Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 23, 1936, Page 10, Image 10

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. Skit at tlcfcata to tb annual Preat
dsnt's toll, to bs half hara January
M, was under my today an) an ex
ceptionally lars attaadanoe ra an
tel?aiel br tive eonmutte In eharga.
Similar HaJJa W.U b nea through
out to ctx."l on January SO. prest
ont aoamrA birthday, aa a means
of ralslrif fund to f'ght poHomya
lltM, finanoe reatarch and aid Tle
timi of toa crippuxs; disease. 6er
nty percen'. ol ttta fund ao raised
anil M retajjod by the local eosn
munlty. while 30 percent will fo to
tha Warm Springs Foundation.
The danoe here will ba held at Ori
ental Oardena.
Tha ball 1 of special algnlfloarjca
to Medford and Jackson county this
year, lor Infantile paralysis struck in
a number if name the latter part ut
1S35. soma of the funda, It la un
deratood. wtil ba uaed In helping to
restore heaitb to tn local children
and youths Tho were Wcttms of tile
Regarding tha ball Mayor George
W. Porter, general chairman, aald:
"We expect a real turr-out tola year
becauae the need for study of Infan
tile paralye waa brought doae to
home thle winter. Brery peraon wno
has children, and aren tha young peo
ple who know that sometime they
may become parenta, ihould certainly
attend tbe dance."
Cole Holme chairman of tbe ticket
committee, named the following aalea-
W. W. Allen. 0. O. rurnaa and H.
D Kem from Botary club: John 0.
Mann. Prank Dlllard and Max Pelrce
irom Kluranla: Fred Underwood. A. M.
Anderson and Bal Parley from Twenty-Thirty
cub; O H Bengtaon. P.
Baah and Ken Anderaon from Actlre
club; and Ed Mann and Boy Elliott
from the Isons dub.
Ashland eafeamen are: Ouy Apple
white, Hal Mcltalr, 0. E. Ounter and
. C. W. Clause
Others are 3 Brown. Applegate;
T. A. Blldreth. Butte Palis: Theo. A.
Olasa. Centra Point; Walter Clem
ents. Eagla Porat; John Holmer, pros
pact; 0. W. Martin and H. D. Reed.
Oold RIU; P. U TouVclle and J. B.
Wetterer, Jackaonrllle' Thomas Stan
tey. Lake Creek- 1. T Wortman and
Robert Purrey, Phoenix; Jay Terrell.
Talent; and James Hamilton and
Ployd Rtppay, Rucb.
Others from Medford include Jus
tin Smith. Thomas Delxell, Syd I.
Brown, Lewi TJlrkh. Maurice Spats,
Stella Anderaon. Clarence Pan key, R.
O. Stephenson. W. E Crews. John
Wilkinson. Ward Spats. Marjorle
. Kelly. J. R- Maraoall Joseph Bur
rougne. W. W. Gregory Charles Camp-
bell 8. E. Kelly and Moore Hamilton.
1 i v
(Jw Mall Tiibun vmnt ads.
fired.. Nervous
Wins Back
Pep I
' Her r nerra
ootbed She ban
lahed that "dead
Urtd" IWliM. Won
arv yoothfnl eokr natM mchta. active day
hU1 becauae ahe rid ba .-ntem of bod-cl-
rabteu (Natura'a Rerardy) the mild. tale.
J1vcftablc laxative worked the tnnsionna
boo. Try it far coaatipaucn, Mnuaoeat, bcad-
icnei, aiizy
Tht four girl wr named by i Hollywood movie studio as Its
"bxby stars' for 1934. Thty art (left to right) Jean Rogers. Boston;
Olana Gibson, Chicago; Priseilla Law ton. Miami, and Nan Gray,
Houston, Tax. (Associated Press Photo.
Elk Creek Big Applegate
Well Groomed Women
Gain Employment First
Afttortattd Pm Staf Writer.
CHICAGO, Jan. 33. ( AP Male
employers appeared lncreaatngly re
sponsible today for the big beauty
bills, eatlmsted st .. 000 000 a day
by the I moot a Hairdressers associa
tion. Moat employers were men. It
shown In a surrey of personnel di
rectors and employment bureaus on
the qualifications required of Job
The Unlterslty of Chlcsgo's place
ment bureau reported "the woman
who la smart and smart looking has
the better chance."
Recently a Nw Tort board of ex
aminers refused to license School
Teacher Vilas Rose Prelstster. weigh
ing 160 pounds, until she reduced
to 190 pounds.
Other occupations tin which, pulch
ritude was found to count were:
Elevator operators In edepsrtment
flaieewomen In specialty shops
Airplane stewardesses.
Cashiers, recepttco clerks and front
office help.
Beauty shop operators and cos
metic sale women.
Waitresses In the better restau
rant but some restaurateurs, one
agency confided, like the girls
Even unseen telephone operators
end factory girls hare better chances.
It aeems. If they hare their hair
"just ao."
Mrs. B. M. Dene 11 of a college
alumni sponsored employment bu
reau explained, "men have found
that women . who know they are
looking thlr best sre more effic
ient." But. she added, "men don't want
women who sre too good looking.
What men really want In their em
ployes la aleek grooming and any
woman knows that takes more time,
attention and money than Just being
Actlrs club committee personnel
waa announced today aa follows by
I. If. Butler, president:
ProsTsm end entertainment Wil
liam Bowermsn. Kenn th O. Den man
and Derell Hiiaon
Finance Dr. Au&n.ey K. Phillips.
Oeorsw Fields and Kenneth Anderaon.
Attendance Monte Round tree.
Mark Taylor and O H Bengtson.
Membership Johu Nledermeyer.
Dwlht Houghton and Chester Hubbard.
Publicity Harold L. Larsen.
Officers were I r stalled and new
members Initiated st s dinner dance
and meeting of the club et VaJentlne'a
cafe Tuesday night. A. H. Banweil.
honorary member spoke on the de
velopment of southern Oregon and
emphasised the part young
?!ube can play In promoting tola sec
tion of the iUW
Ouesta et the dinner dance includ
ed Mr. and Mrs. Ban well. Dr. B. O.
Wilson, sn honorary member, and Mrs.
Wilson. Don Crulkahsnk. who has
transferred to the local club from
Eugene, and Mrs Cmlkshank. Mr. and
Mrs. Al Ha.isen and Norman Pa tot
of Eugene and Jay Oetse of O rants
Other MeJtord gueste were Mr. and
Mrs. .tack Pvter Mr. and Mra. Har
old Wayneavmtt. Mr and Mrs. K. F.
Coleman, Mr. and Mra W. E. Otoeu.
fa- B!hop nd Otto Phlllinbaum.
CAMP RAXD. Jen. 23. (8p7.) -
Spring and summer educational work
n the CCC camps la being discussed
'n a series of conference in the Med
ford district, under the leadership of
Captain William C- Ryan, district wel
fare officer: E-urere c Golden, dis
trict educa.tocal coordinator, and
Lieut. Roy Craft assistant welfare
officer, wl,h ed neat lor al ad risers of
the 23 camps in the Med ford district.
Advisers from eight of these camne
win meet In Camp Rand today and
Friday. Camps represented and the
educational ad risers attending are:
South Fork. Glenn Metzler. Apple
pate. Laurence Lewie, Wimer. Donald
Mace; Oregon Cares. Albert Mallery:
Gaequet, Wallace Griffiths: Indian
Creek. Leonard Moore: Oak KnJl.
Blame Brewer; Preeoott. O. P. West.
All members in CCC camps ere -
Ing asked to elgn a declaration rf
Intention, stating whether they will
re-enroll or pet-im to their homes st
the eioae of the current enrollment
period which terminates March 31.
KnroUeee are being Informed that.
due to probable further reduction in
the Civilian Conserrauon corps, there
may be no iew enrollments for some
time in the future
Kmth corps area head quarters haa
called upon district commanders to
submit reports to San Francisco
showing tbe number Intending to re
enroll. Thle figure wlh be used aa a
buls for planning adjustment In size
and location of the CCC camps for
tbe quarter April 1 to June 30. 1036.
Plana will be made on the assump
tion that all enrol lees desiring fiiul
discharges at termination of the six :h
period will hare been separated from
the COC by Marctr 31 and that no
new enrollments w.Yl be made In trie ,
meantime. j
The annual states' dinner sponsor
ed by the Ladles' Aid society of the
First M. E. church haa been post
poned from January 29 to February
4, It waa announced today.
The postponement waa made to
Tuesday. February 4. ao aa to avoid
conflict with the special Wednesday
shows at the local cinema theaters.
The dinner will be held st 0:30
In the church psrlors with W. A.
Gates presiding as toastmaster. En
tertainment will be given after the
There will be a table for each state
in the union as well aa an Interna
tional table for local resident from
foreign lands. Usually every state In
the country la represented at this
annual event.
Eden Precinct To
Have New Hatchery
BOSS PRECINCT. Jan. 33. fSpl.)
Mrs- H. L. Wright of Phoenix la build
ing a strictly modern hatchery, which
will be equipped with aereral new
mammoth Incubators and hatchers of
the very latest deegn and will pro
ride for this district a long-felt want.
Men have ben putting cement floors
to the biilldlrg the past week and
the new plant will be reedy by he
time turkey hatching should begin-
Individually designed Spencer dress
and surgical garments. Mrs. H. M
Wemhaar. phone 1123-R
An Added Feature!
-Vr -Vr
A Sparkling New Magazine Section
In Scintillating Colors!
Hour of delightful reading for every member of the family!
Authentic information, interesting comment, fascinating stories
There are many new features and departments
in each issue, and so many attractive illustra
tions that it makes a general appeal to all men
and women, boys and girls, whether they live
in the city or the country.
Subscribe Now.-You'll Be Glad You Did!
i ELK CREEK. Jan. 33. (SpU The
Elk Creek acbool district No, 74
held a special school meeting on
January 18 to rote bonds (or the
building of a new school house.
The bonds carried. 33 to 5.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bnggs spent
Sunday wltb Mr. and Mra. Stuart
Dtta worth.
Howard Ash la working for Or.
Mallery this week.
Mrs. Hazel Gentry la rial ting In
Several from this community at
tended the dance at Rogue Elk
January IS. Everyone reported a
good time. There will be a grange
benefit dance there February I.
Mr. and Mrs. Pleze Chamberlain
of Klamath Falls visited Sunday
with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. L.
A. Chamberlain.
Among those who transacted busi
ness In Medford Monday were Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Sturgeas. Peter San
doz, Mrs. J. S. Garten and Mr. and
Mrs. Homer Chamberlain.
Several of the children are absent
from school with the pink eye.
Mr. and Mrs. 8tuart Dltsworth and
Alberta Pence spent Sunday evening
at the Homer Chamberlain home.
Nels Geary, small eon df Mr. and
Mra. Sam Geary, la recovering from
a sprained hip, suffered when be
fell on the school bus.
Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Train and
family have mo fed on the creek.
Four of their children started to
school Monday.
Miss Esther Chamberlain spent
Saturday night at the Irvln Hutch
inson home.
The Elk Creek social club met
January 17. The evening waa spent
dancing and a lunch, consisting of
sandwiches, cake and coffee, was
served at a late hour.
BIO APPLEGATE. Jan. 23. (Spl.)
j John Byrne underwent a mastoid
operation at the Sacred Heart hospital
: Monday night. Mr. Byrne, who suf
fered from an attack of the flu some
1 time ago. had been a patient at the
hospital lor ral day- Cic
I Mrs. Kella Ridings spent several
' days last week as a guest of Mrs.
j Mattye Russell of Medford.
Ms. Minnie Tuffs and nephew. Max
, Tuffs, of Grants Paas were recent
1 guests of Mr. and Mrs. John PernoU.
In Mrs. Tuffs' visit Mr. PemoU had
the unusual experience of discussing
early school day occurrences. Mrs.
' Tuffs, who taught the Applegate
school over fifty years ago. having
been Mr. Pernoll's first teacher.
Mrs. Maud Kubll, who had been
confined to her bed for several days
aa a result of a severe cold, la much
Improved and able to be about again.
Miss Frances Beatty, who la teach
ing school at Wimer, motored to this
community Sunday en route to Ash
land, where she spent the day with
her mother. Mrs. Myrtle Beatty. She
was accompanied to Ashland by her
of the Applegate Grange at then rag"'
uar meeung. which convened at her
home Wednesday. The women ds
roted their time to piecing a quilt.
Mrs. Wallace and Mrs. Lee
Pert went to Ashland Saturday, where
they attended the day and evening
sessions of the dramatic conference
! held there.
Miss Berteca Elmore, who la teach
ing at Waldo, spent the week end
here with her parents. Mr. and Mra.
Herbert Elmore.
. The Enlisted Men's elub of Medford
sponsored a dance at the community
hall here Saturday night, which was
well attended. Applegate Grange la
arranging to give a dance at tbe Med
ford armory February 13. the proceeds
to be turned Into the Grange building
Mrs. Luther Lee of lower Applegate
was a guest at the meeting of tha '
Applegate home extension unit Tues
day, when Mrs. Immogene Smith of
Talent gave a final demonstration on
uses of the guide pattern. Mra. Lee
Is a new resident of the community,
having come here from Pendleton
ihree months ago.
Tbe annual training claw of the
Applegate school continues to pro-,
gress under the direction of Wm.
Ludwlg. upper grade teacher. At the
present students are working on ped
estals, book cases and stands. Mr.
L'jdwie also teaches tap dancing.
Born, -to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Bob.
nert of Central Point, a baby bo;
weighing eight pounds, six ounces, it
the purucker maternity home Janu
ary 33.
Born, to Mr. and Mra. Lyle X. Hard
of Big Applegate. a baby boy weigh,
lug nine pounds, at the Purucker
maternity hone January 33.
Be correctly corseted tn
an Artist Model by
Etfaelwyn B. Hoffmann.
Ose Mali Tribune want ads.
- II I
Powder LA
makes cakes Cy
light as.
Railroad Incident
Supplies Theme In
Evangel's Sermon
The engineer-evangelist. Rev. M. E.
Lewis, in his sermon last night at
the Free Methodist church, harked
back to his railroad career for his
theme. The Incident was when a
little cinder got into the oil drip,
causing considerable damage and dis
rupting the schedule.
"The spiritual analogy to this." the
speaker aald, "Is that a email thing
whether It la tbe sin of neglect, or
seemingly minor disobedience, may
break the flow of divine love. Tbe
Individual may continue to perform
all the outward duties of Christian
service, but It will not be until the
difficulty Is corrected that the Inner
life will take on again Its original
depth of experience.
The subject announced for to-,
n'eht la "The Foreotten Sermon.
sister. Miss Mr B?t;.y. -v...jry
teacher at the Applegate school. t
Basketball enthuslassta are expect-!
ing two fine garnet t 'e d, .3 -i
header to be played here tonight i
when the Murphy school team plays
the local boys enj tii-
m unity men from Murphy play the 1
Applegate community rzin. - r-t
cal boys won from Provolt. 26-14, i
Monday night. j
Miss Alice Caldwell, employed la '
the Wool worth store at Klamath '
Falls, returned to her position there j
Monday. hav;n ip?n; s v.;. ;.e
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jess ;
Mr. and Mrs. Don Cunnlngton and
, daughter. Donna Lee. of Medford are
pending some time here with Mrs. '
Cunnlngton 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I
warren mcc. j
Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor spent f
Sunday In Ashland with Mr. Taylor's
parents. Mr. anil Mrs. Albert Taylor, i
the latter being a patient In a hos
pital there.
Lower Applegate men who take ,
pride In marksmanship find them-1
selves In possession of all types of
new fowls, following a shooting match
at the E. J. Brown ranch Sunday
which waa sponsored by Walter Mil- j
ler. The prize list Included turkeys. I
ducks, chickens and groceries. i
Mr. and Mrs. Art Hooper of Grants -Pass
were dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Mce Sunday. j
Louts Buvkley, student at Columbia
university at Portland, came here last
! week to attend the funeral of his
1 brother. Lawrence Buckley, at Med
j ford Friday.
j Mrs. Warren Mee was hostess to
members of the home economics club
t : ia r,ia, .i ri.i u,i if.Jf. I
i J
r r- - - . .,.r.v., ... m
1 "' . ' 1
a . , - ' "'" 'ml iiMmMHiimn jn.i,,t,ar M,i-, rMil, -tnr1,t,,,:,imm-li )Vi..iwi inr.ftfw . m-mmytommimmillktmA. " 1
A Gentleman treats whiskey
as he docs friend. He chooses
it with cre. He enjoys it thor
oughly. He respects it too much
to abuse it.
Paul Jones has been made by
the same family for four straight
generations to gain the ap
preciation and respect of just
such men.
W atj it liTee a itreiaf r ki$kin see thai sm - r.jYT
FranVfon Dl.till.ris.. I,wiltn. P.Hiaota. of P..I J.., Fouf Bo.m. Old Oinr P,rr, M.(,jBgy 4 Moor.-.! k1,od, 0f night mhi,Vu