MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFOKD, OREO OX. TUESDAY. JANUARY 11. 1936. PAGE FTVB mm HOUSE FROCKS Next Monday the Price Goes Back to 98o. 4 DAYS ONLY Sparkling with fashion details from their smart collars to their flared or pleated skirts! Tubfast 80 square percale that defies both wash-tubs and wear I Crisp tailoring usually found on dresses at much higher prices! Gay plaids, checks, stripes, florals and polka-dots. 14 to 52. ,r ; &iEjLi I1" f,MJ& till Clil Pmfmi WC iP V- USE WARDS I . tffcS CHAIRS AyW JM&$Jfyfo A BUDGET PLAN in 44 TiiiTw'vfi V&fyP'V JK& ?'v w.,d. B8 Pl, u . ... ff -, 6.45VaIo i iT 4 jp W WL ' llfS "N A venient way or "sponsible !I W-ml Attractive, well made, 1 J 1 " 1 ?TlujKfc A IL people to use their credit in pur- C;XS&y comfortable! Covered to ?mi3fhk SS 4 T iJ 1 chasing everything they need ffl lrzh rust or green homespun fcilSlHl .V5 K " ?t " from Wards ... when the total ' ' TJ I 4 V T-teJt 1 "1 ?fGtFJFf 9 , S If it pay a little down, a little each VfTf bed or stress; also ff, M " U fit K fiSSSg I ' ivTi iT'lT I Xiivs 5 It's luxurious! It's good "tLAlO -LtC fc ; R 'sVTi' 1, iJ looking! It's sale priced! ' . A ? W k-" ' 1 'b'' One of the finest chairs -xagii ?Z?Jr J?f - , UU..O tapestry! Sa.e saving! 11 A pA SV ' . "l IpA H X X - . il lixi Hi L u H II 11 11 11 ilxly UVUirAll J Oil 5-pc. Attractive Breakfast Set Save 2.07 10 88 12.93 Yaluel A solid hardwood set at even less than the usual price of softwood sets! Choice of applewood, green or Ivory enamel finishes! Dropleaf table opens to 50x50 Inches! Four sturdy chairs! Made by the Simmons Company FOR WARDS, tgf World's Largest Retailers of Bedding and Furniture Its superb construction insures luxurious rest, re newed energy, and years of satisfactory service! Its luxury is based on double tempered Premier wire coils 220 of them the strongest and best that money can buy! Thick sisal pads are placed on top and bottom of these springs to keep them from pushing through! In addition there is 25 pounds of deep, fluffy, clean new felted cotton linters! The beautifully figured imported Belgian damask ticking Is woven for long wearl l r-rn m Unpainted CHAIR 79c l.OO Yaluel Not the ordinary soft wood chair usually sold at this price but heavy, solid hardwood! It's fun to paint It yourself! Shaped cathedral back, turned legs. Sanded, Milv to oainL KING-O-SLEEP BOX SPRING TO MATCH Compare with $24.75 Box Springs elsewhere! 80 large, deep Premier wire coils anchored In sturdy wood frame! Ideal support for the King-O-Sleep mattress! Damask covered to match innerspring. 1588 a) Only at Wards at a Price Like This :l3MiWt- (o) Jk i WA (il -1 " A 1 idiwijujiw ij ,,.h . iiij.i IIMip.l WMWMWI'W'WJfUl'i'l"WJIIIIIW'WMWIfl -1 1 ir r'liiii i mtiirin imnmimmt TELEPHONE 286 117 SOUTH CENTRAL MEDFORD, OREGON