MEDFORD MAIL TRTBUXE. MT.DFORD. OREGON. FRIDAY, JANUARY 17. "PAGE THIRTEEN' Local and ' On Business Trip Fletcher Fiih left last night by train tor Portland, where he will make a brief rlslt. Complete Leave Eartwyn Cutler, j U. 0- forest service clerk, returned to work today after completing a week's '. leave ot absence. I Visitor Leaves B. E. Hamlin, busl- neae visitor here yesterday, returned to his home In Portland on the morn ing train today. En Route North The rin Kelson of fien Francisco made a business visit to this city yesterday. He continued on tola way north today. Lindsays Return Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Xilndeey returned to their home on Loader Isne last night after a stay of several months in flan Diego. Returns to Work MIm Enid Funk today resumed her work aa clerk ol the U. 8. forest service In the Federal building, following a recent operation for the removal of her appendix. Here to Shop Mrs. M. J. MacKin non of Central Point shopped and called on friends In this city yester day. She returned to her home last evening. MiM Bwon Here Miss Mildred Beeson of Ashland, formerly with the Jackson County Chamber of Com mroe, arrived here last night to visit friends. To Klamath Falls Stewart Jame son of Portland, In Medford on busi ness for the FHA. left today for Klam ath Fall to transact business there before returning north. Railroad Man Here Sam W. El tnnrm. traveling freijfht agent for the Northern Pacific rsllway, visited local officials here yesterday. He leu ior .the north today. To Annie Spring Fred Patton of Aahland left today for Annie Spring Kyin m riA duties as assistant to the caretaker at the COC camp; and checking station. Snowmen Meet Rogue Snowmen! will hold their weekly meeting at 7:15 tonight In the Jackson County Cham-, ber of Commerce. All persons Inter-, esfeed In winter sports are Invited. ,. Returns North Mary Jane Spurlin, ! director of women's activities for WPA In Oregon, returned to her headquarter In Portland today after pending the past few days transact ing business here. Mrs. Carey Returns Mrs. Mary O. Carey of Eden precinct has returned from a two months' visit in Sacra mento. Cal., where she was guest of her daughter, Mrs. E. O. Reese, and family. . Mr. Paly North Mrs. Joe Daly left this morning for Portland where she will spend several days visiting friends. Mr. Daly will Join her later and they will return together In about ten days. Miss Fuson SQUthMlM Anna Mae Fuson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fuson of Medford. left last night for Los Angeles to resume her wort with the Paramount Picture corpora t Ion . To Fill Clear Lake -Company 3740 of the 7 til corps area arrived by spe cial train In Klamath Falls laat night. The unit, comprising 180 men, was to be transported today to the CCC eamp at Clear Lake In northern Cali fornia. The train was delayed by a now blockade In Nevada. Inspector rierc T. D. MaoPheraon, Inspector from the engineer's office in Portland, U. S. forest service, and W. L. Jones, construction superin tendent of the Rogue River national forest, were making an inspection to day of roads and trails at the Apple gate CCC eamp. Yesterday they made n Inspection at Dead Indian Sode Sprinw. First Aid CUmsee Seventeen COC leaders and assistant leaders attend ed the first session of a new first aid school In the recreation hall of head quarters detachment, fair grounds, last night. The class Is to meet at a o'clock each Monday and Thurs day, with Lieut. Lawrence B. Hansen, new assistant surgeon for the dis trict, as instructor. All rated CCC enrolleee are required to take the course so that they may be prepared to render first atd in any emergency. DON'T GET UP NIGHTS MAKE THIS 25c TEST Vm Juniper oil. Buehu leave, etc.. to flush out exceea acid, and waate mttr. Oet riu ol bladder Irritation that cauam wakln? up. frequent de eire, scanty tr. burning and backache Oet Juniper Oil. Buchu leavea, etc.. in little green tab lets called Bukets. the bladder laxa tive. In 'our daya 11 not pleaaed so buck and eet vour as--. Oet your reg ular aleep and feal "full of pep." II tn a Drug store, iiinnm uiua Store. DANCE On The OASIS SPRING FLOOR Every Sat. Nite LEAP YEAR DANCE Follow the Crowds to DYNGES at the ORIENTAL GARDENS Both Ball Every Saturday Nite Where they always have a good time Men 40r T.adiei 20 Personal Here for Meeting Roy Fraslar of Ashland attended a sales meeting of the Union Oil company In this city Wednesday evening. Holds Lnunual Hand Mrs. C. Q. Oould. who is visiting her sister, Mine. W. Leonard, while attending a recent pinochle party, held a hand contain ing 1000 aces nd 150 trumps. I Substitute In Store William: Campbell Is aealstlng In the shoe de partment of the Cinderella shop In O rants Pass during the absence of Ralph-Webber, who Is ill. To Form AuxiliaryMrs. I. D. Can field of this elty will assist In form ing a V. F. W. ladles' auxiliary at the open meeting of the Walter A. Phillips post, V. 'F. W., In the Ash land armory Monday evening, i Return to Portland F. W. Cleator, regional forest inspector, returned by train to his Portland office last night after conferring for two days here with Karl L. Janouch, supervisor of the Rogue River nations! forest. Guild Plans party The World Wide Guild girls of the First Baptist church will hold a party at the home of Miss Evelyn Neely on Columbus avenue. The Harvesters will have charge of the devotional and pro gram. All who do not have trans portation will meet at the church at 7:15 o'clock. I Education Program Planned Classes In parent-education, antici pated In Medford for several months, are being organized, with times for group meetings to be announced later. Consideration of varied subjects of Interest to home-makers and mothers will provide interesting and helpful progrania. the classes meeting regu larly alternate weeks on whatever day the majority shall decide. Bart lam to Speak The Rev. S. S. Bart lam, pastor of the Episcopal church here, will be the principal speaker at a "students' retreat" being planned by the Rev. D. E. Nourae for the Neighborhood church In Ash land Monday evening. The meeting Is planned especially for student with a view o. presenting Christian Ideals In relation to young folk who are preparing themselves for their lift' work. In New Shop Airs. May Lewis and Mrs. Nina Creg have purchased tie Handicraft equipment and opened a new shop at 203 South Front street. where they are continuing to feature hemstitching, button - making and hose mending. In addition to general dressmaking. Mrs. Creg has been en gaged in handicraft work In Medford since 1021 and Mrs. Lewis has had many years' experience as a seam stress. Snowhoes Needed CCC men mak ing repairs to the U. 8. forest service telephone lines between Butte Falls and Dead Indian Soda Springs found the snow too deep for work at the Elk Creek guard station. They noti fied the forest office here that the snow was more than walst-dcep. The foresters quickly solved the problem and today the repair men were doing their work on snowshoes. The tele phone line was broken by last week ends storm. Crater Lake Roods The south road In Crater Lake national park is how open for two-way traffic as far as headquarters, the Medford office was notified today by telephone. The west road In the park from the ent ranee to headquarters also Is open for two-way traffic, but the state highway from the Diamond lake junc tion to the west entrance is closed so that autolata cannot reach the resort via Crater Lake highway out of Med ford. There were 162 Inches of snow at park headquarters this morning, the weather beins clear. ale son tippiiE WW aV. AV .." t Th tqtial of tgul whisks and it's hind to goo! trua, rich flavor, far all mixad drinks, or straight. Hara'i what you'v. olwoyt wonaJ iqof quality ot a one. within r.aton. Quality, bcov .p.rHy mod. in en. ol America's plant, from .tl.d Hood Rivar oppl.t, proporfy ripr,.d b(or. baing ul.d. And 01 for miring -whotvr S rorl.ta.1. highball or orhor racip. yov lik.. you'r. du for on honeiMo-goodnou tri whwi you um Hood Rivw Appl. orondy. It', vary, v.ry good o o ,rraight drink tool tut dont tok. ovir word for oil ftm got o borH. of Hood Kivor Appl ftrondy todoy! Thot't ofl w oik. Risda in Hood Rlvar In ona A lei fca'sfinsstdistillsrlai.thsa naw chirred oak caika. 10 MoClhose In A inland R. X. Uo ; Chose, Medford representative of the Fisher Flour mills, transacted busi ness In Ashland Wednesday. Business Callers Business callers from Medford in Ashland Wednesday included Heinle Fluhrer. A. B. Cua ningham. Earl Grey and Clarence Pierce. FOREST RANGERS ON STOCK PLANS A conference of district rangers of the Rogue Elver national forest was held In federal building today to in itiate a study of the commensurabll Uy of ranch property owned by stock men who have grazing permits In the forest domain. The meeting was pre sided over by Karl L, Janouoh, super visor, and attended by H. O. Obye. assistant. The study Involves a personal visit by a ranger to each ranch to deter mine the amount of stock and land owned and the forage crops raised and fed by the stockman, Mr. Jan ouch explained. The number of stock which may be approved for grazing Is based upon the ranger's findings, the supervisor said. The forest service regulations provide that preference be given to stockmen owning ranches near the forest that will furnish winter feed for the stock grazed on the forest lands during summer, he pointed out. Rangers In attendance were Lee Port, Applegate district; Maurice Tcdrow, Butte Falls; Jesse DeWltt, Upper Rogue River; and Hugh Rltter, Dead Indian-Klamath Falls. AT M.ESUNDAY NIGHT A special service has been announc ed by the Methodist Episcopal church for Sunday evening, officials of f,he church having secured the appearance here of the Olmstead Players, a group of professional religious players. In a presentation of a prize Bible drams, "St. Claudia," by Marshall Ooold. According to those in charge, the group comes with the highest recom mendations, having a record of per forming this play. In all the major cities of the United States over a period of five years. It Is felt by church members that Medford Is for tunate In belnz given the opportun ity of seeing these players. The troupe carries Its own costumes and scenery. In addition to special electrical equipment. In order to accommodate both the play and the devotional service, the Sunday evening meeting will begin promptly at 7:1ft In the church audi torium on Main and Laurel streets. No admission will be charged, out a sliver offering will be taken. Chil dren should not attend unless ac com pan led by parenta or responsible adults. TACOMA. Jan. 17. (AP) Sen tencing of Peter Marinoff, former president of the Northwest Brewing company, who was convicted of manslaughter by a superior court Jury here lsst Saturday, has been postponed until January 35. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney John Flshburne pointed out that argu ments on motions for a new trial had been set for a week from Sat urday and that sentencing Is im possible under Washington state law until after they are heard. HOW! AND ANTICIPATE YOUR NEEDS mil en onnnnu BfBmeriL agadlnlim s stills:' Marx Brothers V Something entirely new In the his tory cf film making was devised by the famed Marx Brothers, Orouoh, Chlco and Harpo, when preparations were begun at the studios for the filming of "A Night at the Opera", which, now completed, brings the world-famed laugh-makers ' to the Crate rian screen starting Sunday In which Is reported to be the funniest motion picture ever made, bar noner The new and revolutionary Idea wsa a plan by which 'A Night at the Opera" was previewed, "cut," and gauged for laughs before a single scene of the picture went before the cameras. For In order to test the volubility of their original humorous situations the unique Marx Brothers first tested them on visual audiences. This wsa done by taking the play In tact with principals and all on a legitimate stage tour. By the time the company was ready to begin work before the cam eras they were certain that every epi sode and line to be used was a sure laugh-getter 1 Colman At Best In Craterian Picture Truly magnificent In Its spectacu lar sweep, yet absorbing In Its de lightful intimacy, "A Tale of Two Cities," starring Ronald Colman, opened a limited engagement yester day at the Craterian theatre. It takes Its place among the Im mortal works of the screen. Ronald Col man "a fans will find him at his best. He never has had a role which gave him such opportunity for the quiet humor, the high drama and the plognancy he expresses so well. As Sydney Carton, whimsical, sardonic, brilliant wastrel, he reaches the peak of his artistic career. - The story of "A Tale of Two Cities" Is Intimately known to millions of readers. It tells or the joys and sorrows, the adventures and the trials of a little group of people, English and French, who are caught In the maelstrom of the French Revolution of 1780. Specifically, It tells of the strange love of Carton and Lucie Ma nette, played by Elizabeth Allan a love that was doomed to frustration In life, yet which transcends death In Its sublime majesty. Outstanding performances are con tributed by Mins Allan. Edna May Oliver, Reginald Owen, Basil Rath bone. Henry B. Walthall and Walter Catlett. Dse Mail Tribune want ads. '20 ANYTIME: Last Times Tonight 1 c SATURDAY ONLY! I Contlnuoua Shows to 11 irnool "SKY BANDITS" "Wings Over Mt. Everest" "Elmer th Great Dane" Starts SUNDAY aam. MEDFORD VETERINARY HOSPITAL IS aara e&prl,Dct in large nil iroill animal prartlr 226 N. Riverside. Phone 360 Medford-Klamath Truck Line (fnrmrlf nn P.. Rlvenlrte) MOVED TO 111 North Fir "Red Salute" Coming to Rialto The year's outstanding romantic comedy. "Red Salute" atarta a three day run at tha Rialto theatre Sun day with Barbara Stanwyck and Robert Young In the learta.. 'Aa Drue Van Allen. Stanwyck haa her Nrat opportunity to play comedy, that of madcap oollege girl who AP JIN MO HY.MI IN SMALL BLAZE It takes more than a sizzling fire to cut Into the consciousness of M. L. Alford, city recorder, when he Is con centrating on municipal accounts. Everyone who knows Mose Alford knew that to be true but It actually required a fire to prove the point. The fire occurred at city hall this afternoon. Someone upstairs tossed a lighted cigarette stub out the win dow and It came to rest on an awn ing over one of the windows of Mr. Al ford's office. Soon the awning waa ablaze, fiz zling and crackling, and the heat was so Intense that a window pane crack ed with a sharp report. The fire spread to other awnings and scorched the paint a trifle but soon the fire department chemical had the blaze nsFTTrrrani in IJI 0:45-0:00 k' - A 1 1 Ktrtnlcs-lOc J L3T0DAY and SATURDAY! tl There's Plenty of Excitement In This One! dJT E. Mulford's : , VV fVTlf "Hop-along Casssidy In i I Vrtf H WILLIAM BOYD ?fX XJh Jean Rouvcrol jS Chick CWi, wwbct PREVUE Saturday Night 1 Attrna H:no hw rrmaln a, our guMta to free showing of Starts Sunday! It', s gale of laughter I mm one Ken. to the next Rn manre on the Bin Oranrlel meets a aerlea of thrilling and amus ing adventures when aha Is stranded across tha Mexican border with a young buck private, played by Robert Young. Hardle Albright, Ruth Donnelly. Clltf Bdwarda and Purnell Pratt are alio In the cast of this laugh-loaded film. extinguished. "That waa a pretty good fire almost had," a city oilloUU said to Mose when It was all over. "Fire?" Mose asked wonderlngly as ha looked up from his books. "Fire, did you say? Where waa the fire?" No tnveatlgatlon waa started by city or state polios to find the cigar ette stub thrower-outer. f- 20 30 WILL SEND Special guest at the weekly meet ing of the Medford 30-30 club hM last night were Elden Bedford, presi dent of the Grants Pnsa club; Ralph Link hart and Oallen Vandell, also of Orante Pass, who extended to the local club an Invitation to attend the district convention to be held in the Cave City tomorrow night and Sunday morning. State Senator James T. Chinnock will be principal speaxer before the convention, which will Riding, roping, gun fire and romance! They're all present In this greaten ot advantnre pictures since MThe Covered W n g o n" d a y s 1 THB THROWBACK The Year's Outstanding Romatic Comedy! Mexico! One gay adventure after another , . with thfe two favorltei at the h'lm! ARBARA STANWYCK RED SALUTE ROBERT YOUNG HARDIE ALBRIGHT Texas Terror I Lift. 1 John Wayne Is starred In "The Texas Terror" at the Roxy theatre Saturday only, with the 3rd episode of "Tallsplh Tommy" also being shown on the same program. start with a banquet at the Hotel Del Rogue tomorrow evening. President Aubrey Sanders of the local club, assured the visitors of a good attendance from Medford. and also announced that plana are being made for an entertainment by the Medford club in the near future. New Shop Open at 203 South Front. Hemstitching 6c yd.; buttons covered; hnui rnniiiA f-j-k av tnmurtuilrlrtiT Nina Creg and May Lewis. Phone 1330-W. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY priONK 069-K for re-uphoUterlng. : flniahlng, re -gluing. Thibault. FOR SALE 3 acres on Sunrise Ave., overlooking Medford, wonderful homeslte; or will sell small loU. Flaharty Realty Co., 311 Medford Bldg. . WANTED Housekeeping for men or couple employed, by middle-aged lndy, good cook and housekeeper. Route 1. Box 194. FOR SALE One standard 1027 Bulck coach, cheap; or wilt exchange for coupe of equal value. Jesse Rich ardson, Central Point, - FOR SALE -Good clean alfalfa hay, first and third crops, at Oaklelgn Farm, 2 miles north of Central Point on Pacific highway. Call 333. Otto Bohnert. THE FIRST BIG Hurry! This big million 1 vSil I d'Uar thr111 enda tmor- $ v ' ". ?3Pl row night! M fft ' V in Charles Dickens' . - 1 A TALE OF t MUljlS ff75 ' PnKVlB SATURDAY M01IT ''7 iMf "MAN OF IRON" J; SmJjj ' Barton McLane Mary . J . I I Starting SUNDAY! D AT THE Xf" x kitty Carlisle f, 1(Q Allan, iones ( rOR SALE Small sawmill. A. M, Zimmerman, Central point. FOR SALE--10 acres. Irrigated, with 7 -room house, large barn and gar age; all fenced. This la an excep tional buy. Flaharty Realty Co 311 Medford Bldg. WANTED Disc harrow for Ford eon tractor. Box L. R, Mail Tribune. FOR SALE Hny. Mrs. Frances Caroy- FOR RALE Good M-lnch sulky plow. Jake Brown, south end King's hwy. FOR SALE Very modern house oa Queen Anne; large living room with) fireplace, dining room and kitchen, a bedrooms snd bath downstairs, I bedrooms and bath upstairs, also sleeping porch. Flaharty Realty Co., 31i Mtxlford Bldg. WANTED 13500 loan on Medford propertv valued at S6o00. p. O. Box 105, Eagle Point. FOR SALEHey wood -Wakefield babT buggy Hke new. 522 So. Newtown. FOR SALE Fine suburban home properties that will suit you In sla and price. Also Medford homes a prices and on terms to Interest any one in the market. BROWN & WHITE. Realtors. j TfTcH E VROLET Sedan. See this bar gain, only 1&0. . PIERCE-ALLEN MOTOR CO. and Plymouth. January Clearance on Women's Shoes 95c Buys a good pair of Pumps or Ties Cinderella Shoe Department 44 So. Central 3 Mat, ... (So Evea . . . S3c Kiddies too HIT OF 1936! Nst'er before uch a storm of laughs, cheers, and praise as audiences all over the country are giving this goofiest of fun jamborees iiKntuiiieaDiUfj i c