aiEDFORD MAIL TRIBUTE, BEDFORD OREGON, SUNDAY. JANUART 12, 1936. Beavers Trounce Idaho 45 to 1 9 for Second Straight Victory PXGE FOUR 19 POINTS AFTER Staters Roll Up Heavy Lead In First Half Fisher Leads Losers. CORVALLW, Or, JB. 11-UP) Orison But basketbsll tesm ds fested the Idaho Vsndals, 46 to is, here tonight for th second straight win. The Ststcrs took an early lead, and ran up 10 points before Lar son counted a free throw for Jdaho'a first score after seven minutes of play. The half ended, 90 to 8 for the Besvers. with the Vandals able K garner only one field goal. Wally Palmberg, Beaver forward, was the Individual star, running up IS points. He was held to but one field goal In the first quarter, but ran wild thereafter. Oeraghty, Idaho's diminutive for ward, was definitely off form to night, and waan't sbls to malts single point, even his thres free throw attempt falling short. ' Fisher, Idaho guard, scored points to lead the Vandal scorers. Oregon Stst won last night's i game. 81-34. Idaho i ra Katsilometes, t , Lsrson, f Jbnson, o ... Oeraghty, g .. Fisher, g Doll, e Robertson, f . Kramer, g Hall, t Totals Oregon Stats (48) Palmberg. f .. Tuttle. t 8 7 IK FtS FT PP 3 7 0 3 3 1 8 0 Conkllng, o Folen. g Bergstrom, g . Lyman, f Kolbcrg. g 0 Kidder, 0 HolUngaworth, g .Wlntermute, f . Kebbe, e 0 0 0 , 0 Totals 17 11 1 Officials; Buckley and Leedlng. CORVALLIS. Ore., Jan. 11. .(AP) The Oregon Stnte Beavors began their trek toward new honors In Paclflo coast bsskethell last night by winning from the University of Idaho , In a nip and tuck battle 31 to 34, Not until late In the gams when Cliff Folen, guard, went on scoring apree with four baskets oould the Oregon Stato margin be regarded as safe. Twice In the last half the Vandal iled the score, after trailing at mid game 13 to 8. The game was sJternstlngly smooth and -ragged as both mentors tried Tarled combinations. Wall? Palmberg, Beavsr forward nd Oeraghty, Idaho gusrd, put on dual match which rssulted In Qer ghty's outscertng his rival 7 polnta to 6. Both were stare on last year's quintets. Folen with 10 points was high scorer, OVER CARDS, 44-37 STANFORD UNIVERSITY. Cal Jan. 11. (UP) Ths Stanford university baekethall flvs was defeated. 44 to S7. by UCLA In a wild game here tonight. UCLA had a 14-6 lead with five minutes to go In the first half when Stanford suddenly rallied and ended the half with the score 15 to IS In favor of UCLA. Stanford went Into the lead In the second half with a basket by Lul aettl. but with 10 minutes to go and the score tied 30 to 30. Ball tore loose and scored four baskets in rapid suc cession. The brilliant flashing play of ths CC'l.A center, coupled with bankets by McFadden, Ashen and Freer,, gave UCI.A a lead the Btsnford players were unsbls to overcome. 1 COUGARS SKINNED BY HUSKY, 40-21 SEATTLE. Jan. II (UPl Univer sity of Washington basketball warn showed power tonrht in submerging Washington Stst college. 40 to 21. Ths Huskies played a cKw-check-Inn. fast game, leading by a wide margin after midway In the first per lor. Washington Stat Jumped Into an ssrly load and ran It up to I to 1 in the first three minutes, -men wash Ington's attack clicked, and the Cou gars scored only one free throw be fore tlx half, which ended -l-. In the second period, with more substitutes In the frame. Washing ton scored 10 points and tne Ststr 12. It nurht Wa!)irlon won 0 to 2. Fewer Pol- tillers DALLAS. Ore., Jsn. 11. (API Polk county registration for th Jen usry .11 .-lection Is 71)0 lri thsn for n. general nsnoi in 1M. th conn- y clerk reported. Total registration j UCLANS TRIUMPH e i.n.u. oi mum s i j were Republicans snd 3,0M Demo- c"u- ' BASKETBALL (By United Press) Oregon dames At Porttland, Multnomah Club 49, Paclflo 84. At Ashland. Ashland Hls-h, 88, s lem Id. At Astoria, Astoria High 80, Jeffer son of Portland 34. At Walls, walls, Washington High of Portland 80. Walls Walls High 43. Saturday Games At Annapolis; Navy ft; Psnn State 30. At West Point: Army M; Lehigh 81. Kansas Stst 87, Missouri 18. Illinois 38. Wisconsin 87. Indiana 37, Northwestern 34. Csrnogis Teoh 38, Oensvs 30. Fort Hay SO, Southwestern (Kan sas) 37. Coe College 33, Knox 31. Okla. A. it M. College --,Orlgh-ton 33. Texas Christian V 39, Southern Methodist U. 33. Depaul of Chicago 40, St. Louis U. 16. Washington 40, Washington State 91. Kansas 38, Iowa Suit 17. O. S. C. 45. Idaho 18. Friday Night Games Stanford, 44; U. C. L. A., 80. 0. 8. C, 31; Idaho. 34. 1. O. N 40; Ooodlng, 93. Multnomah, 88: Willamette, 38. High Hchool Medford, 34; Weed, 18. Salem, 30; Ashland, 17. Roaeburg, 33; Myrtle Point, 18. Pendleton, 83; Baker, 27. Klamath Falls, 83: Bend, 38. County Scores In Basketball The OlrU' Community club bwkt ball tnm had llttls troubla tn chalk ing up a 74-16 win Friday evening over a group of youuger and lrsa ex perienced playera from Williams Oracle. With a fast-passing, eliwlve attack, the Medford gtrla completely outclassed thtlr opponents to score at will. Coached until recently by Arlene Thompson, who has moved to Cali fornia, the team has ahown ateady Improvement, and li considered a much stronger aggregation than rep resented tha club on the courts 1m. year. Summary: Williams Creek (18) (74) Medford VenclH P. . B. Bcorkway Johnson F .. Russell Miller C Foster Creason SO...... Latham Moo maw wlM.....a ,.....,. Hedges Miller . ... O Lennard Substttutea: Medford Bateman. I-ang (F). areen (SC), Young, Clark B, Brock way (Q), Williams McAl llster (F). Jacksonville, In Its first conference gams of ths season, went 60-60 with Phoenix last night, losing to the "A" string and winning In the preliminary game with the "B" atrlng. which waa almoat too one-sided to be Interest ing, Jacksonville winning by the score. of 30 to 0, Two Jacksonville substitutes went Into action In ths final game ss the regulsrs were Ineligible for the even Ing but succeeded In holding Phoe nix to tie at the end of the first quarter and agsln at the lass quar ter, when Phoenix once mors took the lesd and won by a smsll margin. 13-1. The lineups for both teama were: "It" Hiring Jacksonville Phoenix Mstiger (J) O (1) Vroman Whits (4) ....,....0. Houston Sanden ) ...... O (3) Basnes Plerson (4) F (!) Hoffman Thomson l-).....r.... . Way .., Madden "A" String Jacksonville Phoenix A Tree (4) ...,....F... ,. (91 Hill Bsckss (2) ....F Bsrnrs Mitchell (4) ....C () Newlln Farbea O . (61 Furry Johnson (S) Q Hensler ....(2) Goodpasture EARTOWALLOWS HUNDREDS PERISH BOGOTA, Colombia. Jan. 11. (API Officials estlmsted upon the basis of fragmentary reports tonight thsl mors thsn 300 persons ar dsad and nearly 3.000 homsless In earthquakes and landslides which have shaken Na rlno depsrtment sines yesterday, A governmsnt rsllsf party which flsw today to Paato, capital of ths department, was forced to travel from ther to the affected area by mule bsck over otherwise tmpassahl marts. On survivor of a landslide which obliterated th village of I Chorrea said h witnessed th destruction from a neighboring hillside. Smoke end lsva poured from a huge cratr after th slide, he said. The flamaite from the earthquake and slides was estlmsted at approxi mately $3 500,000. Th aenat todsy vt siOv.GvO for rsi'ie woik. Inhsbitsnts In th stricken area were said to be so terrified they were felling to co-operate with authorities In rehabilitation work. Troops haw begun sesrchlng th ruins for dead snd Injured. I Huge Tat ratmrnt ASTOniA, Or., Jan. II. (AP) Th Clatsop county sheriffs office received check for, ths largest single tax psyment her In many yesrs, from the Oregon-American Lumber coiporstlon. Th chetk psld taxes from I0SB up (o date. DnUr rt.n Llrt,n .,!,. ... fsmou. av-enu.. will b improved n- ' rore next summer bv new silver Im den tree, new ll!itlt-(. snd Uu laado4lnf of It loww snd. DIAMOND ACE APT TO STAGEA FUSS Big League Bosses Nicer About Salaries This Year Cochrane Highest Paid NEW YORK, Jan. II. (UPI With the departure for spring training camps only a few weeks swsy. major league club owners and players Ap pear closer together over salary prob lems thsn In yeers. During ths depression ths club owners learned by necessity how to place the proper valuation on a play e.''s services. They devised wsys snd means to make a player earn hie stipend as well as enable him to get what he was worth.. From 1931 through 1933 msjor league salaries on the whole were trimmed about -8 per cent. They were about at a standstill In 1934, and showed slight Increase In 1936, according to estimates. A survey shows that Uu general trend for 1938 Is for slightly increased salaries sll along ths line, unless Dizzy Dean provokes a ssl sry battle with the St. Louis Card inals, with his demands for a 3-year contract at $80,000, It la doubtful It there'll be a genuine holdout among the top notch playera. Dean drew $19,(00 last year, Including a Donua, lor winning 28 games. He probably will get an Incresss but It Is likely to fall abort of the 127,500 he Is now talking about. Lou Gehrig, New York Yankees flrat baseman, probably la basebsll's highest salaried player, outside of the playing managers like Bill Terry Jo Cronln, and Mickey Cochrane. Gehrig has agreed on his 1938 salary at a figure of about $30,000, and if he hasn't already signed his contract he will at an early date. Cochrane, who drew $30,000 aa playing manager of the Tigers the past two yeara, probably will be baseball's high priced individual In 1936 now that he has been made a vice-president snd will take on executive duties In addition to msnaglng and playing. ashlanOefeats 23 TO 16 Ashland hlh defeated Salem Isst night 23 to 19, to avenge bitter de feat of ths night before. The Salem tesm appeared tired, and the Llthlans dropped In long shots to put the game on Ice. The score at the half was 14 to 6. Hess wss the outstsndlng player for th victor. Sahlstrom snd Wagner Mashed occasionally for the visitors. The Snlom team on Its southern Oregon tour lost. :to games out of three one to Medford, and one to Ashland, The Grizzlies exhibited clever floor work In taking a flrst-qusrurr lead and holding It throughout. Ashland made no substitutes. The game at times stepped up to exciting tempo. John Murphy. Ashlsnd forward, wss high scorer with 0 points. Salstrom was high for Salem with 7. Ashland (23) Pos. (191 Sslem Murphy (9) F (i) skopll Hess (2) F (7) Salstrom Ms y be try (4) u (4) Wagner Schilling (9) o (1) Wllllsms Lee 121 o (1) Lutherl Substitutes Salem: Qursset, Free man (2), Referee: Ernie Arthurs, Medford. Salem Wins ASHLAND. Or.. Jan. 11. (AP) Salem high school mowed down the Ashlsnd bsskethsll tesm 30 to 17 here last night. The locsl five, play Ing the most rsgged game of ths season, was no match for the smooth working Vikings from the cspltol city. Ths scors st the hslf waa 14 to 8 for the visitors. Wsgner and Salstrom were outstanding tor Sslem. Wlnfleld, one of the larger Kan ess cities, rhecked In s recent monthly report of fir losses st an even $5. There were only six alarms and ths only damsge ass to auto mobiles. A first edition of Irjisk Walton's "Complent Angler.-" published In I8J3 snd sold for elghtpence I about IS cental, waa K.ld In London recently for $31.8.10. A second edition brought $700. MEDFORD ARMORY Monday Wtie Ken Mollis vs. "Toughy" Clcct "Killer" Shikuma vs. Frunkie Peck "DuchFchick "Tiger"Ta8koff esls on sal at nilOWVl. Plions toll CUKE USTIOMftV SIPP1.T CO. Phnns M TAI.rSTINr-g CAFE. Mnne IVi FOR MONDAY EVE ID Tomorrow night Promoter Mack Llllsrd drsws ths curtain on ths 193C Medford wrestling progrsm, when he presents three mstches for what he has described as on of his best pro grams sver offered here. Six court top-linsrs. Ken Hollls against Toughy Cleet, Shlnuehl Shlkuma against Frankls Peek, and "Tiger" Tsskuff agslnst "Dude" Chick, are on the bill. All of these men hare wrestled main events In Los" Angeles. Ssn Francisco and Oakland. The feature bout on the three-ply card win feature ths return of Hollls, considered the toughest firs ester ever to grapple here. Hollls, dead panned Arkansas meanle, Is meeting one of the most colorful wrestlors on the cosst In Cleet. who Is de scribed as of fiery temper. Accord ing to Llllsrd, who saw Cleet work In Los Angeles during the Christmas holidays, the aggressive New Yorker stsys clean in his bouts if his op ponent lets him, but becomes very angry If Imposed upon In the ring. Frankls Peck has stated that In his match with Shlkuma hs Is going out for a win agalnat the big Jap anese Jlu Jltsu expert. No white man to date haa accomplished this feat, but Peck's chsnces are considered as good as anyone's, In that he has stayed longsr agalnat the punishing stringier than any other man on the coast. The bout Is to b mixed Jlu and catch-as-eatch-can, three falls. The method used In ths deciding round will be determined by the speed shown In the opening tussles, the msn taking his fall In the short est time being allowed to chose his own style meyhem. In Dude Chick, Llllsrd haa pro cured a great wrestler, he announced. The Oklahoma cow puncher recently won the llght-heavywelght tourna ment held In Loa Angeles, and wrestled a close match with Everett Marshall, claimant to the world title. Chick specializes In a "lariat spin," which is more like an air plane spin only more-so. He spins his opponent much mote rapidly and longer than in the ord inary apin, and when he's through his opponent is usually unconscious. It Is said. Few spinners survive this treatment better than do the spin- nces, but Chick apparently Is su ex ception to this rule. Llllard haa announced that there will be no rise from the usual prices for ths three-stsr bill. Ths opening bout starts at 8:00 o'clock. Pickard-Hines Lead Los Angeles 'Open' LOS ANGELES, Jan. 11. (UP) A pair of shsrpshootlng professlonsts. Henry Plcard, Herahey, Penn.. and Jimmy Hlnes, Garden City. L. I., braved a thin, chill drizzle today to gain th lesd with sggregsts scores of 187 at close of the second round of Los Angeles' eleventh annual $5000 open golf tournament. Harold McSpaden, Kar..uui City, and Harry Cooper. Chicago, tied for third, one stroke behind, with 13S's. Durbin's Shooting Nets Pelican Win BEND. Ore., Jsn. 11. (API Klsm ath high school defeated th Bend basketball team S3 to 39 here last night in an Inter-sectlonal game marked by th brilliant playing of Durbln. Klamath forward. Durbln scored 11 of the 18 points made by Klsmath Falls In ths first hslf. but despite his outstanding playing Bend led 17 to 18 at ths half. In tha third period the Lava Bears went Into a slump and Klamath took a three-point lead that was held until the end of the gam. Bend was swsrded enough free throws In ths last period to cinch the gams but not one ot these was converted. llimnr Alexnnder McMINNVILLE. Ore., Jan. 11. (API George Alexander of Salem, deputy superintendent of stat po lice, waa elected president of the Nortliwg.t OreROn Peace Officers' as sociation at the annual meeting here last night. He succeeds Sheriff o. w Manning ot McMlnnvllle. An authoritative review of the world'a coffee situation wss circu lated st Rio de Janeiro recently show ing Brsrll produced In th 1934-35 crop yeer 16300 000 sacks out of a world totsl of 38.7-5 noo sack. Fights Last Night JOHANNESBURG, Jsn. 11 (AP) A record crowd of 14.000 aaw Laurl Btvns, South African titlholder, outpoint Jack Kid Berg tonight In a 12-round bout for the British era. pir lightweight championship. TO N TITLE CHICAGO. Jan. 1! (UP) W1I1K Hoppe, famed boy wonder of the billiard table, tonight won the world's three cushion ehsmplonship oy swsmping welker Cochran In a six block challenge match, 360 to -48. Hoppe averaged more than point an inning. It gave Hoppe ihe only title he ever previously hsd held, since in over 30 yeara of billiards he haa been a perennial champion at some branch of tne game. - Hoppe has been trying since 1928 to annex the three cushion crown. Hs finished fourth once and second four times, including the 1935 tour nament held here last November. Hoppe was beaten then by Cochran ou to 40, in the final match. Hoppe, however, secured ample le- venge in this challenge series. Coch ran did not win one of the six blocks, and waa completely outclassed by the poker faced Hoppe, whom tbe crowci cheered to greater height as his largs lead Increased. Hoppe had a high run of six tonight after running is last nignt to set a new record for high runs In challenge match Play. He scored his 380 points In 340 Innings, requiring only 31 Innings to finish the match tonight. Cochran still has a title, being cnsmpion at 18.2 bslkllne. Hoppe slso is titleholder at cushion carom- and 18 1 bslkllne. GOLF HEADS BAN PUTT PUTTERING NEW YORK. Jsn. 11 (UP) Tho United States Golf sssoclatlon tod.iv declared wsr on the dilatory divot niggers wno clutter up the major tourneys. 'Appropriate- steps, including dls. qusllflcatlon." will be tho penalty for fallture to maintain averauu pace, according to a major Item of tne annual report of the executive committee, read at the annual meet ing of the association. Tho report was read by John G Jackson of New York, who was elect ed president succeeding Prescott 8. Bush, also of New York. Jackson's report noted "tnrreaj-, Instances" of undue deliberation over putts and through the greena and said that his committee "takes this opportunity to give notice that the slow plsy Indulged in by some com petltors In championships will not be tolerated In the future." Instances of slow plsy which an noyed hslf the field during th nst lonsl amateur at Cleveland constitu ted a minor scandal, starting timet, were so retarded that often ths order of play was approximately one hour behind schedule. Often th atartlng csmmlttee was forced to dispatch deoutles Into the links to learn what was csuslng th delay. With the large field the slow pity by a few worked hsrdshlps other thsn mental, for the late stsrtcrs were forced to sink their flnel putts In nesr darkness, similar Instances of creeping links psrslysta upset the progress of the national open at Pittsburgh. Although living only 18 miles sway. William John Cowdery, 79-year-old retired gsrdener. visited London recently for the flrat time In 40 years. HOPPE CONQUERS To Perpetuate the Memory of Those We Love Siskiyou Memorial Park Located Among friendly tree, overlooking the hills of South ern Oregon. 0 Interment gpscei, with perpetu- ll CAT. 10W 81 $15.00. GRID RULES HITS CHICAGO, Jsn. 11. (AP) Any thing thst looks lilts unnecessary roughness will b called by football officials working games In the 14 states which plsy under ths National Federation of High School Athletic assoclstions code, from next sesson on. Th football rules committee, seek ing to eliminate all Injury hazards from prep games, finished Its two- day session today by tightening the sections covering unnecessary rough ness. The federation's code is used tn Illinois, Alsbsms, Flortds, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Minnesota, Oregon, Utsh, North Dskota, South Dskota. Tennessee, Wisconsin and Colorado. Psrtlculsr emphssls wss lsld on tsckllng bsll carriers out of bounds and neck and head tackling. Offlc ials henceforth will enforce a 16 yard penalty for tackling out of bounda, and the same assessment wilt be made for tackles on which the defensive plsyer sppears wrench or twist ths bsll csrrler's neck or hesd. Responsibility for knowing when the man with the ball Is out of bounds wli! re.i with the tackier. The hurdle rule was eliminated, but Jumping with feet or knees ahead of the rest of ths body was incorporated in the unnecesssry roughness section. A proposal to establish a ''ssfety zone" slong the sidelines slso wss adopted. The zone, extending five yards beyond esch sideline, must be kept free, as far as possible, of benches, wster buckets, and rigid yard-markers to aid In protecting playera falling out of bounds. 4 SNOWMEN SET FOR SUNDAY OUTINGS AT CRATER LAKE Plans for three Sunday outings at Crater Lake national park beginning January 19 were tentatively adopted by the Rogue Snowmen at Friday nignrs meeting in the Jackson Coun ty Chamber of Commerce. It waa voted to contact the Snow Clan of Klamath Valla to ascertain whether a Joint outing can be ar. ranged by the two cluba for January 19. other future plana were out lined for definite action At next Fri day's meeting. The membership committee re ported the addition of IS new mem bers to the rolls In the past 10 days. stating that high achool students are now show lng a keen er In teres t 1 n winter sport. Sam Jen nl n gs, preslden t. stated that Indications were that the snow at Crater Lake would be In perfect condition for skiing January 19. Many members plan to drive to the lake reaort today but not aa a club because of the closure of the ronds the past week. The park office here reported that the entrance roads were now opened but the use of chain was advised. National Poll For Pro-College Tussle NEW YORK. Jan. 11. f UP J The New York Olant. eastern dlviaion champions of the National Profes sional Football league, will meet an all-star college team recruited from alt sections of the country tn charity game In New York next fall. The game probably will be played in the new trlborough stadium on Randall's Inland, which will be com pleted in July. Tha tentative date Is September 0. Yankee Nkatera Land. HAMBURG. Germany. Jsn. li (UP,---Twfnty-nine membera of the American winter Olympic team ar rived today on the U. S. liner Man hattan. This waa the flrat oversea squad to arrive for the games to be held at Onrmlwh-Partenklrchen. pvbmary 8-16. 9 ROUT HAWAIIANS HONOLUUT, T. H.. Jan. II. (UP) Pop Warner's all-star football team today defeated tha Honolulu town team, 3fi to T. Th all stars dominated tha con test after a scoreless flrat quarter. Their flrat touchdown came In the second period when, on a reverse play, Re liner spurted from tha 19 yard line to a touchdown, Sylvester converted. In tha third period, the all-star scored again. Wallace made 30 to the 15-yard Una and after a steady advance to the 3, Grayson went over for the second tally. The third all-atar touchdown came when Wallace ran back a punt to the town team'a 3 and then ahot a forward pas to Sylvester for the counter. The fourth all-star marker came ; in the fourth period after a aerlea of successful passes. Sylvester to Topping, had advanced the ball to tha thrte-yard line, drayson plunged over for tha touchdown. The town team'a sole tally came when Fernandez Intercepted Schle ber'a paaa and raced 60 yard to the goal line. Kerr converted. RETZLAFF SETTO CHICAGO. Jan. 11. (UP) Joe Louis will carry home a check for nearly 35,000 after his fleht wlcn Charley Retilaff here January 17. compared to the $317,000 the negro heavyweight received for whip ping Mai Baer, the amount la trivial but It's enough to put another bulge In his big bankroll. Louis will receive 37'4 per cent of sll proceeds from th Retzlsff bout. With a capacity crowd, his shsre would b approximately S31.S0O from the gate receipts slone. The movies will sdd some more and the radio. If the fight Is brosdesst. would sdd still more. Hctilaff will get 1714 per cent of the gate receipts but will not cut In on the movie or rsdlo rights. Charley wss psld 6000 on Decem ber 38. 1S34. for a 10-round victory over Johnny Rlsko at Minneapolis. That wss his biggest purse. uesplte the overwhelming odds fa voring Louis to whip Rewjsff. the bout may set a mew Indoor record for gate receipt with a low ton price. The most expensive seat costs only 7.60 and with a sell-out the bout would gross 8104.000. There era scats for 20,187 customers. Louis snd RetrJaff went through strenuous workouts todsy In the presence of representstlves from the Illinois Athletic commission. 4- FOR MORE BOUTS ROMlff. Jan. U. (UP) Two fs- mous Itslian athletes todsv made de. nlte reservations to sail to New or s board the liner. Conts dl Eavoll. January 15. They were Prlmo Camera, former heavyweight boxing iii.inpiun. ano .franco Oeorgettl, Italian bicycling champ. Camera has severs! fights under considera tion. Oeorgettl will compete In th spring race at Madison Squsre Oar den. New York, and In other" fix tures. About 80.000 wsnderers "rod. the rods" through Lacrosse, wis., dur ing four months endlne In Novm. ber, It was estimated. Your LOUIS WILL GET IRE $35,000 FOR M are Supervised by the U. S. Gov ernment and the Federal Home Loan Bank, the safety of your investment in this Association is insured up to $5,000 by the Federal Savings 6 Loan Insurance s Federal Savings I'll AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. !? rM vain st. rtinn 1 U Liimiiuim ND RALLY AT FINISH GIVES The Msdford high school bssketbsn team repeated Friday night, coming from behind In a see-saw gam against Weed, northern Csllfornla champions last year, and taking ths fray 34-16. The flrat seven minutes of th. encounter fslled to produce s single score, as both tesms fought frantically. Extreme nervousness wss apparent on the two squads, and the first quarter ended with th unusual score o. " ?. The game from then on was a repe tition of the exciting Salem game. with the score knotted at ftv differ, ent times, at --all. 6-all, 8-all, 13-all and 18-all. As In th Salem game, the widest lead at any time was held by the opposition, when Weed led 8-2 shortly after the start of the second quarter. A swlsher by Ettln ger tn the corner and a delayed pot shot by Lewis again tied the scors up there and the vote at half time waa 12-8 with the Tigers out In front. Weed again overhauled the locsls In the third quarter when Medford scored only one bssket, by Lewis, and the end of the quarter found the score In Medfords't favor, 14-13. A long shot from the center of the floor put .the Callfornlsns In the lead Just after the start of the lest qusrter, and a free throw Increased their lead to 16-14, but they failed to tally again during the game as the Tigers settled down to stesdy checking and fast breaking. Vsn Dyke flicked the net with a long one to tie the score at 16-all: Lewis a few seconds lster dropped a beautiful overhand loop through and Baker tallied from the corner In a flurry of scoring. An attempted bas ket by Weed sent the ball out of bounds under the backboard, and a long pass down the floor from Baker to Lewis gsve him a chance for a cripple as Weed took time out. With less than a minute left In the game, Lewis got ths bsll In a mad scramble near the Csllfornlsns' goal snd dribbled th length of th floor for another cripple to put the game on ice a few seconds before ths gun ended the gsme. Lewis of Meford was high point man of the game with 12 markers. Baker and Vsn Dyks each gathering four points. The starting Medford lineup was: Vsn Dyke, center; Lewis and Ettlnger, forwards; Baker and Dickinson, guards. Substitutes: R. Ettlnger, Mc Kee. The preliminary encounter between Runs Achlson's Junior High Bulldogs and the Williams high school went to the Medford outfit, 14-10. Both tesms shot often, but had trouble In connecting with the loop. Sam Van Dyke' ref creed the pre- Umlnsry game, while Russ Achlson handled the whistle In the varsity en counter. OGDEN, Utah Jsn. II (AP) John Elverum of Los Angeles captured first piece In a ski jumping tourns ment her todsy scoring 383 points. Hazardous westher conditions held his Jumps to 108, 100 and 113 feet. Helge Ssther of Lesvenworth. Wn wss second with Jumps of 103. 06 and 108 for 358 points, followed by Elf Engen. Sslt Lake City, with 116 snd 120 feet, and 373 points. Arnt Ofstad of fipoksne wss fourth with 06 snd 111 feet for 343 point. Ofstad and Engen made only two Jumps. A federal soil conservstlon of ficial says three-fourths of th top soil and some sub-soil have been lost through erosion on more than 3.000.000 acres In Csllfornla. $ayiig$,focr, entitled to Corporation. aVERUM WINS IN OGDEN SKI JUMPS 1