Med ford Merchants Offer The Weather Forecast: Occasional rain to night and Saturday; No change In temperature. TEMPERATRB Highest yesterday ... Si Lowest this morning . S Thirtieth Year . By Faul Mannon Copyright, 1939, by Paul Mallon WASHINOTON, Feb. 31 President Roosevolt called a republican senator down to the White Hou&e vol long ago and asked him what w.,s wrong deal. The Republican la loyal, but somewhat Inde pendent, and distinctly not a word ml cer. He has a picturesque vocabulary and special use In short vronla com monly used In conversation but not in urlnt. - PAUL MALLON He used them all, one by one, and then collectively, to describe what, he called "the blank-ety-blank saps" who ere operating some Important phases of the new deal. He said they never had a dash dashed bit of business experience, but were formulating federal business policies. Also that they had never made enough money tJ spend any of their own. but were spending million and billions of Mr. Morgenthau'a. It la doubtful whether the presi dent has ever been talked to that way since he entered upon his life among the political fawners of Washington. He took It quietly, thanked tee sena tor for the advice. Note The senator also emitted a blue haze about the low cost nouslng program. Ho. contended It tends to fieese the existing low standard Of living, tenda to freeze low labor wage scales. Also he wanted to know what would happen to the government If the tenants of the low-cost homes were unable to pay. Another easler-golng Republican senator was called In later and asked what he thought was wrong. He also .poke frankly, but with less entnl asm. His complaint was chiefly against the swing away from the . atl-trust laws and against waste in governmental expenditures. Both senators accepted the presi dent's inquiry at face, y.alu. Both also went away with a feel ns ; that be waa contemplating an early sprtn house cleaning. The peeularttlea of this session e-i congress continue to expand as each day passes. There has never been an other session quite like it. Virtually no suspended Interest exists In any pending legislation, and. In tact, very little Interest of any kind. What is happening Is this: The ad- ( Continued on Page rwelve) MarshfMdMiil Damaged By Fire MARSHFIELD. Ore.. Feb. 31. (AP) Damage estimated by the owners at 15.000 waa caused, today when tire swept through the Prosper saw mill and retell lumber yard on Marshlleld'a water front. Fire Chief P. J. Shepherd eld the blare was of Incendiary origin. The loss wss only partly covered by in surance. SIDE GLANCES by TEIBUNE REPORTERS mm Achtson. Junior high coach, Prankle Peck, Bill Frohnroayer and a reporter standing on a eorner In ani mated converse as a email boy ap proached and said "How many of you guys are wrestlers." and the small boy not believing when all pointed to Achlson, saying, "he's the only The above reminding Achlson of the time he was In a barber shop as Peck left, and the barber, after small-talk about the ring In genera asking Ach who he was wrestling that night. Bill Bowerman In the Ashland Jr. huh Jvm where tonight's classic Is to be played, standing tip-toe on a step-lsdder testing the basket with a level, after Chuck Taylor had re ported they were lopsided, but Bill finding them not bsd. Jim Collin, innuraneer, remarking that more motor Accidents occur on Eleventh and Fourth street than happen down town, or any where elae in the city. Sari Shirley so completely recover ed from a recent oreratton. and feel ing m good about it, that he was dnvtng about In a brand-new auto of atretmlinM detiga. iviEDFORD (TWENTY-TWO PAGES TWO SECTIONS) Ml 12- S WITHOUH SHOT Entire Fertile Plane of Buie Enveloped by II Duce's Force No Sign of Ethio pians Beaten Last Week By EDWARD i. NEIL Associated Press Foreign Staff WITH THE NORTHERN ITALIAN ARMY IN ETHOPIA, AT THE FRONT, Feb. 20. (Delayed) (AP) An Ital ian army of 20.000 white troops took another slice of Ethiopia today, start ing a new advance southward f but without firing or hearing a shot. The Ethiopian army of Raa Mulu gheta, minister of war, continued fleeing to the south. In three hours three Fascist divi sions In columns advanced 12 miles, enveloping the entire fertile plsln of Bute, establishing a new line to the foothills of the mountain range. There was - absolutely no sign of Muluwheta's force of 60,0002 badly beaten last week In the six days' con quest of Amba Aradam. Twenty new towns fell. Into the Italian hands as a result of today's advance In addition to 35 taken be tween February 10 and 15. The total territory conquered since February 10 la now exactly 1.820 square kilometers, 840 of them being csptured today. The new line now runs from huge Mount Dabra A Hat. on the right flank; through Aberat In the center, to 'Mount Garadsclam on the left flank. Including the major towns o: Buie and Aderat and commanding Mai Meshlc. ' This correspondent watched the ad vance today from an observatory here with the Italian high command. There is no questioning that the Italian victories were tremendous. Natives In towns captured today eald they defended their possessions by shooting on Mulugheta's fleeing troops from housetops last week. ' Pictures taken by Italian aviators show columns of "Ethiopians in flight and ptlea dead beside roads where airplanes had slaughtered hundreds of them. ALL POSTMASTERS WASHINOTON. Feb. HI. (AP) President Roosevelt said today he hoped there would be legislation plac ing all postmasters under the civil service. While not specifying action at this sew ion. the president told hts press conference he expects to continue conferences on the subject. He remarked that he advocated such a proposition as far back as 1813. First, second and third class post masters do not come under the civil service now. As various emergency agencies of the government become permanent, Mr. Roosevelt said he expected their employes to be covered by civil serv ice regulations. The president did not designate which agenclee he had in mind. In hts budget to congress, however, he said that success of the AAA and civilian conservation corps warranted their designation as "regular activi ties" of the government. The AAA waa killed the same day by the supreme court but the pend ing soil conservation -subsidy farm bill would set up a permanent state aid system. CHAUFFEUR SUSPECTED IN 'MURDER-BY-CLOCK' LOS ANOELES. Cal.. Feb. 21. (AP) A 35-year-old chauffeur. Fred Stea ler, was booked on suspicion of mur der early today In connection with the double slaying of Cart 8. Barbour, M, and hla wife, Dorothea. 01. De tectives who arrested 8 tat tier had checked the Barbour rooming house register to find a perm with the technical knowledge to perpetrate a "murder -by-the -clock." The elderly couple was bludgeoned to death and their bodies placed on a bed. which the slayer set on fire early yesterday by a "time clock" mechanism connected with an elec tric heater. Detective Liutnant Lioxd Ptioii said Stettler formerly lived at the CAPONE GANGSTER SHOT DOWN -Macnlne Gun" Jack McQurn (right), notorious gangster and re puted Al Capons lieutenant, waa shot down and killed by three gun men at Chicago juat three years and a day after the famous St Valen tine's Day massacre of seven mobsmen of which he waa accused. At left ia his widow, nicknamed the "blonde alibi" becauae ahe swore McGurn, whom aha married afterwards, wa with her at the time of the. maasacre. (Aasociated Press Photos) Washington's birthday being a legal holiday, banks and all public offices will be closed all day tomorrow. Offices to be closed Include those in the county courthouse, city hsll and federal building. Both the main postofflce and ttie branch will be closed. WPA, workers will be given a holiday.,. Medford"" stores;' however, will not only remain open but will oonduct a special George Washington sale, of fering quality merchandise at prlcea set especially low for this novel Feb ruary event. The state liquor store also will re main open for the usual Saturday period, 0 a. m. to II p. m. WIFE OF HIGHWAY E PORTLAND. Ore., Feb. 31. (API Mrs. Catherine Lynch, 50, wife of W. H. Lynch, district engineer of the federal bureau of roads, died at her home last night from sn apparently self -Inflicted " bullet wound In the head. Deputy Coroner Earl Shea said today. Lynch said he entered the bedroom about midnight and found his wife deed, the coroner related. Ill health waa the only reason ascribed. " WILL RESIGN APRIL 1 SAN RAFAEL, Calif., Feb. 31. (UP) Warden James B. Holohan of San Quentin prison will resign April I as an outgrowth of the drscovery of counterfeiting behind the walls of tola prison, Judge T. H. Harvey, chairman of the California board of prison directors, announced today. Holohan's resignation has been ru mored for weeks. San Quentin Is the largest state penal Institution In the United States. NEW YORK, Feb. 31. (UP) Eight hundred communist pickets demonstrated before the German, Italian and Japanese consulates here today, protesting against alleged preparations by those countries for war on Russia. . Barbour house and one of his charred ' rwrnnail rrtm with hla mw as1r1rsM was found In the couple's effects. The detective said Stettler had been reported tinkering with electrical de vices in much of his spirt time. When the chauffeur, who works part time, was arrested at hla home last night, Pat ton said he was found in possession of an electric soldering iron and wlra similar to that used In construction ot the arson machine whtch fired the Barbour bedroom. Stettler maintained under ques tioning that he had not been near the Barbour home Wednesday night and had last Men the couple, with whom he had a close acquaintance, a week ago. Special nyffA T MEDFORD, OREGON. i.1 -::ii-s32ii PROBE AT JOLIET T JOLIET, Til., Feb. 31. (AP) War den .Roy Best of the Colorado state prison, a member of the committee Invited to study prison conditions af ter the slaying of Richard Loeb by a fellow convict here on January 38, said today that testimony of Inmates pictured 'conditions that were noth ing less than astounding.' - " Among ' the "disclosures : reported made by convicts to Investigating committee members were that con victs played poker for large stakes in their cells, that money was smug gled thto Inmates and was used to corrupt guards, that liquor was man ufactured and circa la ted freely, that narcotics were obtainable and that favored wealthy Inmates were per mitted to wear white shirts and flan nel trousers Instead of prison garb. E SPOKANE, Feb. 31. (P The plight of game and song birds In the Inland Empire remained critical to day as additional snow counteracted the relief of more moderate weather. Hordes of birds have been reported dead during the past week, as enow and Ice covered their natural feed and Intense cold sapped their vitality. Robert Oroseclose, president of the Walla Walla County Sportsmen's as sociation, reported hundreds of ducks dead of starvation and freezing In the oounty'e popular hunting area. Toe state game farm and sportsmen's as sociation have tried to meet the situ atlon by providing feed to farmers. From Vsklma came the report of thousands of wild duck seeking crumbs and grain around back doors and haystacks in the lower valley districts. Ice covered their usual feeding grounds, BEST SINCE 1931 SAW FRANCISCO. Feb. 31. January business activity on the Pa cific coast wss the best opening month for any year since 1931 the Wells Fargo bank and Union Trast company Index showed today. Business was 88 3 percent of the 1933- 36 average. This was a slight reaction from December when Christ mas trade swelled the figure to 91.3 but by far the beat January since tne Initial month of 1931 showed 90.3. Previous January a were; 1936 71.3, 1934 70-2, 193368.3, 183289 6. MAUREEN ORCUTT WINS, 4-3, OVER PATTY BERG PALM BKACK, FIs Feb. 31. (UP) Mra. Maureen Orcutt Crowa of Mi ami today defeated Patty Berg of Minneapolis, 4 and 8, In tha finals of tha Palm Beach women's golf championship. ROBEBimO, Ore., Feb. 31. (AP) For tha aacond consecutive day Rosa burg this morning waa the warmest spot In Oregon. Minimum tempera ture last nlKht waa CO degrees. A warm rain started last night contin ued without Interruption, bringing M of an inch of precipitation prior to the A a. m. reading at the local station of tha V. weatber bureau. Bargains T r as ii FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21 DRAFT TAX BILL FOR FARM PLAN President Plans Formula tion After Return From Hyde Park Tax Advisers Give Hope of Low Levies WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. (AP) The administration's $300,000. 000 farm bill was passed today by the house and returned to the senate for action on amend ments. WASHINOTON . Feb 31. (AP) President Roosevelt said today the tax bill to finance the new farm program would be formulated finally after his return next week from hla home In Hyde Park. N. Y. He added that conferences with the heads of government spending agen cies would continue through April. Discussions with the officers of thu government lending units, Mr. Roose velt told newsmen, have about been completed. A billion dollar cancellation In au thorised borrowing has been projected by the president, but he has given no intimation of what may be accom llahed In the way of curtailing direct expenditures. Optimism Prevails Legslators hoping and praying that President Roosevelt will make the tax bill as small as possible In this com palgn year took comfort In optimistic notes struck by congressional tax ad visers , Noting & rise of 36,63fl,13 In ordi nary internal revenue collections lsst month as compared with January, 1036, the advisers gave figures to show that with a further upswing In business the present tax rates would pour much more money into the treasury than It ever received In peak prosperity years. ' One congressional tax report said that present levies, applied to earn ings approximating those of 1029, would produce $0,76S,0OO.OOO annual ly. Total revenue receipts recently have been running at the rate of about 4. 000 ,000,000 a year, almost as much as the receipts In 1039, when the tax structure waa different. Argue for Low Levies These figures were welcome to con gress members who have been argu ing that sizeable new tax levies are not necessary, despite the deficit, re lief demands, congressional passage of the bonus, and the wiping out of AAA'a processing taxes by the supreme court, (Continued on Page Seven) RAIN ERASES ICE PORTLAND, Peb. 31 (P) Rain and above freezing temperatures re turned to Portland today and washed way tha Ice and anow which fringed the etreeta for two weeka. Edward L. Wells, government mete orologist, predicted that occasional rain would continue In wMtm om. j gn tonight and tomorrow, while more snow would visit portions of eastern Oregon. Southeast storm wsrnlnga wera dis played along tha coast from Eureka, Cal., to Aberdeen, Wash., and north east warnings on the northern Wash ington coast. The heavy rain were general In the Willamette valley and aa far south aa Roaeburg, where .82 inch of pre cipitation fell In leas Khan 24 hours. Roeeburg was one of the warmest spot In Oregon with a minimum tem perature of SO degrees last night. A blinding snowstorm In tha Co lumbia river gorge blocked the high way again today for the second time this winter. ORDER AKRON PICKETS TO LET COAL THROUGH AKROH O., Peb. 31. (UP) A six Judge court tonight ordered pickets at the Ooodyear Tlra Rubber Co to break their lines and allow coal trains to pass Into the three block aded plants. The court order waa Issued aa an other effort waa made to Induce the company to enter negotiations with atrlkers. who are protesting dismissal of 70 veteran tire builders. Income Shares Maryland Fund., bid 113 3a; asked 20 as. Quarterly income shsres, bid II A5; asked 1 .70, for Saturday and o o. Ml IN CASEBRUi Fresh Evidence Report Col lapsesSpiritual Adviser Says Hauptmann Has Been Greatly Wronged By John Ferris (Associated Press Start Writer) TRENTON. N. J.. Feb. 31. (API Reported fresh evidence fixing Bruno Klchard Hauptmann anew aa the writer of the Lindbergh ransom notes collapsed today at the aame time that Oovernor Harold O. Hoff man reiterated he has no Intention of granting a second reprieve to the condemned man, , . Tne handwriting "evidence" was supposedly discovered In the office of Col, Marie O. Klmberllng, warden of the state prison, by a subordinate who said he detected a similarity be tween tbe letter "p" In the ransom notes and the aame character In let ters written by Haupmann atnee he had been In the death house. No Reprieve rian Oovernor Hoffman, In a formal atatement, said he waa "more con vinced than ever" by Hauptmann's alienee that the crime la still un solved, and aald he had made no plan for another reprieve. (Continued on Page Nina) WILL HOLD DIXON RITES TOMORROW Funeral services for H. O. Volney Dixon will be held In the Perl chapel at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Tho Rev. w. F. Shields will officiate. Burial will be In the family plot In the I. O. O. P. cemetery whero Medford lodge 83, t. O. O, p., wlU conduct a graveside service. The Rotary club, of which Mr. Dixon waa a charter member, will meet at the Hotel Medford at 1:48, so that all Rotarlans may attend the funeral In a group, Mr. Dixon died auddenly Wednes day night at his home, 83 West Tenth street. He had been In busi ness here for 31 years and his death la mourned by a large circle of friends snd associates. JUDGE WIMBERLY HERE 10 Circuit Judge Carl B. Wlmberly of Douglaa county occupied the circuit court bench thla morning, hearing argument on a demurrer in the case of the state banking apartment agalnat Stiver and othera. The liti gation Involves the Pompadour Spring property near Aahland that haa been pending In the court for some time. , Arguments were sub mitted. The court deferred ruling. Judge Wlmberly waa accompanied by Ouy Condon of Roeeburg. Circuit Judge H. D. Norton was dis qualified to sit In the caae. C. Pass Protests Bums Blockade O RANTS PASS. Feb. Sl-(AP) Acting on suggestion of Commission er Clyde of Portland, the - Oranta Pass city council laat night protested the bos Angeles ban on indigent transients being enforced at Califor nia stale linen. GLANCE OUT OF WINDOW SAVES WOMAN IN STORM CHAPLIN. Sask, Peb. Jl. (AP) A story reached her today of bow a farmer's chsnee glsnce out of a win dow across the blluard-swept prsl rlea south of Chaplin Mondsy saved the life .of Mrs. Joseph Prycr, 70-year-old pioneer of the Esther dis trict. When Mra Fryer's husband fell dead auddenly, the aged woman, left alone In the house, set out to seek aid In 40-below aero weather. She made her way a quarter of a mile from the house to a post that has been used ss a community bulletin board. Thtr ahe posted news of bar hus full United Press Business Activity Is Represented In Mail Tribune Ads Evidence of the fact that The Mall Tribune's dally and weekly l&sue of today are representative of the business activity of Med ford and the Rogue River valley la shown by advertising messages from 101 business concerns In this area. Including the firms affiliated with the Independent Grocers Alliance, and the Food Buyers' Association, a total of 101 advertisers used The -Mall Tribune and the Tribune's Buyer's Oulde to advertise exceptional values for thrifty shoppers this week-end and next week. The Washington Birthday Sale, sponsored by the Retail Mer chsnts' Bureau of the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce, promises to be a genuine buying festival In Medford tomorrow and Monday. Indication are that this community sale will set a new record for co-operative events of this nature In Medford. as prac tically ell local firms have fea tured values that will bring many hundreds of shoppers from ts rioua sections of southern Ore gon and northern California Sat urday and Monday. THORNDIKE AGAIN ELECTED HEAD OF COMMUNITY CHESI At a meetlna of the executive1 board of the Community Cheat held Thursdey afternoon at me National bank, offloera for the en t,ln im.i wnm elected Bunene Thorndlke was reelected aa presi dent of the community unest, wmwi position he haa held for three yeara. , r. iMmni rr.menter wsa aaaln elected vice-president of the board and Miss Rutn Meusei aa secrcnu treasurer. r. rtftinh Phinn. waa chairman of the nominating committee, Larry Schado and Mra. a. o. b. weiu acting with her. Re porta for the past three months were heard from the seven pertlcl pstlng organisations, ahowlng mucn ntivttv in relief and welfare work In Jackson county. Those represent ing the organlaationa were: iw Cross, Miss Lillian Roberta and Geo. T. Frey, Salvatton Army, Capt. O. R. Durham; Boy Bcouta, Larry Schsde; Jackson County Public Health association, Mrs. 3. O. 8. Wellls; Girl Scouts. Mrs. R. E. Oreen: Olrls Community club, Mrs. Dolph Phlpps; Allied Welfare association, John 0. Mann, and Welfare Ex change, Mlas Helen Carlton. The board of the Community r-,.... w-..t An record aa extending a vote of thanka to the offlcera for their work this past yesr and espec ially to those men wno comprweu the executive committee during last ..ii. .mnn, M N. Honan. chair man: Leonard Carpenter, Raymond R. Rcter, M. D. Field, w. a. nonrot, r, r .nrf A. 3. HaUk. Thla MmmitiM worked to make the csmpalgn a success, having raised a total Of S13.680.I3. MARTIN NAMES 2 FOR BUILDING CONGRESS SALEM, reb. 31. P) Oovernor Mar tin today appointed O. W. Pecore and W. T. Williams, both of Portland, aa members of the Oregon building con gress, for terms' of two years. Pecore la an attorney while Wll llama la an engineer. SACRAMENTO, Peb. 31. (API The governor' offloa Issued papers todsy for the return of Ernest a Keyser from Ban Diego to Lane county. Oregon, where he la charged wltn . "burning with Intent to In jure." band's death In the hope It would bring her aid. When Mra. Fryer tried to make the return Journey to her home, alia faoed tha full fury of the storm.. Dli wandered about for three hours In a futile attempt to find her home, then, worn out by her exertlona, fell. Chris Mlnkey, a farmer residing about a mile away, chanced to look out when a lull occurred lu the blla aard and aaw Mra. Fryer fall. Us brought her to shelter. Today Mrs. Fryer was still suffer Ing from shock and exposure. Ron ald Dell, grandson ot Mrs. Fryer, man aged to break trsall Into town and related tha facta. Monday Save Time If Jou want a bujer, a renter, or trade or hate a want of any kind you may depend upon Mall Tribune Want Ads (or results and tare yourself time. No. 284. LIGGETT'S WIDOW SAYS POLICE GUN KILLEDHUSBAND Underworld Character Gives Tip That Machine Gun Furnished Assassins by Minneapolis Policemen MINNEAPOLIS. Feb !,., Mra. Walter Liggett today aald ahe waa Informed by an "underworld character" that the machine gun which killed her publisher-husband "waa furnished by the Mlnnespolis police department." Chief Of P0ll Knk ... termed her atatement "a dream." cnier oiiered to fire a teat bullet from every machine gun In the police deDartmi-ni: j ., to the department of Justice at Wash- "Kiun w aetermine whether they are similar to the ones that kiiim t.i.. gett. , . Mra. Llesettt mm .h , - a Mi formation to ahe authnrittM BM,.-.t days ago, asserting It came from a w. roui unuerwona" character who haa police connections." She . said her Informant fnrmerlv matlon to her husband. Liggett, who published the Mid west Amerlcsn. a weeltlv . bm. lsst December 8. TOWNSEND DENIES THIRD PARTY PLAN WASHINGTON, Feb. 91, (API One threat of a third nrt ment faded today with the an- iiuuiHnmeni or tir. r. e, Townsend that n la old age-pension organisa tion will not back aucb a proposal. Townsend declared th. niti will his group Join movement la any state that would mean a con flict In nresldential nrimirij Av either party. The co-founder of the J00-a-month pension plan, referred to DrODOSal to enter a rielAmMtn iM , California primary nominally pledged to representative Mcoroarty (D Calif.) for president. Townsend de clared "such a program could only unng oeieat and discredit to the Townsend movement," though h ssld the movement's leadera had no desire to "antagonize" any such "fsvorlto son" csndldscy as McOro arty'a. . : TULSA. Okie., Feb. 20. (AP) W. D. Phillips, state area manager of tn Townsend old sge pension move ment, satd today he had been ad vised that Oomer Smith, Oklahoma City attorney, would be a candidat for president of the United State on the Townsend ticket. "The decision for Mr, Smith to run wsa made at a conference In Loa Angeles today with Dr. F. E. Townsend," Phillips said he wa told by telephone. "Mr. Smith will enter his name for the presidency In preferential primaries In IS state." Smith Is national vice-president of the Townsend plsn. Copyright, 163, by Associated Press MADRD. Feb. 31 UP) Martial la- spread through Spain today against revived radical rioting In which at least eight persons were killed, churches and rightist centers raided and the red flag of communism raised at isolated points. The new left-republican govern ment of Premier Manuel Azana. which came Into power after the leftist vic tory In Sunday's parliamentary elec tions, took Immediate measures to attempt to halt the celebratlon-dia-orders and demonstrations, O, t hundred gusrds, armed with mactJne guns, were dispatched to tb town of Eclja. In the far southwestern province of Huelya, where commun ist proclaimed a soviet state and raised their red flag. HOOD RIVER PHEASANTS SUPPLIED WITH FOOD HOOD RIVER, Ore., Feb. 91. V-Klnd-hearted Hood River resident sre regularly feeding many game and field birds who fed uply has been cut off by the continued cold wea ther and anowa. Pheasant have been doing fairly well, but quail and amaller birila were finding It difficult to locate natural feed. A number of robtna were found dead from cold and hunger. 5