BEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, fEDFORD, OREGOX, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1936. PAGE SEVEN Local and Personal To Portland Ma uric L. Tedrow, district raider of the U. S. forest ser Tloe, left last night for Portland. Mrs. Voorhlea North Mrs. Gordon. Voorfcles left on the evening train yesterday fox Portland. From Eale Point Mr. and Mrs. J O. Knudson of Eagle Point were among Med ford callers today. Medford Visitor Barbara Fleischer of Central point was In Medford to day calling end transacting business. In Grants Pass Robert Grlmmett of this city was business visitor In Grants Pass early thl week. Farrell In Ashland Attorney Frank P. Farrell made a business trip to Ashland Monday. ' From Steamboat Ueut. Richard C. Lang of Camp Steamboat was a vis itor at district CCC headquarters to day. . Returns to School Robert Shaw returned to Corvallis this morning wnere ne is a stuoent at uregon aiai college. a Discharged Men Leave Discharged OCO enrollees leaving last night were Charles Ha mm, to San Francisco, and John O. McGrath. to Chicago. Called by Illness Mrs. N. S. Oat man left for Cottage Grove early this week, called there by the serious Ill new of her brother, William Sheets. Fields Returns Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Field and daughter Lois have re turned to their home in Central Point after a visit In San Francisco. Business Visitor' William Rice, representative of Standard Brands, Inc., In this city, was among business visitors In Ashland Tuesday. Grove to Euf ene Harold Grove left early this week for Eugene where he Is a student at the University of Ore gon. Club Meeting Slated The Travel Study club will meet Monday, Janu ary 6 at 3 p. m.. at the home of Mrs. G. Iverson, 60 Ross court. It was an nounced today. Shows Crater Scenes Latest Issue - of the Standard oil company of Cali fornia bulletin contains several pho tographs showing winter sports at Crater Lake national park. Burelsons Expected Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Burelson are expected to return to Medford this week-end after spend ing the New Tear's holidays In San Francisco. Here from McKlnley Capt. Ralph R. Gobell, commanding officer of camp MoKiniey, was a visitor at dis trict CCC headquarters today. To Roseburg Air. and Mrs. Id Wal ker and family left 'for several days' vacation In Rose burg late last week. They are expected to return this week-end. Marketing Foxes David Hlcken, Central Point fox breeder, was in Medford yesterday on business. He is planning to market fox pelts in San Francisco soon. in Hospital Patients at the Osteo pathic clinic and hospital today In cluded Mrs. D. E. Heller of Hugo and J. 8. Dits worth of Trail, both receiv ing medical treatment. Leaving for. South Lieut. Arthur Wilson of Camp Agness and Lieut. James M. Wiley, Jr., of Camp Bly will leave this week for the Monterey, Cel.. district to take a CCC troop train to the second corps area. Snowmen Meet Rogue Snowmen will meet in th Jackson County Chamber of Commerce at 7:1ft to morrow night to lay plans for a win ter carnival. Everyone interested In anow sports Is Invited. Ranger In Town J. W. Montgom ery, ranger In charge of the winter crew at Crater Lake national park, called at headquarters in the Federal building today on business. He was to return to the take this evening, having motored to Medford Tuesday. Loves' Guests Leave Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. G. C. Nieswanger of Askaloosa, Iowa, left last evening by train for San Francisco and other California points after having spent the holiday week at the J. G. Love home at Snowy Butte orchards. Mrs. Nieswanger la Mrs. Love's niece. . Halls Due Bark Mr. and Mrs. Court Hall are expected to return to their home here from Portland about the middle of this month. They went to the upstate city some time ago to visit with their son, Seely V. Hall, before his departure for Chicago, whither he has been promoted as as sistant to D. B. Colyer, vice-president of United Air Lines In charge of operations. On Monday night a fare well banquet was tendered Seely Hall at the Aero club in Portland, company officers, aeronautics officials and others Interested In aviation being present. Seely's father was also an honored guest. After the dinner, Seely and his wife and two boys left by plane for Chicago. Livestock. PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 3. (AP TJBDA) Hogs 800, Including 674 through and direct. Market opened around steady, closed alow. Good choice 170-220 lb. drive-Ins, (10.65 to mostly $10.75; 235-280-lb. butch ers, 1010.25. Few light lights and slaughter pigs, 10i 10.50. Packing tows, $898.25. Pew 70-91-lb. feeder pigs, $10910.25. , CATTLE 200; calves 85, including 92 direct. Market opened active, dosed slow. Most sales around steady. Pew grain-led steers. $7 7.50. Plain lights to $5.50. Heifers mostly $4.7596.50. Part load mixed eows and hellers, $6: good beef cows $5.5095.85; common to medium. $4.2595; low cutters and cutters. $4 down to $2.75; shelly cows, $2.25; bulls, $4.50. Vealers strong to 50c higher, choice to $9.50; few slaugh ter calves, $5.75 Qt 6. SHEEP 50, Including 10 direct. Pew hesd good to choice spring lamba unsold. These first of season. Other classes nominal. Oood fat lambs saleable, 8.359.50. leadings quot able to $7.50. Pat ewes, $494.75. SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 2 AP-CSDA) Cattle 400; ateers steady: load good 1120 lb. Oregon fed ateers, $8.00; 1215 lb. weights $7.75; medium 1100 lb. Callfornlas, $7.50; she-stock active, strong; veal ers up to $9.50. , Sheep 1625; direct 1518; choice wooled lambs absent; quoted up to $10.50; ewes quoted $4.75 down. CHICAGO, Jan. 2. (AP-USDA) Hogs 11.000; direct 2000; fairly ac tive, atrong to 10c higher; medium weight and weighty butchers up most; extreme top, $9.70; 5c higher than Wednesday; bulk desirable 140 190 lbs.. $9.50-65; 200-240 lbs. mostly $9.25-50: choice 200 lbs.. $9.65: 360 300 lbs.. $8.90t9.35; sows. $7.75i 8.25: sbout steady. CATTLE 6000: yearlings, $13.65: wlghty bullocks. $13.25; ateera sell ing at $11.00 down to $7.60; com mon and medltim heifers very nc tlve: sausage bulls up to $8.75; vealers. 8.50a 10.50 with best $11.00 50: stacker trade narrow; steady. SHEEP 9000: mostly steady on all classes: good to choice native and fed western lambs to larder Inter ests. $11.00 downward; $11.25 bid on Tew choice lamba sultsble fr small kl'.lera: lltt'.e done on year lings, best held 9.75 snd above: native ewes around $4.755 23; feed ing lamba relatively scarce. ' Portland Produce tatoea, onions, wool and hay, steady and unchanged. Portland Wheat PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 2 (API Grain: Wheat: Open High Low Close May .88VJ .89 V4 .8854 .89 54 Cash: Big Bend bluestem, $1.23; do, 13 per cent, $1.25',; dark hard winter, 12 per cent, $1.14; do 11 per cent, $1.14; do )) TH per cent, 97J4c; soft white, north ern spring, hard winter, 88V4c; western white, western red, 87o. Oats, No. 3 white. $23.50. Corn, No. 1 E. yellow, $30.75. MUlrun, standard, $17.50. Chicago Wheat CHICAGO, Jan. 3. (A.P) Wheat: Open High Low Close Msy 1.02 1.02 1.024 1.02 July .91 .91 .91..9iy. Wail St. Report NEW YORK, Jan. 3. (AP) Back ing and filling flurries today char acterized the stock market's first ven ture in 1936. Various steels, rubbers and special ties tried to give the new year a bull lah reception, but profit taking In the alrcrafta and motors handicapped the advance. The dose was Irregular. The transfers approximated 3,300.000 shares. Today's closing prices for 32 select ed stocks follow: Al. Chem. ic Dys Am. Can Am. & Fun. Power ... A. T. & T. Anaconda . PORTLAND, Jan. 3 (AT'. But ter Print. A grade. 37Jc lb in parchment wrapper. 38'ic lb. in csr ton; B grade, parchment wrapper. 36c !b : carton, 37c lb. BUTTERPAT Portland delivery: A grsde. deliveries at. least twice week ly. 38 39c lb4 country routes, 36 37c !.: B grade, deliveries les than twice weekly, 338c lb.; C grade at msritet. B GRADE CREAM FOR MARKET 1NO Buying price, butterfat basis. 55e lb. EOOS Buying price of wnole aslers: Fresh specis'.s. 21c; extras. 31c: standards. 19c: extra medium. 17c: do medium firsts. 15c: under grade. 14c: pullet. 14c down. LIVE POULTRY Portland aellv err. buying price: Colored hens, over 5', lbs., 17 18c lb : ethers un changed. Cheese, mlJt, country meats, po- 169 133 54 IV, 158 2954 60 33 H 5254 34 5854 9054 3154 140-4 84 554 6154 1354 94 14 38 36 7854 39 13 34 18 40 4 . 51 H 14 72 28 49 fan Franrlco Butterfat. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 3 (API First grade butterrst, 40e. fob, ao Pranfiaeo Atch. T. & S. F. , Bendlx Aviation Beth. Steel California Packing . Caterpillar Tractor Chrysler Coml. Solv. Curtlss-Wrlght DuPont - Gen. Poods Gen. Motors Int. Harvest. I. T. & T. Johns-Man. Mont. Ward North Arner. Penney (J. C.) Phllllpa Pet. Radio Sou. Psc. Std. Brsnds 8trt Oil Cal. Std. Oil N. J. Trans. Amer. Union Csrb. United Aircraft . TJ. S. Steel Sliver. NEW YORK. Jan. (API The price of foreign silver was quoted today at 49c an ounce, or at the same level that has ruled sine early last week. Shooting Match Sunday AT PROVOLT Shotgun Rifle Pot Lucks Lunch Served NEW CHRYSLER 8 NOW ON DISPLAY HAS OVER-DRIVE Sparkling with new beauty Inside and out, the new 1036 Chrysler Air flow 8 was placed on display this morning at the Lange Motor Co. lo cal Chrysler and Plymouth dealer. A sweeping new hood and louvre design, restyled interiors with new beauty and appointments, new economy and new performance axe offered In this model, according to H. P. Lange. Mr.- Lange says: "The new Chrys ler Airflows are the world's most modern means of travel. They have the spaciousness only Airflow design makes possible, wide doors, dlvan-UKe seats, real comfort for six grown peo ple. They offer the floating ride at its finest for Airflow design permits the fullest advantage of new weight distribution. They offer the greatest safety on the road. The passenger rides inside the strong steel girders of the car frame. 'It remained for Chrysler to pro vide the greatest thrill of motoring. When the Chrysler reaches a speed between 35 to 45 miles per hour, an unseen hand seems to pick you up and carry you along on wings. The quiet hum of the engine stills to a whisper, and your car flies on a even greater speeds, as swift and ef fortless as a sea gull's flight. It's the modern miracle of motoring Chrysler's automatic silent overdrive. It's entirely automatic, no action of any kind is required. But a saving of about one-third Is effected In engine speed, In gas and oil mileage, and In wear and tear." TWELVE LOSE LIVES IjONTXDN. Jan. J. (jPi The waters of the Med 1 terra near, held today the bodies of 10 of the 13 persons, in cluding sn American engineer and two women, who died in the New Year's eve crash off Alexandria, lUypt, of the airliner city of Khartoum. Two unidentified bodies were re lng boat was found In 13 fathoms of covered lai yesterday, after the wreckage of the Imperial Airways fly water near Alexandria, and tugl swung out cranes in an effort to raise the ship and recover the others. The 13th occupant of the airship. Pilot Vernon Oorry Wilson, who swam about for five hours after the crash and was rescued by H. M. S. Brilliant, was the only survivor. He was In a critical condition aboard the Bril liant. The city of Khartoum, with Its nine passengers and four members of the crew, plunged mysteriously into the sea Tuesday evening, Just ss it was about to negotiate a landing at Alex andria after a flight from Mlrabella, Crete. 4 GANG WIPED OUT MANILA. P. I., Jan. 3. (JP A dar ing mass murder plot was thwarted with the killing of bandit Chieftain Teodoro Asedlllo and two ot Ms aides. constabulary officers revealed today. Notes found on Asedlllo's body out lined a plan for outlaws led by Ase dlllo and "Captain" Kulas Encallado to raid towns on the shores of La- guna de Bay, January, $. The ban dits planned to execute officials and all constabulary informers in the raid ed towns. Today andThurs. UNCLE SAM DRAWS HIS GUNS TO START the WAR ON GRIME ! Thrills galore! Pop ping with the cneed or a machine gun! J :f ttfT ttiTJTrj ADPKD Musical novelty reel "Mountain Melody" Gene Autry Coming on Rialto Bill . "i- ..4 -t. i& v- k a-vL... a-S- ut Life . il.Au,. Gene Autry, popular singing star of the radio whose recordings out number even Blng Crosby's, makes his bow as a western star In the Rialto Theatre's feature picture for tomorrow and Saturday, "Tumbling Tumble weeds." With an action background to the novelty of a medicine show traveling in the old West, "Tumbling Tumble weeds" is something new In the way of this type of picture. Autry's feats of horsemanship and shooting should satisfy any western fan while the voice which has made him a favorite on the ether is heard - in several tunes. Including "That Silver Haired Daddy." "Oh Susanna" and the theme number. "Charlie Chan's Secret" starring Warner Olnnd In one of the best of this series, closes Its showing tonight. Carole Lombard Coming to Craterian 1 1 ft, ; S; , K 1 " V r S At Craterian Already hailed as a "hit ' by those who saw it at the Molly theatre New Year's Eve midnight show. "Thanks a Million" opens a three-day engage ment at the Craterian theatre today. Dick Powell heads the cast which has suoh favorites as Ann Dvorak:, Patsy Kelly. Fred Allen, Paul White man and his band with Ramona. Rubinoff and his violin, Raymond Walburn and the Yacht Club Boys. GROCER NORRIS GIVEN SENTENCE LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 2. (yp)-rOrocer George W. Norris, who In 1930 at tempted to oppose U. S. Senator George W. Norris In his campaign for re-election today was sentenced to three months In Jail and fined $100 for perjury in connection with bis testimony before a U. S. senate in vestigating committee. The grocer served notice of appeal and was released on 1,600 bond. The grocer was convicted on two counts of an indictment chafing he committed perjury when be told the committee he received no money for agreeing to file In the campaign, and that he received no assurance of fi nancial aid. The Jury deliberated six and a half hours. SALEM, Jan. 2 ( AP) State funds of about $25,000 have been allocated for oiling the McKenzle highway eastward from the pass. It was re ported today by R , H. Baldock, state highway engineer, the work will be done In the summer. Stars at Roxy usUiaaT!i'i.'Ju jjisK! 9e- V- J A James Cagney portrays one of Uncle Sam's fearless, hard-shooting young federal undercover agents In "G-Men," playing today and Friday at the Roxy theatre.' Margaret Lind say, Ann Dvorak, Robert Armstrong, Barton McLane and Regis Toomey are, also featured. 4 O V V siauraa, M;nH ;o l?uiiw renuuy Hi tiniiui Stinaaic innuuv Oregon, Friday evening, January 3rd, 1036. Election and installation of officers for the ensuing year. Oyster stew following the meeting. Visiting Nobles welcome. F. F. WH TITLE. Potentate. R. E. DETRICK, Recorder. TILLAMOOK , Ore., Jan. 3. (AP) Coach Ruseel Rarey's Tillamook high basketball team defeated the barnstorming Ashland high team, 30 to 33, here last night. It was the third game In three nights for Coach Don Faber's Lithians. atUiiSfiSH ANOTHER BIO DANCE at J'ville SATl'BDAV 0:30 till 2:00 DINTY MOORE'S 6 Little Giants of Rhythm MEN 40C LADIES FRF.B f-ry'fi PI.'iiii Miwanmiam mm nsm i miiuiiai Tomorrow and Saturday HERE HE COMES ... A NEW COWBOY STAR ....WITH A REAL SINGING VOICE! J. " ::j xne singing iqoi of the air now f C t-:' now become! Mi the troubadour of the trails. A-RIDING . ;;JJKSH00TING A-SINGING i i-v- .11 -J it ;.' lm., u i with SMILEY BUBDETTE LUCILE BROWN NORMA TAYLOR GEORGE HAYS HTJRP.YI IT POSITIVELY ENDS T0NITE! Warner Oland "Charlie Chan's Secret" r ? . I i - vg fsrss 4v IHZLil i Employment of 40 statistician-accountant, five typists and secretaries, one attorney and two draftsmen Is Included in the project. Three non relief field accountants also will be employed. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY PHONE 86U-R for re -upholstering, r finishing, re -gluing. Thlbault. LOST -keys. Black key container, threa Phone 589-J-3. FOR SALE 3 choice gentle faetfera. 335 s. Riverside. W. B. ORTJBER. expert piano tuner of Portland. For appointment call Baldwin Piano Shop. 335. A diverting piece of funny busi ness, crammed with lively action, snappy chatter and laughs galore la the romantic comedy, "Hands Across the Table," which comes to the Craterian theatre on Sunday, with lovely Oarole Lombard and Fred Mac- Murray In the leading roles of this fun feet. A laugh riot from start to finish. the merry proceedings of "Hands Across the Table" centers around the attempts of a poor but ambitious manicurist and a penniless young socialite to live up to an agreement that each shall marry money, with love a negligible factor. Many hilar ious complications result as the two set out to keep their bargatn, until both fall In love, and of all things, with ench other! Ralph Bellamy plays the role of a rich, but Invalid through a plane crash, suitor of the blonde manicur ist who wanta her to marry him and almost succeeds before a hilarious climax to the gay nonsense brings the film to a close. Astrld AUwyn. Ruth Donnelly and Marie Prevost are in featured sup porting rotes. MUNICIPAL Sl'RVRY FVNDS ecutlve secretary of the Oregon stato planning board, announced today. Detailed data will be assembled from every county on municipal debt, ourrcnt receipts and disbursements. PORTLAND, Jan. 3. The WPA allotted (33,083 for the University of Oregon bureau of municipal research administrative organlwi tion. services to complete state-wide suney of rendered, personnel employed and local government, V. B. Stanbery, ex- other phases of local government. FOR SALE Ford A truck, it. 132 S. Riverside. FOR RENT 3 modern houw, ai3.M and 2.V water paid. Call 335 S. Riverside. WANTED i De-mothlng with Electro lux. Rt. 1, Box 395, Medford. FOR TRADE Manure spreader, cream separator, for 3 voung cows. Rt. 1, Box 395. Medford. WANTED A few good" Jersey or Guernsey cows. c. R. Natwlck. Tel. 5-F-14, Eagle Point. TO TRADE Wm. Parkhurst gtm. left barrel 13-gnnne, rlffht .30-30 cal., for .23 Coifs Woodsman. A. flteuer. Anchor, Ore. BOARD AND ROOM 83? w7 4th7 T. 833-J. FOR SALS 3 nice heifers, freshen Feb. 1., Riley Myers, Central Point. FOR SAIJS Rhode Island pullets Just starting to lay; apples. White Pear main. Wines p and other varieties'. Frank Holdridge. Talent. jpjp f Now I Eat iy CABBAGE Ef 'TaT J TPspt Stomnch Goes nJ1ffy with Bell-ani FOR INDIGESTION SszJk!Si ASK ANYONE OF THE HAPPY HUNDREDS WHO SAW IT NEW YEAR'S EVE! PIMM X I ' ' -f "sv if vi iv i p-- n if l Jv i .a : a i j m f: ft 7u 1 'wVCLTv j WnUvr yau want lt't got! .. .Gloriout funl Singing! Dancing! Romancing! Glrh! ADDED U "y-H 5"-Lp El Brand.. " Okay .lose T.flM Dancing! Romancing! Ghh! Qkay .lose " ! J .7 jk Surprint! Ar,d a doztn grtat S ' vS''V ttars, tvry on playing NOVELTY REELWVW j f pr.rt In a rtal ttoryl fihowi at 145 6:45-9:00 :11 Mat . . . 25o Eves . . . 35o Kiddles . lOo ZZ1 1 c