MEDFOTO MAIL TEIBTTXE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY. .TAXUARY 3. 1986. PAGE EIGHT ported today that It had t surplus of I3SO.480.7S. Their statements to the clerk of the houae were filed shortly after the American liberty league frequent new deal crltlo had revealed It spent 389.073.03 during 1038. The republican committee report ed contrlbut'ona of S33S.418.41 from September 1 to December 81. It aald Ita surpliu laat Auguat 31 waa 834. 080.84. Tot&l republican expenditures In 1938 were placed at 8109,188.06, com pared to t50a,934.3S by the demo crata. Demos In Red The democratic committee reported unpaid obllgatlona amounting tu 8401, and unpaid pledgee ag gregating 81.983, for a total of 8403, 317.20. Then unpaid pledgea and obltsa-, tlona were not figured In the 823,-1 710.76 In cash on hand to alert the campaign for reelection of Pieeldenl Roosevelt. The Ubeicy league report filed By R. J. Dillon, Hated recelpta amounting to 8483.376.48. Largest contributors DuPonts Aid League Irene DuPont led hla family In meeting league expenses with lour loana to the league totaling 678,780. Hla wife contributed 81.000. Lamont DuPont made two loana for 610.000 and contributed 68.000 to Its cam paign, aa did i. T, Wler, of Pitts burgh. UNWANTED ALIEN RED FINALLY KICKED OUT PORTLAND, Jan. 8.--iVR) Th de portation of Oscar Mann Is to ended a. five-year battle to rid the United Statei of the AatorU, Ore., man who waa one of si ordered deported for communistic activities In the Finnish language newspaper, ToverJ. Ray No rene. district immigration officer, said today. The other five were deported long since, Norene eald, but Mannlsto made appeal until the United States su preme court aald the final "no." , AMERICA'S OLDEST Incident, disclosed that the entltc building la badly damaged, aad church and cine authorities an tak ing immediate stepa toward conser vation of tha historical relic by a thorough reconstruction. The situation will be presented at the next session of the Insular legis lature next February, and It la also planned to Interest the Knight, of Columbua and other national Cath olic bodlea In helping to preserve this shrine. Porta Coell, or Santo Domingo church, waa constructed In 1635 by the Dominican Fathers. It waa the second place of worship erected In the new continent, the first having been St. John the Baptist church, at Caparra, the first town built In Puer to Rico, In 1511 and no longer stand ing. 4 Phone 543. We'll haul away your refuse. City Sanitary Service. Pear Markets NEW YORK. Jan. J (AP-USDA) Pear auction market, one car ar rived; one Oregon and two Washing, ton cars unloaded, three cars on track. Oregon Bosc: 1,601 boxea extra, fancy sold 8l.903 3.05. average 63.35: 489 boxea fancy, 81803. average 63.39; 730 fancy and better. 63.05a) 190. average 82.43. D'AnJoua: 518 boxea extra fancy. 81.803.05. average 63.40; 1818 boxea fancy. 61709295, average 63 30. G.O.P. WAR CUES! were the Du Pont family of Wilming ton, Del., who provided 8138.360 lu total; Pierre S. DuPont made a 66.000 contribution and two 65.000 loans. William DuPont also contributed 63, 000 to the league and ma-je two 85. 000 loana. Henry Belln DuPont contributed 66.000 and loaned 810.000 to the league during the year. Archibald M. L. DuPont contributed 63.500. John J. Raskob, former democratic national chairman, aided the league with 816,000, of which 810,000 waa a loan. Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., head of Gen loam and contrlbutlona. The le.-iguc haa been leading new deal crltlo. League Got Loam The Bankers Truat Company of New York made a 830.000 loan to the league laat April 39. Jouett Shouse. president of .ne league, waa reported to have received 661,000 during the year In aalary. travel and Incidental expenses. William O. Murphy, Jr.. director of publicity received 81,168.88 a month and hla assistant, William KerDy, 8468.33 a month. Other dlaburse menta, for the most part, went for printing, supplies, office eipenaea. travel, oiganlzatlon and clerk hire. REPORT IS National Committee Has $260,480 to Start Cam paignDemos in Red DuPonts Aid Leaguers WASHINGTON, Jan. S. UP) Swinging Into th 1038 campaign, the republican national committee re SAN JUAN. Puerto Rica (OTI Porta Coell (Gate of Heaven) church. Amerlca'a oudeat exlattng Chrlstlau edifice, at San German, In the west ern part of this Island, la threatened with ruin. Recent heavy ralna caused the collapse of a large section of the southern wall In .the courtyard sur rounding the aged temple. A general Inspection following the CHICAGO. Jan. 3. (AP-USDA) Pears, one car arrived, one car on track, nothing offered. SEMI-ANNUAL, SAU Now In progress ETHEL WYN B HOFFMANN. eral Motors also loaned the league 810.000 and made a 85.000 contribu tion In addition. BUCKINGHAM'S Ice Cream, Candy and Party Specials. The Crest, 336 So. Central, Joseph X. Wldener, Philadelphia capitalist loaned the league 810.000 I Use Mall Tribune, want ads. SATURDAY and MONDAY JANUARY 4 and 6 PIJREX .ts 2 f.r 23c MiutMdMpid SARDINES H a. 20. tg8p 3"t; 25c Drain Opener . . 15 a J $7 mSM 7 - a MA TOMATO J f V"'" 1 " Jmy 'K H Bowl Clean ... 15' CATSUP 'zJ fW'' IRA SPIRHFTTI 14 oz. bottle "f 5c Asr-ssMsSisrSs' tiWwih I M 99 nUIIWll II Take home some Catsup to add flavor to jf V ' rwn and serv?' J"t Pop it L . fA V 7T 4f A jour meal of ir.A Corned Beef Hash. The into a hot trying pan and serve sizzl- Lt''r ? J if ZJf j. 1- choice Ingredients In these spicy sensoners ing hot. How good! How nourishing, Vf?j. f' Cf-tHPssf n give fang to meat dishes. ' too.. Buy several cans today. ISSStmLLWK. ' gl I lam mwmMmmmwMWSmsn II I CHOICE CUTS OF f.fu. S. rJlTTl J" L, I ONIONS AND 1 i IQA Pancake Flour large 40 oz. package . 1 9 IGl CANE AND MAPLE 8YHHJP ii . Jl 5 lb. can 55 lou II nsek yom lip iho veu muU paneak that ai rlBim(nfl In IQA Car. and Map) IGA Salad Dressing pint ..... 29c quart .... 43c IGA Sliced Beef 2V2 oz. . 2 for 25c 3y2oz. ... 16c IGA Deviled Meat . . . 3fo; 14c Vi . : . . . 7c OXYDOL Ige. pkg. 23c Find out for jour self how uiHt anil quirk -work inn Ovydol Ii , , . and how Mfi What's more ... It's eaty on th hurnlnt IGA Chili Con Came 11 oz. can 2 for 22c mmf IGA . VEG-ALL 2 cans No. 303 for 2Jc Red "A" Coffee lib. 18c Red "A" Coffee 3 lbs. 50c BlueuG"Coffeeiib.21c V Peak Coffee . i ib. 27c Ground to suit your tasto MP I G A Fancy Santa Clara Sweet PRUNES 2 Ib. package 3c ?"' n.,,.i.- . 1 Fruits and Vegetables SATURDAY ONLY Lettuce 2 for 9c Oranges, large fancy Sunkist . . . doz. 29c Potatoes, No. 2 Klamath Gems, 50 pounds for 59c Bunch Vegetables 3 bunches 9c Celery, large fancy white. 10c Grapefruit, fancy Arizona Sunkist 6 for 23c Large Artichokes . 3 for 19c Lily White Hard Wheat FLOUR 49 Ib. sack $2.05 Every Sack Guaranteed IGA Pure BAKING SODA 1 lb. package 7C IGA Prepared bustard Pint jar "j FANCY DRIED PEACHES 2 , ( 2 POST'S 40 BRAM FLAKES 10 "GOOD TO THE LAST DROP" .MAXWELL Cofee lb. 23 IGA ROLLED OATS No. 10 sack 39c IGA Fancy Florida Grapefruit No. 2 can 5c 8 C Specials In Our Meat Department Swift's Circle S Picnics .... Ib 25c Swift's Dixie Bacon Squares . . Ib 28c Swift's Monogram Franks . . . Ib 23c Swift's Kenton Skinned Backs . . Ib 35c DOLE No. 1 Pineapple Heart No. 2y2 can 22c S w a a r"I" eaieawi If I LI S 1 . PURCHRSE HO Oatj pm25c i " -r -. m n GOLD .ml 1 CENTRAL POINT HAM'S FADER'S GROCERY Cash MARKETS MEATS, GROCERIES FRUITS, VEGETABLES VEGETABLES - TEED BUTTE FALLS GRANTS PASS STAR SEED FADER'S and GROCERY Cosh MARKETS GROCERIES, FRUITS 409 411 'G' Street Phone 4J VEGETABLES FEED. MEATS ROGUE RIVER . QuaUy Qnd Seflh HEATH aild ice Being Equal, IGA II OF, LISTER Stores Merit Your Pat- GENERAL MERCHANDISE fOnage. LUMAN BROTHERS SUPER FOOD MARKET GROCERIES MEATS FRUITS VEGETABLES BAKERY Corner Main and Bartlett MEDFORD STORES ROSE GROCERY GROCERIES MEATS VEGETABLES BAKERY GOODS 205 W. Jackon 0pn Evening nd SnnHnv Phone 1420 ALEXANDER'S GROCERY, INC. A Complete Line of Battle Creek Health Food 203 West Main St. BUNGALOW GROCERY Fresh Meats and Vegetables 409 N. Riverside We give S. and H Oreon Suving Slampa Phone 485 INDA HUMPHREY A COMPLETE FOOD MARKET 504 East Main St. Phone 462 JACKSONVILLE TALENT GODWARD TR YON MERCANTILE MERCANTILE groceries General Merchandise GENERAL MERCHANDISE Hardware Your Independently-owned I.O.A. ASHLAND Store offer you the price advant DOUGHERTY agei made possible by buying In fD AftTn V conjunction with hundreds of other w K V til 1 X successful I.G.Ai stores. 47 N. Main Phone 62 CAVE CITY IGA Stores Feature IGA . Brand Merchandise . . . SCHUMACHER'S Highest Quality At a Sou- GROCERY ing Price Always! The IGA of the Redwood Highway