PAGE FOUR MEDFOrW MATT. TRTBtTNT!. M"EDFOKD. OBKCOX. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 21. 193R. METERS ARE SET TO GATHER DATA ON C01IS RAY CHICAGO (UP) Dr. Arthur H Compton, emerge tic University of Chicago physlclat. awtlta report from even widely eparnted &ru of the arth'a surface for proof of at least two more theories evolved In hta ex perlmental work with the ooemlc ray, Meters, heavily sheathed In lead, were posted In these scattered points recording the movement of the rays as they bombard the earth. One meter Is on board the tea,nv ship Orangl, operating between Van- couver and Sidney, Australia. Anoth er la In Cheltenham, Md.. a third has been shipped to the Huancayo obser vatory In Peru. Another Is on duty In the town of Christ Church, New Zealand, and ' atlll another has been sent to Prof. Ralph D. Bennett of the MasMchu setts Institute of Technology who will take it to the Rocky Mountains next summer. Two others are at the University of Chlcsgo awaiting shipment to Mexico City and Greenland. The objectives. Dr. Compton plained, are: First, to explain the dally variation Jn Intensity In the northern hemls- aphere than In the southern. "There appears to be an effect on eoamlo rays caused by the rotation of the galaxy in which the milky way, the earth, and the sun are lo cated," he said. "Astronomers estimate that our galaxy Is moving faster than 300 miles per second approximately north at 45 degrees In the general direction of the star. Vega. "If this la so, there would be an explanation of the dally variation, according to sidereal time, in the Intensity of cosmic rays, though this variation may be cxplnlned by other hypotheses. "But," he said, "If the Instruments In seven widely scattered regions of the world show a greater Intensity of cosmic rays In the northern hemi sphere than In the southern, I shall regard the demonstration as positive evidence that our particular galaxy Is rotating and that cosmic rays orig ins te In remote space or remote galaxies." Compton, young, powerfully built, a winner of the Nobel prize In phys ics, within the next few months will Inaugurate at least two other Instru ments In his experimental work. One of these, a small balloon carry ing a cosmic ray meter and a radio attachment Instead of human cargo, will soar skyward to obtain addition al data from the atratophere. The second will be a huge electro magnet designed to study the disintegration effects of cosmlo rays within the magnetic field. The eight-ton magnet, thousands of times more powerful than the earth's magnetic field as measured by the deflection of a compass on the University of Chicago campus, will have a six-Inch space between Its poles In which Instrument may be placed to record the magnetic deflec tion of cosmlo rays and their by product. Tha balloons are expected to rise at least 17 miles above the earth's sur face. QUADRUPLET GIRLS BORN TO NEGRO FARM WORKER CHARLESTON, 8. O, Feb. St. VP) Quadruplets all glrla were born to day to Aallle c.over. wire of 8am Glow, negro farm hand, In an un stated cabin at Parrlshvllle. near here. Dr. Leon Banov, county health offi cer, aald he regarded their chance of surviving aa good. They were not weighed, but the phyalclan estimated their combined weight In the neigh borhood of 12 pounds. ONE OF UNCLE SAM'S BIG JOBS BONNEVILLE 3? - V' i ft VAlit 2m tiS&krrt wanif' These photographs assembled by the Travel and Information Department of the Oregon State Highway Com mission give one an idea of the gigan tic scala of the great power and navi gation project of the Columbia. Pho tograph No. 1 shows where an army of workmen with giant machinery is building a section of the main spillway dam between Bradford island and the Washington shore. Cofferdams keep the river out while the work goes for ward. Picture No. 2 gives soma con ception of the heavy machinery used in movinff the thouaanda of tona of rock and earth. Picture No. 3 shows a group of the buildings constructed on the Oregon shore near the dam to house permanent employes. Land scaping and architecture are exceedingly attrac tive. The site of the dam is 42 miles east of . fAJ vV Y'm ?. J Portland on the Columbia River Highway. Thou sands atop to gate down on the herculean job every week. It is one of the great construction projects of the nation worth going a long way to see. Ke(-n,i..mend Reprlere AN rRANOrfiOO, b. 31. (IP) The California supreme court recom mended today a reprieve for Alexan der McKay, sentenced to hang for his part In a flan Quentln prison break, until such time aa the United States supreme court has acted upon the companion ease of Joe Krlsty. Cse Mall Tribune want sds KDW YORK, Feb. 7 . JF) A fed eral grand Jury today refused to In dict Caleb Jonea Milne 4th, on a charge of extortion, after considering evidence presented by Assistant United State Attorney George Pfann. Milne wrote extortion notes to his family and then was ''found" gagged and tied on a road near Doyieatown, Pa. He Insisted for hours he had been kidnaped. His grandfather, Caleb J. Milne, and. wealthy Philadelphia manufacturer. considered the ease a hoax. Federal agent quluved young Milne. an unemployed actor, and obtained a confession he had perpetrated the hoax. Milne told them he thought the publicity would help htm get a stage Job. His ransom notes had demanded 20.000. U. S. Attorney Lamar Hardy said ball of $9,500 posted for Milne's tem porary freedom would be discontinued and he would go free. Mr. Finegan Picks ' Choicest Morsels Of Fish For Diet ORBOON CITY, Ore.. Feb. 21. (P) Observers on the banks of the Willamette river here Aald "Mr. Finegan" is becoming more par ticular about hie diet. "Mr. Finegan" (some spell It with two "n's," but It Is a safe gueas the seagolng owner of the name docan't care) Is a sea-Hon which arrived last week. Onlookers agree now that he does not have a mate In the vicinity. HI diet, they said, comprises the choicest portions of carp and chuba other portions are dls-rarded. E Mineral production In Quebec prov ince registered a notable Increase dur ing the paet year, particularly In gold, silver, asbestos and copper. Ose Mall Tribune want ads PORTLAND, Feb. 2 1 . (p) John Dower of Tacoma told several hun dred delegates of the Western Retail Lumbermen's association here today that determined efforts will be made In the state of Washington soon to repeal taxes on homes and substitute a one percent Increase In the sales tax. 1 He strongly endorsed the move. Retail lumber crealers should con tact recipients of the soldiers' bonus payments and urge them to invest In homes, said A. D. Collier of, Klamath Falls. B. J. Boorman advocated that government-sponsored loans be made available to home owners at rates not to exceed three percent a year. Use Mall Tribune want ada OF SPREAD BY MAIL; AD GETS RESULTS HONOLULU (CP) Learn the hula by mall. That Is the latest method of transplanting the romance of Ha waii to the family fireside In colder climes. An Inconspicuous ad In several mainland magazines released a flood of letters from every state In the union. Canada, Panama. Algiers, Spain. South Africa. Tlkltlkl, New Zealand, and the Philippines from readers wanting to catch the rhythm of the wlggy Hawaiian dance. "You too can win popularity, be In demand, the center of attraction, the envy of your friends by mastering the genuine Hawaiian Hula. (Don't be misled by false Imitations.)" Tli at ad started the Hawaiian school of hula dancing, with several prominent business men back of It. on Its way as the territory's thriving Infant Industry. The mall order hula set Includes an authentic book on the native dance, a phonograph record with ex planations and Hawaiian music and a grass skirt outfit, A 63 -year-old man wrote the school: "Dear sirs: Please quote me price on your 50-page instruction book on the Hula dance, without the graw outfit. My doctor has advised me to practice the hula dance to strengthen my abdominal muscles after an oper ation." An Illinois woman wrote: "Your ad came as a complete revel ation to me. for Jack haa seemed to lose Interest In me. I know my fig ure is not what it was when we were married seven years ago. I had thought to cultivate more grace but I did not know how to do It now I want to learn how to dance the hula." Another letter came from a girl In one of the most fashionable girls' schools in the country. 4 Salem Linen Mill Would Reorganize PORTLAND. Feb. 21. (p) The Salem Linen mills, declaring It Is un able to Increase Its sale under the present debt load, fjled a petition for voluntary reorganization In federal court here. Holders of the major portion of the 1150.000 outstanding bond agreed to the reorganisation plan, the petition stated. The company aald the Reconstruc tion Finance corporation approved an 85,000 loan to be secured by a first mortgage In physical properties. Kills Nazi Leader Ox fr As n s '-'Ml David Frankfurter (above), medl cal student and son of a rabbi, shot and killed the Swiss Nazi leader Wllhelm Guatloff, at Davos, Swit serland. He said he shot Gustlofl because "he was a Nail anent.' CITY LEAGUE TO EUGENE, Ore., Feb. 91. (APJ The League of Oregon Citlea appro priated $1000 to aid In conducting school for peace enforcement of ficers In Portland, followed by re gional schools later, executive Sec retary Herman Kehrll said today. Police Captain W. C. Epps of Portland urged last night that the school be held to teach officers the constitutional rights of citizens, bet ter knowledge of laws, recognition and preservation of evidence, court room procedure and first aid meth ods. Those who attend the school then would help conduct similar schools for officers In their home district. HOQUIAM. Feb. 21. (Tpl George Northrup, Clearwater, former state representative, la wondering If he should feel different after eating a $40 meal. It happened after North rup and his wife had gone to Forks to buy chicken eggs from stock lorded over by a $125 rooster. The eggs cost $10 each. By mistake, Mrs. Northrup served her husband four of the ex pensive egga for breakfast. 4 Snows in the Mother Lode country cf California are immediately reflect ed In a slump In bullion receipts at the San Francisco mint. CCC CAMPS WANTED IN EASTERN OREGON PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 21. (AP) The division of grazing of the de partment of Interior 1 seeking estab. llshment of at least 12 CCC camp1 In eastern Oregon grazing districts to lmprova the rangelands, J. W ' Biggs of Burns, state planning hoara member, ald today. If the administration approve the program it would provide "ade qua range improvement," F. R Carpenter, director of the graning division, wrote Burn. Tooze Is Candidate. SALEM, Feb. 21. (AP) Walter Toom of Portland filed hi candi dacy for delegate to the Republican national convention from the third district. HI slogan reads: "Republi can victory assures return to con stitutional government. Will vote for Oregon's presidential choice." A Braalltan -German group la work ing the ntokel deposits recently un covered at Sao Jose do Toe sn tins Braxll, believed on of the largest In the world. ' 4 The building boom, which ha been current In Buenos Aire for several years, continued unabated through 10S5. according to reporta to the de partment. of commerce. Ahvuys glmr to lend n helping hand Frrfpimlljr rtmtnmer flnrla tract auggrotlon or word of advice from lie ran b just riflpful aa a loan niliiht be and hettef still, Jfa kept him out onVbf. If a loan U Justifiable, and the borrower able to carry the ohliiiatlnn, ve will make the loan. If we ran otherwise help Mm tolve hla problem, we're onlr too sjlad to Ho so. Consldrr this hank your "finanrlal helpmate" a well a depository for your funds. Feel free to eonsult us at any time. By helping you wa benefit thl tuk aa well. fteArr T. Fr.T. MRnac.r Pntht I.. noiitntnn, M. MT. Mcdford Hraiicd United Stales A.ilioiuil Hank llrnrl Oflirr, Pnrtlnnrl, Orrgnn t , n r a i nrrn tr ir rnirnmniKi George Wouldn't Tell a Lie! Neither do we when we say the NEW 1936 CROSLEY is the AGE PENSION FUNDING PLAN IS PREPARED BY OREGON RELIEF CHIEF SALEM, Feb. 31. ( Elmer R. Goudr, state relief administrator, to day placed before Attorney-Oener! I. H. VanWinkle a tentative plan for obtaining federal match fund for old age pensions. Neither Ooudy nor Van Winkle would divulge the details of the proposal here. VanWinkle was requested to study the tentative plan with a view of eliminating objectionable features. Then the plan would be revised to conform to legal requirement after which It would be presented to Gov ernor Martin. The attorney-general stated the plan was quite Involved and would require several week of study. Until a definite plan is worked out, It was Indicated all other moves to obtain federal funds, even to the possibility of calling a special session of the legislature, would be held In abey ance by the administration. What 1 believed to be a world's record for power line construction ha been established by forces of the Met ropolitan water district, working on the building of the Colorado river aqueduct, when 450 miles of high voltage transmission lines were built In 300 consecutive days. Farm prices for popcorn in Decem ber, 1934. were close to $5 per 100 pounds; the price to farmer for the 1935 crop was 92.15 per 100 pounds. The first act of the North Carolina legislature of 1861 provided for "mili tary aid to Virginia." Toccoa falls. Georgia, have a per pendicular descent of 186 feet, against 167 feet for Niagara fall. What 1 reported to be the largest electric Diesel motor rail car In the world was completed recently by the German national railways. Pear Market Yesterday NEW YORK, Feb. 30. (AP-USDA) Pear auction market, five cara ar rived, three Oregon cara unloaded, two cara on track. Oregon D'AnJous: 775 boxes extra fancy aold at J.10i?3.7S, average 13.39; 1398 boxes fancy, ll.85iS3.60, average $3.23. 1. In 1880 Mark A. Cooper erected a monument at Cartersvllle, Oa., In honor of 38 friends who hsd endorsed notes for him. E5E.M etnjed Accidents Buy everything your car needs on convenient term.. No embarrassment. Accounts opened in Five Minutes. Tiresfotts AUTO SUPPLY AND SERVICE STORES 9th and Riverside, Phone 520 sss!r'PsesssBseaeeeeeeeeeee if ITrtlr'ffTnaTraBBBBaaaBaBBBBr r ""-.-al g&e F1INE i?ew YouaV Ivei? TTastte DON'T TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT JUST TRY World's Most Beautiful Refrigerator fm : Wait to see these amazing models The first shipment will arrive in Medford March 1 Priced at $99.50 and up FREE 2S0 Page Cook Book with each piece of VIKO Aluminum Ware Sat. and Mon. only SPECIAL 6-Piece Crockery M ixing Bowl Set $1.25 Out to Our Oost 79 See the New Beautiful Cabinet Model WASHERS fti Ask for a FREE Demonstration The Speed Queen, with its famous bowl-ihaped double tub, has long njoyed a position of outstanding superior ity as a fast, olean and gentle washer. SPECIAL TERMS During This Sale $ 5 down, $ 5 monthly NO INTEREST ON CARRYING CHARGE ETKSESS MAEHDWA 131 West Main 's 'I II 11 j- 1 PI YES SIR! k 1t WE KNOW that you'll agree :..: - 3 that this Bohemian Tvpe "Old A,:f4 ':'.A Rogue" Is absolutely the VERY fW' ', :. FINEST beer j-ou've ever tasted r" 3l Made with Medford's famous Si: ..!, -! f ' H MILLION DOLLAR MOUNTAIN f.'&xrj ! fTk SPRING WATER-No chemlrals i-'J''- V ON TAP OR IN A FU BOTTLES AT f ' .'. .! YOUR DEALER "- ' i J.; " 1 I n,mw.'.lT aw n .. ' H"lfUtlM I J 1 ,X fi Oil ! : '!L .,&S?V-. of. 1 : ; "r Xnj fcTiatiiaaaiitii , imiilijiii M SOU TnKN OREGON BREWING CO. 1 1 aaai Tiian. iafcSaaMlawSaaaZMaZsaa 2i3 tr,Mv.:n.,,. " :;"-7"rn Phone 300