PAGE SIX MEDFORD MAIL TRTBUNT5, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1936. BRIEF MESSAGE OF (Continued tram Page One.) referred senators and representative "respectfully ... to every word of whet I said" tn last year'i veto of s currency -iixpsnslon bonua pay Bent bill. "My convictions are aa Impelling today aa they were then," the presi dent aald. "Therefore I can not chance them." Mr. Roosevelt added: "The bill I now return dlffera from last year"a bill In only two Im portant reaped : First, It eliminate tbm Issuance of unsecured paper currency to make the payments re quired and aubstltutea Interest bear ing bonds, which, however, may be converted Into cash for face value at any time; second, It adds $263, 000,000 to the total payments by forgiving Interest after October 1, IBM, on amounts borrowed, racts Remain Same. "In all other respects, the cir cumstances, arguments and facta re main essentially the same as those fully covered and explained by me enly eight months ago." Indicative of the determination on capltol hill to make the bill law, despite the veto was the comment of Senator Clark D Mo.) one of the authors: "We'll pass It over his veto." One pertinent phrase from last year'a veto measure which Mr. Ilooaevelt evidently had In mind to day waa: The credit of the United States it safe, but It can not ultimately be safe If we engage In a policy of viiiitrur fen each and all of the groups that are able to enforce upon the oongreaa ciaima ior speti" conalderatlon." Written In Longhand. White House aides aald Mr. Roose velt broke precedent of a quarter or century and sent his message to Capitol Hill In his own handwriting. Up to the time of the adminis tration of Theodore Roosevelt all messages to congress were written in longhand. But none has gone to the capltol In longhand since then. While the veto did not come aa ft surprise, the manner of Its sudden transmission to congress today upset come calculations. ' larller In the day at press con ference, Mr. Roosevelt had smilingly declined to discuss the bonus. The senate last yesr upheld the Veto after the house had overridden the personally presented plea of the president against the legislation. Heiress Impresses in Testimony Accusing Mother and Doctors E ANN COOPER HEWITT AFTER QUESTIONING VF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR I Price 1 I Smashing I Food' Bargains SEEPAGE I Great News 1 I for Thrifty I I Housewives 1 1 JF Don't Miss It! I IT Safeway Stores 1 5 AN FRANCISCO, Jan. 24. 7P A Judg who oompllmentesd Ann Cooper Hewitt oa her beaiinp as a witness debated todsj whether he should la- cue criminal complaints against these involved In her bizarre sterilization. For almost an how, the 21-year- old heiress, rated at only 11 years mentally by a city psychologist, an swered questions concerning the op eration which resulted In her filing 600,000 dam 47 suit against her mother and two doctors. The girl replied with an emphatic 'most certainly not" when asked If she would bavu given her consent to the operation If asked for It. She said she was led to believe It was to be an appendectomy. Wonderful Witness. 'You are a wonderful witness," said Municipal Ji'dge Sylvian J. Lazarus at the close of the unique hearing. "It Isn't often we have people here who testify as clearly and as Intelli gently as y-,u have." The hearing, ottlled under a rarely used California law, was to deter mine whether crtmlnaj charges should be filed against Mrs. Maryon Hewitt McCarter, ttio girl's mother; Samuel O. Boyd, wi-'o performed the opera tion August 18, 1934, and Dr. Til ton E. Tillman, diagnostician In the oaae. Miss Hewitt's attorney would not let tier sign mayhem complaints, and the district attorney would not Issue them without her signature, so the matter was put up to the court by the prosecutor. Judge Lazarus said he would an nounce his fteclslon next Tuesday. Miss Hew'tt, daughter of the late Inventor, Peter Cooper Hewitt, charg ed her mother engineered the opera tion so she could forever control the Cooper fortune because the daughter would be childless. The estate has been estimated to total all the way from 1.3000,000 to 10.000,000. No Defense Testimony. ' Testimony at the criminal court hearing was all on Miss Hewitt's side. Judge Lamm announced he would not permit testimony by the three aoouaed persons, although they might submit affidavits If they wished. Miss Hewitt, a tiny figure In the witness chair, to'd how she had suf fered severe abdominal pains which led to an examination by Dr. Tillman. "He looked at me and said oe guessed I should have mv appendix removed," sis said In Tea pons to questions of Assistant Prosecutor Au gust Fourtner. "At no tune did either Dr. Tillman or Dr. Boyd take my temperature, feel my pulsa or take a blood count. Miss Hewitt testified she was ex maned by th psychologist, Mrs. Mary Scally, who represented herself ss a nurse. "Did she announce she was giving you a mental test?" Fourtner asked. "No. i But 1 asked her why she waa asking me so m&n; asinine questions, particularly when I wins In such pain" The girl the, told how she had corrected Mrs. -Scally In pronuncia tion of a word In French, a language which the speaks fluently. - Cot llrr Points. "Never dlsnute psychiatrist," re marked Jucige La rams. "She prob ably marked you down a couple of points for that." Anne B. Lindsay a nurse who at tended Miss Hewitt, said Dr. Boyd had asked her to take the case two days before ihe operation, Indicating It would involve a moron. , ? 1 s T ''2" f II 4 US N .....,..... 1 " 1 .5 L 7 ,1 -i Ann Cooper Hewitt (above), whose S500.000 ult asnlnst her mother. Mrs. Maryon Hewitt McCarter, which charged she had been deprived of her power of motherhood without her knowledge or consent while under going an appendicitis operation, caused San Franrl.iro authorities to In vestigate circumstances of the operation. Below: Two San Francisco phy sicians and a psychologist, accused bjr the girl. They are (left to right) Dr. Tllton E. Tillman, Mrs, Marr J. 8 colly and Dr. Samuel O. Boyd. (A. p. Photos.) 1 have a ease that Dr. Tillman sent me e, 10-year-old girl with the mentality of a child of 11, who has a sex complex," the nuree quoted Dr. Boyd aa saying, "I've got to do some thing to protect her and her family." Miss Lindsay then described her surprise at meeting Miss Hewitt "an entirely normal girl a grown-up young woman. I had expected a mo ron. I waa absolutely taken off my foot." Mlaa Llnduy raid Dr. Boyd admit ted later he ld not think Miss Hewitt a moron, adding he bad taken Dr. TUlman'a flndlnge. Judge Lanarua aald to Miss Llnd- aay: "I agree with you tha( Ann la a most attractne plrl She has a fine sense of humor too That'a going to aave you a lot of trouble, Ann. It's going to make you heppy." Gasoline Stations Must Bar Drunks OLYMPIA. Wash, Jan. 24. (AP) The city commission today had placed much of the burden on the retail 'gasoline, salesman In Its at tempt to eliminate drunken driving In Olympla, the atate capital and eventually In the entire atate. Gasoline sales to drunken drivers became unlawful In the city with the adoption of an ordinance making such an act a misdemeanor, punish able by 1100 fine, or 30 days In Jail, or both. New Shop Open at 303 South Front. Hemstitching 5o yd.; buttons covered; hose mending So to 35c; dressmaking. Ntnann Craig and May Lewis. Phone 133S-W. ;: NTh 1 a ....... I pick my whisW V"M -n r . t 1V1ILDNESS ! 1 99 v 'y.v'. 90 PROOF A LOT of men are looking for mildness In whisky. Somethin( that doesn't hove lo be gulped that jjoes down pleasantly. That's Gibhs Creek so smooth it can be sipped and so well received it is winning leadership everywhere. Mildness in whisky as well as cigarettes is what you want and Cobbs Creek is the way to get it inexpensively. CONTINHNTAL DISTILLINO CORPORATION, fhil ft, tobh$ Creek BLENDED WHISKY IS I E IN SERVICE PLAN For the benefit of local employers snd employes the Southern Oregon Medical Service association was re cently organized by more than 30 Rogue River valley physicians, pro viding protection In case of sickness or Injury. Headquarters have been established In the Medford Center building with Frank Bull as business manager. The Southern Oregon Medical Ser vice association, whloh la strictly home owned and operated by physi cians of this valley, offers the fol lowing services to Its members: Medi cal and surgical service; Immediate service In emergency; elimination of red tape delays; competent dental service; X-ray service; physical the rapy; ambulance service and prophy. lactic measures. Under the provisions of the new association the financial burden of a prolonged Illness or surgical opera tion Is lessened, medical attention being assured by qualified physicians and surgeons. manager, said. Meantime the com pany's ships were landing at Redding, Cal. The weather bureau predicted fog for tonight and tomorrow, though It said prospects for clearing skies were somewhat brighter than yesterday. Visibility was ranging between one eighth and one quarter of a mile, with no celling. The sun broke through at times today. L ON GUILTY PLEA Louis Andrew Pool, on parole on a check forgery charge, was sentenced to not less than two years in state prison yesterday on a plea of guilty. Theodore B. Medley, also named In the, complaint against Pool, was granted a suspended sentence by cir cuit Judge H. D. Norton when it was shown he waa a victim of circum stances and association with Pool. Pool was arrested a month ago when he returned to this city. Tht district attorney reports he has a po lice record In California. At the time of bta last arrest here he was on a parole from a two years sentence for forgery granted In this county. EAGLES TO HOLD DANCE TONIGHT The regular semi-monthly dance and soclsl will be held after tonight's business meeting of the Eagles and auxiliary In the fraternlty'a hall on West Main street. Dynge's orchestra will furnish the music. The public Is Invited. The business meeting which con venes at 8 o'clock wtll consider sev eral Important matters, said A. H. Banwell, aerie president who asked for a full attendance. The lodge, Mr. Banwell said, would make final preparations for the visit of George Nordlln of Kansas City, worthy grand president of the order, on Februsry 4. The aerie will also orgsnlze & cam paign committee to enroll new mem bers for the district Initiation to be conducted for the national i officer. Mr. Banwell stated. The Initiation will be held here February 4 with all cities of southern Oregon represented. VOORHIES TELLS OF MEXICO TRIP The account of his trip to Mexico, and motion pictures showing the life of the people, given by A. E. Voorhes. editor and publisher of the Grants Pass Courier, were greatly enjoyed by those present for the "fireside hour" at the Presbyterian church last even ing. A pleasing feature was a group of Spanish songs by Mrs. Dolores Sperling. Camera club members, who were guests of the evening, met after the address. T. J. Radcllff spoke of the relation of exposure to development of bromide 'prints. A. M. Sorenson. lately a member of the Oregon Cam era club, told of his experiences with miniature camera work. He will bring material and demonstrate enlarging from miniature negatives for the Feb ruary meeting. SEND-A-DIME LETTER WINS MONTANAN BRIDE PORT PECK, Mont., Jan. 24.- Ouess what Herbert Holland got out of the tend-a-ritme chain letters? A bride I Holland aald today the fad resulted in correspondence with Mrs. Alma Sproat of Los Angeles, and now they're married. Ose Mall Tribune wuit ads. Medford-Klamath Truck Line (formerly on S. Riverside) MOVED TO 111 North Fir romona Grange THICK FOG CONTINUES TO ENVELOP VALLEY For the fourth successive day Med ford schedules were, omitted by the United Air Lines because of fog. Serv ice would be resumed here with the lifting of the fog, L O. Devaney, Pomona Orange. Jacksoi County Pomona Orange will meet at the K. p hall In Med ford, corner of Grape and Sixth streets, Saturday January 25, at 10 a- m.. In an all-day meeting, being entertained by the Roxy Ann Orange. tl is expected that the Josephine county Orange committee will meet with the Jackson County Pomona rural electrbcatlon district commit tee at thla meeting ana that primary steps will be formulated for the cre ation of such a district of Josephine and Jackson counties No doubt much Information on this question will be available. There are lfi Oranges In the county now and a large attendance and mem. bershlp from all these Oranges In the Pomona wlu result In a strong uni fied program for the county and state. Basket dinner at noon. Come and bring your Granger friends. While Present Stock Lasts TIRES & TUBES At Less Than Wholesale Sizes 16, 17, 18, 20 and 21-inch CLOVER LEAF SERVICE 602 So. Riverside ifllii " Hotel Cornelius 523 S.w. Park I Portland Feel at Home in The Heart of Portland'1 Comfort Convenience Courtesy Service Attractive Rates: Detached hath ft na op With bath S1.50 up iitk . -a ma- '"!S BEN O. CRIMSON. Mgr. Park Ave Hotel 623 S.W. Park Portland IN THE HEART OF THE CITY The Cleveland Tractor Company Announces the Appointment of the IRogmie Valley Tractor annd Implemesiit!; Go. FRANK T. WEIGHILL 39 South Grape Street MEDFORD AS DISTRIBUTORS OF (2LETHAS aund Parts 0 in Jackson and Josephine Counties o MILLIONS SAY COBBS CREEK" IS WHAT' VE SAY IT IS ... We Have the New Model "E" and "20M Cletrac Just in Other Models Rolling. Prices From $1345 Delivered in Jackson and Josephine Counties ROGUE VALLEY TRACTOR & IMPLEMENT CO. FRANK T. WEIGHILL t