PAGE FIVE Lions Arranging Entertainment for Big Auto Show Feb. 7 th and 8 th MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, iiEDFORD, OREOOT. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2, TOftfi. tgsSftVfr Allen and Taylor Attend Auto Meet W. W. Allen and L. C. Taylor, of th Pierce-Allen Motor Co.. left to day to attend h mppttmr. of the Ore gon Automobile Dealers' association which will be held In Portland Tues day In conjunction with a regional conference of the National Automo bile association. Mr. Alien la a vice president of the state organization. Three nationally known speaker will -1 VrL-L WASPS- discuss dealer problems. The Plerce-Allen Motor Co. unload ed a carload of Dodges last week fin lsed In the sensational new color known aa Hunter green. Another car load of Dodges and a carload of Dodge commercial cars la due to ar rive this week, according to Mr. Allen. Thrill to Supercharger Performance and everything else seems tame The magic of the Supercharger makes Graham ao smooth and effortless, so surprisingly responsive, that you have at sensation, in driving it, entirely unlike anything you've ever known before . Like those tingling, thrilling sec onds when a "bob" slips down the glassy run and your breath catches in your throat . A u :1 performance isn't all. Graham has surrounded this me chjuicol magic with style and beauty that are relatively as far ahead of the times as the Supercharger itself. See this masrai6cent new car and you will readily understand why ''The Style Award Goes to Graham". Drive it and yon will realize that no'. -ven the remotest stretch of the imagi nation could come ywhere near picturing the actual thrill 1 See us today about a Supercharger drive. We will gladly place any of the new Grahams at your disposal. GrahamCancanbepurcha$edonthe6CJ.T. CredltPlan Tb Style Award Com to Graham . A. Anstey Urges Careful Check To Reduce Accidents "Every motorist who Is anxious for tils own and his family's safety and welfare should, at tha earliest oppor tunity, hava his tires, wheels and other equipment on hla car carefully Inspected for safety before he plant any long trips." aaya J. A. Anstey. local manager at the Lewie Super Service Station. "Thle la especially true In the case of Urea." says Mr. Anstey. 'There are many car own ers who do not yet appreciate the strain which Is on tires which have any amount of wear. For complete safety, drivers shoum have tires, wheela and brake exam ined so that any danger spots may be detected and repaired before an accident occurs." The Lewis Super Service Station Is starting a safety drive. Nationally famous merchandise Including Good rich Safety Silvertown tlrea with the life-saver golden ply, Goodrich Elec tro-Pax and other battenea in tne Goodrich line, auto accessories and services which Include motor over haul, top work, fender repairs, brake adjustments, wheel alignment, etc., are offered at attractive prices. Mr. Anstey says: "Of special In terest la the 'no money down' offer on our original budget pay plan. This plan, which has been In operation in our store for several montns. proved Immensely popular. It makes It possible for the car owner to pur chase needed equipment and pay for It out of Income while the equipment la being used. This la becoming much more satisfactory than having to make a large outlay of cash at one time." t factory See These Cars at the Lion's Auto Show Friday and Saturday Pennington Battery Service & Garage 121 NORTH BARTI.ETT PHONE SOS Motorist's Fright Leaves Him Blind ARKANSAS CITY, Kas Feb. 1. (AP) Motorist Lang Pulllnger saw a child hurled from an automobile to the pavement In front of hi car. The sight shook ed him Into uncon sciousness that lasted three days. A resultant nervous collapse left him blind. The child was not hurt. DEALERS TO SHOW LATEST MODELS IN Tire and Accessory Dealers Also Cooperating Danc ing to Be Feature On Friday and Saturday Be correctly corseted In an Artist Model by Ethelwyn B Hoffmann. iipjuisiyjRW. Calling All Cars! TO THE Lewis Super Service Station FOR AN INSPECTION OF i Brakes . . ires . . Lights Offal . EtC. WILL YOUR CAR STAND POLICE INSPECTION? Avoid Risk of Delay . . . Our Inspection Service Is Free. SPECIAL PRICE ON COMPLETE JOB Utilize Lewis' BUDGET PAYMENT PLAN . . a convenient confi dential service which permits you to BUY NOW and PAY LATER Your Account opened in 5 minutes Prepare Now for the Summer Driving Season . . . Have your car placed in First Class Running Order . . . Motor Over hauls ...Top Work . . . Fen der Work... a n y t h i n g for the automobile .... Payments very reasonable. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD Wheels Aligned E 65 Cv rrK ssHjlkHtikM Goodrich Silvertown Tires A LOW AH 50 C ntr.K Brakes Relined At LOW All 75 LEWIS SUPER SERVICE STATION 8th and Front Complete Automotive Service Wrecking Service WE NEVER CLOSE W. L. LEWIS, Mgr. Thousands of Southern Oregon spectators are expected to view the outstanding new 1930 automobiles on display at the Lion's Club Auto Show at the Med ford Armory Friday and Saturday, February 7 and 8. Music by Whipple's orchestra and a program of varied entertainment will add to the gaiety of the event which la un der the general management of Oar- rol I. Hays. Proceeds from the Lions Club show will be added to the fund to purchase radtoa for blind resident of this lo cality. Nine persona have already been supplied by radios through effort ot local Lions. Dealer Cooperate The following Med ford car dealers have arranged to exhibit at the Arm ory: Walter W. Abbey Inc.. Nash, La fayette, Willys and International trucks; Lang Motor Co., Chrysler Alrstream and Airflow, Plymouth: Sanderson Motor Co., Studebaker cars and Studebaker trucks: Skin net's Oarage, Bulck, Ponttac and G. M. C trucks; J. J. Osenbrugge, Pack ard and Oldsmoblle; Rogue River Chevrolet Inc., Master and Standard Chevrolet; Mead Motor Co., DeSoto and Plymouth. Young's Car Market, Hudson and Terraplane cars; Young and Farrow Motor Co., Cadillac and LaSaue; Pennington's Oarage, Oraham and Graham Super Charger. Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. will show a large se lection of tlrea and auto accessories; Llttrell Parts Co., auto accessories; Lewis Super Service Station, Goodrich tlrea and accessories; Western Auto Supply Co.. full line of accessories; Burk Tent and Awning Co., exhibit of upholstering, tents and awnings; Commercial Finance Corp., safety campaign booth. Dancing In Evening The Medford fire department un der the direction of Roy Elliott will give a life-saving demonstration. Lady Lions will be In charge of con cessions for the entertainment of vis itors and dancing will be featured both Friday and Saturday evenings from 10:30 to 12:00 o'clock at no ad ditional charge, according to Mr, Hays. Tha armory will be open on the first day of the auto show from 7:30 p.m. to midnight and Saturday all day until midnight. - Members of committees assisting Mr. Hays in preparations for the big automobile show include the follow ing: Charles Pritchett and Ray Marty, decorations; J. Verne Shangle and Prank Oray, entertainment; Lawrence Pennington and J. F. Haws, advertis ing: Al Llttrell and Ed Mann, finance budget and Earl White, floor plan. The entire club la cooperating to as sure the aucoess of the affair, accord ing to the general chairman. 4 Ei BREAKS RECORDS Pontlac was awarded six first places In Its price class In the GUmore Yo- semlte economy run, according to R. Skinner of Skinner's Oarage, local Pontlac and Bulck dealer. Mr. Skinner says; "On this 352- mlle run Pontlac averaged 33 0 miles per gallon. 'Another Important piece of news In the ten years of Pontlao Motor company is the doubling of both aales and production of Pontlac automo- bllea in 1035 over 1934. Retail sales show a gain of 101.8 per cent. 'Pontlac has established records for production and sales In 1935 that have been exceeded only once since Its original announcement ten years ago. Even those figures could have been surpassed If the company had had the increased manufacturing fa cilities it possesses today. Alt through the spring months last year dealers were forced to take cancellations of orders or else could not accept them at all because of the Inability to make deliveries. Now that the plant capacity has been Increased to take care of deliv eries promptly this spring and our dealer organisation Improved mate-, rlally, together with the steadily In- j creasing public acceptance for the product, we believe that Pontlac sales In 1036 will squaj or pass the 220.000 ; point, which will meen an all-time mark. 1 'Already the company has gotten away to a flying start for this year with record-breaking sales of 1036 cars during the last three months of 1935 as a momentum getter." 4 BUCKINGHAM'S loe Cream. Candy and Party Specials. The Qreat. )36 So. Central. Beagle BEAGLE. Feb. 1. (Spl.) Mr. sod Mrs. James Warren were visitors at tha SeegmlUer home Wednesday aw ning. Mr. Brown has returned home after several weeks stay at the Veterans' hospital In Roseburg, where he has been receiving treatment. We are glad to report that he la Improving. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sanderson and son, Lawrence, spent Wednesday in Medford and In the evening visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. L. Howard. O. D. Stalllnga has been helping Mr. Orant for the past week laying pipe to distribute running water to the barn, chicken houses and brooder houses. I Mr, and Mrs. Harry Ellis and eon. Ralph, attended church In Ashland Sunday and spent the rest of the day visiting friends near Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Husbsnds, of Buck Shot hill, were Sunday afternoon vis itors at tha home of Mr. and Mr 1 Ray Bo wen. Mr. La Baree. who haa heen work, ing at carpentering at Rogue River for the past few weeks, la home again Clayton Olass. of Table Rock, was a Sunday Tinitor at the Earl Case home. Jeaae Walker la having serious trou ble with his eyes for the past few weeks. It Is a trouble caused from 1 hurt several years ago. Mr. Blschoff Is on the sick list this I week. Mrs. Neighbors of Medford sends . her friends here word that ner ! mother, Mrs. Showers, la Improving after a slight paralytic stroke. The school children enjoyed a holi day Friday as the schoolhouM was : used for a polling place, ' Mrs. Inch, county school super- ; visor, visited our school Thursday, There will be preaching services at ' the schoolhouse Sunday afternoon. , pebrusry 0, at a o'clock. The pastor ; of the Christian church of Central ' Point will deliver the message. Every (one Is Invited to attend. kiwB.a.ttniCSn 1 Undergarments that fit at Ithelwjo B. HuJfmtnue. Roosevelt Given Radio on Birthday WASHINGTON, Feb. 1. JP) Pres ident Roosevelt disclosed today he received a new radio set aa a birth day gift yesterday, but added with a smile he hoped to hear more grand opera as a result. The president had been asked by reporters if he had been llst?ntnf? to the recent political speeches over the air. 4 Long Mountain LONO MOUNTAIN. Feb. 1. (Spl.) Mr, and Mrs. T. T. Taylor called on Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young Wednesday evn.m?. Mrs. Geo. Wright, of Centrsl Point, was an all-riiy visitor of Mrs. W. R. Holman Wednesday. Those who attended Pomona Grange In Medford from this district were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kline and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stowell. Mrs. Laura Pottenger of Medford waa a week-end guest of her sister, Mrs. M. L. Prultt. Mrs. Luella Kline was also a guest of Mrs. Prultt Wed-nesdav. iMHii'iit'Wai m.iM a2j!!iaM Use Mall iiibune want ads. iri Orchestra Musio Entertainment Concessions Surprises DANCING BOTH NIGHTS There will be an eye thrill at every turn at the LIONS CLUB J Friday and Saturday, Feb. 7, 8 At the MEDFORD ARMORY Open Friday, 1:30 to 12 p. m. All Day Saturday Programs Friday, 7:30 to 12 p. m. Saturday, 2:30 to 12 p. m. raaw NOW THAT IT COSTS LESS T m I A CAB ? maw nt mm.,j.iv,'jk U Wl SI if hi t i I lit ,u tJ,i'J,j,m .Win iL'i ' ' TVI ', ' , ' ' W (? i i i iliiinn i n,, hi' , Ifotfoe&vhujS to help you get the kind of car you've always wanted A LL of the mystery and a lot of . the expense have gone out of time payments with the new GMAG t Time Payment Flan. It's simple as A-B-C. Delivered price, less trade-in, plus insur ance, plus 65 that's about all there is to it. And it not only saves brain-racking it saves money. One result is that you can buy a Buick for little if any more than you're used to paying for a car in the lowest-priced class. Two or three dollars more per week puts a big car at your doorstep may YOU CAN AFFORD THE NEW BUICK s r? tn tlOlS are tht lint jmett al Flint, 1 f)5 Mick., t'ibjert to ckatiot without notic. Standard and tptrvU ncer. v)n groups on all mndrl al txtra ooaf. All Ruirk prim inrlude tafrty gin throughout ft tianiinrd tquipmrnl. Crmimiimt GMAC 6 TIME PAYMENT PLAN Dim f ' mlSSSim 35? , ;IIIPiil3l -a..,,! , -J I wf- I L d be less, if you're used to "dress ing up" low-priced cars to make them stand out from the crowd. Why don't you let us show you what your money will buy under this improved plan and with Buick's newlow prices? There's no obligation at all in a demon stration we get as much fun out of watchingyour eyes pop as you getout'of Buick's thrilling ride. And how are you ever going to know whether you can alFord a Buick unless you let us show you in dollars-and-cents terms? it. sai'M,"1".1",. vmm EVER STEP FROM 10 TO 60 In leu Ih.o 21 ooodsP That's lb kind ol fatamr yon et, when yon need It, In tb Bulck Special Series 40. All the speed sensibl drirer eonid ask lor and hydraulio brakos to keep yoor stoppi&l lino etreifht and smooth. But com around tak demonstration tee (or yourself why Buick's the buy. fere y WHEN BETTEI WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARB BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM SKINNER'S GARAGE 143 South Riverside Phon 102