PXfiE SIT 'MEDFOTtD MAIL TRTT5UNTC, MFJ)FORD. OI?EflONT. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1936. BUILDING BLOCKS By GLUYAS WILLIAMS STRANGE AS IT SEEMS By JOHN HIX For further proof address the author. Inclosing a stamped envelope for reply Reg. U S. Pat. Oft 2-5 &r.OI'UIR: bobby June, fourth atn of tha Vicar of Uarchbolt, te Slaving golf with Or, Thomae, obby'a ball dropa into the chaem he ehould have allot over, and in tht bottom 0 tht chaem he and tha doctor find a dying man tanned, handao.ne. ubout torty. Bobby etave with tha man tchtle te doctor gnta for help, but tha man dice mutter intt. "Why dtrfn't they aak Evnnat" and Hobby, tn taking out tha mnn'a handkerchief to cover hie face, pulla out n photograph. The fare of the picture attra htm atrongely. Chapter Two THE STRANGER DUT It was the arresting quality of tha face Bobby saw in the photograph rather than the beauty Itself that aetzed upon the boy't Imagination. It waa the kind ot face, be thought, tot easy to forget. Gently and reverently, he replaced the photograph In the pocket from which It had come. Then he sat down again to await the doctor's return. The time passed very slowly or at least so It seemed to the waiting boy. Also, he had Just remembered something. He bad promised his father to play the organ at the eve ning service at six o'clock, and It was now ten minutes to sli. r , U"-i .' '. .... . mi . : ' Z Tl ,.J - . ; Bobby replaced the photograph In the man's pocket. Naturally bis father would under tnnd tbe circumstances, but all tbe ame be wished that he bad remem bered to sond a message by tbe Doctor. Tbe Kev. Thomas Jones was I man of extremely nervous tem perament. Me was a fusser, and when he fussod, his digestive ap paratus collapsed and he suffered igonlilng pain. Bobby, thougb be considered bis father a nuisance, was nevertheless extremely fond of hlra. The flev. Thomas, on the other band, consid ered his fourth son a pitiful young ass, and with less tolerance than Bobby sought to effect Improvement In the young man. "The poor old gov'nor," thought Bobby. "He'll be ramping up and lown. He won't know whether to tsrt the service or not. He'll work ilmeelf up till be gets that pain In the tummy, and thea he won't be ible to eat his supper. "He won't have the sense to real ise that I wouldn't let him down un less It wore quite unavoidable. And uiyhow, what does It matter? "But he'll never see It that way. Nobody over fifty has got any sense tbey worry thonisolves to doath ibout little things that don't matter. They've been brought up all wrong. I suppose, and ow they can't belp tnemselvos. Poor old Dad, he's got less sense than a chicken!" W.T "V? 'J1""""' M, father with m nr ori fr..Hnn father with mingled affection and exasperation. Ills lite at home seemed to blm to be one long sacri fice to his father's peculiar Ideas. To Mr. Jonoa. the same life seomed to be one long sacrifice on bis part. Ill understood or sppreclated by the younger genorullou. 8o may Ideas on the same subject differ. What an age the Doctor waal Burely ho might have been back by thl time? Ilolby got up and stamped his feet moodily. At that moment he heard something above him and looked up. thankful thai help waj at hand and that bis own services were no longer needed. Uut It was not the Doctor. It wok uinii in luiiriuuil w Hltm HUHUy Ql(l not know. "1 sny." said the newcomer. "Ii anything the matter) Has there TICKET FOR C.O.P. IS NEW YOHK. Frb. ft. (API TltP Nw York Tlmta. In cltspth from Phllmlclphii. Buys the Hrpublh n tic ket tlitfi yrar Mill bp Indon and Warlxworth, If tit plana of nomr mst urn republican who met In the IVn aylvnnla rtty lnit tverk are fiillllltxt Their pruKtmn, the Times aaya. t to ariid iinlnfttmrtod delPRntlona to Cleveland and divert their atrenjtth to the Knimflsi Rovprnor and to Jnmoo W. Wadsworth. former senator from New York and now a member of the hoiiKe of representative The Times did not aay who n I tend ed the Philadelphia conference, but Mid that .ruder In Prnnv!vnni. New York, New Jertwy and Masaa-. rhuftetta "are vermis to the KauM governor." been an accldont? Can 1 help tn any way?" lie waa a tall man with a pleas ant tenor voice. Bobby could not aee him very clearly, for It was now fast growing dusk. He explained what bad happened. while the stranger made shocked comments. "There's nothing 1 can dot" he asked. "Get help or anything?" Bobby explained that belp waa on the way and asked If tbe other could see any signs of Its arriving. "There's nothing at present." "You see." went on Bobby, "I've got an appointment at six." "And you don't llkt to leave "No, I don't quite," said Bobby. "I mean, the poor chap's. dead and all that, and of courst one can't do anything, but all the same " He paused, finding It, aa usual, difficult to put confused emotions Into words. The other, however, seemed to understand. "I know," he said. "Look here, I'll come down that is, if I can see . vy way and I'll stay till these fellows arrive." Oh! would you?" said Bobby gratefully. "You see, It's my father. He's not a bn:l sort really, and things upset hi: i. Can you see your way? A bit more to tbe left now to tbe right that's it. It's not really dlhlcult." HE encouraged the other With di rections until tbe two mon were taco'to face on tbe narrow plateau. The newcomer was a man ot about thirty-five. He had a rather Indeci sive face which seemed to be calling for a monocle and a little mous tache "I'm a stranger down here," he explained. "My name's Bnsslugton ffrench. by the way. Came down to see about a house. 1 say, -what a beastly thing to happen! Did be walk ovor the edgo?" Bobby nodded. "Bit of mist got up," he explained. "It's a dangerous bit of path. Well, so lonr. Thanks very much. I've Ll to hurry. It's awfully good of you." "Not at all," the other protested. "Anybody would do the same. Can't leave the poor chap lying well, I mean. It wouldn't be decent some how.'" Bobby was scrambling up the pre cipitous path. At the top be wavod his hand to the othor then sot off at brisk run across country. To save time be vaulted the churchyard wall Instead of going round to the gate on the road a proceeding observed by tho VIcnr from the vestry window and docply disapproved of by blm. I. was Ave minutes past six, but the bell was still tolling. Explanations and recriminations wore postponed until aftor the ser- vli-a Ilrnnltiln,. ..nk I , f -oat and mapnlatod the stop, . . .. . oi me ancum organ Association or Idoas led bis lingers Into Chopin's fune-al mnrcb. Afterwards, more In sorrow than tn anair Ins lie expressly polntod out) the VIcnr took his son to tosk. "If you cannot do a thing properly, my dear Hobby." he said. "It Is bet tor not to do It at al. 1 know that you and all your young ftlends seem to have no Itloo of time, but there Is One whom we should not een waiting Vou olrored to piny the or gan ot your own accord. I did not coerce you. Instead, faint-hearted, you preferred ploying a game" Hobby thought ho had better In- I terrupt before his father got too well 0?rhy faltt on hit fact, tomor row, Dfffort 0 frltnd. GENTRALIAI.W.W. WAU W.MJ . rrb. R. (API ftay ne.-ker Me remaining prison ln niAte of the r!r:ht 1 v. W.'a who were iM.mutfMt in tvnitAlta'jt bloody 1K10 ArmtMite lnv oMtbretik, whs bn. k In the aintr ihmi u mt lm y n'ulii UvUiy af ter anotht-r failure to gain freedom through the eomta. JtuUe O. C Cnvanah. of lw, dla mU-ird Hr.'ker'i hnb.'ftn coiptia appeal 111 federal r.mrt yeteMny Me aua tnllied a denuiir.T ni y a Toner HmMXflnt fltatc R'UMiu-v-Keueral. Judk'e Cavaunh tii;a th intr - not Intimidated at the tti.ii in M.u.to. anno bv the ptrsenct i .i,,i.-r., ntvu. he murtliuile, lie kn' petition aliped. I) WO W& IWlMlNMiON ONE CWO OOfttX McKancht SmfaU. Leopold, called the Angel," aon of Emperor Ferdinand of Portugal, believed that by denying hlmseli pleasurea In life he waa sure to gain merit In heaven. Strange aa it seem, he planted many flowers with perfumed blossoms, but when they bloomed he would never go near enough to smell their frag rance. The knight of old, wearing a suit of armor, struggled into battle with a load of about 70 pounds of Iron and steel. Strange aa It seems, the American soldier during the World War carried equipment regularly that weighed almost as much as a suit of medieval armor sometimes he carried much more. The pack proper alone carried by the doughboy weighed a Uttlo more than afi pounds and It Included no fighting equipment, overcoat, raincoat, or gas mask. The gas mask generally used In the World War weighed a little mere than three pounds, while the overcoat and rain cont totalled about 10 pounds. Soldiers wearing a cnrtrld;e belt and two bandoleers wero cnrrylng almost 13 pounds of ammunition. Add to that another 10 pounds fori TAILSPIN TOMMY An Important Catch 1 fPET'S LEAV QUE DI8ias! I CAST ") f ""'tT; TejiT LITTLE 1 1 THEE& OF"!SF'vAJHV VO' NO 6TAV I IMt? ILj 70H1YAAD MV NET TOR FEE5H-3 fcfPiiSZ MDOTrVe CM-WAS-- CATCH HOME-AN' FIX rf' "isceeres. An' fin' manv t- j MmM? Ftsnewi in my net-- it ms( 'ooee -cohen J Mr vy ' FOZ ACOHLG- , STRANGE TMEENG5! f? PPJjMk DGSAM THAT MAK' COVER FOR 7S) SFEESHIN' , Lw'iltl TN J and Focus 4wwrw X ot" Xf-J'irs' f XSZlCZICr WlKBi'S T SEACH IT T SAFOe.T BEN WEBSTER'S CAREER Can't Tell 1 By EDWIN ALGER If tie 001 TO ,'3rU4SEr4.8EW,VA CAN'T 00 t 6 OOTPTHE lARE WE N A ICeYK -?TVe ANSVJERS'Vts" &NM FOR. THE THAT CURRENT'LU CARRY AOUU, V REVOLVERS OR ARE VJE IN -kSf K iT TO BOTH YOUR. LYYEAH, AKl'woWN i BOAT, CRP.' J DUAMLEOUTAC3URfJW '; AIN'T A IN THE 6 k AN1CE FV ? ri4&j $V QUESTIONS. CRP, BUT VJtREl LONb IS THAT :-Frrr"r-rv-VAM 1HE weps ice caoy-'o we? AVboat ft ;V- . safe as iono as aaao conna be? ; THE NEBBS -The Trailer By SOL HESS ' was a tool to " X "Zl "'" potts w is C!or i ccJ-"d" II - - ' we t;cxj.le uiTwt Me is I'm " in T j fXe-B. LETT TME M:m PO-NO , HAvF eoUoWT ALL TMI5 ) SOFT COE FO. EVERv&OOV-.A ' rOOR CUOV. ' COME TMfTOLV-M THIS -W ' PROC-C CTV FOR A DMCTtiCM UTTLE JA.V IRO TENIKJO TO PAU IF WIS FOR6- I A 1 OOWY WMT HMM , 1 NJCVC P WOULO WAV MAty ACOUMD WTM EfloLES L sJECV'ECFi GO . 51GHT WAS AS -vjr oetk: onj -lvii-oipr;; - .momjcd. acou'-vo me 1 - , r to meet twe future . uoait I sood as his I r-"J -;-,-'- rr-r' DiDV'T Vk'AMT "1 , . LWL IT CATCWESUP WITH ME uiuD SH3.HT, ' UrJ f-V ' fi' A ! " I C- ) amo -tmm vM S heo A rw '-'r;l t (o- jv AvrJ A am IV z2 asifheuuill 1 LJ GTl P?- h -li H OdiC- ' ' ; ) A 5 1 1 H rJ S-v 1 v3.rfi i - v- s.m-.ir.t. ivi-i-r, r 1 1 t I L-A J P-3 ... f I y iy? T ... m. 1- 1 r- o t . 1 I Vjja . ' I ' ' I, v.? trtftHftfuuirOiiT 0? MWIEVAU lac ERIGLEY'S T"C ORTEMS THE mi 111 a THe PERFECT GUM it'll tl H V l.r. 5 1 1 M.W-Ti I miuiiii 1 ANfffiC SOH Or EMPEROR Mm the rifle and bayonet, and you get a little more than 60 pounds. If there were a hundred million stars In the heavens for every one there now is, then the light of the stars received by the earth would about equal the light of the sun. As It Is, a single candle held 100 feet away, casts as much light as the earth receives from all the stars combined. Monday: Rise of a President. WINDOW GLASS-We sell window glass and will replace your broKcn windows reasonably. Trowbridge Cab inet Works MM I 11 Mm odv J; WAttHtS, WHILE AUN-f BE6IK& BUlLDIrlfe WlfrJ HIS BLOCKS WHAT SHE SAYS WILL BE A BEAUTIFUL PM.ACE LISfEMS WHILE SHE EXPLAINS SHE'S OUS-f P0IH6 -frilS fO AM05E HIM AND h)E MOSfW KNOCK K DOWrJ AUNT)SI6Hlrl6, STARTS OlER A6AIM. PECIOES HE'D LINE 10 DO IT HIMSELF AND WRESTLES FOR A BLOCK S'MATTER POP- HP? pumcle cv, ymm v lev see,? r- Im 6oMrj y'aJ t4at J TCACTice TdTJE. AS tt1 "2r STROMA AS THE. kM,fM. - I sJoUL-'s "13E- yA TtLL ME HE COUL.1?lCrf Y I 1 W i . Ja flSSEl-F UT T3V-4iS COAT W lCU Collati An' -Hol-D isseltO f fisvr jj t kt Copyright, 1938, by Th. BO J HAS A BRlSHf IDEA AWD PEMOLISHES STRUCIWE Wlfrl ONE SWOOP nn nr WA-fCHES HER BE6IN OVER A6AIN. P0E5H1' FEEL 1rtAf lf'5 PAWidJLPRLV ftMUSlK6 6ETS IT AND BAN6S IT DOWN ON STRUCTURE WHICH CRUMBLES (Copyright, 1936, by Th Ball Syndicate, BEAMS AT AUNT WHO DOE?lT SEEM -rO-fHlNK SO MUCH OF -The joke CAN'T RESIST THE IMPULSE TO LET HI5 FEET FLV iKfO HE. MlDt)lE OF BUILOINS AUNT LEAVES ROOM HUFFllV DECIDES MORE FUN CHEW.'Na BLOCKS THAN BUILDING WITH THEM. AfVVvVAY Inc.) By C M. PAYNE By HAL FORRESI Ms) 1