MEDFORD MAIL TRTBUNE. MEDFORD. OREO ON. TTTTTRRDAY. FEBRUARY 6. in.lR. r a imoirLinroiD PAGE SIX - I.. T ' s Lions Auto Show Is Brilliant Array Of 1936 Models A brilliant display of 1838 automobiles will be seen at the two-day Llona Club Auto 8how beginning Friday afternoon at one o'clock In the Menford armory where special decorations have been arranged to fur nish a gla atmosphere which will be emphasized with music by Whipple's orchestra, ana varied entertainment features. "The stage Is all set and Indlcatloni are that our auto show will draw big crowd. Local citizens have given ua splendid cooperation In planning this benefit affair," Carrol Hays, gen eral chairman In charge of several assisting committees said today. Pro ceeds will swell the fund to purchase radios for Jackson county's blind residents, nlno of whom have already been presented with radios through efforts of Medford Lions. Free imnclng Nightly Free dancing for the auto show vis itors will be enjoyed both evenings from 10:30 to 13:00 o'clock, and thora will be something to sea and do at all times, according to reports from the chairman. Lady Lions will be In charge of concession booths at the armory. One of the Interesting phases of the suto allow program will be vaude ville acts presented by Vantlne, fa moua magician and company of as sisting artists who will appear here direct from Seattle. Miss Mllllcent Cazan, also known as the Olrl Hou dlnl, will challengo local people to hold her In custody with handcuffs from which she effortlessly releases herself. She Is said to have escaped the death cell of the Walla Walla, Wn., prison as a special stunt for a news reel weekly. Miss Cazan per formed at the Housing Show In Portland and the San Francisco Auto Show. A matinee will be given for kiddies Saturday morning at 9:30. Many Firms F.xhllilt Cluttering new automobllea will be exhibited at the armory by these Medford firms: Walter W. Abbey Inc., Hash. Lafayette, WUIya and Interna tional trucks; Lang Motor Co., Chrys ler Alrstream and Airflow, Plymouth; Sanderson Motor Co., StudebaXer cars and Btudebakcr trucks; Skin ner's Oarage, Bulck, Ponllac and O. M. 0. trucks; J. J. Osenbrugge, Pack ard and Oldsmoblle; Rogue River Chevrolet. Inc., Master and Standard Chevrolet; Mead Motor Co., DeSoto and Plymouth. Young's Car Market, Hudson and Terraplans cars; Young and Farrow Motor Co., Cndlllna and LaSalle; Pennington's Oarage, araham and Oraham Super Charger. Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. will show a large se lection of tires and auto accessories; Llttrcll Parts Co., auto accessories; Lewis Super Service Station, Goodrich tires and accessories; Western Auto Supply Co., full line of accessories; Burk Tent and Awning Co., exhibit of upholstering, tents and awnlngsi Commercial Finance Corp., safety campaign booth. Committees Busy The following committees together with the entire Lions club member ship have completed details for Med ford's auto allow which opons Fri day: Charles Prltchett and Ray Marty, decorations; J. Verne shangle and Frank Oray, entertainment; Lawrence Pennington and J. F. Hawks, advertis ing: Al Llttrell and Ed Mann, finance budget and Earl White, floor plan. TREASURED BELLS SEEM AS HERALDS OE VITAL Tl WA8H1NOTON. (UP) mr cen turies, th pen linn of belU In rvtry corner of the world hns Mrvecl as hftrhlngrrt of both good ani bud tld- The Liberty Boll. on of the most cherished historical relics of this country Jiad im active part tn the nation's affairs, Its most far-reaching utterance was that of July a, 177d, when It announced the public read ing of the Declaration of ludcpend enre. adopted by the Continental ConKre.w on July 4. It pen led for n nlvenviiles and festivals until 18J5 when It cracked as It tolled for Chief John Mar. halTs funeral pro Ce Inn. Other bells, treasured by Ameri cans, are the chimes in the steeple of Old Christ church. Philadelphia. Dur ing the revolutionary war they were removed and hidden to prevent the Brlttfih from onrerling them Into ammunition. Pmm foreign lands come stories uf bells' cervices to mankind throuithout the i:e. In Blclly. during the 13th centu-y, ft.OOO Frenchmen heard the Sicilian vcnpctn. unaware that their ringing was the atonal for their bloody mass acre. William the Conq net or, of eany KiiKlhh history, was the firnt to en force the rule that all lights and fires he cxtltiKut&hed when the warning bell ranp. As late the lot h century ringing of the curfew was till a cus tom In many Kuropean towns. In ItiiMla, during anowhtorms. vtl lasers ring hell to guide loat travel ci while sleighs and carlrages carry toll to declare their approach. enip rnpUtliiv UnUy, plowing tnru heavy peas, are alwai on the alert for the claim. ur of hell houya. which warn of dangcnui rwfs UM Mall lilbuue naul ads. Famous Magician Troupe Here for Show COMMERCIAL CARS New Line Built To Meet All Types of Transportation Needs Pre-Proved Econ omy Is Strong Point Built to meet all types or transpor tation needs, a new line of Dodge trucks for 1036 are now on display at tho Pierce-Allen Motor Co.. local Dodge and Plymouth dealer. Out standing features of these new mod els are: "Forepolnt" load distribu tion, hydraulic brakes, "Pre -proved" economy, beauty In appearance and Amola steel springs. The new chassis models offered Include the one-half. three-quarter, one, one and one-half (In two aeries), two, three and four ton models. Specially built custom Airflow models also will be offered. "Fore-point" load distribution, through which the load has been moved forward In relation to the i axles, la an Important Innovation of this new line of trucks. This Insures greater stability, a minimum of over-! all length, more nearly equalised wear ! on brakes and tires and In general, a more efficient hauling unit. New Design Attractive Dodge, the pioneer of advanced streamlining two years ago, again cornea forward with a still greater at tractiveness of general design In this new line or trucks and commercial care. Through the new designing the owner la assured Increaaed advertis ing value because of the unusually smooth flowing lines which grace both the cabs and the entire bodies from front to rear. The panel bodies are especially beautiful, having the latest type of slanting rear end con-' tour. One of the major changes In the construction of the new models Is the I adoption of a strictly track-type or I frame on the one-hair ton commer- clal car. This double drop frame Is i deeper In aide rail cross section and ! has five truck-type cross members, ' Including the rear engine support. ! The commercial sedan is an exception. In that Dodge uses Its passenger car chassis to afford passenger car rid ing comfort for the commercial trav eler and other large groups or users whose personal transportation needs also call for load capacity for the carrying of merchandise. Economy Tractor Emphasised for 1930 Is "pre -proved" economy in both the operation and maintenance of Dodge commer- Misn Ml!) Ire nt Caznn,tho glrf Houdlnl, will flemonstrnte her ability on the atnRe nt the Auto Hhow Friday find Sntiirriay. clal cars and trucks in which gaso line and oil economy play so vital a part. Outstanding fuel and oil econ omy have been developed through six minor mechanical features and advantages. They are: Aluminum al loy pistons, four piston rings, full length water Jackets, valve seat In serts, spray cooled exhaust valve seats and special oil cooling. Doors of all the 1930 trucks and commercial cars are hinged at the front. Amola steel, a recent metallurgical development, which has high fatigue resisting qualities, Is used In the springs of the entire 1038 line of trucks and furnishes an additional factor of Bafcty. A wide range of axle ratios, coupled with three, four and five speed trans missions, and several wheelhsaa lengths, permit these trucks to meet almost any transportation require ment. . . 4 TORONTO. Feb. 6 (APJ A still born child -may assure Mrs. Matthew Kenney the iSOO.OOO price in the "stork derby" under the will of the late Charles Vance Millar. The baby was stillborn lsst night at the Kenny home. It Is the 13th Kenny baby, said the mother, since 1026. Mallar left half a million dollars to the Toronto mother who had the most children in the 10 years ending October 31. 1936. : Are yon a member of Sthelwvn B Hoffmann's HOSIER CLUB? . Join Now. Crawler Tractors REG. U. S. PAT. OFF. Several New Models Including 30 DIESEL See them at Rogue Valley Tractor & Imp. To. 30 S, Grape St. hmam may system TURNS LOW-PRICED CARS INSIDE-OUT Lets you see that Nash ALONE builds into its LOWEST priced cars all of the vital engineering features that other manufacturers put ONLY in their HIGHEST-priced cars! 6 For the first time In automobile hts Jory, yon can SI 'K with your rmn eyes the surprising diflerences 1NSIOK all low-prued c.irs. The vital features that manufacturers Itart iui ol their LOW priced cars, hut point to irts priit In their 1 1 Kilt-priced carat The X-Kay System will ahow vou, hevond all doubt, that Nash AI.ONK builds into its lowest-priced cars all of ihe vital enRinofting features of the most ri ncntve cars I It will show yvii loo, that these, low-priced Nash-bmlt cars give you more headroom, wirier eats, greater safety than in most cnri costing hundreds of" dollars more. See the XRnv Svitem. Then you'll realise that "Out to win America on Value Alone" is not an advertising !- !an. but a determined Nmh pohev tc 9.(61 The Nash Motors Company, Kenosha, Wisconsin, 1936 LAFAYETTE n ITT T TT'P.-,r- KM" s i936NASH"400 BNS l IONA1- C3 lsVINO :Ht'IS!iv, (ih R MKOl'OH f TO LOW.rHtt.KI' fill PS BY NASH AND I PAYnTI H! rtilahlr on all N Th and I .iKa vrtte pvvlrls l !iaht f trn r;l R-ftiH"PS t n(nr n'iJiilKins on lliiul at hish tpwiiL lnciras friWirte nnlr,n l;!"; to :.:' V. . otl Tfile sir si miKh at bO' .irvl up. f e h fsc lrv I viue mxlU 10 te hlllaT. f'C- I'nu tirnis I'lif Nuh Am i 1 iisdnr tfdsns In t is.v.s to $.'5 it the f.iv m thfir htstiMTf NRW 6 C. I. T. TIM E PAYMENT PLAN. Convenient 6 ttrm WALTER W. ABBEY, INC. 123 South Riverside. Tel. 303 SHELL EXECUTIVES 10 LEARN LATEST OIL, GAS METHODS PORTLAND, (Spt.) When a pro fessor goes to college that's news. Beginning next week, a score of big executives directing thousands of men In a coast- "11", ' ' wide business, for jF,H -M I sake their offices , to attend classes, i; u work In laborator ies and factories, and stand "exams ' Just like college freshmen. Developments In the automotive and petroleum world are coming k. r. nAi'UAix so fast that Shell oil company exec utlyes have been ordered to attend an educational course on new methods In the production of motor oil, gaso line and other Shell products, and latest Improvements In serving the public. The first class started Feb. 3 and will be succeeded by many others throughout the year, in line with Shells policy of keeping the company's entire executive personnel, abreast of latest developments In every line. Business attire will be abandon! for working clothes when classes open In the oil fields and at the Wilming ton refinery near Los Angeles. Frjm there the executives go to Martinez refinery near San Francisco for more experience 'and study of manufactur ing. They get back to white collars when final classes in the application of this knowledge to their daily mar keting problems begin In the Shell Building headquarters In San Fran cisco. Among those assigned to attend the first classes are E. R. Raphael, Port land, division manager for Shell, who has left for the south. Others In this class Include L. E. David, general op erations manaeer: K. C. Harrison, serv ice station sates manager: F. C. Foy, advertising manager; L. W. Hartlaub, manaeer. lubricating department and R. E. Moore, assistant manager, avia tion department', all from Shell bead quarters in Ssn Francisco. BUCKINGHAM'S lo Cream. Oaady and Party Specials Th Crest. U30 So Central YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO VISIT M(ae . . 1645 gieetwood. . 2445 afrs. qr C. M. A. C Fm. Etmy mUl m Cmnt liottn Vali. J Now on Display at the Automobile Show and at our Showrooms This is a splendid opportunity to inspect, in one magnificent grouping, the most popular fine cars America has ever seen a new and even more beautiful La Salle, a new Cadillac V-8, and the luxurious new Cadillac-Fleetwoods. Revealingthe greatest forward strides ever made by Cadillac in per formance, comfort, safety, beauty and road ability they also offer the pleasant surprise ofstartlingly lower price. In fact, prices start at the lowest point since the single-cylinder Cadillac Your visit to the Show will not be complete until you have seen and inspected the Royal Family of Motordom. YOUNG & FARROW MOTOR CO. 116 North Front Street, Mrdford. Phone 81 CEXERAL MOTORS COXCERTS -SUXDAY 10 TO it P.M., E.S.T.-NBC RED KETWORK - r-r,:sr ;- fS III J -rr : .... , -f ' M " - " : S " i&7 : "r. ; M-T..--MlllWiJgi;j;-..-..-, i. .: . O L AyB GRANT you that Buick looks expensive smart things usually do! We grant you a lot of people think of it in terms of a $1500 automobile be cause Buick used to cost all of that and gome still do. But give us a chance, and we'll show you in cold figures how to own a Buick for little if any more than one of the lowest-priced cars would cost you. We'll show you a big car with a small car operating cost. We'll show you roominess and comfort and safety, with a freedom from repair bills that makes costs-per mile hit a new low. We'll show you how to get a luxury car on a brass-tacks budget! There's no mystery to it no trick 6gur ing. Buick simply licked the problem of building first-class quality in a low-priced car. Now we've got some interesting figures that will change your ideas about automobile values. Don't resign yourself to fort, small-car ability until you find out how very little per week it costs to own a tiuicK. LOWER FINANCING CHARGES Tht sm QMAC 6 TIME PAYMENT PLAN so 00 If inplibet financing bat setiialljr eott tha coal of burins s ear on lime. U,e lhaae aavinia to let s otf ter-etr . . . litt prirea f iba saw Buicka belio st $765 st the lactorr. anbtact to cbaoss without notice. aV? ftan tmrhM si rjnW artmf . . , &aaW mni tpteUt aeemtrin gnmu mr 4f sr WHEN BETTER OUTOMOBILtS IRE BUILT BUIK WILL BUILD THEM) See the NEW BUICKS at the AUTO SHOW, February 7th and 8th SKINNER'S GARAGE 143 SOUTH RIVERSIDE - PHONE 102