MEDFORD MATT. TRTBUyE. MEDFOKD, OREGON'. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 21. 1936. PAGE TTTELVE MEDFORDvJWRIBUNE "t:r?ont! IB Root hern Oricoa Kmd lb Hall Trlhun" ln)lr Kicept Siturdar Publmhed by MBDFOKn PHINTfNO CO, S6-27-i N. Kir St. phone Tl. ROBERT V. RUH!.. Potior. KRNK8T P. OILSTRAP, Mn . An Independent Nawippr. Enttrrd Mcnn4-c1au tnitltr at Md- ford. Or ion, under Act of Maxell i. ... SUBSCRIPTION RATES Rv Mill In Ailvanc! Pally, on yr SO Dally, tlx monuia . -n Pally. On month ' Rv r.rri.r. In Advance Medford. Aah land. Jacksonville, Ciniril Point. Phoenix, Talent, OoltS Hill and on highway. tinllv. on var 16.04 Dally, tlx month Dally., on month 10 All tarina. caan in aavanr. Official PHnr of Hi fit of Medford. Offlrlitl I'aiier of jHrkaon Count j. M KM OV THE AKWH I ATfct I'HI'.SS Rercltlnr Full Leaned l ir wrvirr. Tbe .'.oclatad Preaa la eiclualvaly n titled to the u for publication of all nwi dlapatrhe credited to It or olhr--) credited In thtt paper, and alao to tbe local new publlahed herein. All rlht for publication of pclal dtapatrhea herein are alao rervd. MEMIiER OF UNITED PRESS HEMUER OV AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS Advertlelna; R( oreaenta It vaa H. C. MfMibAflEK OMP.NT Office In New York, Cblrayo Detroit, San Franclaco. Loa Angalea, SeaUl, Porl id. Ye Smudge Pot Bf Arthur Vary, T-i- u , ...'h'.' Wirnm of Eunena 1 holding "Fritter Conteat." whlcH Is 6ld to compare favorably with tbs last aeaalon of tha l.glalatur. Walter Johnson, famed baeeball pitcher, will attempt to throw a liver dollar acroas the Rappahan nock river, on the 304th annlver ary of George Washington's birth day neit Saturday. Preaa dispatches atate the dollar "wa. borrowed, by a Washington, D. 0., newspaperman, and presented to Johnson at Oer mantown." This In Itself la quite a feat, and If Johnson falls, some body la out 1. Cowa. klda. equlrrela. pedcetrlans and tacka are now plentiful on " highways. Ashland and Medford clash at basketball tonight, Cltlaena of all agea are requeeted not to act Hk they were attending a lw and Order meeting, to adopt a resolu tion to hang the district attorney. The Townaend Plan Inquiry ap proved by Congress "has confused politics, and dumbfounded candi dates." Thla means that the candi dates who broke apeed records In endorsing the fantasy will Boon start claiming they wera ''misquoted" by the press. see LOB ROBLES, Feb. 18. The Ante lope Mothera club met Wednesday at the home of Mn. Rosemsry Todd. The subject of the evening was "Money." (Red Bluff (Calif.) News) It's the leading formal and In formal toplo of all gatherlnga. many being capped by paealng-the-hat. . TJncla John Orlfftn, the pioneer hunter, got up before breakfaat Thursday and wrote the obituary of a bear he killed In '13. Bruno Haupteiann. the convicted kidnaper and slayer of the Lindbergh babe, la now slated to die In the electric chair the week of March 30. The main doubt and a feeble one centera on the question, whether or not he had an accomplice. Hla un explained possession of the ransom money, la conclusive of his guilt. If he had an accomplice, which Is highly Improbable. It Is some per son he regards more highly than he doea himself. To reveal their Identity now, after montha of si lence, would be almost aa cowardly as the original crime. Portland and environs are agog with excitement over a sea Hon die porting In the Willamette river near Oregon City. The mammal la known aa "Mr. Flnnegan." Does anybody In these parts remember the name of the whale that a few yeara back wandered up the aame atrmm, and atlrred the metropolis to civic rap tures? ... "The opposition combines the worst featurea of raaclsm and Com munism." save Mr. Ickea.I Press Dispatch) Thla la only two-thirds correct. The opposition combines the worst featurea of fascism, com munism, and Mr. Ickea. . The farmer boya have started the spring plowing their fathera wearily wend their way to town to talk about. ... thf upv.r.n roioT. Blow that horn, blow that horn. Jump upon the gas. Oh. what red hot fun It la. another car to pass Roaring down a 'concrete road, the surface sure and fine. Dive her all that's comln'. kid. we're touching eighty-nine. Ninety-five the meter says, the speed iawa all are hash. Holy sweet patootle. but we're head ing for a .crash Toll, oh hells, toll, oh bella, keep tcllhig all the day. For .another aorry dumb-bells DMay being laid away. (American Motorist) . Epworth Leaguers Gather In G. Pass (lit A NTH P W. rh 31-(API Dtlcitatea began arriving here today for the three-day Fpworth league convention In the district bounded by Cons Bay. Cottage Drove and Klamath rails. Ruth Pratt of Orants Pasa. president, predicted 116 would attend. Uaa Mall Tribune want ids. Hints to Office Seekers DESCRIBED'as an infallible guide to political success a new book, "The Politician," by J. H. Wallis, has been writt-m for vote-getting neophytes who would rise up to or beyond the courthouse. . . ' , The hi-falutin' principles of political science are boiled down to the understanding of precinct committeemen by ex posing the innards of the political game. The text book for office seekers is designed to start aspirants off on the right foot by giving them hints on what office they should mn for. Once the candidate is in the campaign for nomination or elec tion, points are outlined on how to garner votes and at the same time avoid baby-kissing, hand-pumping and back-slapping. If one's opponent resorts to plain or fancy mud-slinging, rank and file chiseling may be on the right spot on the ballots on milking breakable promises- and ask-and-ye-shall receive planks are outlined. as well as suggestions for catch slogans that bring results. . Mr. 'Vrallis describes the shenanigans of such master cam paigners as "Ham" Fish, "Alfalfa Bill" Murray, "Bossy" Gillis, Huey Long, F. D. R., Gifford Pinchot, Al Smith and John Nance Garner all of whom rose above the courthouse. And for us, the peepul, the timely book exposes what we should not know to insure success for budding or seasoned pol iticians. R. M. R. Two Socialists - TOYOHJKO Kagawa, "Japan's No. 1 Christian," visited Kansas City this week, spoke to 23,000 persons and wended his way on to Springfield, 111., .where he probably will speak to as many more: But what we would really like to hear is not Kagawa speaking to a crowd, but a private conversation be tween Kagawa end Josef Stalin. If you arc an F.pworth league or T. M..C. A. member, yon already know that Kagawa is Kansas City papers called him a probably ore wrong. He probably ital "S" for that would mean that he paid dues to the Socialist party; he probably is a socialist in the sense that he believes the sacredness of private property has been greatly over-estimated. Possibly he doesn't think the government should own and run all a country's businesses, blithe, on the contrary, docs not believe that a man with an over-deVe'lopcd acquisitive in stinct can get into heaven any easier than a camel can go through the eye of a needle. Kagawa is one of those individuals who take the New Testament seriously, le took it so seriously that he gave away his worldly goods, and the money he receives for lecturing he gives to charities. Once he was put in prison for his "radical." idi-as. of v . ' THAT is why we would like to overhear Kagawa and Josef Stalin talking over the ultimate milennium. Kagawa and Stalin are alike in their hatred for selfish rich men, their love for mankind, their faith in their missions, and their Utopian ideas of a future ideal world. What fun it would be to hear Stalin and Kagawa going at the doctrines of equality and fraternity, from their radically different perspectives 1 They represent two types which we have had with us always. Stalin believes in violence, Kagawa in non-violence. Stalin be lieves in restriction, Kagawa in freedom. If they met, Japan's preacher might become too vociferous in favor of his doctrines of freedom. He might too violently uphold non-violence. IN that ease, what a perfectly colossal joke it would be if Stalin turned him over to some OGI'U's for expounding subversive doiMrines. And what a perfectly tremendous joke it would be if the OGPU would murder him. How Pontius Tilate might spin in his grave! Emporia Gazette. NEW YORK DAY BY DAY By O. O. Mclntyre NEW YORK. Pb. a I .Thought while strolling: Impossible headline Rich American Girl Jilts a Mdi t a n 1. DurndP Invention: The T-otwlnln ewdlnf shirt, Lee Kced rlck AUKtjcet a cricket's, chirp. Add a u r e lire comic relief act ors: Henry At metta. the pudgy Italian. Look allkes: Lawrrnce Ttbbett and Jense Crsw ford. High fore nead boya; Herb Swops and Jim Ftagg. Stunning blonrte: Mrs. Robert Ogden Bacon. Jr. Quick way to wealth: Invent something new In a Mickey Mouse toy. Another year and Oeorgt White will he a grsy head. Tin Pan Alley Is moonatruck Again. Two Colemona who go In for nldebums: Emit and Robert. Add cuMoaa: A P.t'm Beach page without pictures of the Jay O'Briens. Dan serous to wear a dress suit these day. What a bo.'k if 'Jimmy Walker would let hlmnelf go In an auto- bingMphy t Study in fluttery: Mary Boland. Wish I could howl aa heartily a others over the Wodehouse books. And I can't run a fever over Wool I em'a reading selections either. But Rose Mscau.ay and K M. Oris field tickle me pink. Dullest person I ever met: A crack 3 .-at land Yard sleuth. Some dty I'd like to hire Madison 5q. Garden and give a party lr others who do not know whst the Dred iVott decision Is either. No body seem shle to talk politics any more without growing tene What fun Will Rogers would he haT. Ing commenting on things right now) Welt, here we ami Not many theatric couples tain In middle years the pleasant opulence of Julia Sanderson and Fran!: Cmmlt. When thry rr'I-M that professional turn of the road started to insure X's marked by the dear people. Tactics more or less of a socialist. The "Japanese socialist," but they is not a Socialist with a cap that usually sends players to obliv ion, they became oven more popu lar on the radio. With Joint in comes bigger than ever. Their do mestic devotion la one of the staunchest In the theater. They have a home In Connecticut, a model of j old English design with surrounding I apple orchard and the stark se renity of a rural peace to which most city dwellers look forward. And few reach. X used to think there was no ! mora exciting moment In New York , than when Frank Tours tapped his j baton against his desk edge, the light came on In the New Amster- dam theater, lavish and successive j curtain slowly parted and another ! "Follies" was on. Here ws a glossy, i be Jeweled audience representing every j phase of the celebrity circle the 400. Wall Street plungers, reigning authora, famous painters, librettists, composers and that inevitable sprin kle of richly dressed creature known as kepteea. But somehow first nights hare been dcglamoured. standard ized. Nam the producer and I'll list your audience. Once whetted to a contagion tingle, they alt in wooden faced boredom. Not alnce the premiere "Broadway" have I seen an audience spring to It feet In a riot of applause. And there nave been many bet ter shows, a good a It was, since. Th meat agonising first night in the memory of critics and the first night era was about 13 years ago. A popular star In her eenlth faltered in her entrance, which was, ot course, believed a phase of stage scar and an accolade of applauee waa especially tresed. Then she weaved to the center of the stage snd her speech was thick and fum bly. Valiantly her fellow players fried to gloss oter her dereliction. But It grew wor and wor aa the audience squirmed. And mercifully the curtain went down on a play and a career! If there i anrthlng more beau tiful than a winter birch In the Mher whit shimmer of alckled mcon'.tght I have never seen it. Added to this Uta In a turn of the countryside near rrlen the other night waa a soft, slow fall of snow. Poised on a slight upsweep a little further on a lonely white cotUge. Its windows gleaming yellow, thronjih frot tlmmed branche. with a sheep fold an tfnvexnn .nl At m- Personal Health Service By William Signed letter pertaining to personal health and hygiene not to disease dlugnosla or treatment nil, be ausnered toy Dr. Brady If tamped self-ad-dreased envelope la e ml used. Letters should be brief and written In ink Owing to the large number of letters weired only a few can be answered No reply can o made to queries not conforming to Instructions, Address Or. Hllllara Brady. 203 F.I Csmlno. Beverly Hills. CaL , AREN'T BABIES Pleas Ignore for the moment every-1 thing X have said about nervous ex- j haustlon, nerve weakness, nerve ton- los, nerve food, neurasthenia, neu- , rotlca n e r t o u a j energy and nerve pCClaULBtB, iur 1 have some com- menta to m a k e upon the baby specialist busl ness, and It would be deplorable If you were to as sume that I'm Just en old crab spouting sarcasm and spleen for the Joy of It. I'm not abating one Jot or tittle what I have said about the neurotic hoax, but It la reslly difficult to tell some people anything. For Instance, I know from your own ' testimony that a lot of you assume I am "agin" psychiatrist, alnce T have no use for "nerve spec ialists" but that's your mistake. A psychiatrist 'la a physlcl&n who limit his practice to the dl agnosia and treatment of mental conditions. Good, nee knows, there Is plenty of work for such specialists. So don't get pat ronizing with me. When I say "nerve specialists" I mean neurologist, not psychiatrist. To one with a knowl edge of physiology and pathology a "nerve specialist" In the popular sense of the term Is as ridiculous as a spec ialist In that tired -feeling. If or when I am crowned King of Yankee land, all doctors holding themselves out as neurologists or nerve specialist had better duck. I like a Joke a well as you do, but there Is such a thing as carrying a Joke too far. The A. M. A. carries this one too far when It "rec- osrnlwa" as a legitimate specialty neurology" but refuses to recognlzo s a specialty private preventive medi cine, plastic surgery, heart, gastro-1 nterology. and other fields In which good physicians specialize In spite of the A. M. A. politicians who would discourage them. . - Medical ethics and tradition sanc tion the specialty of pediatrics, dls-: ease of childhood, and as a lame portion of the population remains in that category until voting age, pedi atrics makes an attractive field for pampered youths to enter In practice -young doctors who have Indulgent msmas or rich aunt or mayhap a wife who will support them for the five or ten years It takes to build up a practice.- Yet the same medical ethics end tradition blindly declines to recognize a more logical and In deed more easentlal specialty, namely, geriatrics, diseases of old age. Of course the medical profession has an excellent reaeon for this strange dis crimination; In, fact two reason: first, the study of geriatrics Is comparative ly new, and therefore probably should be condemned: and second, babies are easier to manage and much better paying patients. Mine Is a strong stomach and I can tie spin Into the city with newsboys roaring of war, murder and a once happy world soaked in tears. But the buffeted city Is not en tirely squeezed dry of the divine essence known n comody. On an upper reach of Park avenue during switch of lights a taxi bumper snaRged on our bumper and In stantly a dozen chauffeurs with pedestrians and several traffic cops were aiding In the untangle. I af fected total indifference by pretend ing to read a newspaper. After much heaving, lifting and pushing we were unhooked and the tax driver starting his car. nodding toward me, called out: "The Boy Scout there has certainly been a great help." (Copvrlght. 1036. McNaught Svndlcnte. Lao ECONOMY Meat and Fish Company As a Special Treat for the Washington Birthday Selling Event We are cutting some Extra Fine Steer Beef! IT IS THE VERY BEST and that's no Lie! HENS BACON. BACON BeeS Pot Roast SWISS STEAK FRESH OYSTERS Little Pig Sausage our own makelb. 25c FANCY CAPONS a real treat lb. 32c TURKEYS young Toms and Hens lb. 24c Ladino Cheese a local product lb. 24c PURE LARD .... lb. 15c Brady, M D. PEOPLE, THEN stand quite a lot, but pleaae excuse me a moment when a. young mother who la Just able to support a hoiue maid get a snobbish notion that she must run to a. child specialist every time the baby squawfc anobery U too much for me, The fact that neurologists and podi atrist are endured at all In the mod ern medical system make one won der whether specialism In medicine is a blessing or a racket. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Burning Tongue.' Have been taking the blood tonic suggested In your booklet "Blood and Health," and am very grateful, aa It has brought relief to my burning ton gue, so that I can now enjoy eating fruit which was before a painful or impossible thing. Also I feel and look better than I have for years . . . (Mrs. E. M. S.) Answer Complaint of burning or soreness of tonrrue, usually ascribed to "acid fruits," and aversion for meat, is common In simple anemia. Copy of the booklet available to read ers who send ten cents -coin and stamped addressed envelope. I believe the burning tongue and digestive weakness are signs rather of vitamin deficiency; indeed, I believe vitsmin deficiency Is the essential cause of this common type of anemia In wom en 30 or so. Milk Diet for Eczema. My own experience, and that of a friend, both under approval of our physicians, has been that a week on exclusive milk diet cleared up chronic eczema which has resisted treatment by physicians and specialist for j years. . . . (Mr. J. N. P.) I Answer Thank you. . An adult of sedentary habits needs about four j quarts of milk a day to maintain normal metabolism. That means a : pint every three hours. I (Copyright, 1936. John P. Dille Co.) .What a. satisfaction to find everything that makes coffee good, in one brand of coffee I Here is sealed-in-vacuum freshness and fragrance! Here ia the modern miracle of Thermalo roasting. More cups to the pound yet it costs you no more! FLAVOR SEALED-IN-VACUUM -the TIN and the RE-USABLE JAR 206 E. Main Free Delivery Phone ' nice and fat squares light dry cure steer beef steer beef Flight 'o Time Medford and Jackson Count) history from the files of the Mall Tribune 10 and 2u yeur ago. . TEN YIEABS AGO TODAY " February ai, 1926 (It was Sunday) Ashtand high defeated for second '.lme in row by Medford. 33 to 21 The Lithlan fans were "driven to frenzy" by the stalling of the locals In the final minute of play. Al Mel vln, who flashed In the first game, was kept on the bench by Coach Cal llson. Archie La Ing was the star for the local, Al Marake for the Ashland squad. Butte, Mont., resident bilked by 'magic money" scheme. Governor Pierce tlon. will seek re-elec- Joe O'Brien, the barber, Is recover ing from an attack of flu. Jackson ceuntl Is still without county agent. Schuler apartments near comple tion and will soon be ready for occu pancy. TWENTY YEARS AGO TODAY February 21. 1H16 (It was Monday) "Universal draft for all able-bodied men In case of war". urged In con gress. Letter to editor saysr "Let Wall street go to Europe. They make all the profits." Business men come out in favor of ball team, and the of the Blue Ledge mine. Heavy battle in progress in upper Alsace on the western front. Both French and Germans clslm victory. Rev. W. P. Shields leaves to take pulpit at Burns. Ore. First train Is run over Coos Bay line to Marsh field. , The "Grant Six," a new auto, ap pears on trie local market. Are you a member of -Ethel wyn B Hoffmann's HOSIERY CLUB? Join Now 3 ea. 68c lb. 22c lb. 30c lb. 12K:c lb. 20c lb. 25c pint (Continued from Page One.) ministration Is conducting Its own congress off-stage. The congressional leaders get together and find out ahead of time exactly what degree of legislation can be passed (note well, the bonus, neutrality bill, farm bill.) Practically all differences are com posed In private. When the bills are brought forward, they are already backed by a staggering majority. That leaves little to talk about and nothing upon which a first-class fight can be started. Resistance by the minority is useless and often routine. The reason behind this unusual strategy, of course, Is that the presi dent wants no clashes In a campaign year. The result Is that, while congress Is passing legislation of highest Impor tance, the usual dramatizing ele ments aro entirely lacking and the session Is unprecedented ly dull for the actors aa well as the , audience. Farleyites are planning a little sur prise for Al Smith. They figure that the New York state convention may be Induced to adopt a unit rule re quiring all delegates to vote for the choice of the majority of delegates. Thus Al Smith may find himself voting for Mr. Roosevelt for renom lnatjon whether he likea it or not Incidentally, the White House and Postmaster General Farley's office was somewhat caustic in denying the oth er day that Tammany Leader Doollng had been summoned to either place. Presidential Secretary Maclntyre went In to ask the president about It. Re turning he said: "Absolutely no. WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY SALE George: Made a nation great and strong. ' We : Make food bargains to help you along. George: Helped you aim toward a higher goal. We: Help your stomach and the old bank roll. . v.' 1- - . ,; prices 22 f CUT 'fei51- and V WH0 DrD IT?, )GjC ) IS ;?P rf 1 "I cannot tell BARGAINS1" (Signed: P. MJB COFFEE TREE TEA 33c Black Instant Postum, 8 oz. can1. ,37c JELLO Six delicious flavors, pkg. ,.6c Swansdown Cake Flour, pkg. 23c MAYONNAISE .g.qwt45c ertie SPERRY PANCAKE, No. 10 bag . .53c TOMATOES, ex. standard, No. 2 . . 10c CATSUP, Monitor, Oregon made . .10c CORN, Golden Bantam. No. 303 ... 10c Tiffany WINE Sweet, Fortified PORT ANGELICA TOKAY ' SHERRY MUSCATEL LCI.-, SEALED QUART TTC CH0C0LATE COVERED CHERRIES, pound box ... 20t? GUM DROPS Giant pound box 150 MACARONI Kleen-Pak large package IQf COMB HONEY BACON SALT P0RK Dixie Squares "mar fur. Best Ever BACON 29c lb. 24c lb. 19c lb. Artichokes, ea. ,5c Green Peppers lb 15c Tomatoes 2 lbs 25c Cauliflower . . .9c Grapefruit 7 for 15c Sweet Spuds 4 lbs '.19c Elsewhere the hint waa dropped that Mr. pooling would not be wel come at either place. The goods which Congressmen Bell Is supposed to have on tbe Town sendltes Is composed largely of a masa of lettera complaining about the fin ancial set-up of various parts of tht organization. He also has a Colorado court record and some other record of financial troubles of several Town send groups Some wo have 40:9 ever his file believe he can make a case from facta already In his pos'.io.. but the few Town sendltes in congress do not. Congressman Lemke wore a cap when he went up to see the presi dent. Hs Is probably the only con gressman who favors such an Inform" al l!d. However, he took it off when posing for .photographs outsldo & White House. Probably the onlv author In the history of the world who dace not jl remember the titles of nls own works I, Is Mr. Roosevelt. When he described his latest tax conference as chapter II In the tax book, someone asked hint what was the name of the book. Turning to his secretary, he lnqillreds "What was the name of that Jast book I wrote?" The secretary said tt was: "On Our Way." which title Mr. Roosevelt Immediately adopted for h!e unwritten tax recommendations.. Official unpublished figures indi cate that, out of 25.000 postmasters now holding office, about 4,000 to 5.000 are Republicans. The house leaders can get ten more signatures removed from the Frazter Lemke petition if It gets close to 4 majority, or If they really want to. Only three members of the hoasa applauded when Congressman. Main demanded a vote on the McGroarty Townscnd bill. Supreme court followers have no ticed that Chief Justice Hughes has not read a closely spilt opinion since the gold case. His hot oil opinion .vas 8 to 1, NRA unanimous. TV A 8 to 1. a lie they're W. Washington) lb. 27c, 2 lbs. 53c 4 lbs 99c I lb. PKG. Green .... . . .25c Soap Specials Crystal White OCr giant bars, . 6 for C3C Palmolive 3 for .14c Supersuds, kitchen size, 3 for . ,25c Peets Granulated 40 ot. pkg. COM Nature's Own Met 2 for 25c if L$r$