MEDFORD MATL TRTBDNT?. MEDFOUD. OREfiQN. THFRSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1936. PAOE NINE Read every ad on this page You will probably tlnd exactly me things you have been looking tor or a eale or trade for unused articles you. may have. Search your attlo or tore-room you may find many things othera are seek ing and be able to realize Im mediate cash. If what you want lan't here, advertise for It Tribune Classified ads are inexpensive effective 1 RATES Per word first Insertion , 3c (Minimum 35c) Each additional Insertion. per word lc (Minimum 10c) per line per month without copy changes .135 Phone 75 FOR WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND TAKEN UP One bay horse and one dark mare, 4 miles out Crater Lake highway. Inquire Grants Service Station. LOST Mounted Elks tooth. Initials r D. C. R. 228 on back. Return so 133 W. Mam. Reward. ' LOST It dog Is missing, call 1516. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Housekeeper on a farm. one more interested in nom. . . "" ""J-" ' child. Box 151. Tribune. WANTED Experienced waitress. 225, Tribune. WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Man with oar to aell na ttn advertised line of personal nrt housecleanlna brushes. For I particulars and appointment write ' to Fuller Brush Co, P.-O. Box 900, Medford, Ore. MALE AND FEMALE PARTY to sell canaries at home on commission. Box 504, Tribune. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNO LADY wants housework, hour or day. Rosey Anderson, across from pins Cone. DAY and night service carpenter work. Lee Williams. 1520 N. Riverside. SITUATION WANTED Housekeeper or praotlcal nurse. Telephone 459-X. "cLRK -STENOGRAPHER - TYPIST Will work by hour or day. Reason able. Phone H88-W. WANTED--MISCELLANE0US WANTED We pay cash for household goods, furniture and stoves. We also buy metals, hides, pelts, wool and mo hair. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE, 27 N. Grape St. Phone 1062. WANT- -Cook stoves, heaters, bed springs, msttresees, day-beds, sani tary couches and cots or what have you? We py cash or exchange. NEW DEAL FURN. EXOHANGE 423 E. Main St. WANTED FURS FURS FURS Highest oath prloe paid for raw furs. Complete line of traps on sale. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 37-29 No. Grape St. I Medford. WANTED Coupe, 1928 or later. Send price and description to Box 345, Tribune. PHONE 969-R for reupholstering, re flnlshlng. regluelng. Thult WBWANt" PLACER GROUND Must be level, 6 to 10 ft. deep, soft bedrock, and water for small dredge Write fully, P. O. Box 588, Medford, Ore. WANTED Small beauty shop, good location. S. Z. Roberts, Gen. Del.. Medford. Ore. WANTED To buy small cash regis ter; also mirror ax- it. or on.... Dutch Mill, Klamath Junction Aehland. WANTED TO BUY Small cash regis ter in good order. juonarcn oe- JUNK- -JUNK WANTED CASH PAID for inner tubes, lc per lb up. Rags, cotton and wool, up to So per lb Scrap Iron, small or large lota; also all other metals of all deortptlons. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 57 No Grape. Phone 1063 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 6-room modern house, 714 w. 11th. FOR RENT 6-room modern furnish ed house, close In. Phone 457-J. foR RENT Homes, furnished or unfurnished. BROWN si WHITE. 8-ROOM furnished house; fireplace and hardwood floors. 707 West Jackson. FOR RENT 4-room furnished cot tage: wster paid. 628 N. Riverside. Inquire Cottage No. S. FOR RENT Modem 6-room house 15 Newtown. 4-ROOM furnished house tor rent, electne range Inquire 305 Sou-.b Oakdal lOR RENT 3-room house partly furnished. 417 Benson St. UNFURNISHED boue. 4 rooms oath and screened porch at 1510 West Main. 817 50. liter not paid ' DeVoe. 53J-J-- c A FOR RENT Nest 5-room house ' Redden Co, Tel. 720. FOR RENT APARTMENTS I FOR RENT 3-room furnished apt. Elderly couple preferred. 300 Cot tage. FOR RENT Modern 8 -room apart ment. Phone 748-M. 125 N. Holly. FURNISHED 3-room apartment, pri vate bath, sleeping porch, garage; adults 913 So. Oakdale. FOR RENT Apartment furnished: shower, steam heat, hot and cold water furnished. Mall Tribune of fice. FURNISHED APTa. Phone 879-X. BACHELOR apartment. 445 S. Front FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ATTRACTIVE rooms. 404 8. brape. FOR RENT BOARD ROOM ROOM AND BOARD Meals served family style. 148 So. Holly. BOARD AND ROOM, rates reasonable, at 716 E. Maui. BOARD Home-cooked meals served In private home. Reasonable rates. Near business district, 33 N. Orange St. Phone 1473-X. REASONABLE board and room; nice, quiet place, to employed or elderly woman. Box 227, Tribune. ROOM S BOARD Home cooked moms. 8J5 per month 303 N Ho'.v FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT A diversified orchard on shares. BROWN & WHITE. Realtora. FOR RENT 1',4 acres. 7-room house, : barn, garage, all outbuildings, in Jacksonville on main highway Hartman. Phone 413. FOR EXCHANGE FURNITURE for lot; overstuffed. Box 247, Tribune. FOR SALE OR TRADE Jonathan ap ple. 15c and 35c a box. Call at Ala Vista Packing house between 9 and o crocs, -nag uw "" EXCHANGEPlan0 for g0OQ boat and trailer. 1023 w. 9tn St. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE 2 acres, 7 room house, big hen house, cow, truck, tools. Call at Repair shop. 1617 North Riverside, Medford. . FOR SALE OR TRADE Income prop erty, close In. Phone pas-.. TRADE Modern -room house, gar age, near nigh and grade school. Cottage Grove, for Medford prop erty. Box 328, Tribune. WILL TRADE good 40 acres wtlh nice home for Medford. BROWN WHITE, Realtors. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE HOUSES for sale or rent. evenings 1147-W. WHEN you think of real estate think of BROWN WHITE. FOR SALE 2 acres Bear creek; 3 room house, electrio pump, barn, chicken house. Bargain, 8550.00, part cash. Route 4. Box 393, or see Mr. Frlck at Sgobel it Day ware house. 7 ACRES clover, alfalfa; city water, improved. ' 3 acres, modern house, free water. 4-room house, bath, city water, 1450.00. City and country homes. Prcnpt attention bonus holders. ROBERTS, Realtor, 720 West 2nd. Tel. 1528-J. REAL VALUES 20 Acres of good valley land, all cul tivated and Irrigated; small bouse, barn, sheds, etc.; near Talent on county road; sell or trade for small property In or near Medford, 81,100 clear. 150 acres, 45 cultivated, balance pasture and some timber; house. ' barn, etc., some machinery; 3 '4 miles from town; 82500.00; 10 down, 10 a year. 5 Interest. THE REAL ESTATE EXCHANOE 19 N. Bartlett St. Phone 1496. FOR SALE 8 4-10 acre tract; Ideal location, close In, fine sou, some Improvements, house, barn, well, fenced plenty wood. Priced right. Bee owner, H. Schermerhorn, 1 mile west of Phosnlx. FOR SALE 145-ecre farm and equip ment and stock; good buildings. Box 26, Brownsboro, Ore. HOLDERS OF BONUS CERTIFICATES We have aeveral properties which we can sell on easy teems and which can be optioned to holders of bonus certlflcatea until certificates are cashed. BROWN WHITE. Realtors. 104 W. Main. Medford. FOR SALE OR RENT Several fine modern homes and acreages In Cen- tral Point. Can be bought like rent. Also modern 6-room house at 832 W. 12th St. See Obert C. Hsnsou or i ' write Box 135, Central Point. HOUSES for sale or rent. Jackson County Bldg and Loan Assn. 20 ACRES, cultivated, close In. fine 4. room house, barn, large chicken house, 5A free water. Price 81500: terms Sheley Agen'-, 1 mile north of city limits. Psclflc Hwy. FOR SALiS House, 3 lots: Central Point. 8650 00. 4 down, easy terms. Walt's Shoe Shop. 122 No. Centril Ave. 406 ACRES on beautiful Rogue river; 73 acres In alfalfa, finest bottom soil, over one mile river frontage, FRF.E WATER. This is a fasclnat- . ing place for your recreational home and also has great commercial value and only a few minutes trom Med ford A rare chance to own one of the finest places on the Rogue. BROWN At WHITE, REALTORS. FOR SALE By owner. 10 to 80 -acre tracts. irrlRased Bear creek bottom laud. mile from Medford; excel lent tor gardening. Phone 1524-L Hon.-Rfl for sale or rent. Phone 195 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Totgenberg springer. Earhart. FOR SALE- Weaner pigs, nlngs. Beagle. FOR SALE Out of Oore Estate. 4 gc-"a mares, unbroken, between 5 and 6 vesrs; 2 old mares. g-Kxl lor oreoitwi; 1 oid saddle horse Terms cuo. Call r.-o-nmayer, 166, FOR SALE DOGS PETS FOR SALE Boston terrier puppies; or will trade for wod , range or chickens. Lola Nelson. Jacksonville ROLLER canaries. Phone S23-J-3. FOR SALE POULTRY AND EGGS PLYMOUTH ROOK pullets for sale. B. W. Ford, Lozler Lane. FOR SALE R, I. R. pullets, laying, $1.00 each. R. C. Logan. Talent, 1 Vi mile wost Talent school. HANSON strain white Leghorn hatch ing eggs from old bens mated to cockerels of 375 and better dams. Phone 19-F-3. WHITE LEGHORN and R. I. Red breeding cockerels.' Reduced prices. Mrs. R. E. Carley, Phone 314-W. FOR SALE Baby chicks, all breeds. Right prices. Monarch Seed and Feed Co. CARLEY POULTRY FARM Pedigreed Leghorns, R. 1. Reds. Hatching Eggs. ' Baby Chicks. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES '30 PACKARD Sedan; looks and runs like new, at a real Dargaln. PIERCE-ALLEN MOTOR CO. Dodge and Plymouth. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Brunswick combination billiard and pool table; extra oak top for dining table. Fully equip ped. Box 146, Tribune. ' I FOR SALE Good sewing machine 10. 311 Willamette. ALFALFA SEED 15c; loose alfslfa hay 410.00: baled alfalfa. 1-2-3 cuttlnga; oata and vetch, baled or loose. Tel. 623-J-4. Otto Nledermeyer. DAVENPORT Nearly new, reasonable. Phone 548 for particulars. FOR SALE Complete set of mining machinery, consisting of gas engine, electric motor, hoist, 3 pumps, pump lacks. 8 suction hose, .-inch pipe, ore car. track, buckets, grizzly, etc. See this outfit in operation, win sell reasonable or trade for dairy cows. Geo. Taylor, Camp conneu, 8 miles south of Hornbrook on hwy, FOR SALE. BOAT Exceptionally well made. Can be carried on car. c. Earl Bradflsh, 15 So. Central. FOR SALE Electric Kelvlnator, cheap. Phone 696-Y between 8:30 and 7, evenings. GOLF CLUBS and bag. Book Nook. 15 N. Fir. Bargain. FOR SALE The Best grafting wax on earth. Monarch seed co. FOR SALE Calcium nitrate, sulfate of ammonia, super phosphate, am-mo-phos, etc. Monarch Seed Co. FOR SALE--Let ua clean your seed ' groin at reasonable rates. A good Job guaranteed. Monarch Seed Co. FOR SALE Certified No. 1 quality seed potatoes. Monarch Seed Co. FOR SALE -Yucca tree protectors protect young fruit trees from rab bits, borers and sun scald. Monaroh Seed Co. HA? and Shire logging horse for ssle. weight about 1750. Dora E. Smith. mile west of Talent school. RED and green apples. 35c box and up. 701 w. 11th. FOR SALE Fine quality seed grains. Henry Nledermeyer. 1 mile north of Jacksonville on Old Stage road. Phone Jacksonville 354. L. A. RETREAD TIRES 15.000-mlle guarantee at a saving of 40 over . new tires. Prince Auto Electric, 13 N. Riverside. A REAL BUY Large size Ex. Fancy Cornice In lugs $1.00 Newtown apples In lugs .15 Bring your own ontatners. AMERICAN FRUIT GROWERS. INC. 313 So. Fir St. Medford, Ore. Phone 926. 1 FOR SALE Super phosphate, sulfate of ammonia, sheep guano, gypaum. Right prices. Monarch Seed At Feed Co. FOR SALE Liquid lime-sulphur. Get our prloes. Monarch Seed and Feed Co. FOR SALE Crown feeds; land plas ter: Aero Superphosphate; Case farm machinery. Flnley Implement i;o.. uentrai roint. TYPEWRITERS Bierma 116 N. Cen tral Phone 282. FOR SAJ-E Baleu oat hay. ground alfalfa and oat hay loose alfalfa hay C. A. DeVoe. Phone 623-J-3 WOOD Dry laurel and fir. 376-x. FOR SALE Recleaned field seeds, grain and the "dope" to treat seed before planting. Monarch Seed sx reeo Co. PERSONAL GUTTED PSYCHIC trlves advice on all affair of me. 901 No. Rlwritde. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE Plan dow to have your trees and shrubs prayed'. Will tart about Feb. 20. All work guar- tmw, pnon witnrow, zsa-w BUSINESS DIRECTORY JACKHOV COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts jf Title and Title Insurance. The only complete Title System in Jackson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of T.tle. Rooms 8 and 6, No. 32 North C-ntrsl Ave, ups'.slrs Money to Lend MONEY LOANED 650 to 6300 for personal or household purposes on House Furnishings or Autos: slso Cars Refinanced. Loans closed within 30 minutes License No. 8 197. see W. . Thomas, 45 So. Cen tral. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Long Distance Moving LARGE VAN serving Calif., Oreg. and Wash, points, semi-monthly trips. Fully Insured. Martin Bros. 701 S. 6th St., Grants Pass. Tel. 146-J. Transfer. EADS TRANSFER STORAGE CO I Office 1015 No. Central. Phone 318. Prloes right. Service suaranteed. I TRUCKINO AND STORAGE Local and long distance hauling, furni ture moving, etc. Reasonable rates. Tel. 833. F. E. Samson Co. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack ers and movers. Special livestock moving equipment. Prices right. 619 North Riverside. Phone 615. THE GRANGE Lake Creek Grange Lake Creek Orange will give a dance In Its hall. February 33. A good orchestra has been secured and large crowd Is expected. At the last meeting the name of Margaret Pech was favorably ballot ed on and she was declared a mem ber of the order. Reed Charley was elected a direc tor of the Grange Cooperative Sup ply association of Central Point. Among new committees appointed by the master were: reception. Wal lace Ragsdale, Ella Meyer. Mabel Stanley: critic (for Orange contest). Beth Zundell, Claus Charley; fenc ing, Reed Charley, Wallace Ragsdale. Floyd Charley. The following program, directed by Lecturer Mabel Brown, was in honor of Washington's and Lin coln's birthdays: Salute to the Flag: assembly song. "Star Spangled Ban ner;" ."Rules of Etiquette of George Washington." by Dorotha Rag6dale; "George Washington, the Parmer," by Mabel Brown; song, "Just Before the Battle, Mother." by Gordon Stan ley and Clayton Charley, accompan ied by Helen Brown; "Lincoln's Get tysburg Address," by Claus Charley; vocal duet. "Till We Meet Again." by Floyd Charley and Wallace Rags dale, accompanied by Helen Brown. EAuliauge of Valentines afforded pleasure and amusement, as did sev eral games. Delicious refreshments were served by the Home Economics committee. , Central Point Grange. . Central Point Grange will meet Fri day night. The third and fourth de grees will be put on by the officers. There will be candidates from Jack aonvllle and Central Point. During the lecture hour there will be a short Lincoln-Washington pro gram. BUCKINGHAM S Ice cream Candy and Party Speclala The Creat. iS6 So Central OLERK'S ANNUAL STATEMENT December 31, 1935 Number General County Fund : 8845 Bounty Fund 603 Emergency Fund 190 County Library 230 Ashland Library Dog License Fund Enforcement Fund Fair Premium Fund Road Fund 1958 11953 Mail Tribune Daily ACRor- i. Frighten. suddenly ' anil Inconse quentially 9. From a place 13. Superiority In rank or position 14. Back of the neck 15. PassaReway 16. Principal star In The Scorpion It. Organ of hearlnir 20. Take solid food tU Automotive fuel: coIIoq. It, Children's game 28. Small bottle 30. Answering 13. Great Lake 34. .lesion 16. Brother of one's daugh ter St. Manufactured 17. Peremptory eommenfl 18. Issued forth 10. European flnrh 41. Sheep 13. Bitter vetch 44. Summit 48. Catch sight Of Solution of MlElRljjQ plERl' for averIpetIonto R i nTc a r n Apr i on tanIil udImm A.-L-B.S lHkMip AkL JM pIh AELXXi-lA n. I E Op R f T E ij N K R JXEpo ursi .m A 6 E lWfKW.WES 48. Disproves 61. Hawaiian dances 6ft. Greedy 67. Low clans apartment house 69. Belonging to me 00. Attendants aboard ship DOWN 1. Mineral sprl-g . Three; preAx . 2 3 4 5 16 7 13 I yAf Uo I 12 Z.ZZZZ lp ilt lit 1M Zl 22 23 "M- 25 m,;2T 2J 2T 2? Jo If 32 ;tJT' 1ZZZ11EZZS 3l ; ' ' ? -WA , 46 4f SO SI ', SZ 53 M SS J 1 ' &0 N1YMIEFS . Thompson Creek THOMPSON CREEK, Feb. 30. (Spl.) Thompson Creek Sunday school came out Sunday with the largest attendance In many Sundays. Rev. D. D. Randall, American Sun day school union missionary, was a distinguished visitor at the school. Miss June Rudd was a visitor Ir. Ashland over the week-end. Chester Balderstone and daughter Ella were business visitors In Med ford Saturday. The Valentine party at Thompson Creek school was greatly enjoyed by the children laat Friday. The Inter mediate grades entertained the pri mary gradea with recitations and a short dialogue given by Jean Moran and Catherine Balderstone. This was followed by refreshments of apples and popcorn balls furnished by the teacher. Miss Rudd. While refresh ments were being enjoyed, the Val entine box was opened by Heleu Bal dcrston, who with her little helpers, passed them out. Then came games, riddles snd songs, which ended happy afternoon for the children. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Elmore mo tored to Cottage Orove Friday where they visited his mother, Mrs. Pauline Elmore, also their sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Sutherland, on Black Butte. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Mee wore Sun day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown. Blake Beck Is busy sawing wool for Dan pierce. Ashton Forest was visiting friends on Thompson creek Sunday. Delay In Jumping Fatal To Flier BEAUMONT. Tax., Feb. 20. (AP Ueut. Lawrence O. Westley of Barr- dnlc field, Shreveport, La., was Vmed when he waited until his diss d airplane had fallen to within 200 .ret of the ground before bailing out !n hln parachute In a crash today four miles east of Sourlake, Texas. Lieut. W. J. KlLssel balled Sut at 600 feet and escaped uninjured. Vmatllla Coal Short. UMATILLA, Ore., Feb. 20. (AP) Coal was being rationed out to con sumers In sacks here yesterday with failure of an ordered car to arrive. Less than a day's supply remained. A similar shortage was reported at Hermlston. Ose Mall Tribune want ads Warrants Amount Outstanding $249,233.75 $249,030.36 3,749.00 4,864.00 9,393.64 2,141.67 4,660.59 684.37 24 1,121.75 183.31 88 3,435.97 , ' 31.8j t-.uu -z-u" 4 RfiO.SO 109,032.33 ' 10,245.45 $426,558.53 $267,193.01 0. K. CARTER. County Clerk. Cross-Word Puzzle Saturday's Puzzle 12. Word of con sent 17. Faucet 19. Elevau 21. Acquisition ol money by dishonest means 22. Eagle's nest 23. Blade of urate 26. Small under ground slf 27. Angry IS Helper 29. EnRllch man ufacturing ,!lty 11. Distance fi-Jtr the eqimto. 12. Eats away gradually 89. Son of one's brother or sister 41. Negative 46. Careaftes 47. City In Arizona 4B. Stuff 49. HI hi leal king 60. Flfh's organ of motion M. Clique 63 Gaelic sea god F4. Conjunction 66. Thorough fa re: anhf 88. Symbol for neon I. Three-toed sloths 4. Part played 6. Agreement between nations I. Island of New Vork state, abbr. 7. Oreeta letter 5. Unit of fores 9, Curse 10. Opn hoitll- Itles 11. Copy u Central Point CENTRAL POINT, Feb. 30. 8pl) Ladles of the Oolden Link Bible class of the First Christian church were Friday hosts to the Berean class of the Federated church at the Chris tian church annex. Meeting opened with songs and devotional service led by CIsm President Mrs. Dora Jones and prayer by Mrs. Lacy. Address of welcome by Mrs. B. E. Scott, with response from Mrs. Elsie Martin, president of the Berean class. Re gardless of the rainy afternoon, there was an attendance of fifty-two ladles and a few children. Contest games, led by Mrs. J sett Side and Mrs. Ruby Powell, kept every one guessing. Delicious refreshments were served, during the social period, and every one present was remembered with Valentine. Kfr. and Mrs. Andra Chomet mo tored to Grants Pass Thursday aXtsr. noon to call upon Mr. and Mrs. Amlck, who havs gons to thslr ranch because of the Ulness of Mr. Amlck. who la suffering from bronchial trouble. During their absence? Mrs. Denver Is substituting for Mr. Amlck In the eighth grsde school. Mrs. James Campbell entertained with a shower Friday for her sister, Mrs. Oliver Obenchaln. Invited guests were: Mesdames Stella Obenchaln. Bnrt Hedgpeth, Prank Coohran, Arch Turpln, Minnie Buckles, Ella Milton. Floyd Hedgpeth, John Catey. Loy Marahalt, O. H. Bohnert, Roberta Gregory. Joe Cox, Fred Hale, Brvln Hall. Kdwln Martin. John Clark, Floyd Root, Don Bobbins. Bmma Dunn, Lester Hlgglnbotham. Bertha May Mills, Eva May Bengtson and Miss Dorothea HedgpeUl snd "the honor guest. The party was held at the Obenchaln home. Various games were enjoyed and delicious refresh ments of ice cream and angel food enke were served. Mrs. Obenohaln was the recipient of many beautiful gifts. Woman", Relief corps t Saturday with a fine attendance. Meeting was conducted by President Sally Musty. During the business session, Mrs. Mattle Smith was Installed ss press correpondent. A patriotic program, the lives and achievements of Presidents Washington and Lincoln, In which Mesdames Freda Lawrence. E. C. Faber. Betty Potter and Cathe rine Merrltt participated, was enjoy ed. An exchange of Valentines, and guessing contests preceded the birth day luncheon, served at a well ap pointed table, decorations In har mony with St. Valentine's day. In th center of whloh was the beautiful birthday cake (made by Mrs. Kll- born). Jello and coffee were served Honor guests were Mrs. Fred Wiley, Mrs. S. C. Faber, Mrs. Rose Herman- son, Mrs. Hattle Thompson and Mrs. Mnttle Bmlth. Marvin Arnold, the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Bohnert. was released from treatment at the Pur uker hospital Sunday and brought to the horns of his parents. Bill Grimes is recovering trom severe esse of poison oak. Mrs. Mary Mayfleld left Wednesday morning by stage for Redmond, where she will attend the wedding anniver sary of her sitter and brothel -In-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mayfleld. after whloh she will visit a sitter In Port land. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Marine recently returned from a trip to Los Angeles, and vicinity and report a very pleaa snt and Interesting trip. During a visit of five days with Miss Mildred Burger, they visited the "Wee Kirk of the Heather" and the "Little Church of the Plowera''. One of the most beautiful and Impressive sights, was the stained glass window depicting "The Last Supper" which wss made by Miss Morettl, whose family have made stained glass windows for oen turles. Mlsa Morettl Is the lsst of her line. She was seven years In making this window. Mr. and Mrs. Marina also visited for a few days with a brother of Mr. Lewis Swarts, at San Bernardino. Then, for the benefit of Mrs. Marine's health, they stopped at the Arrowhead batlia. These baths are hollowed out of natural atone and vary In tempera ture from warm to 303 degrees. The nurses bring the lunches, and place them In oiled paper on these atones to wsrm. The baths derive their name from a gigantic arrowhead 1376 feet long by 440 feet wide, oovertng 74 acres, a rock formation on the tide of one of the foothills of the San Bernardino range, which la bare of all vegetation. This arrow points down to the aprlng below, and here are the coolest and purest of moun tain waters, and otiier springs with temperature almost up to boiling. The baths are at the base of the mountain and the hotel at the top. Phoenix PHOENIX, Feb. 30. (Spl) The regular meeting of Oak Circle No. 343 la scheduled for Thursday even ing. A social hour will follow the regular business meeting, which will be called at 7:30 p.m. sharp. Members of the Juveniles were entertained by a Valentine party at their regular meeting Saturday. Mlsa Mary Stanellffe, Miss tor rains Goodpasture, Miss Orayce Oar rlson snd Mrs. V. R. Hallcraft mat with Mis Elva Caster at her home to ooraplete plans for the serving of the snnusl Washington's day dinner Friday night, beginning at p. m.. at the PreabyUsrlan church. Miss Elva Castor spent Tuesday night ss the guest of Mrs. Ray Id ward in Medford. The older Juvenile group met with sn executive committee at the home of Mrs. Bert stancllff Tues day to discuss pltnt of their Join UK the advanced adult circle. R. 0. Flynn and family moved Into Lea Rathbun's bouse on Fourth street. Lrle Peterson, who wss Injured by a hit-and-run driver near the fairgrounds over a month ago, re turned to his studies at school Mon day. The public, card party sponsored by the Thursday elub February 13 waa well attended. High man'a bridge aeon waa held by Bob Hallcraft: high ladles, Ksthryn Deneer; high man's five hundred score, Dave Watt; high ladles, Mrs. C. Plckel; pinochle, Woodford Turpln. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Judd enter tained Saturday night with a dinner party at their home In Medford. Quests Included: Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Furry. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stsncllffs, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Stead man, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bourne. Mr. Oeorge Bourne. Mrs. W. M Berkley, Mrs. Arthur Osberg of Ta- coma. Washington, and the boat and hostess. Bridge formed the even ing's entertainment with Ed Judd holdlns; high man'a score: Mable Stancllff high ladles score, and Marie Furry consolation. The Past Guardian Nelghbora' club of Oak Circle waa organized Tuesday with Its first meeting st the home of Mrs. D. M. Watt. The following officers were elected: Mrs. Rosell Watt, president; Mrs. Enid Caster. vice-president: Mrs. Maude Daugh- erty. secretary, Mrs. Nanny Roberts. treasurer. Members present inciuaea Mesdames Pickle, Coblelgh, Briscoe Hearn, Watt, Coleman, Roberts Caa- ter and Daugherty. Mlsa Paye Carver and Mrs. Ralph Wilcox entertained at a Valentine luncheon February 13. In honor of Mrs. A. Osborne of Tacoma, Waah' Ington, at the home of Mrs. Wilcox Guesta were Mrs. R. C. Ward. Mrs. Stewart Porter, Mrs. Raymond Furry. the honor guest, Mrs. Osborne and the hostssses, Miss Carver and Mrs. Wilcox. Ante'ope ANTELOPE. Feb. 30. (Spl) Tnoae who attended the funeral of Mr. Rader, February 13. from Antelope, were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dutton, BUI Wattenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Day, Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Rlggs. Cecil Cul berteon. Earl Torton, Mra. Sarah Riley, Mr. and Mra. Tom Hstlett, Mr. snd Mrs. Wallaoe MoDowell and son James, Mrs. Bob Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bradshaw, Mrs. Mary Bradshaw, W. E. Da vies. Mr. and Mra. Elbert Blgham, Mr. and Mrs. BUI Big- ham. Tom Riley, Mr. and Mra. Carl Von der Hellen. Mra. James MoDowell and Infant daughter returned home from ' the Stanley maternity home, February 13. Mother and baby are doing fine. Mrs. John Rader of Eagle Point was an overnight guest of her daughter. Mrs. Ina Stanley, February 14 . Mrs. June Barton, Mrs. Helen Cul bertson, Mrs. B. K. Rlggs and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Blgham helped Mrs. Nell Von der Hellen paper their house February 17. Lunch waa served to them at the home of Mrs. B. K. Rlggs. Mr. and Mrs. Orover of Grants Pass attended the Antelope Literary club February 14. r Antelope Literary club met Febru ary 14. The program waa as follows: "Mall Order Wife"; reading by Mra. Walter Charley; music by Clinton and Opal Charley; play, "The Reat cure." Three songs were sung by the Balsa trio, Dick, James and mother, Mrs. S. W. Bain, accompanied on guitar by Dick Bales. After tha prlgram. refreshments were served to one of the largest crowds ever known at An telope. Mrs. Ed Dutton Of Appiegate spent a few day recently with Mrs. Esther Dutton. Everyone was sorry to leant of the death of the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Millard, February 11. Mrs. Ed Dutton and Mrs, Esther and Mrs. Fred Dutton. February 11. Dutton were luncheon guests of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Oreb spent the week-end at Butta Falls. Antelope school board met at the schoolhouse February 17. Mrs. Marcla Erlokson entertained with a Valentine party for her pu pils and thslr mothers. Dainty re freshments were served w everyun.. Those present were Mesdames Woods. Alln, Davles, Laura and Myra Blg ham, White, Beck. Burton, Jack Wood and Elbert Blgham. Mra. Laura Pierce of Medford Is spending a few days with her daugh. ter. Mrs. Helen Oulbertson. A girls' "sub-deb" lub Is being or aanlsed by Mrs. Lester Bradshaw and the older girls of Antelope. A olub room has been given them at the borne of Mrs. Wsnda Whit. Each girl is to contribute a piece of fur niture so as to furnish it Into a cozy nlar and work room. Mrs. Msrcl Erlckson Is planning an all-day hike for the older pupils February 33. Alt are looking forward to it with much enthusiasm. MoLBOD. Feb. 30. (Hpl.) The Uppsr Rogue H. . olub met Tuesdsy at the home of Mrs. E. L. Olsas. Most of the afternoon wss plessantly spent In planning a program for next Grant lecture hour. The chairman. Mr. Ritchie, announced that an edu cational feature would be Included In th year's H. E. programs. Ar rangement have been made for a talk on cancer by Mlsa Blanch Runnels In th nesr future. Much Interest was displayed In th Pollyane club organised at this mooting. About 30 members and visitors were present. Mrs. Roy Vaughn attended the Home Interest conference at Oorvallla last week as a delegate of the Mc Leod horn extension unit. Sh It very enthusiastic over her trip and asks all members to com prepared with notebooks when reports will tie given. Plans are being mad for a spsclsl Joint mMllitg of the Trail snd MoLsod unit In th near future, when all delegates will submit re port. The Trail Dramatic club Is receiving congratulations on their tra tils to Cofvaui as a reward for I TTZ : i 1 McLeod I Meteorological Report February 30. 1936. Forecasts. Medford and vicinity: occasional ralna tonight and Friday. Little change In temperature. Oregon: Occaaional rain In west snd snow in east portion tonight and Friday. Little change In tem perature. Local Data. Temperature a year ago today: Highest, es; lowest, 43. Total monthly precipitation, l.le Inches. Deficiency for the month, 0.4 Inches. Total precipitation alnce Septem ber 1, 1035, 14.63 Inches. Excess for the season, 3.94 Inches. Relative humidity at S p.m. yes terday, 89 per cent: 8 a.m. today. 100 per cent. Tomorrow: Sunrise 6:89 a.m.; Sun set, 6:61 p.m. Observations Taken at 8 A. 120 Meridian Time B, If ii if I sl I" p I Bolts S3 3S M Snow Boston 18 8 Clesr Chicago 8 3 Cloudy Denver . 60 31 Cloudy Eureka 66 46 .13 Cloudy Helena - 13 6 .03 Snow Lea AnRelcs 66 63 .01 Cloudy MEDFORD 49 37 .33 Cloudy New York .. 18 ... Omaha 13 8 Clear Phoenix 63 48 .03 Cloudy Reno 48 38 Clear Portland 34 38 Cloudy Roseburg 44 43 .33 Foggy Salt . Lake 43 33 .01 Rain San Francisco ... 60 84 .03 Cloudy Seattle 44 33 Clear Spokane .. 30 8 T Cloudy Walla Walla 30 Washington. DC. 28 14 Cloudy winning the Jackson county drama tie contest. Their victory has revived much Interest In community dra matics, and we are all anxious to sea them produce a three-act play soon. The many fine points learned from their critics in the atate finals have prepared them for some finished ama teur acting which will be more than appreciated by residents of the upper Rogue. Dick Vincent suffered a heart at tack last week and was rushed to a Medford hospital where he la reported to be In a serious condition. The McLeod home extension unit will meet Thursday, February 37, at the home of Mrs. N. F. Ohrt. Mrs. Mabel Mack will be present to lead a discussion on "Food at 40." Mrs. Mack wishes every member to be pres ent for this Important study.. Pot- luck luncheon at noon.' We are sorry to report that many of our people have been stricken with flu attacks. Among them are Mrs. Millie Glass, Mrs. Essie Sawyer, Deaa . Tate and Mr, and Mrs. Carl Stern. Chas. Weber la having drainage tile placed through bis yard to prevent further erosion. This winter's rain storms wsshed considerable soil Into the river. Ralph MaUory has returned to the Vaughn ranch where he wlU help Mr. Vaughn with his spring farming. Hs has been employed In California dur ing tho winter. , The dance given by the Orange Sat urday night at Rogue Elk was very well attended and a good time was re ported. The Grange dances are be coming more and more popular as a result of excellent orchestra music furnished by Mrs. Ooldle Johnson and sons, Clair and Carl Stern; smooth floor and capable management by Ray Brlgga, The next Orange dance will be given Saturday night, February 39. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Tate are clear ing their campground and burning brush. They expect to begin build ing some new, modem cabins this esrly spring. Elk Creek ELK CREEK. Feb. 30 (Spl.) ' Th Elk Creek Social club will give adano at the clubhouse February 33. Vlsttora ar welcome. Ruby Oarton and Nellie Chamber lain called on Mrs. Edna Hutchinson Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. D. W. Pence has returned M her home after spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. Roy Vaughn, at McLeod. Stuart Dltsworth spent Sunday afternoon at the Ed Houston home on Long Branch. P. J. Sinclair Is doing some me chanical work for Art Moor at Per sist. Mr. snd Mrs. L. A. Chamberlain received word from their daughter, Mrs. Geo. Johnson, saying they are i In Wyoming, and fighting lots of snow I drift. Th Johnsons visited here in December. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Oarton and Roy MoOarlty spent Sunday at Evans val ley and visited the Baker families. Several from thl community at tended th dance at Rogue Elk Sat urday night. Everyone reported good time. Mrs. Irwin Hutchinson and son hats been on th sick list this week. Mrs. Gearln Dies PORTLAND, Ore., Feb, 30. (API Mrs. Mstllda Oearln, 80, widow of former United Statea Senator John M. Oearln of Oregon, died at her ho tel room here early today. She was born In Yamhill county, th daughter of Patrick and Mary Louis Raleigh, who crossed the plains In 1863. Sh lylved In Portland sine early child hood. WINDOW OLASS--VV sell window glass and will replace your broken windows reasonably trowbrid. Cab inet Work "Emotion" Perfum by Tlmty Chsny, a fsrorlt of movie stars. At Young's Drua Co.. Mala and Central.