. Rice at the passing of their mother, Mrs. Show ers, of Medford. All three families lived here for several years and moved to Medford last fall. Those who attended a show at Medford Saturday were Mrs. Pearl Martin. Mrs. Sweet, son, Desmond, Morris Prink, Orval Mose, Uoyd Robert and Ernest Sanderson. Mr. Sater, who has been In the veterans' hospital In Roseburg, re turned home February 13. Friends are glad to have him home again. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bo wen were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Keyser Friday. Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bowen Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Husbands of Buckshot hill. Friends here are pleased to bear Mrs. Sater got along nicely when she. had her tonsils taken nut Sat urday. 1 Jim Bankhead and Ray Bloine wore Medford visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Pomeroy of the Mea dows visited at the Will lams -Beeg-miller home Friday afternoon end evening. H. B. Hinds of Twtsp, Wash., ft sister of Howard and Charles Wil liams, la visiting at , the Williams-' Sepgmlller home. Little Carol Abbott of Table Rock Is staying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Luke Jennings while her mother. Mrs. Loyal Abbott, Is in the hospital at Medford. Miss Elva Adams, Mae and Join Edler, are Just recovering from a severe attack of the "flu." Mrs. A. B. Williams, Mrs. Hindi. Mr. Seegmlller. Charles William, Mr. and Mrs. St fillings and daughter. Dean, were guests at the Harry Ellis home Friday evening. The time was spent In playing cards and the evening ended with a delicious lunch, served by the hostess, Mrs. Bills. Mrs. Grant went to Medford Sat urday to have her thumb lanced again. She has been suffering for two weeks with a felon. Friends wish to congratulate Mr. snd Mrs. Loyal Abbott on the ar rival of a new boy at the Sacred Heart hospital. The little fellow was named Jerry Allen. James McAllister of Lake Creek was a business visitor at the San derson home Wednesday. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Don Beegmlller on the arrival of a baby girl, born on Lincoln's birthday. Visitors at the Sanderson home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Martin and bsby, Donnle. and Milton Sanderson, all of Medford. Miss Alice Rudd was a Medford visitor Saturday. ' Mrs. Sanderson and Mrs. Melvin Martin and baby were callers at the Hlnes and James Martin homes Sun day afternoon. Sunday guests at the R. BtsehofT home were Mr. and Mrs. Morton and family. The occasion was a dinner In honor of Mrs. 'Morton's birthday. Lor lng and Merrill Martin spent Wednesday evening at, the Sander son home, Big Applegate BIO APPLEGATE, Feb. 31 (Spl ) Tex Fraater returned to his homo at Ruch late last week from the Veter ans' hospital at Roseburg, where he underwent an examination, Mr. snd Mrs. Wm. Hansen of Med ford spent Sunday here as guests of the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, Throckmorton. In observance of national defense week, upper grade pupils of the Ap plegate school held oral discus sions today on the necessity of era dicating communism and socialism In the nation, according to the teach er, Wm. Ludwlg. Mr. Ludwlg, who also gave a class room talk on the subject Thursday, says he be lieves more effort should be extend ed than Is being put forth at pres ent In placing the Importance of na tional defense before school chlldnn. Hiram Round tree, accompanied by hie son Donald, Is spending some time visiting his family on lower Appie- gate. Mr. Round tree and son are frum Chehalls, Wash. - Mrs. Li I la J. Hasklns, accompanying Mrs. O. O. Buck and son Clarence, was shopping In Medford Saturday and visiting at Jacksonville. With the basketball season draw ing to a close, the local school boys' team has built up a fine seasons' rec ord of five games won out of seven. However, the community team has been very unfortunate In losing every game played, and an observer has suggested that they play the boys to gsln some pointers. One or two more gsmes remain to be played on the winter schedule. Mrs. 4ess Caldwell was expected to return early this week from Reno, Nev., where she visited relatives for a few days. Mrs. W. B. Harlow spent several days In Medford recently. Mrs. Cleo Blngman sand son, Wayne, Jr.. of Medford are spending the week here as guests of Mist Krlene Taylor A unique method of observing Val entine's day was creeteti lo the pri mary room at Applegate school Fri day, when pupils reclved their Val entlnes through a miniature postof flee and mall route. In an effort to stimulste Interest In letter wrllng, Miss Mary Beatty. primary teacher, previously had conducted a contest for the best letters. Miss Jean Brown winning, snd receiving the honor of nerving as Valentine postmistress, Pupils sctrd as mall carriers, ate, An additional project bringing KISS TIMED r.-' t?t V -J f , - 'r,.'.Mr.' J I V ' . ; This eonvlnclna dsmonstrstlon of ont of tho stags In ply whoss sctors were tried on charges of appearing In an Indecent ho was given In court by Charlotte Treadway and Jack Gardner, two of the playera, while Deputy City Attorney Robert Anderson, the prose-, eutor, timed It. Scenes from the play were enacted In tha eeuree at the trlel at Los Angelea. (Associated Preea Photo) much pleasure to the little folks of that room recently Is the miniature reproduction of Norway In the sand table. Fjords, waterfalls and power lines, cattle In the rass Isnds, and plank houses, with trees and moun tains in the background make the scene realistic Quests Sunday at the home of Mrs. Opal Mooter included Mrs. Alleen Relnklng, Mrs. Gertrude McKlnney, and Mrs. Ourry, all of Medford. New members Joining the Apple- gate Orange who took first and sec ond degree work put on by the grange drill team Friday Include: Harlan Cantrall, Mr. and Mra. Edward Kubll, Mr. and Mra. Everett Ravenor, Mra. Borg. and Harlan Bostwlck. Mor ris Byrne, member of upper Applegate Orange, took the degree work at the Applegate meeting, and Mlsa Jessie Smith also took the third and fourth degrees. Eight other appltcanta, sched uled to take the work Friday, were unable to be present. Mlsa Eleanor Maule spent. Friday night at Medford aa guest of Mlsa Llnnle Hanscam. Mrs, Fred Dortt went to Medford a few days ago, accepting employment at Davey Jones' Locker. Although the epldemle of measles striking the lower Applegate section during the last month la declining, the following students are absent from school at the present: Marian Flndley, Irene Jones, Georgia Bene dict, Beverley Mee, Ileen Knutzen, Lorraine Rowden, and Betty Borde. Mrs. Truman Lewis, 111 during the last two months from complications arising from measles, la much Im proved, and able to be out again. Lee Brown, who also suffered a long Ill ness with complications following -he disease, Is Improved. The Applegate home extension unit met for a half day session Tuesday when a report on Home Interest con ference at Corvallts last week was given by the delegate attending. The next meeting of the unit will be held March 3rd, wltn meat cooaery as me project. tai.wnt. Fwb. 3i fBDl.l Mr. and Mrs. Nlswoncer and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Maxwell were visiting relatives and frisnds at Bond last week. They report plenty of anow. They were gone three daya. Julia KUmlch fell ana Drone uer wrist Sunday while skating on the sidewalk. Mrs. loeta Milter and Mrs. Lloyd Lacy have returned from Corvaills where they attended the horns mak ers council. Talent Drsmatlo club will prsssnt nn .vnninr of old time "meller drsm- mer" tonight at the city hall. They will present two Plays. njuou w Heck," and ' Do Your worai. rem h.r. nt the drsmatlo club In the casta are Ray Burnett, Marie Mitchell, Ed Learning. Werren Brr, Alice Hiswun b.k v.m n.rr. vera Montgomery, Vlo Mason, Charlie Skeeters, Mary Chambera and rrank worxs re Invited to come out and enjoy the evening of fun with the dramatic club. The playe are directed by Hairy Lowe. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Barr have pur chased a new car. P.-T. A. met thla afternoon at tne school. There was a program under direction of Mrs. Nell Young, follow ed by a silver tea. A Townsend club waa organlted Timarinv nisht with AO Dald mem bers. Mr. Oalland, the organiser and Mr. Plttenger of Asniana were pres ent, nrfiesrs elite Lrf wsre: Esrl Wlth- roe, president; Miss Roy Estes, secre tary; Mra. w. M. Maxwell, treasurer. It la hoped that the membership will be up to loo per oent before very fttU. Chaa. Long has Installed a new slsctrlo rsfr aerator In his pool nail and confectionery. Why cross tha Delawaref Stay home and apend your PENNIES for Olovea. Flowers, Jewelry, Toys, Oolf Hose, Sweaters. Rain-coots at ETHELWYN B. HOFFMANN S. Phone S2. Well hsul away your refuse. City Ssnllary Service. Talent BY COURT Sams Valley SAMS V ALLEY, Feb. 31. (Spl.) Mr. and Mra. John U Pefley return ed home last week from an extended visit with Mr. Pefleyw parent at Wenatchee, Wash. Visitors at the Fete Bumeon fcoraa are Mr. and Mra. O. B. Omsd of La Grande, who an In their return front a visit In Ssn Prandeoo. The popular Sams Valley girls' baa. ketball high school team won Tuesday night In a return game here with the Medford Community club girls, the only close contenders the girls hare met this year. Tha Sam Valley Orange hall, lone; hoped for and vlalonlsed a a far away goal, la now under construction. Donation work by men and tractor has completed excavating the base ment and If the pressnt ambition and enthusiasm continues, the Orange hall will be a thing of reality before long. Work has been donated by Mend of the orgsnlcstlon who are not mem bers, but offer assistance to the eager Grangers for a home of their own. A basketball game of Interest win be played here Friday night between the Eagle Point boys' high school team and the locals. This game will determine which team will play the Butte Falls team. Mra. E. w. Bmpey and children are spending a few week with relative at Junction City, where Mrs. Era pay, by order ot her doctor, will take a complete rest. Mr. and Mr. F. W. DePord of MI. ver Lake visited Sams Valley relative) Saturday and Sunday. Friend of Mra. Pete Burreaon ar happy to know aha expect to return home Saturday from Seneca, vrner she baa recuperated from Injuries re ceived In a wreck December 90. Mrs. O. T. Wilson, delegate from the Sams Valley extension unit to the homemakera' conference at Cor vallls, returned home Saturday mora Ing, reporting a very Interesting aa slon of homemskers from many dlf ferent section of the state. Mr. O. R. Tresham left Saturday to visit her sister In southern Cali fornia for an Indefinite period. Sardine Creek SARDINE CREEK, Feb. 11. (Spl.) Ray Wyatt and Effle Pattern of Oold Hll lapent Ssturdsy evening visiting Mr. and Mr. George Smith. Mrs. Wllmer Bailey and daughter Nancy Lee, and Mabel Duaenberry of Oold Hill were calling on friend and relattvea here Monday. Mr. larbell waa In our Ttolnlty thla week buying hog to max up truck load to take to Portland. Mr. and Mr. Ivan Smith ot Gold Hill vtalted Sunday with hi brother. Oeorge Smith, and family. Callers at the B. O. Flen horn Sunday were Mr. and Mr. Wm. Rlttl. Mr. and Mr. Wm. Ferguson of Oold Hill snd Mr. and Mrs. a. A. Dusen berry. Harold Smith, who haa been In the Community hospital for th. paat two weeks, having suffered a relapse from I recent operation, returned to hi home her Wednesdsy, very feuch Im proved. John Smith 1 doing soma remod eling on hi house, also having 1 re papered. Mr. and Mr. 8. A. Dusennerry wr Central Point and Medford visitors Wednesdsy. Mr. and Mr. P. If. Tygart lost two milk goat which thsy recently pur. chased from Orant Powell. ThfT ar roaming the woods somewhere back ot their place. Mr. and Mr. Dunlap and two daughter tram th Illinois valley hsv moved to the Orant Powell place which they recently traded for their place. Th girls, who bav been at tending th Kerby high school, enter ed the Oold Hill high Khool Tues day ot this week. WINDOW GLASS w eel) window glass and will replace rout broken winduws reasonably. Trowbridge Cab inet Work.