PAGE TWELVE MedfordWTribune "Eeru IB Unothero Or(nD KtU Ihe Unit TrlhOD" Oallj fci.irt riatordar PubllBhtvt by MUDfOKD PRINTINO CO. U-n-19 N Kir 8U Phoos tl. ROBERT W RUUU Mltor. AO frnlapattrlant Nawppr, Botr'1 Mconit-ctaa matter at Mad ford. Oracon, under Act of elaroa a. UK SUBSCRIPTION BATCi Bj Hail In Adraocat Dally, ona year Dally, elt months Dally, ooa month By Carrier, lo Adanca Hertford. Art- land. Jackaonvllla, Ceotral Point Plioenti. Talent. Oold Bill and higiiwaye. Dally, one year " Dally, eli monthi Dally, one mouth All term, oaeh la advance. Official Paper of (he City or Med ford. Official Paper of Jarkwin Ciiooty UKHUfcU Otf I'HB AHnOC.ATfcU Herri log frnll leaetrd M'lre Krlc. Tne Aeeocleted Preee le eiolueively en titled to the uee for publication of atl aewe dlapetchea credited to It or other wlee oredlted In thle paper, ana aleo to the local newe published herein. All rights for publication of special dlipatoliea herein are aleo reaerved. UBMHER OF UNITED PRISSS U8MB8R UP AUDIT BUREAU OK CIROUIMTIONS Advertliliii RepreeentalUee U. O. StOOKNSBN COMPANY Office tn New York. Hhlcago Detroit 6an Fiancieco, Lorn Angelea, Seattle. Portland. Ye Smudge Pot Oy Arthur I'errj. 'rum f.onrHM mbbla-rouslnR phrase of the day 1: "My friends I You can't eat the Constitution!" The general futility of the procedure l acknowledged. Even If m(ul and feverlah patriot did eat the Conatl v.. would never g't close enough to shoot paper wada at mem-. nf ihn Aunrema Court Of the United States. . .' A 1036 model auto showed up yes terday with a pair of marcellod front lenders. It aaema the automo tive engineers have thought, of everything, but putting eyes In fenders. . A Klamath ralla boy of tender yeara created some new. Wednesday by biting hU dog. This la regarded aa the first bit of rugged. If unsani tary, individualism In a long time. William Bolger has written an es say on what ailed Job, of Biblical fame, as the result of "rising" on his neclc several month ago. ... One of the Older Olrla has pre sented your corr. with an angel cake. She was thanked and assured that the social Item of 30 years ago In The Mall Tribune, telling ol the celebration of her 33nd birthday, would not find Ita way Into the "Flight of Time column. '. A man has been arrested In Cali fornia for appropriating postotflce pens. It might be petty larceny, and It might be a l-man reform move ment to get postoltlce pens that would write. . The chickens (feathered variety) that have been loitering In the busi ness area, continue to do so. They are now figured to last until the peaa are scratched up In somebody's kitchen garden. "I am convinced that potential borrowers will need to be encouraged to borrow." (Cong. Record) They may drag him down to the bank, but be won't take the loan. "BORAH AND FFHS CONTINUE THEIR CHEW1NO MATCH" (Hdllne Baker Democrat-Herald) In more polite, but lew accurate Journalistic circles, It was known as a "spirited controversy." Something matters but the Town apud plan. An upstate candidate has endorsed the great, grand work of the Parent-Teachers' association, and they have but to command, and he will obey, he statea. Slgna of spring are plentiful. Na ture lovera have taken to running around rural pasture, and report the beauty of the sunset, aa re flected In a mud puddle. Objections have been filed to the general circulation of the state prison msgarlne. The publication, as yet., ha. not. fearlessly demanded "turn tile rascals out." There is considerable dispute about the collapse of the "Old Oregon" basketball team, resulting In a mis erable showing after a rosy start. Outside of not getting enough points. It seems the referee's eyes are too good. Ray Btcphenson. the lumberman snd tvinocratlc warhorse emerged frnm IB Years 0j nisrrted 1'fe on I incoln. birthday. Newspapers all over the country have been printing Interviews with soldiers telling what they're going to do with their bonus. Tile laugh I that most of the soldiers sre msr rled. lOIUo State Journal! Keenest observation of the week. The, weather continues to act like Peoria Bill Oates as the weather man, and T. Wats', man was hta aa slntant. ... nn.u noN'T no it; Tills ts a very dangerous busi ness. Particularly If we believe w-hat we think. It will lead us to do things which we may later regret Or It will lead us not to do them, wiil'h we may regret even rior. It makes tor Invest lgntlon and snsty sis for dlseectkn snd probing and It la not long before we begin to detect flaws In those very delights that we once believed to be perlect We may even go so fsr as to dis cover hopeless errors in ourselves. (Exchange). Us Mali Tribuu. iui ads. 1 tfctSi Ji0 A Prison Newspaper WE see no objection to the inmates of the state penitentiary publishing a newspaper, or two of them if they wish. Confinement and solitude tend to stimulate the divine afflatus, and who knows from the short termers at least another Shelley or Keats or G. B. Shaw might be developed, to enrich the literary world, after release has come. But the paper should be a PRISON paper and not s paper of general circulation. It should supply information, inspira tion and general mental pabulum, for those on the inside, not those on. the OUT. A prison paper circulating outside the gates and bars, would in fact be both an absurdity and a danger. It is difficult for us to believe, any sueh publication at Salem has been seriously considered by the responsible authorities in charge. . But if it has been the idea should be dropped. Imagine what tuch a publication would become, not only special pleas for this inmate or that, stump speeches in ten point type, for this lost cause or some other j but a medium for code messages to the outside, plots, counterplots, vapourings of plain nuts and what have you 1 Under proper supervision let the' boys have a newspaper, a good outlet for their unexpended mental energies, and perhaps a source of better morals and harmless amusement. But let it be properly supervised and kept where it belongs,, within the gates. " ' G. B. SPEAKING of George Bernard Shaw, the Portland Oregonian consigned him to oblivion' the other day, as a broken down old hack, allowing meaningless trivialities to seep through his white whiskers; a wreck of his former self, who for the sake of his friends and himself, should be placed incommunicado in some old man's home. The occasion for this outburst was the famous dramatist's brief stop at Miami, Florida; en tour through southern waters, and bis-pungent comments upon certain elements of the Ameri can scene, to the group of newspaper men that greeted him. Perhaps Shaw's comment on President Roosevelt was the exciting cause of the Oregonian 's display of bad temper. , Snid G. B. S.: "You have a good president, but the bad Constitution is getting the best of him. ... As to the Constitu tion, chuck it into the ocean. You're makiug it into fags with amendments anyway." NOW we maintain, DOES that remark justify the assump tion that Mr. Shaw has reached, his second childhood, is no longer the wit, iconoclast, and paradoxical shilling-shocker ho used to be J If so we fail to tee it. In fact it sounds to us, just like the old G. B. S., who has been a raging and roaring bull in the political china shop, ever since he became a member of the now defunct Fabian society. . When asked what he thought of Miami, the glittering gem of the South Atlantic ocean, he replied: 'I don't like Miami worth been ashore yet." Well, like it or not like it, would the famous author be willing to say a few words f . i "I never say a few words. I start out with 5000." And so on and "so forth. Ruddy-faeed, sprightly, as quick ou the verbal trigger as Billie the Kid, ever was on his six-gun we should say the old boy was running true to form instead of running down. ' In fact we fail to see how auy fair-minded or intelligent observer could deny that George Bernard Shaw, at 79, is one of the most brilliant and extraordinary men alive, if not a truly great one. He has written more good plays, put out more clever ami stimulating books, delivered more witty and amusing speeches, than any other man of letters of this generation and as far as we know of any other. Moreover he is still writing plays not so good these days but not so bad either. And he is still talking talking talk ing we for one will be deeply saddened when some undertaker will get a call, and that inimitable talky-talk, flashing like hcnl lightning over this hum-drum planet will cease, forever. FOR whether we agree with Mr. ShHw or not and most of us DON'T we to see how anyone with a sense of humor, or even an active sense of the realities in this perplexing world, could fail to enjoy him. Ho exaggerates of course, he is a crank and a fanatic, bn often doesn't mean what he says, or sny what he means, but running through all his jabber and his rapitl fire repartee, there 4s now anil always has been a sound kernel of fundamental truth. It is not the truth that he expresses, but he delivers the short, sharp verbal blast that, to the discerning, so often reveals it So we say more power to him. And instead of being con signed to an old man's home, may he flit over the land and sea, for manv more years to eoine! Flight 'o Time Medium and Jackson Cotintj hlilurr from ihe riles of the .Mall Tribune III and !iu tears arn. TIN I;R! AflO Toll AY tehruarr II, ! (It Was Aatordsy! The Atitt-flaloou league la charged with "meddling In politics, while rum flow, free." Oreharolsta prepare to spread dor mont apray among the trees. The West Side community holds a patty In honor of the wedding anni versary of Mr. an.i Mrs. C. C. Hoover The College Women's club meet with Mrs. Charles A. Wing. The "Who Do" club of Phoenix en tertain their husbands with chick en dinner. Income tax blanks for year mailed to 42.0110 Oregonlana. White House roof needs economy delays repairs. fixing TifEDFORD MATT, Shaw a damn) How can If I haven't Al Plehe repoVt poor luca. on fishing trip to Ray Oold dam. TWENTY YEARS AtlO TODAY lYhruary II. inlt) (It Was Monday) Roseburg high wine southern Ore gon district championship. Attorney Clue Newbury has pur chased a new Chalmera auto. Livery stable owners' of county warned to clean up their premises, and "eradlct the house-fly." President Wilson endorses "t:ie broeder freedom", and "higher free dom." Attorneys George M Roberts, t. t Kelly and Newton Burden come out for prosecuting attorney. A nlfht flying heron hits a power line tn the eUtklyott and puts the cltv In dtrkneNi. Valley farmers urged to raise pig eons. Rrar-M's federal council for foreign trade Ir studying the creation of small farm' co-operatlvea equipped with marhlnery. experts and finances to aid cotton planters throughout the country. TRTBIINT!. MEDFOltP, Personal Heajth Service By William Brady. M D. Signed letter pertaining to personal health and hygiene not to. disease diagnosis or treatment Kill be answered by Dr. Brady If stamped self-addressed envelope Is enclosed. Letters should he brief and written In ink Onlng to Ihe large number of letters received only ren van be answered No reply can on made to queries not conforming to Instructions, Address Dr. William Brady. litis El C'smlno. Beverly Hills. tsL LIVING OVEII We live over our place of business, writes northern correspondent, and wonder if there Is any danger to the children's health, from the gas tanks and the service station garage. There Is no particular danger from the gasoline storage tanks, aside from fire and e x p 1 o slon, but living over a garage where au tomobile engines are run for a few moments a t times, either to warm them up or for tuning or other repair or adjustment. Involves risk to health end life. Even In a garage where nobody lives upstairs or in adjoining apartments It should be an inflexible rule, if not a Uw, that an engine shall not be started nor allowed to run when the garage doors are closed, unless a flexible pipe Is' first attached to the exhaust and carried out of doors, to protect workers or patrons from the danger of carbon monoxide gaa alng. Oarage buildings, particularly small private garages, are generally con structed cheaply and without much regard for ventilation. There is such a narrow margin between safety and harmful or a fatal pollution of air wttih monoxide gas, that no one can afford to take a chance. It Is be it to be a crank about avoiding such pollution, Insisting on wide open doors whenever an engine is started or run In the garage. Carbon monoxide gas la odorless. gives no warning, often causes the victim to "freeze," to become help lew for the brief moment when he realizes something la wrong, and so he slumps down and quietly suc cumbs to the gas. It Is not Itself poisonous, but It combines with ttve hemoglobin of the red corpuscles to form carbon monoxld - hemoglobin which preventssthe hemoglobin from carrying oxygen to the cells and tis sues. Oxygen starvation, In other words. Carbon-monoxld -hemoglobin ts & comparatively stable compound. and therefore It Is dlffcult to replace It with oxyhemoglobin; that Is, the blood will not readily take up oxy gen and carry It to the cells and tis sues when It Is saturated with car bon-monoxld. Artificial respiration alone Is of little value In monoxide gassing; It ts essential that the vic NEW YORK DAY BY DAY By O. O. Mclntyre NEW YORK, Feb. 14. Thoughts while strolling : Nobody can twist apron end Into' an anguished ball like PouUne Lord. Or strut about a cabaret floor Ulte Harry Rlchman. Some how I always ex pect Norman Bel Oeddea to be wearing a tur ban. Three fa mous Bucks Gene, Pearl and Prank. Look altkea: Premier Laval and Mayor ' La Ouardla. Boy meet girl: Dick Maney petting Rosle. the Hippodrome ele phant. Add attractive red-heads: Mrs. John Chapman. Lllllun dish's perpetual expression of timorous In nocence Is drama In Itself. Trigger stuff an Edward VIII cafe all ready. Prom the Look Just the Same aa IS Years Aso Club: Tom Mix. From wonder child to wonder lady: Helen Have. And Charlie MacArthur has cnmn.ri his marriage promise to her: "One thing Is certsln.. You'll fin1 life Hull wlth'me." How about a League for Those Once In Love With Clssie Ixiftus? Mno Murray still gracefully walus- iiii! the nlchta away. Broadway's best known chop houe lady Helen Gallagher. Never knew a girl cilied Flo who wasn't a bit of a tomboy. Most Jxpert of the derby wearers the new British king. Old timer's ipi. "Tii rieht world but the wrong generation." Zither-playing names Eva 8ym Ington and Rptlng Bylngton. Dusky Josephine Baker topay tunics furls for Meats, but New Yolk hestowa onlv an Indifferent shrug. Why Is thst? Those frosted cakes in 8chrallt atlect me emotionally around a p.m. I want to bay like a hound! F fv-otr FitrrnW. iitevlnn and and INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT large rtty wrv!l ' ( fnedetn. ffkltnl J - tfiacHinery te ivs yew money In nnt eett and A Smt mm arri.ii tU tnm in) m'ftmi fipmtm 1JJ9 K. MUH.INAL WW, 9EA1 ILK OT?EGONT, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14. 1936. A GARAGE tim be made to inhale carbon dioxide, 5 to 10 percent of it mixed with oxy gen or air. ki order to pry the mon oxld loose from the hemoglobin. A child la more quickly overcome by carbon monoxide than an adult. Small animals such as mice, rabbits, are more quickly overcome than chil dren. A canary is most sensitive and may be carried to warn of dangerou saturation of the air with monoxide. As little as ten parts of monoxide In 10,000 parts of air will cause head ache and other symptoms; 15 to 20 parte will produce dangerous symp toms. Characteristic symptoms of monox ide gassing are tightness across fore head, headache, flushing of face, throbbing In temples, dizziness, weak ness, nausea, fainting, loss of con sciousness, perhaps convulsions. QUESTIONS - AND ANSWERS Any Way But Boiled. Is there less caffeln in coffee made by the drip process than .In perco lated? The drip coffee Is made quick ly goes through the grounds only once. (Mrs. A. V. K.) ( Answer I should surmise there Is less caffeln In drip coffee. In my opinion the best coffee Is made itf a coffee pot-without any -tricks about It. except that It must never be per mitted to boll, and should be served and drank immediately. , ." Oleomargarine. Please advise lf4 oleomargarine Is fattening. I am trying to reduce and have Ben Told to use It Instead of butter. (H. C) Answer It Is practically the same caloric value as butter. If you want to reduce In a healthful, comfortable way, send ten cents coin and stamped envelope bearing your adress, for booklet "Design for Dwindling." Cod Versus Halibut. I work In a place where I am ex posed to lots of cold drafts. I have been taking cod liver oil -during the winter. A co-worker takes hallver oil capsules and claims them to be better. Would appreciate your opinion. M. F) Answer Drop for drop, halibut liver oil probably contains more vitamin D and vitamin A than cod liver oil. But what has that to do with cold drafts? (Copyright, 1036, John F. Dille Co.) Ed. Note: Persons wUhtng to communlrnate with Dr. Brady should send letter direct to Dr. William Brady. M. D.( 263 El Cnml no. Beverly Hl1, f'nllf. chunking up. Is reputedly one of the most difficult authora from whom editors may wangle stories these days. He Is the literary symbol of an era the era of the new gen eration and edltora continue to want atorlea of flaak gin and cour teous collcgtatee. preceding ladles through windshields on midnight Joy rides. The publlo has acquired thla Fitzgerald taate,. too. But Fitz gerald baa taken an elderly and naturally serious turn. Mellowed is the term. He wants to write mel- lowy. too. And If they wnt let him he won't write at all. So there. Sci.nlilicolly distil of grain. Ultra -modrn diililling laaaaMaaaHaHaaaaaaaanaaaaaaMaMaaa THERE NOW COMES TO OREGON Sf 5 ( HOLBROOK IlSl j . RAICHT BOURBON WHISKEY I FIVE REASONS FOR SUPERIOR QUALITY fC4l flGHTl 11 H . . ... .WK IIU I ROllRROM III 1 Sciantihcolly duliliaa irom in nnsi v ah corn 11 ututKiwirtMtu-innis c..(rf.llirjl I V 11(111111 with .v.ry Jl.p in th diililling op.r ationi iciantilieolly conlrollad 11 5 Noturo'i oging" fUct ii haii.n.d by a icinlific Ctntury ooorotion-tfi.n Qji L-i,' W i r2wSl H 3 1 1 Al HOLIROOK is out in new charrod ook borr.lj and itord for on year 1 ' V'ijTi-l fltt 9 F.I Nohjro'i "oging" fUct HOLIROOK ii out in undtr tmpratur control CENTURY DISTILLING COMPANY Chinatown la feeling the pinch of the times. Its opulenoa depends on tourists. I counted but four other dinara outside of. our party of. three at the Port Arthur the other eve ning. There was. a droop to the big and planobox souvenir shops and we were the sole visitors to tne prop Joss house. But Chinatown has never been the same for me since the- pssslng of Its pseudo-Msyor. Chuck Connrra. Chuck, aa a guide, ventilated exsggeratlona. that made one acent opium, .look about fur tively for a flying tong hatchet and the slippery tread of local Pu Manchue, Chinatown has ' always been 80 per cent phoney, but with an efficient cicerone It provided a shudder or so for visiting cousins. Frailer HuntTranch In Alberta, Canada, adjolna that' of King co ward and It was In this communion that Hunt authored "The Bachelor Prince," a biography of the then Prince of Wales. No American likely has known the 'new king more In formally. He has ridden range with blm, played poker In a lamp-lit ranch house and feasted on mid night beer and cheese while each discussed their Jatlnta to all paria of the world. But such, contacts are now lost forever. The new king will never travel again, save to India, to receive his emperorship One ol Hunt'a prized possessions is an en larged kodak of him and the prince horseback autographed "To Spike E. P." Paul Whlteman la another Ameri can who haa met the king in after mldnlght informality. During his year's stay with his band In London, the prince on several occasions sent for Psul and his boys Blng Crosby and Peewee Byers among them and when everybody had departed kept the band leader- for. a night cap. He like a sip of beer before retiring. '" . Majcr Bowes haa become the most gifted man In Amerlco. It some times reoulres -a truck working all day to carry the perlehable stuff to hospital and orpaanagea. . Wyoming, for Instance, the ottler day came a 260-pounO elk wim in struction! for Oscar to prepare It for 25 of the Major'! friends, ine same day 20 crates of grapefruit from Florida etc., etc. ' ,-'. On page 266 of "Cornish of Scot land Yard!- last night I read anoui Mr. Ingleby Oddlf Coroner of Lon don. And ever since I've been peer ing down cellara and looking up smoke stacks muttering: "Who has the body, Mr. Ingleby Oddle?" (Copyright. 1036. . McNaught Syndicate) 1 Communications Lincoln and the O , O. P. To the Editor: In your editorial, headed 'The Many Sided Lincoln." February 13. -you ap pear to disapprove of "The Journal" trying to appropriate "Lincoln" on behalf of the Democratic party. As I have not raed the Journal ; article in its entirety, I will not at- I tempt to discuss it, however, as re-1 gards the Democratic party "approprt- j atlng Lincoln.' I believe that you are In error. It Is not the Democratic j party, but rather those Republicans i disgusted with the reactionary lead,- j ershlp of the Republican party, who have taken "Lincoln and his progres sive and humanitarian Ideas" with them into the ranks of the "Rejuve nated Democratic party." I spenk ad. visedly when I say "the rejuvenated Democratic party." for today former Republicans, like myelf. have Joined UAIDDAAff A D D IWCC nvLDKVva miivi an excuse i.n.urr prc.,,. JJt WlV L Jin ll 4 All voti end ton! of m.iol-H.r. jltS ' quipment ii haiitnad by a icinlific Ctntury operation -rhon nw charrod oak and stored (or on yaor so that tim may complen th work Strike City Mayor One of the major figures In ef forts to settle the general strike which gripped Pekin, IIU a city of 17,000, was Mayor W. E. Schurman, shown as he left a conference on the situation. (Associated Press Photo. their ranks behind the leadership of Franklin D. Roosevelt who is attempt ing to follow in Lincoln's footsteps, regardless of the ridicule and mis leading statements of Republican leaders. Wednesday night, I listened to for mer President Hoover's address, hop ing that on "Lincoln's birthday," Mr. Hoover would rise above petty politics and Jealousy and devote his time, on the air, In paying "tribute and honor to the greatest man In American his tory," but alas, my hope proved fruit less. As I listened to Mr. Hoover, I re called the Inull trial and Mr. Insull's statement that he had consulted Mr. Hoover before flooding the country with apparently worthless stock. I further recalled that, just a few days hence, Mr: Hoover, In his capacity as a member of the board of trustees for Stanford university, appeared In a California court seeking permission to apparently gamble - with the trust funds of the university. Inasmuch as he asked permission to buy common stock with the funds, giving as his excuse that the interest rates were so small and the expense of running the college so great. This attempt gives credence to Insull's statement dur ing the trial. At the close of Hoover's address, I tuned In on Vandenburg of Michi gan again hoping that here would be a Republican who would not dese- j crate the memory of Lincoln, but again I find spite, petty politics and Jealousy predominant. The Repub lican party has deserted the Ideals of Lincoln or, at least, It does appear that the leaders of the party have. My Krandfather, known in the old CIIAS SANBORN'S Dated Coffee SEE MAJOR HOWE'S AMATEl'RS IN PERSON AT CRATERIAN THEATRE. MEDFORD, Sl'.NDAV ROYAL BAKING POWDER 12 oz. 35c "MADE FROM CREAM OF TARTAR" Eat Fleischm'ann's Yeast For Your Health PHOENIX MERCANTILE CO. Phoenix, Ore. ittam altar eoch op.ial.on. AVryiANs1-! I'.'Wt lrygrajw 'FT rill itarttd by Scionc. PINTS QUARTS yvnr lull Sri l ... PINTS Cod.N..I95C- 6Sc lllillSiftl ILL. QUARTS C04.N.10JA-S12S I $ E J f j H 1 1 1 ahmi 111 PEORIA, days as a "Black Republican." a per sonal friend of Lincoln's, made this prediction, over twenty years ago: "Unless the Republican party wakes up and returns to the ideals of Lin coln, it Is doomed to extinction with in the next thirty or forty years." From the present leadership of that party and their alliances. It does a p. pear as though that prophecy was well on the way to fulfillment. HENRIETTA B. MARTIN. Medford, Feb. 13. United States exports of chemicals and allied products tn the fall of 1935 reached the highest value recorded for several years, fertilizers leading the chemical export list. North Carolina Is believed to have virtually a monopoly on the mineral pvrophyllte. used extensively in the manufacture of chlnaware and lead pencils. Use Mail lrlbune want ads. Preferred, since 1852, be cause of Iheir uniform high Quality! Sweet Wines and Dinner Wines. Quarts . . -Gallons Gallons . $ .75 . 1.35 .2.25 UCLf 25. PER POUND y mri 1 Ml LYONS uj i n e s rTrw. paw J"j5?l