t"EDFOTtT) r'ATL'TttlBTTyE, TMEDFOHD, QT?EGONT. SUNDAY. .TAyTJATFT "19. 1936. VM MMD IM UOV NCVU MMO TH1 UOV NMI MJMO THf 1ADT WVU MIND THI UOV NEVER MIND THE LADY by David Garth Hivn MINO INI iaot mvie Mind mt ust MVU MIND IM UDV SYNOPSIS: White Allaire Welt'e father. Ray, ie trying to call off Lailarr, who it blackmailing him on Allalre'e account, the girl 1$ in Carteret, Va.. checking up on the vast of Terry Willett. Allaire it un willingly In lout Kith Willett. but the uride ot each of them hae etood in the way. Allalre'e talk with the old mtnieter who iuet hae Buried Terru'e father ie bringing her eome feac.e ehe would have teet if ehe new the situation in A'ew York. Chapter 31 INSPECTION THE old minister removed his pince-nez end rubbed them with his handkerchief, a (arorlte gesture ot bla when be was deeply thought ful and apprehensive. "Men like Willett," he said, "otter a problem that takes couragu to try and eolre. They bare the capacity ot conquering everything but them elves; there they need help. Life's a battle to them from the beginning and they are wonderful fighters, but they waste their strength. "Those who learn the real value of their minds and muscles the Power and Glory of Achievement, not merely the mechanical comple tion of sweat-drenched lives win. The others lose." He leaned his head back dreamily. "I wonder If you received the same feeling when be left you as I did I Ntvn mmo rm iadv NIVU MINO INI IADV SMVtt MINO INI UDV white uuiu..i.. rising to th second story cornice, Th old place bad more of the tradition and memory of bygone days than thirty Westlandi wth their gleaming drives and long sprawling wings tor bordes ot guests, luvlted and uninvited, who dropped la any Urn of th day or night for t drink, a meal, or a guesl chamber. The minister bad said she might be Interested In seeing th house long deserted by the Wllletts. H was tight She was Interested, so Interested that ah stayed In town overnight so she could arrange with the bank tor the keys and go through the house the next day. And that night Allaire West, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Rayburna West of New York and Washington, stayed at an old Inn called Carteret House, which boast ed feather beds, fried chicken din ners, and an open fireplace wide enough to roast an ox. THE next morning, In company with an elderly bank official, she drove up the avenue of locust trees and unlocked th great front door. It took actual nerve for her to enter th house. She tried to tell herself that anybody was privileged to look over the place who so chose, but sh felt like an Interloper treading th F mm V It was late afternoon when Allaire arrived. when be left me. I felt aa though I'd never see him again." "I don't know what I thought," she said slowly. "But what makes you think that?" 'He's on the mov, my dear. Rest less. Heading for the next tight" She shook her head decidedly. 'I don't like a man who baa to be coaxed Into acting Ilka a sensible person." ' "You're not coaxing him you're making blm see It la wortb while to win a f'.ttle even as you see It Is worth while to win a battle of your own." "Battle?" Allaire said, surprised. Me? Why, Doctor Ross, what battle have I, pray?" Th Doctor smiled and put his glnBo back on his nose. "Your pride. You'll forgive me tor saying that. I ust want to help you." For a moment she looked aa though she moat oertalnly would not forgive him, bat his kindly serene old oountenanoe melted her. "I'll torsi', rou, Doctor Ross," ahe laughed, "but don't you dust me off again. Unless," and her smile was lovely, "you r1oy It." SHE had luncheon with the Doctor and then left to "prowl around," as she expreesed it. and he directed her to 'Til elaoes he thought she might and lnuretlng, Th siatn. t Captain Rodes Wil lett arrested ker attention and she read the loeartpUos with deep In terest, naptala wm.u had dashed Into a Ogai too l iht tret whistle; thu auirMUnscle seemed a key stone ot thi JVIll.u buntly. Captala Rode Wllleu meet have been Gacierd to ihi depths ed hla fcrome taxn eaa blon4e girl toenged behind the bu v&mI et aa eapeaalro roadster aaa bestowed mpoe elm a too- UiapeoUni (UtM She drove dove toss, eoaatry raids belweeo aveaiiae ef heavily bedded apple treae- th.ee tea.! veaad be a slorv mol loa n aa thi ar.t of a all! eo survey thi roll lac beaaiy of a eoaniryaid. thai breathed the re eerealir ml tele and ruresl glade and u wiihia ihe purple shadows ed ;he dieiaat hills. It was au le the etianiooa when ahe drew up before tier last port of nail aa old white hoaas with ill vacant dirty Doors of a dying tarn Uy'a home. Her guide found that she wished to make her own Inspection ant waited patiently while she weni through a living room bereft of llghi of day by reason of boarded win dows; but she saw that th whlti walnscotted walla of the room had been built to catch the sun. Other factors Interested her th beautiful uneupported spiral stair case that rose to the roof, the wide main hall, the deep fireplaces sad carved mantels, the massive doors with huge brass locks. But over all lay dust and silence and darkness. And suddenly sh found herself tiptoeing. She felt that she had no right here It waa Ilka spying on a person. But, oh, Terry, what a birthright! She dropped her obliging guide ofl at his bank, thanked him, and drove to the home of Doctor Ross. The old man waa delighted to aee her. "I came to say good-bye," she told him. "I'm going back to Washing ton." , , "I'm glad you didn't forget me," he said, smiling. "You are a real friend of mine from now on. Com to see me again and bring Terry with you." She sailled at him. "Verily, you ar a powerful ally, Doctor Ross," she sighed. "An ally of you both," he cor rected. 'But you're taking an awtul lot toi granted," ahe protested, and once again that flush crept Into her cheeks. "Even It I am In love with Terry Willett I don't know that hs he's In love with me." He looked at her with a curious penetrating Intensity for such old eyes. "I think he Is. He must be. Hi couldn't help himself." he shook her head. "Yee're absolutely Incorrigible.' ahe declared, "but somehow, I think I'm going to Use you." And ahe did, her warm young mama brushing nil wrinkled cheek and thea she waved and departed He stood on the verandah and walohed her go. (Copyright, tut. by David Serf) Altilrs gits, tomorrow, a eurloua gritting le Washington. E ALB ANT, Or.. Jan. 18 (API DUjkmHIoo ot jftoiM J. Oionlti, charc 4 viU uMuluni 01 4 ud Hull! with .'.Dtotit t kill, continued to Mm In la doubt today aa mull st a Jury' -1.aaTemrat AmwuvI) Floyd fcocju rpurted to OUCUlt Jul U m VIoUahlkA Ml t.ltfbt Utal RtD hour m ttllbartloo .tad .'ailad to altar fcft in ballot and -'hat thara Mpr4 mtune lot ao Mrwmam Ttaa urj vmt dia-rtharf4. Cord. JT , au a o tm a u rial wottlfj b nadi vdUI iba March torn. 51 urt W. W. McKnigM of BaJt-m vi atotBf )m dteteom OF QUBETS, Wash.. Jen. IS. (API Planks and timbers of the freighter Iowa, wrecked st Peacock spit Sun day, are littering the beach today be. iwera UK Queele end Hoh rivers. 80 miles north ot the disaster scene. The (Miumm Is prc-vlng a bonenaa for peninsula bearh eetUera. who ordl Drt) have to truck lumber from dis tent mills. Noel of the recovered lumber la tree from oil. NORTH COVE. Wlh , Jan. IS tap) The dm this morning surren dered tbe sereuth body of the M vtot:ms of the Iowa d'.saster on Pes oera sp:t S.mday. Piione 343 We'll haul away youi ret use, Qty Banltarj Service. ROSEBURO. Ore., Jan. 18. (AP) Oeorge Tampklns, 16, returned to bis home on Boomer Hill, 36 mile south ot here, shortly after daylight uday, after being lost - throughout the nlgbt in the hills weet ot Myrtle Creek and Riddle. He went Into the woods late yes terday afternoon and waa overtaken by darkness. He made a mistake in direction and strayed almoet to Riddle before discovering bla mtit teke. He then turned back north and stumbled through darkneee and now throughout the night, reach ing home Just ee a searching party. orgenlzed by Deputy Sheriff Clif ford Thornton - was preparing to leave on- a bunt for the youth. Card of Thanks W take thi opportunity to ex preas our sincere thank to our friends and neighbors tor the beau tiful flowere, music and kind words ot sympathy given during the tllneae and death of our loved one. Mr. Earl Hewitt end ohlldren end mother, Mr6. Florence Winter. INSTALMENT DISHES STRANGE fAS ITiSEEMSBy'jOHNHIXl ror farther proof addrets tb author, tnrtMlng a stamped envelope tor repfcr.T Re. T). a Pat Off. . . .. ..! , .... ,J...-XKd-'-i 4tWVl-- fxalN NV5AIM5T A BRfTteH PLftrtT BV rtATUft?IMrt eiUKN nKt '-p I aerr -5-36 HMutH.t By GLUYAS WILLIAMS Fills jishpam, HusBAriu HhVlrJS VOLONfEERED fo ClEflR "faC fRBLE HUSBhHD COMES OlX Wlfrt A 6LASS,lflpre PLKf5 flHP A SPOOH WASHES. YHEM AFfEJ? AH IHItlWM. HOS- 6mito appears wrfH -The CAKE PI Alt SflVlN6 HEI6 BEEN 1WiM6 b SEE IF if REAaVHE01&8EVWc5HfO IWPER PRESSURE HUSBAWJi PEUVER5AF0RK AUDttvO marrac. which sue i WASHES. CM&foHWttt WWilHWREiir VOITE FROM DININ6 ROOM REPLIES JUSf AMlWUtfe, friERE'6 StrZM& Wf?0N6 WtfrtONfOTfriE U6H5 AKP HE'S WH6 Yf HI&6AND EErJlilALLY BRIH&S OOf LOfiD OF PISHES REMARKING CHEERILY frtERE.lHAT'5 VERV1rllN( WASHE'S AND dries HEM ANt EMPTIED PISHPftM - l$HAM&IN6UPAPROr WHEN HUSBAND COMES OOf WlfH CREAM PlfCHERl WHICH HE HAD SE1 ON SIDE- BOBRD AND TORfeOTttN S'MATTER POP- . By 0- M. PAYNE Strange aa It seems, the little fish ing town of Lewes. Delaware, aucceas fully defended itself against an at tacking British fleet during the War of 1813, by picking up Brlti&h cannon balls tired at the town and firing them back at the ships. The town had four cannons, but no balls that would fit them until the attackers supplied this necessity by firing balla Just the right size onto the ehore. It started on April 0, 1813, when the blockading fleet errlved off Lewes end asked for euppllee, eddlng that the town would be destroyed If the auppllea were not sent. The towns people decided to defend their town. They had two 18-pounders and two nlne-pounders. but no cannon balls that would fit either sizes. They did have a aupply of powder, however. When the fleet began shelling the town. It waa found that they were using nine and eighteen-pound ehot. The defendera, then, hurried about gathering up spent cannon balla and firing them back at the fleet. After a 21-hour battle, during which about (2.000 worth of damage was done to ttie town, the fleet withdrew. In the fleet were II ahlns. Including one frigate, several launches, a pilot boat, and two sloops. When tennis waa first established in Prance, during the 13th and 13th C.ntttrlM. It. vrtut n Intnni oaia In dulged In bv TOVUltv. rnmmnnm 1 were barred from participating In the sport, and only the royal family, members of the nobility, and aristo crats could play, indoor tennis came to be known as "Royal Tennis," and with the later, more liberal law, out door tennis for commoners also be came popular. Thla latter form of the game la our lawn tennis of today, while the Indoor form la court tennis still a very exclusive game because of the Immense oost of building a suitable court, -r - - Tomorrow: Sousa's Brain Bind. TAILSPIN TOMMY Panoho Pistola Arrives at Mazatlanl By HAL FORRESX . ' HOlC'DV, LOOKING POR A JOB, BOO'. B iSENOti CHARL6& Sf'' THAT'S MV iMN JX--' PANCHOi' -M THE 60VERNMENTSR0UNOEO j BAUSHANl-- NAME LET'S ' "7::WPi:E VOEU, I'M GOIWO TO T1N0 OUl ( 'M 601M3 eACKC TO LONE ' JWM -' j THE feUAMD AND THE AAAN HAO TO KNOW THE OtHER. 50UM0S V Jt ( .IP THE MAN ON THE ISLAND EVER W PINE-THERE o A POSTOFFICE SWil n r J VJWO JUMPED FBOAA THE loNE WAS OOMINCj, OADNT LIKE THE ) Jfi GOT MAIL AT THE FOSTOFHCE . M 1HERE,OU mJi r I OONT j PLANE KNOW EACH OTHER, 1 HE? r POTATOES, AND IF hO, WHEN SJJ M k KNOVJ- I)XXs!SiS i 6ETCHA- AND I'M DARN oURE THEY CO-j rC lUaRieHW T J Jkv"S . - ffl THE NEBBSStrawberrieg and Raszberries ' . By 80L HESS AlOW, PETE, J WAMT TWE " OM, weLLO, SVLL.V, V OUST RECEIVED X - BV TVJE. WAV PETsj -y" WlCEST TUREVVM HAVIM') fAKJOTMER DiViDEKJD O-IECtei CM MV J f ARE VOU SOlX "TO SET ME I VSOME COMPAMV AMD , I GOLD MlKJllOG 5TOCX ITS HAD ' WwOSE STOA.VAI BERRIES I OSDECED? fr'i " -flf-tMr JyV-ANJT MV DiMrOERT'i VTO SPEWD VOt-'R MOOEV UJHEX1 J aJTHREB fJOHES-MV PAPPV LOVES Tl F1 a