MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUTE, MEDFQKD, OREGON", FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1935. tPXGE SIX DIGGING IN ASIA today of Homsi'i story of th fall of TTOJ. Thry added word of hope that next year they wquld uncover magnificent rtonework to tplfy the height of Trojan grandeur. Their announcement of conclusion! after four years of burrowing In ruins In Asia Minor did not enter Into the Homeric story of the dispute that crded In the fa'l of Troy. But It said they were convinced that Homer's Troy was the seventh of nine cities that rose and fell on the site; and they reported the finding of bones they said likely were those of a vic tim of the onslaught to re venge Helen's abduction. Earlier It had been held that Hom eric Troy was the sixth settlement of those flourishing, one after the other, on the site of a pre-hlstorlc village. Qnnkc Ended Sixth "We conch'dwl from a study of the architectural ard ceramic evidence," said Or. Carl W Belgen. field director of the archaeological research, "that the alxth Troy came to Its end, prob ably In a severe earthquake, not long after 1300 B. C. "We concluded that the early sev enth Troy, which Immediately suc ceeded and was constructed to a great extent or 'fallen material from the buildings of the sixth settlement, maintained Its existence for approxi mately a centvry until It was des troyed, doubtlcK. In a great confla gration. In the early years of the twelfth century B. C and that In turn waa folio ved at once by a later seventh settlermnt." That view, ho said, fits more ac curately with the traditional date of the capture ol Troy. 1183 B. C. Find Complete House For the first time since the orig inal excavations of Troy were begun about 1870, the report aald, a com plete house of the first Troy has been discovered. Dr. Belgen called It typ ical of a atage dfcted about 3.000 B.C.. or earlier, and Indicative of advance ment to the use of copper for tools and Implement! Debris of a house of the second settlement, wiped out by fire, told a story of Its owi. - There the Investigators found 180 iold. beads, numerous spindle whorls or buttons, and a number of loom weights of unbr-ked clay. Dr. Blegen said evtdence fo. the poslt'on of the loom Itself waa clear. Indicating the beads perhapa were from the necklace of an early Trojan housewife who, at fhe suddenly slipped her weaving to flee In terror at the approach of fire, caught her necklace on her loom. America with the Roman Catholic church have appealed to Protestant Episcopal clergymen for support of the plan. Coupled with the plea, written by the American committee of the church unity octave council, waa a criticism that Protestantism has be come "bankrupt ethically, culturally, morally, and religiously." The committee's statement accom panied a letter to minister by the Rev. Franklin Joiner, rector of St. Element's church of Philadelphia. The group consists of 20 Protestant Epis copal clergymen, two members of re ligious orders, and seven laymen. Protestantism fleen Losing. "The forces of the day have proved to atronff for Protestantism and It Is disintegrating rapidly." the commit tee declared, citing what It termed the "overthrow of religion" In Rus sia. Mexico. Spain and Germany. "It la time for all Christians to see what the enemy sees so clearly, and be prepared to rally around Rome aa the center of resistance against the antl-Chrlstlan attack," the spon sors aald. The Rev. Mr. Joiner declared In his letter the ihurch unity octave has been recognized throughout the world by Roman Cathollos. something altogether different," Bish op Perry aald. A statement, however, by the Amer ican committee of the church unity octave council, which favored a re union, said: "It 1 time for all good Christians to rally around Rome aa the center of resistance against the antl Chrlstlan attack." 1 SALEM. Deo. 27. MP) SuppU-l for the January 31 special election will be sent out to county clerk shortly after the first of the year, the state department announced to day. BIEBER. Ca.. Dec. 27. (IP) Fire destroyed Lawrence Lambreth's store, rooming house, residence and service station at McArthur yesterdsy. Dam age was estimated at 15.000. ISCOPAL GIVES NEW L - ON FALLOF TROY Homeric Troy Was Seventh of Nine Cities That Rose and Fell On Same Site, Is Belief of Scientists CINCINNATI. Dec. 27. (JV) Arch rnlogliiti of tr.t University ol Cln elnnatl reported added confirmation PROVIDENCE, R. I Dee. 27. fp) The Rt. Rev. James DeWolf Perry, presiding bishop of the Proestant Episcopal church, today characterized the movement for reunion with the Rvman Cathollo church aa a "rally ing around" Catholic teachings. He said chat nowhere In statement concerning the movement was there any explicit ststement about "re union with the Roman Catholic church." "There 1-. evidently the confusion between the Romsn Catholic church and Catholic teachlnga. which is Protestantism Is 'Bankrupt Ethically, Culturally, Mor ally and Religiously,' Claim of Committee KIOKERNICK" Undergarments that fit at Etnelwyn B Hoffmun'a. NEW YORK, Dec. n.(p)TmMy nlne leaders of a movement to unite Protestant Episcopal churchea In. Gee Mall Tribune want ada. SATURDAY to TUESDAY December 28 to 31 SATURDAY to TUESDAY December 28 to 31 Mt?m "lioo--! -- conn dd The good foods listed f Sj ( 14c g here will add to your good hocilth and good cheer throughout the New Year. MARASCHINO ' CHERRIES . . LOS 0LIV0S QUEEN OLIVES EDWARDS SUNSHINE , ASSORTMENT COOKIES SPECIALS FOR DEC. 28th TO DEO. 31st SIX DELICIOUS FLAVORS F.XTIl V Illl'll FLAVOR CANE AND MAPLE SYRUP 3 Pkgs. 1 7c mi. tin 43 Jsll-0 Cabin 0ASTED FRE Blue "G" Coffee . Red "A" Coffee . FRESHLY ROASTED FRESHLY GROUND 21c 18c NOBILITY PEAK COFFEE 1 lb. tin . . . . 27c DELUXE COFFEE 1 lb. tin . . . . 29c I G A BAKING POWDER 1 lb 18c IGA COCOA 2 lb. tin .... 21c IGA CATSUP 14 oz 15c I G A EXTRACTS Pure Lemon or Vanilla 2oz 21c LILY WHITE FLOUR Hardwheat Guaranteed 49 lb. sack . S2.05 . c4T 1A So rv IGA Grop- uit Juice each day bilho lamily'i viq oroui health iuice ol rimmed qicipe Inut, sweetened with luqat IGA 5 CANS lie.. B mm jtijafael FRUITS & VEGETABLES ATURDAY TO TUESDAY, DEC. 28 TO 31 Lettuce, large solid heads each 5c Celrjr, large white hunches. . .each 13c Orange, fancy juice. ...... .3 doz. 35c Arocado 2 for 23c Potatoes, No. 2 Klamath Gems, SO pounds for . . 59c Danish Squash. . ., 3 for 10c Grapefruit, Arizona, Seedless. 6 for 23c NEW YEAR'S SPECIALS Cranberries, Hot House Tomatoes, Brussel Sproutl, Orwn Peppers, Cauliflower, Utah Celery. t MUM Jit? 7 0Z.14C -W . in. 19c vRn XJi oft oi. I woobbubvs F FACIAL m soap jgj . I l,ow 1 Oc Bar rlM fSr l&J B'" ?cy s,- Pkg I tfl e .C 0BC', Sned I sffft' Preni:20cib. Camay Soap Oxydol . . . Ivory Flakes CRISCO . . . . 3 large large bars pkg. pkg. 16c 23c 24c 6 lbs. $1.09 Rnval P.liih Fmite f nr S9M 16oz.can18c flnr ran Ulr- I W WITH PURCHASE OF ONE 12-0Z. CAN fl(fff!jm& RUMFORD BAKING POWDER c 12-OZ. CAN ONLY 1 Take advantage of this exceptional offer today. Bake a delicious chocolate cake for the family these two fine quality products will insure successful baking. Pints 29c Quarts 43c Pints 29c Quarts 49c I G A Salad Dressing . I G A Mayonnaise . . G A Pineapple FcySNcedNo.2y2can 23c . . . . V2 gallon 20c . . Quarts 2 for 23c . . Bowl Cleaner 15c . . Drain Opener 15c PUREX PUREX PUREX PUREX GOLD HILL HAM'S ' GROCERY MEATS, GROCERIES FRUITS, VEGETABLES GRANTS PASS DT AO SIZED o 409-411 '0' Street Phone 43 ROGUE RIVEB HEAT II ftfi; IlOLLISTffil GENERAL MERCHANDISE CENTRAL POINT FADER'S Cash MARKETS GROCERIES. FHUITI and VEGETABLES - FBBD BUTTE FALLS FADER'S Cash MARKETS G80CE8IES, FRUITS 086ET&RU8 FEED, MEATS PnVv Quality and Serv ice Sgimg Squat, G-4 Stores Merit Your Patronage! LUMAN BROTHERS SUPER FOOD MARKET GOCBIBS MEATS FRUITS' VEGETABLES - BAKERY Corner Main and Bartlett MEDFORD STORES ROSE GROCERY GROCERIES KE AT J VEGETABLES BAKERY GOODS 205 W. Jackson Open Evening and Sunday Phone 1420 ALEXANDER'S GROCERY, INC, A. Complete Line of Battle Creek Health Food 203 Wet Main St. BUNGALOW GROCERY Fresh Meats and Vegetables 409 N. RiyeHil w and H Often Saving Stampi Phone 485 INDA HUMPHREY A COMPLETE FOOD MARKET JACKSONVILLE TALENT GOD WARD TR YON MERCANTILE MERCANTILE groceries General Merchandise GENERAL MERCHANDISE Hardware Your Independently-owned I.G.A. ASHLAND Store otters you the price advant- DOUGHERTY agos made possible by buying In ARfff?flV conjunction with hundreds of other V I W u il X successful I G A. stores. 47 N. Main Phone 02 7" CAVE CITY G4 Stores Feature IGA Brand Merchandise . . . SCHUMACHER S Highest Quality At a Sav- GROCERY ing Price Always! The IGA oj the Redwood 0 Highway . KCA Fa.t Main St. Phone 462 L-9.