PAGE NTNTE ;wA.hi-isu WAbtl0 TO tLtttiV " - 1 ' ' ,,!,..,.. - - ,,,-, (-..,... .a,-C:';j!;..,.lJl.J:,,sfc.:j.--P MEDFORD MATT, TRTBUXE. MED FO IIP. OREGON. THURSDAY. JANUARY 16, 1936. SELL J bo new 1 Bead every ,6 on this page. Ton will probably find ei aotlT the thlnf yon want ta boy or kIL If It lent there. adrertlse. It'e Inexpenatn, affective. RATES Per word first Insertion (Minimum 2Sc) ach additional Insertion. per word (Minimum 10c) far Una per month without topy change 91 M Phone 75 TOE WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND ' lyOST Black learner purse containing ; glasses. Reward. 607 Catherine St. LOST Gold lavaller with blue atone pendant. Return to Tribune office. Reward. LOST Female Boston bull pup. Tel. 30. Reward. LOST Brlndle cow, tsuernsey-Jersey: freshen In February. J. Ellestad, Central Point. LOST If oor is mitring cal)1616 WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Experienced young woman, j Housework and assist with children Board, room end wages. References j required. Phone 939-W. ..vmn o-n-Ki- .io-i. n r. ,m.Ti vimiwrnrtrir fAr inriv living ! alone In country. Box 4190, Tribune.-1 WANTED MALE HELP ' SALESMAN WANTED by Portland wholesale hardware house to sell our line as side line In Rogue river j valley and Klamath Palls territory, j Commission. Write George H. Graves- Salem, Oregon. I WANTED Mining partner experienc ed In quartz and placer. Box 4284, Tribune. MAN to handle vending machine route, Med ford and surrounding towns, part or full time. No sell ; lng. Permanent; $30 weekly; 250 cash required; secured. When re plying state if you have cash avatl able. For interview, write Box 4256. Tribune. WANTED SITUATIONS FIRST -CLASS shoemaker wants posi tion Box 420., Tribune. POSITION WANTED as housekeeper or cook. Take full charge. Refer ences. Phone 1622-Y. POSITION WANTED as housekeeper or cook. Take lull charge. Refer ences. Phou 1522-Y. MAN with family wants steady work at Livable wae; all around handy man mechanically, steam, carpen ter, paint, drive truck. Would con sider Janitor Job. Resident of Med ford' past nine years. Box 4305, Tribune. WANTED Contract tree pulling. Ore gon California Truckle o., phone 1 174. WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS IP YOU want your linoleum or carpet laid, call 134. Louie Thompson. WANTED Room and board. Tel. 1036. WANTED To buy dairy cows for CMifornla market. C. C. Hoover, p;,one 437-R. EMPTY furniture van going to Los Aageles Saturday, wants load for there or way points. Phone 616, Hawley Transfer, WANTED Baso viol and piano accor dion. Must be cheap. Box 4302, Tribune. WANTED Used furniture, ranges, heaters, tools, fruit jars. etc. Hol brook Furniture Co., in old Fire Hall Bldg, 112 E. 6th. Tel. 547. WANTED Disc for Fordson tractor. h R. care Mall Tribune. WANTED We pay cash tot nousenoid goods furniture and stoves We also ouy metals hides pelts wool and mo half MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 27 N Grape 81 Pbone 1062. WANTED Cook stoves, heaters, bed springs mattresses day-oeda. sani tary couches and cots or what have you- we pay cash or exchange KZW DEAL PURN EXCHANOB 423 B- Main St. WAWTBD Beet cattle veal, tamos and pasture. J. J Osenbrugge. WANTED FURS FURS FURS Highest cash price paid for raw fur Complete line o! traps oa sale MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSS 37-39 No Orape St Wfdfnrrt FOR RENT HOUSES fT!!dlre. 922.50. at 130 8. Orape S t POR RENT 6-room furnished house, close In; modern, clean, paved St.. garage, wster paid: adults; 122 00. Key 240 So. Grape. rORRENT M7'wet 14th; Hoi;y Court No. 8. corner 4th and North Holly: 419 west Second. Also oth-r desirable homes. Phone 193 or venings. 1141-W. POR RENT House on North River side Tel 8?-X. FOR RENT New 4-room bouse, close in. Phone 477-J. I FOR RENT HOUSES FOB RENT a-rvjon. uouse. completely renewed and remodeled Inside; close In. Tel. 855-L. FOR RENT 4 -room turn, bouse: elec tric range, refrigerator, oil Beater; garage: adults. Phone 848-V. 6-ROOM furnished, 3 or 3 bedrooms. Close in. Phone 1432-J. FOR RENT 6-room modern furnish ed house, close In. Phone 457-J. FOR RENT Modern 7-room Utllur nished home. Phone 738. FOR RENT Homee furnished oa unfurnished. Brown at White FOR RENT 6-room furnished house, close In, 130. water paid. Inquire 146 8 ivy FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED APT. Heat, hot water and garage, $35.00: vacant after the 30tb. Beroen Apta., 10 Quince St. 6-ROOM partly furnished apartment, (10. 830 Bennett. TWO housekeeping rooms, furnished. 319 N. orape. FOR RENT 3 and 3 rooms furnished apartment; garage; adults. 604 w. 10th. FOR RENT-Apartment; no children. 716 Welch. APARTMENT for rent. 916 West 10th St. - FOR RENT Furnished apartment, 329 N Holly Phone 870-X FOR RENT ROOM BOARD BOARD Home-cooked meals served In prlrtae home. Reasonable rates. Near business district. 33 N. Orange St. Phone 1473-X. at 718 E Main BOARD AND BOOM rate reasonable FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROOM. 153 M. Oakda.e. ! ATTRACTIVE rooms 404 8 Orape FOR EXCHANGE WANTED To trade for hay, good fresh milk oow and two good dairy hellers. Box 1165, Tribune. FOR SALE OR TRADE Used cabinet phonograph; trade for wood. 608 s- Riverside. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE Income prop erty clos in Phone 958-J FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE (2500 buys a 15000 mod ern 6-room house and one acre ground on state highway adjoining city limits: (200 . cash, balance monthly payments. Look this over oeiore you ouy. Also 46 acres on Kane creek: 16 acres bottom land, black soli, free water: . new 3-ronm log house, outbuildings. Only (1200; terms. L. G. PICKELL 204 E. Main. Phone 1580-J. FOR SALE Small, completely fur- t nlshed house, 2 bedrooms, close in, for (1200. See D. T. Lawton. 321 Apple. FOR SALE 1 acres. 6 room house and other buildings, furnished: some fruit and berries. See owner 520 Terrace street,, Ashland, Ore. 100 ACRES well improved stocked and equipped, close to Meedford. some cash or Income property Bat ance long time tow interest O A DeVne. 623-J -3 FOR SALE Dandy 4-room modern home, nice shade, good outbuild ings, a real bagain tor iouo cash BROWN & WHITE, Realtors. FULLY- equipped dairy farm with FINE DAIRY HERD, headed by reg istered Jersey male. Strictly mod ern home, 3 barns, etc.. team and all farming tools, milking machine, power sepaiator; hog tight renced and cross-fenced; under present own. ership for 28 years: no incumbrance. Now priced to sell. BROWN & WHITE. Realtors. CITY LOTS on pavement, absolutely ciear title, priced from 9160 up. Also unimproved lots close to schools, from (60 up BROWN Se WHITE. Realtors. FOR SALE A beautiful little home In the western foothills for $1600. Only $300 down payment. BROWN &l WHITE. Realtors. LEAVING STATtt Make offer for $2,000 equity. 7-apt. furnished house, modern, fully rented. Full price $3,400. On highway in town Terms, by owner. Box 4410. Tribune HOUSES for salt or rent. TerISi evenings 1147-W. WHEN you think of real estate think it Brown White FOR 8ALEAUT0M0BII.ES 1829 DITOANT Sedan 1.00 1930 Ford Roadster, rumble seat 148 00 1138 Court St.. after 8 p. m. TERMS 33 CHEVROLET Sedan, perfect every way: trunk, many extraa, small milesee. Bartrsin price 140300. PIERCE-ALLEN MOTOR CO. Dodge and Plymouth. PRICED TO SELL One DO Pontlac sedan, one '30 Chevrolet pickup; eicellent shape. Inquire Apt. it. Riverside Apta. POR SALE Truck. Ttsde wood or la bor, phone 1353-w 121S w. 8th. OOOD USED CARS With ,93 License. BtT? NOW and BUY CHEAP 1914 Dodee DeLuie Coupe. 1933 Chevrolet Coupe; radio and heater. 1933 Plymouth DeLuxa Sedan. 1833 Plymouth Coupe. 1934 Chrysler Airflow. 1931 Chryftler 68 Sedan. 1934 Pord V-8 Sedan. 1932 Plymouth 4 Coupe. 1929 DeSoto RoadittT. 1929 OeAoto Sedan. 1931 r-hry.ler B DrLuxe ftVdan. 1934 Terraplane UeLui Sedan. Also a number of other real bar gains. LANOK MOTOR CO Chrysler-Plvr-outh DeeJer. Used Car Lot. Cr.h and Barrlett. M No. Riverside FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Feeder pigs. Meadow brook Ranch. Eagle Point, Ore. Tel. 27-X-10. FOR SALE 3 fresh cows. Bert Stan dlffe, Phoenix. ANNOUNCEMENT Auction sale of purebred Hereford and Shortbom bulls, at the Sale Pavilion. Jan 18 So. Oregon Uveatock Auction Co Col A H Dudley. Auctioneer FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE Turkeys, or trade for laying pullets. See A. It, Kitchen. Jacksonville, Ore. FOR SALE 180 White Minorca pul lets and last year's hens, 81.00 each at 333 Laurel St., Ashland, Ore. V. O. Mllburn. 1 BOOK ORDERS for Early Hatching NOW. Sweeney Poultry Ranch, Route No. 2. Box 114. Medford, FOR SALE DOGS PETS FOR SALE Thoroughbred Auatrallan pupplgs Phone 16-F-15. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS TWO.WHBBIi trailer. .30 Martin rifle, $500 worth wood working and me chanic's tools for sacrifice. Inquire Peoples Electric Apartments, No. 204. 6 to 7 p. m. FOR SALE Viking cream separator, $15. 1063 Court. FOE SALE Cabin, Diamond lake; also E-flat cornet. B-flat trumpet with A and C slides; guitar, mando line, violin, Underwood portable typewriter, Coleman heater, electric heater, 2-burner electric plate, flat top desk, novelty bookcase, smok ing cabinet, library table, bed. springs and mattress; smoking stand floor lamp. Inquire Peoples Electric Apartments, No. 204, be tween 6 and 7 p. m. FOB SALE J3ry fir wood. Tel. 376-X. FOR SALE Phllco cabinet radio. 7 tubes, good condition, $15.00. 926 Park Ave. FARMERS, ATTENTION. Rebuilt, second-hand farm imple ments, tractors, etc.. for sale at bar gain prices a 3b South Orape. Med ford. Call and see what we have. FOR SALE Royal, portable type writer, practically new; $30 cash. Phone 1618-J. FOR SALE Household goods, stock, chickens and tools. Old Stage road, Mrs. Frank Tompkins. FOR SALE Wood, wood saw lng and fertilizer, phone 603 -J. FOR SALE Baleu grain hay. L. A Salade. Phone 184, Central Point. FOR SALE A number of thoroughly re-condltloned re-palnted Electric Refrigerators. $45.00 and up. Leon ard Electric .Co. 300 E. Main. FOR SALE Hlgn pressure boiler with 23 H. P twin cylinder steam engine mounted, fine condition. Central Point Cheese Factory. FOR SALE Apple wood. 12-lnch, $1.50 tier at orchard or $2.50 tier delivered In load lots; 16-lnch 25c tier higher. Phone 1265 or 468-R-3 ONE Iron safe 1 large automobile tent. 606 W. 4th or Phone 832-R. tOR SALE Hay apd grain; hay loose, baled or chopped; wheat, barley and oats whole or ground. Phone 355-J-3. Victor Bursell. NEWTOWN apples, wrapped and pack ed or face and fill; large sizes. A real buy. New towns 16c per lug. Bring your own containers, phone 926 American Fruit Growers, Inc., 213 So. Fir, Medford, Ore. FOR SALE New and used building materials. Lee Williams. 1520 N. Rlv. A DDT M Fancy Delicious, packed, large size, per box $1.25 Fancy Delicious, good size. per lug 75 Newtown s. good size, per lug. ,25 Bring Containers BEAR CREEK ORCHARDS DRIVEWAY MATERIAL S sizes Ot rock at 11.60 pet yard delttered Bateman Phone 1534.? or 41 3-J FOR SALE Dry body wood. Phone 015, Hawley'a Transfer. APP1.RS We deliver Tel I32.L MISCELLANEOUS IF YOUR basement Is filling wieh water. Case Auto Wrecking will pump It out or furnish equipment. Prices ressonable. Phone 780. POPULAR plsno harmony and tricky breaks taught In a new. easy way For Information call 610. , EAST SIDE BEAUTY SALON Featur ing Nu-Ray Machlnelesa Permanent Waves. 5. Also special Two 13 or 5 Permanenta for the price of one. B10 East Main. Tel. 6R8. BUSINESS DIRECTORY JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Abstract of rule ana Title Insuranoe The only complete) Title System la Jackson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title. Rooms S and No 13 Nrrh Central Ave. iion'sira Expert Window Cleaners. LET GEO ROB DO n - Tel 1172 House cleaning floor waxing on .nmt wig He.nlnjr snd 'inhnl.'erine; Income Tax -fteporta Prepared. INCOME TAX Federal and atate re turns prepared. See Earl Foy. Room 11, Jackson County Bank Bldg. Phone 79.. Money to Lend MONEY LOANED - U0 to S3C0 (or personal or household purposes on House Furnishings ot Autos; also Cars Refinanced Losoa closed within 80 minutes License No 8 1S7 See W E Thomas sfl So Ceo fral ROOFING ROOFING Let us inspect yiui root before the rainy season Th:s ser vice i. free Call 370. Bogus Hirer Roofing Co. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Transfer. RE1NKINQ TRANSFER CO Long distance hauling. Furniture. catMe anything. Ill N Fir. Phone 1033 C. Stuart. EAUS TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. Office 1015 No Central Phone 316 Prices right Service guaranteed. TRUCKING AND STORAGE Local and lung distance dtu'ing. furni ture moving etc Reasonable rates Tel 833 F & Samson Co. HAWLEY TRANSFER - Expert pack ers and movers Special livestock moving equipment Prices -lght HP North Riverside Phnne 615 LEGAL NOTICES Notice of Sale of Real property by Administrator. In the County Court of the State of Orton In and for the County of Jackson. In the Matter of the Estate of Charles E. Barge, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned as administrator of the es tate of Charles E. Barge, deceased, will from and after the 8th day of Feb ruary. 1936, proceed to sell at private sale to the highest bldaer ror cash in hand, or at least one-half cash and the balance secured by first mortgage for not over one year at 6 interest, and subject to confirmation by thj County Court of the State of Oregon. In and for the County of Jackson, the following described real property sltuat-d and being In the County of Jackson and State of Ore gon, to-wit: Beginning at a point which la 2122 feet South and 1565 feet West of the East one quarter ( VA ) cor ner of Section 15, Twp. 36, S. Range 3 West W. M.. thence running West along the Southerly line of the City of Gold Hill property 181.4 feet, thence South 19 deg. West 106 feet, thence South 9 deg. West 137 feet, thence East 312 feet to the Westerly right-of-way line of the Southern Pacific Rallroaa. thence Northerly along said rlaht-of-way line to the point of beginning, containing 114 acres, more or less, as described m Vol 184 page 144 Deed Records. This sale Is made in the above en titled matter pursuant to a license and order of ssle duly made on the 9th day of January, 1936, by the Hon. Earl B. Day, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Jackson, and filed In the office of said Court on said last men tioned date. Dated at Medford. Oregon, January 9th, 1936. WARREN COPPOCK. Administrator of the Estate of Charles E. Barge, Deceased. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon In and for Jackson County Ralph E.' Green and Jennie Faurote Green, husband and wife, Plaintiffs, vs. Earle T. All red; Mrs. Earle T. All red. wife of Earle T. Allred: the un known heirs of Earle T. Allred; Mittle R. Allred: John Doe, husband of Mittle R. Allred; the unknown heirs of Mittle R. Allred; also, all other persona or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate. Hen or interest In the real estate de scribed in the complaint herein, De fendants. To the Defendants hereinabove named: In the name of the State of Oregon, you and each of you are hereby re quired to appear herein and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs on file herein within four (4) weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons if served upon you by pub lication thereof; or within four (4) weeks from the date of the service of this summons upon you If served upon you personally outside the State of Oregon. You are hereby notified, that If you fail to appear and answer the com plaint of the plaintiffs on file herein as hereinabove required, the plaintiffs will take Judgment against you for, the relief prayed for In plaintiff's complaint on file herein, that Is. the plaintiffs will take a decree that they. the plnlntlffs are the owners in fee Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS L. Dish or egga 7. Negligent II. Deep gorge M. Lacking tons lt. Kxlit lft. Tritis ot filouan Indians IS. Sun god 19. Negative prefix 10. Mineral aprtng 21. Ubiierved 23. Depart 25. Hins 28. Termite 29. Make precious 81. I'll IT up U. Character In Solution of Saturday's Puzxi QRjAT01R0 V E g A WE 5 VLU RE i FECULENT ECTfPEAlSl-iPlOO E. 9. ilSATAN 0C U R HUMAN gs CAT gC0 R E ERASTEifELHOMETS A5ME RRCOOE d e stcie ntcr etta t e s hTe ldItryBIme CRAN kIwqe mC OB AR R" A pt m O R Aga I RENE atHMR n5vea n IIMADO SfWE UTE E TEjR N I TYALj. NE S R EIHIE A R SlEjDiyMAfgTT "Uncle Tom Csbln" 14. The humao rars lft. Floor covtrtng fit Brilliantly It. ftlutle dramai colored bird 12. Literary tft. Feminine frnsmsnta nam 12. Perms ftl. New shoot t&. Kind of balsam from the root lft. Soft Inner of a sugar part of a stem II. W riling Implement 10. large L Typ sonars cans ftl. Ons employed In gainful occupation eo. niantea II. Styllih: eolloq. z 3 4 5 c I!! 73 ? o a f WZ! JH 1 ii" 2i 23 24 25 U. 27 W 3o 3 32 H'H mu ill ii 35 31 3J IS 38 3 4o 44 42 W,; 43 44 W4S " if " i.ll SZZ j. - 1 I I 1 1 I simple of the reM property described In plaintiffs' complaint and herein after described, and that none of the defendants have any right, title, es tate, Hen. or Interest therein, either In law or equity, and for plaintiffs' costs and disbursements la this suit to be taxed. The real property affected by this suit Is situated In Jackson County. Oregon, and particularly described as follows, to-wit: Prom a gas pipe at southwest cor ner of Donation Land Claim No. 84 In Township 37 South of Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, run west on south line of said claim projected 191.4 feet to east line of the Orchard Home Association tract, thence South 0 degrees and 8 mtn. West, 804.00 feet on said east line to a 3-lnch gas pipe monument; thence West 268 00 feet to a 3-lnch gas pipe monument; thence north 0 'degrees and 8 mln. east 271.6 feet to 3-lnch gas pipe mon ument; this being the point of beginning; and from thence running north 0 degrees and 8 mln. east 730.3 feet to a 3-lnch gas pipe monument; thence west 1320 feet to a 3-lnch gas pipe monument; thence south 0 degrees 8 mln. east 730.3 feet to a 3-lnch gas pipe mon ument; thence east 1320 feet to a 3 Inch gas pipe monument, the point of beginning, containing 23.13 acres This summons Is published by vir tue of an order of the Honorable H. D. Norton. Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered on the 24th day of December. 1935. The date of the first publication of this summons Is the 26th day of December. 1935. BOGGS AND BOGGS. Attorneys for .Plaintiffs. Jackson County Bank Building, Medford. Oregon . THE GRANGE Sams Valley Grange. .. Standing committees appointed by master and executive committee tor 1936 are aa follows: Agriculture and marketing, Walter Grant, B. 11. Seegmlller and Mrs. O, T. Wilson; legislative, R. B. Nealon. Albert Straus, Jerome Fitzgerald: roads, M. A. Schultz, Oeorge McDonough, Bill Duggan; education. Arthur Straus,. E.-. W. Empey, Ada East; finance, George McDonough. John Hoist. Lloyd Hamlin; ways and means. W. C. Autewelth, John Hoist. Mrs. Ethel Duggan and Mrs. Grant; membership. A. A. Walruff. Dorothy Straus, Wesley McDonough, Steve Wilson, Sadie Frlnk and Mra. Grant; recreation, Helen Williams, Bertha Hoist, Mrs. E. W. Empey, Burle Bur reson; reception, John Hoist, Mar garet Wllaon, Cloa McDonough; sports, H. M. Smith, Prof. E. W. Empey. Gerald Fitzgerald; music, Helen Burreson, Helen Williams, Mrs. Dorla Nealon, Kathryn Orme; hall beautlficatlon, Betty Wllaon. Dorla Nealon, Bertha Hoist; home eco nomics. Mrs. Eva Wilson; fire Insur ance agent, R. E. Nealon; co-op di rector, w. C. Autenrelth; publicity, Mra. A. I.. Straus. Practice has been resumed on the Orange play, "Mamma'a Baby Boy." which will be given In Gold Hill soon. The three-act comedy la pack ed with Inughs from s'art to flnlsri. Our share of the proceeds will go into the building fund. A good attendance Is desired at the regular Grange meeting Satur day night, January 18. Some Import ant questions must be decided and ea Interesting meeting la promised. Sams Valley Juvenile Grange win meet the aame evening. 1 BEM1 -ANNUAL BALE Now In progress ETHELWYN B HOFFMANN. Overproduction still faces the cit rus industry, according to the report of the University of California agri cultural extension service. Cross-Word Puzzle I. Low tufted plant 10. At hums II. Alarm whlatli 12. Hcrlmpa 17. Swiss river 22. Devour 24. Percolate 21. Mads over 17. Strike with the opto hand 10. Stats poal lively 81, DlllMCd lb. Antics 30. Beast ST. Rodent 19. Singing btrdi 40. Brings Into a row 41. Sweet 1 44. Mountain In the Philip pines 47. Part of a barrel, pafj or tub . Close S3 Pish tggs 14. Poet'o nam for an astern country 17. In the direc tion of tt. Note of the scale DOWN L Kind of fruit S. Color I. Mads uniform 4, Chines measure Son of Hlb Moderate Syllable uad in college yens I. Orstk Istttr Trail TRAIL. Jan. 10. (Spl.) Mrs, Eva SoRessman was pleasantly surprised Friday evening, January 10, when a large party of friends came In to spend the evening In honor of her birthday. Lee Merrlman of Medford spent the week-end here, a guest at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. N. ft. Merrlman, Wllmer Ragsdale spent Monday In Medford on business. The many friends of O rand pa pita worth are sorry to know of his having to have his leg amputated and are glad to know he la getting along ts well as could be expected with his advanced ge. Mr. and Mra. Wllmer Tucker of Medford were overnight guests' at California on the Rogue Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Walch of Sunset on the Rogue spent Monday In Medford looking for a house, as they expect to move there soon. Carroll Watson spent Sunday visit ing the Merrlman boys. Mesdames Minnie Blaess and Con over met at the home of Mrs. Eva Scgessman Monday for a sewing bee. Miss Inez Burk is spending this week-end In Medford, the guest of her aunt. Mrs. Porter. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Watson and aon Carroll spent Friday evening Tlsltlng with Mr. and Mra. Boyd Tucker. The Trail extension unit met with Mrs. Minnie Blaess January 9. There was a large attendance to see the demonstration on angel food cake making, which was efficiently given by Mrs. Edna LaDleu and Mrs. Rena Howe. In the afternoon several Shady Cove ladles joined the Trail ladles in a shower given for Mrs. Polly Zlm merley. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Eva Segessman. As soveral of the ladles are planning to attend the home interest confer ence at Corvallla, February 10 to 14. the next meeting will be a week late, Pabruary 30. S. W. Hutchinson made a business trip to Medford and Jacksonville Tuesday. Mrs. Rena Howe and Mr. and Mrs. Pea body and daughter called on Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Tucker Monday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Brill and two children and Mrs. Hoag spent Sunday at their cottages near Sunset auto camp. Mesdames Alma Merrlman, Minnie Blaess, Llal Tucker and Jlmmlo Hutchinson spent "Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Eva Segessman. Everyone was glad to have Mrs. Mer rlman out again for a short time. Mr. Merrlman Is getting along nicely at this time. . 4 Sams Valley 8AMS VALLEY. Jan. 18. (Spl.) Word from Mra, Peta Burreson, who was Injured In a car wreck In De cember near Burns and la at the home of her sister at Seneca, states the patient la recovering slowly but steadily, Mrs, Jack Korner, who spent two weeks visiting relatlvea and frlenda In Los Angeles, returned to her home Friday, Mr. and Mra. John Hoist, accompa nied by Mr. and Mrs. R. E, Nealon of Table Rock, attended the meeting of the Lake Creek Orange ' Saturday night. The high school play. "Plain Sla ter," put on Friday night, waa greatly enjoyed by an enthualaatlo audience. Those taking part were Ruth Smith, Dorothy Straus Helen Burreson, Le ona SchulK, Gerald Fitzgerald. Blllte Crawford, Dick Rush and Ralph Ellis. Hoavy ralna resulted In swollen creeks and flooded fields. Owners of grain fields have been kept busy ditching to release lakes ot water on their fields. At one home in the mouth of a canyon a dweller remain ed up until midnight measuring the water that crept nearer bla dwelling for fear ot a washout. The water began to recede at midnight. Mr, and Mrs, Harry Tonn visited Sama Valley relatlvea Sunday. Mr, and Mra. Pierce ot Eagle Point spent Friday visiting their daughter. Mrs. Wm. Straus. Prof, and Mra. A. B. Collett of Wil liams spent the week end with Mra. Collctt'a father, W. W. Edlngton. Prof. E. W. Empey attended the meeting ot Jackson "ounty high high school principals In Medford Monday night. Mrs. Grace Cllne of Medford aub atltuted at the school In Mrs. East's room Monday and Tuesday while Mrs. East waa with her aged father, Mr. Dltaworth, who underwent an ampu tation of a leg. According to roporta. Mr. Dltsworth, who Is over B0 years of age, la recovering satisfactorily. Mason county, West Va., may have a marker soon on the farm where Mark Twain's grandfather waa bom. POULTRY RANCH 1(1 ACHES, S-room house, partly fur nished, S modern brooder houses, (automatic oil burning brooder stnvrs. all equipment needed for fooo lurks or MH chirks. Plenty tiade and water. On1 state highway, 21 miles from Medford. The buildings and equipment ' COST 000 and are almost new yet yon can buy the complete outfit, 15 acres land Included FOR ONLY f 750 On terms of H down, balance fctml-aniiiial Installments. Hill aUo consider used coupe or sedan In part pnvmrnt. '' ee Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, owners, on premises. Butts rails Hlghwsy, near Urrhy ftrhool. Rrgtie River ROOUE RIVER, Jan. 16. (Spl.) The Townsend club met at the com munity hall January 7 with a rec ord attendance. New officers for the next six months were elected as follows: Floyd K. Dover, president; C. H. La Crosse, vice-president; Mrs. Myrtle Whipple, .secretary, and Anthony Parsons, treasurer. Mr. Do ver gave a real Townsend lecture which waa greatly enjoyed. An ex cellent program waa given by Carl Smith, assisted by Miss Chapman, Miss Margaret Bates. Gordon Hatch, Pa ye Stelhl and Lee Hug. Seven more names were added to the list, making the membership 177. January 0, Live Oak Grange rnet at the community with an attend ance of near 40. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smith were obligated' and became members of the grange. Mrs. Emma Hall had charge of the lecture hour and had a very good program. Grace Wler resigned as lecturer, and Mrs. Mary Smith was elected to fill ' her chair. At the next meeting each lady la requested to bring lunch for two In a paper sack. The H. E, C. will meet at the home of Mrs. Lei ah Murry Thursday afternoon, January School started again Monday after a three weeks' vacation. Another room has bean added to take care of the crowded conditions. Miss Prances Schilling of Ashland , if teacher of the new room. Mrs. Hattie Harris and grand daughter left January Q for her home at Lewtston, Idaho, after a three weeks' visit with her sisters, Mrs. Wiley and Mra. Whipple, and her mother. Mrs. M. R. Bliss. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gee of Freewater. Ore., accompanied her. , Christmas day, M 1 s a Genevieve Piatt became the bride of Royal Nettleton In Corvallls at the home of Miss Piatt. Both Miss Piatt and Mr. Nettleton are graduates of O. S. O. Mr. Nettleton la with the U. 8. forestry service, stationed In Mlchl gangnn. - Mrs. Nettleton at present la teaching sohcol In Klamath county, but will Join her husband soon. Miss Ptatt taught school here a number of years and has a host of friends who wish her a long happy married life. Another wedding occurred on Christmas day, when Miss Nora Hughes became the bride of Irwin Koll later. Their many friends ex tend congratulations and best wishes. Mr. and Mra. Reed Carter left by train Monday evening for Portland Mr. Carter went on business and Mrs. Carter will enjoy the big city for the week. Mrs. Taylor of Upland, Calif., ar rived recently to be with her cousin Mra. Jane Smack, who Is very 111 having suffered a paralytic stroke early In December. James Martin returned to Albany and Miss Annabel! e Heath to Eu gene to resume their . studies At school. The Rogue River Dredgers, Inc who have a drag line dredge tip Pleasant creek, Installed a .lighting plant last week and are now run ning three shifts. The ladles of the Presbyterian church met January 3 at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Fowler. The abort business meeting waa followed by ft program. Mrs. Bancroft gave an In teresting talk on present day con ditions In Japan and Persia. Mtss Katherlne Mock dressed as a Persian maid, and Mrs. W. L. Brtcker as a Japanese maid. Mrs. Bovee waa in charge of devotlonals. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Big Applegate BtO APPLBOATK, Jan. 18. fSpl.) Mrs. C. C. Buck and aon Clarence, accompanied by Mrs. M. R. Buck, mo tored to Ashland on business Wed nesday, also visiting friends there. Bud Mltchel of Jacksonville spent the week-end here as a guest of Bud Pee-bter. Mra. Lee Port, aa a member of the Jackson county executive committee, was one of the hostaMsfw at a party Jimmie Jingle Says: Muffins and Rolls and Biscuits, too n't bake (ha finest food for yon, As a rhanite from bread, try our Nutty Brown nrrad. SPECIAL 1 Nntty Brown llrrad lSe t Bean Jar 10c tse Both for only 19c K) WES! J1MN ST. jvitm vuiimit , forKim at the homs nf uiu A.tvt uonu Jacksonville Saturday evening, hon- wi.nj uum. aiaDe. Mac on her seventh anniversary as demonstration agent. Mrs. Jack O'Brien la arwmrilTicr eml days in Medford, where she is roeiTing meaicai treatment. Mrs. Caroline Winetmnt. btVia re sides here with her daughter. Mrs. irea benedict, is spending several weeks with her son Carl at Reddlnc. Cal. Basketball is occupying the spar hOWB Of lower Annlr,?nl man nh comprise botji a community and boys htmii.. me nves irom Murphy played the locals Friday at the community hall here, winning from the commun ity team 23-30, and losing to the boys 10-13. The local teams consist of th following players: Community Boys 3ene Krause F Henry Head E. Clark F .Ray Bentley George Brown. C Warren Mee, Jr. Wm. Ludwig G Wm. Oluta Ed Warford G Robert Browa Utilities: Morris Byrne, Glenn Rob erts.' John Pernoll. confined to his horns here as a result of gunshot wounds sustained In a recent holdup, con tinues to improve, and Is expected to be about sgaln In two or three weeka. Miss Katherlne Buckley, local trained nurse, has charge of the case. Miss Roaella Offenbacher, sixth grade pupil of the Beaver Creek school, was hostess at a school lunch, eon Monday In observance of her eleventh birthday anniversary, with, the pupils and teacher, Mrs. Wall nee Haaklns, as guests. Gifts and a eako with candles completed the event. Harry Dawes returned recently from Tell City, Ind.. where he visited his father. Mr. Dawes Is remaining as the home of John Price. -. John Byrne Is confined to his home here on acwunt of Illness. The Applegate home extension unit la not entering the county dra matics contest this year, according to a decision reached at a meeting of the dramatics committee ot the unit Monday. However, unit mem bers are preparing to give two one aot plays late In Pobraury, and ara working on selection at the present. A. regular project meeting will be held Tuesday, January 21, under the di rection of Mrs. Imogene Smith of Talent, who will Inspect dresses mads from guide patterns. A covered dish lunch will be served. Mrs. Eva Bostwlok of Medford and Mra. Aria Throckmorton, with whom Mrs. Bostwlck la making an extended visit, were entertained at dinner Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs, 'Miles Can troll. Miss Josephine Olute has enrolled: for the second term at Southern Ore gon Normal. She is a former college student at San Jose. Miss Erlene Taylor Is spending ths week at Medford as a guest of Mrs. Horace Turpln. Henry Walters of Berkeley Is a guest here at the home of his sister, Mrs. Fred Offenbacher. Edward Zellner, member of the re cently disbanded OCC unit at Camp Applegate, has chosen to remain m the west In preference to returning to his eastern home, and left by train Friday for Hyder. Alaska, where bo haa friends. He expected to board a Can adlan boat at Vancouver, B. C. Local people attending a meeting of the county recreation club last week, when Angus Bowmer of Ashland devoted the evening to dramatics training, were Miss Maxlna Hill, Mra Wallace Haaklns, Mra. Lea Port, Mra. Lance Offenbacher, Lester Hill, Ash ton Forest, Ben Ellis and Charles Elmore. Annual Lutheran Meeting Tonight The annual meeting of the Zloa Lutheran church will ba held to night, It was announced today by Rev. George P. Kabele. The meeting will convene at the church, at 7:30 o'clock. A social hour, with refresh ments served by the Ladles' Aid soci ety, will follow the business meeting. Because of the Importance of the meeting, Rev, Kabele urged a full at tendance. D. T. Fullaway, entomologist avs the Honolulu plant quarantine sta tion. Is exploring South American Jungles seeking parasites to combat Hawaiian fruit pests, chiefly the Mediterranean fruit fly. ,By PUtN-SPOKEH PETE IT'S NATURAL TO WISH FOR A CHANGE OF SCENERY. THAT'S WHAT STARTS A jhBABY MALKING It's natural that car owner flock to this garage to have their brakes repaired, rellned and adjusted. We have the equipment and the brake speclallata necesaary to do this work and our O. 8. D. uaurea them of reasonably low rates. UUANANTKED SQUARE DEAL fVfc A soft ooi