Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 04, 1936, Page 2, Image 2

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"The best matches since the battle
royal" waa the almost unanimous
opinion of Medford tana lsst night
at the Armory, when Dude Chick
permitted Ken Hollls to take an extra
lire mlnutea to recover from an early
lariat apln. and then lost the match
to the obatreperoua Arkansas hood
lum In the third frame.
Becauce Hollle failed to observe any
of the rules of ordinary ring decency.
Chick became angry when the bout
waa but six minuws oia, wumw
Hollle off the ropes, and spun him
Into dizzy unconsciousness to take
th first fall, unable to return.
Hoi lis' seconds and Referee Friable
uked Chick to grant extra time.
Promoter Mack Llllard added his en
treaties to the others, and the bout
continued In 10 minutes.
In the next round Chick tried four
times to hoist Hollls into another
spin, but the' Arkansan displayed re
markable agility In leaping over the
Using a combination kicking and
slugging attack. Hollls finally man
aged to choke Chick enougn w De
able to get blm Into a Boston crao,
Chick being forced to thump the
In the lost frame. Chick shifted
his attack from the spin attemptto
flying shoulder butts. Pour times he
hurtled up under Hollls' body and
nearly heaved him out of the ring,
but on the fourth attempt his hand
slipped off sa Hollls grabbed the
rcpe. Chick staggered backward from
the force and fell on his back, Hollls
diving on him to pin him for the
deciding vote.
In the middle main event Bob
Kennaston unleashed one of the
most perfectly timed drop kicks seen
here In months to knock Prank Tay
lor woozy In the first second of their
Australian, system match. Six more
drop-kicks reduced Taylor to help
lessness and Kennaston took the first
fall In one minute with a body press.
Taylor took a fall In the third
when he side-stepped another vicious
drop kick from Kennaston and then
leaped on the ex-martne for a body
press. The last frame went to Taylor
when he sewed Kennaston up In a
reversed rolling body press alter the
two had abandoned wrostling for
straight slugging.
The opening, all-meanle bout be
tween Max Olover and Tiger Toskoff
was a riot from start to finish.
Taskoff won.
Taskoff took the first fall with a
fcammerlock. Olovor getting the next
with a "Jackknlfe", or octopus hold.
His attempt to apply It again In the
laat round rebounded when Taskoff
flopped over on top of him, pinning
his shoulders.
Bv Dick Ad pi a pate
The Med ford high school football
team plays Ashland here on Armlstic
day, according to the tentative ached
tile that has been drawn up. The
Armistice day spot Is considered the
second best of the year, bowing In
popularity only to Thanksgiving
Coach Bowerman and Principal Smith
of Med ford were anxious to sign
Klamath Palls for the Armlttlce game
a maneuver which would have packed
the stands at VanScoyoc field, but
Klamath already bad a tentative as
signment to play Bend.
With the bickerings that went on
after last year's Klamath game, and
hot words hurled across the moun'
tain, ttiat Klamath game this fall Is
going to draw fans from all over
southern Oregon. If both teams prove
strong In their early season enooun
ters, ail attendance records will proh.
ably be shattered. The two teams
play here on October 31.
Medford was careful this year
to sign their league games early
In the season. Thfi, uccordlng to
Bowerman, will give the locals a
chan re to sign up-state teams
toward the end of the year. With
prospects for a great root ball team
next year, the move Is obviously
pointed toward elimination of the
situation that resulted this year
several teams, all claiming the
state title and wtlli no chance to
settle the dispute except In the
Medford's chances of nabbing some
of the basketbal honors when they
meet Ashland for the last two games
of the four-game series are Improv
ing rapidly. Ashland has lost the ser
vices of Parker Hess and Medford has
gained the services of Bam VanDyke,
both men being big factors on their
respective teams.
Ashland Is going to miss Hees. A
god athlete and a good sport, Hess
was not spectacular In his play, but
he always managed to be at the point
where he could do the most good. He
had the valuable faculty of forgetting
himself, and feeding shots to a team
mate rather than trying to amass all
the points himself.
A demonstration of the fundamen
tals of basketball playing was given
at the Senior high school yesterday
toy Chuck jTaylor, nationally known
professional basketbal star from the
old Celtic team of New York. Over
a hundred embryo players, from every
public school In the city, watched the
explanation or the proper technique
In ball handling, irlmnry scoring
maneuvers, guarding and floor wont.
Bmphaalrlng balance and deoeptlon,
Taylor put on a remarkable exhibi
tion of clever floor work, and explain
ed the fundamental principle under
lying hia system. The ex-pro player
used members of the Medford high
school team to demonstrate his plays,
and pointed out ways of gaining an
advantage over opponents who are
not alert to every line of defense.
After the demonstration, Taylor at
tempted three trick -hot, falling by
inches to bounce the ball Into the
net white standing on the center line
Touing the ball high In the air. he
watched It come down In the center
of the foul ring, bounce to the back
board, and roll off the edge of the
ring. He repeated hts drmonfitnttlons
before the Ashland, including
the Southern Oregon Normal, last
Seattle Skaters
Grab League Lead
VANCOUVER, B. 0., Peb. 4 -ipi
The Seattle Sea hawks, seven weeks
ago the cellar-dwellers of the North
western Hockey league, today hid ful
filled their long -prom I ed thrrst and
were enjoying the coveted spot In the
league standings by a one-point mar-;
The Vancouver Lions and the Port
land Buckaroos, who for weeks have
been scrapping over the Irakis leader
ship, were pissed en rout hore
night as the Hawks came through for
a A to 2 victory over the Lions.
If you were at the last Medford -
Ashland basketball game In Ashland
a few days ago, you undoubtedly saw
the battery of police they had on
hand, both In uniform and In plain
clothes. That seems pointedly fool
ish to us. The psychological reaction
is bound to be exactly the opposite
of that whloh Is desired. If troops
of national guardsmen were stationed
around the doors when the teams
play here, the result would naturally
be that Ashland rooters would feel
obligated to put up some show of
resentment, and the result would be
a fight. The same result la achieved
by the stationing of cops. After all,
there has been no show of poor
sportsmanship between the schools
for a number of years. There Is no
reason to assume that the silly war
fare of past years will be resumed,
unless such contributing factors are
Last night's wrestling cord at the
Armory was the best one In some
months. For sheer action, excite
ment, thrills and assault, it topped
any we have ever seen. And the near,
ness of a riot, that which the Med
ford crowds seem so dearly to love,
added Just the right tinge of spice.
GRANTS PASS, Peb. 4. (Spl.)
In one of the closest, harden fought
bowling battles fought on the Orsnts
Pass alleys, the Rogues took retalia
tion against the Medford bowling
quintet here Sunday when they won
a flve-gnme match with 4493 pins to
4477 pins.
Grants Pass took the first game by
one pin, Medford took the second by
six pins, then the margins increased
widely with Medford taking two of
the three remaining matches. But
total pins went to the locals by 10
pins, breaking the 3-3 tie In Grants
I'sas' favor.
Scores by games:
Grants Pass:
84)7. M3. 043, BIO, 103. Total 4493.
ROfl. 848. 860, 038, 030. Total 4477.
John Spoonsr of the Rogues took
high place with a total of 900 pint-
Just ons pin under an average of 300
per game. Franklin of Medford shot
a 104 average to place second.
Scores by players were:
Grants Pass Frank Rengntorff,
894; Cecil Harmon, 898; Pete Smith,
82ft; John Spooner, 000; Dick Miller.
Medford Antle, 809; Baylor. 014;
Paly. 770; Franklin. 071; Erwt. 044
SALEM, Feb. 4. (API Willamette
university opened Its Northwest con
ference bnsketball season hers last
nieht with n Impressive 4 to ao
conquest of Alhsny college.
BAKER, Ore . rVB. 4. The '
Oregon state Rooks eased Into a "
to 37 iictorjr over the Baiter htnh
school team here Monday '
nVht. Rlr.:r,tn, Roak center, was
bU point plajcr .u 10 jwluU. )
If You're Afraid
To Say It
Vnlentine and Oift Shop
Truck Line
(fntmrrlt on a Hlirnlitr)
111 North Fir
Still smarting from a sound 33-0
thumping handed their football team
last fall, 10 braves from the Chem-
awa Indian school stalk Into southern
Oregon this week-end to pit their
erratic, ln-and-out basketball team
against the Medford Tigers, Friday
and Saturday nights.
With a team that so, far this year
has reached great heights In brilliant
passing and floor work only to slump
unexplained)? the next week, the In
dians are expected to prove a tough
hurdle for the locals If they're "on."
Ohemawa teams almost Invariably
play their best game of the season
against Medford, particularly In bas
Still dissatisfied with the failure of
his team's fast break to do Just that.
Coaoh Bill Bowerman is this week
confining his drill to that phase of
the game. The passing and floor work
bss Improved, Bowerman said today,
but admitted that there Is still room
for lots of Improvement In those departments.
The ruBhlng. driving game that
characterized the local's attack In
early season games but which was
markedly absent against Ashland, Is
once again In evidence and the Tigers
will rely strongly on speed down the
home stretch to wear down the usu-
Uy short Indians.
For the first time this year It Is ex
pected that the Medford team will be
playing against a team of approxi
mately the eame size. The short, swift
Indians have always employed a fast
break and a whip-like, overhead pass
ing attack and the Medford team Is
working on defenses against the sys
tem. Whether the varsity team or the
sophomore reserves play most of the
game depends entirely on their per
formances In practice sessions this
week, Bowerman Indicated today. The
seniors, with all the advantage of
height, are being hard pressed by the
tricky little sophomore team, the
Flying Runner
t V ' V
c r y y
'iy 1 T.
Norman Bright, a school teacher
at Sunnyvale, Calif., and holder ol
the American record for the two
mile run, had to take to the air In
order to compete In the Millrose
Games at New York and return to
take up his classroom duties. He
Is shown as he left by plane from
San Franc'sco. (Associated Press
squad that will have to take over the
spartan duties next year.
If, when they are sent Into the
Chemawa game, the sophomores prove
that they can hold their own. they
win be left In the fray to gain ex-
experlence, the coach said.
PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 4. (AP)
Dick CoBtello, New York middleweight
wrestler, outlasted five other grap-
piers In a battle royal here last night.
The order of departure for the
other contestants was Jos Marsh, Otis
Cllngman, Jack Lipscomb, jack Cur-
tlas and Ernie Piluso.
' An you a member of
Ethel ivy n B Hoffmann's
Juln Now.
TO TUNE OF 51-33
CORVALLIS, Ore., Peb. 4. (AP)
The Washington Huskies appeared to
be firmly entrenched atop the Pacific
Coast basketball circuit's northern
division today that little short of a
miracle will deprive them of the sea
son's honors.
The Huskies last night forgot all
about Oregon Bute being the defend
ing champions and hung up their
seventh consecutive conference vic
tory by handing the Beavers a 51 to
33 walloping.
The Staters by no means were out
of the battle but the Huskies' speed
snd unerring eye were Just too much
Several times In the final half the
Beavers crept up to within five and
six points of the leaders, but with the
score at 35 to 39 the Washington
quintet laid down a barrage which
ended only when their score was one
less than SO.
The two teams will play again to
night. Washington won four straight
from Oregon and took two from
Washington State prior to the In
vasion of Corvallls. The Beavers were
conceded the only hope of halting the
victory march.
Washington (01) (33) Ore State
Loverlch (18) P.. (16) Palmberg
Wagner (16) P. (4) Tuttle
Bishop (U) C (5) Conkllng
Egge (3) O (1) Polen
McKtnstry (1) ..0.. (4) Bergstrom
Substitutes: Washington Patterson,
Rannon ( 3 ) , Rosenberg. Kastner.
Werner; Oregon State Holllngsworth,
Wlntermute (3). Kidder, Kolberg, Ly
man, Kebbe (3).
Officials: Referee, Archie Buckley;
umpire, Frank Henlges, Portland.
Gobbler Gulps Sparkplug.
BEND, Ore., Peb. A. IP) A three
Inch sparkplug was found In the craw
of a turkey here by Mrs. Pauline
Dyer, restaurant operator, giving rise
to new theories concerning the source
of the bird's speed In chasing grass
Foots Creek
FOOTO CREEK. Feb. 4. (Spll
Mrs. Ernest Relnkens, assisted by
Mrs. Bchuler, entertained the Civic
improvement club at the Relnkens
home January 34. Tht club plan
ned for an all day meeting at the
Community hall In Rogue River
March .
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Joelson and
children, Leon and Lorraine, visited
with Mrs. Joelson's parents, Mr.
snd Mrs. John Biles, recently. The
Joelson's were moving from Ash
land to &elr home near Salem.
Mrs. BUea accompanied them home
for a month's visit. Mr. and Mra
Raymond Biles, who have been liv
ing at the Joelson farm, have re
turned and are living near Orantt
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. naie snu
children of Florence, Ore., hsve
moved to a place on the left fork
of the creek near the Frank Horn
property. Three of their children
have entered the Gold Hill school.
Mrs. Waring Thorns, who has
been visiting her parents. Mr. and
Mra. C. V. Stumbo. left for her
home In Ban Diego January 26.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lance ol
Wolf Creek, spent the week-end at
their cabin here.
Mr. Fltzpatrlck returned to his
home on the left fork last week
after spending some time In Salem
and attending the funeral of Mr.
Kuscher, who resided here for some
time and was a partner of Mr
Frltzpatrlck In the Dlile Queen
mine. Mr. Kuscher's wife passed
away In December.
Mr. and Mra. Henry Miner oi
Grants Pass, accompanied by Rev
erend Walker, of Kentucky, called
on Mr. and Mrs. George Lance on
January 21.
Mra. George Proctor, of Grants
Pass, spent January 27 with Mrs.
George Drummond.
Mrs. R. L. Miller, Mr. Furnham.
Mr. and Mrs. Howes and Mr. and
Mrs. Fish attended Pomona Grange
In Medford.
Charles McMerrlck. of near Med
ford, spent February 2 at his place
Miss Nellie Jacobs, who has been
111 for some time, la still confined
to her bed.
Walt Collins, who has been liv
ing at the Art Frost home, has
moved to a cabin at the Riviera
auto park.
Mrs. Clay Biles, and Bonnie Jean
spent January 29 in Oold Hill and
attended the relief corps at the
home of Mrs. Patrick.
Reverend Randall held services at
the Sunday school February 2.
Wednesday evening he will show
iiMin. nature, at the Tom Hen
derson home. A bssket dinner will
be beld at the Sunday school no
ruary 9.
Miss Olive Heap left Saturday
evening for San Francisco to be
married to Mr. Burgeneater, wTio
urn. rnrmrtv smoloved at the Riv
iera plantation but Is now making
his home in Ban rrancisco, wntre
the young couple will reside.
ASHLAND, Feb. 4. (Spl.) Signs
of activity at the site of the new
Southern Oregon Normal school gym
nasium were seen Monday as con
tractors began work on the structure.
The actual position of the building
waa determined, which necessitates
the elimination of one of the groves
of trees west of the building.
Corners of the building were mark
ed off. and some excavation was done
by the crew of Shattuck and Neland,
Portland contractors in charge of the
Job. which 1 expected to require four
months for completion.
Ose Mall Trlbuiit want ads
Notice to Creditors.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Jackson county.
In the Matter of the Estate of Luclnda
Peck, Deceased.
The undersigned, having been ap
pointed Adlmlnlstrator of the Estate
of Lucinda Peck, deceased, by the
County Court of the County of Jack
son. State of Oregon, and having
qualified, notice Is hereby given to all
persons having claims against sam
estate, to present them to the office
of the undersigned's attorney at 126
East Main Street, Mediord, Oregon.
properly verified and with proper
vouchers, within six months from the
date of this notice which Is February
4, 1036. W. E. PECK.
Administrator for the Estate
of Luclnda Peck, Deceased.
Attorney for the Estate
no mmn
I On pan Hood RivarAppI Brandy, 1
nt part Italian Vermouth, and two I L
daihM bitttrtf tea, ihak wall and 1 1
tar with Moraichino c harry, JsJ
There' tomothJng about a ManhaHaa
' made with "Old Dellclootl" There's a
imoothneu and a rlchnauyou can gsr
enly with this tins base. That's becauia
"Old Delicious' made by finest distil
ling methods, is tha juice of sound, ripe
Hood River apples.
Try one tonight! It's grand In highballs
and very, very good as a straight drink.
Aged In new charred oak casks.
Fall 90 proof
No.413C AA.
nat contai
No. 413A 4f mm
. ?:a ii ii I. i. ji t
Has his own ideas about a Smokin' Tobacco!
Jesse, in a cozy corner of the kitchen.
They're cleaning up the rifle for a little
shooting. And they're having some fun
right now-because do you know what's
in those pipes? Prince Albert! "I'm
hore to tell you that there's only one
'national joy smoke'-Prince Albert,"
says Roy. "The P.A. cut is different
each P.A. pipeful burns slower and
tastes cooler. I'd advise any pipe lover
to take up that Prince Albert proposi
tion of money back if not satisfied.
Me, I'm pleased as can be I"
H XT' 4- Ot -
r, v7 i
V 1
ill .
f 1 A .
. v . i
, -v vi
a. iW kl
N A.
how he got that one. Had his pipe and
Prince Albert along too, because he
has smoked Prince Albert for at least
ten years. "I found a pleasant sur
prise," he remembers, "the first time
I opened one of those big red tins.
What mellow aroma 1"
"You'll be surprised how much more
tobacco you get in those big economy
tins," says Roy. "They hold around
fifty pipefuls." Men, read the you-must-be-pleased
offer. Try America's
favorite tobacco entirely at our risk.
r i
FICE. Jesse got some mail I
Roy's smiling because he has
just stocked up on Prince
Albert. "It is easy to tell from
the tas'.:e,"he says, "that Prince
Albert comes from extra-quality
tobaccos. And the fine flavor
of mild, mellow tobaccos is pro
tected by a special 'bite remov
ing' process that P. A. uses."
Try Prince Albert If You
Want to Roll a Bottor
J. l LUFF, mtcran rc'l
moktr. who rolU s iwrll Trlaoe
Alhrrt cfssrtt In IT tw. IwnsH
ssyst "lMnrt Albrt whir Into
shspe tn JtfTr tatsj m tj otbe
msn's tonsue end soull"
1 -.JiLai. 1 11 km) In
. at J. lanalcb TaS. O.
pipefuls of fragrant tobacco.
You'll Think Just As Highly of Prince
Try It. Our Proposition Is "M
S molts SO fragrant pipefuls of Princs Albert. If you don't
Snd It the mellowett, tastiest pipe tobacco you erer
molted, return the pocket tin with the rear of the to
baeco In it to us at any time within a month from this
date and we will refund full purchasa price, plus
poatsg e. (Signed) R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company,
Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
Albert As Mr. Hawkins Does If You
oney Back If Not Satisfied"
If yoa rcrt yoar owni Roll yourself 30 swell cigarettes
from PHnce Albert. If you don't find them the finest,
tastiest roll.yoor.own cisar.lte. you erer smoked, return
the poelet tin with the re.t of the tobatco in it to us
at r.ny time within a month from this date, and w
wi.l refund full purchase price, plus post.,.. (Signtd)
H. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C