BEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON. SUNDAY, JANUARY 12. 1936. PAGE FIVE unvn lEWI L arr- W 7 Iff- MfciiMWiiii'iiifiiiilfiilrliiUMifti 1 DEATHS FROM CAR ACCIDENTS REACH IH '35 "COUNTING HIS HELPERS" SHICAGO. Jan. 11. (8pl) Motor vehicle deatha In the United Statea soared to new height In 1035, reach Ins; a total of 36.400. aa compared with 8S.101 for the previous year, tha Katlonal Safety Council haa an nounced. Th alight decrease antici pated did not materialize because of bad experience during the final monthe of the year. Deaplte this dis couraging sign the council la going fonrard with renewed vigor In IU five-year campaign to reduce traffic accidents 35 per cent 07 the end of 1040. In spite of the somewhat unex pected Increase, the council pointed out that the population of the coun try also Increased about one per cent: thus the desth rate per 100. 000 population was 28.5 ln 1035, the same as In 1034. The Increase In deaths waa also less than might have been anticipat ed from the considerable advance in motor vehicle travel. Auto registra tion advanced 4.3 per cent from 1834 to 1035 and gasoline consumption went up approximately six per cent. In other words, there was an In crease in the number of miles the Average motorist waa able to travel without an accident. If fatalities had increased as much aa motor car registration last year, the 1935 toll would have been 37. 500 Instead of 36.400, and had fatal accidents kept pace with gasoline consumption there would have been over 38.000 deaths. The eastern states. Including New England, made the best 1035 allow ing, compared with the prevloua year, by reducing their fatal acci dents three per cent. Massachusetts and Rhode Island led the way with decreases (11 months' figures) of 19 per cent and 15 per cent, respective ly. Outstanding Improvements in the mid-western group of states was shown by North Dakota, Illinois and Minnesota, with decreases of 33. 12, and 8 per cent. Florida -and Missis slppl ahowed the most favorable re ductions In the south, while In the west. Oregon, Utah, Wyoming and Montana all showed reductions of more than 10 per cent. r Former Brewery Man Held Labor Killing TACOMA. Wash., Jan. 11. (AP) Peter Mnrlnoff, former president of the Northwest Brewing Co., and three associates were convicted of man slaughter today by a Jury In superior court here. The three other H. H Hlatt, J. L. Hanford and Theo Ferger aon, all of Seattle were brewery guards during labor trouble last May wben William Usatalo of Seattle, teamsters' union picket, was slain at the brewery here. Marlnoff was charged as an accessory before the fact. 1 BtJOKINOHAirs Ice Cream, candy and Party Specials. The Crest. 436 60. Central. eea "One pernor) out of every J 00 of tha population of tha entire nation was killed or injured in automobile accident during 1935!" "A eompuliory automobile inspec tion ordinance in Memphis, Term., reduced accidents in that city by 30 per cent in one year's time. Announcing for January a free in spection service of the same type used in Memphis, these two state ments are contained fn a bulletin issued to all General Petroleum serv- Ire stations outlining a safety plan for the month, according to D. C. Brees. manager of service stations for the Oregon division for General. "This system of inspection which is accomplishing such noteworthy results in various cities of the coun try is nothing mora nor less than an Inspection of mechanical features by service men who are trained to make this check efficiently," said Brees. "In the interest of safe driv ing, we are Dreoared to render this service without charge or obligation." GATES EXPLAINS A new "25-a-month" plan for fin ancing retail purchases of new Ford V-a cars now in effect throughout the United Statea Is explained by C. E. Gates, head of C. E. Gates Auto Co., Ford and Lincoln Zephyr dealera here. The plan. Involving substantially reduced finance charges and broad Insurance protection for the car pur chaser, Is offered through Ford deal, ers by the Universal Credit company, according to Gates. The plan has three Important features: 1. Maximum monthly payments of $35, plus the usual low down-payments. 2. Finance charges at the rate of one-half of one per cent per month (6 per cent for 12 months, computed upon the total of the original unpaid balance, plus Insurance. 3. Insurance protection at regular conference rates. Including not only fire and theft coverage, but also 50 SPECIAL This Week CAR WASH AND POLISH 32 A Thorough Job, Too! LUBRICATION AND OIL CHANGE 5 QUARTS j -f 95 SPECIAL 1 HOPKINS SERVICE STATION Riverside at Jackson Phone 899 SHELL OFFICIAL LOCATED IN CITY The creation of a new position In the Shell OH company brings to tnls city anotner Shell employe, F. A. Kocher. In tha capacity of oper-Fcr for thla territory. Kocher and hl& family will reside In Medford. For the pa. ! seven years he the Shell organ isation as con struction fore man, and will supervise opera tion of Shell dis tributing plankl and trucks ana ne responsible for service station maintenance. He will also be In charge of construction of new stattona and plants. The territory to be covered by the new Shell official will extend from Lakevlew west to Marshfleld and from Roseburg south to the Califor nia line. Fred Johnson. Medford manager for the company, atated that under the new Plan materlala necessary fr.r operating will be purchased locally by Kocher. Johnson also pointed out that this move la one or several de signed to centralize authority In the field. As a result. Medford becomes Important operations post for Shell in southern Oregon. t F. A. 1-MLWTE SAFETY TALKS By Don Herold 'Drive (aster, "Richard. You're gom only ao.mnes an hour" Kocher deductible collision Insurance and protection against other accidental physical damage to the car. The number of monthly payments may be reduced, or monthly pay. menta less than 125 may be arranged, If a larger down payment la made or If a late model car, valued at more than the usual down payment Is turned In for exchange. The account also may be discharge dat any time by full payment of tho balance due, In which event a rebate of a portion of the credit charge will be allowed. Nash Sales Gain At W. W. Abbey Inc. During Past Week Nash led In sales at Walter W. Abbey, Inc., during the past week, according to a report Issued by Mr. Abbey Saturday. Capt. Glen J. Key, motor transport officer for the local district CCC headquarters, purchased the biggest and best Nash made, a 1836 Ambas sador Super 8 sedan. Captain Key said the new super 8 haa everything he haa ever hoped for In a superla tively fine automobile. The other Nash, a 1036 D Luxe '400," was de livered to Mr. and Mrs E. K. Thomas of Medford. Mrs. Grace Kreese Is the new owner of a new 1036 LaFayette Victoria and W. H. 81monda took delivery of a new Willys aedan. Mr. Abbey recently placed an order for 35 new International trucks to be delivered In Medford In the near future Mr. Abbey aaya the new Nash en gine Is the greatest engineering ad vance in 10 years. It is bsaed on an Important new discovery. It is so simplified In design that it has 500 fewer parts than some other motors. All manifolds sealed Inside the block. It gives amazing speed, pickup and performance and It cost less to run thsn most of any of the loweat priced cars, according to Mr, Abbey. 4 Harry Carr, Famous Columnist, Called LOS ANGELES. Cel., Jan. 11. (AP) Death has written "30" for Harry Carr, 66, Los Angeles newspaper col umnist and author, wo mirrored In words for four decsdes the world's pssslng show. The 68-year-old writer, who started ss a cub reporter on the Los Angeles Times 80 years ago. succumbed last night to a heart ailment, after an Illness of many weeks. A legion of friends In the circles of motion pictures, Utersture and government mourned blm today. Pritchett Urges Plenty of Tread For Safe Driving In keeping with the plea for safer driving being voiced more urgently every day In the natton'a newspa pers, and the consequent rise of pub- Uo sentiment toward more careful use of the h l g n w a y a, crtaries Pritchett. local manager of the West ern Auto Supply company, reminds motorists that' well-treaded tires are one of the greatest safety factora on their automobiles. "The trend to finer highways with wider lanea. banked turna and smoother surfacea have Increased the driving speeda from 35 to 60 miles per hour." he warns, "thus placing an added strain on tires, and in. creasing to an even greater degree the responsibility for safety that is borne by tlrea." Realizing that the Improvement not only In roads, but also In oars would continually place greater de. mands on tires, the engineers sponsible 'for the Western Giant line of tlrea, exclusively distributed by Western Auto, hsve always applied themselves to Improving quality and methods of manufacture so that theee tires would always be yeara In advance of the needs of the latest cars, according to Mr. Pritchett. 'During winter months, the out standing safety service tha. tires render is the prevention of skidding." the Western Auto manager states When one realises tint smooth tires tend to skid even on dry pavements, he appreclatea more than ever the vslue of new tires with scientifically designed tresds on wet, slippery streets. The effectiveness of braking, steer ing and acceleration of the car la entirely In proportion to the road gripping qualltlea of the tires. Au thentic teats have proven, for In stance, that cars with scientifically designed center traction tread tlrea, will, when the brakes are eppnea.- stop much quicker than cars with smooth tires. "All Western Giant tlrea have been scientifically built to give the max imum of traction on any road and In all kinds of weather. The greater traction thus afforded meane safer driving at all times, for with a set of these tires on your car practically every safety function of the car Is greatly enhanced. 1 BAKER, Jan 11. (AP) An excel. 1 lent prospect for tha wool Industry for the coming year waa pictured to members of tha Oregon Wool Grow . ers association here today by Prest. ! dent J, o. Barrett of Heppner at the 1 cpenlng session of tha annual con ventlon. "We, can't afford to orive faster. We're how 4ettin6 18.4 miles V . 11 , . uon. it i 60, we t only lo.i miles per gallon' IT TAKES LESS GAS TO DRIVE SAFELY s feafe per ca Well, then, If you won't drive more slowly for safety's sake, do It for your pocketbook's sate. I used to think the faster I drove, the less gas I used. I figured that you ger there sooner (If you get there) , so you have less time to use gas, so you use less gas. I was dead wrong. , I've learned the fact Is It takes almost half again as much gas per mile when you drive at 60 than when you dri-e at 30. If you drive 100 m!. ;s at 80 miles an hour, you can drive almost 150 miles on the same gas at 30. From a purely economic stand point, 30 miles an hour Is the "cheapest" speed at which you can drive, A car that givei you 18.4 miles per gallon at 30 miles per hour will give you only 15.7 at forty; 13.1 at 50 and 10.1 at 60 miles an hour. Oil and tires go farther at mod erate speeds, too. And so do people. Undue hurry was behind nine out of every ton of the 581,000 automobile accidents Involving driving errors In 1934. With all the time everybody now has in America, there's no reason for anybody to hurry ex cept doctors and firemen and ex pectant fathers. Resolve now to drive more slow ly and you'll not only help the cause of automobile safety you'll save dough. Don't become one of the 36,000 persons who probably will be killed this year in auto mobile accidents. During the first eight months this year, nearly 22,000 have been killed, according to figures compiled by The Trav elers Insurance Company. Studebaker Dictator Coupe fP'- -.': iM! - ALL!. 1 The W. C T. U. Here It a Studebaker with rich personality tha Dictator coupe. It It available in either three or fiv- passenger models. Its brand new 90 horsepower six cylinder engine gives it brilliant performance. The gracefully streamlined design Is expected to win many friendships and the generous manner In which Studebaker body designers have spent money on interior luxuries make It a real "standout." w w - sr a mm- W. ea it!! The New 1936 Chryslers ARE THE MOST ECONOMICAL 6 and 8 CYLINDER CARS BUILT DRIVE THEM and Judge for Yourself Demontraton I Are Equipped With GAS METERS LAMGE MOTOR CO. 33 NO. RIVERSIDE PLYMOUTH The W. C. T. O. met Thursday afternoon with K,s. Ets, McMary. good attendance being present The president. Mrs. B. A. Oldenburg, pre sided. The subject for discussion waa "Christian Citizenship." Mrs. E Iver son opened the devotlonsl period with reading from Romans 13, stating that everyone has a rltal opportunity to train for citizenship. She gave a splendid talk on thla topic, touching on several characteristics of good eltlwnship charity, kindness, un selfishness, lorelty. During the business session. Mrs. E. 8 mtiler's resignation a secretsrj waa accepted with regret and Mrs. Ouy Cos was elected to the ofnee. Ree. E. A. Oldenburg spoke en the Capper bill now before coneress, which seeks to curb the advertising campaign of the big liquor Interest, especially radio advertising. Mrs. L. r. Belknap was enjoyed In a solo. "Onanswered Yet." eccompanled by Mrs. C. A. Meeker. Little Mlas Elea nor Meeker entertained with recita tions. Mrs. Arthur Short read Orace Noll Crowell s poem, "Ten Thoussnd a Dsy." Mrs. Llttrell reported that licenses lo U liquor have been Issued to 3 -BOO women In California. Mrs. Ar thur Short Invited the union for tbe rebruary meeting. Hohlweg's Top Shop (kid Curtain mi to ordr or rfpntrfti. rpJarj fUrtMt at Ath rivme fl7 H ERE Is the greatest traction tire ever built. The deep cross bars of tough rubber are scientifically placed to give extra traction in mud, snow, sand and loose ground. Ia addition the tread is self-cleaning. When you equip with Ground Grip tires you save the cost of chains, the trouble of putting them on and taking them off and the extra tire wear the chains cause. Come in today and equip your car or truck. Put on a set of these tires now and forget about traction worries. afl r .H i fircsfonc GROUND CRIP TIRE FO CAM I "tag 4.4o .vn.7j.ji a e.e 4.' fJ 4. fn 4. 7),i. oo-JO e.n le st 5. '.iMT. se.n POR TRUCKS e7.M 6.1Q.10. " Otm Sim mtelirtWi Uw New Chrysler Makes j High Gas Mileage Thi lng Motor Co., local Chrya- i lr And Plymouth dealer. It calling attention to th low gasoline con sumption of tha new 1936 Chryslers by giving gaa test demonstration. Xach demonitr&tor la equipped with gu meter mounted on the Instru ment board. They also have extra meters available to teat any other car. Mr. Lange aaya: "On these testa we have made aa high aa 33 miles per gallon of gaa with the Chrysler 6 at a apeed of 40 miles per hour. We have made aa high as 10 miles per gallon with the Chryaler de luxe 8 This high gas mileage Is due to the great reduction of engine apeed which la made posMble by the Chrysler si lent automat lo overdrive. It not only glrea from four to six miles more per gallon but It eaves the wear on tha motor caused by high speeds. It prolongs the life of the motor 60 per cent. With this new overdrive a Chryaler will run 50.000 miles before It Is even necessary to grind the valves.1 THIS DALLES. Ore. Jan 11 (AP) Doga slaughtered Mrs. Homer Sor wetde'a entire flock of 10 chicken, find her six Belgian hare rabbits, re reported to police. Oso Mall Tribune want ads. AUTO SUPPLY SERVICE STORES ROOD RIVER. Ore.. Jsa. 11 (AP The Interstate Columbia River toll bridge 'oetween here and White Sal mon, Wash., earned asooo more la 1936 than In 1034. E. M. Chandler, president of the Oregon -Washington Bridge Co., said today. 4 Be correctly corseted t an Artist. Model by Ethelwyn B. Hoffmann. it . e - noli ... nRUW.'-: .ed V", . n" moiete el"'-' , ant""'-,.0Ita- v. nrcv"" 4 eu" - ... vain .(on lnu, ita'-1 : 0eT to P'" -.el mile- laK" SANDERSON MOTOR CO. Studebaker Sales and Service 3076 Rlvenide Phone 1385 3 kbehbeg Co.! and Bulldtnf Sif plv. Dump nd Coniiructlon Wotk Qii.Iky D.llvinf 'eiV. AIM for StiL. Fl.l Bd .nd Ti. !i 3tvltt Utttn s lit KV M Plrttmt ttmrhtg Wkhml Craeij, FJJiviib Mirgtrtt SyJa, fiUad.-j timing! tvtr StlkmwUtt HM.CfWUAP Hfttnr ...A INTERNATIONAL C Tbii Model C-30 lnteroationtl chassis, fitted with the right type of body, meets the needs of more trucking jobs, more profit tbly, thin any other truck on the market today. We cao give you eny type of body your job may need. Steadily increasing demand and the economies in heavy production schedule on this 6-cytindcr Model C-30 have lowered its cost to the point where it is the outstanding "buy" in the light truck field. Thorough-going truck construction that includes such feature as hardened exhaust valve seat in sens, full floating rear axle, and a 6 .cylinder engine that develops 78.5 horse-power, makes the C-30 the most economical to operate of all trucks In Its class. It will be a pleasure to demon, strata this truck on your job. Phone us now. Other siies up to power ful 6-wheelers. WALTER W. ABBEY, INC. Nash, LaFayette. Willys 77, International Soles & Service 123 South Riverside Phone 303 CHRYSLER Ninth and RivtriM. Phono 620