PAGE FIFTEEN llllllll vo iBOfc.n.crtx' BEDFORD MAIL TRTBUXE. AIEDFOKD. OREGON, FRIDAY. JANUARY 24. 1936, 1 Bead every id tbli page. Ton will probably find ex actly the thing yon want to bny or tell. It It Isn't there, advertise. 1 1 ' inexpensive, effective. RATES tar word first Insertion (Minimum 25c) seta additional Insertion. ; pf word (Minimum 10c) fw Una per month without v awpy changes Phone 75 l FOR WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND FOUND Beam to platrorm scale. A . W. Ayers, central Point. LOST Lsat'ier bag full of tobacoo advertising matter. Please return to W. O. J.ihnson, Grand Hotel. Reward. LOST Gold lavaller with blue stone pendant. Return to Tribune office. Reward. LOST If aog is milling. calll616 , WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Mining partner experlenc ' ed In quartz and placer. Box 4284, Tribune. WANTED SITUATIONS EXPERIENoaD waitress wishes work. Phone 213-J. 245 No. Grape. WOMAN with small son wants house work. Capable complete charge. Box 1382, Tribune. MARRIED MAN wants work; thor oughly experienced In blight out tlng, all orchard work; good me chanic: capable of taking full choree. References Box 1101, care . Tribune. WANTED One or two children to care lor. iteesonaoie. ouo xitmiu ton Ave. DAY & night, oervioe carpenter work. Lee Williams, 1520. N. Riverside. WANTED Day work." Mrs". Huson. Phone 1345-M. .. WANTED Position as orchard fore . man. Years of experience In every phase o) orchard work. Can take complete charge. Best of references. Address Box A, Mall Tribune. WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Bk-.ycle motor. The Pre cision Shop, 410 E. Main. WANTED TO RENT On west side - near Junior high school. 6-room house with basement, by February 1st. Tel. 11B3-X WANTED TO RENT About 60 acres good free sol.. Box 1223. Tribune. WANTED 81400 loan on property valued at 5000. Nora Neath&mer. Rogue River WANTED Custom hatching chick ens, dunks, turkeys eggs. Cummlngs Poultry Ranch, 6 miles out Mid way Road, central Point. S. 1. WANTED Deed furniture, ranges, heaters, tools, fruit Jars. etc. Hol brook Furniture Co.. In old Fire Hall Bldg, 112 B. 6th. Tel. 847. WANTED ' W pay cash tot household goods furniture and stoves we also buy metals, bides pelts woo) and mo hair MEDPORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27 N Grape St Pbone 1062. WANTED Disc for Fordson tractor. L R. care Mall Tribune. WANTED Cook stoves, beaters bed springs, mattreases day-beds, sani tary couches and cots or what have you- We pay cash or exchange NEW DEAL FURN EXCHANGE 423 . Main St. WANTED FURS PURS FURS Highest cash price paid for raw furl Complete line ot traps on sale. MEDPORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27-39 No Orsp St Medford FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Small modern furnished house; Frlldalre garage; well situ ated. 221 North Holly St. FOR RENT 6-room furnished house eorden space Inquire 1318 Locust St. FURNISHED house and garage; adult. 804 rVer 10th. an mr.K mndom rottaee. partly fur nished 8th and . Maple, Central j Point. ' SMALL furnished house at 124 8 Grape St. Prlgldalre Adult. 822.80. j FOR RENT 8 room completely fur- 1 nlshed home 636 West 4tn. SMALL furnished house at 124 8. Qrape St. FrlglJalre Adult. $22 50. FOR RENT r'w 4 -room bouse, close In. Phone 477-J. FOR RENT 4-room turn bouse: elec tric range, refrigerator oil neater; garage: adult Phone 846-Y 6-ROOM furnished 2 or 8 bedrooms Close in Phone 1432-J. FOR RENT -room modern furnish ed house close In Ph ?ne 4.V7-J I FOH HEN1 - M'OTise furnished ol I iM-n!hej Brow eril'e POK rt.-;. I a-ruom luruls:ied nouae j close in 830, watar paid. Inquire i 144 0. J,n. FOB RENT AVARTMENTS POR RENT Desirable furnished apt. Hotel ilrand. APARTMENT tor rent. 801 N. Central. John Free. FOR RENT Apartment. No children. 718 Welch. FOR RENT Apartments, hot water. 334 Apple. APARTMENT for rent, 918 West 10th St. POR RENT Furnished apartment, 329 N Holly Phone 879-X. FOR RENT ROOM BOARD WANTED I ooarder: board, room, washing. 88.25 per week. 142 No. Ivy. BOARD Home-cooked meal served in prlvtae home. Reasonable rates. Near business district. 23 N. Orange St. Phone 1173-X. BOARD AND ROOM, rates reasonable at 71S E Main POR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROOM In new modern home: private entrance garage. Phono 1588-Y. UTKACTIVE rooms 4(14 8 Orape FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT 15 acres good garden land under Irrigation Irene wells. Talent. Ore. FOR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE Cadillac conv. sport coupe In good condition. Will sell cheap tor cash or trade for pick up truok Inquire at 4 for 10 Photo Studio. 101 W. Main St. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TRADE equity In Central Point home for car. P. O. Box 401, Central Point. FOR TRADE 17-acre dairy farm; i trade for larger place In Jackson I or Josephine counties Will assume ! some indebtedness Joe W. John- I " ston, Rt. 2, Box 177, 2 miles north ! on old Pocifio highway. j FOR SALE OR TRADE Income prop- l , erty. clos In Phone 956-J. FOR SALE - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE The best buy In city, to close estate Is reason 2 dwellings on 8. Peach, near Main, 81500; one dwelling on Haven. $350 cash. Call Suite 12, Palm Bldg. I FOR SALE FJne home, 8 rooms, ex I cellent condition, on paved street; In good iMsldfntlal section. Pay ! merits easy. H. G. Wilson, Tel. 1564. FOR SALE OR TRADE 6 lots In Port land. What have you? Inquire 425 S. Oakdale ADJOINING CITY 5 acres, located Just out of city lim its on oiled highway: 4 acres full bearing Bartletts. excellent soli, ir rigated 8--Km horn, outbuildings. Tills place la priced right at 82250. ' with port down and terms to suit responsible buyer. CHARLES A. WING AGENCY, INC. (Exclusive Agents.) STOCKED AND EQUIPPED DAIRY RANCH 1 43 acres, creek bottom soil, only 2 i miles from town in highway; about 30 acres In clover and alfalfa, 8 I acres unr'er ditch balance free Dumping right: 12 milk cows, 5 heifers, 1 Guernsey bull, 1 team, milking a.ochlne and complete farm equipment: good spring; mod ern house, outbuildings. Total price $7500.00: half cash. CHARLES 4. WING AGENCY. INO. 109 E. Main St. Medford, Oregon. FOR SALE One of the finest 9V4 -acre aub hvmes, all modern, close in. all new buildings. Deal with owner. Box 1237, Tribune. FOR SALE Fine suburban home Droner-ies that will suit you in size and price. Also Medford homes at prices and on terms to interest any. one in the market. BROWN & WHITE, Realtors. HOUSES tor sale or rent. Tel. 196 evenings 1147-W. WHEN you think of real estate think ot Brown White FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES When BETTER USKD OARS are available. Sandy will have them. 1934 Chevrolet Sedan, with radio. 1933 Chevrolet Town Sedan. 1935 Chrysler Sedan. 1934 Chrysler Airflow They say It la good. 1933 Ford V- Coupe. 1934 Chevrolet Pickup. Bulck Sedn ..... fltudebaker edan ,..1S0.00 12500 '30 Ford Coupe 175.00 nodes Sedan - 250.00 6TUDEBAKER SALES AND SERVICE FOR SALE OR TRADE Model T Ford truck; ood condition. aai W. 2nd '83 CHEV. Town Sedan; lr wheel; look and runs like n-. A bar gain at Ull 00 PIEROE-ALLEN MOTOR CO. Do4c and Plymouth. GOOD USED CARS Get Our P'Icm Before You Buy. Two 1933 Plymouth Sedans. 1934 Dodge DeLuxe coupe. 1034 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan. 1934 Chrysler Airflow Sedan, beat of care and runs like) new. 1931 Chrysler 6 Sedan. 1934 Ford V-8 sedan. 1929 Deftoto Roadster. 1929 Defloto Sedan. 1933 Chrysler Royal 8 Sedan. 1934 Terraplane Sedan. Special Terns on all Used Cars sold this month. ' LANOe. MOTOR CO. Chrysler Dealer Plymouth Ue-1 car ii-t 8th Bartlett FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 40 head ol hog, free feed Address 243 7tb St. Aahland. FOR SALE OR TRADE Work horse, saddle horse, springer heifers and cows, cor.ier of Court St and Mc-An1r-ws rvd FOR SALE U008 PET8 FOB SAO--Thoroughbred Australian TOR SALE POULTRY AND EGOS R. I. R. HATCHING eggs. Cummlngs tock, 61.00 per lb. Cherry Ave. oil Stewart Ave, Route 1, Box 141, CALL Dressler's Square Deal Hatch ery lor hatching ana cnicxs; rva.. Mar. Rocks. Reds, 10c 1107 E. Main. Phone 1668-Y. FOR SALE White Leghorn hens. year-old. and two roosters for breed ing: fine atratn. tt mile north of Pine Cone on old Pacific highway. Chapman ranch See Victor Dal lalre. FOR SALE Hatching eggs. 60c for 15. Nsar Howard school, urs. u. j. 8te!ner. Route 2. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PERSONAL VALENTINES, $2.00 doz. See Kennell-Ellls display cose, 42 N. Central for aamplea Phone 329. CULL APPLES for nog feed, free. Come and get them. Pinnacle pack ing Co. FOR SALE 4'4 cu. ft. Kelvlnator. 6 cu. ft. Kelvlnator. 1 Automatic Wes'lnghouM range. 1 Medium size wood range. 1 Electric washer. 1 Mohair davenport and chair. 1 Oak dining suite. Above are all reposseelson In good condition and priced to sell at worth-whllts savings OUPPS' FURNITURE STORE. TYPEWRITERS Blerma. 118 N. Cen tral. Phone 282. STEEL safe 21x22x28, $30.00. McCuis- ton, 31 N. Riverside. FOR SALE Apple.) at ranch. We de liver. Tel 258-J. O. V. Myers. FOR SALE Wheat, barley, oata. corn, 1-2-3 outtlng alfalfa Henry Nled ermeyer. i'hone Jacksonville 354. FOR SALE Baled oat hay, ground alfalfa and oat hay. loose alfalfa nay, fat hogs, aprlnger heifers. C. A. DeVoe. Phone 523-J-2. FOR SALE Baleo third cutting al falfa, also be lee straw E. H. Nle dermeyer. phone 697-R-l. TRUCK load of Redland oranges. Al so Klamath potatoes, oet our prices before bMylng. Hl-Way Market. Phoenix Oregon. AUCTION SALE SATURDAY. Jan. 25, at Pan'lon, North Medford. Have some -ry high class furniture for this auction consisting of a beau- tlful walnut bedroom aulte: electric ; radio, large rug, floor lamps, oil ) painting, breakfast set, vacuum I cleaner, day bed, sewing machlna,' j other tables, beds chairs, etc. Usual j 'run ilvestocl-. Southern Oregon Livestock Company, Col. A. H. Dud ley. WATCHES it-sa than dollar Jewel; some small diamonds, 10 to 60 points at bargain. 116 Eaat Mam St. Ask for Cy. HANSON and Hollywood W. L. chick, heavy laying atrains. large vigorous chicks 9c; Rocks and Reds 10c. Send for catalog Jenk Hatchery, Tan gent, Oregon. FOR SALE Ten tons of oat and vetch hay for nine dollars l9) a ton. In quire at 28 So. Columbus. FOR SALE 4-h p 2-cycle gas engine, concrete mixer, gooo disc, 12-Inch plow set harness good boat with trailer. Al a Trading Post, Jackson ville Hwy and Lozler Lane. FOR SALE Good clean alfalfa hay. first and third crops, at Oaklelgn Farm, 2 miles north of Central Point on Pacific highway. Call 383. Otto Bohnert. FOR SALE Good electric range and fine wood haitsr. Phone 121-R. FOR SALE Apple wood. 12-Inch. $1.60 tier at orchard or $2 60 tier delivered in load lot: 16-lnch 26c tier higher. Phone 1286 or 468-R-3 rOR SALE Hay and grain; hay loose, baled or chopped; wheat, barley and oats whole or ground. Phone 355-J-3. Victor Bursell. . NEWTOWN apples, wrapped and pack- ro or race auu uu; large sizes. A real buy. Newtowna t5c per lug. Bring your own containera. Phone 928 American Prult Grower. Ino.. 213 So. Fir, Medford, Ore. FOR SALE New and used building materials. Lee Williams. 1520 N. Rlv. DRIVEWAY MATERIAL - 8 sizes OJ rock at $1.60 pet yard, delivered Bateman Phone 1634-Y or 012-j APPLES We deliver rel 132-L. MISCELLANEOUS EXPERT Radio Repair Service at rea sonable prices. Flcks Hardware. Phone 800. ALL MAKES of Washer Repaired at bargain prlcea thl month only. Estimates .riven FREE. Pick's Hard ware. Phone 300. POPULAR piano harmony and tricky break taught In a new. easy way For Information call 615. EAST SIDE BEAUTY SALON Featur ing Nu-Ray Machlneleae Permanent Wave. $6. Also special Two $3 ot $5 Permanent foi the price of on. 610 EaM Main. Tel. 6S8. BUSINESS CHANCEB FOR LEASE Reasonable terms, ser vice station and premise on Pacific highway, with dance hall, lunch room and fointalu In connection. Phone 953 or write Box 1074, Med ford. BUSINESS DIRECTORY JM'KMON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO Abstract of Pltl ana Title Insurance Th only complete title System in Jackson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. A Detract ot Title Room $ and 6 No 92 North Central are UDt,atm Expert window Cleaners. LET OEOROE DO II - itl 1172 House cleaning float waxing ori ent) fit eleanln and tir)h'.itriri tranafer. REINKING TRANSFER CO Long distance baullng purnltur. oat'.l anything. Ill N PIT. Phon 1033. 6. Stuart. BUSINESS DIRECTORY EADS TRANSFER a STORAGE OO- otlloe 1015 No Central Phone 316 Price right. Servloe guaranteed TRUCKING AND STORAGE Local and long distance hauling, furni ture moving etc. Reasonable rate Pel 833 F 8. Samson Co. HAWLEY TRANSFER - Expert pack ers and movers. Special livestock moving equipment. P.rlce igbt 119 North Rlveralde Phone 618 Money to Lend MONEY LOANED 680 to $300 for personal or household purpose on House Furnishings or Autos; oloo Cars Refinanced. Loans olosed within 30 minute License No. 8 157. See W B Thorns. 45 So. Cen tral Income Tax Reports prepared. INCOME TAX Federal and state re turns prepared. See Earl Foy. Room 11, Jackson County Bank Bldg. Phone 796. ROOFING ROOFING Let us inspect your rool before the rainy season T-hl ser vice Is free Call 370 Rogue Rival Roofing Co LEGAL NOTICES Trail. Oregon School Building Improvement P. W. A. Docket No. Ore. 1097-R Advertisement For Bids Sealed proposals will be received at the Elk Creek School near Trail until 9 o'clook A. M. Feb. 1, 1936. for the construction of a School Building near Troll for School -District No. 74. Jackson County, Oregon. These bid will be publicly opened and read at 9 o'clock A. M. t said date and place. These Improvements will consist of: A one story frame, four clasa room building with part basement. The General Contract to lncludo Heating. Plumbing. Wiring and Paint ing, as shown by the drawings and specifications prepared - by Frank C- Clark, Architect of Medford, Ore gon. Plans, Specifications, Instructions to Bidders, federal construction Reg ulations, General Provisions, and oth er contract documenta are on file ror examination at the office of the Clerk, Peter W. Sandoz, Trail, Ore. or Frank C. Clark, Arohltect, Medford, Oregon. Copies of these document may be obtained upon application 10 and the doposit of Ten Dollara ($10.00) Dollars per set with said Clerk, or Architect. The deposit will be refunded upon the return In good condition of said documents. No proposal will be considered un less It la submitted upon a form of proposal turnlshau by said Clerk or Architect. Attention is called to the prequallflcatlon requirements of unapter wst Lawj ot Oregon, 1931. The work 1 to be paid for In whole or In part out of funds furnished by the unitea states Government anu all work and material must be per formed andor furnished In accord ance with the rules and regulations prescribed by th President and the rules and regulation relating to ap pllcant --ond projects under the Emergency Appropriation Act - of Attention Is called to the fact that employees on this work must be nald not less tnau tne minimum hourly rate of wages set out In the Federal Construction Regulations. These min imum rate for skilled labor will be $.85; for semlekllled or intermediate classes of labor $.55; and for common labor, $.45. Bidder's proposal must be accom panied by certified check or a bid der's bond in an amount equal to 6 of total amount of the proposal a a guarantee for the execution of the contract and the furnishing of the required bonds In caae the contract I awarded to the bidder. Acceptance of the proposal or pro posals and tne awarding of the oon- tracc or contract is conditioned upon Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS t, Edlbla tuber , 5. Call forth 10. Kind of plc 14. Oil of lost petal:. 15. Covcm tht In- Ido of i. Very black 17. Roman gar ment 18. Main shock or trees 19. Look after SO. Apparently but not ao tually fair or Juat 22. Flushes wltb ucccst 24. Retards 25. River duck Zi. By 28, Compass point 9, Pieces of needlework 13. Place 15. Fall In drops 17. Obtained from ths pint 18. Run off sfteretljr 11. Before 12. Range 13. Vexed: cotloq K. Mrit excellent IS. Japanese cola 17. Fnlse IB. Historical period 12. Symbol for neon IS. Mlifortunei , Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle KTEMlADSTOlP ic jLDplu se Mr a B A R ESp I NiAL WMo nom a s t 1 c OPE rTaJn Dp T E R MAN EjHg'O TB"R E BlTe sffteg R A s p; A IF F TTrTm A T I ON col tWTf ag I IRlMIi.AE n 54. Dash to pieces DOWN 66. Screened from 1. Makes lace the light t. On the sum 59. Precious stone mlt of 62. Reside 8. Acts wildly fiS. Growing out 4. Wise utter 65. Spoken ance 88. Across I. Puxhrd one's 67. Inflamed way through places rudely Bt. Brazilian 8. Poison moneys of 7. Burden account 8, Rans-s of 69. Division of a knowledge school year I. Consider 70. Wrench 10. Resembling 7L Anglo-Saxon metl lave It Encourage 'L il J&LZZZ IP""! lip 38 zM llr fl!!!""""!35 " rrrrr rm, ttt, tt ?W Ha s vrrr, rrrrt MMmjL ilfL II ST 7 '8 HP"? 60 2 II I rir 1 1 I I m" II satisfactory assuranc that th said School District No. 74, Jackson Coun ty, Ore., will be able to secure from the Federal Emergency Admlnlatra- tlon of Publla Works the aid neces sary to finance th project. The school District No. 74. jaexson coun ty, Oregon reserve the right to hold bids for a period ot alxty days from the date of the opening thereof. The United Slate Employment Service has designated an agency at Meniord. Oregon, to turnisn laoor lists for this work. The aald School District No. 74. Jackson County. Ore. further reserves the right to reject any andor 011 pro posals and to accept such proposals a are to the bast interest ot the said School District No. 74, Jackaon County. Ore. By order of PETER W. SANDOZ, Olerk. Notice of Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an execution Issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson Coun ty, dated December 27, 1935, In the suit ot Western Loan and Building Company, a corporation, plaintiff, v. 00. lverson, Henrietta, noason Cleve land, formerly Henrietta Hodson. (legal owner), and "John Doe" Cleve land, her husband: W. C. Thompson and Ora C. Thompson, his wife; J. E. Nichols end Mabel E. Nichols, his wife; Luke Ryan and Ethel Ryan, nla wife, defendants, wherein tne plain tiff recovered the sum of One Thou sand Four Hundred Twenty-nine and 77-100 Dollara ($1,429.77). with Inter est thereon from December 27, 1936, at the rnto of ten per cent per an num, together with a reasonable at torney's fee In the sum of $100.00, and for Its cost and disbursements taxed et the sum of $26.70, and a mortgage securing said sums waa foreclosed by decree of the Court and the property described In said mort gage ordered sold for the satisfaction of said Judgment, I have levied upon real property located In Jackson County. In the Stan, of Oregon, de scribed as follows: Commencing at a point South 35 deg. 30 mln. East 102 feet from the North corner of Lot Six (6). Block Three (3). Cottage Addition to the City of Medford. Oregon, thence South 35 deg. 30 mln. East 4S leet: thence South 64 deg. 30 mln. West 115 feet: thence North 35 deg. 30 mln. West 48 feet; thence North 54 deg. 30 mln. East 115 feet to the place of beginning. Notice, therefore. Is hereby given that on the 6th dey ot February, 1936. at 10 o'clock a. m., at the front door of the court house, in Medford, Jack son County, Oregon, I wilt sell all of the right, title, and Interest ot the said defendant or any ot them in and to the said above described real prop erty at public auction to the highest .bidder for ossh, to satisfy the sold execution under foreclosure of mort gage, together with all costs and ac cruing costs of sale. Dated at Medford. Jackson County, Oregon, this 2nd day of January, 1036. 8 YD I. BROWN, Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. By HOWARD GAULT. Deputy. First publication: January 8, 1936. ' Last publication: January 24. 1938. Notice ot Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an execution In fore closure duly Issued out of end under the seol of the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon. In and for the Coun ty ot Jackson, to m directed and dated on the 18th day of December. 1935. In a certain ault therein, where in The.Federal Land Bank of Spokane, a corporation, a Plaintiff, recovered Judgment against J. J. Ray, one ot the Defendants, for the sum of Four Hundred Twenty-two and 94-100 ($422.94) dollars, wltb Interest on $367.96 thereof at 6 per annum from October 1, 1938. until paid, with cost and disbursements taxed at Twenty-three and 40-100 ($23.40) dol lars, a attorney' fees, which Judg ment was enrolled and docketed in the Clerk's office of said Court In said County on the 17th day ot De cember, 1936, Notice is hereby given that, pur suant to the terms of the sold execu tion. I will on the 26th day of Janu ary, 1936, at 10:00 o'clock a. m.. at the front door of the Courthouse in Cross-Word Puzzle 13. Tapering soils 18. Extremes of length 81. Electrified - particle 22. Natives of Lapland 35. Binds with narrow fabrlo 26. Mimics 27. Flower 29. Fathers 30. Bon of Beth 31. Mature 32. Public display of temper 24. Kind of bal sam 83. Picture puaslt 39. Outer bark of a tree or shrub 40. Ancient Ro man official 45. Violent storm 48. Of greatest age 60. Knock 61. On land 64. niuts 65. Engages for service 66. Long narrow opening 67. Bees' borne 6. Assert 69, Hindu gar ment 60. Water railing from clouds 61. Otherwise 64. At present th City of Medford, tn Jackson Coun ty, Oregon, offer for sale and will sell at public auotlon for cash to the high est bidder, to satisfy said Judgment, to gether with the cost of this sole, sub ject to redemption ea provided by law, all of the right, title and Interest that the defendants In said suit, J. J. Ray. a widower; Central Point State Bank, a corporation; Mark Skinner, superintendent ot State Banka. liquid ating the Central Point Stat Bonk. A. B. Ashley and Hasel Ashley, hus band and wife; and Jackaon County, a municipal corporation, hod on the 24th day of July, 1929, or now have In end to the following described property, situated In the County of Jackson, State ot Oregon, to-wlt: The North half of the Southeast quarter, and the Souhteast quarter of the Southeast quarter ot Section Twenty-eight; Township Thirty four South, Range Two, West of the Willamette Meridian, situated In Jackson County, Oregon. Dated this 26th day of December, 1935. SYD I. BROWN, Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. By HOWARD GAULT, Deputy. Administrator's Final Notice. In the County Court of the State of orcgon lor jacicson county. In the Matter of the Estate of Wm. V. Glbbou, Deceased. Notice la hereby given that the untterslaned administrator of the tate of Wm. V. Olbbon, decesatxl, has filed In the County Court of Oregon for Jackaon County, hla duly veri fied final account, and snld court hsa wt Saturday, February 1, 1936. at 10 o'clook In the forenoon of said day In the court room of nald court. In Medford, Jukaon County, Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing cf aald final account. All persons In terested are hereby notified to make or file their objections, If any thoy have, to said account with aald court on or before said time. - OU8 NEWBURY, . Administrator of the Estate of Wm. V. Olbbon, Deceased. Warm nt Call. Notice Is hereby given that School Diatrlct No. 49. Jacksoi. County war rants No. 16623 to No 15832 Inclusive are called for payment. Interest to cease on January 24, 1936. Warrants to be presented for payment at the office of the District Clerk, City Hall, Medford, Oregon Cle.'k School District No. 49. Notice to Creditors. In the Cou.ity Court of the State of ore? on. jKaon county. In the Matter if the Estate of Dick Bradley, Deoeaaed. Notloe la hereby given that the County Court for the titate of Oregon, for Jaokson County haa appointed the undersigned executrix of the es tate of Dlcc Bradley, deceased. All persona having claims Against raid estate ere required to present them with proper voucnera witnin six months from this date at l.e office of pote.' J Nff, 203 Cooley Theatre Building, Medford, Oregon. Dated: January a mso. MAUDE M BRADLEY, Executrix of the Estate of Dlok Bradley, Deceased. Notice to Creditors. In the County court of the State of Oregon Jaokaon County. In the Mattel A the Rotate ot Joaepn P Oosseti-, Deceased ' Notice ta hereby given that the County Court ot the State of Oregon, for Jackson County, has appointed the undersigned administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Joseph P. Gkiasntt. deceased. All pel eon e having claims against Mid estate ar required to present them with pmper vouchers within six months from this date to Porter J. Neff, 202 Oioley Theatre Building, Medford, Cnvgon. Dated January 34, 1936 . PORTER J. NEFF, Admlnlstiator with Will Annexed. Meteorological Report January 34, 1936 Forecasts Medford and vicinity: Fair tonight and Saturday but with fog; no change In temperature. . , Temperature a year ago today Highest. 39; lowest. 83. Total monthly precipitation. 0.69 Inches; excess for the month, 4.45 inches. Total precipitation since Sep temper 1, 1935, 18,58 Inches; excess for the season. 8.99 Inches, , Relative humidity at 5 p. m. yes terday, 100 per cent; A a. m. today, 100 per cent. Sunrise tomorrow, 7:80 a. m. Sunset tomorrow, 5:17 p. m. Observations Taken at ft A. M., 120th Meridian Time if 8l as . Cloudy II I Clear 0 -14 ... Clear 86 88 Clear OS 43 .... Cloudy 48' 93 T. Snow TS M .... Clear 88 83 .... Foggy 10 i .... Clear 3 -4 .01 Snow 73 88 - Clear 48 38 Cloudy 83 36 Clear 80 40 Cloudy 88 13 Cloudy 64 48 Clear 80 40 T. Iloudy 43 38 T. Cinudy 40 80 FogiiT 16 S Cleur Boston Chicago ...,....... Denver Eureka Helena - Los Aniele, MEDFORD New York Omaha Phoenix Portland .-.... Reno , -. Roeeburg ...... Seattle Spokane Walla Walla OREOON CITY, Ore., Jan. 34 (AP Construction of Clackama county's 300.000 court house probably will begin next week, contractors said to day. Fred Chrletenaen of Portland. sub-contractor, said excavation work will be completed tomorrow, POCATELLO, Idaho, Jan. 34. (AP A. E. Duke, Bannock county agent. started a new kind of gold rush here when he Announced that from 84 to 86 a day can be mode by trapping Jerkrabblte. Pelts, he aald sra worth 38 to 86 cent a pound. , KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. 34 (API Richard LUIord. 86, necro born tn slavery, was asked whether he could get along on hi, state old age pen sion about 86 monthly. "Oet aiongf" he exclaimed, "why man, I'll be a banker!" On Mall Tribune want ad. ' " (Smjnty Fern Valley FERN VALLEY. Jan. 34. (Spl.) Marguerite Kantor haa the measles. Mrs. Barnes la having her home remodeled and an addition built. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Long were Saturday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Long. Francis Benson Is spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Axel Benson. Mildred Marshall, was an all-night guest of her sister, Mrs. Erneat Beers In Medford Monday. The community is proud of the fine record that Allan Bussey made in his naval examinations. Mr. and Mrs. Kay Loosley of fort Klamath who were on their way to Portland, atopped at the L. H. Hughes home Monday afternoon. Mr. Stewart, representative from the Federal Land bank, was In the community on business Friday. Orandma Ferns spent one day last week with her daughter. Mrs. John Stewart, at Orants Pass. Mr. and Mrs. Bussey sold quite a number of their chickens the first of the week. Mrs. L. H. Hughes, and Mrs. B. E. Marshall and daughter, Joyce, spent the day Thursday with Mrs. Frank Roberta on Griffin creek. . We are glad to report Joe Kan tor's condition Is improving. He la able to be up ft little with the aid of crutches , Prospect PROSPECT. Jan. 34. (8pl.) Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ohapman. a daughter, Jan. 17, at Mrs. Puruckor'a Maternity home tn Medford. Mrs. Jane Dixon Htnea has resign ed her position as teacher in the Pros peot high school and plans to leave soon to Join her husband In Yaklm. Wn. Mr., and Mrs. Charles Manning were dinner guests Saturday or Mrs. B. B. Hurd, In Medford. The home economic elub 6f the Upper Rogue Orange met Monday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. Ous Dltswortb. Ten members and several visitors were present. The new offi cers for the coming year are: Mrs. Jeff Rlchey. president: Mrs. Clell Cun ningham, vice president: Mrs. Hutch inson, secretary; and Erma ' Olaaa, treasurer. The next meeting will be held Feb. ie at the home of Mrs. El mer Olass. , Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Mary Orleve and Mrs. Boston Qrlev enter tained with a shower for Mrs. Ray Meford Traveler in California Pasadena, Calif. Finding the S. P. Electrlo oar, ino red buses giving special rate passes on any and all their lines on certain day, I decided that wa, a good way to get about and aee something I had not yet Men. Choosing San Fernando Mission as my first objective, 1 left Pasadena ahbrtly aftor 8 a. m. Now San Francisco It located west and northwest of Pasadena, yet I must travel to Los Angele, first and ohangt there for a train to Hollywood thenc to a San Leandro valley train as no S. P, noes direct to Hollywood fm her and I must travel the red train If I would get value of my pas. So shooting through Hollywood with out knowing whether I saw a movie star or not, I reached tne oio mis sion around 11 a. m Thl, without losing more than a few. minute. In ahanKlne' oara. ' Imagine my urprls later on find ing I had reaonea a poms jusi . mile, from my aiarong point w war ded by auto. This old mission I, on ol tnoe early day caravansary, church and Indian school established by lb Franciscan Fathers made of adobe brick and Is In fair repair. A, 1, us ual at all such place, there 1, a mu seum and curios for sale some worth whll, but largely mad up of factory lunk to be had for a few cent and appealing to many to send home since most of them are Inscribed wltn name of the mission. A nice memorial park with roadway on either side lie, In front ot thl mission, making a tin Discs tor plcnle parties. Returning to Hollywood I took bus for Castlemmare on the ooast. This wa, a delightful ride through Holly wood. West Hollywood, Bel-Air and other communities of nice homes scattered here and there on hills, In canyon, wherever fancy had decided probably enough movie ,tar, to make a constellation occupied these aulet dwelling but I not knowing them nor any Inclination to Intrude even had I the opportunity ouia tust admire Th Will Roger home la not visible from th hlghwy Juat a simple wire gat itandlng open to the graveled road winding up ( wood ed canyon, peaceful and quiet In th afternoon sunshlna. Not so quiet wa th WIU Roger, Memorial Polo ground, jus oeyorai. around turn In a neat little valley all wa, excitement there a, th, nonie wheeled and turned In th chase. Caatlemmar has not a wide beach but Is very attractive with the steep cltffa bordering th sea for mile homes and resort perched her ani there. Arnona them th celebrated "BliisalS Cif,," st Thalma Todd, Returning to Los Angele J found my way to the Almee Mcrneraon uin pie It wo only about 6 p. m., but already the seat were tost filling, as late comers would surely have to sit on stair step, or stand up. A band concert and many special number, of tinging, reading, etc. jf real merit filled In the time until Mr. UcFhorsoa appeared with Bet Briefs Jacksonville JACKSONVILLE. Jan. 24. (Spl.) Dwlght Hartman, former proprietor of th Marra Comer, has bought th Hurrls place and plan to have it re modeled and open for business by the first of next week. Dr. and Mrs. Harold amis enter tained a few friend at dinner Thur day evening, January 16. Those pres ent were: Dr. and Mrs. Johnson, rnyms tswearingen, Mabel Cotfeen. Mis Josephine Koppes and Blanch Reynolds. Pinto CoSvlg. who cams to Medfont to attend the . funeral of his father, wo visiting old friends In Jackson ville last Tuesday. Mr. and Mr,. Ray Wilson and Alloa Hoefs attended the Elks' banquet In Medford Tuesday. Eastern Star held Installation at Central Point last week with Lul Saulaberry acting as Installing officer. Several from here attended. We wish to correct the Item In thl eolumn " stating that the high school received the P.-T; A. pennant for at tendance. Ray Hunsaker's seventh, and eighth grade had that honor. Mrs, Ed Severance was hosteoar to th. members of the Home Economical club at a dessert luncheon Wednes day of this week. All Orange member, are asked ta remember the regular meeting to night and th dance to be held at the old vault house Staurday evening. Mr. and Mr. O. W. Hunt ot Salens are visiting Mr. and Mrs. O. w. God ward. Mrs. Hunt 1 the lister ol Mr. Oodward. ... Lee Smith ha purchased a card room on Main atreet formerly owned by Harold Reed. Zobel.. About 80 ladles were present and presented Mrs. Zobel with many, lovely gifts. . Mr. and Mrs. Carl Richardson ar In Medford helping to care for Mr. Rlohardson'a father and Mr. Rich, ardson's brother, who are both pa tients at the Community hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ous Dltswortb. and family and Jack Vaughn were guest at a birthday dinner In honor of Jack Vaughn's 73nd birthday at the horn of hi, daughter, Mrs. Lizzie Nichols, In Aahland. Mr. and Mr. Ludo Orleve and On nls Orleve were dinner guests, Jan IS. of Mr. and Mr,. John Hnkkerup, th occasion being Mrs. Orleve' birth day. i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Manning and Mia, Davey Manning have returned to their home In Prospect after spending some time with Mr. and Mr. Ludo Orleve at the power plant. , daughter, and son, ocoupylnfr chain on either side of her, , - . . About 8:80 one began her sermon Which consists of taking a text from her Bible and applying it to every day Uf and having very dra- matta tableau on the large stage td demonstrate her point. No one leave the tabernacle any more than they would think of leav ing an Interesting movie. But - what 1 mora to th point each can take tome thought away with him putting himself In the - balance and found wanting every time. She get her audience and h holds them 866 night In the year, and many afternoon a well. More over th mourner bench wa well surrounded and more coming up. a w quietly got to our feet and sneak ed out and home. A visit to the Mission Inn at River, old It a real event not a mission at all, but a caravansary built with th mission Idea as a background, In ar chitecture and In furnishings. - ' A, museum thl, place Is one of the very best, having acquired some real mission curios and p-inttnga 'a well a some of the most noted of fittings from old churches In Mexico and Spain. In another part of th building they have placed wonder ful oolored windows and transom, made by Tiffany and also from th noted Uth Ave. Presbyterian church In New York that waa torn down ta make place for a skyscraper. Thee were mad by Tiffany also not Just colored glass, but glaas with the col or permeating the glass Itself, each one pattern separate. This room wltn th historic window, 1 devoted to hlstorla "paintings by celebrated art ist and a tin display of flying em blems won by our aeronautlo aces. Another department, several room, and a large court are given over to all sorts of Interesting things from the Orient If China and Japan have any of their old gods left they must Indeed have had many. A manager It now attempting to gather complete line of dolls from all eountrle, of the earth He ha, a good tart toward his object. A very Interesting one In the lot It an al most lUe-stee Japanese girl doll, sent by th school children of Jspnn Above thl doll It displayed a flag that It half American and half Jap anese, made and used In decoration by Japan at th time Llndy and hit wife flew over to visit them. There are several patio at this Inn, ont ot which It a beautiful Inner garden where guests can enjoy lunch amons; flowers and bird, under or ange trees moat all th days of th year. We visited San Gabriel mission which It much like all others, In looking Ilk tn old timer and It Is old of sour but I em puzzled a to how some they used burned brick In It construction away back In 1771. May be that It right. but having been educated to the tun brick idea I otn't seem to keep my tongue out 1 my cheek. DOHA PRICE.