PAGE SEVEN. WHAT YOU WANT Qtastified FOR EASY REFERENCE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 19.16. LMMMr ! IlMMMWIIW J Bead every ad o this pace. Von will probably find ex actly th thing yon want to buy or tell. If It tio't there, advertise. It' Inexpensive, effective. t word tint Insertion (Minimum 1 5c) ck additional Insertion. or word -la (Minimum 10c) fw7 Una per month without aopy change $IM Phone 75 FOB WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND LOST OR STOLEN Spotted heifer. Reward. Tel. 305, Jacksonville. LOST If oog la mibtung. call 1516. WANTED MALE HELP WANTED -Man willing To work; good pay. Call 417 E. Main. MAN for oolfee route. 945 a week op portunity. Automobile given ss bonus. Write Albert Mllla, 27 Mon mouth, Cincinnati, Ohio. WANTED District Representative, Jackson and Josephine counties, for an Old Established Insurance Com pany which specializes in Non-Can-eellable Health & Accident and Life Policies. Monthly guarantee offer ed. Previous Insurance experience not necessary. Applicant must fur nish best of references and be a member of the Masonic Fraternity. In ebplying state aze ad occupa tion for past five years. Box No. 4668. Tribune. V ANTED SITUATIONS PRACTICAL NURSK. companion, de slrea position. Local references. Tel. 395-W. POSITION WANTED By undergradu ate nurse obstetrics or any other nursl" . P. O. Box 950. Call 599. WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Board, room, home of widow or small family. Can pay 20. Middle-aged man. Write Box 4217, Tribune. WANTED Two brood sows, farrow j soon. 1704 N. Riverside. j WANTED Medium sized circulator wood burner. 145 N. Central. WANTED Two parties to help pay expenses to Los Angeles. Box 4584. Tribune, WANTED Used piano, must be In I good condition. Box 4426, Tribune.; wiHTwri ton vf. rheter wendt.: OOINO to Sslem 30th; room for one; share expenses. R. S. Nealy. Pros pect, Ore. WANTED We pay cash tor Dousenoid goods furniture and stoves We also ouy metals, bides pelts wool and mo hut MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 97 N Orape St Pbone 1062 WANTED few good Jersey or Guernsey cows. C. R. Natwlck. Tel. 5-F-14, Eagle Point. WANTED Good gentle work 'mare, 1300 or 1400 lb. ueo. Aiiora. rnonc 19-P-3. WANTED Cleat out your attls ! ffaruo and basement of ill old tur nlture. cook stoves beaters stove pipe fruit Jars etc Give us a call NEW DEAL FURN EXCHANGE No 413 Sast Main WANTED Cook stoves, beaters bed springs, mattresses day-oeds sanl tary couches and oote or what have you- We pay cash jr exchange NEW DEAL FURN EXCHANOE 423 E Main St WANTED - Beel cattle veal lamos and pasture 1 J Osenortume WANTED FURS FURS FURS Highest cash price paid tor raw fun Complete line of traps on sale. MEDFORD BAHOAIN HOUSE 97-29 No Grape St Medford FOR RENT BOUSES FOR RENT 4 -room bungalow; ec trlc range, refrigerator, oil heater; garage; adults. Phone 846-Y. 6-RCOM7urnlshed. 9 or 3 bedrooms. Close In. Phone 1432-J. MODERN 3-room furnished house. 827.50. Phone 281. FOR RENT 6-room modern furnlsn d bouse, close In. Prone 457-J FOR RENT Mooern 7-Mom unfur nished Rome Phone 728 FOR RENT 722 Dakota. 8 rooms. Holly Court No. 3. 2 bedrooms, cor ner of 4th anti N Holly. Other desirable 3 to 5 room houses all In gwt good condition. Phone 163 or 1147-W. FOR RENT S-room furnished house, close In. 830, water paid. Inquire 148 S. Ivy. FOR RFNt h-vnes furnished o unfurnished Brown White TOR RENT-APARTMENTS RATES FURNISHED apt.. 2 rooms and s'eep- I Ing porch, downstairs. 344 North Bartlett. FOR RENT Jilfrtex apartment 1 block from Junior h;h. Inquir. 323 Aiutl-v ACT."iioc&jji lot ' am-' FOR RENT APARTMENTS POR KENT Furnished 3-room apart ment, private oath. sleenlug porch Adults. 912 3. Oakdale POR RENT Apta. with hot water. 334 Apple. APARTMENT 4 rooms and bath, steam heat, hot water, Frlgldalre and garage. 603 S. Holly St. POR RENT Purnlshed apartment, 329 N. Holly. Phone 878-X. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROOM. 153 N. Oakda.e. ATTRACTIVE rooms 404 8 drape FOR RENT ROOM BOARD BOARD AND ROOM 636 W. 4th. Tel. 83 2-J. BOARD AND ttoOM. rates reasonable at 718 E Main FOR EXCHANGE TRADE Wood for buzr. saw, calves or pigs. Want 2-way plow. C. Balderston, Applegate, Box 23. POR SALE OR TRADE Electric Iron ing machine. Tel. 437-X. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE Improved, stocked and equipped 70 A. on high way 99, near Eusene. Ore. Inquire 606 Beany St., Medford. MEDFORD property to trade for Coos Bay property. W. L. Ca&sady, Hall Bldg., Marshfleld. POR SALE OR TRADE Income prop erty, clos In. Phone 955-J. FOR SALE - REAL ESTATE A CONSERVATIVE buy, 12 acres, splendid location, fine soli, Irri gated and In alfalfa; modern home; 83,000, terms. Also, 34 acres, Irri gated. Hopkins ditch; near Medford. Will sell or trade for smaller acre age. Also, house and lot In Med ford, $250. L. G. PICKELL. 204 E. Mala. Tel. 1580-J. POR SALE OR RENT 3 acres black sandy soil, house and garage, acre asparagus; on Old 6tage Rod. Chester Wendt. Phone 097-J-3. WHY PAY RENT When you can purchase this small room modern home completely furnished on East side for $800.00 cash. ALSO Modern 6-room plastered home In excellent condition with ap proximately one acre of good soli adjoining Medford. with city water. Ideal for large family desirous of city school facilities and Income property. Total price (2100.00. Only 8300.00 down, balance on terms to suit responsible parties. CHARLES A. WINO AGENCY, INC. (Exclusive Agents) LEAVING STATE Make offer tor 82.000 equity, 7-apt. furnished house, modern, fully rented. Full price 83,400. On highway In town. Terms, by owner. Box 4416. Tribune. BEAUTIFUL suburban home with in come, at a sacrifice. BROWN A: WHITE. Realtors. 1 HOUSES for salt or rent. Tel. 196. j evenings 1147-W. I 10 ACRES, fully equipped with bulld I Iruzs. 150 Leghorn hens. 2 good cows. horse, breeding turkeys, all to"'": fenced and cross-fenced. All for nnlv SlfiSO. RROWN . at WHITE. Realtors. CITY LOT. fully Improved and PAID IN FULL. 8150 cash. SHOWN t WHITE, Realtors. 100 ACRES well improved stocked and equipped close to Meedford. tome oasb or Income property Bsl ance lona time low Interest C A DeVoe 623-J-3 WHEN you think of real estate tnlnk of Brown It White FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES for SALE Late 1930 model A town sedan: excellent condition; cneap Call 1053-V. 2 CHEVROLET trucks priced from 8265.00. ready to go. See these for the best truck values In southern Oregon. PIERCE-ALLEN MOTOR CO. Dodre and Plymouth. THE New Year Values In USED CARS are at Sanderson Motor Co. All kinds of makes and models. Fords, Bulcks, chevroleta. Btudebakers, etc., In coupes, sedans and trucks. Also pick-ups priced to sell. Stsrt the new year right by going to the rlffht place for your used car. STUDEBAKER SALES it SERVICE. So. Riverside, Medford. WE are forced tu re-pesaesa a 1935 LaSalie v Jan Has trunk and many extras. This car has been driven less than :ooo miles and Is like new In every respect, o quality car at a blq saving Must be seen to be ap preciated. The other fellow's loss Is you- gdn. SKINNER'S OARAOE 143 So. Riverside Phone 102 GOOD USED CARS 1P38 License Included. 1935 Dodge Touring Sedan. 1934 Dodi?? DeLuxe Coupe. 1934 Plymouth Touring Sedan. 1933 Plvmou-h DeLuxe Sedan. 1933 crirvsler 8 DeLuxe Sedan. 1933 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe. 1934 Chrvaler Airflow. 1929 Buiek DeLux Sedan. 1930 Chrysler 66 Sedan 1914 Ford Deuuxe V-8 Sedan. 1914 Ford DeLuxe V-8 Coups. 1912 Plymouth Coupe. 1923 DeSoto Snort Roadster. Also a number of other real bargains. LANOE MOTOR CO Chrysler-Plymouth Dealer. Used Car Lot. 6th and Bartlett. 38 N. Riverside. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 2-year old Jersey bull. K. E Judy. 2nd house north lower GrifLn Ci-ek school house. ANNOUNCEMENT Auction sale of purebred Hereford and Shorthorn bulls, at the Sale Pavilion. Jan. 18 So. Oreson Livestock Auction Co Col. A. H Dudley, Auctioneer. POR SALE Weaner piss. 8S each Also orchard wood, partly seasoned. 87 per cord, or will trade for live do' or whet have y.vj T. W B'.rehfield. Ut 1. Box 59. Central Point, oil BeaU Laa on south, U FOR SALE DOGS PETS FOR 8 ALE Thoroughbred Australian puppies. Phone 16-F-15. ROLLER Canaries Call 5J3-J-3 FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE One Imported torn tur key. Jacksonville, Phone 302. FOR SALE R. I. pullets and Nara gansett breeders, hens and tome. J. D. Morrison, Central Point Rt. 1. Inquire Table Rock Store. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS REAL SILK SPECIAL Orace Smith. 9S8-R, local representative. FOR SALE Trailer. 48 Myers Court. Bargain. Call before 9 a. m. FOR SALE New and used building materials. Lee Williams, 1520 N. Riverside. FOR SALE About 60 cords oak. fir. and pine wood on ground 4 ft. pole lengths, also white sow to farrow about Feb. 1. 4 heifers fresh in spring. Sacked ground hay. Box 4580. Tribune. FOR SALE: Radio and washing ma chine. Phone 717-X. FOR SALE Auto radio, 7-tube. 816.00 E. Davis. R. 4. Box 237. FOR APPLES phone 258-J. FINE Red Spltzenburg and Newtown apples Tor sale at Ala Vista Packing House 327 So Fit St APPLES Fancy Delicious, packed, Urge size, per box 81.28 Fancy Delicious, good size. per lug .78 Small size, per lug .50 Newtowns. good size, per lug .26 Brins Containers BEAR CREEK ORCHARDS SPENCER Corsetlere Tel 1534-L or write 1501 N Riverside DRIVEWAY MAI-EHIAL 8 Sizes Of rock at 8150 pel yard delivered Bateman Phone 1534-Y or 912-J BALED oat hay. ground hay; loose oat and alfalfa hay; also feed wheat C. A. DeVoe Phone 523-J-2. FOR SALE Cornice and D'AnJou pears, packed or In lugs Very reas onably priced. Ala Vlsto Packing House. FOR SALE Dry body wood. Phone 616, Hawley's Transfer. BUY HERE AND SAVE Davenports. Studio Couches. Simmons Springs 8lmmons Beds. Mattreses, good used furniture HOLBROOK & OHRN In Old Fireball Bldg un 6th Phone 647. 112 E 6th St. APPLES We deliver Tel 132-L. FOR SALE, CASiTAlfalfs hay Box 21. Butte Falls highway. J. H. Clark. BUSINESS DIRECTORY JACKSON COUNTY AIISTIMCT CO Abstracts ot rule and Title inaurance The only complete I 1 1 1 e System in Jackson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts ot Title Rooms 3 and 6 No 33 Nurtb Central Ave. upstairs Money to Lend MONEY LOANED - 50 to 8300 tot personal or household purposes on House Furnishings or Autos; alet. Cars Refinanced Loans closed within 30 minutes License No 8 157 See W E rbomas 43 So Cen tral Expert Window Cleaners. LET GEORGE DO 11 lei 1173 House cleaning rlool waxing ori ental rug cleaning and upholstering Transfer. REINKINO TRANSFER CO Long distance haulln?. Furniture, cattle, anything. Ill N. Fir. Phone 1033. C. Stuart. EAUS TRANSFER SI STORAGE OO Office 1016 No Central Phone 816 Prices right Service guaranteed TRUCKINO AND STORAGE Local and long distance bsullng furni ture moving etc Keaaonable rates Tel 833 P E Samson Co HAWLEV TRANSFER - Expert pack ers and movers Special livestock moving equipment Prices "ight 619 North Riverside Pbona 618 ROOFING ROOFIrJO Let ui inspect our rool before the rainy season This ser- vice is free Call 270 Rogue Rivet Roofing Oo LEGAL NOTICES Final Not Ire In the County Court of the State of Oregon In and for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate of Emma L. Ml near. Deceased. Notice la hereby plven that I, Alton M Anderson, M administrator with the Will annexed or the estate of Em ma, L. Ml new. drenfled. have filed in thli Court, my Pinal Acount as ad ministrator of the eAUite of aid de ceased The hearing of anme has been fixed by the Court tor Thursday, the 18th day of January, l&ld, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A M. In the cou'troom of the County Court of Jnclcann County. Owon, All persons interested tn said estate are noWled then and there to appear nd show muse. If any they have, why the aaid account should not be settled and al lowed. Dnted thla 1 7th day of December. 1035. ALTON M. ANDERSON. Administrator with the Will annexed of the estate of Emma L. Mlneax, deceased. Notlre to Contractors. Medford. Oregon. December 31. 1935 Notice of Bids Notice la hereby given that tolda are now c.d for the construction of the folio wina ipwer: Befinnintt at Interaction of Wood la wn Avnue and Highland Drive, running thence North slona Highland Drive to East Main Street, thence Kt alorwr fcw Min Hirct tn the Inter section of Cast MiSn Street and Berk eley Ws, tutoos Norm alocf Bex sta ler Way to the south line of Lot 8. Bloc!-. 1. East Heights Addition In the City of Medford, Oregon. The plana nd specifications and form of construction contract re quired of successful bidder cuvn be seen at the office of the Mty Re corder in the City Hall, Klfth and Central Streets, Medford, Oregon. The City Council will receive sealed proposal! therefor, and the proposals will be opened In the Council Cham ber of the City Hall on Tuesday even ing, January 31, 1039, at 7:90 p. m. Each bid must be eooompanled by a certified check or bid bond of not lew than 've percent (5) of the amount of the bid. The right la re served to reject any or all proposals, to accept the proposal submitted by any bidder, and to waive technical defects, aa the Interest of the City may require. CITY OF MEDFORD. By: OEO. W. PORTER, Mayor. By: M. L. ALPORD, Recorder. Citation to show Cause on Application to Sell Real Property, In the County Court ot the State of Oregon In end for the County of Jackson. In the Matter of the Estate of Charles E. Baia;. deceased. To James O Bave. Mra. Emma O Pox, Robert D. Barge, Oeorge C. M B iY;e. Donald 8 Brge, Jesse Adams. Esther Longhead. Naomi Adams. Mra. Ruth Curtis. Mrs Susie O'Cormer wid Mrs Edith Tralby. the heir of said estate, and to all other persons un known: It appearing to my satisfaction up on reading the petition of Warren Coppock administrator of the estate of Charles E Barge, deceased, duly verified, and on file herein, that tn order to pay the charges, expenses and claims still unsatisfied against said estate that It Is necessary to sell the following described property be longing to Si.ld estate, si tutted nd oetng In Jackson County, Oregon, to wlt: Betfinnlnt; at a point which is 2122 feet South and 1565 feet West of the Eom one quarter ( i ) cor ner of Section 15. Twp 86. 6 Rftnce 3 West W. M., thence running West a!on the Southerly ltne of the City of Gold Hill property 1814 feet thence South 19 deg west 108 feet, thence Sou Mi B deg. 137 feet, thence East 312 feet to the Westerly righ.-of-way line of the Southern Pa cific Railroad, thence Northerly along said right-of-way line to the point of beginning, containing 1 acres, more or lens, aa described in Vol. 184. pape 144, Deed Reoords. Therefore, you. and each of you, James O. Barge. Mra. Emma O Pox. Robert D. Barge. George C. M. Bargu. Donald S. Barge. Jesse Adams. Esther Longhead, Nnomt Adams, Mrs Ruth Curtis, Mrs. Susie O'Conner and Mrs Edith Tralby. the heirs of said estate and all other persons unknown, If any there be, are hereby dlrejted and cited to appear before said County Court on the 9th dav of January. 1036 same being more than twenty eight days after the date of the first publication af this citation, at th tour of ten o'clock In the forenoon of said day. at the Court Room of said County Court In the Court Hjut In Medford. Jackson County. Oregon, to show cause, if any exists, why an order should not be made authorising said administrator to sell the ab?vo described real property of said de cedent, as prayed for In said petition Witness the Hon Earl B Day. Judge of the County Court for the County of Jackson. State of Oregon tola 9th day of December. 1935 Data of first publication December 10th. lt35. EARL B. DAY. County Tudge (Seal of the County Court of Jackson County. Oregon, affixed ) Attest: O. R. CARTER County crk By HELEN DUOAN. Deputy. Inmate PtilcMta SALEM, Jan. 7. (AP) Harry O'Connor, state hospital patient, hanged himself Monday tn the lisse mrnt of the nurses' quarters, hospU tnl officials reported. O'Connor was received at the hospital in October. 1032, from Multnomah county. His widow and daughter live In Portland. Use Mail Tribune want ads. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS L Eccentric rotating piece 4. Ocean 7. Coiiiliiod to a particular plce 12. Dim of the cuckoo family It. Device for carrying bricks or mortar 4. Not sleeping 16. Friendly brownla 18. Electric wave meter II. Push one's way through rudely 10. Ireland 11. Prophet 12. Metal 13. Piece for stowina: hay t. Rword handles IS. Part of an 10. Chlidten-e marbles 11. Fxplated IX. Presiding officer'! mallet II. Cry nf certain animals II. Unseal; poetle Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle m l. Let fan IS. Paaa through a alave 4L Former ruler it. Mexican corn meal musb IS. Oo out of sight T. Fm"n1i n nlrknam 48. Fragrance 49. Much la mm. timet made about noth Ing Wi 1PMR A V E NPO S ff RJE N bTVA T 1 A pig P'TJS DlOlNmg jPR QIM I SjEiD BSMsEkl eIt u de VjA PpjRgl 8 AC SglEP.j A eTt a pTe p a n t s SjSggE LlL si l e1g a tea diojrte s IJa s. a uth a p pFelsit EllilEf N 5T E So DOR 05 RE IfO R E R N AM E DyE ISMTiRlElSlS tSlMIETE ' 2 3 Ifffi4 K I6 WM I8 lf ' I" ,5 ifz, zl. r a- Jo 31 ' 32 mm 7T 44'' Zsl 4tT 47 --f I Mm -r - - ; (0UNTY Persist PERSIST. Jan. 7. (SpU Election of new officers was held at the monthly business meeting of the Elk, Creek. Community club Jui. 3. Stew art Dltsworth was elected president; Howard A ah, vice-president; Mildred Chlldreth, secretary; Peter Sandoa. treasurer; and Katie Ash. stewardess. Tho preceding year's activities of the club have been very capably handled, under much handicap, as new organ Itatlons are very often difficult; but we feel we have passed a highly suc cessful year Mr. and Mrs. Ervln Hutchison were hwts to a small group ot friends Jan. 3. The evening was enjoyably spent playing pinochle, and at midnight the hostess served a delightful sup per. Orval Peterson, of Union Creek, spent the week-end visiting relatives ou Elk creek. He returned to Union creek Sunday. Little Donald Young was host at a birthday luncheon given tn his home Sunday. Guests were Joan Zlmmer and little Varlan Earl Hutchison. The dance to be given at the Elks Creek Community hall next Saturday night will be basket-supper aa usual. Come and bring your frlendd. Harvey Morgan Is spending a few days below Trail, visiting the Brlstow family and helping erect a new gar age. News of the death of Mrs. Pence saddened the community Saturday and sympathies are extended to the family now so recently twice be reaved. THE GRANGE Phoenix Grange Cast for the play, "The Clod," which the Grange has chosen to pre sent In the county play contest, has been selected and practice will begin tonight, It was announced by the di rector, Ethel Hockersmith. The mem bers are Kathryn Denzer, Jerry Bishop, Ed Stlllwell, Bob Carllss and Al Ployd. The play will be presented at the Grange ball some time early in February. k Next regular meeting of the Grange will be January 14, when committees for the ensuing year will be ap pointed. For refreshments, the ladles are each requested to bring a lunch for two and the men with 1ft cents to buy the lunch. The proceeds are to be given to the lecturer to be used for purchase of supplies to be used In the work. Wralhrr Northern California: Unsettled to night and Wednesday; occasional light rain In north; slightly warmer centra portion tonight; moderate, changeful wind off the coast; fresh southerly north of latitude 40. Oregon: Occasional rath tonight; slightly warmer In east and south portions; Wednesday unsettled with showers wast portion; snow over mountains; atrong southerly wind off the coast with occasional gales. 4 January Special. Beautiful repro duction of your old photographs. $1.00 Kennell-Ellls Studio. Phone 329. Cross - Word Puzzle ' I, Confuting ol thin pintos or la vara I. County tn Indiana 9. Pellns animal 10. New Zealand tree 11, Qseilc soa got. I?. Mountain: comb, form 11. Deliver one's elf of oratory XL Pronoun 21. HKle of 24. United 2ft. Hmnll loft mass 17. Kind of rock t9. Cook In a carta la waj 20. Pa fit 81. Opening 12. Uish mountain 14. The north wind 17. Knock 29 lllaza 40. Strained to a hish fitch 41. Not exciting 42. In a line 43. Htark Mrd 44. Mnnrullne name 45. Toper 41. American Ijumorlst 0. City in Germany II. Irrlfats 62. Stltrh 13. Enfrllsh river DOWN U Walking licks L Old-womanlnh t. Conduct one's aelf improperly 4. Dlnplay . Kternlty I. Srpnlt Briefs Reese Creek REESE CHEEK. Jan. 7. (Spl.) Friends of Mra. Edward L. Hannlford will be pleased to hear ot her and her baby daughter, Signs', safe ar rival in Manila, where her husband Is stationed as radio operator In the navy. They left here for Seattle, De cember 3 to sail on the S. 8. Hiye Maru, Japanese liner, and last Thurs day the cablegram was received of her safe arrival, Our school teachers havt returned ands. Klamath Falls, visiting relatives sumed their duties Monday. Miss Ruttencutter returned Sunday after spending her vacation In Grants Paaa and Klamath Falls, visiting relatives and friends. Harold Orow under went a major operation for appendicitis December 2B at the Community hospital. He la doing very nicely at, present. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bellows ar rived home January 3 from a two weeks' pleasure trip as far south as Los Angeles, visiting relatives and friends at several different cities en route. They had a most enjoyable trip. 8. M. Vestal was a dinner guest Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. John Foster. Mr. Vestal Is taking osteopathic treat ments for an Injury received last March to hts spine. He Is getting along Just fine. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McDowell and Mr. and Mra. James McDowell were dinner guests New Year's day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Jack. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Martin visited their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Melvln Martin, December 28 In Ashland Com munity hospital, where she underwent a major operation December 37. She la doing fine. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph DeLassl of Grants Pass are spending the week visiting Mrs. DeLaasl's cousin and her family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Orow. They went to Butte Falls December 9. Mra. DeLassl and Mrs. Grow were girl chums together. Mrs. Charles Commons took their daughter, Miriam, to Medford Thurs day for treatment. She had her ton sils removed December 20, She Is doing nicely. Mrs. Moffttt Is much Imroved at present. She hasn't been veil for more than a week. Mrs. Marie Davidson of Eagle Point la spending the last week of vacation visiting her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mcrrltt. Eldon Grow la well again after hav ing quite a alege of the measles and was able to be home for the holidays, He la staying In Medford and attend ing Medford high school. Chnrlea Sturglll Is spending the week visiting fiends tn Medford. Melvln and Hollls Martin spent New Year's day visiting their parents, Mr. and Mra. Homer Martin. Mr. and Mra. Wilfred Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Mar tin and Frank Graham all attended the dance at Derby New Year's even ing, reporting a fine time. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lamb and son, Ralph, called at the W. R. Lamb home New Year's day. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Gardner were also pleasant callers, L. J. Marvett of Klamath Falls vis ited relatives over the New Year's holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Jack and son. Maurice, were Medford shoppers Janu ary 9. It seems like the old days are here again when we get such fine rains aa the past week showered upon us, Insuring plenty of water for the com ing Irrigation season. , 4 Big Applegate BIG APPLEGATE, Ja.J. 7. (Spl.) Abe Sargeant and ao.i, Ray, re turned to their home lere a few days ago after spending the holiday period with relatives at Klamath Falls. Homer J. Hartman, aasoclate ot- ester in charge of blister rust con trol, with headquarters at Spokane, Wn., was visiting frlenda In the community late lajit week. Mr. Hart- man cams south to spend a 15-day vacation period with his parents at Jacksonville. Mr. and Mrs. Irvtn D. Bostwlck of Yachnts, Ore., formerly of Apple gate, are parents of a son born December 23, according to word received hers by friends and rela tives. The baby has been named Irvln Day. 3dwin Roy of tills community is a" new member of the Upper Apple gste grange, having taken ths obli gation st the regular meeting De cember 2fl. At this meeting Mrs. Fred Dorn was sppolnted on the home economics committee to suc ceed Miss Leora Ouly, who Is leav ing soon to assume her position In the Agate school as primary teacher. Mrs. L. J. Upp of Medford was a recent guest here or Mrs, Alice Hedburg. Mra. Albert. T.or. whs has re mained at Grants Pass for several months, where ahe was under the care of a physician, underwent an operation at an Ashland hospital Saturday. Word hss been received here of ths death of Mia Hn'.li Zlebarth at Portland December 14 as a re sult of tu'jerculoal. Mlaa Zlebarth waa a former pupil of ths Ruch school, J.mes Kubll of Mrdfcrd Is spend ing several days here with his grandmother, Mrs. Maud Kubll. Harry Starling of Keno was a guest for severs) days last week at the home of Mr. an.1 Mra Phil Schmidt of Hi ft Applegate. Mr and Mrs. Here Chapman or Ronehurg were recent guests or the lattfr'a sinter, Mrs. James Buckley Mr. and Mrs. Ernest UcKs ol CrvallU were recent guests St the home of Mr. snd Mrs. Miles Can-! trail. Mr. and Mra. McKee and their daughter, Jeanette. spent the holi days hero with Mr. McKee'a parents. Mr. snd Mrs. Amos McKee. Mra. Eva Bostwlck of Medford is spending several days here as a guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. A. Throckmorton. Mrs. Fred Straube, president of the Little Applegate sewing club, and Miss Eleanor Mauls were Joint hostesses to the club at the Straube home here Frtday. A short busi ness meeting was held during the lunch period. Mlsa Luetta West, Miss Mary Hansen, and Mrs. Alice Hedburg were Invited guests. Williams Creek grange will meet with the Applegate grangers at the regular meeting Friday, January 10. for Joint installation of officers. The Heme Economics club will meet st the home or Mrs. E. H. Taylor Wednesday, at which time the ladles expect to make dish towels and other essentials for the kitchen at the community halt. Harold Smith is lit with influ enza at his home near Ruch. Vernon Taylor, who entered tho navy last month, now Is In training at San Diego, he haa written his parents here. In three months he will obtain a 18-day leave. Mrs. Noe or Steamboat was re moved to the Osteopathic ctinte at Medford Sunday for treatment Managing to find a little spare time away from strenuous civic duties at Ruch, Wm. Fruit has be come a popular host this winter. Inviting a few bachelor friends to his home for Sunday afternoon pinochle. However, this week's game was set up a day and was played on Saturday, which observers say was due to Saturday being a stormy day. Wm. Dorn Is confined to his home with measles. SEEN AS IMPETUS TO TRADE UPTURN Approxtmstely S3 0.88 0.000 will be distributed among about 35.300 world war veterans tn Oregon when the adjusted service certificates are paid. It is disclosed by statistics in possession of D wight B. Alderman, state commander of the Veterans ol Foreign Wsrs. Commander Alderman, accompa nied by Mrs, Alderman, left by automobile this morning for his nemo tn Portland after a busy week end In southern Oregon. He Insti tuted a nsw post of ths vateran organisation in Ashland Saturday night, addressed ths Klwants club yesterday noon, spoke over the radio on "American Ideals" last evening, and paid an official visitation to Crater Lake Post, Veterans of For elgn Wars, last nlglir. Mr. Alderman obtained his statis tics on ths sd Jus ted service certifi cates from the bureau of Internal revenue which made a compilation after a careful field survey, bs re lated. Payments to veterans In Jackson county will aggregate about $718, 700, Commander Alderman stated. Payment of the certificates, com moniy and, according to veterans, erroneously called ths "bonus," is now before congress snd ths veteran organisations anticipate distribution of cash within a month. In Commander Alderman's opin ion, based upon clos association with 'thousands of service men, thet vetersns wo' ! spend the 'bonus" as follows: Seventy per cent for ths psymen'. of taxes, arrears on homes snd business properties, grocery bills and medical services; Ton per cent for new automobiles, radios, furniture and other house hold equipment; Ten per cent for ths Improvement or purchase of property; Five per cent for Insurance of one kind or another; Five per cent for extravagances, such as liquor snd gambling. Payment of the "bonut" would stimulate business all along the line and aid materially In completely breaking the backbone of the de pression, Commander Alderman stated. He declared that aver dollar spent has a ten-fold turnover. Thus, If $3,000,000,000 la paid to ths veterans, there would be sn actual business turnover of S30,0O0,0O0,0O0, he declared. Reminded that the same claims were rhado when half of the "bonus" wss paid In 1031, Mr. Alderman was quick to assert that economic con ditions wsrs then vastly dlffetsnt from whst they are now. "At that time ths depression was Just getting well under way, but our business leaders were assuring us that ths worst was over snd that prosperity was Just around ths cor nsr. "Vetersns who cashed thstr csr tlflcates to the extent permitted by law, assured that business wss about to awing upwsrd. Invested their money In homes snd businesses. At thst time they still bad Jobs and money. They felt safe In Investing their ciih. But the deprenaion was then Just getting ft good start. The skids were under business snd It wss swiftly allding downhill. The rs sult waa most of the veterans lost all they had and many or them have since lost their Jobs. "Today conditions are different. There Is no doubt now .hat busi ness is better snd Is sctually mov ing upvard. It will be given ft tre mendous forward Impetus If ths re mainder of ths certificates Is paid," The ad Juated service certificate. Mr. Alderman pointed out, la bssed upon the length and type of ser vice. Everyone who was In ths ser vice 110 days or morp Is to receive 1 for svsry day he served In tnts country snd I1.3S for every day he served abroad, the commander ex plained. Ths average certificate I (or siooo, bs said. LABEL GUIDE EOR PEAR BUYERS AIDS OVER-SEAS FIRMS Oregon-Washington Pear Bureau Lists Members Putting Out Quality Pack Objectives Are Listed Copies or th. now "labsl guide" Is sued by ths Oregon-Washington Pear Bureau hav, just been received by local members of the bureau snd era being dlseplayed In tiielr ofllce. This guide la In th. form or a wall banger, designed to acquaint ths overseas buyers of pears with the braids ot members of th. pear bureau, and U the first thing of Its kind to be Is sued by ths fruit Industry of th northwest. Its Issuance marks a turn In Indus, trial advertising, In stressing ths new policy of th, pear bureau to limit Its membership to only those who pus out a quality pack of pears. Local .Members Listed Local shippers who are member, of t(w pear bureau snd whose brands appear on this label are as follows: Am.rlcsn Fruit Growers, Inc., Bear Creek Orchards (Rosenberg Bros.), Del Rio Orchards. Newbry Bros., Pa cific Prplt & Produce Co.. Pnlmer Cor poration, Pinnacle Packing Co., Rogue) PJver Company, and Southern Oregon Sales, Inc. Th multi-colored labels of the pear shippers make the hanger very color ful and attractive, and particularly savors of the northwest with the pic tures on the labels for ths most port featuring mountains, bears, ducks, orchards, Indians, birds and snow men. Beneath the reproduction of th are given the various brands of each shipper, together with msll snd cabls address. Other eopy on the label reads as follow.!- "In order that overseas buyers of Oregon and Washington late pears may hav. quick Information as to the firms with whom they do busi ness, this label guide haa been pre pared. Fourfold Purpose "The firms snd co-operative or., gsnlsatlons whose names appear here comprise the shipper members of the Oregon-Wsshtngton Pesr Buresu, which has for Its purposes: (1) To Improve the quality pack of Its mem bers. (3) To widen the outlet for winter pear, grown In the states of Oregon and Washington. (3) To in oreass the good will between ths United State, and those countries Interested In promoting friendly trad relations, (4) To dlssemlnsts accu rate Informstlon trout th proper care and handling of our fruits for the benefit of overseas snd domestic buyers. Proper handling Is more Important with winter pear than any other fruit. Buyer are urged to mak their purchases from shipper, or co operative organisation, who hav. con. trol of the fruit from' the time It leaves the tree until It Is plaeed In the car. These concerns operate their own pocking and cold storage plant and maintain staff, of expert hortw culturlat who assist the growers in producing qusllty fruit. Msny bro ker, buy their fruit from various concerns, Individual growers, eto., who do not have the fscllltles to maln tsln or guarantee a standard qusllty pack. , When buying pears from brokers. Insist upon a known label for your protection. Research Work AM. "Th. research work of Prof. Henry Rsrtmsn, who has been retained la advisory capacity for the pesr bu resu, shows that the handling during the first few hours after picking, and. placing in cold storage immediately, ha much to do In the later life of winter pears. Buyers of winter pears are as sured tht the firms whose label appear on this page have reputable standing In th Industry and hav adequavs physical equipment and cold atorsge plsnts to handle thes pear properly In the quickest pos sible, tlms. "Correspondence with buyer, oa their problem, will receive our cere ful ttntlon." s Pear Market Yesterday NEW YORK, Jan. . (AP-rj. a Dept. Agr.) Fear auction market. Ten Wasnlngton cars, 0 Oregon, t Csllfomla unloaded; 8 cars srrlved; i csrs on track, Oregon D'AnJous: 1870 boxes extra fsnay, 3.033.90, average 2.49; 3378 fancy, 1.80-3.90. average 3.30. Oregon Boers: 903 boxes extra fsnoy, 1.85-8.3S, average 3.03: 061 fanty, 1.78-8.38, average 338; 7S0 fancy and better, 3.18-3.10. average 3.88. Oregon Oomlce: 480 extra fancy, 180-3.78, average 194; 638 fancy, 1.30-3.98, average I SO. CHICAGO. Jan. 8 ( AP-UBDA) Pear auction market: 1 Oregon car arrived; no car on track; i car sold. Oregon D'AnJous: 188 boxes extra fancy, 83 38 4 3 80, average 83.44: 188 fancy, 3334. average 8339. Oregon Boscs: 484 boxes extra rsn?y. 81.701.98, average 1.10; 338 fancy, tl.70.Jt 160, average 91.78. 8ALKM. Jan. 7. (AP) The city council last night elected Paul R, Hendricks, former councilman, a. city attornuey to succeed Chi. J. Kowlta, who had held the position for three year.. Hendricks' vacant council seat was filled by Donald A. Voting. Us Mall Trlbuni) want ad.