MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFOKD, OREGON, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 27. 1935. PAGE SEVEN 7000 LEAVE CCC WEEKLY 10 TAKE Enrollment Will Drop 25, OOO by April Is Word of Oxley, National Director of CCC Boys' Education VANCOUVER, WMh.i Dec. 37. (AP) Howard W. Oxley, national director of Civilian Conservation Corpa education, aald lome 7000 men are leaving CCC camps weekly for places in the work-a-day world. "CCC educational advlaem hav probably the toughest educational jobs in the world." he told camp educator of this district at a con vention here. Hp an Id the Job placement Indi cated the young men in the camps were "finding themselves" and fit tins into work of their liking. By April the CCC enrollment will diminish from 325,000 to 300,000. O.xley predicted. Kenneth Holland of Washington, D. C, representing the American council of education, compared the ccc movement, with youth campa of Europe, "The American CCC campi have the best equipment and facilities of any work campa and are the moat democratic in their administration." he said. "German camps have de veloped into centers of propaganda devoted to ideal of the Hitler eco nomic concepts." He adviiwd continuance of free and open discussion and the many sided education program in camps. Some 25.000 men who probably never would have entered school, have learned to read and write in the camps, Oxley said. Of 12,000 re maining illiterate. 11.000 are en rolled for achoollng. Advanced edu cation and vocational education also Is offered for those with high school or college educational background. 4 10 INSTILL HOPE Continued lrom Page One) his doctrines of change against tra dition, and gropes for a stable phil osophy of life. "The avalanche of theories and ex perimental movements sweeps all to which past generation have attached stability and Importance, into the scrap heap. Desperately then youth appeals, 'what has real value?' "As we face life, we can name cer tain things that we can count upon as certain. I recognize that change has brought man to his present level of progress, but as long as human be ings are human beings, certain char acteristics of mind will not change. I shall give a partial listing of these constants. First Is God "First and above all, there Is God the sophists have never reasoned him away. "There ts the famtly. It Is a fix ture, and the monogamous family has ever had the stamp of society's approval. "There Is patriotism, or the love of habitat. It Is as old as time Itself, natural and ineradicable, though Its abuses cause trouble, "There is the ownership of private property, which Is founded on the Instinct of self preservation. In spite of all the crimes which have been committed In Its name, the owning of private property will remain a fundamental human character 1st ic. "There la education. It is instinct ive, founded on innate curiosity and the quest of the beautiful. The pro gress of our race depends on Its per manence and development. "Sixth and last, there is the lovs of liberty. It is instinctive In human beings. We may drift sway to dicta torship or some other governmental form for a time: the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, the Magna Charts, may become trite and unpopular for a time but always human beings will return to the quest for liberty." PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 27. (AP) The Oregon State Teachers' associa tion. In session here today, urged the legislature to enact a new form of taxation for the support of schools "In order to relieve real property from sn appreciable amount of the burden It now bears." The teachers also urged free text books for high school ss well as for grade school students. Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers of Heppner. Ore . was elected association vice president and will automatically sue reed to the presidency next year. R. T. MeCormack of Bend becomes presi dent with the clow of this session. Hertford Flirted President Walter E. Redford of the Pou'.hprn Oreffon Norms won by one vote over Fred D. Wolf. Salem hlch iwri-o' principal, e'ection to the post of member of the board of trustees to reprffsent the state at laree. Charles A. Rice, superintendent of FcpI at "Ths Heart e?f $ i)5y Comfort Conrenlmw Courtefy Service Attractive Rates: Hotel Cornelius 5!1 S.vT. Cark Detached bath Tilth bath BfcN O. OBIMSON. Hp. IN THE HEART Portland schools, was re-elected trus tee for the Portland district, and B. D. Towler of Astoria was chosen for the third district trusteeship. The teachers recommended that high school teachers be required to have five years instead of four years of college training; that grade school teachers have four years of college or normal training: advanced study either In school or by extension courses st least once every five years for all future life certificates for teacher; one year of cadet teaching during the academic training for both high school and elementary certifi cates, and special courses in adminis tration for administrative certificates for superintendents snd principals. Favor Tax Study A atudy of taxation possibilities was authorised. Renewed effort toward consolida tion of smsll rural school districts was pledged, following a report that 2200 separata and almost Independ ent school districts In the state have overlapping and duplicating func tions snd staffs, with small schools maintained for few pupils. The movement toward organization of the entire system of public educa education in Oregon under an ap pointed atate, board of education, functioning through a commissioner or other executive, won support. DENTAL OFFICE City police reported today that the office of Dr. W. C. Thompson, Med ford dentist with offices In the Med ford building, was entered either Christmas ere or Christmas night, and ransacked. Loot consisting of $20 worth of old gold, $6 worth of new plate, gold, and 8 worth of den tal solder wes taken, police said. The burglary was not discovered until Thursday morning when the Janitor of the building found the door of the office standing wide open. The bunglarly brings to three the total of entries over the Christmas holiday, the house of William Vaugh an. 523 East Main street, having been entered and between 925 and 130 and a shotgun taken, and the home of W. H. Walker. 52 Ross eourt. hav ing been entered, a burglar forcing Walker to get out of bed and produce his wallet with 20 in it. Chief of Police Clatous McCredle today stated that the three burglaries looked to be the work of separate persons, although the Durry of porch entries appears to be the work of one man. McCredie said. "I wish I could talk to everyone in town. In private. That would be the only way to catch these burglars. Sooner or later someone Is going to catch a burglar in his home and kill him, and ehtn our burglar problem will be sot red. Until then, the best advice I can give Is for everyone to lock their doors at night, and not to leave the horns unguarded." The police record today shows that petty thieves are also stil busy. Dr. Harold Glllis reporting that his med ical kit containing valuable Instru ments had been stolen out of nls parked car near the Diamond cafe, Christmas night. A stamp collection valued at 600, and a stethoscoue were also taken. Harry Hawk. 1115 West Tenth street, reported that a truck wheel and tire had been stolen from his home night before last. SEVEN ARE DENIED PORTLAND. Dec. 27. -(P) -The Ore gon liquor control commission denied applications today for seven more liquor store agencies in Portland and four In up-state communities. The commission ruled that the system needs no more outlets at present. No definite action was taken by the commission at the end of a dis cussion with H. C. Blackmer. Klam ath district attorney, over suggested improvements In handling the sale of beer at Chlloquln, on the Klamath Indian reservation. The commission revoked the license of Eckerlln's beer garden, north of the city limits of Salem. The reason given for the action was that the commission considered the place was operated in a disorderly manner. DEFINE DART GAME NG IN LAV) SALKM. Dec. 37. (AP) It Is Ille gal in Oregon to operate dart games with the element of chance predom inating. Attorney General Van Win kle held today. Hts opinion declared It was obvious "any statute which attempt to au thorize them is In violation of the sute constitution and void. Whether or not the element of chance pre dominates in any given game is a question of fact to be determined in each particular case as governed by the principles stated in various lecal authorities." Bn C. Flaxel, district attorney of Coos county, requested the opinion, stating that dart camea had been licensed In Marshfieid. Hnmp in nf Portland" l'Al Kil ..$1.0") op ..11.50 up Park Ave Hotel 621 8.W. park Portland OF THE CITY URUGUAY SEVERS RELATIONS WITH SOVIEHUSSIA Action Seen As Part of Pre caution In Rumored Armed Rebellion Inspired by Communist Forces MONTEVIDEO. Uruguay, Dec. 27. (AP) The Republic of Uruguay today broke relations with Soviet Russia. The Uruguayan foreign offtce handed passports to Alexander Mln kin, the Russian minister. It also gave passports to the other members of the Russian legation. The action was regarded as part of strong precautionary measures against rumors of an armed rebel lion inspired by communist sources. Uruguay had been the only South American nation to recognize the government at Moscow. The break was largely a ramification of the communist- uprisings in Brazil, Uru guay's neighbor, last month. Brazil Blames Russians A Brazilian government communi cation charged that, instructions to leaders of the abortive November re bellion were dispatched from Monte video. The chief instigator of the upris ings was alleged to be Lulz Carlos Presters. associated with the Third Internationale. The Brazilian government com plained that the Soviet legation Itself was Implicated In the sending of revolutionary 1 Instructions to Brazil. Its communication followed num erous recent accusations by South American politicians and press that widespread communistic agitation was being directed from Montevideo. Raids and troop movements ac companied the Uruguayen govern ment's activities in the face of re ports of an Imminent insurrection within its own borders, but nothing was found Immediately to confirm the rumors. Danger Tnurlt Traffic Reliable sources attributed the re volt rumors to an sttempt to harm the great tourist traffic which flows at this season from Argentina to Uruguay. Uruguay has been not only the sole South American nation to have diplomatic relations with Soviet Rxis sia, but also the only one with which the U. S. S. R. has had direct trade relations. Argentina, under the late profes sional president Josef Urlbwrtl, ex pelled the headquarters of the- South American division of the Amtorg Trading corporation from Buenos Aires on the grounds that it was in volved In extremist agitation. The trading corporation has main tained its South American center since then in Montevideo. THREE PAY FINES ON Erwin E. Reese and Thomas Pu son, Jr., were each fined (1 and costs of $4 50 In Justice court this morn ing on their pleas of guilty to chargai of driving an automobile without a driver's permit. Puson told the court that he had been In Alaska until re cently and had not yet procured an Oregon permit. Walter C. Degernes, charged with driving an automobile while under the influence of intoxicating liquor, entered a plea of guilty yesterday. He was fined iioo and costs, sentenced to 30 days In Jail, and ordered to sur render his driver's permit for one year, today he paid S2fi on the fine and agreed to pay the balance at the rate of 120 periodically until the debt is ended. The court suspended tht Jail sentence pending regular pay ments on the fine. 4 Ran Francisco Livestock. SOUTH SAN PRANCISCO. Dec. 37. fAP-USDA) -CATTLE: 125; steers scarce; steady; good under 1000 lb. steers absent, quoted around 8.28; she-stock active, strong, spots 2Ac higher; smalt lot good 1015 lb. Cali fornia range cows 95.50; choice veal err quoted tip to 19.50. SHEEP None; nominal; cliblc under 80 lb. wooled lambs quoted up to (10.26; ewes saleable 4,76. Shareholders Meeting. The regular annual shareholders' meeting of First Federal Savings and Loan AwoclatJon of Med ford will be held st 27 North Holly street on Jan uary Q, 1036. at 2:00 o'clock p. m. R. P. KYLE. Secretary. A Holiday Greeting! Gift Box for Christmas $2.00 A package of 13 Ho. iy2 eina Assorted Choic Orsgon Truit iu Syrop E1RTLITT PIAJL3 APBICOT8 ITALIJJT tHd PITOT PIUSM ltD IZTTZD CIZ11III Ask your Grocer or Phone u 9' Delivered at Your Houe in City Rogue River Valley Canning Co. I STATE FORESTER T T SALEM. Dec. 27. (AP) Porter King, assistant state forester for the past 13 years, and prior to that time active both In the department and In private forestry work, today ten dered, his resignation to the state board of forestry because of "ad vanced age and 111 health." The board. In session with Gov ernor Martin as chairman, accepted the resignation, but did not Indicate whether or not the vacancy would be filled at this time. The board authorized the appoint ment of a committee, consisting of two board members and two from the federal forestry department, to investigate forest fires for the pur pose of outlining policies for preven tion of such fires. The educational program for the new department of forestry extension work, of which former forester Lynn Cronemlller Is head, was adopted. The program will include education and publicity in all lines of forestry, nursery stock distribution, refores tation, and legislative activities to ward that end. John W. FergusQn, recently ap pointed state forester, attended the board meeting for the first time. OLD DEBTS CANCELLED AS CHRISTMAS GIFT TAMWftRTrar. N. J.. Dec. 27. (UP) Condtt M. Dvion. general store keeper, wiped Ills dooks cien $14,500 ol debts today. eom of which have been In Mistence ln 1B8S. "Just a Chrlitmas present tor some of my former customers." h said. "They can stop avoiding me now." TRUSTIES COOPED UP AS STRIKE IS LOST u.uqpii!T.n ft.. Dee. 27. (UP) Nine trusties of the Sandusky honor . . .W. camp were r?iurnm w .o reformatory with revoked PR1" . . . .yi.v went fm strike." The strike was called because officials refused to take them tnrougn Christmas night bliraaxd to we movl. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR BAUD Thoroughbred Australian puppies. Prion ie-F-18. LOST Brown shepherd pup. three months old: blruMc nose; namo Pl. Return to 209 Tripp. FOR RENT Furnished home at it Quince: oil heater, electric rarne, Frlgldalre. See Mrs. Beeson, Apt. t. Durrel court, 333 N. Holly. OOOD USBD CARS With Chevrolet O. K. Guarantee, 1932 Pontlac coupe: wonderful con dition. 1832 Ford V8 Coups; excellent shape. 1830 Chevrolet Coaoh; completely reconditioned. Also Oraham-Palge Sedan. Ford Sedan and good used trucks. ROOUB RIVER CHEVROLET, INO. 25 So. Riverside. SALESMAN WANTED for Jacltson uary 2. Call between 8 a. m. and U a. m., Saturday or Monday. C. D. Bean, Inc., 229 E. Main St. FOR RENT 3 -room furnished apart ment: private bath; adults. 9 I. Jackson. 8.-ROOM house, double garage. 2 lot, block from Groceteria No. 2. 6O0. H. N. Lofland. 225 South Oakdale. FOR BALE 2 or 8 acres, 8-room mod ern home In oak Grove. Ideal loca tion: large oak and laurel shade. Tina property can be bought at 4 Its value on very easy terms. L. O. PICKELL, exclusive agent, 204 B. Main. LYONS 0 R 0 5 E ( 1 liegot Lyon California Brandy: V jl??r Lyons OROSEC; H lljji Union lulce: ihaka with lc. 70 RENT 8 houses, furnished. . Summit. SMALL, modern, nicely furnished, reasonable rent. Inquire 22 Keen Way. FOR SALE 192S Ford 2 -floor, 25. ma Court St., twniug. BARGAINS Two heaters. $1.25 and 2.00; electric heater. 2.50; adding machine. 02000: cedar boat. 12 50; trailer, 12.50; golf clubs half price. SIT North Riverside. WILL anyone having seen a black and tsn female collie, dead or alive, please oaU 1S02-L. These Prices Effective Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, December 28, 30, 31 FLOUR Fisher's Blend. MATCHES Hiway Brand Strike Anywhere. 6 box carton MIXED CLEAN - POTATOES Klamath U. S. No. 2 50 lb. APPLES Local Johnathan, ex. fancy 9 lba. PEAS Tender. Ooody Goody. No. 2 cans SOAP Peet's Granulated. Note the low price CORN Gold (A) Fancy Golden Bantam MEAT Bacon Swift's By the piece 29 lb. PEACHES Del Monte. Sliced or Halws 2i can CORNED BEEF Slice and Serve 17 01. can PORK & BEANS Van Camp's. 11 o. cft ZEE TISSUE Soft WfarU WHITE KING Granulated Soap Large pkg. STORE LOCATIONS-STORE 41. 113 NORTH WOMAN want employment u houM kepr. Pull charts. 147 B. Central. SEVERAL fflrla will tw MlotM to Mart immediate training for filing aeortfcrlM poMtlona. Must hve knowlMfre of horthnt und typin. Splendid opportunity to those who can qualify. Small fe required. Two vears' employment aervtr fur nlahed. Write Box 4155, Tribune, for detailed Information. FOR SALB-Hens, laying 70V April hatch. U mile aouti of Phoenix on Pacific highway. FOR SAL.B Two Jersey 8prlrer helf ra. Oila Garrett, Rt. 4, Box fll. $ 1 89 49 lb. NUTS . . UP PRICES I Fresh Fruits and Vegetables 25- 2 for 3 for 33 Fresh Ground Hamburger . lb. 9V2C Choice Beef Steak, tender, sirloin or rib lb. l$c Pot Roast, tender, young beef . lb. I2V2C Swift1 Empire Sliced Bacon lb. 35c 17c 17c Sic 4 r.lU FOR SALS Two 82x4 tirea, rims and tubes; otia 33x4 y tire, rim and tube, cheap. Rt. 1, Box 311, Med ford. X. A. Shollenburg. TURKEY SHOT Fred Sander ranch. 3 mtlea north Medford. Crater Laho highway, ail day Sunday, December 79. Shot g una and rifle. Turkeys. hms, bacon and grocer lea. Hot lunch. FOR SALE Weaner piirs, M each. Alao orchard wood, partly aeaaoned, 7 per cord, or will trad for llve atock or what hare you. E. W. Birchfield. Rt. 1. Box 59. Central Point, off Be all Lana on south, tf AIRWAY COFFEE 1 Rc See it ground; know it ' PEANUT BUTTER Fresh. Ground in bulk. lb. PEARS Medford Bote LETTUCE Fancy criep heads CANDY Hard Mix BRAZIL NUTS New Crop. Limited Amount. Lb. CHOCOLATES Holiday Delight Fancy Quality SAFEWAY QUALITY MEATS AT A SAVING PRICE TOILET SOAP ac Whit King: 5 bars J POSTUM Cereal HERSHEY BAR Oc 3 for W CREAM OF WHEAT TOMATO SOUP . CENTRAL STORE 471, MAIN AND WStVI 400 COCHELL atraln whit Leghorn pullcta for aale; now laying 70 or better. Price tl.00 each If taken at once. Inquire at TTa Feed and Seed Store, Ashland. Ore. Tel. 91. rhildren's Colds Yield quicker to double action of WICKS V vapoRub fresh lb. 2 lbs. box 3 heads 3 lbs. 5 lb. boxes 19 79' 25 87 1 '" ss sss jenisai